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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It WAS fake. How many people would it take to keep this silent? Just 3. And 1 of them is dead. Im talking the shooter, trump, and whoever came up with this brilliant idea.

How did it happen you may ask? A 20 year old loner republican who wants nothing more than to see trump be president again. Gets contacted, they brainwash him into telling him hes going to make history and be an American hero by helping trump get reelected. Stupid 20 year old falls for this, because just like any regular solder does on a regular basis, hes willing to die for his country and to make "america great again." So he does the deed, they kill him on site, so he cannot reveal the truth later, and now only 2 people know about what really happened. Simple as. The fact that hes a republican was a dead giveaway.

I mean im sure half of /pol/ would be willing to give up their lives to that their political ideals become a reality.

Also ears bleed a lot.
Good thing Trump reminded the kid to aim at his ear huh
It's so Trump can justify a gun grab. He is anti 2nd amendment sidemof the jew coin of ruining america
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why is nobody talking about the guy who was actually shot
it could be comparmentalized in a way that only the person designing the operation knows what's actually going on. only the top sees the whole picture
Its not even that big of a conspiracy. I just proved how as little as 2 or 3 people needed to be involved for something like this to happen, and conveniently one of them is dead now.
>closed primary battleground state
>Donates to leftist charities including act blue
Yeah, don't think so dipshit.
Good thing they pulled it off! This could have easily gone so wrong if the kid wasn't an amazingly talented sharp shooter and if Trump didn't have impeccable head turn timing.
A couple of months of sharpshooter training and hes good to go. Its not like he was taking a long distance shot with bad weather and had parkinsons.
Imagine the stakes for Trump!
Putting his life in the sharpshooting kids hands.
Fortunately the gamble paid off.
direct your attention to this post >>474278208
It was not a hard shot at all. Perfect weather, not long distance, practically no wind, months of training, plus with the accuracy of modern sniper rifles its like the gun does the job for you.
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>it was staged the kid target and shoot the ear exactly so trump was never in danger and could get nice pictures and all that without any scope

lmao retard
He didn't have much of a choice. It was either this and win the election with a landslide, or not risk his life and win the election with slightly less of a landslide.
imagine believing you and most americans think like someone like Trump who is willing to win at any cost and has proven this many times already. These people are addicted to success, its their opium. They do not think like the average basement dweller here who has no motivation.
>shoots presidential candidate during his speech
>on stage
>on live TV
>claims it was fake
OP is clearly retarded or a fed shill. I am thinking a fed shill.
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>trump nearly gets shot
>all the lefty online spaces immediately explode with cope, seethe and conspiracy theories.
>/pol/ initially just has a lot of "this is nuts" and "what" type reactions, lots of popcorn.
>within a few hours the shills show up here larping as regulars, pushing all kinds of cope and seethe as conspiracy theories, but still, in the end, coping and seething.
you shills are getting real tiresome. can't wait for the IRS to do to you what they did to the tea party movement.
It’s just bait
>be Trump
>set up photo op ear snipe shooting
>dear god I hope this works
>it will be worth it
>but what if he misses?
>damn the risk, IT WILL BE WORTH IT
>give the signal
>turn head at last second
>popping sounds
Frankly it's incredible Trump didn't have a heart attack in the moments leading up to the staged grazing of his ear with a bullet from an AR-15.
If the shooter had a military background I might believe it was a psyop, but that bullet came within an inch of killing trump. No way are you trusting a 20 year old incel/autist to take that shot.
chef's kiss tier post.
trump doesn't even need cheap tricks like the biden admin depends on every day.
>How did it happen you may ask?

By you being a fucking stupid loser with nothing in life so your last ditch hail Mary attempt at primacy in life is to pretend to have special knowledge other people don't have
Read the thread before commenting, this has already been addressed.

Also can we please stop acting like being a good shot with a sniper is something hard to do? Couple months training, thats it. Its not fucking rocket science.
This has to be trolling.
>just graze my ear
>I will be moving my heads a lot but you will do it just fine hahahahah
>ss just leave that rooftop alone a kid is coming to graze my ear
reality is not only 1080p pixel exact like the computer games you play
I've had some training, can I show you how easy it is to barely graze your ear with a bullet from 150 yards away?
You just have to stand real still, ok?
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>Its not even that big of a conspiracy.
>I just proved
>A 20 year old loner republican. Catcher In the Rye in his pocket.
Very poor script writing. Writers on strike?

Notice how most of the usual demoralization spam, such as the incel threads are gone as well. Kek
>practically no wind
There was definitely wind. You could see the flags moving. It was enough variation to throw off accuracy at that distance.
read >>474278735
Idiot. These people DO. NOT. THINK. LIKE. YOU. Why do you think hes a billionaire and you still live with your parents at age 40?

Trump has proven he will stop at nothing to get his opium (power of the president) back, its like a junkie who is down and out but is desperate to do anything to score his next fix. He will sacrifice his life, even if it means accidentally overdosing and dying. See the similar concepts?
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Welcome to Gas Lighting anons.
Today you will doubt your reality.
If it's repeated enough.
And it has been! You'll discuss this as though it was actually valid in some way.
jews hard at work!
Enjoy yo selfs everybody! Saged.
The way the left is really committing to the "lets be as absolutely disgusting as imhumanely possible" strategy here would almost be impressive if it weren't so pathetic. You really are a cult.

The mental gymnastics you're willing to make here in order to maintain your worldview are absolutely astounding. I just hope you understand there is no coming back from this and you are going to be judged for these so called beliefs for the rest of your miserable life.

If every conceivable nutjob conspiracy wasn't explored we wouldn't be doing our job.
noguns and noshoots retard right here
It's been fun, but I have to go to work now.
This is an origami board.
Go back to plebbit you crayon connoisseur.
>Totally faked
>Trump was in on it
This narrative is a non-starter
Whoever tasked you to push this messaging is a fucking moron
>(At emergency whiteboard meeting) BLAME TRUMP FOR THIS!!
Yes, Trump was completely on board with someone shooting at him so his poll numbers will go up
This is the most coal black gorilla nigger at the bottom of a well at midnight retarded take ever
The bullet went by Trumps head so closely that a gust of wind could have killed him. Had Trump not turned his head at just the right time he would be dead.
This is Black Dynamite tier plot logic.
You watch too much talmudvision and too many hollyjew movies if you think this was faked with ironsights

This is a question of mine. As a no-gunner. To me it doesn't look like a casual shot. Not hitting his head anyway. Body maybe less so, but it's still a distance, and under a lot of pressure.



>Trump has proven he will stop at nothing to get his opium (power of the president) back
Sounds like you are projecting.
I’m really enjoying how libs have fully embraced the sandyhookpill. The meltdown and complete role inversion has been fun to watch.
Looks like a huge damage control squad pushing a poorly written script since they didn't get their kill.
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>I just proved
Picrel is what I think of your "proof".
Ok, I was with you on it possibly being staged, but no way they would take that risk and actually aim to shoot him in the ear. Pretty sure if even the wind had just been a bit different it could have skulled Trump.
If trump is behind this and the kid was on board with dying for him. why would he not be he wearing an antifa shirt and have a manifesto proclaiming he did it all for hillary back home?
Everyone commenting on how Trump would so obviously calculate the danger of this psy op and decide not to go through with it has obviously never been a junkie. Trump is a junkie. His drug of choice is power. What do junkies do when they need their next fix and they are down and out? ANYTHING, even risking their own lives to stop the withdrawal, which is how many of them die of overdoses. Trump simply survived his potential overdose. He got lucky the kid did his job to the T.
Sorry sweaty that theory has already been debunked.

Good try though hunny
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Even if it was fake, it was still real to normies. Guess who they are going to vote for next election?

Also, democrats pull underhanded manipulative shit like that all the time, pic related.
because everyone knows trump's team hired a 20 year old to miss his head by 1 cm from 100 yards and they also hired the guy who did get shot to get shot for the cause
open your eyes sheeple
Shut up. You are stupid.
If I had the chance to be president I'd take you up on your offer with zero doubt. Wouldn't even think it twice. Okay sweetie?
You sound like a q asslicker
Dude if they actually staged it, they'd shoot blanks or put gunshots on a loudspeaker and then Trump would slap a blood pack behind his ear. They wouldn't actually shoot Trump in the ear.
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Nobody is that stupid. Trump risking his own life would be one thing, killing his supporters would be octaves more retarded.
Cos stone cold said so
Kek the firework twerk
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>multiple witnesses saw the shooter and the authorities there did nothing
>kid killed almost immediately after starting his shooting by counter snipers whose reaction, aim, and kill time can be measured within two seconds
>kid was in a blackrock ad
>Trump ear not fucking torn off by a bullet from an AR-15
>Itty bitty bit of blood
>WWE program means Trump is very aware of 'blading', a means of cutting oneself to simulate getting hit during the play fighting
>Secret Service for some reason allows multiple directions of exposure on Trump
>they even allow him to literally pose for the camera with his head popped up like some COD sniper mission wet dream in order to create a historic photo
>this is of course assuming they knew without a shadow of a doubt that there was only one shooter
>that slow fucking crawl by all the secret service across the stage and into the waiting open car
Okay retards
>please goyim. You gotta believe it was fake.
The copium fields are at max output.
I lol'd
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The jew said "let him go".
Sounds like you are projecting what Bidshit is onto Trummp
There's like three contradictory narratives in circulation right now
>This was faked - Trump was in on it
>This was staged - Trump was in on it
>This was not staged, but a Trump supporter tried to do it
Wait and see - two of these will drop out of circulation in the next 24 hours
the media wing of the deep state will push this retarded shit, if they talk about it at all
Attempts will be made, eventually, to capitalize on their failure
Yes. Trump trusted some random psychopath to shoot him in the ear and also a random citizen got killed as well. It was all staged and everyone is a crisis actor. Also, they photo shopped the sky to be blue as well.
>yea bro, just aim for the slight edge of my ear and shoot your shot!
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You have no idea how easily this plot of yours could end with Trumps death.

Not squeezing the trigger smooth enough, breathing poorly, wind gust at the wrong time, ect... All the same things that could have caused this guy to miss.
>I just proved
You cannot fake a bullet grazing your skin, you've never shot guns before you are also not white and will never be a women <3
What mental gymnastics? 2 or 3 people needed to pull this off. One of them dies afterwards.

Mental gymnastics is what these same people where doing when it came to trying to save face when the whole Epstein debacle came along. Thats mental gymnastics. Mental gymnastics is pretending Trump is not a pedo who visited that island many times.
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>WWE program means Trump is very aware of 'blading'
holy shit, you know, I never thought of it that way.
Voting Biden now thanks kind stranger!
We can go like this all day

But at the end of the day safety of public figures gets communicational priority

Exactly. What a coincidence that he turned his head at just the right moment. Thanks for proving me right.
Kek Eglin are fucking desperate as fuck. Lelroflolskeks
You're half right. Voting is rigged your vote doesn't matter. More than likely they are trying to start civil war.
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>Had Trump not turned his head at just the right time he would be dead.

... currently, the most still cope and seethe on various ways why the shooter didnt hit, or why the shooter havent used something better suited to kill him, etc pp ...

...he dodged a very well adjusted assassination attempt just by turning his head around in the right moment, thats litterally saying god to the reaper, not today!

yea bro the FBI and USSS didn't set Trump up to be shot by allowing an armed man to climb up to a elevated perch to shoot him, it was TRUMP who set up him getting shot in the ear to own the libs!
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Kid's just that good.
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r3t@rd alert 87r00IBa
where is the confirmation?
>we know it wasn't a false flag because somebody died!
People die in false flags all the time historically. Weird that this is a talking point now of all times.
This. The evidence is overwhelming, really.
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Eglin are desperate as fuck and its glorious
Maybe it happened as displayed by the Media?

Maybe that kid was duped into 'helping' Trump get elected.

Maybe that kid was given a rifle full of blanks and behind him was another sniper and Trump was wearing a practical effects fake ear.

Maybe this was hologram deepfake.

But one thing is for sure: Im here for the Memes.
Seems to be all over the place, they hate sex on other people

Hummie things
Yea I haven't seen anybody serious claim he got shot in the ear on purpose. It being fake/staged is a more rational assumption than him getting hit with a 1/1,000,000 shot.
Anon, faggot OP is a dissemination node
They are chosen to disseminate information - whether that information is made up bullshit and lies, or if it is truth
They are doing this to see how probable it is for people to believe the different narratives
Whichever one ends up being the most "believable" is what they will go with and shove as what actually happened
Yes, they really do this
Faggot OP is a piece of dogshit
No, that's wrong - dogshit has a use
Faggot OP is only good for fertilizer
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>just 3
>fake the random dude who got shot and his family
>shooter shoots while Trump's moving his head like a sperg
Boohoo nigga
The orange man turned
The they/them missed
Was/were, xhe became
For the people who said this couldn't possibly be staged because there are people who were shot. This could still be staged without regards for the people who are not part of the stage who got harmed. Furthermore, you don't know if they were confirmed kills. You didn't perform the autopsy. They could be on a trip to North Korea at this moment. OH BUT I ALSO AM NOT CONFIRMING THIS WAS STAGED EITHER, I'M JUST SAYING BRAINLETS.
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>Catcher In the Rye in his pocket
Oh fuck.
Go back to Call of Duty coombrain zoomer.
When did I say a bullet didn't graze his skin? He was definitely shot.
How about you don't vote? Only way to change this country is to stop believing in it.
right...i'm gonna let a deranged neet take rifle shots at me even though im aleady gonna win by a landslide
>How many people would it take to keep this silent?
The entire protective detail, and whoever is in charge of investigating this. So, a LOT of people would have to be in on it. People from areas of the government that have historically been aligned against Trump, like the FBI.

If anything the opposite is happening, they're scrubbing all details about the shooter and will try to memory hole this before election day.
Fucking checked
No one is taking a 150 yard headshot shot with a 1/2 inch margin of error to fake an assassination. That's utterly retarded to suggest. Try again shareblue.
Don't you have a Monday Morning Faggot Zoom Call to attend?
Get your weekly orders? Make sure you get paid?
Eglin are shitting their panties, Dilation time
As a former special forces sniper with 16 years in service i call bullshit. Even i won’t hit 100% perfect shots every time. No one would ever put their life in the hands of a young blackrock guy with a shitty ar15 with iron sights.. it’s not a sub .5 moa setup..
deep state cabal has know Trump will run since the 80s!

They did not ask him questions about him being a president in their shows for nothing.

This was an assasination attempt, no, Trump didn't stage it.
fbi can go fuck themselves if they think they will ride this he did it train.
yesterday when my mom was saying how the trump assassination attempt was a setup using crisis actors to justify political gain etc etc, i pointed out that this was the same thing they fined Alex Jones $1 billion for, and she gave me a look like "does not compute"
Indeed. The massive adrenaline dump from being seconds away from assassinating the president would cause tremors in anyone that wasn’t extremely well trained to do shit like this. Even prone, it wasn’t on a tripod and any shake would cause an errant shot, say, an inch to the left of where he had a bead.
>A 20 year old loner republican who wants nothing more than to see trump be president again.

You still spamming this shit?

>slash his throat!
>slash republicans throats
Your tranny kid grew up and turned liberal.
>Trump ear not fucking torn off by a bullet from an AR-15
I thought you burgers were supposed to know how guns work?
No one shot Trump, they shot audience memebers and trump used a blood squib to look injured. Show me his fucking ear already.
Okay stolen valor
When you learn how to compose a sentence properly and stop being a fucking coward and hiding behind a kike meme flag, call us
Hopefully this is trolling, otherwise you guys are insanely retarded.
>...gradually, i came to hate them
It's pathetic that this is the cope for the narrative damage control shills
You can tell it was legit because Trump hasn’t spoken yet and the distance at which the shots came from make it really difficult. If the kid was point blank it would be different
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>This was faked - but Trump was in on it
Called it >>474280741
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Even if captain childporn had a 1 MOA rifle that would still be one and a half inches of uncontrollable deviation not even factoring in the wind.
You literally dont know what you are talking about which is why you need to fuck off back to plebbit.
You guys still cannot adequately answer how he cut his ear, because before he goes to ground he touches his ear, and when he goes to touch it you can see his open hand with nothing in it, and when he pulls his hand away there is blood on his hand.
This anon below you is right. >>474281637
Trump is just an actor, a deep state puppet. And he always has been. He is going to be the preplanned last president of the United States. People have absolutely no idea what is coming next. Some people have known about it for a long time and have been trying to warn people for decades (decades before 9/11 even). The cabal plays a long game.
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Trump's pals with fellow sleazoid Vince McMahon so he knows all about blading it's kayfabe
Does the official gaslighting list always have two No. 5's?
GTFO bootleg Rambo.
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The irony is that They are genuinely incapable of seeing reality. They're stuck on a perpetual copium overdose while simultaneously seething endlessly that it clouds their judgement skills.
They can't come up with anything that sounds even intrinsically plausible, let alone reasons for how it was staged in a meaningful manner, defaulting to "Zion Don will let anyone die for his cause" when reality sets in that people were injured/killed during the shooting.
There is an exorbitant amount of seething and coping that it defies any semblance of logic.
I'm going to tell you something, and I mean this in all sincerity, KYS you fucking idiot
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kill yourself nigger
>This anon below you is right.
Cope. Add the dead dude and his family to the list of people in on it. Maybe even add the people around the dude for good measure.
Still can't explain why the shooter fired when Trump was moving his head around like a sperg.
Just to add to my other post, this is why most assassinations are point blanc, charging with a pistol or the nip with a home brew shotgun thing. Far more reliable. JFK was shot from afar but by a CIA spook trained in killing heads of state.
Squib hidden in palm
>He is going to be the preplanned last president of the United States. People have absolutely no idea what is coming next.
If a junkie is desperate enough for power he once had, he will do whatever it takes to for his next score. Hes no different than the people overdosing every day on fetty. Thats how strong his addiction to power is. So strong that he had a bunch of republicans storm the fucking capital, or have we forgotten about that too?
>Squib hidden in palm
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>What a coincidence that he turned his head at just the right moment.
He's protected by God.
Take your meds, schizo
It would be so much easier to fake a knife attack, too.
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So to entertain this theory either
A) >Trump staged it all, using blanks, fake blood etc.
but someone died
>he was in on it
B) >Trump staged it all with real bullets
Which means he got the timing down to the millisecond to not get his brain splattered across that stage

If it is B, I'd say he should be president just for his commitment. You think Biden can react like that. Motherfucker struggles to stay on his feet walking up stairs

The alternative and better schizo theory is Trump let it happen because he took his time machine forward and knew when to avoid the bullet. Which is why he got up and fist pumped. Rumor has it he personally requested that flag be put there for the photo op. We just happen to be in the timeline where he got the timing right and lived. We're the prime universe and all other lesser universes are branching off from ours
They've got crazy amounts of tech. Might have been hidden in his sleeve and squirted the fake blood that way.
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Not only his palm, we have footage of the entire fucking rally and can see him waving his hands around the entire goddamn time
what kind of low-effort schizery is this shit? back in my day conspiracy theorist were above average IQ, you guys aren't even fucking TRYING
Multiple possibilities.
>slight of hand
>blood only appears after he gets up after being out of camera view and covered by several secret service members who could also easily help
>blood sponge used in practical film effects
the point is that it is suspicious and there's a hundred ways they could have put all this together to cement support for the pro billionaire, pro blackrock candidate.
>>blood only appears after he gets up after being out of camera view and covered by several secret service members who could also easily help
see >>474282950
Most rifles aren't accurate enough to intentionally clip a dude's ear without a significant risk of doming the guy instead. You're clearly nogunz and you've clearly never worked up a load for accuracy. There is no indication that the kid was a fucking benchrest shooter, which is about what it would take.
>Nobody ever died during a false flag!
Okay retard
New World Order before 2030. The collapse of the United States of America and the rise of the one world government (the cabal ruling openly rather than from the shadows and people loving it). The 42 months of the antichrist.
Eglin are so desperate
Why would he be standing on a stage if this wasn't some Freemason joke about staging? Grazed on the right ear because he is right wing. Trump and the secret service literally killed a kid on a roof for no reason then left a gun laying next to him to cover up their plot to kill Americans for no reason. All the evidence of this case is that is definitely a fake thing that never happened.
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I see that all you Nafo trannies have been reassigned.
Still voting Trump though
>3 people shot including Trump
>1 of them is dead, a firefighter with a family and children
>Schizophrenic pieces of shit are all defending the schizophrenic piece of shit that did it by saying it's not even genuine

Revoke the human rights of schizoids NOW
New World Order without the Jewnited States? Seems hard to believe. Why collapse the US when they've ruled it with impunity since the 1910s?
it's a good old troll thread, this time with more than 1pbtid
pajeet grammar but based
I can't even imagine being as stupid as you.
Yeah I’d like to entertain these conspiracies, but you can actually see a bullet flying by him in a video and they slowed it down and have a picture of it too. I think he was definitely shot.
The guy was such a good shot that the bullet which "pierced" his ear had bloodspatter directed away from the entrance wound and not the exit wound. Naturally, the bullet went through his ear and then immediately backwards.

That way, Trump's wound was cauterized. That also explains why the bleeding from his head-wound stopped immediately and Trump was able to pose for the cameras 2 seconds later.

-Coincidence theorists, unironically
except he wasn't a republican, he shot at the republican president which makes him a democrat.
>Aim for the fleshy part of the thigh
Yeah they definitely have the technology to have ketchup packets inside his sleeve. It was a Freemason joke about how Joe biden is slow and needs to catch up. Freemasons literally pool their trillions of dollars just to make elaborate carrot top style jokes.
They founded the United States of America. They were behind the scenes from the very beginning. Why do you think nearly every "founding father" and important early American patriot was a mason.
>moving his head around like a sperg
At that point lil zoomie had already fired thrice and the crowd reacted to it. That's why Trump looked behind him.
You already knew this, of course, but you're too busy pushing your retarded narrative to be coherent.
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> during and after the event, nearly all shill threads disappear from /pol/
> now it's monday, everyone's back at work, and the catalog is flooded with "it was a psy op" thread. Dozens of them.

It's a sign of the competency crisis that even the paid spooks start becoming too obvious
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Thank you for Correcting the Record
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>secreting service is in on it
>police is in on it
>medics shieling the victims who are also in on it are in on it
Never mind the rifle itself is probably a cheapo 2+ MOAAR.
OP is absolutely pathetic.
Yes. Ironically this loser was probably their top guy.
>stop making fun of how retarded I am and give up your human rights already!!!!!
Questioning the government is a sign of extremist thinking, this blatant distrust of the official story is very problematic coming from the left
Believing nonsense conspiracies like Project 2025 is a threat to democracy itself, nutcase like yourself should be deplatformed on all social media for showing malinformation
>it's the Masons not the Jews
Fuck off kike. Fuck off.
yeah and covid was from bats in China. Lmao end your lineage
The freemason's planted a AR because it's a funny joke about American Republicans. They have been behind the scenes on every happening for hundreds of years just to make hilarious prop comedy jokes. This is why I wish they would let me in because it has got to be awesome to party with those dudes.
>there were no planes on 9/11
>Maple Syrup Urine Disease
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>ya bro just shoot close to my head, be sure you don't hit me though.
They are the same order. Jews coopted the Roman empire and had ceasar murdered for his reforms. They then used their puppets in rome to set up the world you see today. Including their branches ie masons (who financially run protestantism with jewish financing), the jesuits, the illuminati, skull and cross, rosicrucian's who overthrew all the monarchs of Europe except for the british royals.

I have a military background. No way would you ever attempt a near miss like that no matter how good a shooter or how good the weapon system.

At that distance a perfectly stable and supported weapon that was zeroed perfectly and with good trigger squeeze and breathing would still have about an inch grouping size where shots could miss towards any direction. An inch of near miss the wrong way not even accounting for head movement would be extremely risky that no sane person would ever be willing to take the risk and trust that shot.
they were actually only supposed to skim the towers a little
Yeah Trump agreed to get shot in the ear from 150 yards away by some autist outcast who agreed to be shot dead right after.

hahahahahahahaha how fucking stupid can you actually be you fucking faggot

btw space is fake, sandy hook is fake, your mom is a whore and you're a faggot
How good do these cunts think shooters and rifles are? He was a hair's breadth from domed who the fuck would agree to that?
That, and I have an AR-10 that, for a gas gun, is very accurate at 1/2 MOA. That's far better than any run of the mill $500 hunting rifle or standard AR (they can be accurate, but $$ is required). That means the rifle is capable of a 3/4" group at the range the kid was shooting from. Now, add adrenaline to the mix and maybe the rifle can do it, but the shooter probably can't. Mind you, I spent nearly $500 on the barrel alone. With a bipod and an ideal shooting position with that much adrenaline, I MIGHT be able to lay down a 1 1/2" group. That's with a rifle built for it and optics. This kid was using iron sights, and while a headshot at 150yds with irons is far from inconceivable, a proper scope is going to get you a lot more precision. When you're talking what a bullet can do to flesh and bone, an inch difference near the head can be very fatal.
You just don't get it though. Military doesn't know all the secrets to prop comedy like Freemasons do. You can't even get up to rank 33 in the military so you're not given all the secrets of geometry and angles like freemasons have.
If by Psyop you mean INSIDE JOB, then yes...
Start calling them blueanon as a play on qanon
What now we all know how this is going
>They are the same order.
No they are fucking not. It is Jews and Jews alike. Fuck you kike. Denounce the Talmud.
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It makes the most sense. Get a kid to climb up on a roof and get shot in the head so trump can look stronger than Biden.
Hey, Wasn't that guy supposed to be RFK Jr in disguise that was "killed" in a plane crash and Q were claiming that he will be brought out at the last minute to avenge his fathers death? I'm sure that was this person... I wonder if RFK Jr is going to be announced as VP? Thant would shock the world...
it's mostly leftists who have no understanding of how ballistics, or reality at large, works, who are posting shit like this
>Was talking about a bullet hitting an ear, not a device for holding and feeding ammunition...
>checks flag
Oh, right.
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oh almost forgot to post this faggot
JFK Jr will be brought forward and be the nominee for VP. Not RFK
I can't see it in any video, just the Jew York Times photos.

Its obviously much more likely that Trump is anointed by Hashe- I mean God! The Christian God, to lead us. We should do whatever he tells us to do, thats what's in the script. I mean, Scripture! Its in tbe scriptures!
.03 cents has been deposited into your account, thank you for your service.
>lefties start a civil war
>get their shit pushed in by gun owning righties
>niggers start burning shit
>feminists turn into prostitutes to survive
>kikes escape
sounds like glorious commie revolution is on track
I am not jewish. The masons however, are of the order of zion. The catholic church and the vatican are also of that very same order. There are levels of reality that most people will not be able to perceive and these orders take explicit advantage of that.
Thats actually kinda the whole point of a false flag... if nobody dies it doesn't count as one
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>The freemason's planted a AR because it's a funny joke
Jesus fucking Christ your English is atrocious and freemasons have no humour only boners for little boys.
>I am not jewish.
Yet you didn't denounce the Talmud. Very suspicious Rabbi.
Registered Republican donated democrat

Many such cases, fuck I did the opposite, party affiliation still lets you vote other team it just lets you try to affect the primaries
>It was fake
For what purpose though? None of you can ever answer this with a reason that makes sense.
>To boost his polling
He was already winning thanks to Biden being a senile retard.
>To get people ready for war
Trump is anti-war
>To get a cool photo
Yeah almost blow his head off for real for a cool photo

There is no answer as to why this would be staged that isn't utter kike nonsense.
You’re a fucking retard
Your post reeks of desperation. You are flailing about wildly trying to obtain any kind of advantage you can from this, and you are being ratio'd in every single thread on here!

I can't wait for the election so I can hear you whine and bitch and claim you're leaving the country again. None of you will leave because you know that if you did, you'd end up decapitated after you ran your fucking mouths in your new host country. You wouldn't make it a week in Guatemala, or El Salvadore, or any middle east shithole.
It doesn't matter if it's a psyop if it gets Trump elected.
>Trump is anti-war
When he declares war on Oran you'll happily accept your draft notice because it's muh Trump
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I'm not letting Chris fuckin Kyle shoot at my ear you dumb bitch

OP is a fag and glowniggers tongue my anus
>hey kid, graze my ear with a large caliber bullet from 120m away. You’re a true patriot, you can do it.
this is what the libs think happened
>you've clearly never worked up a load for accuracy.
lmao funnee sex implication
I fricking hate these fed shilling threads
Bro. You solved it bro. Youve solved it bro. Bruh! You solved it bruh. Youve solved it bruh. Bra. You solved it bra. Youve solved it bra.
>You'll happily go die for israel when *jewish fanfiction*
No lol, dumbfuck kike
Isn't OP's post what Alex Jones was destroyed for ? Another case of "When hebrews and faggots do it then its okay ?"
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The bullet in midair in the photo is the biggest flaw in the schizo conspiracy theories. It clearly shows he was being shot at, they're not blanks if someone died and there's videos of a guy with his brain splattered being dragged off the bleachers. Using real bullets and saying "lol just nick my ear bro" to a 20 year old nearsighted lover who got kicked out of the high-school gun club for being a bad shot seems like a great way to have your head blown open on live TV.
>hurr you can't photograph bullets like that
Watch literally any amount of shooting videos. Yes you can.
100%. They wanted us to watch Trump’s head explode on live TV.

Trump has enemies that are committed to prevent him from ever resuming his position of Commander in Chief. The shooter was likely groomed. Secret Service wasn’t given permission to take the shot.
>be lonely white incel
>want to make his name immortal with some mindless action
>USSS notices but they allow the incel to pop off an old fart just for the sake of keks
>dies with 45 chest in bullet
>always will be remembered as a fag who wasn't able to aim properly and shot an aspiring dictator
Dont soldiers lay down their lives for their Jewish overlords on the reg? This is no different. And also the kid was not told he would be shot right afterwards. Why would they tell him that if they're trying to get his cooperation?
Trump's assassination attempt may have been a campaigning ploy to help seal his 2024 victory. Manipulating a loner to act as a "patriotic martyr" by playing the role as the shooter. Accepting collateral damage of his attending supporters, for the possiblity of millions more. Why this theory?

1. Attempt was in Pennsylvania, a swing state Trump lost to Biden in 2020.

2. The location of the rally was high risk to threats. Out in the open with a lot of vantage points for an attempt.

3. No secret service or other security on all vantage points and roofs near by. (Shooters location was less than 450 ft away)

4. Spectators alerting security multiple times about someones suspicious activity (which was at the location of the shooter), with no serious attempt to investigate the reports or prioritize the potential threat.

5. Spectators shout "he's got a gun" , after previous alert to security, (reason 4) with no immediate response to protect Trump. (Secret service not acting on the reports)

6. Secret service sniper seeing activity on the roof with no cautionary action ( alerting other security members) to protect Trump, like removing him from the stage to assess a possible threat.

7. TV projector coincidentally located in the direction of the shooter, allowing Trump a reason to look in the shooters direction for the attempt.

8. Trump doesn't check his hand for blood to confirm an injury after he was "potentially" shot.

9. No blood on his hand after ear swipe.

10. "Strange" hand movement by Trump after injury, appearing to rub something out of his hand.
op IS a faggot.
You don't even know what is really going on. I am not jewish and I do not worship their false god or fall for ANY of their false texts, including the Roman (ie jew run) manipulated christian bible.

Ask yourself why there are no windows in a masonic "temple" or lodge. Jesus goes back to the earliest civilizations we can find evidence of, including ancient egypt. He is not what you have been lead to believe, but he is within you. Masons hide from the light of God and are in the cult worship of the great deceiver, the same ones that the jews worship.

Christos - anointed in oil or oil itself, to rise (the sacred oil of life within the human body)
Yesus - Zeus/Jupiter
Horus (the true Jesus figure) - the Sun/Son, the true light of the world, he is risen
yawweh - an ancient expression of expelling/ejaculation, the expansion cycle (among others, none of them good)
The cube/rock and the color black - saturnalian cultic worship, a cube has 6 faces (among many many many others none of them good), a death cult, reincarnation trap
11. Small dark item falling out of his hand after the rubbing. (Adjust play back speed to .25 on any vid)

12. Multiple shots fired after Trump was pushed to the ground. A potential act to distract the spectators attention away from Trump, allowing him time to create the appearance of the injury under the cover of his security.

13. Second potential distraction opposite of the shooter was seen- a fire hydrant or something was openeded or broke spraying water high in the air.

14. After shooter was confirmed to be killed, security allowed Trump to get his shoes and address his supporters, instead of immediately removing him from the stage in case of any additional unknown threats.

15. Delay in removal, allowed Trump to reassure his supporters and appear 'Brave and Resilienent' after an attempted assassination. As well as a time for an iconic photo opportunity with blood on his face, fist raised, standing in front of the American Flag, again emphasizing his appearance of resilience and patriotism.

16. Future injury confirmation can't be confirmed as the presence of one can be manipulated by: wearing a bandage, edited photos for the display of an injury, or wearing makeup and prosthetics in public.

17. Once the shooters identity was released, the shooter was reported to have been a loner, had no social media activity, was regularly bullied in high school often for his appearance like regularly wearing camo( camo isnt the point but an example of someone steadfast in their belief regardless of abuse, criticism and misunderstanding.) These can be taken as signs of someone who was isolated and ridiculed and may seek acknowledgement and acceptance of his beliefs and/or a purpose in this life. This can be an ideal candidate for manipulating someone in becoming a martyr.
18. A $15 donation he made to the Democratic campaign was recorded, which can easily be an attempt to lead the narrative as a Democratic extremist (or terrorist). Further boosting Trump's campaign and battle between "Left Vs Right". Yet suspect was later confirmed by the FBI to be a registered Republican.

19. Most of Trump's secret service officers were later discovered to be temporary replacements specifically for that day.

20. Some attendees stated it appeared there may have been a second shooter. For example, the innocent victim appeared to have been shot in the back of his head.

21. Identity of the shooter now in question, stating the first man accused was not the actual shooter. Which is odd since the press release stated they were using Biometrics and DNA to identify the suspect.

22. Attempt was made after the publics awareness of "Project 2025" , which may have greatly hindered his campaigns confidence in a win.
Take your meds.
that'll fly


WWE blading a skill practices for years by 20/30 year old pro athletes that works on television audiences where a camera can cut to a different person in a wrestling match.

For him to be "blading" would require a perfect run of a late 70s year old man in a hot 90ish degree day in body armor and under stress while delieving a speech to sync up perfectly with fake shots, being thrown on the ground and having the weight of secret service on him and look convincing enough to thousands of other cameras and a live audience, since if just one person in the crowd who happens to be filming could see him "blade" it would destroy the entire thing and his entire campaign.

Also that would still not explain the people in the audience who got shot which would have meant that they would have been willing to accept that as collateral damage in the plan or that they staged that as well.
His family will receive a large sum of money from an anonymous donor, as per the agreement.
The shooter looked like a dysgenic retard. Imagine concocting some fake assassination attempt where the plan is to just graze your ear with a bullet and putting the entire execution of that plan and your life in the hands of a literal retard. If someone came to me and was like, ok we're going to shoot the tip of your ear with a real bullet that kills someone in the crowd from that rooftop over there while you are moving around, and this guy will be the shooter, I'd definitely nope the fuck out.
If you belive the christian bible at face value you worship the god of the talmud, the deciever. No matter how much you try to deflect your soul is sold to the reincarnation trap and you will die a million times and come back to hell a million times. The entire economy is also run on this principle of endless return and by participating in it you and billions of others are caught up in it.
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This is the reson Thomas Crooks tryed to kill Trump. Please read and repost.
What a fucking dumb ass. Take your cope black to Redit.
Imagine thinking the Don needed some fucking elaborate fake assassination attempt to gain voters, Bidens voters exist online and that's it.
yep confirmed. Now what? Oh thats right, nothing but daily crying on an anonymous image board. Safe from ending up like your little buddy there on the roof. Stay safe pussy :)
Imagine to false explaining how shooting and aim work to US citizens. Are you think we are retarded or something?

Go back to video games, AIM i super hard think to do
They are the two sides of the same coin. When one side has run its course they give you the other side and of course you gobble it up. Even when truth is revealed.
Trump was way ahead on to polls even before the debate showed that the media can’t cover for Biden’s mental decline anymore anon, Trump didn’t need a “assassination boost”
Dude, if you could just look at yourself externally, you'd see that you are mentally unwell. Maybe fix your diet or something.
I want all anons here to recognize this kike. Remember they literally can't denounce the Talmud so if you ever have suspicions that you're speaking to a kike just ask him to denounce the Talmud. They will write out massive pilpul posts but will never do it. Kike fucking confirmed.
checked and kek'd
>at the bottom of a well
is this a meme I missed? Why would a gorilla be at the bottom of a well at midnight?
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I'm going to post different versions of this comment for every "staged shooting" discussion, so here it is: I'm a past and future Trump voter who believes it was staged. Know what? I don't give a fuck, because it still helps me turn the public against Jews:
>Trump wants to stop bullshit wars
>Ukraine doesn't, has previously threatened US politicians
>Obviously Israel would like their bullshit land-grab wars
>Israel has wanted us to fight their war against Iran since forever
>Antifa (a Jewish militia) hates Trump
>Jewish media pushing increasingly violent rhetoric for all to see

And me explaining this all to the public, which I do a lot, has been very effective in turning people against the Jew. It makes Israel look even worse considering all the concessions they got from Trump last time, in that they would still try and pick Trump off so they can get war with Iran -- and send more Goyim to their deaths fighting it. All that may or may not be true, but struggling Americans believe it, because they're left with nothing else to believe after the lies of COVID.

The assassination attempt is an excuse for us to turn up the heat against Jews, when having discussions with the public already sick of Jewish bullshit. Use it to your advantage regardless of what you believe!
You cannot have an almost-perfect marksmanship within months.
Turns out he was a terrible shot , no way would anyone trust that retard to just graze trump, to much could go wrong.
In this scenario you would need a second shooter, a experienced sniper to take the shot instead and use retard as the fall guy, only problem this isn't the 60s when jfk got shot, it was a rally streamed live with thousand of people filming and taking pictures.
why are poos so obsessed with sex? is it because 90% will never have it?
Take your meds, schizo
You're a retard. Not only did I and presently do right now again denounce the talmud. I am telling you that you are presently worshipping it and doing exactly what they want you to do.

There are those who see without being shown, those who see when shown, and those who will NEVER SEE (ie suffer ETERNAL DAMNATION)
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>when someone tells me it was fake
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>yeah bro just graze my ear a bit with a perfect non-scoped shot from 130 meters away while I actively move on the stage and then kill a couple of innocent bystanders, that'll be perfect, also you, a 21 y.o. incel dyel student will have to die, but I think that's okay, a highly trained professional soldier and sharpshooter like you knows the value of sacrifice for the greater good
>bro just shoot at me from 150 meters away the moment I turn my head and graze my ear lol
>ah yes and you are gonna get shot afterwards, deal?
That is unironically more believable than what you’re pushing anon. Stranger things have happened, George Washington had three horses shot out from under him and still survived.
That was an open handed slap!!! You tell me it's fake?
No, how about a 78 year old ex president who is addicted to power like a crack whore is addicted to crack and has had his image disgraced countless times because of the Jeff Epstein case and now has nothing to live for, has grown bored of the billionaire lifestyle, probably only has a few years left, and wants to try to get that sweet sweet power fix he so badly craves before he bites the dust.

What you idiots do is put yourselves in Trumps position and then think, "hmmm, what would I do?". Thats moronic. You are not addicted to power, most of the people on this board are not even motivated enough to shave. Trump and any other billionaire do not. think. like. you. And if you think they do, then again, you are the retarded ones. Fking idiots.
This is your brain on goyslop video games and movies.

Here's what really happened: the original plan was David Copperfield taught Trump how to catch a bullet in his teeth. The kid was supposed to hit him in the mouth, that's why he turned his head at the last second. Then he was going to spit the bullet back at the sniper and it would make a loud "KABOOM" noise and the kid's face would be all blackened and Trump would shout "That's all folks!" and conclude the rally.
you even talk like a tranny and you're fooling absolutely no one
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>>always will be remembered as a fag who wasn't able to aim properly and shot an aspiring dictator

...the kid, before he shot at trump, forced a cop to retreat, turned around to target trump, shoots 8 times and misses his head just because trumped turned his head around! ... thats navy seal level in calmness in a stressfull situation!

he was the fall guy! ...you dumb street shitter!
Exactly. Any fucking retard who thinks aiming is that accurate, particularly be a young 20something, knows fuckall about guns
Just when I thought copium from the left could not get any more voluminous.
are you pre op or post op?
>3 horses shot out from under him
That is more likely to happen than turning your head at the exact perfect moment when a super fast projectile is about to nail you tbf
Brown hands generated this thread
he pulls the most epic face ever which kind of makes him look like dennis hopper
>have nothing but a pc and some fox video footage
>able to conclude that a fucking scheduled campaign rally was fake and staged with crisis actors and blood packets
The mental gymnastics of you retards
When did the left start adopting Q anon tier conspiracy theories?
So you're saying heads it was a cia plot, tails it was a cia plot?
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You're a no-gunz faggot who understands nothing about shooting and why you're so fucking retarded. Very few rifles are accurate enough to pull that off reliably, unless you want to argue that the kid had a custom built, very expensive 1/10 MOA benchrest rifle that he dominated the competition with and nerves of steel. Picrel is what a bullet does to flesh, and one inch off would have done that to Trump's head.

When they started thinking Trump worked with Russia to release information as to the fact that the DNC was cheating in their 2016 primary elections.

And then the rest is history. These retards believe most of the false media claims made in the last 7-8 years.
stfu leaf ,your women wants to jump on that bad smelling curry MEGA dick
You dumb stupid niggers think trump was actually shot. Either Qtards or kikes reinforcing the fake shooting that never happened.
you will never be a real aryan
hahahahahahahaha you're so fucking mad
Trump Derangement Syndrome is very common thanks to the jewish controlled media.
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kill yourself nigger

Hey anon, I see you're goin through a mental health crisis right now... It's ok. You're not totally retarded. Trump very well may be in on some of this stuff. But your hate for Trump has you blinded, and avoiding the fact that "democrats" are the very same.

So, they had all this epstein stuff, and they didn't weaponize it against Trump in 2017? Is that because Bill Clinton is all over the epstein stuff too? Either way, you can't look at epstein without seeing that democrats are deeply involved.

We're likely looking at a situation where most influential people in DC are compromised w\ underage sex, drugs, or other criminality.

That's why guys like Cawthorn, or the fat hispanic dude are out immediately.
You glow, you absolute retard.

anyone replying to this thread is a cock-sucking, stupid, drooling, limp-dicked retard.
ok schizo
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So fucking what you utter spastic. How many crisis actors or NEET trannies like this guy have been used at every single psyop in history to lie and act.
Fucking retarded sub-saharan level Qtard.
here comes the mentally ill inbred shitskin paki
Why is republican responses automatically "hurr durr but muh democrats also" yeah both parties are shitty. This is not what we are discussing in this thread. Stop moving the goalpost
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OK, post actual evidence anyone got shot apart from the supposed trump shooter.
And even if this cunt died, what the fuck has that got to do with Trump NOT being shot....retard
Has there been any photos of the damage done to Trump's ear yet?

>That many people can't keep a secret!

Why do normies always say this? Thousands of people work at Area 51 yet not a single one spills the beans. Thousands of people work at the Pentagon. It's not hard to keep secrets.
>kvetching about trump
Hey Steele you limp loser I have another dossier to sell.
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And also, why do you Qtards NEED the MSM narrative to exist so bad?
I thought you were all anti MSM?
Unless you're just a kike posing as one.
I couldn't giive a fuck about mutt politics, just calling it for what it is and can see the next psyop developing yid.
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> They’ll gladly split open JFK’s head like a melon and let Pearl Harbor happen with advance notice, but they totally wouldn’t accept some literal who dying.

These jew shills that suck the D/R jew selected candidates suck at propaganda.
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Why do you kikes always use your own race as a massive put down?
>20 year old retard has impeccable aim to be that precise
does anyone actually believe this shit?
That was practically all the pro-trump memes!
You are an absolutely retarded nogunz smoothbrain. Real life isn't a videya game. Rifles aren't laser beams.
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>you will never be a real aryan

...i guess, you are one of the quik-witted streetshitters!
gay and haldol pilled
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Nobody is suggesting it except you well poisoning shills and jew lovers. The reality is it happened like Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Turning a blind eye and opening a path for some lone wolf loser to set the stage for trauma programming.
well, did he miss?
>Mr Trump we have great idea for you to win election as a hero
>we give gun to a 20 year old no aim
>he also doesn't have a scope
>it's 5.56 ammo
>live bullets so it may kill people around you like your son who may be in the rally
>we only shoot your ear I promise
>you become hero

suuuuure anon
im so fucking happy with how mad libs are and how desperately they are trying to twist the narrative back their way after losing it.

New national anthem incoming:
Yeah right that is why you bitch and moan on an almost exclusively american weeaboo website about their fake politics.
You are crying your ass off because if doodle mc strudel gets reelected you are on your own fighting russia because mutts will be busy killing themselves in the middle east again.
tracking link
>Verification not required.
>>474123247 ty anon who edited down >>474066576

Also you are saying biden's dei ss (who know they are fired the moment trump steps into office) agreed to doing this.
You are hilariously stupid.
>My hecking data
>proceeds to carry smart phone everywhere he goes

Dems panic
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also this
I'm tired of midwit niggers like you shitting up my board. SS response clearly shows this is a false flag attack, and anyone taking an honest look at Trump knows he's as filthy as any other politician. He was in on it. They found a patsy, as they always do, and equipped him to do his job, which was to cause a casualty and bring publicity to Trump. The only part that went wrong was Trump got hit in the ear. This was a mistake not because he missed the head, but because that anemic goggle-eyed fuck wasn't supposed to hit him at all with a dot optic at that range. This not only explains why SS left such blatant holes in the security to allow the shot, but also their confused and disorganized response. They were shitting themselves because they almost got their bosses' head blown off. Sure did salvage an amazing photoshoot out of it though.
I like how you shills take the argument we're making, that no one got shot and there was no bullets flying, and immediately spin it into a magic bullet theory to distract from the truth. It was all theatre, no one got shot, they popped off a few blanks and trump smears some fake blood on his ear when ducking on the ground. He stands up and secret service surrounds him for 10 seconds while he gets a sick photo of him in front of the flag holding his fist up. Only a retard would fall for this propaganda. And only a shill would try to divert from this truth.
>just click my fucking tracking link, goy please I cant keep buying muh hecking data
Nigger faggot.
Clearly you don't know how fucking guns work you frog retard. Bullets don't just "graze past" stuff. If a bullet impacts fleshy material, it tends to fucking obliterate it and all surrounding tissue. You don't just get "clipped" by a bullet, this isn't a fucking movie you nogunz worthless faggot.
How do you know Trump was actually shot in the ear?
This is really fucking simple.
He literally ducks down on the ground out of camera sight for almost 10 seconds. He could've smoked half a Newport in that time. Are you retarded?
What is with this shill narrative that they actually shot a real fucking bullet at trump? no one is making that claim, no one is claiming an actual bullet was shot you disingenuous rat.
>asked to denounce the talmud
>denounces The Bible instead
ok jew
You're a literal shill, no rational person is claiming that they used an active fucking shooter with real live ammo, shooting at Trump. Everyone is claiming that no bullets were shot, it was *all* theater and you're a retard for claiming otherwise.
>can't read
>call others nigger
>immediately attempt to straw man back into pre-set scripts

I specifically said he was NOT supposed to hit Trump at all, but thanks for verifying my theory with your disinfo attempt.
I saw this too. does this guy just attend all Trump's rallies and get to sit in the preferred "on-camera" seating?
Uh because I have two eyes and a brain and watched it happen live, rewound it and watched it several more times. There is zero damage to his ear. 1pbtid shill rat.
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the fact that you retards think the only way to possibly fake it is to ACTUALLY fire a live bullet at the ear
you must react like baboons when someone pulls a basic magic trick
Once again, newpol faggots miss the context. I'm not saying its fake or that the kid missed on purpose. I'm saying its not likely he missed on purpose
idk why people act like this would be so hard to fake and that it's out of the realm of possibility that Trump had a blood packet behind his ear (Trump did WWE, it's not out of his wheelhouse), but him turning his head at the exact moment the shot is fired, the bullet grazing his ear but doing no visible structural damage, and the entirety of the SS being so incompetent that they missed the sniper on the ONE vantage point in the area AFTER the public pointed out that he was up there repeatedly and it was ignored. How fucking gullible are people? Is it just a desire to believe in divine intervention? A love for Trump making you blind to the obvious?

Here's how it was sequenced:

>Trump gets the signal that a shot has been fired, turns and hits his ear, breaking the blood packet behind his ear (notice there's no visible blood before he goes down and that his hand definitely made contact with his ear)
> Bullet either ACTUALLY hits a random audience member, OR, there is a CIA plant using movie prosthetics to fake a fatal brain injury (CIA costuming is actually insanely good), is wheeled off into a tent and hidden from public view fairly quickly
> Trump comes up off the ground and a minor amount of blood is on his ear and face (ears bleed like crazy but the blood amount stays the same here and there's no structural damage visible)
> Patsy kid domed
> Trump gets cool photo-op
> Trump gets reelected and implements new digital medical ID
> Everyone cheers and thanks God for divine intervention
You're not a midwit. You're a dimwit glownigger.
Trump can't act for shit, that reason alone is why I know it really happened.
Welcome to 4chan newfag. You're going to be educated on what a false flag is pretty soon.

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