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This pic was dropped less than 1hr after the shooting the source a Xwitter account that disappeared just as fast. It is a security cam (not drone) pic of buddy earlier in the day, may have been taken at a different spot than the rally. By this time we had already figured out the shooter's shirt was a guntuber and it was all over the internet so whoever dropped this may have just checked their own footage for this guy or the cops or glowies dropped it. No source.
Wowee that's a great question. I sure am sleepy bros.
Anon obviously somebody at the rally took this picture. Isn't it time to stop asking questions and go to bed?
In the sky news chopper vid (pic related) you can clearly see 2 ladders, not one. The second one is beside a broken open storage cabinet you can clearly see on Google street view. That's where he hid the rifle a day or days before. He prob got the ladder from a contractor truck in the parking lot it was a glass business or maybe it was a collapsing ladder and he stashed it in the same locker.

He would have done recon on this place for a month at least one overwatch team would have spotted him if their security is at all good because you always watch a place 36 hours at least before a VIP shows up.
>or they saw the guy stashing the rifle and decided to do nothing to set up Trump

>someone took a pic
His accomplice maybe
No anon, the TV has confirmed that he acted alone. Some MAGA guy must have thought he looked like a cool guy to take a picture of. So you have your origin story. Maybe get some sleep?
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Oh well then it must be purely coincidence
This picture needs to be sourced. It’s fuckin me up
I wouldn't want pol gangstalking me if I were the one to randomly take the shooter's picture either
haven't seen much discussion about how he got up there. you think it's the black ladder by the shed?
seems like he could have easily disappeared behind the trees and used that ladder. maybe he even placed it there beforehand and buried the rifle in dirt.
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This was some dumbass on twitter who posted a picture of himself claiming to be the trump shooter.
Dude is probably getting death threats for being retarded and lying.
But no its a random picture and the actual shooter had brown hair not blonde.
The pic OP attached is the one of the shooter. The idiot (Maxwell Yearick) who claimed to be the Trump shooter has longer hair, different shaped face...
>He would have done recon on this place for a month at least one overwatch team would have spotted him if their security is at all good because you always watch a place 36 hours at least before a VIP shows up.

If he actually planned it out in advance, he probably would have bought a scope.
Bump, the absence of a source for this is fucking crazy - zoomed in drone shot? The top down angle is the most insane part. Same shirt from the day, obviously
I've been wondering how this pic got posted so quickly and where it came from myself.
Ladder just happens to be hidden behind two trees. This shit was planned out by the secret service. There's no doubt in my mind. They tried it twice in Nevada, the incident with the kid at the rally, and the other with the guy from Strafor, and Hope Hicks made him sick too remember? And then there was the Vegas shooting. Some people say Trump was at the airport when that went down, but it was never confirmed. Either way they've tried to kill this man again and again and God won't let them for whatever reason. The angels are around him. They better recognize.
Is this on the same day?
Is this at the location of the shooting?
Is he wearing the same clothes as the shooter on the day of the shooting?
Any leads?
Great question, a loose end that needs tying. I remember someone randomly dropping that picture in a thread not even 45 minutes after the shooting. This was before we saw the body on the roof.

Why would glowies be helping us identify the shooter?
>Maxwell Yearick
No. Yearick is the libshit protestor who got arrested years ago for fucking with the cops at a Trump rally. He's the one kikes and retards are insisting got his stretched ears sewn up and injected with estrogen to minimize his facial hair before he got blasted. The guy who claimed to be the shooter is some twitter dumbass who shitposted about being him because his physiognomy is very similar. Then shit got way too hot and he deleted his entire social media presence.
It’s still not clear where this or the corpse shot came from, but they were on here quickly. It’s not even verified the corpse is the shooter.
>Is this on the same day?
Yes, I recall seeing it in the sticky less than an hour after the shooting occurred.
>Is this at the location of the shooting?
Probably. Someone in a later thread drew up a diagram that I should have saved correlating the concrete feature he's sitting on to something on the perimeter of the building he later climbed to take position for the shot.
>Is he wearing the same clothes as the shooter on the day of the shooting?
I've been asking this very same question in a bunch of threads since news broke and I've yet to hear anyone even try to explain where the photo came from. It's very suspicious. Especially with how quickly it got out.
We don't have a source for the bloody headshot photo either, do we? Was that dropped here, or on twitter? Where did it come from?
Maybe glowies think people still buy the lone wolf narrative even when almost everyone thinks Oswald was a patsy.
All correct but he's still on Twitter.
The bloody pic being a simple leak from some cop's phone is plausible. OP's pic doesn't make any sense though. Who the fuck would know that this random white guy is the shooter and therefore post it instantly? Was it before or after the bloody headshot was posted?
fedniggers glowdropped both of those. I thought that was generally understood about all happenings.
I figure a journo or civilian had a drone up and clipped it from that. I don't know shit about drone stuff but does the grass look like it's from a moving shot
Crooks hair doesn’t match the dead guy in the pic. It was much shorter in all other pics. The only evidence of it being longer is that weird pic that nobody knows where it’s from or who posted it.

The dead shooter had darker hair and looked more like Yaerick than Crooks.

I think Yaerick was the shooter and Crooks is the patsy.

My guess is they wanted to deescalate after by making the shooter a republican instead of some left wing antifa activist.
This is the first post on twitter about it
How would you know that? There is no internal reverse image search for Twitter.
Someone posted a webm of the shooters body. It was from the footage tmz uploaded but it had no censoring. Haven't seen it since.
Appreciated. Haven't been online since a day before the shooting, so I missed the most crucial time of the investigation.
>Someone in a later thread drew up a diagram that I should have saved correlating the concrete feature he's sitting on to something on the perimeter of the building he later climbed to take position for the shot.
Assuming this is correct:
>He was there
>He was being watched by something
>This something photographed him
>This photo was later released to the public.
The big why here is why this photograph was released.
Also, was he alone? Sort of get the impression he's taking orders from someone here.
As to what purpose?
Signalling "yeh, we're behind this. whatchu gonna do?"
>This is the first post on twitter about it
That timestamp places that post three hours after the shooting occurred and at least two hours after it had started circulating here. That's not the source.
I saw a webm of the shooters body being turned over but it was all weirdly distorted and people claimed it was ai.
I assume on of the cops took it. He's shared it to a friend and voila. This happens with regularity. We know now that the Bin Laden photos, which have never leaked, got shared around by military personel, because the FBI seized them off one guys phone.
Have you found the first post with that image here?
I think that it's this one >>474027212
Notice the upper right corner of that image. Reverse image search on this image returns results with a full frame only in that post on twitter, others are retweets or cropped versions. Apparently it's a screenshot from telegram
Not only that but his name was leaked quick then people leaked his donation and voter registry info right away like this was all prepared to paint a narrative.
I actually wondered that. In the footage his face seems like it "slides" off and the movements are weird. I now *think* someone ran it through an AI de-censor, which is what coomers do with JAV videos (and it works quite well). Because the way the face moved would indicate way more damage than what is in the close up photo. Also has anyone ripped any exif data for any of this? So many sites now, like shircord, scrub exif data automatically. When some Delta Force stuff leaked from discord, plebbit mods said it was no big deal because you couldn't obtain anything from the data.
Telegram is where you slavnicks share a lot of stuff. I think burgers use signal more, but they probably use telegram too. Some of them maybe learned their lesson after getting in trouble for using insta.
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>just happens to be hidden behind two trees. This shit was planned out by the secret service.
not just secret service. what even is this strange device that enables him to scale vertical walls? there's no way he invented that himself, and i don't think even the supergeniuses at the secret service could have done both that and come up with the plan of hiding it behind two trees. this reeks of DARPA
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most likely taken by drone from behind the AGR building. they knew he was there long before he reached the roof.
I hope you’re trolling. If not seek help.
What happened happened. Simple as. Not a great mystery or somesuch. No great conspiracy needed.
They is no “They.”
how this nigga know those ladders were there
yeah, they definitely get a kick out of releasing this stuff.
Yeah.. it seems like the same day? it’s that demonshirt, and the angle is so fucking weird
I can't be bothered digging through footage, but maybe there was a news chopper or drone up. He was outside the actual perimeter, so maybe even civilians having their BBQ and such. Lots of units now have small observation drones ready to pop instantly, so same guys who leaked headshot may have popped drone before going on the roof. The headshot is NOT the civilian from the crowd - he was bald.
What time was the shooting at? Should be possible to correlate the shadows.
Going through browsing history, found this post. Could have sworn I had seen the image posted sooner than this, way before the shooter corpse picture was posted.
Again, run exif data on the first upload. Russian anon above thinks he found the first post. Does 4chan auto-scrub it now? Many phones do, but this looks like a drone shot.
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this wall?
4chan has scrubbed exif data since forever
thats not the same person
You idiots don’t understand time and events. You look at an event and then go backwards, mystified that this-led-to-this-led-to-this.
Wow. So deep.
Every event in creation can be broken down into the same steps.
You can’t look at the end and say “conspiracy!” just because you can’t understand past tense.
Yeah it wasn't the first time.
This was already a repost. I was in the thread when it first dropped and anons were asking the 1pbtid about it.
Yeah might be signal as well. But if we assume that this twitter post was the first one on twitter, then it's worth noting that the author also has a link to his tg channel in his description
lol. Back when we used to geoguess sloots they never did. Seems appropriate in todays day and age though.
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Seems like channel mods will be backstabbing each other to find out who leaked. Worse than egirl orbiters.
Its even easier, i can simply think about tbe incident and moments later i will know everything about it. The only sipulation from god is i do not use this to effect changes that benefit myself.
i recognize that blade of grass
Don't forget why did reports of a "Chinese" guy suddenly spread everywhere online? Guy doesn't look remotely Chinese.
Your facts are all mixed up mate.
You got Lil' Chuddy from the OP, then you got Silver Hammer Yearick who looks a lot like the death photo although Lil' Chuddy's ear has the same abnormalities as the death photo including pixels. Then you got Shadilay Blondie Blueshirt who is still alive. Antifa Yearick just needs to go on the news so we can move on.
Got a link to the thread?
they were watching him
they let it happen
Topkek, even
>Someone in a later thread drew up a diagram
Is this the one?
Alright, I have enough information for now that required processing.
Looks like the Capitol Police on j6.
So I've been digging into some reporting, and I've found a few reputables who have direct lines to chains or command and/or direct Secret Service sources. The current reporting is, and this is god damned mind-blowing to me, that because Trump is a former President and not current government, essentially his protection is reduced comparatively and things like sniper teams and major location securing have to be specifically requested and called down from DC beforehand, they're not part of the inherent package. Time this with the fact that internals are saying that Trump's detail has been on double duty due to his touring so in order to fill shifts they've had to pull in extra non-standard agents from local field offices, and the fact that the current First Lady was in-state with a full SS presence at the same time, means that for Trump's rally they should have had 3+ sniper teams, but they only had one.

Now, all of this wouldn't be a big deal honestly, I get that he travels and agents don't grow on trees. But how does this unknown, unaffiliated shooter happen to pick the one time Trump is going to have reduced security, pick the one place in the vicinity with no police/fed covering, and know his sight line well enough that he can set up and get a shot off without anyone catching it in time? One dude? One dude in fucking cargo shorts? Really?
What I'm trying to say is that this conflux of events happening at the exact same time, and then somehow all law enforcement and government just whips themselves into a frenzy of blaming and finger pointing and hand-waving and nothing gets answered ever, this feels exactly like Vegas and Uvalde.
Unfortunately no. And I looked. I can't find shit.
It wasn't in the OP. It was in the thread and fuck if I can find it. I had like 10 threads opened at the time.
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from https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/
He wasn't a threat for j
he was already dead
Maybe whoever dropped it is finally having second thoughts. I’m sure there a quite a few that want to be patriots but know all to well what will happen if they do. Crazy that secret service has fat dikes and women in charge of protecting trump, yet somehow everyone is surprised something like this happened.
Thank god that little gollum looking ass incel was too retarded to shoot for shit.
>Anon obviously somebody at the rally took this picture
Why is it obvious? Could just as well have been taken by his fed handlers or AI generated by whoever.
> but maybe there was a news chopper or drone up.
There's a lot of questions that have to be answered before a conclusion can be reached. This picture surfacing is reason enough for a lot of questions.
>Thank god that little gollum looking ass incel was too retarded to shoot for shit.
The shot was good. Trump would be dead if he hadn't turned his head. The shooter had no scope too.
>someone took a pic
>His accomplice maybe
What a stupid thing to say.
Sounds well thought out, but could it be true that SS is routinely understaffed/incompetent but that's kept under wraps to maintain the security theatre? Finger pointing totally unsurprising if they know they fucked up
This isn't that mind blowing. One news source said his people requested more SS and were denied and he had the regular detail for an ex president and that should he campaign, which is extremely rare, he'd have to backfill with private security. Some other news source alleged after his conviction they wanted to scale it back more but couldn't.
During his first campaign a guy did try and get to him with a gun but was stopped. This might not be the first time someone has tried but the first time they made it through.
Some people claim it was this guy, @jewgazing making a hoax image. The faggot deleted this tweet but I found the archive. He does look very similar but idk.
This is his twitter account
He made a headshot. If Trump had not turned it would not have grazed his ear, but gone in. Trump had divine intervention and/or luck on his side.
You're sure it's not a drone? It sure looks like an angle a drone would have and not one a security camera would have. You don't see the building or whatever it's attached to anywhere do you?
Same I think I might sleep for a bit.
Night, /pol/.
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His rabbi in the FBI posted it.
I have negative amounts of doubt that people in the actual bureaus that run these departments (because they're mostly women) unironically roll their eyes and either slow-walk or refuse to approve actual security because they legitimately hope some nutjob can pop Trump and they can just say "Well, nothing we could do. Oh well." Same way every congressperson trying to pass a vote to strip his protection is only doing it because they hope it leads to him being killed. They know it, we know it, they don't care that we know it.

Literally everything about our current government is focused on Trump right now, from the DOJ to every other department, and they're all trying to make sure they do just enough, just as much as they're legally covered for, to try and get him killed or destroyed. In the same way they all just kind of "Wink wink, nod nod" to the people to fake voter registrations, stuff fake ballots, and shred Republican ballot envelopes. No one needs to get a direct order, they're all willing to just do their own little bit.
He wasn't going to use a scope because someone on the inside told him that SS countersnipers use technology to detect scopes.
And here's the faggot saying his name is "Thomas Matthew Crooks" for the lulz?
It was quoted that he tried to join the rifle club at his school but they booted him because he was a bad shot. Considering he missed several at 150 yards laying down with a clear line of site. And 150 yards is nothing.
There was the first guy that made it onto the podium during a rally, and was given an interview on CNN soon after. I don't think he was armed though. Then a British guy was arrested at a Trump event when he tried to grab a gun from a police officer to kill Trump. There might have been more but I can't remember right now.
He's wearing a guntuber t-shirt. Another popular guntuber did a special not long ago with two burgers back from Ukraine. They bought up the difficulty snipers have there because Russians run scope-finding tech (apparently adapted from tank defense tech used to identify anti-tank weapons). I never knew such things existed.
This is why he didn't have a scope. He thought US is using such tech too.
He still made a headshot and it's semi-luck Trump turned towards the sound in time to get a graze. But yeah, if he had been even a tiny bit more competent, it's over rover.
>Then a British guy was arrested at a Trump event when he tried to grab a gun from a police officer to kill Trump.
That's the one I was thinking of.
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Found this too. Idk may be a dead end and that actually is an image of crooks from drone footage.
Ears aren't the same.
Glowies literally trying to hide the real shooter.
>Trump turned towards the sound in time to get a graze
No. The bullets are supersonic, they reach you before the sound does.
Why is this faggot on all four? Is he getting doggy styled by a negro?
It's an performance art piece called "Ridin with Biden"
I just feel bad Demo Matt will be associated with this. I watched him years and years back. His best friend who worked for him died and same with his brother who he always had on camera. He just seemed like a simple White family guy.
From the video, I *thought* the first couple of rounds missed, Trump hears those, turns and then is hit?
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Also it was probably sent in private message, because posts from channels have the channel's name above the image. So somebody sent that photo to the that twitter user via telegram
Fair enough you could be right
the size of that storage cabinet is huge. shooter could have been in there waiting with his rifle and ladder
if he was assisted they would reduce risks to the plan
travel to the site is a risk (traffic, pulled over by cops, flat tire, etc)
being on site in place ready to go on the roof when he hears trump is a better plan
Could be that guy trolling. Do we have any actual confirmation the shooter was wearing a demolitia t OTHER than this image?
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Body on the roof APPEARS to be wearing the same colored gray t shirt, but I can’t say with 100% certainty because of angles
just wanted to say that some groups (one it particular: groypers) have made it harder to verify any information. they have gone out of their way to make hoax accounts and post complete fucking nonsense all over socials.
every post here speculating about some inane shit should be regarded with suspicion.
fuck this board and everyone on it.
Is there a short concrete wall around the property and this is a photo of him climbing it?

It really looks like a drone photo to me. The angle is too high and it doesn't make sense being a security camera. Security cameras and posted at angles to show a wide area, not tightly focused down at the ground from a high angle showing one spot.
>Do we have any actual confirmation the shooter was wearing a demolitia t OTHER than this image?
Yeah There are images of the body showing the shirt pretty clearly. The monochrome american flag on the sleeve and -EMO-- on the chest.
I don't doubt that is true in some cases but it's not the only explanation for the results we see. Also possible that they negligently miscalculated the risk of a lone suicide gunman while genuinely trying to 'do their best'. Plenty of well intentioned morons in the world but I get your point
I watch his YouTube channel regularly, I know I was one of the first here in the threads identifying it as a demoranch t shirt. It is the same shirt without a doubt. The style, colour , thats a demo ranch shirt.
The misinformation tactics are surprisingly effective.
I was on here minutes after the shooting, and already spam threads about it being staged were up. Along with every other retarded idea you could think up. So either we share this board with absolute morons (quite possible), or there are bots constantly trying to discredit and draw attention away from actual posters (also quite possible). We're fucked.
Groypers work for the CIA AF is a CIA operation so is DW.
You forgot when NASA employees dropped gas cannisters on Trump from a weather balloon while he was playing golf, and when The General launched a missile at his plane from Skunk Bay and called it a helicopter when the weather cam accidentally the launch.
A Whitehat in the SS most likely posted the pic.
Why does it look like they took the photo at this angle to make his nose look as small as possible?


Come on /pol/, you guys are smarter than this.
This is a plant photo, to make it not be associated with the Judaic puppeteers that made this happen.
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Physics…v = fλ (approx)= 0.153409 s
Correct. This kind of bullet flies at 2600 fps minimum if a handload, 3000 fps normally out of the muzzle if a factory load, well beyond the speed of sound
Guess the next question is if the info about it being a demoranch T came out prior to that picture going up. If the picture went up first, it's like 99% confirmation it's a real photo and not a troll and/or AI/shoop
go to /ptg/ and keep hitting previous thread until you get to the shooting.
Also can anyone get a better shot of the building to see where this is? It appears to be the smaller structure (doorway) next to the roof. Which means in this image he is facing away from the rally (I think). Also that structure appears to be lower than the tin roof, so maybe there was a security cam (mounted to the roof looking down) there to record attempted break ins
Why are you saying this isn't a photo from a drone when it looks like a photo from a drone?

Do you have any reason to believe that it isn't a drone?
A security camera mounted in such a way that you can't see anything that it's mounted to and only focused on a small area from a high angle?

Seems pretty unlikely.
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Imo it's not a security camera. I doubt someone would get access to the recordings, go through all the last hour of footage from all the various cameras, find this guy and post it so quickly.
are you reading the things you post (the picture)? I don't know if this picture is related to this whole thing, but in the picture "commit to the sin". reminds me of the what was it "deeply feel the pain" (or how was that Abramovich line?)
iirc it was eat the pain
>cut deeply into the middle section of your left index finger
>eat the pain
Or something like that
That structure is a doorway/entrance from the carpark. It would actually make sense. Some anon said he was just there so I'll look at that photo.

Person brings up footage on phone, crops it to see the shooter. What doesn't make sense is the spot. The little building part is on the side of the slope facing the rally.
This is a new picture. Where the fuck did you get this?
Nah it came out pretty early. Thats how most people realized it wasn't a chinese dude
It's not new. That's the tmz picture. Mentioned above (I think). The video footage of it was censored and I think they ran it through a decensor because it looks janky.
>But if we assume that this twitter post was the first one on twitter,
There's no reason to assume that
Why would you assume it's a drone? You realize that government can afford to fly regular aircraft, right?
The secret service said it wasn't their job to secure against any threats from outside the perimeter of the rally. Anything outside would be the police's job, they said.
They clearly imply they don't give a shit and that's why they let him shoot, because he was outside their perimeter of security.
The secret service didn't seem to give a shit. They only shot him once he started shooting people at the rally but they let him take a few shots on Trump.

Which is pretty based, they probably hate Trump's guts. But when he started shooting, they needed to pretend: hey we're doing our jobs now, right? So they shot back to have legal cover. But if they really cared, they would have shot him before he even got a chance to open fire. They already saw him and there were lots of peeps shouting there's a guy on a roof.
Anon I didn't say that the SS did thie job or had the tech. I said that the perp didn't use the optics because he thought they do care and have the tech.
Now everyone knows they don't give a shit and there will be more people like him. They basically told everyone that they are happy with how the event went and they don't intend to change a thing.
Obviously next perp will know this too. This one didn't
hey anons
we've been at this for over 24 hours now, digging and hunting for info
but as a vet of these kinds of ops, let me tell ya, rest is important
after everything that has happened, boy howdy am I sleepy. so I suggest we all get some solid shut-eye and revisit all this when we're all refreshed. alright well that does it for me, I'm signing off cuz LORDY AM I SLEEPY. make sure you guys take care of yourselves and GET SOME SLEEP. I know I'm not the only one who's been at it all day! alright anons well again I'm signing off for some quality ZZzzzZZz.
night all
sleep tight
Why would he need to climb on top of a wall that you can just walk around
Lee Harvey Oswald, 2024 edition
>It is a security cam (not drone)
how do you know?
yeah, that was strange indeed. I even sent that out to a friend in a text, that the guy was chinese, and it wasn't from BS that I learned here, but from some MSM tweet. That's all I was going by because I wanted to be careful about repeating rumors from here.
I see. I think he didn't have optics because those are expensive. He was working in some old people's home.
And he took his dad's rifle, which probably didn't have optics, because dad didn't have money for it either.

Kid was trying to get suicided by secret service and maybe go down in history books as the guy who did that big thing and completely changed the direction of our country. As revenge for being so shit on and rejected in school and as an adult. I mean anyone who really wanted to get this done would have prepared meticulously, made sure he wouldn't get noticed. Whereas this guy was crawling on roofs, throwing his ass around, people were filming him and shouting to the police: there's a guy on roof. He couldn't care less, he kept moving around on the roof, when he was already spotted. He wanted to be seen.
Yearick the dead antifa guy on the roof wearing the same shirt. This photo, which may not even be from the same day, is meant to make people think it is proof that crooks was the shooter because its the same shirt as the dead body
Hey is that a light or a camera above the door there?
Looks like a wired IP camera to me. Which explains the angle it's literally just covering the door and the photo is cropped.
Which means that was pulled from on-prem cam NVR. While that could be accessible over the WAN, means someone who owned the building or did their IT had access to this photo and released it.
You can see it better on google street view but yeah prob cams at every exit this is some 'advanced research glass' place so I assume makes bulletproof glass and other valuable shit. Employee there could have leaked the pic too but it was too fast everyone figured out the shirt then 10m later that pic dropped
Right, even small biz that have buildings do IP cams bc they're so cheap and protect assets.
So, who leaked this shit?
But you dident save it because you are a phone poster zoomer.
Bc think about it, that place was closed Saturday most likely, so someone with access hears about the Trump rally, logs into the NVR and takes thr screen cap and goes and posts it somewhere to be circulated?
guys seriously
get some sleep
I am so tired from all this
so let's get some shut-eye and come back later maybe
so darn sleepy
night frens
probably someone shared it who wasn't supposed to then deleted their posts. especially if its from a security camera, the guard or cop could be found who did it and maybe get in trouble.

not everything is a huge conspiracy
It feels more like Trump's cabinet setup this round of kangaroo politcal theatre due to the whole Project 2025 document. I doubt the DNC set this up, it doesn't favor them.
It's 100% a security camera
>muh google results
Do people know how google works? Fucking retards.
It leaked so fast must be a security guard there asked to hand over a copy of footage though typically you'd sell that shit to TMZ in modern clown world.

I started this thread at 2:47am pst then already slept for 6 hrs. Now enjoying covfefe and reading replies.
i don't think it's going to be a big deal for him
>No source.
>he probably would have bought a scope.
It makes ZERO sense to not use one here.
This is the ONE attempt that this will EVER be permitted to occur again, and he "chose" iron sights.
It doesn't pass the smell test, especially when combined with the other Anomalies.
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Its not a hoax, the hair is the same and the chin is clearly habsburg tier, his nose is weirdly small, it must be the other side of his head without the ear abnormality
He was wearing the demolition ranch shirt too
Im feeling sleepy anons
With the corpse photo on the roof. Only five guys could have leaked that image. Leaking that image is a felony. You are interfering with an active crime scene investigation -- for example, who knows who the shooter was working with? By exposing his face online you could have impaired the investigation and endangered others. It's a former president. And this involves the Secret Service.

So one guy, either PD, FBI or SS, takes a photo of Crooks's rekt face, and uploaded it to X? Lol. Remember when Stephen Paddock's face leaked. FBI was initially pissed. Of course it's also speculated they wanted it leaked to remove heat from the Saudis upstairs.

We've come a long way from the Zapruder film being off limits to the public until the 1980s. Yet Crooks's death mug goes viral within an hour of his death.
Jelly Jar light over the door. Camera is probably mounted higher up near the soffit of the building, the photo is just cropped and zoomed in.


this was first time the image was posted
>Some cop leaked the Crooks corpse photo
C'mon bros. How many people were allowed on the roof? Five to start. No way in fuck a cop just shares that image. His corpse was still fresh. They didn't even have a name yet.
That image was purposely leaked. Again, just like Paddock's.
Whoever leaked it, otherwise, is facing a literal felony. People are not that fucking unprofessional on a major crime scene like this. You will be traced as the source quick fast and busted.

Anon tries to say bin Laden's death photos were traded. He ironically proves the point that Crooks's photo wasn't leaked. It was released. Bin Laden's photos have never leaked. (Because it's a bullshit story IMHO).
That graphic "video" was AI generated using Luna.
Kys Mohammad
wow it's almost like he was groomed by the fbi and they surveilled him, crazy

this was first posting
it's because that's not him silly goose
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the jews are laughing at you
Could it be that Crooks was told he was guarding Trump? Could he have been told he was setting up a terrorist? And that's what the "explosives" in his car were for? I really don't buy the lone wolf line anymore.
The Chinese suspect was reported on Fox News. I remember thinking it was sus how they emphasized his ethnicity and nationality because it's so rare and was directly stated.
Seems like total misdirection as they cleaned up Crooks's phone.
First I saw it some guy claimed he got it from 'legit' twatter accounts and all were deleted that he linked, James O'Keefe even posted it and deleted the post but those others their accounts were gone.

Someone also leaked the name to NY Post, could be some ex FBI guy in Trump's campaign doing all this leaking who still has contacts there.
Interesting. 1pbtid
Started a different thread for discussing his route

But what I'm curious about with >>474252568 is wtf is up with the quality/cropping? Looks like a cellphone pic of a screen to me, but presumably this is a cropped pic from a wider angle (I think drone) but why crop it to this dimension and not a wider shot featuring a gun/backpack (if he is actually carrying them himself and they aren't stashed somewhere - the lack of a backpack is itself conspicuous)
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This is the first photo containing the image, it does include the other guy but you can also see how the glasses they are wearing are different
nevermind, another anon found an earlier one
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apparently this was the original before cropping and it was leaked through a telegram chat
IF this is where the photo was taken, then he's looking perpendicular and slightly away from the sun, which means he's looking toward the door, which seems odd, but maybe not
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Any clue where this came from?
potential lead idk, looking into this account now
Is he getting fucked in the pic?
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better one i made yesterday
This kid got set up.

Unpopular opinion but I think Trump's camp is behind this. This wasn't a conspiracy by Biden's camp. This was a soft stand down order to allow the incel to confidently access the roof just as he'd been coached to do.

This ladder situation is like an NES level from the 90s.
>It's hidden behind this tall tree. You're safe!
Trump's image has improved 3000% due to this. It is fake. It's scary. I don't like how the family of the real victim is being shunned aside. Trump's golfing today. This reminds me too much of January 6 victims.

Trump had no stitches. Doubt he even went to the ER.
23 days ago?
Okay but that *itself* has either been cropped or is the strangest photo being zoomed-in, low quality and horizontally oriented.
might just be bugged, cant find any pic on the account
very bizarre
>and it was leaked through a telegram chat
Why does this look like a drone surveillance pic, yet he was allowed to get on the roof?

Were these CIA glowniggers watching him with a drone and just allowed it to happen?

body swap?

2nd pro sniper in another location?

got the pic from another anon the day it happened, don't have a source
The inbred Juif didn't actually think he'd get domed (to be fair he was pretty obscured). He'd hit Trump, run to his car, and then floor it into the crowd and blow everything up.
>This ladder situation
The kid most likely used a shed >>474291534 this dude was talking about it yesterday
I think the ladders were police
Don't see it
Word now is it was security footage
someone must know where it got leaked
>Word now is it was security footage
lets look for security cameras that confirm that angle
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This is where this photo was taken. Its to the right of the place that was posted here. You can see CCTV above
Redpill me on the assassination attemps
I only sort of remember the missile thing
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pretty sure thats just a light

I think the half wall he was at was the ine on tbe other side of the building. Pic looks like it was taken through a window not a camera as well. Theres a weird window screen thing between whatever took the pic and the goblin
Why the fuck wouldn't he just walk up the hill.
Yeah, you're actually right
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only way to confirm would be to check the wall itself and compare with this picture
u can see what looks like red paint stains
It's from the outside security cam on the building he climbed. That concrete ledge is right outside the building and the security cams are right above.

Who leaked it from there?

Debate this >>474291874
nothing to debate there, the body was moved after the shooting
I think the window-effect is possibly the effect of taking a picture of a monitor
correct, the glare u see would suggest its a pic from a monitor
I wonder if the social media generations that now constitute the footsoldiers of the regime are simply incapable of keeping secrets the way their forefathers did. Haven't we had a couple instances now where classified shit has gotten leaked on forums because some glowie in his off hours couldn't handle someone being wrong on the internet? We can see this in regular life all the time, the first thing anyone does in a mildly stressful situation is whip out their phone and start recording so they can upload to the net later. Even in normal situations if anything somewhat interesting happens, out comes the phone, everyone eager to get that dopamine hit from sharing online. We even see it in Ukraine with soldiers uploading selfies from warzones, even if it gets them bombed. They've all been trained their entire youthful lives to upload everything to the net but when they get a big boy job with a gun we expect them to suddenly stop that impulse?

Anyway, my theory wold be that this is all getting shared by glowies, but maybe it's not planned. Maybe they're not intentional leaks, but just the natural fallout of hiring millennials and zoomers who compulsively share things online, even when they're not supposed to.
I heard the thing above the door was the likely camera, explains why the picture is so close to the shooter
It could be that but it looks a little more like a screen window effect to me just due to the size of the square artifacts and the angle that theyre at
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not a camera and even if it were, angles dont match
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If this is true then where tf is the camera located?
in the air is my only guess
The photo is either from a drone/helicopter/etc or taken from on top of the back roof of the building (that he's presumably about to climb up)

This lower wall is more shadow-consistent than the other posited wall imo
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>2 ladders
2 scoops
2 terms

one was the shooter's and the other was the cops... stop smoking weed.
This is kinda spooky anons, first i thought this might have come from a news article but i double checked the time with unix timestamp to ET
1720922447849426 -> 10PM July 13th ET
Which is much much earlier
Im getting sleepy
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Finally a thread actually discussing where the whole narrative doesn't make sense. I was here for the whole thing as well and this pic was dropped within an hour. Very suspect.

This vid shows where he got up on the roof.
The other side of "Door 12"
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>Yet Crooks's death mug goes viral within an hour of his death.
Great point here.
There's ONE OTHER key narrative that we need to tear apart here (perhaps separate thread).
The AP reported that a Local Officer had climbed up the roof, and confronted the Shooter, but then backed off when threatened with the same rifle.
When the Officer backed off, the Shooter somehow had time to reposition and squeeze off at least 3 to 5 shots.
Complete horseshit.
>shirt was a guntuber
Demolition Ranch?
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Dumping some of the stuff I grabbed
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Thanks anon.
Here's some (possibly helpful) screenshots from a 1080p NBC video that I uploaded to catbox.
not him. doesnt have piggy nose. eyes too sunken
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Also, I never saw this type of sniper anywhere.
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... strange cropped pic, who posted it first?
It looks like he has a massive over-bite compared with the other photos
... two different patsies?
I dont think it was an hour, it was 4 hours
Still very quick
1720922447849426 -> 14 July 2024 02:00:47.849 GMT
Time of shooting = July 13th 6:15 PM EDT -> July 13th 10:15 PM GMT
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Good confirmation that he has only one deformed ear
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I don't think there's not enough chatter about the ladder.
Nah he has a massive habsburg underbite dude, all photos
Theres one troll though so you might be confused
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Thanks anon! Here is the shirt
I fly drones for living, this is most likely a drone pic from a drone footage, but at a high altitude and zoomed in both optical and digital, it looks like that. I could be wrong, but police at least in canada use DJI matrice 300 or newer models, DJI is banned in the US in any government work, but police still use them.
More horseshit.
>FBI Claims Purportedly Struggling To Crack Trump Shooter's Phone
>according to Fox News reporter Laura Ingraham, the FBI’s finest techies are struggling to crack the phone.
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There were actually 2 ladders by the look of it
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>It is a security cam
That was stated at the time it was posted
How come I'm the only one on pol who can see this death photo is a shitty ms paint copy/paste of someone else's face on the body? Look at the neck/jaw line.
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TMZ blurred the sleeve
Not true, the first post was a 1pbtid before any news article, predating them by many hours, with no further details
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It does look off
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u might be retarded
I don't think it's a security cam, as there's a bit of blur, indicating that camera was moving and that pic was taken from a footage, unless it's a PTZ and far away then maybe.
>That was stated at the time it was posted
no it was not, it was stated it was a drone or heli
In the bottom left screenshot the top 2 left most windows are the most probable angle from where the pic was taken of crooks. My browser is being gay as shit and i cant upload a pic with schizo scribbles on it
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How can you nazi it? Two completely different skin tones, the caked blood on the face. Something isn't right about this.
>How can you nazi it?
been typing a little too much "nazi" shlomo
give it up
"blackrock student" dude has slight overbite, but the other pictures of "long hair" dude looks like a total inbred with completely deformed head

Remember, they gave us 2+ different James Holmes, and about 3+ different Jared Loughners, different Brandon Tarrants, and etc, so its a common theme that these patsies seems to have doubles ... like killing the fake Epstein or fake Saddam Hussain so that the real ones can retire somewhere
Hasburger phenotype.
Poor guy, if his parents were mormons he wouldve swiming in prime virgin pussy harem. He never had a chance, to lose virginity.
How does a Guatemalan know this before me? Granted I haven't really been paying attention.

Did they move the body or is the perspective of the building just weird from the angle the photo was taken?
No source, and it reminds me of the decapitated French teacher in Paris that has been spammed on here for ages

I’m not gonna look that thing up, but has anyone compared those two pictures?
nah its him his right ear is deformed and matches up, odds of the ears matching deformities is impossible and blackrock isnt going to go through the effort of changing that for an irrelevant video
he's riding cowgirl
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Speaking of WINDOWS.
Is it possible that the Real Shooter was located at one of these windows?

The kid didn't make the plan. I think this is a false flag attack and he was the patsy. SS set him up with the plan and the equipment. He was supposed to take *some* shots, then get neutralized. They didn't plan for him to actually hit Trump considering he's untrained, unathletic, and is shooting without optics through compromised eyes.
>Is it possible that the Real Shooter was located at one of these windows?
possible but i dont think the trajectory/angle would match with podium elevation and where one of the bullets struck the hydaulic cylinder
It appears to be hm jumping the wall at the door of building 13.

Why didn’t they keep surveillance on people who were always referenced by their three names?
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This is the deformed ear in the BlackRock Vid. There's two vids as well
>he acted alone
youre saying that the police a secret service spontaneously decided to leave the most obvious location to take a shot from, completely unguarded?
and to more or less completely disregard a dozen members of the crowd yelling to them that there is a man on the roof with a gun?
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Don't know, I don't see any place for them
Witnesses said the sniper dudes were looking toward the water tower before (which is to the right of the shooter from the snipers view), but in the vid, while the snipers are looking to the right of the crooks guy, their guns are pointed pretty low
yeah, its almost a 100% chance its him, i'd bet my beer money on it
Ladder in this Sky News aftermath pic beside the grey open storage locker.
No ladder in this next day footage pic related

We have confirmation of entry to the roof now they surely removed it for print analysis or whatever the FBI does.
Also CNN just reported from 'source at secret service' that they did not 'sweep the building' that the shooter was on at all, so he could have hid there all night if he wanted.
Sorry but I remember another post (though it was another user ID) saying it was
>"taken from a security cam at the site"
But that is just from my memory, I do not recall any mention of heli, drone etc.
The only drone mentions I heard were later from workers there saying they had a drone there but only during the time they let people in (see john word 3cc last episode).
Oh absolutely.
My comments were essentially rhetorical in nature, so as to expose the absurdities.
Thats from November 2023, so it might have a camera there now
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long hair and glasses bros... will they ever stop fearing us

this is not helping our cause
First vid:

Second vid, can someone make a webm or copy?

What are you seeing that I'm not? I suppose there could a shadow, but that doesn't explain the dried up blood across his face vs the fresh blood everywhere else.
>looking toward the water tower
>that no one can climb
At this point it just looks like SS allowed it to happen.
the vid of shooter on the roof places him on the far side of the west side of the building
yet his body is near the center of the building
and his rifle is 15ft away to the east
pic rel is the magical ladders
He's not on his knees, he's sitting and looking back over his shoulder. His legs are hanging off the wall the other direction so his body is blocking them.
come on dude, if he wasn't going to use a scope because muh tech then he wouldnt of fucking climbed onto a roof next to 100s of people in sight of everyone
why would he wear shorts if he knows he's going to be crawling on a metal roof on a sunny summer july afternoon ? that makes zero sense.
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There was 2 sniper teams anon the other team got him
wasn't there a story released yesterday about a local cop who followed him up the ladder but backed down after he pointed the rifle at him?
This is where he placed his ladders
Cant see anywhere around there with the same concrete structure he is on
Also on catbox
the real story was one cop boosted the other cop so he could look at the roof and see the guy and got a rifle pointed at him, no ladder
If you have long hair, you're a tranny
>pic rel is the magical ladders
Oh it gets worse, scroll up on your pic to see the
>vid of shooter on the roof places him on the far side of the west
No one confirms that.
the videos are foreshortening the distance between him and the camera, he's actually shooting from the eastern side of the building roof.
This is why glowniggers descended on this thread : >>474218835
Not him faggot stop posting that picture
They'd be picking up every photographer there too if that was the case.
>local cop who followed him up the ladder
I posted it here >>>>474294921

An AP story (off the record sources) that Newsweek tried to get comment on.
AFAIK they have not received a reply from any LE (of course)
It’s absolutely wild. It’s a drone shot of the guy on the roof, presumably pre-shooting. That tells us authorities knew he was there, pre shooting. Why is it so heavily cropped?
Yeah besides possibly camping up there all night and shooting I'm surprised the assassin didn't simply put a racing drone up there a week before the rally with an explosive on it and just have the thing come flying out from the tower at 90mph crashing into the stage
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Besides the question of the image being leaked so quickly. Here are a couple more questions:

How did the shooter know to enter from this lot?
How did the shooter know where to climb this roof?
How did the shooter know the precise spot to be out of view of USSS?
Why didn't the agents use the water tower which would have given view of the entire area?

This image asks all these questions and more. It's very helpful.
Weren't the ladders for the zogbots to get on?
Why would one gunman need 2 ladders?

that's another strange coincidence.
>cop who followed him up the ladder but backed down
Nobody has verified this story, although it got some corp media circulation.
What's needed is to confirm:
>ID of the cop+his agency
>where on the building this occurred/which ? ladder
>when in the timeline this actually occurred (presumed to be "several seconds" before shooter opened fire, according to the narrative)
>why isn't there drone/other footage of this cop-v.-shooter encounter
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this is a glow nigger
>water tower
Not a secure or stable platform to 'place agents' on
they'd literally be hanging from a ladder rung
idk why people keep bringing up the water tower,
for overhead surveillance LE has drones
I wonder when those conifers were put there infront of that ladder?
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oy vey
Nice try glow nigger but theres literally a ladder and places to stand around it
Water tower was brought up cause of
>Just before the shots rang out, some in the crowd said, it seemed as if law enforcement snipers who were perched atop a barn had noticed movement nearby. The snipers seemed to be focusing on something off to the side of the grandstand in the direction of a building and a water tower just outside the farm show grounds.
>The guys up on the roof over there, on that metal building — he kept looking with binoculars ... towards that water tower
>glow nigger
that's not the term it's glownigger = (You)
too bad tt is going to close soon
I ld like to talk about that
that building is quite long
because of the viewing angle in the vid i cant see how he would have been visible if he was on the east side
unless he moved after the vid cut out
1. They interviews another local, red shirt and hat guy, who said the parking lot was known to everyone as the best place to go for events happening at the farm grounds.
2. He did recon prior to the rally probably
3. He wasn't out of view of the second overwatch team only the first
4. Private property perhaps access was denied, but then they could have flown a drone too to watch those roofs so who knows.

Other questions to ask
How did he smuggle in the rifle because he parked far away and no way did he assemble it there too risky walking around with a heavy bag he only had a smol bitch bag
How did he get off 3 slow shots before they killed him when everyone was screaming 'he's right here' and pointing.
Kill yourself faceblind autist
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not the same rat
check the ear lobes
yeah nice try fbi
youre clearly here to spread bullshit narratives to derail the thread
you outed yourself
somebody bake
Monsters from the id !
one of his ears isnt deformed, its mainly the chin which is different
the shooter has a habsburg chin, the jew has a normal jaw
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Not this shit again kys
It's a fucking Under Armor shirt morons
>glow nigger
See >>474300515

the USSS isn't going to 'place agents' on a water tower.
Drones are how the security forces obtain altitude overwatch surveillance.
>doesn't know about shadows
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yeah nice try man
you had your shot and you missed
After all the recent ukraine crap yeah that would of made more sense but it really looks like this guy was groomed/trained by someone else.
>Let me use the one tree that can cover me from the ss.
yeah 100% a different guy, main difference can be seen here:>>474300809
yeah it had to have been a drone or even fancy-dancy spy satellite. or else someone else on the roof? which doesn't make sense. because the TV told me he was alone and unexpected
We need to get a visual diagram and timeline for
>when he gained access to the roof
>which side of the building he climbed up
>which ladder was the one he 'encountered' the cop on
>who was the cop
>where and how long was his range of motion after getting onto the roof
>>474300937 Australia flag 19 pbtid
just shut the fuck up.
That is the only story there was to explain it
Most likely sequence of events is that someone boosted someone up there while someone else got a ladder but we would need to see bodycam footage to collaborate that.
Ree Tardy Oswald*
*stole this joke from another anon yesterday
Apparently the SS have some kind of anti-scope devices that can somehow detect scopes in the vicinity. I don't know how it works, read it here.
foia request for bodycam footage, if you can find the cops name and number first
glowie absolutely seething
>my fellow anons if you think the assassination was supicious youre actually the glownigger!!!
yeah, as if that was going to work you DEI hire
Right now there's zero timeline or location-specific explanation for the shooter gaining access to the building roof.
At all.
there's only vague corporate media stories about the shooter "getting onto" the roof, along with various eyewitness descriptions and a few videos of him climbing onto the roof
i just checked the fb page and those images have been wiped, forgot to save that high res
but its archived here
I kept that because kek
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I don't think it's a wall he is on in the photo, but a sidewalk. Its way too wide and the grass looks like its at the same level as the wall. Also those walls are really close to all the bystanders. No one said they saw him scaling the building or anything, only running from roof to roof. Scaling those walls would have drawn a lot of attention before he was even on the roof.

The only other dark, weathered concrete I could find that was next to grass was a little cove area to the north. I still think he used the ladder next to the cabinet, but he could have also used the AC units.
>>474301480 Australia flag 20 pbtid
shut the fuck up faggot. (You)'re the Australia flaggot who shitted up our work yesterday
Here are my OP 2 threads from yesterday faggot:
1. >>474218835
2. >>474186328
You are correct
All I noted and have been spreading for all to see
>>474123247 ty anon who edited down >>474066576
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yeah i did take a dump on your glowie bullshit
seethe more
>File: not a wall.
Yes this is the kind of map/diagrams we need.
also need a precise timeline.
Fuck (You) disinformationalist faggot. Fuck the fuck off and get out of here.

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