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Previous: >>474256956
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

▶17k celebration banners!
>A -https://files.catbox.moe/dpxgrp.png
>B -https://files.catbox.moe/tzedhq.png
>Combo -https://files.catbox.moe/eo8pur.png

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises -
>US Drones no longer fly over the Black Sea -
>Hungarian PM arrives in Moscow -
>US set to announce over $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine -
>The Ukraine has a month to avoid default -
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -


▶/chug/ MEGA

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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>LMUR house deletion
>Russian Su-30 vs NATO F-18 over Baltic Sea
>Chemical weapon being deployed
>Hohols being bullied by foreign mercs in Kiev
>Russian motorcycle gang (from Espanola brigade) storming hohol positions
>Cluster Iskander strike on claimed IRIS-T AD System and TRML-4D Radar in the area of the settlement Voloskoe, Dnepropetrovsk region
>Iskander hit hohol train full of ammo and equipment near Buda in Kharkov region
>Looting stuff in Chasov Yar
>FAB-3000 in flight
>Capturing of Urozhaynoye compilation
>Ukraine must mobilize 18 year olds
>Iskander strike on hohol train transporting armored vehicles and other equipment in village Buda near Kharkov
>Hohols jailed Fortune Tellers who predicted that Ukraine will lose
>Interview with an VDV soldier who crawled on the balcony in Chasov Yar (no subs)
>Chud says Slava Rossiya and punches pig catcher
>Hohol pig catcher was sent to the front for handing out conscription notices to politicians
>Missiles and Gerans hitting Yuzhmash workshops in Dnepropetrovsk, hohols kvetch
>Low altitude missile flyby

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Daily reminder that your words WILL reach them and they WILL rope themselves.
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reminder to every pro hohol nigger loving nafoid
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I think this broke him


Stop killing and start talking.
Russians BTFO. New intercepted comms. Total fucking panic.


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he is a kike yes
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13 Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers died due to an outbreak of intestinal infection on the right bank of the Dnieper
>At least 13 soldiers from the 123rd Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) have died and approximately 80 are in critical condition after an outbreak of an unspecified gastrointestinal infection. Additional medical workers were urgently sent to the Kherson region from Odessa. This was reported in the pro-Russian underground of the city of Kherson.
>It is noted that a jump in the incidence of an unidentified gastrointestinal infection among Ukrainian army personnel on the right bank of the Dnieper was recorded last Wednesday, July 10. As specified, the regional administration is hiding data about the disease from the population.
“The local authorities of OTG Kherson are hiding this fact, and the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is trying to withdraw the brigade affected by an unknown infection to the rear, but at the moment there is no one to replace it,” RIA Novosti reports, citing representatives of the Kherson underground.
Typhoid fever? Dysentery?
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>9.5 GB
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Was it a good idea to train criminals and then release them back into Russia
Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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nothing short of full annexation
>ive demoumced everything you throw st me
Results of the raid: gay dog got buckbroken so bad it started speaking in IESLB instead of English.
Yet another W for RuZZia. FUARK! I'm SO proud of being RuZZian!
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Maybe not, but in the long-term if they commit any crimes once released they go back to the frontline and don't ever get to be released afterward.
/gif/ rookie numbers
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Correct, and Russia should also annex Moldova. On that note, how's this?
11. Total Nigger Death.
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Gore spammers again posting Ukranian deserters dressed up in Ali express Russian gear pretending anything they post is not from hoholiwood
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And gorefag just got himself a new VPN.

If he is on a glowie payroll - that's a pathetic life
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>The governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, explained the outbreak of infectious diseases of Ukrainian soldiers on the right bank by unsanitary conditions in the Dnieper riverbed, which arose after the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric station. The river has become shallow, hot weather has set in in the region, and in addition, in the water there are a large number of bodies of Ukrainian Armed Forces militants from among those who were just trying to land on the islands and our shore.

>At the same time, Saldo ruled out the possibility of the epidemic spreading to the left bank. In turn, Rospotrebnadzor informed that the situation in the left bank part of the Kherson region regarding the infectious situation is stable and is under constant control. Just in case, the service created a supply of vaccines and identified additional preventive measures for the military of the Russian Armed Forces and the local population.


lots of holol corpses in hot weather creates lots of hohol diseases
Azerbaijian is a fake identity for Persians, it's their hohlostan. Thus, it should be fully returned to Iran.
>the kike single-handedly made and (((funded the only original and impressive /chug/ project so far from the ground up
>a bunch of antisemites can only seethe and dilate but when it comes to contributing they fail miserably to even build the source, shit there pants and run
Kikes once again prove their total intellectual superuority.
That's all they ever released before rebranding into menareslaves, and starting to film the wh*toid whores
>if we increase the postcount of /chug/, r/uhg will win the information war!
must be some sort of 4d chess thing...
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You misspelled zigger
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xaxax spammed /r/uhg a little with gore and they're seething now in here? hilarious
Is there any way for me, an Amerifat, to report Anti-Z Russian youtubers to the proper authorities? I'm tired of the jews at YouTube pushing them so much.
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>"Hey RuSHITS look how much gay porn I have saved on my computer! I'm really fucking owning you!"
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Hohol piggies are really salty
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Isn't that Tajikistan as they literally speak Persian?
Russia has freedom of speech unlike muttmerika, they are free to say whatever they want.
this is like dropping nukes on kremlin, it's licherally ogre
youtube is required by law to allow your glowniggers to run propaganda on it, you have nothing to report.
>You misspelled zigger
Of course a leftoid, libkike gaydog would simp for niggers, but alas for xer; Total Nigger Death is non-negotiable.
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You will never be a human zigger.

Your economy will never recover.

Your country is already 20% muslim.

You import 2 million muslims each year.

You'll be a shithole in just one generation.
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America is the Great Satan
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Tru ahaha imagine being so sure of your victory you have to download and store gore and gay porn on your computer
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Green to Iran
Red to Armenia
Blue to Russia
the Baku oil fields would be very valuable to Russia
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I hate NAFOids so much man, they ruin everything they touch. It's like how they ruined fashwave

>You dont remember the nafo discord leak?

I actually haven't been on /pol/ and 4chan as a whole for a very long time due to how spammed and insufferable it had become, i only came back recently. I mainly post on /chug/ now that i came back not only because i hate NATO and ZOG but also because this is one of the only threads that isn't CIA astroturfing and also it reminds me of /sg/ (very good times, henlo to my fellow /sg/anons that are here)
Also no, /uhg/trannies, /pol/ was never ever pro-ukraine, i remember the maidan threads and /ug/, everyone knew it was a glow op, the fact that there is even a pro-ukraine general here is beyond ridiculous
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Reminder that every single tranny is going to have an incredibly lonely death.

No discord friends don't count. They never have.
No I meant I wanted Russian authorities to go pay these clowns a visit. I know jewtube wouldn't do anything.

Stop your retarded rambling. Your parents are alcoholics, it seems.
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>gore spam
>gay porn spam
What happened? Why is inferior genetic trash so agitated again?
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You can't spell Zog without Z
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>mutt gay porn spammer

top lel
someone posted pics of their discord and one of their degenerate faggots saying he killed himself
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yeah, pig catchers at home and whores on european beaches screaming at you to die for the fatherland - thats what freedom and democracy are about.
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Nurglings start to reproduce in ukrainian bodies, they lost few brigades there without achieving anything

goreposting makes situation only worse
his piggy boyfriends power was out all day
I denounce the Talmud

serthing that Russia destroyed another himars
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bro you brought your entire discord here to seethe because I posted a few dead hoholies
get a grip
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Zigger that fucks thai lady boy prostitutes cos he cant get laid otherwise.
>I denounce the Talmud

What about koran? Can you denounce it too?
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I noticed for around a year already, no one calls the pookraine a free country anymore. Not even the supporters, not even Ze himself.
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Again? I wonder who is more suicidal, porks or troons
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We actually did create Azerbaijan as the OG hohlostan to weaken Persia during the early 19th century. Though, why shouldn't Tajikistan count too.
Reminder that the majority of ethnic Azeris live in "southern" Azerbaijan, a region in Iran south of Azerbaijian the country.

I don't use trannycord. I am here to shit on ziggers cos they deserve to be shit on before their country falls into civil war.
Why the fuck is Russia so gay
oh like that
i dont think the russians care about that but you could probably report them to youtube, with the right keywords they would get an auto-ban.
Defend niggers some more for me, troondog.
They should ban muttoid tourists and jews, problem solved.
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its like jewgle retracted their do no evil company motto, at some point it becomes so absurd it draws even normalfag attention, so they silently memoryhole it.
and yet you support Russia
clearly you are gay
Ewww don't reply to me ever again faggot
this is an american website, if anything we should ban you
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But how will spamming your gay porn folder change my mind about hating you disgusting ugh trannies?
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Nuke russia for being gay
>this is an american website
you mean this mongolian basket weaving forum, created by Japanese national and owned by a transnational corporation that racks up most of its profits in China?
Why would I defend a life form that is close to russians? Bitch please, I dislike both of you although niggers are less degenerate than ziggers.

Have you noticed that nigeria is about to surpass russia in economy and hdi? You are litetally worse than africa soon hahahahahaaaaaaaa
What did the Russians hit this time for the shills to be seething this hard?
Another successful patriot interception? Another decoy himars (that is easily recovered) destroyed?
You can try on their MVD or FSB sites, they got a new law against saying shit about SMO
>that flag
0 self awareness, amazing. You retards unironically have trannies as top generals.
now imagine how many of that white cloud will blow up on start or go astray and bomb muttistan itself
kek all mutts are dead in the first 5 seconds of the vid
>american website
>owned by a Jap in France
>dedicated for Japanese pop-culture
>is in English language instead of Mexican
What's American about it?
Says the gypsi who got his first taste of internet like 3 years ago
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All you can do is cry and shid and fard, muttoid
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what is that, shitskin? what are you doing here? Stay there and suck niggers and jews for a living and let the world alone.
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He support Russia because he want the NWO to loose.

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I thought moot was mexican
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Piggers have to update their personal data to be drafted or pay 160000 UAH
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Putin got one in his mod
>inb4 it’s a woman
I don’t care about dumb fake pronouns, that’s a man
And I wonder if u are a russian or just brown.

Or perhaps even a commie contrarian faggot.
This has to be the most pathetic raid you ever made, just hide in shame until the next peremoga...

No signs of peremoga on the front or twatter. Drumpf spamming is completely ruining their shilling
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Who knows they’re obsessed with raping each other, in the audio of this clip the Russian soldier that’s filming says he wishes he was doing the rape instead, degenerate country
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What is self awareness lol
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>You can't spell Zog without Z
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the intelligence of your post is on point for your flag.
Russians blew up a PrEP warehouse in ukranda
Wanna bet the moment US is launching 10 nukes at least 2 of them would fall back on them? They heavily rely on poorfags engineers from other countries lured by their fake money they print non-stop to maintain their systems.
We hate jews here you're not welcomed
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Go to russia
Taci in pula mea jidane, aveam internet inainte sa fii tu circumcis.
they realize that muttistan will now abandon the ukrainian war for MIGA. squealing will intensify until it is suddenly quiet.
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Never seen so much gay porn made by any US military branches put together, as there is that has been made by Russian soldiers sucking each other off
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Certified jewish oligarch thread.
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Oh yeah I forgot the shooter is a bullied /k/-troon. A dark day for the whole nafo discord.
yum, still with us in spirit
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They are obsessed with "getting a reaction". Honestly no idea what their endgoal is or what kind of retarded logic is being followed. They will post anything to get a (you), even vids of fleeing ukros being "motivated" by drones.

Likely they are influenced by the unnatural female hormones they take.
>implies that total Russian death is preferable to total nigger death by saying that I mispelled zigger
>doubles down by oinking about muh good dog points
It's okay, nigger lover. There maybe were some niggers among the maimed nafo volunteers you've just saw, but we didn't achieve TND yet. You can still goon to your cuck porn, buddy.
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Queer country
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Don't know I've never looked up gay porn unlike (you)

Gypsi curses won't work on me. Go steal copper and leave me alone.
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the mulattos are very angry today
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>we missed the based timeline for the chud timeline
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I see the snout
Imagine being a 5 foot tall pajeet or a chink with a micropenis living in western country. Oh wait, you don't need to imagine that.
Christopher Poole is moot. He sold it to the jap when he sold out to jewgle.
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hruks must defend their ancient heritage to the last hohol. time for them to die for king zelenskyi
The ultimate homosexual gathering just got spammed with guro and they got BUTTHURT AS FUARK. Apparently they REALLY don't like it when they get a taste of their own medicine.
>leave me alone
stop stealing foreskins and I will.
Man, the Russians can't even beat a country that's torn apart by civil war for 8 years lmfao
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It's called informational warfare, chud. Oinking online is more powerful than tanks.
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Russia is full of gays and niggers
>to the jap
to the cia, hiroshi doesn't even pretend to care about this place lol
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>discord raid and the usual gore spam
>tranny janny going after weebshit
if ever you see a janny irl - do literally everyone on the planet a favour and gut the motherfucker with a rusty dull sickle.
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Imagine not having foreskin
>accidentally confessing that he's a jeet with a microp0n0s
Capped btw. No wonder you like niggers that much.
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Nigger country
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Ukrainians are way older. They hail from ancient Aratta, a pre-Sumerian civilization-state were ancient Ukrainians reigned supreme, practiced democracy, and weren’t oppressed by heterosexuality.
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Siberia 2 failed cause Xi demanded Putin suck his tiny Chinese penis but Putin didn’t massage the balls so the deal fell apart.
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I think about visiting both Russia and China someday :)
they also ban for clothed 3DPD women
Was hiroshit even involved with the newer additions to the website, like replacing jewgle captcha back in '21, disabling posting images while in incognito, cloudzashquare check before the captcha, and nuking the IP count?
>informational warfare
Sounds like something women would do. Pigger women should be here trying to convince us to support ukranda, instead they are getting bred by africans and we have to filter transvestites. Very demoralizing...
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>Russia is full of gays and niggers
do it

Russia was a part of that civil war all that 8 years though
Rostov became a save haven for many refugees over the years
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i still have mine :3
thank God i have parents who love me
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>import niggers
>become niggers
It’s too late, Russia is nigger no one should support such a country
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Why are mutts so subservient to their greatest ally?
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> four streets village
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That's the paradox, they are behaving like gays, femoids and jews, but they will never be real women.
they must be idf trained.
just like in the USA.
Run over all gay nigger Russians with a tank
Exactly. It's not Russia ruining my country, it's fucking ZOG. And hohols are fighting for that? What a bunch of delusional fags. Imagine how much better they would be if they allowed Yanukovitch to take that better Russian trade deal (because that's how it all started)
you're not born in muttland
how did that counter offensive go for 1 street village?
>import niggers
Where? May I see them, retard?
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Come to uhg my fellow honkaloid sistas
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>hebrew characters

It's all so tiresome.
he is a known kike well poisoner
They're the only democracy in the region
I do :) We need to do what China does to Uygurs
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>four streets village
>10k porks dead
> That bus blocks your path, men start dragging you inside
What would you do?
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Look in the mirror nigger
>Catching Ukrainian maviks using nets and drones.
we're seeing more and more evidence of the use and effectiveness of ruschink nets to stop drones
the west is apparently in the process of manufacturing laser weapons for this purpose, russia is testing them, but something tells me nets will be the more practical and effective solution, load up the sky with fpv net drones

I will see my country overrun with niggers and tajiks before I kneel before a hohol
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good one
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jej but it is Russian clay, even the southern bit of the region is generous for them

No no, the tajiks cope and say it is the Tajik language, the main difference being the Cyrillic alphabet))

Why did Nakhchivan to Iran? I would just annex them to Armenia, and deport its residents westward to their beloved Turkey. On that note, all the residents (except perhaps in the Iranian share) should be deported to Turkey or elsewhere. There should be no Muslims left in the area. I'd also like to invite Georgia to join the war, and in this way secure their recognition of SO & Abkhaz independence. They would in exchange receive Azeri lands.
Hoholinas are bydlo enough to try convince people to support usranda by spamming faggot porn and insulting everyone.
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Russia's plan is to hold out until Trump becomes president and it's sick.
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I thought that thing got killed, what a fucking disgrace he is to any military uniform.
Yes, mostly jpg with vysokygovorit stamp, I said I'm just going there to look. Which jpegs, that guy owning TG do not post but he's pretty much against kikes. So what a way to out yourself and your butt buddy posting manipulated gore to both trying to close his channel and posting gore on /chug/. In the end all pisscraine will be a huge cemetery with a Holohoax museum in the middle of it claiming all dead soldiers were jewish.
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Russia, faggot niggers of the world.
Whiter than you, Tyrone. Even though I am a Mongol.
Did you drop your finnish VPN?
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He is a real man now
>Ukrainians are way older. They hail from ancient Aratta, a pre-Sumerian civilization-state were ancient Ukrainians reigned supreme, practiced democracy, and weren’t oppressed by heterosexuality.
Shid and piss myself as a defence mechanism.
i don't think russia expects trump to change anything
thats xis boyfriend, he just ran out of power and forgot to charge his powerbank
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Russia is historically faggot nation
he's trolling
huh, so they are trying to be more like a woman by being mildly annoying here?
That's obviously a joke though, how rude of you to not give him a (You).
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Do CIAniggers realize how obvious and cringe they are?
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>because muh democracy
discord reinforcement?

nothing gay about giving your homie a long frenchie
Lenin made gay marriage legal, first place in the world to ever do that. And invented transgender surgery
I think it's the "goreleaf".
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Hohols are fighting for zog, quite literally.
they are illiterate monkeys who can't differentiate "people of Israel", "Israel" and 1948 "Isreal".
the (((media))) did the rest
>still calls himself Sarah
Globocuckolds love using propaganda via obnoxious women, see Greta.
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Stalin famously loved niggers too, nigger loving faggot. Nobody will miss Russia when it’s gone
Where is this?

fuck you I will
china #1 btw
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What a fag lmao, and Pootin follows in his steps just as well
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If you lose millions of your fellow piggers, your pig shed is destroyed, you shit in bags and can't go outside, but moskals are mildly annoyed, you win. Overdosed trannies are an acceptable loss too.

I can't listen to chinaspeak
It's like auidonoise to me
Why couldn't they had a normal language like japanese
Here is Pootin, continuing the Russian tradition of being nigger loving faggots
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What is this nigger projection coming from a mutt of all people
Toretsk direction
Are you even trying? Spam gore or something you useless tranny.
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>FDqv1DrK right now

The movie is called Circus for a reason nigger
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why do they idolize america so much that their lolis are walking around exposing their doughy bellies? why does it make me hard?
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Nigger country
And urkaine will be forgotten again. No matter the outcome, mutts will say "Oh yeeee... Is it something in the Middle East? "

No matter the outcome, you will be on the junkyard of history, ukrie. Your ukrainian nationalism will be forgotten like it never existed. You will be replaced by jews and niggers

And you will be happy.

Only Russia can save you from this fate
he is sad his boyfriend can't come on discord due to power outtage :(
>Why couldn't they had a normal language like japanese
japanese is just autistic chinese, but not in a good way
what "ciort iobane" means? Just a transliteration of what I watched.
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of course. it was ancient hruks who also built atlantis but sadly ancient russians nuked it off the map
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Niggers then, niggers now.
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This is what you get when you combine cp capital of Europe with the love of goyslop into a death cult.

it's about killing every single male in Urina and colonizing the land and women like we used to

beating urina quickly is bad too many survivors
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>13 filtered posts by this ID
>17 filtered posts by this ID
lmao shills are seething, probably because one of the last counteroink villages has been recaptured by Ru MoD.
Bratik, I completely understand you. I'm learning Chinese here myself and it's pure pain.

Literally pronounce a word with a wrong tone, and you will say something, for what in Russia you will get "po ebalu"

At least you can listen to it without cringing
If japanese was as bad as chinese anime would've never made it big
Absolutely based
If Russians are niggers then he's conceding that he wants to get RUSSIANED.ru because /uhg/lies fucking LOVE SHITTED.
Three letter agencies failed to kill orange man and they are absolutely panicking
How come interwar Poland was so focused on Russia that they didn't notice Germany wanted to kick their ass?
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All Russians have been killed, minister of economics has announced Russia needs 2 million more niggers in Moscow to overcome worker shortages, niggerfication is close to completion
The combined might of the r/ugh discord is upon us after the Finnhohol lost his Finnish IP and is reduced to his hohol IP.
Actually considering that ukries might organize that.

They are good at psyops, have to give them credit for that
perhaps i will accept that japan has a better sense of style than china, but the entirety of japanese culture is a derivative of chinese culture
also dynasty warriors is great
yay russmutia captured exactly 31 houses

so exciting

Im not debating culture only how the language sounds
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Nigger faggot country that loves to fuck old retarded men in the ass, what other faggot nation would even do anything like that? Not even women they just rape fat communists straight in the ass
Fren, disagree with you on that.

Compare traditional Chinese dresses with Japanese ones. Even simple thing as Qipao is sexy af
>invented transgender surgery
No, another jew did that. He was parasiting Germany. The jew was experimenting on his butler he was fucking in the ass.I think the gay parasite you swallowed last night attacked one of your 2 neurons.
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>reddit spacing
i agree yea, i was trying to find give my interlocutor the benefit of the doubt and not get mad
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Hey (You) you are a faggot nigger country
>Russia is winning too slowly
okay well i have no idea how japanese sounds but i love chinese, try learning it a bit i bet you will like it too
First tranny operation was in the ussr, yandex it if that’s what you want faggot
I think it's because men sexing men have been constantly fearmongering that Trump is literally orange Hitler for a decade at this point and that radicalized the leftist zoomers against him and the Rep voter base, it's the consequences of their fearmongering propaganda.
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>outed themselves again
I assume Russia is making some good gains at the moment due to all the gore spam and nigger mercenary spam, no?
Numbers checked and good lucked (888 means "get rich" In China)
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Niggerfaggot Federation.

Ronaldo best! Brazil #1!!! fr fr

learning Chinese is also my goal

i'd trade knowledge of English0id language for Mandarin if I could
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>Even simple thing as Qipao is sexy af

>comparing modern slim body cut fashion with how it was originally designed
kek, nope its as every traditional fashion, simple and functional, nothing "sexy" there.
And "999" - immortality

Guess luck is on /chug/ side
>it's over

white enough for the ethnostate
>38C/100F in the shade
I am not brown enough for this weather Putin pls stop the weather control machine.
It's because the Finnish hohol, leader of the r/ugh discord got himself somehow miraculously banned and now all his tranny friends (all 2 of them) are here spamming.
person in the pic is less mixed then you LMAO
Checked again.
I don't honestly get how it's only in our region as well. It's like 25C in Germany.
pirate the michel thomas method tapes
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That is the point. Simple is sexy. Not overly sexualising, like in Western culture.

In China the more humble, but elegant you dressed, the more respectful your family is (as my Chinese wife have explained to me)
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hohols took part in that fearmongering
>nigger makes kid
>small kid knows nothing
>small kid is beaten for normal shit to the point in just few years become a nigger too
The nigger cycle in nature
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Total Nigger Death, means Total Russia Death
Come here to Siberia, it's 31C here today.
How much humidity anyway?
goddess of fortune really does smile on us

And 999 means good luck in German
The numbers have spoken, I'll denounce the Ukraine, democracy, and lgbtqpp++ rights now.
18% humidity.
It's 46C in Bucharest with like 12% humidity btw.
Jewish supremacist Ivo Daalder is urging the occupation government in Ukraine to accelerate the White genocide: https://www.rt.com/news/601091-nato-envoy-ukraine-draft/
Atlantis was actually built by ancient Poles. Hruks simply moved in and claimed it as their own. After 30 years of hruk democracy in Atlantis, the city simply fell apart from disrepair becoming indistinguishable from nuclear damage.

animals dont do this shit
It's the fucking Saharan winds. We're in the "sweet spot" where we get both fucking Sahara winds in the summer and Siberian ones in the winter.
White genocide is just part of securing our western democracy.
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All Russian supporters are gay nigger faggots
Say whatever you want about American politics, but it never fails to entertain.
That's a very swedish and pro-western post.
Would make sense if the hyhyls did it because of orange man wanting to stop the war. An attempt so sloppy i don't think even american glowies are this incompetent
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Nothing so far entertained me
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kek smiles upon us

Ronaldo is best naldo
Nonsense, Ukraine has a literal transvestite spokesman for their armed forces and every single North American homosexual and transvestite supports Ukraine.
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did you make ruschink babies yet?
All faggot parades in the West and especially here always fly the kikerainian flag.
stfu you smelly inbred poojet/hohol golem. Go eat some cow shit
>one of the primary reasons why Nazism swept Germany in the early 20th century is because of the rampant wickedness and perversion that had taken over, including at the hands of homosexual Jewish doctor Magnus Hirschfeld, who created the world's first transgender clinic in Berlin.
>Known as The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin, Hirschfeld's transgender clinic was destroyed by the Nazis after they took power, along with many other evils that had infested Germany at the time.
>Scientific American lamented the downfall of Hirschfeld's clinic in an August 2021 piece, writer Brandy Schillace writing that it "would be a century old if it hadn't fallen victim to Nazi ideology."

Is debatable if Hirschfeld and his gang of other degenerate jews at the (((institute))) were truly first in 1919 or jewUS had it first. Also USSR leadership from 1917 to Stalin death was jewed to the max, but not as bad as current US government.
The only thing Armenia deserves Is a gas cha
damn you're a Northerner. Heard half of Bucharest energy grid croacked, the endless ghttos they built in the last 10 years + 1 million shitskins with free electricity made us Pakistan 2.
I don;t know but is getting crazy. Shitload of planes deviated from ukraine, all factories and refineries restarted and extended pumping for war and of course, most important, the fucking Sun which is at maximum with more black spots than Biden ass. But is getting unbearable
What's really funny is ukraine spending a whole battalion defending those.
>Your economy will never recover.
>Your country is already 20% muslim.
>You import 2 million muslims each year.
>You'll be a shithole in just one generation.

but enough about ukraindia you faggot bitch /k/ike
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