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ITT I'm going to attempt to prove that Maxwell Yearick was the shooter, not Crooks. This is going to take awhile because I'm going to be relying heavily on images and for some reason this stupid board still won't let you post multiple at a time.
My first few images will be geared around proving that the image of the body is the image of the shooter. Image 1 is from a video where the shooter is seen before the shots are fired.
shillproofing: nigger; captcha: SSY4
OP eats CUM
Image 2 is a zoomed in photo of pic 1
captcha 8w20
also I denounce the talmud, death to isn'treal
this is the big deal, all of you have seen it by now, and it might be the most important image we have. later in the thread i'll attempt to address how we got it.
captcha: kyss
Start by telling us who the hell Yearick is.
Bump for interest
if you turn on the news right now, you'll likely see this image within the first minute. they claim it's crooks, but the problem is that it isn't even him.
captcha: jv48
im staying awake to hear this so hurry the fuck up op
this image is jewglazing on twitter. he first posted this image as a joke and then later posted the demo ranch shit one to follow up.
i'm trying to hurry i promise.
captcha 4ygg
sorry for the shit quality
more jewglazing pictures and comments prove the demoranch shit was not crooks
final jewgazing (typo in previous two posts lmao) photo. after this he posted a business card of the fbi agent who contacted him and his account was nuked. unfortunately I don't have that screenshot because I forgot to save it.
captcha g2gs
Phonefagging to bump
jewgazing also posted a video saying it wasn't him
https://poa dot st/@HEREWARD_SILVATICI/posts/AjvnJtk7BtmcUFAIYS
meanwhile anons found this guy
fucking spam filters
known antifaggot, his antifawatch page is here:
https://antifawatch dot net/ViewReport/260b4a33
the next few posts will be all images from his facebook
alright I have the others but this is near page 10, moving on now
around this time the jewgazing screenshots were getting spread fast, so media kikes pivoted to another kid
thank you anon
so it's between yearick and this guy. first off a side by side of yearick with the corpse.
there's quite a few arguments that can be made to prove it's yearick. I'm going to go from most schizo to least.
claim 1: eye color
you can't claim for certain that they're yearick's blue, but they certainly aren't the streetshitter brown of crooks. the dark area is too small.
claim 2: facial structure.
the most common rebuttal I have seen to this has been, “the mugshot was from 2016, he changed too much to believe it.”
I would counter that (unless you really try) facial structure does not change.
points of differentiation are the hairline, chin, tilt of the eyes, depth of the eyes, nose shape (yearick’s has a narrower base), and finally teeth/mouth.
claim 3: hair
we’re getting pretty fucking obvious towards yearick now
crooks is a dirty blonde, AT BEST, for them, look at the blackrock ad screenshot. it lacks the length, lacks the thinness, and the color. additionally they have been darkening it on the electric jew from the original yearbook photo.
yearick is a dead match. length? check. color, check. looks like it was raped from years of drug use and lack of showers? triple check.
claim 4: facial hair
one looks like a high schooler who never touched a razor. the other is a balding 40 year old meth addict.

claim 5: skin color and facial fat
yearick: pale as fuck and looks closer to an auschwitz inmate than a real human in fat
crooks: healthy high schooler fat level, rosy cheeks with reddish skin undertones.
claim 6: the earing
this is the most complicated to explain but the most important once understood.
yearick, as antifaggot, decided to get ear gauges, which are present in the mugshot. over the past few years, these have fallen off of a cliff in popularity. they also never caught on in more conservative communities, like in ukraine where he served recently (i dot 4pcdn dot org/pol/1719620826592377 dot webm). when he enlisted, he got them sown up to meet requirements, leading to the scar seen on his right earlobe. at first glance, it may look like a bloodtrail. however, upon closer inspection, the color and the unnatural path blood would have needed flowed in to make such a trail make it not only unlikely but impossible to be a bloodtrail.
bumperino #2
crooks doesn't have those scars
additionally the video that has just come out of the guy climbing on the roof doesn't have the stature of crooks (shorter, full fat) but rather of yearick (methhhead twig)
so why would they do this?
if they can pin it on another guy, they don't have to follow yearick's leads. every loose end is tied up, because it's never investigated, and they can run with the "radical maga republican" idea.
denounce the talmud kike
Gud bread
Today OP was not a faggot.
Glowie nigger.
i've already posted all of this elsewhere, and other anons have been hard at work to share the images. hopefully this can serve as a repository of all of the images and claims needed to disprove the glownigger claim
the hair color is really the one thing fucking me up the most
bump please continue op
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He did something weird to emphasize his shlong in his online profile
nah that's everything I've got but also everything I think we need.
the only thread I have to pull right now is looking for the corpse photo origin. finding this xitter post is the furthest I've gotten.
earliest 4chan photo goes to a memeflaggot unfortunately
Yearick matches
>Ear lobes
>jaw structure
>hair texture
Crooks matches
>ear Helix
>eyebrow thickness
>unibrow spacing
>blemished skin
Get your eyes checked you blind retard
>crooks has lighter hair
>maxwell has darker hair
>crooks has a frankenstein whale forehead like in spongebob
>maxwell has a sloped forehead
>crooks has a smooth area above the lips
>maxwell has a ridged area above his lips like a tranny
Nice OP
Was expecting schizo tier retardation
Nay, this needs to be looked into further.
unless his hairline reversed and his forehead shrunk then those are not the same people.
you have been well poisoning every thread since this happened. ill.tell you the same shit i said yesterday. you are mentally ill and are not equipped to discuss these events. you have revealed yourself as a face blind autist, and a retard by still posting about some random antifa faggot.you.think looks like someone. take meds, call your mom and fuck the fuck off
I found this a while back, it can archive entire pages into a single HTML file. keep in mind i am not sure about its security and privcy effects on the saved page so keep that in mind.

>github dot com slash gildas-lormeau slash SingleFile
keep in mind it also saves everything you see on screen even your (You) identifier, this is good because it keeps local copys of 4chan threads.

archive everything anon because they will keep trying to bury the truth.
Yes, it's him. He has his chin placed forward. If you look at the dead head photo, you can also see the protruded chin/mandible.
Wait so in that how do we know that's yearick? Is there a thread with how someone knows that's him?
he literally admitted that it was his photo
and i got trips of truth so eat dick
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Glownigs seething at all Yearick threads
I will believe this until I see Maxwell Yearick alive on film with a current newspaper in his hand.
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Would make a lot of sense to use a antifa ukraine volunteer to pull it off and then blame a right wing patsy
Remember this movie? Similar plot.

So if he isnt the shooter and live and kicking, then why are they scrabbing his social media? Has anyone contacted him and confirmed he is alive or not?

If not, thrn that should be priority. If he is dead, then we have msm by the balls.
Who is 'Maxwell Yearick'?

OP I think what you're saying is interesting but how can the dead guy be this dude in the video saying 'you got the wrong guy'? Who is the dude who was shot dead on the roof?

I agree the hair color and all that is weird though too.
ok and where is the original source post of the image posted by him? you could prove the entire conspiracy if you could get a screenshot of that.
No I mean how did we find out that's him here:
i dot 4pcdn.org/pol/1719620826592377 dot webm

If so that's a HUGE piece of information that changes everything on the shooters supposed ability.
well shit now I'm back to thinking it is Crooks. so where the hell is Yearick? positive he has no online prescence currently?
based and same
the fbi should investigate both. if they're concerned about misinformation, just show us yearick alive. but they haven't done that and aren't even considering it. why?
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Does anybody else see this? the top of yearicks eyebrows are roughly 2 inches above the top of his ears, while crook’s brows are level with the top of his ears. It’s hard to tell because of the angle of the photo, but the corpse’s eyebrow/ear distance appears to be closer to yearick’s
You faceblind faggots are the worst kind of cancer. Is it some kind of brain damage or what the fuck causes this? You dumb niggers get duped by people that never even remotely look like the person who is guilty, I am going to go out on a limb and assume you are a flat earther? You niggers eat up glownigger psyops like you do high fructose corn syrup.
U mad fed faggot?
It's a composite picture. That's why it looks like both of them.
Style guide fags strike again
blow it out your ass, cunt you havent said anything
Style guide dismissive shill.

It's the same every time the subject is broached.
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They won’t say it’s Maxwell because of Ukraine
today OP was not fag
Op this man is obviously not the shooter where is his underbite? Where is his elongated skull ? Where is his obvious Neanderthal features.
I keep my beard gotee to make more pronounced chin. The dead shooter (also the shooter in the roof) has a pronocucdd chin but doesn’t have facial hair to increase the distance his chin is from his neck. It was crooks. Crooked joe Biden will ring in your ears.

Be real. Imagine living in bidens home town named crooked in this modern time. He was bullied to shit.
Distance between the far side of his eyes to his nose bridge are not the same.
> or what the fuck causes this?
If the FBI says something, it’s probably a lie
This one shines in the dark
Until Yearrick comes forward on TV or social media that it wasn't him. It was him. Not this autist with completely different hair color.
exactly. this "disinformation" isn't hard to solve.
based movie watcher.
the demo ranch shirt image was jewglazing (>>474284333)
They scrubbed yearick's socials for the same reason they scrubbed the black rock video of crooks, or any other evidence.
Style guide!
I'm right here. although O am mow back to Crooks, the Yearick comparisson was a tough one. They do share features and Crooks clearly let himself get way more scruffy, like yearick. But Crooks pinker skin and the ear is sealing this one for me.
they're just shitskins who think all white people look same
easy way to tell who is not white
Does Yearrick have social media or anything?
Shooter's hairline and eyebrows match Crooks
>So if he isnt the shooter and live and kicking,
Who says he's alive? When did his mother last see him? The guy got dissolved in a bathtub of acid, and Yearick got shot in the face on the roof.

They can't use Yearick as the persona of the shooter because he's antifa, but antifa are the only people that would shoot Trump.
Ever since this happened, people having been making thread about the shooter BEING Maxwell Yearick. But NO ONE HAS SAID WHY.
its obv they pushing crooks
its the perfect patsy
trump supporter
registered repub
but donated to actblue just to have some hook for dumb repubs to have counterargument
blacktock ad (crooks is deepstate plant!!)
false dichotomy shit, typical narrative painting
its gotten deleted but thats also probably by Yearick himself since he'd have been getting many new visitors since Saturday.
ah, I misread your post then
post nose moshe
see >>474288653
imagine it's both. this would explain why a second shooter on the roof would be dismissed (at first) by cops dealing with a first shooter. thus the first shooter was a distraction to make sure the second would get through.
positively fluorescent lol
Are you trying to say the outdoor photo is actually jewgazing? You are a fucking retard if you think so. He posted the indoors one because he looks like the guy and literally did the same pose for a meme. You have to be 10iq or indian to fall for it.
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The nose
now its 2 posts you fucking retards. I cant believe the hero syndrome you niggers have. too dumb to hold a job, too socially inept to have relationships but yeah, you solved the REAL STORY of the assassination by briefly skimming antifa Facebook posts. you have NOTHING beside
>he looks like the guy
fuck all schizos. grow a brain
If it was antifa when have you ever seen antifa act as a singular organization. If it was antifa it would have killed trump or greviously injured I ran with the idea of maybe it was a warning to drop out of the election but when have you ever heard of a singular gunman doing a political terrorism tactic. Sounds like something they would need prep to do and if it’s confirmed he’s antifa and there is a plot beneath it where would his conglomerates be ?
Don’t say I don’t know they would be at the event. We’ve seen events get raided I believe they booed AOC in NY
They would also be armed and in postion.
Its more believable that we are being unipartied through private equity and they are making a bold statement that they can say and do whatever they want. Trump is for people just as much as sprivate equity as I’ve heard from his supporters.
And his jaw line, bone structure and nose match Yearick. Almost like it's a composite photograph . . .
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Suck on 4skin glowie fuck
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its primarily the EARS then glasses.

The shooter was wearing glasses and has... had those unusual ears with very thin edges and two bumps. Very easy to distinguish so the guy on the roof dead covered in blood shown in video aiming a rifle is not Maxwell Yearick not by a mile.
yes, he literally admits in >>474284333 it was him.
you're probably a shill, how about you denounce the talmud, then we can talk further.
I know, I considered it. Tough call, man. been flipflopping on it all morning
No one has answered this question though. If yearick is the real assassin and he’s now dead, wouldn’t that mean that crooks is still alive? If so wouldn’t it be relatively easy to find the guy? His parents are presumably alive you could find them and ask hey is your son alive. Also what’s the motive behind making the wrong ID here? They pin it on crooks for what? What’s the benefit they get from doing this?
do we have an official statement from law enforcement or are people still hyping up the stories that the media shilled out before
What would be the point of saying it was someone else?
> This is going to take a while ...
> ... because it's made-up bullshit and you have to do mental gymnastics
has anyone found yearick?
We're better detectives than you!
The "jawline" you are outlining in picture 2 incudes a bullet stuck in his neck. His jaw isn't that square.
to calm down magatards. if the headline was "ANTIFAGGOT SHOOTS TRUMP" there might've been some shit.
Not if hes a plant. He could be moved around thats not hard
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the hair of the middle figure is closer to Crooks but I agree the nose seems closer to the left and there may be lobe scars from stitched Gauge rings which Crooks never had.
>wouldn’t that mean that crooks is still alive?
No, they need it to be Crooks to protect antifa, and they can't have Crooks wandering around.
The bumps on the ear look like keloids from getting ears pierced and not maintaining the puncture. In the FaceBook pfp, it appears as if he has his cartilage pierced
t. Used to have earrings, now have keloids
which the blackrock video and his kike background might strongly imply
No and he never will be.
He's wearing glasses in that picture. You should probably put yours on boomer.
The corpse is a composite photograph, unless they gave both of them plastic surgery, and/or those other two
the pink skin tone here really matches Crooks more than Yearick.
checked and based
>now its 2 posts
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need to track him down like that bike lock guy
Every American supports 2A I’m saying it’s more believable in consideration to the circumstance of really pulling it off that we are missing a large aspect of it. And that aspect is even if he isn’t threatening to you yearik would not act alone. He’s been confirmed to be in large terrorist groups. Crooks has not been. If yeark went through with it I believe it would be more collateral damage. All across the septum Americans watch demoranch and fps Russia. That’s inadmissible.
How do you know this image is real?
what about the hair wise guy
Isn't it easier o find if either one of those two guys is alive?
what about the rest of the body that can be seen from aerial photos, legs arms ratios and shit
Some dork has a claw hand and scares space orks
>How do you know this image is real?
All we really know is it isn't showing what they're saying it is.
I'm asking you an obvious question. Who is the dude in that video in >>474293055
If that guy is meant to be Yearick then what's going on? Or is that someone unrelated entirely
I have a similar hair color that is medium brown indoors and more reddish dirty blond in direct sunlight light.
first two pics
sure, even still it's closer to yearick
the hair was the first problem for me. I suppose now we can assume we have been looking at younger pics of Crooks. Hes older here, grew the hair out. maybe, sometimes hair changes tones as we grow.
regardless of the hair tone, that damn ear is the biggest hang up
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you need the screenshot of google results for Yearick being changed as well as this comparison

Yearick is the dead guy, friendo.
regardless of who is the shooter, what happened to the one who isn't? Where is Crooks if Yearick is alive and vice versa?
that dude in the video is jewgazing on twitter who was originally trolling (>>474283887), the guy they shot/the real shooter was yearick, the high schooler is another kid and likely a plant.
A patsy in witness protection who no one cares about
Post profile shots of yeark, I want to compare the jaw and buttchin indent to see where they are to each other. Don’t super impose it right next to crooks though just post a few of him looking off the side. No way this nigga only got front facing photos or where his hair is directly covering his face structure.
Are you saying it's actually the big gay?
there was an ear pic that I mentioned I forgot to save. unfortunately for me I think it's time to go dig it up.
It's hard to imagine people are asking this question. The guy that isn't the shooter is dead as well, or never existed in the first place, but probably dead.
unless they photoshoped the ear lobes to match crooks. where did the picture of the corpse come from again?
crooks is a dissolved blob in a vat of acid by now
oh shit
If you enlarge his ear enough you can tell it's not a blood trail but indeed a scar. It has typical rosy edges and shadow of a notch. This + hair color + beard but mainly this scar excludes Crooks being the assassin. Whoever this may be, it's most certainly not Crooks. Show me a life sign of Yearick and I will exclude him too. It's not Crooks anyway. Good job, OP.
these arms look more mature
than these arm
why can’t you direct this energy and focus into a productive activity

why are you a crank on the internet
Good thread OP. The ear and the footage on the roof before the shooting look like Yearick, I'm leaning towards him. The obvious counter being if Yearick is alive. Someone should be able to confirm he's still alive if he is by now, no? Also, if they both are dead, maybe there's some connection between Yearick and Crooks people are missing yet.
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I don’t know how significant this is
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>captcha: mg jaw
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also unverified
Glow elsewhere pls.
How many times did captain Ramierez Goncalvez repeat "control the narrative" as he porked you?
the twin peaks of the dead guys ear are visable in Crooks pics.
It was obviously this antifa loser, and the FBI is covering it up so the DNC doesn't completely fall apart in the next 40 years.
no u
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this picture, which is now suspected to be taken from security cameras of the building he climbed to shoot Trump based on >>474266497, shows the facial hair and jawline consistent with the shooter's dead mug
the reason (((they're))) fighting this narrative, by all means the most apparently true one, is because it can't be allowed to come out that a leftist militant and Antifa member tried to shoot the president after being in federal custody while magically having been given every opportunity by allegedly massive incompetence and in reality active conspiratorial negligence, they're not merely culpable, they're responsible

organized leftist violence is not supposed to exist, and Antifascist Action is supposed to be a nebulous idea with no corresponding groups regardless of all glaring evidence that it is a cell based organization with interlocking leadership, and the feds would end up completely implicated as having comped, turned, trained, equipped and positioned the shooter by the fact that they had access to him ever since his 2016 arrest and that they allowed him to take the shot.

If the shooter is Maxwell Yearick, all of this is criminally obvious to even the dumbest normie fuck and it would cause cascading /pol/brain shortcircuits of their existing programming, followed by active demands for massive Qnigger tier political purges of all threeletters & Washington bureaucracy with all eyes on Mayorkas as the Jew who tried to kill Trump for Biden using a literal anarchocommunist dirtbag to do the deed
So much cope in this thread. What ever happened to 4chans actual investigative skills?
Let's start with the ear.
Look at any ear gauge repair photos. None of them look like what is depicted in the image of the dead body. The scar does not stretch across the entire earlobe. It's a vertical scar. So what is it? It could be blood but also earlobes can shrivel due to mottling of the skin after death.
Now the facial structure. It's a corpse. It is deteriorating. Loss of blood makes you look... like a corpse.
I genuinely don't know how you retards see that drone image and still think the gremlin is Yearick
Say nigger.
The ear on dead head pic should be a big give away...how are there not more pics of either of these two?...
>"hey guys, let me make a fucking threat stating the obvious to gaslight everybody into not believing their own eyes when they see the obvious"

get the fuck out of here
stop distracting from actual nonobvious questions and circumstances
dont act like it wasnt a tough call. but yeh looking like its Crooks
>Now the facial structure. It's a corpse. It is deteriorating. Loss of blood makes you look... like a corpse.
Doesn't give you a completely different nose though. Crooks has a wide flat nose, Yearick has a slim nose.
plausible, however that was 8 years ago. i have nothing but a slight feeling to back this up, but i suspect Yearick developed a drug addiction that thinned his hair, caused him to lose weight, and made his skin paler. addictions are extremely common in the ranks of antifa
wouldn't you like to know, fed boy
tbqh because it allows me to be a pain in your ass from my bedroom
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Jews, am I right
Literally all that would have to be done is have one of them, the one who isn't dead now, step up and say "it's not me, I didn't try to shoot Trump." That's all that would have to happen to wrap this all up. Neat and tidy with no room for doubt from anyone. I doubt it'll happen though
or hair color, or hair length, or motivation, or the two points on the top of his ear from piercings (>>474298192), or the canthal tilt, or the deep set eyes, or the hexagonal hairline, or the same thin facial hair.
Can't someone contact one or the other and see who is alive?
> suspected to be taken from security cameras of the building
Who released it? How do we know it's legit? Nothing easier and more likely to be done than release fabricated pics to program a narative.
Yearick despite being a notorious Antifoid with a regular entries to his criminal record will never be heard from again.

If anyone really is interested to find him, then keep searching his name in those criminal record databases and scouring Antifa videos after Trump is elected.
they killed them both
because thats how the spooky illuminutty works
Yeah but there's no need for additional evidence, just pick your single best piece and that's all you need. Nobody can cherry pick you when you do that.
You only need one white crow to prove not all crows are black.
Now this is a quality thread!
Yep, i was posting a bit around about how they were blue.
They certainly have at least one of their bodies. id'ing a body can't be that hard.
I think Crooks only has one peak. Look at the comparison I made. The bottom bump is almost inside of his ear. Where it protrudes looks exactly the same in dead guy pic. They are both white heads too.
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>"England doesn't win without immigration"
>lose because none of the niggers scored
England's only goal was from a white man
Be the change
no, because one is dead and the other is a fed plant whose parents are jews and who was in a blackrock commercial
additionally, if mr antifaggot wasn't the shooter i'm certain he would have posted something to the effect of, "I wouldn't have missed" or "unfortunate that he missed".
noted, thanks for the tip
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The scar is pretty convincing, but the beard is giving me pause. Yearick's older pics show a pretty full beard and indicate he had no trouble growing facial hair, whereas the beard in the death pic of the shooter looks like the wispy facepubes of a highschool kid or a ftm troon after a year of hrt. You would expect a pathetic chin brush like that from the obviously low-T Crooks, but not from Yearick.
It's the only thing giving me pause here, I'm open to counterarguments.
I am very confident that Yearick will never be heard from again. He won't even be rioting in the streets after Trump wins and will be noticeably missing.
fuckin jannies should trash all these stupid threads fr
my hypothesis is a meth addiction, which could also explain the diseased looking skin/ weight loss.
so maybe it's neither, or maybe there were multiple shooters and glowies are releasing multiple photos to see where leads go? guy from security cam looks like some real trailer-park mullet-havin' weird kind of rural white leftist. it doesn't look like either of the other two people imho...
>Who released it?
That's basically the question being asked in that thread.
Because that image came from a now deleted twitter account and his attire and facial appearance matches the shooter's attire 100%.
Best guess from the post I directly linked that included a google map street view of that side of the building and it points to a security camera above the door
Honestly between the fact that he's a felon with a history of political violence, I can't see how it isn't Yearick. Crooks was potentially physically and mentally disabled on top of all this. He looked like he had sotos syndrome which would make it very hard for him to plan anything like this let alone execute it by climbing the ladder and setting up a rifle. Also didn't they say the rifle was unregistered? How's a mentally and physically handicapped man going to get the source for buying an unregistered rifle? It's not making any sense to me how it wouldn't be Yearick
better put in yer application then, fagget
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I don't even know what's real anymore. Very little about the pictures match. Crooks feels like a near perfect patsy so they can deflect, Yearick would be a death sentence for the left, Trump would brand antifa a terrorist organization day 1. The left NEEDS antifa and similar groups to disrupt the Trump presidency like last time.

I really think it's Yearick, but the fact that we still don't know enough. It's incredibly frustrating.

If Yearick is alive, will no one come out and confirm it?
In this website it claims Yarick is 30 not 40, so does antifawatch >>474285678
Where did the 40 years old claim even come from?
check this out, you might enjoy it.
the only flaw I can find in your theory is the facial hair on the corpse looks very thin and doesn't cover the jaw while yearick's is thick and has full coverage
Crooks would have to be dead as well, it makes sense for Crooks to be dead/faked if the schizos are right, but it doesn't makes sense Yearick is dead and his online presence scrubbed if he wasn't the shooter. If you were alive and people were harassing your socials you would do what the faggot troll jewgazing did and exonerate yourself.
Yep, all they needed was someone that looked enough like Yearick to the eyewitnesses at the event, who only saw him from like 50 feet away. Well, they needed him to be either politically neutral or conservative as well. That's the reason Crooks died, just because they needed someone that didn't have an Antifa history to be the shooter. Evil.

I wonder if Yearick was told nobody would shoot at him or if he was that committed to the cause that he accepted his death.
If Yearick comes out and says it's not him, then the far left in America is fine and dandy. If it is Yearick then there's going to be a crackdown so hard it would make McCarthy blush
hair thinning is a side effect of a meth addiction
It needs not be Yearick. It's enough to show that it's not Crooks, that they lied about the shooters identity. Even if someone debunks the Yearick theory Crooks wouldn't become any more plausible. The shooter could be an individual we don't even know yet, someone who resembles Yearick and Crooks. Until Yearick is proven alive though I think he's at least much more likely to be the shooter than Crooks.
This too
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>ITT I'm going to attempt to prove that Maxwell Yearick was the shooter, not Crooks
Textbooks misinformation: suggesting multiple false alternative for anons to waste time looking into, while you scrub the real shooter's online footprint. Like clockwork, they do it every happening.

Their textbook:

this, the yearick possibility should at least be investigated
Either being true would be an act of evil regardless of political affiliations. I wouldn't put it past whoever decided to try and set this up but still
i'm leaning towards yearick because evidence, and because the guy from the "security" footage and the blackrock commercials were presented as alternatives for this reason probably.
I want you to know that you're a dumb nigger and your retarded theory about sperg vs sperg is fucking irrelevant.
I mean what difference would it make either way which retard is dead?
GTFO of here with your autism.
if meth thinned his beard out, then imagine what it would have done to his scalp hair (which looks fine)
it's a stretch for me
When and how did the other guy die?
Of course, goes without saying. There are some complete psychopaths in Mossad/CIA. FBI too.
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this is an important post that someone ought to cap and archive for later. very good job anon

>1 post by this ID
>American flags
>Both using faceblind as an insult.
Yep, glow in the dark.
Crooks was probably vanned and disappeared. I'd be curious to know when he was last seen.
Leaving it til the 13th would be tricky. What if he didn't leave the house that day? That would fuck things up. Better to grab him 2-3 days in advance.
Yo dude, sending massive luck energy to you and holy blessings be upon you. Good job effortpsoting, you are the type of hero this country needs.
yeah i didn't put the meth addiction claim up top because i don't think it's credible enough to be spread. it's just my pet theory on the cause of the thinning. fortunately i don't spend a lot of time around addicts so i can't really say if that pattern of thinning is a reasonable hypothesis.
this anon said it best: >>474298610
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Look at the tip of his ear. Pic on the left does not match the shooter.
Only if you had to choose between those two guys. If you only had to choose between Crooks being the dead guy or not you'd exclude Crooks and say it's rather someone else. I've never seen a photo of Crooks with a beard or a scarred ear or that hair color from before that date. And I can't see his potatoe nose on the dead guy either.
That's plausible, but it's just conjecture. Also, I live in the south, I've seen meth addiction close up plenty of times. That's a lot bigger difference than any I've ever personally observed.
Also plausible but it's just a rabbit hole that leads to picrel.
Not conclusive but pretty good. I saw similar ear comparison pics purporting to prove it was Crooks in a thread yesterday, though. It's not conclusive enough for a positive ID either way.
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Faggots let it go. His face looks a bit different in death than it did in life after having his spinal cord disengaged. Not surprising. We could be talking about something actually happening interesting like the route Crooks used to get to the shooting spot or how the supposed confrontation with the local cop went down or how he got the gun up there when it isn’t in any pics or vids of him maneuvering to the final shooting spot
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That's a BIG yup from me dawg
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You're comparing left ear to right ear. People can have asymmetrical facial features, including ear shape. My own ears are shaped differently.
Threads are free, make one on the topic you want to discuss, glowie. Make enough of them and this one will slide right off the board!
Well if you werent retarded you would know that the one the left is the left ear, and the one on the right is the right ear
What online footprint? He had almost none minus a graduation video and Blackcock commercial. They could have scrubbed anything else prior to putting his name out. Also they could have let that fag jewgazing do their job for them since everyone thought it was him for almost an hour.
It doesn't matter. The kid who did it was a Jew and likely had been trained by someone close to the establishment specifically to take this shot. There is functionally no difference between an Antifa member or any other Jew, Antifa is just a terrorist affiliation of radical Judaism.
You don't think it's suspicious that there's nothing on this kid whatsoever and that the FBI can't access his phone? You think they didn't scrub his entire social media presence before he went to take the shot?
The story isn't Antifa, the story is that this kid was allowed by the Biden administration to take the shot. He was a sacrificial lamb.
> a security camera above the door
The footage of which got reviewed and a single frame of which got released within just one hour after the incident. Am I really supposed to believe this? Until reasonably explained I suspect this was prepared to have their patsy resemble the dead shooter.
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You lost to Spain kek and with s Foden. O Foden fodeu-se.
Interestingly, if you stretch your ears past 0g, they don't heal fully unless you have surgery.
I'd rather have a nigger free country and no football, thanks.
Wtf is 0g?
As soon as Trump enters office Antifa becomes fair game anyway. There is no way his administration spares them.
0 gauge is the size for stretched ears. It equates to 8mm or 5/16". That's the absolute maximum you can stretch your ears to and they'll heal up completely, including the hole closing up. In the image, you can see that's well past 0g.
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Crooks has this much more clearly
The coños humiliated England anyway, immigrants or not.
“Zero G’s” or gay levels, the wider your ears, the higher your g-level (gay level) is.
Ok thanks. It does make sense. I never cared about those things because I'm not a communist.
What about the nose? Can noses change shape because of blood loss?
I never understood why put those ugly dots but that's just me. Why would anyone want to look like a Buda statue?
>getting mad over speculation
>am I suppose to believe this shit was prepared?
Like I said, the fact this image exists at all is suspicious because it looks to be taken minutes before the shooting happened. Crooks is no doubt the corpse.
Gaels have stretched their ears for thousands of years. It's not just a commie thing, but it's a good way to sneak into their meetings to have multiple piercings.
Anyways, it's an important point to make because if his ear looks stitched up at all, you can pretty much assure that's the same guy.
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>fuckin jannies should trash all these stupid threads fr

Oh man, can't have people questioning the narrative. KYS glownigger.
If you get punched in the nose it will swallow. The nose has a lot of blood, tiny bones and cartilage, so yes it will definitely change shape with any impact.
Good, their love of niggers is why I despise them.
Idk, probably. I think there's enough to say it's him regardless.
That yearick guy looks absolutely nothing like the dead guy. You people are fucking retarded
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Do yoy have a similar pic showing the effect on profile pics? Might be a good reference for the death photo.
I looked at the picture and he has a saddled nose. Sort of a inside bump. That's common with too much blood loss.
The "effect" is that camera lenses change how you look & drawing schizo lines over photos to see how far apart someone's eyes are is retarded.
Just go find Yearick and prove us wrong.
There's no way his twitter account didn't comment on Trump getting shot. Unless he's dead.
Okay and what does that tell about buying a webcam? That the 85mm @ 200mm is the best buy?
LOL produce the antifa then. There's a simple way to end these threads. Yearick himself.
That's what I'm waiting for. If it's truly not Yearick, I just want some small confirmation so I can put this to bed in my mind. It shouldn't be that hard, but for some reason it is..
Yearick could have just shaved...
Where is Tiffany Dover?
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If you're going to be a schizo at least get on the interesting schizo train
>fact check
Lmfao. Stop with this gaslighting bullshit. He should come forward. If hes not heard from in 3 weeks, then hes the shooter.
I swear it's feds trying to convince us it's Yearick.
this the power of dumb ass retard niggers spamming over and over based on literally nothing. these retards can't comprehend that mistakes happen and the theatre we were supposed to see was not what we saw.
>bbbbbbbut this g-g-guy looks like the other guy
you have no mental capacity to investigate. youre literally just too stupid
>been banned 5 times today for engaging with these tards
You faggots are too retarded to live. Thank god you never go outside.
>feds want us to believe the shooter is antifa
Some mysteriously deep 4d chess.
You think this troon kid isn't also antifa? Retard
>i'm leaning towards yearick because evidence
evidence = aggressive, repeated, mass-spammed insistence that a guy who doesn't physically match the dead body is the "real" shooter

>What online footprint?
Exactly, they flooded the zone with absurd alternate shooter theories so there was no mass OSINT effort like organically arises here. Everyone is still debating the distraction topics, and real findings get lost in the noise, or at least delayed. And that's what we're seeing play out in this thread + the 20 others that will be up every hour for the next week.
Refute the article.
It should be easy to prove that either Yearick or Crooks is alive and not dead.

CONFIRMATION OF WHAT? That this guy you decided looks like the shooter DIDNT do it? who is that coming from you absolute mongoloid. so until someone chases down this retarded red herring, you're incredulous? you little baby retard just fuck off all your braindead faggots. Get out of the conspiracy bubble for literally 5 minutes. no wonder everyone hate this place.
If the distance and aperture(?) of the photo can be determined then the "schizo lines" can be confirmed or refuted with math.
Exactly this. Yearick, anyone who knows him, or any intelligence agency could put an end to this immediately by simply providing a timestamped pic of Yearick
You've convinced me that there's something wrong here for sure
Nice try fedboi
You are retarded, think about how different you can look in photos, stop trying to read faces and look at the irrefutable evidence.
this is coordinated well poisoning
1pbtid glowies
There's one way to put an end to this, but measuring his anal gape. If it gapes very wide he's definitely ultra gay. If not he's not that gay. That's the way you find how gay was the killer.
There's nothing to refute, they simply said
>it's not the same guy
That's not an argument.
Schizo, good thing you stay in your basement all day.
It's the power of AI dude, who knows if any of these pictures are even real.
I know you're a troll or a glownigger but here goes: if YOU were the subject of a "It was actually THIS guy who shot the president" conspiracy theory, wouldn't you immediately disprove it via social media or a call to a tv network?
With crooks schoolmates saying hes a lousy shot and seeing this guy in more appropriate survivalist gear im kind of interested in thia Yearick angle, especially with so many 1id posts angerly saying not to consider it. The stitched gauges is certainly interesting, but anons point out that if yearick wasnt the guy then the scrubbing of his online footprint wouldnt be necessary. Or if he just came put and said it wasnt him would calm these claims

Most importantly it goes against the official narrative.
Saying it's all AI is less schizo than thinking it's Yearick, some 30 year old man who looks nothing like the troon shooter.
Notice the difference in the INNER EAR not the OUTER EAR

The CIA plastic surgeon duplication niggers copied the outer ear bumps, but still failed to duplicate properly the ENTIRE ear.

When you look at Crooks inner 'ear hole' it does not match the shooter.

Everything we're seeing is pointing to an inside job / coordinated assassination attempt.
sub 100 iqs fuck off
Okay so where is Crooks? Moron...
>You think this troon kid isn't also antifa?
I'm starting to think not. There'd be no reason to choose him as a patsy if they're just going to scrub his background anyway.
>photoshopped it in mere minutes while standing on the roof
Scrub his background? You must be trolling.
I don't live in a third world country lacking bedrooms that utilize basements as one.
You are not an epic hacker man you are a retarded schizo boomer. Go back to X
You haven't made any interesting posts, or any that make sense so far.
Unless Yearick is dead in some mass hohol grave
The basement is not a bedroom, it's stone floor that you sleep on, it's reverting your brain to a caveman-like state.
Let's say it's Yearick, how did he get out of prison?
I'm not going to make an "interesting" post just to be called a fed anyway.
> it can't be allowed to come out that a leftist militant and Antifa member tried to shoot the president after being in federal custody
Well too late, quite reputable and official sources abroad are pointing the finger to antifa and calling Soros, its funder, and Biden as the abettors.
Since you avoided the first question here's another: IF it's true that the FBI wants people to think it's Crooks (again, IF, work with me here) then obviously Crooks would be in on it and would have been set up to disappear somewhere, probably a much richer man, right? Again, that's IF the conspiracy is true.

However, if it's NOT true that means Yearick legit had NOTHING To do with it and therefore nothing to gain by not coming forward.


If it's a conspiracy, it makes sense that Crooks is "disappeared" and we won't hear from him

If it's NOT a conspiracy, it makes zero sense that Yearick or someone in his circle (or a glownigger) wouldn't put it to bed immediately by simply saying "Here I am/Here he is"
Also being antifa would give him motive, and i find the notion that the FBI or whatever couldnt hack into his phone and declare its 'too hard' and give up not even an day after the shooting is laughable
And this wouldn't apply to Yearick just as much as to Crooks? I've seen no evidence yet that makes Crooks the only possible candidate.
Fine, at least make sense then.
That's irrelevant. and maybe part of their intended cover story. Look, if this was a deep state CIA hit job, I'm sure they can get him out of prison.

We're talking about the same liberal central bank deep state niggers that replaced Epstein with a fake dead body double.

I'm sure they can do the same here.
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You need to become more proficient in English before participating in English forums.
You got yearick Ukraine sauce?

Any one got sauce?
He's dead dumbass.
They supposedly found explosive materials in the shooter's vehicle. Why haven't they released images of the car, or revealed make and model yet?
That could be used to confirm an identity.
There's obvious fuckery afoot.
So he's the guy shot on the roof then? Case closed !
What difference would it make if the shooter is chad antifa versus troon antifa? It literally makes them look better, glowies.
you have no fucking idea if this guy even knows what you dumb ass morons are even saying. Pls die
Now i know it's Yearick.
No, he's the persona, the patsy. They needed his background. He gets vanned and taken to the pig farm, Yearick gets shot on the roof. The problem is Yearick is Antifa so they need Crooks as the patsy.
People that know Crooks are saying it doesn't make any sense that he'd shoot Trump.
People who knew him two years ago? That only knew him through bullying him in passing? Yup, I'm sure the people I went to school with also have a grasp of my worldview. He's clearly a leftist troon.
Sounds to me like his old Blackrock friends reached back out to him, and offered him a MEGA PAYDAY for one last performance...
>It literally makes them look better,
Why are leftoids like this. It gives Trump the political capital to declare Antifa as a terror organization as soon has he takes power.

It also delegitimizes antifa to anyone 40+ years old in the democrat voter pool.
This is some glowing shit stained retard or some smooth brained logic. Says teal deer and proceeds to not have teal deer.

They are prolly both dead, makes 0 sense both of their digital footprint has been scrubbed.
>He's clearly a leftist troon.
I thought so at first, but where is Yearick? He's so political there's no way he isn't talking about this.
This makes no sense
How do you know how political he is? He got arrested once in 2016...
Think about it...

they needed someone to take the fall for this...

someone who didn't have antifa or democrat affiliations, so it could not 'be traced back to them' after Biden's horrible debate failure.

But the problem is...

The only type of person who would do the shooting is a mega liberal mentally ill democrat antifa member.

So they have their antifa shooter, and a fake alibi (crooks) who would take the public blame, and look like someone not involved with the mentally ill liberal left.

They didn't want it to seem like their own antifa squad had done this.

But logically, no trump supporter would do this.

The liberal left is so mentally ill they don't think these things all the way through.
You haven't heard from him because his lawyer is working on suing you dumbasses for spreading his face everywhere.
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Great job anon. I knew from the second I saw that dirtbag's antifaggot lifeless corpse here
yesterday that this little sperg
Can under no circumstances be the shooter.
Sloppy job mossad, day of the gharqad tree coming soon
FBI is so fucked up that they are literally gonna try and keep this hidden, but yup, this is our guy
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The pale skin color is not only from meth but from the fact that the corpse has already been dead for long and drained from blood. The blood on the face and shirt is not from the body.
Moreover, the body had to be there already prior to the beginning of the venue, and Crooks the actual shooter climbed on the roof without anyone preventing and was then escorted away after the incident and is now in the custody of his handlers. No-one probably checked inside the barracks after the corpse of the "Shooter" was found on the roof. So Crooks was the shooter but the corpse is Yarrick and this is from the same Alpha-gone-rogue playbook as Skripals and MH-17.
The snipers told (and also Trump quoted them) that the shooter had been "shot right in between the eyes." But there is no mark in the forehead, or noseline except for the line of dried blood.
The clean hole/mark in the neck on his right side highlighted by blue circle in the pic reminds me of the eyewitness testimonies (also quoted by Strelkov) of the bodies in the shootdown of MH-17 in Donbass in 2014.
Also those bodies had been dead for a long period of time, likely frozen and, based on the marks in their necks, they had been drained of blood prior to freezing.
You mean they're frantically looking for a lookalike?
This is equivalent to leftist mental gymnastics, take your meds.
>This makes no sense
What part of it doesn't make sense?
>How do you know how political he is?
Because he's in antifa.
>He got arrested once in 2016...
I saw a post listing multiple interactions with police, didn't all result in arrest but IIRC the last run-in was 2021. Antifa don't really do much with a Democrat in power for obvious reasons.
So schizo, why would they do that after?
I think it's Maxwell Yearick as well. Looked like John Lennon up there with the feminine hair & skinny frame.
post foreskin
You dumb bastard, your country has been doing this exact shit since at least JFK.

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