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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is there something in the water in Pennsylvania or is that just the special ed class?
Trump is better at making social media websites. Example truthsocial.
Trump is better at singing. Example
Trump is better at memes. Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f90BL4uVIag
Trump is better at being president. Example not needed.
Trump is better at being rich. Example not needed.
Trump is God's favorite, evidence not needed. But incase it is needed just skip to 11minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BH-S5GtFj0
should've been bullied harder
I hate zoomers so much it's unreal
Trump is a zionist kike
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Anymore black rock commercials?

What does the indian say in the second video?
>White means ...
What is it about TikTok that makes everything appear Super Sinister? Like the prelude to some terrible disaster.
kids've been always cruel
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>is there something in the water in a suburb of Pittsburgh which is right next to East Palestine, Ohio?
>dude no way did he actually vacuum-seal granny?
No but you can access the original YouTube webpage with the wayback machine if you got the link to the deleted video
Thank you for your expert opinion on this, you complete fucking retard.
>Got bullied in school
>Everyone I school is a sperg faggot
>He briefly appeared in a 2023 advertisement for BlackRock, an investment firm, that was filmed at his high school. After the shooting, BlackRock stated that the advertisement would be removed from circulation.
Thanks but we know, they can't hide it even though they wanted to.

God, dude, that is so fucking true. We're literally going to get creepy prequel videos of the next Hitler as an awkward kid and women e-shaming future serial killers. Future Presidents will be filmed saying the n word and eating spicy chips. I hate the Internet so much.
wow it's just videos of him sitting around with a dumb look on his face. the wigger behind the phone is a massive faggot though. everyone who uses social media is subhuman.
He seems out of place inside, awkward; yearning for the out of doors and on of roofs, the cool breeze blowing through the back of his head.
His parents were both "Behavioral Health" specialists.
Like in horror movies when everyone is acting like jackasses
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This looks like some setup narrative to create a motive, these tiktok videos don't have any actual content to them to warrant posting a video about, I just don't buy it
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>the cool breeze blowing through the back of his head.
still no pictures of parents. Are we sure he didn't just spawn
ngl its looking more and more likely he posted on here this was basically me 3 years ago
He kinda looks like a trans. I know there were rumours about that. Could just be low T and young tho
How did you even find this shit?
why are they taking so long to release shit
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Can we please discuss the YT Channel named Maxwell that has this shit posted over it? Help and Kill. two YouTube shorts with his face, on the 12th. wtf is it? mf got activated
like the damn channel. stop posting screencaps
To you faggots everything looks like a trans
He was such an incel, his own mother snubbed him at birth, he never touched a pussy
Post link or it didn't happen
He legit looks like he could take HRT though.
New footage of people spotting him minutes before the shooting and trying to get police attention (who have fucking radios)

Holy hell.
You can see the pure depression and exhaustion in his eyes.

Also does no one except me and like 3 anons know about the nobody post?
Doesn't look like his face at all.
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>Deleted Facebook video of Trump shooter Thomas Crooks in high school coding class

He didnt kiled him tho he missed
Interesting. It's gotta be him.
Here's his trip
but he killed some faggot in the crowd
>right wing
holy shit retard catch up with the class
I feel bad for zoomers/aplhoomers
life is hard for a non-chad. at least he tried doing something instead of larping online
Sir Oswald Mosely vibes.
You're a Chad by your actions not your facial bones
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>it's nothing
I just want to know his motive. I can guess his motive, sure, because it seems so fucking obvious, but I want to KNOW.
thanks. that's creepy as hell. how did people even find this?
the face looks similar but I can't tell if it's exact match. it feels demonic in nature
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i mean he kind of does tho be honest
Yurp! This is new footage (to ne). The irony of Trump tlking about 'dangerous ppl' , the ppl shouting officer, cop being in frane and the retard shimming like a troon spiderman up the roof. SHEEEEEESH
his classmates are saying he was Conservative unlike the rest of the class
and bullying statmeted from this faggot on the news is false accroding to his classmates so who knows for sure
The nose and the chin are wrong, the bone and cartilage structure are different.
Holy shit this is a weird one. Good find.
their attention span really doesn’t fit the shooter narrative
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>How did you even find this shit?
It's either being dumped by the people responsible as a joke on people smart enough to see though this staged bullshit or it's somebody who knew him.
No u
What part of the speech was that? Can someone backtrace the words Trump was saying and compare it to the timestamp ? It will be a good timeline to establish

i looked over most of their posts earlier. shit made me disassociate.
Assuming the screenshot the trip posted is from his PC, his Google UI is in Danish, so yeah I dunno if that's actually him

>oversaet denne side
How about a game of Solitare?
Don't buy it. Its kinda irrelevant anyway
This explains his lack of social media presence. Like most posters here.
>>He briefly appeared in a 2023 advertisement for BlackRock,
so what? was he a spokesperson for blackrock or just some rando in the background? details, anon. details
Why did they advertise with a bunch if hick zoomers it makes no sense they'd use a talent agency if they'd even use teens at all
>last post Fri July 12
oh shit
CGI, AI or actors. Either way its fake. SS would have got his ass the moment he even THOUGHT about it at home
why so butthurt ?
Can you catch me up please? I am a real person with a life I don't have time for schizo posting. Is the shooter confirmed /pol/ incel or is he some antifa faggot
I thought he was actually bullied; like face shoved in the dirt, not just being used as a prop by TikTok retards.
he is interested in coding, the posts talk about it.
Either some schizo guessed the name and date of an assassination attempt, or its him. I'm ok with either, tbqh.

he threw his porn career away over trump
Yeah that's Danish. Maybe he used a VPN for google.
Seething redneck drinking poisoned water
I'm getting retarded gay tranny vibes from him.
hush your mouth kike
Americans are so fucking stupid, fucking retard GenX'rs race mixing a generation of mutt retards into existence
Yeah I don't think it's him. He posted on blueboards and his flag is Netherlands.
here chuddie
The supply chain has been hacked at the point where it recieves a label. All forms of random number generation have been hacked, likely using AI. That means licence plates, phone numbers, UPC codes, website posts numbers, so video games and tv shows. The systems were already in place for the number 666 to be used for propoganda reasons. We don't know for sure what it's doing. I highly suspect this is propoganda used to give people religious psychosis. Likely put into action within 10 years. Likely causes death of natives.
>his face looks different after a 308 round passed through it
you don't say sherlock
Coding white kid couldn't find a job, checks out

he was a nurse right? kinda checks out
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Yeah. He posted his kitchen and the labels on the bags are in some Germanic language. Not the guy. Good try regardless.
is that boxxy?
The psychology teacher at my high school used to tell us about how masturbation is completely normal, healthy, and no one should feel ashamed doing it. That on its own would have been fine but she said she supports her son's masturbation habits, giving him privacy when he needs it, not rushing him out of the bathroom, etc. because it's a "basic human need".
The problem is that her son was a student at our high school. It never occurred to her that it would create hell for him. Or maybe she thought she was so persuasive that everyone would openly talk about how much the love to wack off. Each year he looked more and more miserable, never talking to anyone anymore even though when we were in elementary and junior high, he was reasonably well liked and popular. Can't imagine what psychological brilliance he suffered at home but it wouldn't surprise me if he ended up being a fucked up adult. No one has seen him since graduation.
he mentions using proxies.
There is a lot of coincidences.
We’ve got a good number of weirdos here for some reason. Plus, most of the successful families moved on to New York and Texas and California and places that don’t have post-industrial black and drug filled cities with a rapidly aging demography and declining economy. 5th most populated state in the country and you’d never even know it because its declined so rapidly. Conveniently, it tracks with the Democrat takeover. Go figure.

/pol/chuds are so retarded lol.
so some random dane predicted the name and date for this shit? wtf
>I just don't buy it
well, it's free
Appears so.
Perhaps God was speaking to him. He likes to do that with schizos.
He still got to penetrate Trump in the ear. Not a lot of people get to do that.
It’s all zoomer brain rot, wtf was I even reading?
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he writes in english, why are you sliding this?
what is it about this phenotype?
Holy fuck how did a leaf write something this kek, incredible, the best leaf
They put imagery in there to show off their power to potential investors you retard. They probably pulled it because the kid missed and they don't want a reputation for backing losers
The most surprising part is how stupid and niggerly they are. lol.

Please let these subhumans all get drafted and ground up in Russia/Israel/Taiwan.
Front page of most websites have content designed to make material promises in subliminal ways. Likely for the same reason, religious psychosis causes death. This would've cost millions. It's been 10 years, haven't heard much of a peep.
He's not using English here https://desuarchive.org/_/search/tripcode/%21NBWX0JLdyU/

I bet TMC was actually a 4chan user though. Keep searching for 13 July mentions etc.
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So highly educated twats. Maybe he was on an anti-depressant! And vaxxed. qanon. flat earth. trust the plan.
why do they all talk and look like retards? even the wiggers i went to highschool with in the early 2000s werent as ugly and could at least construct a coherent sentence
You must be a giga boomer if you didn't know kids are like this the world over now
>act blue donation checks out
>wtf is it? mf got activated
You are way too young to post here. That's not even ESL, that's just toddlerbabble.
There's like 500000 people posting across 4chan on any one day. A few of them say "something big will happen on this day" and something will line up at some point through sheer coincidence.
There could never be a more unambiguous motive. There is no mystery there. Even any mundane personal spin that gets put on it is entirely predictable.
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>this dude
>that dude
>omg becky dude snapchat
Yep. He was out to get some Epstein-adjacent pedos. Came close to doing it.
It's mushmouth. Kids always get that if they don't talk a lot in their early childhoods.
Seems like a normal computer nerd. Probably had some dark shit in his head behind that persona. Maybe he was suicidal and wanted to go out with a bang
the date yeah.
but saying the name of the shooter. describing the shooter as lone wolf. come on man.
>no context
Thanks for showing that his ears look identical pre and post death. Great work, i guess.
probably was a tranny desu
wait the first post is from 2010. there's no way he was posting on 4chan when he was 6 lol
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>unsuccesfully tried out for the rifle team
>was a poor shot
>registered republican
>guntuber t-shirt day of the shooting
>people at school say he wore a trump shirt and was conservative
>donated $15 to ActBlue before he was able to register to vote
>people at school say he was covid conscious, continued wearing a mask long after it was no longer mandated
First Trump somehow magically ONLY gets hit in the ear, and now the shooter is the most perfectly confusing blend of ideologies.
I bet the fucker won't even have a manifesto or a note just to keep things ridiculous forever.
>that school looks nicer than everything we have here
Jup, it's shithole Germanistan time
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handsome boy
If you skip to 3:33 in videos online, sometimes you get an interesting message made to appear like it's from God. These messages make material promises. Looking for theories on why. I suspect this is a plot involving millions of $$, it's being done with celebrity videos mainly through video editing. Likely causes death of natives. White girl population needs to go up again asshole
Pol has like 2500 unique posters per day
It's amazing when you go to the majority white neighborhoods and schools in this country, far away from spics and niggers
Shut the fuck up and stop shitting up the thread
>Probably had some dark shit in his head behind that persona.
He spent nearly half of his life in a Trump Derangement wonderland. He was always inevitable.
Weird. Just stupid looking 9th or 10th graders. How do u nerds find this shit?
anon is also well endowed
Complete trash is what it is. They found a dipshit schizo posting on /x/ about nothing with a random date prediction without context and assume "gotta be the same person on Earth!!!". Just complete slide horseshit all around.
Because you plebs don't build with wood
I noticed that too.
Maybe the original trip owner is danish.
Maybe the kid hijacked.

This one part, the time difference. They way this account activates again only a month before the shooting. its kinda fucking me up.
his grouping is right there on the wall, but you wouldn't know about that.
>interest in coding
troon confirmed
Thats probably his classmate that posted theese for internet points.
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>muh dick

Everyone should (and no one will) keep in mind that maybe the kid was a Trump guy when he was 16, but he might have changed his mind. I went to college with a guy who was really into redpill, MGTOW, right wing conspiracies - now he's a full on commie 'eat the rich, wypipo need to go' leftie
ofc he has reddit spacing
"BECAUSE Theres a metor coming from outer space and its gonna wipe out the whole human race, so jusy STFU! STFU!"

I miss trevor
>And these notions, living unto our sense of continuation, are assumed, as we can never presume enough to concomitantly concur the constant-like property, as it is derived in a world (our neurocognitive systemics) that defies space in context, and contrast has the same odor of our ends... our necessity for contrast and context to abstain such a rule from actuality, is also our timely demise.
what did he mean by this
Why are centroids like this bros
Wait that is weird. Also I didn't realise the Dutch shit was from 2013. Maybe it's a common password?
the irony of this happening right after White Noise came out
only thing is this kid didn't go to college, but he was in a BlackRock ad.
i own all dese bitches
dat bitch
dat bitch
dat bitch
dat bitch
Great filename on the original post
What’s up with the third video? Who just filmed him in class and zoomed on his face only, like for what reason I wonder
Here's a similar jap tripfag on 2ch or whatever. So maybe it is a common password causing the trips to be shared with Dutch anon, if this Jap has it


ctrl+f for NBWX0JLdyU
>like face shoved in the dirt
You watch too many sitcoms
context is the right photo is from a fucking BLACKROCK commercial
He's kinda gay ngl, was he a closet faggot?
Pennsylvania has had all sorts of mining and drilling (major world oil producer, once upon a time) and there is, quite literally, something in the water in many parts of the state.
Most parts of the country that have cicada broods have fluff articles about how you can catch and cook them. Recipes for cicada tacos and shit.
Pennsylvania has warnings not to do that because they've been marinating in arsenic, organolead, and dioxins for 13/17 years and will poison you and your pets.
The rest is cousinfucking pennsyltucky Appalachia.
That's Yearick talking about his dick. He did amateur porn or escorting. He might have been gay. Look for Maxx Swell as a handle.
Not true. He just graduated community college with an AS in engineering.

Could have easily gotten radicalized in some gened sociology or ethnic politics classes. My CC was more radical than my alma mater and I went to a UC
Seems like just a normal kid. Something happened to his humanity. I've had a similar experience.. but I only tried to punch a cop. I didn't want to kill anyone.

It was the media firestorm.. it caused him to Crack up. He was likely suffering from a psychotic break during the time he decided to commit to the assination.. what got him there.. proba ly tic toc
The alt right to head gone pipeline is real.
For real. I’m feeling bad for someone who killed an innocent bystander. How does it get to the point where a 20 y/o kid ends up shooting someone and not caring if he dies after. Fuck all the people that bullied him his entire life, fuck the parents who were probably weird as shit
I think the kid might’ve actually had a horse cock
I still can’t believe the secret service let this absolute goober on a roof within 150 yds and he managed to shoot Trump in the ear. The whole sequence of events is absurd beyond absurd.
His tic toc history and cell hpone will reveal a lot about his motives.
I'm certain investigators are already going through it
His dad is a registered libertarian so he got molested growing up
Dude he was probably 14 or 15 max in those videos.
rare moment a kike doesn't lie
This fucks me up too. This kid was driven and getting a degree exactly on time for when you should be and by all accounts was smart and he pulls a shooting a few months later? What? that doesn’t fit the mass shooter profile at all
>that one time when you finally get a white person on the other end of the line and not a pajeet
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Seriously, read his social, look at him. His hand gesture, his capitalization of his name. That wasn't just an online handle for FB, it was his stage name or the name you asked the service for.
That’s what I’ve been thinking man. A lot of people go through trauma and difficult times. But what makes a kid with a reasonably bright future snap this hard? That’s an unusual circumstance
>chud incel
>registered republican
>got tired of the orange jew shit and tried to blow his head off
you can't convince me he was not /our/guy
The fbi are absolute faggots with evidence in these scenarios, we’re never gonna see his phone evidence which is infuriating
Scrambled up there pretty easily, there were random out of shape rednecks walking around all over the place. Very viable if he hid the rifle in the gutter but I think he just briskly walked from a car with it and climbed that ladder in 25 seconds and then he was in position. Probably thinking to himself that he didn't think he'd get that far
that's it for sure. bro that guy was FUCKED UP
We wouldn't trust it anyway lol
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He's a real life version of Beavis.
He got mk ultrad. The whole thing was planned and perfectly executed. They want Trump president for WW3 to implement the draft
I was hyperbolic, but I really doubt he was bullied.
So how does that play in that collage? Its supposed to illustrate a similarity or a difference. How does Blackrock figure into that?

Try being less a of fucking retard.
There were only two rooftops in the area. This kid seems reasonably smart, so he would have to have assumed they would secure the obvious vantage points. And yet he just walked right up there. The most likely outcome was him immediately getting arrested or killed. So yeah I think you’re right, he must have been shocked that he was actually getting his shot. And he was off by a few cm.

I wonder if he died thinking he had succeeded. Trump did go to the ground for a few seconds while the Secret Service returned fire. Maybe he thought he killed Trump. Or maybe he knew his failure in his last second.
Yep. Had a bright future ahead of him and threw it all away for absolutely nothing. I almost hope he was just schizophrenic or something because thats preferable to the idea that he did this dumbass shit over electoral politics.
sites like this ruin young people. this site is part of the problem
Yes, Trump the war mongerer huh, nice take
Recover from what? Dude was a hero, too bad he missed
talking to mirrors again?
it's possible it's hijacked yeah. post 2024 it's nothing but /x/ posting. last port was July 12th too, one day before.
I mentioned in earlier posts but in the /x/ posts he was against people making fun of gays calling them homophobes, and mentioned at work dealing with patients as a nursing aide.

dude lost his mind
The idea of a young bright kid throwing his life away and inadvertently making Trump’s electoral chances better is some unbelievable tragic irony.
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Beyond the ukraine military experience, i think i know why he did it. He got the bug. Look at this recent pic of him from 2 yrs ago. His social one where he looks glib is from 2018. He had a big dick, did gay for pay and got sick. He's a prostitute, he has no loyalty to anything or anyone. He got a last round of cash from his SHOOTER/SOL crypto and did the job.

I know guys whongot sick with AIDs, and he looks like them. The skin sagging, the gauntness, he looks like a skull with glasses.
How much dioxin is in your diet?
He knew he failed. Trump stood there for a few seconds and he panic shot a couple more rounds.
I'd say he fired a shot or 2, watched Trump fall and he got a huge dump of adrenaline as he fired off some more rounds, not even feeling the recoil, and then the bullet hit him and he never even seen it coming
Is the boy next to him wearing a 666 hoody lol?
tbat song is about the old testament, about many men and the new testament about one man, no example needed
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Not only improving his electoral chances, but creating one of the most legendary photos of all time for being as close as you could possibly get, yet failing so fucking hard.

The Greeks couldn't have come up with this shit.
OK false alarm, I think the June-July poster under this trapfag is actually Dutch, and is the same fag as the 2013 posts (somehow).

See the word in the "Files" button on https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38273947/#38276133

This post is in Dutch or whatever https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38221764/#38222647

So highly doubt this is him
that's not him retard
Ok I smashed that like button. It's a black screen with no audio. Now what?
I cannot see someone with enough rational thought to take coding in HS and get an engineering degree from a CC throwing their life away for a political statement. The only thing that fits about it being schizophrenia is he’s the right age for it to onset BUT he’s smart which is uncommon in schizos (correlates w low IQ) and he had his shit together enough to have just earned a degree in engineering. Not easy while going through a mental break, usually that’s very disruptive. None of this is adding up for me
Yep exactly. Crazy shit. Hit him in the fucking ear. I still can’t believe it.
Props to him for not just blasting random poorfucks in churches, schools or supermarket or even some niggers parties like the usual. Unfortunately he also shot 2 dead and some injured, even if 1 is a retarded kike asskisser.Hopefully many more will follow his path and be successful instead.
It's yearick, not crooks.
Fits the ugly nerd stereotype
How? AIDS isn’t a death sentence and hasn’t been for a while.
>Is there something in the water in Pennsylvania
yeah unironically gas leaks from the early days.
> mentioned at work dealing with patients as a nursing aide
post a screenshot of this. that will confirm it since that was his confirmed job.
This >>474253054
plz stop with the yearick schizo posting. Dead faces look different from alive ones, it’s not yearick
Midi-Chlorians son
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Unless this kid is literally Dutch and multilingual or some shit, it makes no sense for him to have his computer set to Dutch. Here's a picture of his handwriting that we could compare, assuming the tripfag took this photo. But I'm 99% sure this is just an unrelated rabbithole

This shit is crazy
alright this nobody shit is getting weird.
apparently that's a general on /x/ where people believe in some spiritual entity that can shape and create reality.
the tripfag seems to be danish, so it's not him Thomas. is it possible this dude actually manifested the trump assassination by posting the date and the picture of "thomas was alone"?
absolute gem
Which archive do you use thst would showcase all the boards and search for tripcode?
why did his hair go from blond to brown
That general is pretty much just /x/‘s shitposting general. But as it always goes with these things, a handful of them probably really believe it.
Aids is a death sentence without meds and/or constant injections of high purity crystal meth. And it is a slow death, of getting sick and perminent exhaustion
Only some boards are covered by certain websites. This covers /x/ and /pol/
there are natural ways but its probably hair dye because its a fagtroon
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meanwhile back in reality
Chlorine Dioxide cures HIV but few realize this

also, jif you're based use it to cure shit like herpes from yourself
Absolutely won't happen under trump. Trump will undo wars.. not start them.
What about archive moe?
Who cares? He went to school so what? Get over it.
that looks to be the Pinball Wizard himself
I don't use /x/ because I'm not a schizo

wtf is nobody general and what the fuck are they even talking about in that thread??
It's extremely common for blonde hair to darken with age
Jewish ideas of diversity and inclusion have even weakened the SS to the point of incompetence.
Either that or they were in on the shooting.
Doesn't matter how you look at it, the jews are at fault for the shooting.
I hope Drumpf realize this and retaliates during his presidency.
Looks like three posts from /rp/ and /out/ in 2015 to 2017 when I exclude /x/


You can see the boards that are covered by certain websites here (scroll down) https://archived.moe/_/articles/faq/
new boards tripcode search
Eczema too?

try not eating seedoils too, if you did saturated fat can kinda restore cells and vitamin e (tocotrienols) for lipid peroxidation
Saturated fat restores the foreskin?
Good news for you buddy.
nobodies are quite literally out of kingdom hearts. ignore the /x/aggots
It’s sad that a seemingly normal is guy took his life to these extremes. But I’m really glad he didn’t kill Trump man. That would have been just a complete fucking shitshow.
We're supposed to believe this creature was a red blooded MAGA Nation Trump supporter ?
Yeah some of those labels are in swedish
Some men are physiognomically built to be trannys.
They never stood a chance.
interesting read
Good source. Eczema is a cunt because the body thinks it's doing what it's meant to and growing skin faster when it's injured
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This does not look like America, assuming the tripfag took the photos

No way it's him
Well that post is from 2010 kek. We're assuming it's a common tripcode if it really is Thomas.
wait and see
You are circumcised?
What's the link to the tripfag here?
The posts from the 2010s were probably someone else. The tripcode is probably #iamfaggot or something
I don't think it's the same guy. He posted on /x/ a lot and said numerous times he's practicing scrying plus is obsessed with magic stuff. The nobody general are place where people gather to express their vision, it's quite possible he saw some turbulence related to 13th july, the name in image is just outright Jungian interference.
Scroll up.
Investment Giant BlackRock Pulls Ad Featuring Trump Rally Shooter

BlackRock and JPMorgan back $15 billion fund to rebuild Ukraine

FBI informant charged with lying about Joe and Hunter Biden’s ties to Investment Giant BlackRock Pulls Ad Featuring Trump Rally Shooter

BlackRock and JPMorgan back $15 billion fund to rebuild Ukraine

FBI informant charged with lying about Joe and Hunter Biden’s ties to Ukrainian energy company

Bolton says Trump 'unfit' to be President in new memoir intro

The Iran–Contra affair (Persian: ماجرای ایران-کنترا; Spanish: Caso Irán-Contra), often referred to as the Iran–Contra scandal,
Lol so you read the part earlier where hes talking abt blowing dudes for meth and fixing his suicidal ideations through copious drug use?
Really annoying accent. Broooo.
no i just skimmed it but thanks
No but I have a thin foreskin so can peel it back and look cut if I ever get captured by jihadis
Real August Underground hours
Page 9
the tripfag said something similar
I thought snapchat auto-deleted
(I have never used it)
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Whites in America are very low IQ.
I hate burgers so much it's unreal
wrong angle chudski
Actually yeah if you look at the Lost thread, OP appears to say "oh shit I just accidentally made a tripcode" so I'd guess it's a number. As in OP was trying to use the name LOST THREAD MAKER #X
Could try to figure out the number
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I don't believe this is substantial. Could be wrong.
Picrel is actually true. The massive explosion in a then-unheard of phenomenon now known as serial killers in the 60s and 70s was a direct result of trauma based mind control leaking out from the CIA into shell orgs and "cults." Now they can just do it via movies and news though so we're safe.
Women have children at 40 making them autistic
OK, that makes all the old posts irrelevant. Next thing is to geolocate/reverse image these photos >>474254840
it will brighten in the sun and get darker if less exposed to sun, guy was probably sitting indoors all day
>Try being less a of fucking retard
that's ironic

Rabbit hole was interesting but pretty much a dude high on meth talking to ppl. Wouldnt be surprised if the acc posted again in a few days after he takes a nap
whoever it is does take 4 day breaks then posts for days on end
Probably not but it's still creepy as fuck.
1. The channel was created and vids uploaded the day before the shooting
2. The link to Maxwell, who poltards think is the actual shooter
3. "Kill" written above it
4. The chin sort of does look like Thomas, but again we could just be making that up

What are the chances of all that shit happening
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Imported from Texas by Evangelicals

For 40 years, the Temple Institute, made up of supporters of a third Jewish Temple, has been preparing the multiple details necessary for the construction of such a structure in Jerusalem, as well as the resumption of worship and sacrifices. The quest for the perfect heifer, the first step in the process, is part of it. Breeders have therefore set out to create it, sometimes resorting to genetics to ensure that the coat would not change color. They explain that according to Chapter 19 of the Book of Numbers, it must be entirely red, two years and one-month-old, and it must never have worked or been injured.

Five "red angus" heifers were finally imported from Texas through evangelical Christians in 2022. Since then, they have been growing under close surveillance in the settlement of Shiloh, a significant site in Judaism before the creation of the first Temple.

what the fuck is that shit, it's just a face blurred in a black background do you want to give me a heart attack motherfucker
I know a Jewish woman who had two kids in her 40's.
One is a hulking retard that will probably end up killing a kid one day by cuddling them to death and the other is a ftm "non-binary" thing.
Ears dont match
not him
Obviously not the whole town
I was wondering this too. Is Thomas Crooks recieving racial reeducation for a peer in this video?
No one is mentioning the alleged explosives reportedly found in his car. This adds an entirely level of calculation and motive. It also reminds me of the "kitchen sink" narrative they stuck on Stephen Paddock after Las Vegas.

A shooter is one thing. It's not alien to his profile and intelligence level. He looks determined. And analytical enough. Explosives seems outside his motive. I've also noticed to news outlets have refrained from asking if he was targeting Trump supporters in addition to Trump. Was Trump his only target? Does this remain unknown given where he was shooting? Did he have extra magazines on his person? In his car?

It's the difference between an assassin and a madman (again, allegedly like Stephen Paddock). It's the difference between "making a difference" and tapping into rage and nihilism. Explosives suggest he expected more casualties than Trump and that he didn't care if people suffered. He doesn't seem to have that much hatred in him.

>he drove 60 minutes to the rally
This also goes overlooked. Driving an hour with explosives in your car, when you're 20, is a lot of stress. Presumably he wasn't familiar with that rally location. Unless he scoped it out prior.

Police should be able to track his phone's GPS pings even if they can't break into it yet. Iirc Lee Harvey Oswald had cased the book depository or used to work there, inb4 patsy.
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The bike in https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38276321/#38278224 has "Pilen" written on it which is a Swedish bike company.

Also what the fuck is this post?
>30-45 seconds recoil confirming, btw. you better not lose posture. rhetorically speaking, that is.
>better not lose posture
I agree, and it’s baseless, but I also like tiddies
The thomas is alone thing is fuckin wild but i think it’s coincidence unless the mf is tuned into emf whatever the fuck bullshit and his schizo is contagious

Pretty inderdastimg
Only 4chan users could fucking conflate and connect this schizoid faggotry

He was shot in the fucking head. His fucking head will be fucking malformed after being shot in the fucking head you absolute fucking retards. If you wanna actually do this shit go back to uni as a mature student and study forensic science instead of making these retarded claims while you sit back and feel your ass grow. You are not the Dark Knight here to sleuth better than any glownigger, you are a faggot
Was this a Jewish school? Classes seems genuinely off in some way.
To clear up the nobodies posting, some say it arrived in 2016 (I feel like I remember it coming later, much later, near 2018-2019-2020 but who knows). Most users on the board understand the Nobody dude as a larper. Someone knew who he was from another board, but he basically got banished to /x/ where he could just write and say whatever he wanted.

I didn't like the nobody threads because, to me, they were made right around the same time the discussion changed from creepypastas and classical "scary shit" to conversations about God & GOD and other esoteric stuff. When I asked the people in the nobody thread about it, they basically suggested the nobody thread was a way to get people to come to "God" (and GOD) in this way, because "Who knows what God is? Nobody.". Do we get it yet? I don't like this because it associates some real motherfucking shit happening right now to everyone with bullshit roleplay. It's directly leading people off the path needed to understand all of this clearly.

Anyway, GOD is the conglomerate of all things that have/could ever happen, happening at once. The gift of life is the fact that we get to experience it singularly and in a linear fashion. The only way GOD could know all is to be all. It's a big game of, "Why are you hitting yourself?". Ugh, guys, there is so much to this can of worms, you could not even begin to imagine how actually insanely fucked things have gotten because people don't know this as truth. You know history is written by the victors, but the REASON why things happened the way they "happened" was to get you to never believe in GOD/the self.
What were the final thoughts had by the Dad who died in the stands? He sees Trump fall, he hears shots, he covers his wife and daughter. It all goes black. That is a nightmare way to go. He didn't know if Trump survived. He knew in a blink he was dead. He will never know what happens to America.
He might well consider himself to be one but they obviously disagree with him if they're willing to attempt to assassinate him in broad daylight.
getting shot in the head doesn't lead to you standing upright and kneeling down.
>t. iraq war
Me too
As you can see, American integrated public schools are made to retard mental development of White inmates.
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OK if anybody wants to make a new thread and continue digging, here's a QRD

Anon posts this on a nobody general on /x/ on 3 Jul 2024 (https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38279488/#38280814)

>13th july is the date that shit gets executed
>be wary fuckboys

His attached pic is screenshots from the game "Thomas was Alone". It's posted under a tripcode with the password #57 (i.e. a common trip, which means the 2013/14 posts from a Dutch anon with same trip on /int/ are irrelevant).

He also posted something about "recoil" and "better not lose posture" but again this could just be /x/ babble (https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38276321/#38278205).

The /x/ guy only starts posting under that trip on 19 Jun 2024, but he's clearly active in /nobody/ in 2023 or so if you reverse search the images on 4plebs. There's also Dutch/whatever words in screenshots he posts (Google & 4chan UI).

It's hard to tell if this is just a /x/ schizo retard who coincidentally posted the name of the shooter + the 13 Jul date + the word execute, or if it's Thomas.

yeah, there's good odds he's
Danish. He uses a danish idiom instead of the english one in one of his posts where he says: "One¨mans trashj is another mans gold", which is exactly like the Danish saying and unlike the english one which would use treasure or even gift, gold is so unnatural here. Most definitely not the shooter.
That's everywhere in America. I was instantly transported back to highschool in Texas over 10 years ago after seeing those clips.


Correct. Christians and jews ruined another one. They are the most detestable creatures.

Everyone should know that people do not change from that age. Every American adult, white or american, acts exactly like they did sophomore year of highschool.
jewish media claims to have spoken with children and assures us the children said that.
Truly the worst of the worst. Due to the dregs of Europe immigrating to found its population and bringing with them every nasty cult of christ Insanity, then race mixing with other European races and now with nonEuropeans - they are a slave race ruled by Jews already.
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I know these nobody generals are insane schizobabble but this is so weird lmao
>imagine your son giving it's life for this country. killing for its freedom
>your too weak to end one man's life
>if you don't you have failed
Load of bullshit. Try again, Shlomo
He's a Jew, so calling him right/left doesn't mean anything. He was groomed by BlackRock
Glow harder
He was just a random as far as I can tell, the video was centered around his teacher and the pension services BlackRock provide. The angle was 'teachers are better when they have the financial security we provide, join us'
Washing machine.
Desolate road.
Aged phoenix.
Seven hundred and forty two.
....If that's carla, that makes EVERYONE Happy...
It could make sens that the "Thomas was alone" is ironic, the poster is an insider, he believe that the assasination attempt will succed and that the patsy will be categorised as a lone Wolf and he laughs about it.
Hunter Biden worked on board of Burisma.

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RIP, we never got to the race war :(
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Another reference to the 13th, suicide
I think they are talking about star wars. He's talking about a white lightsaber that Ahsoka Tano has.
looks like he was and it triggered it, good job retard.
lots of spics
what a trip its like going to /adv/ to find Tommy the Pinball Wizard writing to his high school bully Biff Tannen and McFly's Oedipus complex
Literally raised on disney femoid tripe.

I could hardly get through a single episode of that shit. Hate to think what watching the whole thing does to a developing brain.
Yes this is very like lame undercover bullying. Just talking over a nerdy conversation, and making funny faces. It's how girls used to act. The feminisation of the schools basically.
>tripcode 12

it was 6:12 eastern standard time when the shooting occurred i seen it on tv, my grieving grandmother alerted me and i thought of the Ukranian guy in the hospital that was bombed days before that and he looked at his watch as his 1st reaction and everyone on /pol/ were saying that was why it was an inside job
Blackrock is the ones lusting behind the plan of pulling billions of dollars from foreign governments money into private reconstruction Ukraine infraestructure. Same stealing as it happened in Irak but even bigger cake to steal ($411bn)

They are desperate to keep a full on corrupt and senile Biden or one of his puppets with ties in Ukraine (remember Hunter-Burisma-CIA?), to stop Ukraine to fully implode vs Russia while keep pumping public money into american weapon manufacturers private companies.

Nothing new under the sun. They are very scare about Trump cold compromise about maintain the Ukraine massacre and stealing going on.
To play skeptic here, as another anon said he appears to have posted his kitchen here (https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38221764/#38222411) and you can read Dutch/whatever labels. The filename is different from the other IRL images he posted though (timestamp in kitchen pic, none in the other ones).
save save save everything, everything is gonna get wiped clean because the fact of the matter remains he was raised up in the Assryian Talmud which has verses in it that say to wage a civilization jihad and a violent Jihad against the Non-Believers. That's you.

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