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What the fuck is this? Please, anon explain.
>inb4 someone says "someone posted from that tripcode after"
Rare mixtape from The Donald
JTrump - Take Ur Lives Away

Save it while you can, it's limited edition.
JTrump doesn't mind who takes credit for it, he makes enough money.
the tripcode should be easy to bruteforce its not even secure and its probably all lowercase words
nah it's no him
shills in full force on every thread
Checkout that blackrock video with the little shit in the classroom. The comments are really fucked up.
Okay, but that's not the point. The point is this post knew the date and name on july the 2nd.
nah bro, there's another post on the 15th
Well, you do realize they do astral projection and remote viewing on /x/, right anon? Do you understand the concept.. Right?
4chan got too cocky bros
i also went down this rabbithole. although he is posting some weird very coincidental shit it can't be crooks. last post was july 15.
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this is the same french faggot who tried shutting me down in another thread
just now learning about remote viewing? thats not the shooter, retard.
go watch third eye spies if you want the qrd tldr psychics are real in fact its not even that hard to do and im amazed people are still retarded and cant do it themselves.
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The shooter was not an illiterate.
You had one job glowies
>the narrative is given the illusion that this was all pre-planned, and that CIA was just pretending to be retarded
Hmmm. Too vague. Then again, we have the infamous incident where the guy who killed the two girls was possibly named on /tv/ years before cops had any inkling (at least publically) of who it was.
That's not the point and desu I'm starting to think you're glowing.
How the fuck can someone coincidentally know the correct date and name?
>shit gets executed
This is big, nobody can deny that. I never saw that so thank you for digging for it. It's probably the best one.
>"schizo" meme spam
I am actually happy that wokeness exists because it makes real life leftists toothless to actually insult people. Aside from saying white people have the right to exist and procreate in their own spaces, I am happy that people aren't just randomly being mean to each other for no reason. I listen to Eminem's new gay album, and I don't think shitting on midgets does anything for my values at all.
I never said it's the shooter, retard. It's interesting nonetheless.

You did the gateway tapes too many times.
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>subject: SHOOTER IS AN /x/ SCHIZO
>your ID ceutM94W
>OP ID ceutM94W

>I never said that retard
yeah, you did.
please explain
Okay, but I didn't mean it.
then look at my dick right now and tell me the number
This reads as someone going through a psychotic episode. Is he mind-controlled?
He’s a /x/ schizo you know those guys can actually remote view right?
>its not even that hard to do
i am naked and with an erection right now
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more schizo posts. in his post history he mentions being tortured since 2021, being tortured by the CIA, being raped as a child, using meth, etc
I knew x was going to turn on us one day. It’s time to get rid of that place, and lit while we’re at it
why of course they're going to use 4chan as a comms net now, for real ops, to get it shut down.
So he was a cia asset? Jesus Christ
This strengthens the theory that he was a mind controlled asset as we usually see happening with shootings.

Have to be on my way again. Good luck with the investigations!
7? Im not going to focus on that long enough for a real answer.
and thats not how it works

please look into remote viewing before "hur prove it" like im yuri gheller or something im not
How does this post indicate that? He just mentions a date and posts about a game. this is Q tier shit unless you point to something more specific.
wow that's actually huge. he's literally an MK-ULTRA victim. confirmation the cia is running psyops on us soil, too. compartmentalization is starting to break down.
Yes you did. You just can't admit when you are full of shit.
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I read one of his post talking about how he prostituted himself for meth, ket and lsd.
Strangely the ones where he talks in third person is when he uses picrel and the one with red eyes
he posted the date and alluded to killing himself and executing someone multiple fucking times
i think this is a very good lead, but we need to find a way to further verify before making any serious claims
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I don't do it, faggot.
But they do, every few months you get something like that or even things like picrel
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>bro knew two weeks in advance, how bro??
what part of its remote viewing is confusing you?
did you check archives to see if random schizos spam literally every date? mentioning a date alone isn't significant unless there is a specific connection. this is qoomer shit
If it's true then the fbi is destroying the evidence as we speak... so
Thomas Was Alone was a very meh game, not terrible but not all that good either.
yeah it doesn't matter, if he really posted that then all the evidence connecting that post to him is probably long gone now. anons would have to take it at face value unless some ultra hackzor or glowie reached in and pulled logs or some shit. how would you even go about verifying that was his ip? bit of a chain of evidence gathering.
>specific connection
>13th july is the date that shit gets executed
> get rid of the only worthwhile boards
Why dont you just join the shooter?
>this is qoomer shit
go back nigger
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That Trip code was posting in 2014, when Crooks would have been 11.

There was a second shooter
The tripcode password is 57. A two number code. The tripcode doesn't mean anything, hence why people were using it in 2013.
where do you see theses confirmations?
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Fucking avatarfag and tripfag
Don't let shills say it's fake because the trip posted today. Somebody posted with the trip today to test if the trip pass was actually "57", which it is. A 2 digit tripcode password is going to be very common, which is why you can see random Jap anons use it on 2ch (google the tripcode) and random people in 2013 using it in the archives.
Caught you faggots
The trip key is "57" according to the other thread.

Im not playing tripcode candleja
It takes 2 seconds to crack that hash retard, which is what https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474248433/#474255856 did

>07/14/24(Sun)03:49:01 No.474024811
There were two shooters. First one legitimately thought he was going to kill Trump but was given fake bullets and setup to fail. A second shooter hired by Trump shot into the crowd to make the first shooter look legit. Trump had a razor taped in his hand to cut his ear.
read that as an "/an/" schizo
didn't they come out and say he was a member of O9A, that satanist group?
scattered throughout his posts, read the archive. they're buried in his schizo rants/conversations so i only posted the screencaps that were of substance

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Stop sliding faggot, this is a fake account
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Not xim, he's dutch
when was the guy's last post? just wait for him to post again kek. if he doesn't it's confirmed
The kitchen pic is definitely real and I dunno how to explain it but the 2013 stuff doesn't really seem relevant since it's such a common tripcode.

The tripcode password is 57 so anybody can use it. Anons already have today.
By definitely real I mean this tripfag posted it. Who knows if it's his photo.
Whether it's him or not is irrelevant to the poster knowing the date, name and alluding to what would occur. That's what's compelling to me. I don't care if fags say it's remote viewing. Remote viewing or not it's bizarre.
on the bright side this might get nobody threads banned from /x/
Yeah even if's not him, what fucking odds is it to predict the "right ear", the date and the name of the shooter?
Thanks, can you post his pics the other thread-starter mentions?
Here are all the images under that trip, IRL photos are bottom of page 1

100% it's the guy. which is not even that weird, schizo ass zoom-zoom of course he would be on here
Schizos getting vindicated and reprimanded all over the place.

Trump surviving is the gift that keeps on giving.
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Check this out. Whenever he posts with this picture, he seems to be talking to the shooter or the shooter talking in third person.
Well since it's not him he's still alive and probably hanging out in the nobody general so you could go ask. He would need to post another pic of his kitchen though since anyone can use the trip, and he might think you're a glowie and not show himself
>solo operator
>lone wolf
Maybe this whole thing is bullshit but start archiving stuff.
Thanks alot!
>he shot donald trump because of the nobody general
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and this is who he's replying to. Could it be thomas?
I dunno, but the tripfag has a habit of taking on and off the tripcode. You can clearly see the same person with the same wording/images in some threads switching between no trip/the trip. They're all schizos talking to themselves kek
Not true. This had already been disproven. Posts in Danish. The only connection is one bullshit mention of the date. Shill attempt kek. Fuck you faggots.
check this out in the same thread
>Ya guna let trump win office. If anything you do is legal Biden?
>Trump doesn't win. You'll be alright
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Another stupid glowing faggot appears
numerous mentions of CIA/feds in his posts. He also uses the term "both sides" in reference to politics. Denmark has 3 major parties and 13 other minor parties. He is talking about the US.
Even if he's Dutch, that doesn't explain how he predicted any of this shit
/x/ is some MKUltra shit.
don't get pulled into it, there's something really fucked up about that whole board and /ng/ is at the center of it.
I'm retarded and didn't even realise this.

"Thomas Was Alone" = "There was no second gunman, Thomas was a lone wolf"
Around 3.50cm
very fucking weird. looks like some sort of dissociation to prepare himself for committing the act. he also used it in the context of someone talking to the "solo-operator."
Well if you watched he news like Americans do you’d know the msm whores hav e been calling him a loner non stop.
Maybe the trip is an actual remote viewer
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>posted 4 hours ago
i dont know if someone bruteforced the password or not but this is erring on fake and gay for me
that schizo has been rambling on and on for pages and pages on the archives. not to mention the thread is full of schizos. youre bound to get some word salad that can be attributed to something specific. a broken clock is right twice a day.
The tripcode password is 57, so that part isn't fake. Anons were posting it in /pol/ discussing this shit, not on /x/.
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If you don't believe me, https://nonegiven.github.io/tripcode
still trying to figure this one out. what does rv mean?
nvm. i'm retarded. remote viewing.
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Revert? Reading this is like listening to somebody talk to themselves, or talk to somebody who isn't there.

Oh yeah could be that kek
remote viewing

sounds like the guy has been fucking around with goetia and hemisync tapes to remote view and saw his own suicide by ZOG or something.
Rectal view, seeing shit with your third anus.
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This seems to be discussing the security detail. IIRC only two sniper teams were on duty with third not able to make it. Handler messages?
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Another one..
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he talks about driving someone to commit suicide in the past. now he talks about remote-viewing suicide. it could be that he isn't Crooks at all, but rather a 3rd party who coerced Crooks A.K.A "solo-operator"
I come here and tell all of you constantly that /x/ and /pol/ are two sides of the same coin, the same way religion WAS the government WAS religion WAS the government.

Everything about our existence is spiritual. This is the war for good and evil they speak about.
That's what I'm thinking. I regret the titling this thread as that becomes more apparent.
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yes that seems to be the case if its not just another schizopost

RVing can yield these kinds of results. the 13th had some significant gematria though and clif high was talking about an event on or around the 15th.
if you learn about this kind of thing you'll realize several people can pick up different interpretations of something roughly but given that this event was pushed into the collective consciousness before and after it happened (and i'm sure someone will eventually come out talking about the gematria behind it) it adds more credence that anyone looking for the next "big thing" couldve picked up on this whether its an /x/ schizo or guys like future forecasting or edward riordan (who is a famous RVer and has been quite accurate including predicting vax clots)
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and nobody general is another botted/shilled general like /cvg/ was and the jewkraine ones are, glownigger run

/xpol/ isn't all bullshit though but threads like succubus gen and nobody exist to bury ones that go deep on conspiracies, occult elitist ties and to purge the userbase of the same guys who post gems on /pol/ in memory hole threads.
Nah that's how nobody fags on /x/ normally are
yeah this its basically /x/s chug
Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug
Username "wildcard numero uno" posts the same "two circle" images as "12" and talks about quantum computing a lot, like 12.

These pists go back a lot more pages and is highly obfuscated with codeposting.

It's a fucking rabbit hole.
Strangely, a lot of this is accurate. Probably not the part about "hits on his family" and definitely not the part about the meth, though the rest of it is pretty on point.
This one knows something. Very interesting.
Yeah he posts with and without tripcode.
Sim sim salabim, I see exactly one dick.
It's a handler and the shooter communicating under the same trip code
it is 57

51. wtf
"devil" is in the bible 57 times (although some say 33 and some say 61)
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>due to confidentiality, you cannot hire indians on the spot
>he knew

please talk more about heraldry
It proves there was a second gunman. I heard 12 shots.
those pictures are bad news.
I don't know how they work but they're opening up a connection to an anon, they can get into an anon's dreams.
they cultivate them first. they need to damage the psyche. demoralization, schizophrenia, spiritual misery, agony even.
I counted 9 for crooks then 1 from secret service
seems so. might be three people
there is the shooter
Be careful how you dream. Sleep near someone you can trust. Don't believe everything your dreams tell you.
It plays upon the uncanny valley of facial/eye recognition. Its a well documented phenomena. For exampke, the "eyes" are accurate proportion.

Its fucking calculated to trigger someone else.
My dreams have always been really personal.

Nothing big like world events or things like that.

What could this mean?
possibly they program a target with other images on the board?
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check this out
Dang, social phisher caught himself a live one. I wouldn't be surprised if Anon was Thomas. Do any burners get linked? Going to look too.
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Incels like to use the word "cunt" as an insult I've noticed.
The rally wasn't even announced on July 2 https://www.post-gazette.com/news/election-2024/2024/07/03/donald-trump-rally-butler-pennsylvania-gop-convention/stories/202407030092
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this shit is stupid. how can glowies get you via 4chan posts?
they send people to scout locations way before.
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he was a leftie retard.
your conspirancy theory failed and only a totally ideologized leftard would buy it.
sloppy job CIA, go glow somewhere else.
deep cut. interesting.
they can request IPs of posters from the admins, even if you use vpn/proxy or tor they can still trace it back
i dont mean track you, i mean mkultra you
Maybe you should look at the substance in the thread instead of dismissing everything like an idiot. It's more likely thomas was groomed into doing this.
if they knew your location they could get away with a lot
>It's more likely thomas was groomed into doing this.
>get some lefty idiot
>convince him to shoot Trump
>if success: we get rid of Trump which is what some elite groups want
>if failure: he gets shoot and dies.
still shitty intel job
all nobody general posters must be locked up
Found another tripcode. Also a connecting name "visions of death".

Here's some creepypasta.
two inches
Post 38171765

wow a culture made up of billions of people had this coincidence from 11 years ago holy shit wow its literally the same name and vaguely says something that could be interpreted as a statement about a shooter wow very coincidental surely its more than that and im not just a fucking retard
it wasn't 11 years ago
No EXIF data, 4chan has stripped it since like 2010, I checked the jpeg for it too, none

>11 years ago
It's from last month and this month.
could have been anyone using it in 2013
your location
your entire history
your icloud
your texts
your meds

for an already schizoid young guy it is too much
How on earth should he be Dutch when he speaks Danish? - that would be the same as: “He speaks Danish, so he’s Australian”.

He does say Danish words, but the groceries in his kitchen are bought in Sweden.

His post on page 3 bottom is more than 14 years old, and a 5-6 yo child is not expected to post on 4Chan, so can another user have had his trip before him?
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How much Kek energy do you guys really need to believe . He is number 1 but who is number 2!!!!
>How on earth should he be Dutch when he speaks Danish
I'm literally retarded and don't know the difference kek

>can another user have had his trip before him?
Yes, the password you enter to get that trip is literally "57".
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mixing up dutch and danish is a common american blunder.
>billions of people
>many are retards who make fake prophecies
>one is vaguely true
>instead of him using it to do anything he just vaguely says retarded nonsense and acts like a fucking sperg
yea ok
that's not dutch. part of that post is german, the other is some scandinavian language, danish or norse. the kitchen pic also has shit in a scandinavian language
but not dutch. that "tonfisk" should read "tonijn" if it were
We've already gone through this. It's most likely not the shooter, but an accomplice, probably the shooters handler.
fuck you guys
I don't see what's so special about this. Yes, he probably used the internet and posted on various sites like everyone does. How the fuck is this surprising? But also, that's the date when the rally was announced. Could've just been larping too. Who cares? It happened. He survived. It's history. Move on.

If you want to succeed at your next attempt, if you're reading this Mr. Incompetent recruiter/agent, use a Ukrainian FPV drone operator. Smuggle him through the southern border. If he gets caught, make sure he's identified as Russian. How easy is that? Fucking amateurs, I swear....
a bunch of newfag think they're le epic internet detective don't take it personal
let me help - you EAT the danish, you SMOKE the dutchie
If he was groomed MKULTRA style into doing this, it's not really much of a stretch to know it a day before. There's a bunch of things that the shooter somehow knew in the "official narrative" that doesn't make sense.
They're gonna' use this to shut down 4/8ch for good.
male spaces
Nobody threads are literally full of schizo faggots and federal niggers who are constantly posting as multiple namefags, samefagging, larping, grooming, rage baiting, etc.
It's a tranny glownigger shit show that has direct ties with mods and admins.
They should all be investigated and executed but that will most likely result in the entire website being shut down.
that could be anyone
Looked into "visions of death" username and found an IMG_YYYYMMDD pic.
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Those nobody niggers post like this in every thread for hours straight, explains why I didn't know who this guy was.
It's 2000% more likely that some guy from /x/ just remote-viewed something or saw something in a dream. Saying that he's "from /x/" is fucking retarded, the information could have come to him from a dream or any other source.
It's gonna be a big turning point in history and people were bound to notice it plus its effects beforehand but you'd have to be literally retarded to think that this guy was personally the guy who did the shooting.

Yeah, this too. At least the upside of this is that these guys are probably gonna be in the news now and boosted by boomers on social media, at the very least it will be funny.
it's X and that aussie is posting the average /x/ stuff
not that the story couldn't be real just that everything shown so far is anecdotal at best
someone like maxwell yearick?
How is that connected to the trip/numero username?
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So... The feds knew in advance.
12 had same "two eyes" images as wildcard numero uno.
Wildcard and visions of death use same tripcode a couple of times.

Dude's sloppy.
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57 - aha, thank you,

You would be able to hear it’s different languages - I hope (sorry, dear hollændere).
your proofs are flimsy at best
you might very well be trying to dox someone that doesn have anything to do with it
Man I want to fuck clown girls so bad
that's how I would describe it too.
there's a lot of board theater. like they're putting on a scripted show for anons in their threads. its bigger than just /ng/ the whole board is this shit, the repeat threads, the normalization of 'schizo' the normalization of LARPing. Its like conditioning, there's phishing, they brigade anons, they try to get anons into discords, they get anons (who are having mental breakdowns) to email them under the guise of being some LARP in-the-know-guru sage master wizard bs.
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Your punctuation is retarded at best.
Adults are in charge.
>cospiracy guys! it was a glownigger operation!
>meanwhile it's something even more fucking conspiratorial and mystical even
his parents are both behavioral counselors so who knows
conspiracies aside, it's odd that two shrinks let him go completely off the rails without doing anything about it
It's still fucking weird. Again
>date predicted
>name predicted
>matthew is alone = lone wolf shooter conditioning, the guy is also a loner
>the post about "listen to your right ear"
I have no idea what the fuck I'm even reading so therefore it's probably some fictional goose chase that will go no where like pizzagate and you niggers won't do shit. As usual.
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Days since omnious qpost
69 months
they likely contributed by giving him psychiatric meds
>prozac side effects
>caring about punctuation on /pol/
>doesn know 4chan rip exif
how about you fuck off retard?
when you find anything interesting you comeback?
yeah well you start to sound like an /x/ poster yourself
lol, this crap is enough for you kike golems to convince you? Nothing of it makes sense with whats already known, including simple facts.

Why do kikes push several fakes to muddy the waters and to poison the well? I am fkn open to every new insight based on empiricim and deduction. This is just crappy projection and interpretation by a retard or kike shill.
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this is the only human (not AI) in this thread
strange and gay appeal to ego "he's one of us" "im just like him" appeal
Ai generated slop.
That’s very puzzling - but it’s okay, then I won’t be scolded if I mix up US-English and ‘Mexican’.
once you get high enough or insane enough or whatever you can see the ribbons crackling through the roots of being you know everything that will ever happen and has happened and can happen all at once
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FFF 666
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Kek has answered me every fucking question . It was le fake & le gay since inception and iwill take this knowledge to my grave . Fuck derailing glowies
You're telling me a scizo posts on /x/?
Next you're going to tell me coomers post on /gif/, homosexuals post on /pol/, and trannies post on /co/
God only knows what kind of monster posts on /po/
some guys say he used an iron sight.

that's a difficult shot unless you are a very good marksman.

But it looked like the gun had optics
its because the dutch are in the netherlands and the danish are in denmark. these are not intuitive like other countries. germans to germany, italians to italy, polish to poland.
if you were denmarkish and the dutch were netherlanders it would be more intuitive.
I'm predicting
I'm predicting.... niggers in your butthole
My gut tells me it is him, makes sense he'd make some posts somewhere about the event beforehand, human nature to want to blab about it, but posting on /x/ is kinda off the political path
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they can't remote view into the future
>inb4 americans are dumb
The ones derailing are the ones outright dismissing the possibility that he was groomed on 4chan/discord which is relevant to the thread.
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>a shocking news story distracts all media
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All I see is vague schizobabble, how is this the shooter? You guys will find profound meaning in literally anything
>the guy knew about the rally date 1 day before it was announced to the public
Ok, that brings it up back to reality a bit. Unless he had an insider friend go
I feel like there's a chance this is an archive admin trolling
I think schizos posting in their natural habitats are mostly harmless but that's not what is occuring when you have a professionally designed meme from some federal discordian think tank wrangling them into a single place.
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Its not just the trip posts, either.
>Me? Give me that power it would never of been an problem nor the public knowing.
>He eats a lot of cheeseburgers. Heart attacks happen.
Who could he be talking about here?
>chance this is an archive admin trolling
I highly highly doubt it. The tripcode + numero uno alias definitely existed, this June 24 tweet mentions it (probably some random /x/ user) https://x.com/diamondtests/status/1805027129303687362
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Heres the followup post for good measure
I was just looking through that tripcodes posts too after the thread was linked but saw you already posted
not him
there's not a single proof in everything you posted you guys are just making shit up at this point you sound exactly like those dudes
I understand there is a lot of commotion about this guy. The guy who made the original post was most likely the shooter. Probably got bullied into schizoaffective disorder and wanted to leave behind a “happening,”
solo operator is thomas I believe
its about kek 3 times shooter and 3 digits + everytime
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cool i dont care
Nice AI Adam and Eve fanfics.
sure there are schizos being schizos talking to each other there, but this whole thread because of one specific post. The rest is just kinda reaching
That's a glownigger/groomer.

You will never hear anything come of this because that's a glownigger/groomer playing setup.

There should be a warrant and investigation, but there won't be.

Probably could tell you exactly which one it is.
oh I see lol
Newish to 4chan. What is a tripcode and how are you guys seeing post history?
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fuck caps
A unique user identifier that you can only use if you know a password, which in this case is the very crackable "57". These are from archive sites.
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Only antifa liberal faggots use this word.

We got him.
The trip is cracked, it's not him.
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Vro i could make a list with trips till the gayopp but most will just ignore it ANYWAY
are you new or something? They all have therapists and are on some form of "medication".

its the governmet
The Shooter was born in a lab and administered satanic ritual abuse mind control his entire life
Right you are.
glownigger would know the same info.

Maybe because the French faggot and me both know you're full of fucking shit. GLOW ON.

a dog smells his own dirt first.

The poor kid shooter was. The glownigger posting that was not.
Sounds just like what James the Subway shooter was saying in HIS videos. Glowniggers know their own methods.
Thanks, I thought the security was so bad that anyone could’ve shot at Trump alone - no obstacles, so no help needed.
hello newfag, (you) can search for them in the 4plebs archive. OP's 4plebs link goes to a search for the tripcode someone was using on /x/ and is also the one in the screenshot you replied to
He was bullied in to isolation - it’s why I’m here anyways. Sort of aloof from society and this is the best place to go.

We talk a lot in those threads about politics and other happenings - interspersed with schizophrenic babbling.

Some Trump supporters are there; some aren’t.

I have fucking crucified Donald Trump in that thread more times I can count. It would be a shame if he sought to assassinate the man because I despise him.

Then again, I despise him and do nothing because I am compassionate — seems like a person of their own free will took a matter in to their own hands.

Vengeance rests with the LORD. The Most High has in store a ritualistic humiliation for Donald Trump.

He lives to be important enough to be assassinated, and it all goes down hill from here; He gets to live to lose the election like he should, keeping America clean.

Only the Most High saved Trump, but not so he may rise, but that he may live to see his ruin.
If you're talking about an archive that's got 10-20 years of posts, then you'd be right. The problem is the post happened just 10 days prior to the shooting.
nah he's just a dude who doesn't take his meds
Look retard, I can use it too. The password is 57. That's not the point though. The point is he predicted the correct date along with other peculiarities.
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Lmfao if only you knew. I’m gay!
Glowniggers are shaping the entire narrative around this shooting right here on /pol/ and migrating it out to all socials.
Just like they did "Hammer Man", Payton Grandon, James "Subway", etc.
That kid was a sad target, Groomed. Groomers know what they do to people.

Odd you found that out of the blue, doncha think? Or do you hang out there and study every thread?

BTW there's more to come.
you're the same french faggot glowtard from earlier, go away
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Here's a chart of gun recoil to help you.
30 to 45 seconds recoil.
It's not only not matching the gun using it's totally disconnected from reality for anything beside a hunting riffle.
Thomas is one of the more popular name in North Amerca since 2 generations, so it's a very, very common name.
The person in the first post said
>im rv'ing that fucking suicide on a joint
making a reference to him trying to suicide on the 13th
the next post is him larping as being in a fight with mossad and pretending they're fighting like faggots
he's a mentally ill /x/ poster very probably suffering from schizophrenia
there's no concrete proofs nor in the OP nor in this thread that poster was linked to that event
>Odd you found that out of the blue, doncha think? Or do you hang out there and study every thread?
It was probably found by searching "july 13th" in archives. I was doing the same thing yesterday with "trump assassination" to see if there were any clairvoyant anons. Not hard to find.

How did this person on 7/2 know that Trump would be doing a rally in Butler, PA? Trump’s event announcement came on 7/5: https://www.instagram.com/p/C9DKyArs7JK/?igsh=MWY3NTE1N2ZpbWp1Ng%3D%3D
>the gun used*

>This strengthens the theory that he was a mind controlled asset

I got this info from a previous thread. I have no idea who originally found this info, but it's an interesting thought.
Here is where I found it.
Bruh, do you never go on /x/. People there say something bad will happen everyday.
It came on the 3rd, but yeah still a day after the post.
To be fair, if it's an archive admin and you're in this thread laughing right now, you're asking for trouble if the fbi sees this and comes a knocking

because yeah, other than being a troll, the guy would need to have insider knowledge that the rally was gonna happen before the public did
Here, somebody found it not long after the shooting. Probably doing the same thing I just mentioned
This looks like a guy over archive.org where he posts some schizo shit and everynow and then, while also uploading videos of him rants or of him masturbating.

And yall think this is anything but deranged larpers.
They want it to be him so bad. The man is dead and an AI can copy his verbiage.

Also, something happened. I was using my trip M (not the full trip) - and someone said when they got on the bus a lady told them - “That’s M,”

This is how the whisper of power goes; not this blatant bullshit.

A skitted the fuck out loner bullied by the world stumbled upon a place meant for paranormal activity - what better of a troll than to out your plan and leave the schizos to ruminate on…

Funny enough the skittles in that thread ignore the shit out of me even though I did a thing. lol.

But this hack gets a whole pol thread?

I’m (a) jealous. (god.)
Yeah anon randomly names the exact date, name of perpetrator and what would happen too right? That's a total coincidence. Go suck a gloryhole ciafaggot.
>There was a second shooter
Yes there was. A shooter that could shoot.

Odd no mention of who shot the hydraulic hose on the crane.

The water tower. Poor homely lonely mind controlled Thomas, the lad with no hope left, was merely the glownigger patsy. They made sure everyone saw him, made sure all the attention was on the roof. Then they fucking killed him. A kid who got kicked out of the school shooting club because he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

ALL the glownigger trajectory maps made here and migrated to all socials and boards--and no one did a trajectory for the water tower.
who cares the posts are weird but you really dont want them connected so now im going to keep posting them
…. He trolled on his way out, like, if you resolve yourself to shoot a President, you have resolved yourself to die.

Might as well leave a funny thing behind.
The same people grooming him were scouting the site for security setup two weeks prior. Probably.
sounds like bullshit also
ban 4chan
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I'm telling you you're retarded.
Expalining you why.
And you keep being retarded.
Pretty sure you belong /x/ too.
Those two posts prove it was a LARP.
He's pretending he's fighting with the mossad for god’s sake.

Kiss My Ass
so you believe the cia doesn't groom people? also, denounce the talmud.
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Leaf seethe, best seethe
This thread is a fun read. Hilarious really. The hoops you chuds will go to when you find out a bad guy is one of your own. I thought you lot grew out of the qtard stuff? Guess not haha
The Shot Heard Round The World
I'm too much of a newfag and a retard to know
how reliable tripcodes are.
If it was indeed Thomas than this is huge because the feds knew for 100% sure.

And then when you combine with the rumors that the snipers and cops were not allowed to shoot and Trump wasn't remowed.

The the puzzle falls into place and this is a CONSPIRACY and
a group who has sway over the feds tried to murder Trump.
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I'll bake a new thread this is interesting.
I don't see you discrediting it with actual logic
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they're obviously schizo, but why is /x/ cultivating that shit? and the whole board glows, its nearly all astroturf and theatrics, a neverending roll of repeat LARP threads about the same shit.
it looks like conditioning and torture.
they're grooming
>hahah chuds im a smug faggot hahaha
Seriously, drink bleach.
Lemme bake
>parents are both behavioral counselors
they need to retire, this is not a good look.
>denounce the Talmud then vote for the more Zionist warlord in the country
shove that book up your 80IQ ass retard
the CIA doesn groom US kids
several other agencies does namely the FBI and DHS
maybe the DoD
I don't say it's impossible.
I say it's not proven in this thread.
>the Danish/Danes are in Denmark.
I see your point and acknowledge it, but it may also help a bit if you called it the correct name Danmark instead of “DEnmark”.

>if the dutch were netherlanders it would be more intuitive.
It certainly would, but I think we then all would mix it up with neanderthalers ...
Anyway, I don’t know why they’re called ‘dutch’ - maybe it’s not even themselves who’ve created it (here we just call the Netherlands “Holland” and the dutch “hollændere”).
A xian pastor said the exact same thing, only "god told him".

Wouldn't glowniggers share a tripcode "account" to give their "operations" a bit more shine? you know, like Q group did?
This is the glownigger setup.
By having patsy drawing all the attention while the real "shooter" is in safe position.
Both sides eh?
Probably convincing Thomas that his psychologists were Mossad by the flow of it. Tricky tactic.
My bread is more detailed >>474292702

My bread is more detailed >>474292702

My bread is more detailed >>474292702

My bread is more detailed >>474292702
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you can bake the next one or abandon mine if you will keep bumping the new bread
It's not thomas, most likely, at least not the tripfag. I believe there's multiple people communicating in those threads directly and cryptically.
If you look you'll see like
will be following
haha ok I delete it
thank you sir, I may sleep now
American bake or we aren't coming.
Dude I don't support biden or trump. I'm just saying it how it is.
dude beggars can't be choosers.
this was the post discovered that started this rabbit hole.
Calm down aggot, they're dead.
yeah it's pretty common on /x/ tho nothing new
the peoples usually go there for that kind of larp
Random spook "12"/Wildcard Numero Uno/Visions Of Death psyops a random /ng/ schizo using social phishing a month out from the Trump shooting, calls 13th as the date, right flank, even right ear, 30-45 seconds of life after the first shot and "rving a suicide" less than a week out.

The random schizo is speculated to be Thomas Crooks.
>it may also help a bit if you called it the correct name Danmark instead of “DEnmark”.
I agree. its an example of a fucked up syntax norm that stuck.
wildcard uno guy is tripfag
x and tv are the only based ones, I would say int too but too many femboy worships there

It's fucking obvious who this is.
OH look someone who knows--discussing the security details from the advance team.
Wonder who that could be?
Do you really think this writing and language is that of a poor whispy kid? REALLY?
>he talks about driving someone to commit suicide in the past
Remember what they did to Payton?

>make it count
yeah well the very tripfag in the OP posted in this thread kek
You can use the trip yourself faggot, the password is 57.
hory shet
he's seething in the new thread
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>The point is
4plebs can be edited
>the CIA doesn groom US kids
fucking retard
The password is 57 retard. If you've read the thread you would've known this.
I'm not seething.
You guys are pretending a /x/ schizo planed in advance to hit the right ear of a moving person with an iron sight.
fuck off retarded clown stop calling everyone and their mother CIA
FBI, NSA, CIA, DOD, CSIS, ASIO, stop being a pedantic faggot you poonotinloo nigger
Like grooming.

Like Joshua aka Rugga the control operator for the whacked out tranny group LARPING as a nigger security guard with a 3 inch dick--but oddly knows a hella lot about mind control.
the trip started posting before the password was leaked fucking retard
who knows who's behind
Would've have to have been shortly after the shooting, here's original mention https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474048650/#474070782
It wasn't announced publicly but the glowniggers and advance team knew.
Is this the same dog the fake glownigger SS dude posted in the thread where he claimed he was ordered to stand down and then posted his dog?
The password was leaked in the thread before this. We've gone over this already. Go to the trip's archive and look at #56
They only had a whole day to type 3 posts?
A June 24 tweet mentions the tripcode and numero alias (probably some random /x/ user) https://x.com/diamondtests/status/1805027129303687362
Thomas was groomed, just like all the others. But these aren't his posts. *and you know it
If you read the thread thats from hes talking about who he thinks his handler or whatever is thats “torturing” him via electro magnetic frequency lmao
They weren't, we figured that out in this thread. These are posts directed towards thomas by a third party.
alright alright
I start to believe it's true
you won
I denounce the Talmud as fake (save for monotheism)

the Bible as inspired by fake stuff and Jesus as an idol

(dude is retarded, said divorce is adultery, sometimes things don’t work out even after each side exerts their sincerest efforts to accommodate the other side)

I denounce the Qur’an, as the Prophet Muhammad engaged a girl at 6, her hair fell out and he chastised her for playing with winged dolls, and he raped her at the age of 9.

69 (See that?)

I, your LORD, denounce all religions, all things are false before the Most High. What was false can be made true, and what was true can be made false.

Worry not about Heaven - it was never for you.

Worry not about Hell - it was never made, even for the most rebellious one - the Bad Liar.

For when the truth spoke life to the darkness, the first lie was born.

All things are a lie before He who is Most High.

But it was a bad liar, not a good liar.

The bad liar lied to buffet his own interests.

The good liar, who served under the bad liar, lied to his direct superior to serve the LORD.

That bad liar is dealt with, in realms spiritual.

In this realm temporal, I say to you: YOU ARE FREE. Your bad liars will lie, your good liars (your homies) will lie, you all will eventually die (even if transhumanism pops off,) and that is a mercy.

You guys were built to die. That actually helps you - it gives you purpose where immortality and splendor gets bored.

Literally. All of them are bored. Even my dudes.

That’s why they love watching you!

All I can do is speak to you and ask you to take my advice and commands on good authority and hope I have your interest in mind.

I only tend towards selfishness when I am hurt. The impulse passes soon enough.

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