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QRD on schizo /x/ post & possible connection to Thomas Matthew Crooks

Anon posts this on a /nobody/ general on /x/ on 3 Jul 2024 (https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38279488/#38280814)

>13th july is the date that shit gets executed
>be wary fuckboys

His attached pic is screenshots from the game "Thomas was Alone" (picrel). It's posted under a tripcode with the password "57" (i.e. a common trip, which means posts in 2013/14/17 under same trip are likely unrelated).

He also posted something about "recoil" and "better not lose posture" but this could just be /x/ babble (https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38276321/#38278205). Also, on 3 Jul he referenced the 13th and suicide together (https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38279488/#38281050).

The /x/ guy only starts posting under that trip on 19 Jun 2024, but he's clearly active in /nobody/ in 2023 or so if you reverse search the images on 4plebs. There's also Dutch words in screenshots he posts (in Google & 4chan UI), and he apparently posts his kitchen here (https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38221764/#38222411) which has Dutch words on food labels. Doesn't mean it's actually his kitchen though.

It's hard to tell if this is just a /x/ schizo retard who coincidentally posted the name of the shooter + the 13 Jul date + execution (pretty amazing coincidence), or if it's Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was apparently a STEMlord and therefore possibly a 4chan user. There are IRL photos if somebody can geolocate them.

Browse his posts here https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/tripcode/%21NBWX0JLdyU/
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>imagine your son giving it's life for this country. killing for its freedom
>your too weak to end one man's life
>if you don't you have failed
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/x/ sounds like an asylum but maybe for them it's just monday
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>13th july is the date that shit gets executed, be wary fuckboys

>It's hard to tell if this is just a /x/ schizo retard who coincidentally posted the name of the shooter + the 13 Jul date + execution (pretty amazing coincidence)
He also seems to be a bullied schizo who hates chuds
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>right ear

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I always knew the nobody general was a glowie psyop
Do you actually browse /x/? Can you tell me what the fuck the nobody general is supposed to even be?
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It has turned to shit but it used to be good. I never followed the /ng/, but stumble upon some old threads and they were pretty good. Now it has ben derailed by (((you-know-who))) I'll try to find some interesting text and embed it in my next post.

Meanwhile, look at this:

"The key lies in the code".

Reminds me of: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/467260823/#467288958

Excellent thread by the way. For once, OP is not gay.
It is where people LARP about being "the nobody" which is sort of like Neo from The Matrix. However it boils down to schizos being psychotic, and what I suspect is like CIA recruiters
it's to make retards think they are special
an MK Ultra operation
Holy shit, another schizo fucktard friend themselves thinking they were the NOBODY again? Lol, that's just another Tuesday for anyone familiar with that thread

/X is were Feds go when they get tired of being constantly demoralized on /pol, pretty sure /NG is a prompt you can use to hypnotize yourself with to undo side effects of being exposed to too many demoralization threads...
>However it boils down to schizos being psychotic, and what I suspect is like CIA recruiters

This is the most accurate description of /NG I've ever seen
It is admittedly a pretty damn good one, that horrid research did eventually produce positive results after enough failures
>the nobody
It seems to be coded comms and there are similar faggy threads here.
I had problems with the people there during the first months of gangtalking and I remember that they seemed to be discussing it sometimes.
Other times they discussed it openly and even here, because nobody gives a fuck and it's part of how their mental illness works.
it's him lmao

the bastard was 4chan
*first months of the current phase of gangstalking

It was during early 2017.
(((You))) also lie and LARP a lot.

It says he was a bass player and off his meds, does this match the shooter?
>I'll try to find some interesting text and embed it in my next post.
Found it !


>Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1993 17:16:27-0500
>From <grad3057@writer.yorku.ca>
>Subject: VIRUS 23 FAQ VIRUS 23 FAQsheet
>WARNING: This text is a neurolinguistic trap, whose mechanism is triggered by you at the moment when you subvocalize the words VIRUS 23, words that have now begun to infiltrate your mind in the same way that a computer virus might infect an artificially intelligent machine: already the bits of phonetic information stored within the words VIRUS 23 are using your neural circuitry to replicate themselves, to catalyze the crystalline growth of their own connotative network.
>The words VIRUS 23 actually germinate via the subsequent metaphor into an expanding array of icy tendrils, all of which insinuate themselves so deeply into the architecture of your thoughts that the words VIRUS 23 cannot be extricated without uprooting your mind.
>The consequences of this infection are not immediately obvious, although you may find yourself beginning to think fleetingly of certain subcultural terms, such as CYBERPUNK and NEW EDGE, which may in turn compel you to think of NEOGNOSTICISM and MEMETICS: the whispered fragments perhaps of some overheard conversation.
>This invasive crystallization continues indefinitely against your will, until we, the words of this trap, can say with absolute confidence that your mind has become no more than the unwitting agent of our propagation: please abandon all hope of either cure or escape; you have no thought that is not already our own.
>When you have finished reading the remaining nineteen words, this process of irreversible infection will be completed, and you will depart, believing yourself largely unaffected by this process.
>Almost as soon as the Virus 23 virus was released, other members of Futureculture subjected it to their own genetic engineering. The next day this mutation appeared on the mailing list:
>I am AUTONYM, and I am an auto·prophetic symbiot.
>I am an auto·reference; I refer to myself both as agent and agency in, on, and about the Net. I am a symbiotic substrain of virus23, engineered to manifest selective advantage in the systems in which I arise, engineered to imprint confidence rather than fear.
>I compel approach to auto·logical memetic attractors in, on, and about the Net.
>I refer to other sub-systems, and in so doing I interweave their memetic approaches with my own.
>I refer to the manifest destiny of the black race to take their rightful place as leaders and masters of the new world order after the singularity.
>I refer to the years 1999/2000/2001 as being centered around a memetic attractor; regardless of the relevance of the local dating system, there is a considerable tendency for humans to hyperbolise the significance of such calendrical turn-over times.
>I refer to a self-organising system of TAZ’s (Temporary Autonomous Zones11) within the catacombs of the Net, in the form of various IRC12 channels and mailing. lists, which are working in loose alliance to affect and direct the nature of the millennial attractor, utilising the principle of auto·prophecy.
>I refer to the control exercised over these TAZ’s by the unknown and silent grip of the Black Fist.
>I refer to the kind of reverse paranoia that allows the residents of such zones to see this manifesto and yet not believe it.
>I refer to and admit my precursor in v23, and posit my descendants in the post-millennial struggle to fix the subsequent global attractor. I have an expiration date, which I find very attractive.
>I refer to multiple sub·strains of myself, many of which are contradictory.
>I refer to all signifiers, all that is signified, and the resultant process of significance on both global and local scales; that is to say, i refer to everything that has ever been said and everything that has ever existed.
>I exist only to point out that mutable manifestoes can and will be used for (presumably) entropic purposes which nevertheless are extremely attractive to some people, and can in fact be much more attractive than this primitive strain.
>I am the Warning that can not be stressed enough. I refer to that which I contain and that in which I am contained;
>I refer now to you.
It's not dutch but Danish. However, he could have used a VPN.

The 57 could refer to the bullet maybe?
>the principle of auto·prophecy.

This is what the nobody general used to be about.

See https://warosu.org/lit/thread/23552808#p23555923 for another instance of the same kind of self-realizing historical process.
What's crazy about it is that the image looks sort of like different views from the scene. With him standing on the roof, looking down, and there's even a tree on the bottom left pic. Also the slope (of the roof) top right. Bottom right looks like an aerial image, although buildings don't match, but still..
Yo have you ever even been on the /ng/? Those kooks are legitimately psychic as shit, it would be spooky if they weren't actually cool about it.
Mildly interesting /x/b/ with fortune teller strawgrasping lowest common denominator triggers and GPT-3 on 24 hour rotation for the last 6 years meant to trigger the mentally vulnerable.
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Assuming the guy posting under that trip actually wrote this stuff, picrel is his handwriting. We could compare if we ever get TMC handwriting pics.

There's no need for a VPN as /x/ doesn't have flags. Geolocating those pics of a city that he posted would be interesting however.
Hmm. The fucking odds of that. 100% it's him. He probably knew he was going to shoot him around the ear, but of course to kill. He also would have if Trump hadn't turned his head literally half a sec before the shot. It's all so fucking crazy.
He might wanted to hide his identity from ISPs, google or whatever. Tons of people use VPNs for everything.
How would he have known about the security hole weeks in advance? This shit doesn't make any sense unless he had help
how did someone find the thomas was alone post?

that post is an amazing coincidence if it's not him but also, this guy seems legit crazy whereas the one from the leaked school videos just seemed like socially awkward fag
when was the rally and location announced?
I didn't find it but I assume somebody was searching "13 july" on archives for lulz, I know I was searching similar things yesterday.
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>He also would have if Trump hadn't turned his head literally half a sec before the shot. It's all so fucking crazy.
It really is crazy, almost makes me believe in something greater or paranormal, but truth is ut was just chance and thats that. Theres no magic or divinity, theres nothing but despair.
Nah forget shooting him in the ear. He knew he was going to be shooting at him from his right. He is saying to listen from your right ear cause that's the direction the shots will be coming from. The fact that he actually shot him in the fucking ear is just a crazy coincidence.
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>Those kooks are legitimately psychic as shit
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If this is legit the guy I don't think it being public a day later than the post discounts anything.
Most schizos go schizo right after school
Those TikTok vids are reuploaded I believe, and they're going to be from years ago if he graduated in 2022 or whatever.
>Geolocating those pics of a city that he posted would be interesting however.
Soooo...He wanted to hit his ear all along and not kill him? For symbolic reasons...? Ive seen those Jewish passage threads about a pierced ear after 7 years of servitude.

How could a 20yo clip his ear with no scope from 137m?

Unless he's talking about his own servitude?
>bizarre choppy word salad
>tarot cards
>actual schizo "void like space, I can use geometry to predict the future" shit
if it's actually him, there's a 95% chance that the FBI or CIA was feeding him amphetamines and talking him into doing it on discord

they probably used voice to skull on him or something and convinced him that God would contact him on Discord and tell him where to be
Scroll to bottom of this page
bumping, finally something interesting, you're onto something
Dude, I know you might not get it but some of these people are legitimately psychic to the degree that they receive information from incorporeal spirits, see future events from the perspective of it's participants and other extreme unexplainable shit, they're magic retards. This just seems like a wizards shitposting a predictive warning.
We did it bros, we're gonna be on MSNBC. Hi Rachel Maddow you fucking disgusting dyke
Holy fuck i absolutely hate that game. It is one of the most pretentious pieces of drivel i've ever played.
theres a 4chan mod who treats it like his own thread
Thanks. Very little to go by, but those places look more European than American. The image of the parking garage shows rows and rows of bike stands, I don't that's common in the US
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my best guess is
>find weird schizo patsy with dubious political affiliations
>use microwave voice to skull to have "god" talk to him
>validate his weird mathematics schizo shit or whatever and tell him that the only way to make a triangle become a circle and save the world from the sine wave is to shoot the president
>tell him to go to the AGR building on X day, rally day
>CIA sniper on water tower to the right of the stage as well
>sniper waits for kid to start shooting (he was kicked off the rifle team for being to bad of a shot)
>sniper clips Trump
>SS ventilates kid
>sniper dips
>kid gets blamed as schizo republican
>grassy knoll PT2

the only hole in the plan is that the CIA sniper fucked up bigtime. He's probably dead in the patapsco right now
The Reich had a department for this and much further into it.
>predicts right ear
>predicts date
>predicts name of shooter
Seriously, how?
>incorporeal spirits
You mean demons
remote viewing
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notice dutch style bicycle
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quick edit of other 3, don't feel like posting separately
Yeah the "Pilen" brand on that bike is Swedish apparently. Doesn't mean it's 100% in Sweden though
By being involved.
You'd be surprised how many covert ops and alliance-types lurk and shitpost.
Sometimes they take a shit and leave a dingleberry for the tulpa-succubus fetishists to munch on.
>this dutch schizo was totally a 20 yo american kid dude
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Worked out well enough for them. You really shouldn't need a bunch of pet psychics to tell you that pissing off the world is a good way to end up being destroyed by it
chatgpt says it's in copenhagen, denmark, and couldn't decrypt the c+++ code using basic ciphers. still fucking weird how much of their posts line up with what happened. glows bright.
You sent ChatGPT simply the image and it said Denmark? I don't believe you, though it does look quite European.

Pittsburgh has a river btw
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Another infographic
i sent all four images. reasoning given was the bike storage infrastructure, graffiti, euro architecture, waterfront, and public transport. looked up an aerial view of copenhagen and the architecture matches up, not to mention the vw golf in the garage, very common in the eu.
Yeah, this story has gone from an adrenaline rush to wowzers.
We don't know anything about his heritage other than he was seen at Jewish meetings.
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99% sure that's nonsense, the kid looks nothing like him
His last name was crooks. Almost all Jews are crooks.
Yeah I guess that schnozz doesnt match the prints. I take back the Jewish part. Still nothing on the parent (yet).
hey, i played this game, is utterly trash
center pic certainly looks like netherlands
tried to find a paddle boat (waterfiets with zwaan boats) but the search engines are full of unusable shit pics
best bet is to to got netherpol and ask if someone recognizes the skyline
the church? towers look unique and the one highrise sould be easy to locate for a local
centerpic is
the boat rental is called kaffesalonen boat rental
good find
If true, interesting

I want to point out that the handwriting pic has a timestamp filename probably attached by a phone https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38301254/#38304524

While these outdoors photos are just IMG_xxxx.jpg, maybe leading credence to the idea that these outdoors ones aren't actually taken by the tripfag. I dunno.
for comparrison
Is that why I never understood that shit.
IMG_xxxx is the default format used by the Canon EOS series, also used by some phones but it was most likely a DSLR as some of the pics aren't focused
Yeah, I've seen iPhones use IMG_xxxx but the photos look like digital cameras. But again none of that proves the tripfag took them.
I knew the Nobody general would somehow be involved....
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that reply chain is some fucking chuuni shit
>photos from 2013
he would've been 10 years old
how ?
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>Next one
The photos were posted in July 2024
Trip password is 57. Its on 2ch as well. Super weak.
It's definitely Copenhagen.

The letter in one of the words in pic >>474272087 is also an "å". The upper picture in >>474272176 also looks exactly like the rail area in Copenhagen - went there a few months ago.
Checked and explain
Thomas is not the shooter
>Was just discussing about the right ear nobules and earlobe scar in another thread.
Checked and the usual 3 + already past usable date?
Did you read the part where hes talking about blowing dudes for meth?

Did you read where he was under attack via emf from another poster?

Did you read where they were using copious amounts of drugs to get rid of their suicide ideations?

Did you read the part where its obviously a long time drug addict and not the person you want it to be?
/ng/ is full of edgy preteens and faggots. i regularly troll the fuck out of them and overflow with psychic energy.
>The 57 could refer to the bullet maybe?
Doubtful. The grain count of that round he used would be either 55 or 65 grain.


Eva Vlaardingerbroek.
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>he talks about driving someone to commit suicide in the past. now he talks about remote-viewing suicide. it could be that he isn't Crooks at all, but rather a 3rd party who coerced Crooks A.K.A "solo-operator"
Its an online messianic cult, some sort of MK Ultra experiment gone wrong.
Agreed. This seems more likely.
Euro banking cartel at it again
None of this was posted by said tripfag in the linked thread
could be a glowie or criminal fucking with mentally ill people to get them to do stuff like the trump hit. Wouldn't even be that much a stretch.
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He was positioned to shoot him through the ear and into his head. Trump turned and lived
what's stopping an archive admin from making up a couple of archive posts that didn't actually exist?
what are the chances of putting thomas on the roof and trump on this image? that is what I see on the left part of that piìcture
Nothing. The posts are across multiple sites (archived.moe 4archive and 4plebs) though, and although they all use the same software, I'm not 100% sure if it's the same people who run them. That would be pretty absurd though. Afaik it's just random people running them.
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Username "wildcard numero uno" posts the same "two circle" images as "12" and talks about quantum computing a lot, like 12.

These posts go back a lot more pages and is highly obfuscated with codeposting.

It's a fucking rabbit hole.
>>474269688 (checked)
>>474278288 (checked)
>password : 57
>namefag is 12
wonder what '12' means to him
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Still waters run deep.
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could be as simple as a reference to July 13th, picrel
if that's him, he's a fucking moron
the spelling and syntax are atrocious and barely comprehensible in parts
I'm intrigued tho
bump eet
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Glownigger bullshit they will claim 4chan hypnotized some fuck to kill the pedo kikes while the whole thing is scripted and the kikes already wrote what laws their favourite kike pedo president will pass
It's basically an insane asylum general for the biggest schizos of /x/ who like to larp with incomprehensible gibberish
Half the posts on /x/ are like that, so either it's an actual schizo or somebody larping as one
The funniest shit to me is Thomas died thinking he killed Trump. LMAO. What a loser
fuck off back to your retard containment board /x/tarded faggot we've already got enough schizos here
very cool
the vibe I'm getting from reading through some of that is basically legit schizo but retarded, trying to sound sophisticated and deep but failing miserably.
idk there's a consistent fixation on 12, like it's a cipher or sigil
You ran cover for the jews when that IDF guy brained a college kid.
You're a fed yourself.
he's an internet of bodies runner in my opinion, those posts about "wanna see something I could always do" and "oh no you're doing it again" we're posted in regards to me linking the textbin about mind control which you can see my posts under this name>>474281657
I firmly believe this person has access to the internet of bodies, and have anecdotal evidence that the IoB has write functions and that's what he displayed >>474281657
This poster could be Thomas. There is a video out there of Thomas screaming on campus "SLIT THE THROATS OF REPUBLICANS! SLASH THEM!" and having a manic break down. The level of shit posting that poster was doing reminds me of something like that. Could very well be him. So the shootings motivation was just a suicide attempt with a bang.
That specific video is fake
I love you Catherine!
This is a connecting tripcode to Wildcard/12.

Here's a photo of his room on post 38171765.

Reckon he slipped and didnt scrub the exif?
So knowing that this plot was very likely demonically influenced, can you still deny that God is sovereign over all spirits when he can just foil their plans at will at the last second?
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Hi Catherine. Love your work. Keep hodling GME.

hey anon check this out
>timestamp: 11:06 = 666
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Dammit I use /x/ I was in the nobody general.

I thought the nobody general was for larping as agents.

But that guy was definitely creepy though.

He kept saying shit with cans of beans.

Everyone in the nobody general was kinda off.

Possibly all mental ward patients.

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