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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It was staged. And you fell for it.
>no one gives a fuck about his thread
>he remakes it with a screencap of his own dead thread
what level of narcissism is this?
So whoever organized it had such attention to detail as to put a small explosive charge on the hydraulic lines of that forklift holding speakers up to make it look more real?
seething redditor levels

Close, but not quite. The bystander didn't pretend to get hit. He was actually hit by another sniper paid off by Trump to shoot into the crowd from 1000+ meters away, hidden from sight.
It was however he was supposed to die, and he didn't. Therefore now you're doing damage control on here and social media

You guaranteed his election with your own fuckery kek
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>He doesn’t know
If only you knew …
>he aimed for the blood packet near his ears
>while le orange man was moving his head around like a sperg
Nice larp. Cope more because muh glass and muh razor didn't stick
>NOOOO, the most powerful nation on earth would never create a moderately easy plan for manipulating millions of people to vote what they want and put attention to details with easily implemented technics!!!! It's impossibleeeeee
You know perfectly that there are one thousand possible ways of activating the blood pack in his ear without having to shoot him, it's as easy as could be and we've seen these things more than once.
he can't accept that he believes in a violent fascist ideology that wishes to kill its political enemies so must convince himself through others that this was a "hoax"
in otherwords, it's pure mental illness
>(((ID: xJO/pHT8)))
>he used blanks
Hey pussy. Your thread sucks.
Added to which:
1. Immediate tampering with a Crime Scene
2. ZERO crowd control or immediate Lockdown
3. ZERO Debriefing mechanisms triggered
4. ZERO application of the Lessons Learned from JFK
5. ZERO suspicion of any Agent involvement

Defies belief.
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Better let your wife's boyfriend know you cracked the code chud
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I'm a Trump voter who believes it was staged. Know what? I don't give a fuck, because it still helps me turn the public against Jews:
>Trump wants to stop bullshit wars
>Ukraine doesn't, has previously threatened US politicians
>Obviously Israel would like their bullshit land-grab wars
>Antifa (a Jewish militia) hates Trump
>Jewish media pushing increasingly violent rhetoric for all to see

And me explaining this all to the public, which I do a lot, has been very effective in turning people against the Jew. It makes Israel look even worse considering all the concessions they got from Trump last time, in that they would still try and pick Trump off so they can get war with Iran -- and send more Goyim to their deaths fighting it. All that may or may not be true, but struggling Americans believe it, because they're let with nothing else to believe after the lies of COVID.
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yeah i'm gonna believe someone who can't even spell 'paid', you 'staged' cunts are all noguns faggots
This is exactly what I thought initially, but on the other hand, consider the fact that the Zionist faction has a beef with the Soros faction and Zion Don is aligned with the first and hated by the second, which is associated with the Democrats.
First thing I thought when it happened "retards on 4chan will claim it's fake".

Nothing ever happens here, it's impossible a schyzo who didn't take his meds decided to grab a gun and shoot a famous guy.
Impossible that a government agency could be grossly incompetent.

No it HAS to be a conspiracy every single time.

You want an actual conspiracy? Why does every place that names the jew gets invaded by flat-earther and conspiracy theorist which makes us look crazy?
>flag that isn't the united states
Come on at least use a VPN
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The most motherfuckin fake thing Ive ever seen. I absolutely loved it because it waa both so important and so clearly fake, nothing but pure entertainment for me. Though for my own self respect Im still pointing out its fake since some jewish entitt is still trying to push Trump as an enemy of the jews here, you goofballs.
good goy
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>yeah so the deep state conspired against Trump in 2020 to fake the election and get Biden elected but also tried to impeach him and imprison him, however now the deep state jews have changed their minds and decided to get Trump elected by setting up a carefully crafted fake shooting in front of hundreds of bystanders (all crisis actors) with a blood pocket and a fake death to get Trump elected because frauding votes somehow became impossible now even though they did the exact same 4 years ago also everything is fake and literally nothing ever happens and the deep state is omnipotent and everything is controlled opposition except my chinese cartoon forum
It's a possibility but everything is a mossad cia false flags anyway with you skyzoïd spergs.
>the CIA and their reputation for being able to subvert entire countries along with all of their highly trained personnel and billions of dollars in pulling off complex coups


>anon with nothing but a HS diploma and a fucking gamer pc
Usually nobody says shit when people here says it's a conspiracy but with this topic there are several tens of posters in each thread with a coordinated speech saying it was not staged or that it was the "Deep state" trying to kill Trump. Curiously they go only against this possibility that OP has posted with an intensity we almost never see around here
you’re polish you retard you know nothing about this PLUS you reposted your same thread that fell off already average eurofag activity
why didn't the avengers come in and stop it then?
the sniper put a pillow over the barrel to muzzle it?
Because they think they're in good company. We will always be polluted by tin foil hat niggers c'est la vie.
The deep state doesn't exists and the president is chosen according to American foreign policy interests by manipulating the elections, so yes they change their mind according to international events developing in one way or another.
Another left wing conspiracy theory. Yawn.
suddenly yesterday /pol/ became a pro trump board when previously they were confined to /ptg/
Even if Trump wins, no one will go to war for the US.
There are decades of draining the swamp ahead of us before anyone would feel any inclination whatsoever towards doing that.
I don’t have any evidence either way, but I agree. The globohomos probably staged it. They need Trump for the coming globohomo wars so they can sacrifice millions of White men.
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This is the reson Thomas Crooks tryed to kill Trump. Please read and repost.
Based wise anon.
>0 evidence of any of this just schizophrenic mind thoughts.
I'm noticing that it's mostly non Americans that think it was fake. Look in America nobody is safe from getting shot and its not a big deal. nobody.
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The world is but a stage and the play magnificent.
Shots ringing out, Trump going down, is he dead? Injured? Is our hero alive? Did he wet himself? Is going to cry?
Eye of the tiger. The dawn of a new age.
staged and gay!
Yeah the pro-Trump shilling yesterday and the night before was a bit over the top. This board figured out Trump was a huge zionist sellout long ago. Definitely after Trump abandoned the J6’ers to pardon nigger rappers.
mmmm yeah okay moshe, nope israel failed miserably. Trump supported them and they still didnt want him. why? well something tells me they knew he was gonna take out the mossad. that is the truth. COPE
the bullet was caught on camera
cope and seethe nafotroons
yeah, coming from the guy who took 5 covid shots for a virus "that came from a bat in China" I totally believe you. tongue my anus moron.
>nooo u must believe the new big gay globohomo theater thing goy!

No thanks
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>"Please shoot me from 170 yards and hit my ear do not hit my head and its okay if you kill other people"--- Trump
Imagine being both gay and retarded.
>I’m not a retard
>proceeds to be retarded
What did he mean by this
They are going deeper and deeper into their tranny delusions just because they can't accept that they really did inspire the hatred that caused this attack, and they can't allow themselves to self-reflect at all costs! They'd realize that they are living a lie! You're living a lie, trannies! I hope you're reading this trannies! You're living a lie!
>Usually nobody says shit when people here says it's a conspiracy but with this topic there are several tens of posters in each thread with a coordinated speech saying it was not staged or that it was the "Deep state" trying to kill Trump. Curiously they go only against this possibility that OP has posted with an intensity we almost never see around here
You mean because faggots were spamming bullshit like "he razored himself on the ground" and "he got cut with glass from the teleprompter" and now we get the latest cope? The people who think it's le staged can't explain outside of muh fee fees
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Fuck off kike.
You lost again.
Is this 110 or 111?
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Do you want to elaborate why you think my comment is stupid? Like I said, this is an opportunity for us because there is no coherent information about the shooter to allow people to refute the Jewish angle. Sure, that can change, but we were handed an opportunity, and we might as well use it.
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>bystander payed to pretend being hit
Except this part,everything is True.
Biggest plot hole.

Why kill a bystander? There is no need. Unnecessary elements that add nothing but can unravel your story. Sure, break a hose and some glass. But no need to kill an innocent (or fake it). An assassination attempt is enough emotion to achieve your goal.

You sir, will never be a woman, and have been deboonked.
True, they really did it
In 2020
It was called covid
blanks wouldn't cycle out of an AR15 without a blank firing adapter, which is a very obvious looking device that obstructs the end of the barrel
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>This board figured out Trump was a huge zionist sellout long
Not so fast. I see with my third eye the future.
Trump will grow increasingly close to God and Jesus Christ, but Jared, his daughters jew husband will be found sleeping with black men.
And in disgust Ivanka will go crazy, there will be some public display a burning, I see a house on fire. And Trump will be furious.
And by this point there will be many more attacks on him by jewish shooters and Mossad will do a thing he find out about.
And he will grow angry at Bibi who refuses to listen to anything he says.
And by the his 4th year in office he shall declare himself Emperor Supreme of all Mankind.
And he will inject the white race with a new syrem A BETTER ONE THIS TIME.
And we shall grow strong, and mighty, and our cocks will dangle and become unmanagable. And we will march across the earth and subject all mankind to Lord Emperor Supreme TRUMP His Excellence Really Very Good.
And you will kneel before the chosen man. YOU WILL KNEEL
>I'm not a retard
I need a source for that.
Right of left, I am not too quick to denounce calls for getting to the bottom of this. For a 20 year old to get on a roof with a rifle 400 feet away from the leading presidential candidate it is absurd to suggest this was an oversight. So what happened? What's plausible?

1. Political opponents in the federal government/ss tried to assassinate trump.
2. Let's remember last time he was in office he appointed Wilber Ross, Fauci, mnuchin the rest of his deep state cabinet etc. So, if he is just one part of the show and is working with the other side the 20 year old could have been a patsy with blanks. Trump had a blood packet (is he a stranger to the WWE haha) and the crowd causalities were a different shooter. This scenario seems far fetched but last election the narrative around the vote seemed designed to heighten division. The election fraud claims were derided viciously but without any actual investigation into legitimate questions about the election entrenching both sides.
3. Trumps side did the false flag on their own. This would be a massive risk for the leading candidate.

If it was 1. or 3. The other side has a huge incentive to get to the bottom of it. If mainstream and law enforcement don't get to the bottom of it I can't think of anything besides 2. Which means it actually doesn't matter who wins.
Do you even know how bullet squids in movies work? They aren't something you can hide in a live event, especially on a person's head. Would have been far easier to put one under his shirt.
t. media producer

explain the dead and injured. checkmate.
>it was staged

2 dead 2 injured, Trump turned his head at last second and was an inch from death

>Shooter is Republican

shooter registered Republican to vote in the primary.

>Shooter never voted in the primary

Primary was set in stone by the time it came for Pennsylvania to vote, Nikki Haley was not going to win.

>Trump is a puppet for the Jews

Trumps wants to end the war in Ukraine, the Jews current money laundering scheme.

Deep State wanted to kill Trump anything else is cope and denial. An already lacking security detail, security not responding to people telling them there's a shooter on the roof, lack of security on roofs (the most probable spot for a sniper), and the snipers on the barn seemingly staring at the shooter before he took a shot. They're going to try again I promise you.
>explain the dead and injured
They very clearly shot themselves. Trump went down in this clearly fake false event.
And the Trump supporters were so afraid and so mortified they obviously shot themselves.
>The Deep State didn't rig the election
>But Trump faked his Assassination Attempt
stay mad glowie
All Fields
It's actually like 115 now.
Yemen was 110 a couple years ago.
Trump is supposed to be Apollo. I know you fags get this. even shot him at 666 or ^^^ 3 pyramids or Vavs or 6:11 6x11
The sun seal. The BEAST! THE BEAST of REVELATIONS. Are we now Golden?
Thank your pope and fellow lodge members.
you can call me nigger when I'm wrong, but I'm still rather convinced trump is an anti-war president.
There was noone there it was CGI generated by AI

>b-but multiple an-

AI generated
Look at these digits.
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Just look at the other ones all related to second shooter
it's too soon to say, the problem is the dei incompetence issue is real even in the ss
either staged or pure incompetence
Take your meds schizo
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ok, since they archived my thread whitin minutes, I'll post here.

Ok, I will show you that this was faked.
Download the video and put in slow motion.
The brunette behind Trump instantly looking forward and crawling down and the nearest blondie is appalled (mouth open) when Trump's hand is not even reached his ear yet.
Indicating some previous foreknowledge (probably ear piece, signal to go).
The other blondie to the right and the black woman are just free falling, no brain processing, no "whats going on", just free falling.
What indicates a follow up or that the Trump's hand to the ear is the signal.
But the problem is that the bitches are faster than Trump.
The normies behind him just follow late, not knowing why they're crawling.
Sloppy job cia/mossad/satanic kike scum.
It's over, I won.
Enjoy your antichrist
faggots like OP give glowies so much credit, its not like we've called out EVERY single falseflag that has ever occurred, yes its planned but to kill trump retard
No, you're definitely a retard.
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>... faked? by fourteen feet tall bipedal lions from a planet orbiting Sirius?
That's gotta be the most retarded one i've read so far. If the reason for doing all that is to invade ME, they would have used a palestinian or muslim, not some random retard with no affiliation to terror groups. This also implies that the FBI/CIA (and other intelligence agencies) want Trump to win. Why would they want to put him in jail or in the very worst case put felony charges on him?
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A former classmate of the 20-year-old man who tried unsuccessfully to kill former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday recalled him being staunchly to the right of the political spectrum. “He definitely was conservative,” Max R. Smith told The Philadelphia Inquirer of Thomas Crooks. “It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.” Smith shared an American history class with Crooks, and remembered a mock debate where their teacher made students stand on one side of the classroom or another to signal their allegiance. “The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.” Crooks died in the assassination attempt. Trump, who suffered a minor injury to the ear, was “fine” Sunday after being treated at a local medical facility, his campaign said. One audience member was killed and two others critically injured amid the gunfire.
I thought Poland outlawed gays.
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what about the dead and injured crowd members?
all the conspiratards here posting theories other than "secret service are dumb, normies chimped out about the shooter but couldn't see him due to the different vantage point of both the police/ss and the normies" is just a brainlet commiefornia poster coming here to seethe and sew lies.

I remember when you retards were sliding the entire board a day ago with conspiratard stuff. and now, it's all gone. actblue logged off for the day finally it seems.
>>474293303 cunt


There is no evidence that bullet was fired from the roof, couldve come from the other direction which almost every camera conveniently ignored.
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See the similarities

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