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A local police counter-sniper team was stationed inside the building where attempted assassin Thomas Crooks climbed on the roof and fired on Donald Trump, law enforcement sources told The Post.

The building — the AGR International Inc. factory in Butler, Pennsylvania — was being used by local police as a “watch post” for snipers to scan for threats as the former president spoke onstage only 130 yards away, according to sources.

Cops were inside, but not on the roof during the shooting, sources said.

Crooks was able to scale the building unchallenged before firing off eight shots with an AR-style assault rifle, grazing Trump in the ear, killing one Trump supporter and wounding two others.

The revelation comes as local outlet WPXI reported the Crooks was spotted on the building 26 minutes before he opened fire — with one cop from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit even taking a photo of the gunman before the shooting.


SS blew this mission harder than Stormy Daniels blew zionDon
The building he was on was a zogbot staging area and (((nobody noticed)))
Someone is getting publicly hung
That sounds crazy.
It's going to be the two police officials who seem to be leaking everything. Watch for (((accidents))) involving Butler PA police department employees
They will get very depressed and suicide before they can testify
Sloppy job
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This is cartoon-tier (((incompetence))). Holy fucking shit, I assumed Mossad knew better than to let Laqueesha run an op.
>Law enforcement sources said the building was swept by cops before the event and that the local sniper team used the large manufacturing site as a staging and lookout post — but did not climb on the roof for the event — possibly over concerns that it would interfere with the Secret Service snipers.
yeah sure
So there were cops in the building, cop cars outside the building, he was using a rifle without a scope... How much you want to bet he stole a rifle from an unsecured cop car?
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This is definitely how normal not-shills talk. 100% you got it bud.
I think it was confirmed his lolbert dad's gun
>How much you want to bet he stole a rifle from an unsecured cop car?
That would mean it was just a spur of the moment thing. No, that's implausible.
>Rifle used by Trump rally shooter bought 11 years ago, person familiar says

>Federal investigators have determined that the rifle used in an assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump on Saturday was legally purchased by the gunman’s father in 2013, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

>The 20-year-old gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, bought 50 rounds of ammunition at a gun store the morning of the shooting, according to this person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share information that has not been publicly released.
How much do you want to get he was given a rifle by feds and told what building to use
This secret cervix sniper was just casually watching him line up on Trump
Is it though? It would explain why you can hear some one calling his name in the video of him climbing on the roof.
Clout wager: This kid was a White Nationalist
>a rifle without a scope
you retarded nogun cunts watch far too much faggoty hollywood propaganda. any idiot with a decent zero on his rifle can hit a melon sized object from 150m away WITH IRON SIGHTS.
So he apparently scaled and hid out on the roof of ZOGBOT HQ for 30 minutes, assembled or retrieved a stashed rifle there, then came running out when the rally started and got off 3 shots at bulletproof Don despite everyone around yelling and pointing to the root that there was a guy with a gun for a full 5 minutes.

The absolute state of zogbots
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Yes, that's entirely implausible. He didn't amble by and suddenly decide to almost successfully assassinate Trump.
Shabombu was getting her nails done Saturday, she was first pick.
They want you to know they were complicit
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>only familiar with low energy rallies like jill stein, hillary clinton and joe biden
>wrongly assume the only people around would be inside the actual rally
>get ready to set up your assassination and notice there are dozens of people all over the place because you didn't bother to properly lockdown the surrounding areas
>everyone is drinking and having cookouts while they listen to trump while watching/filming your failed assassination attempt
zogbots are so fucking useless
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Congrats on your negative clout.
>Beaver County
Oy Vay kike, the goyim know !
And one of the zoggies got his buddy to lift him up to the shooter, who pointed a gun at him, causing him to drop down, after which the shooter rushed to squeeze off 8 rounds at orange man until SS snipers ACKed him
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Almost correct
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a deformed freak is so ugly, a complete abomination, upon sight even the devil would make a stank face, has granted him the power of invisibility.
All this does is keep proving SS botched the security to let Trump get shot
We are living in an unplanned timeline
Some cops claim no ladder was used, journos are claiming he bought a ladder recently though. A ladder likely present.
the question remains: who was in charge of the security plan and who signed off on it? who designed it?
>It would explain why you can hear some one calling his name in the video of him climbing on the roof.
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Use archive.is you dumb newfags, wayback machine will absolutely take down anything they are asked to by anyone ever.
No shit, lots of people can, except for you and that faggot on the roof.
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Where was the ladder? Why did they need to fucking boost someone up there?
Smells like some deliberate reconfiguring of who's supposed to be where at what time to create a window of opportunity. Them amalgam virgo vibes, if you will.
clown world
>the call is coming from inside the building.
They probably aren't even real police officers just deep state actors.
A woman was in charge.
I most certainly will not.
If he was any kind of amateur rock climber he could have used a simple stepping stool to get up on the roof here in the front with this window ledge. Lot's of places in back too that look climbable but I'll laugh out loud if he brought his own ladder and just climbed up middle of the day zogbot HQ
Yeah. Either way they're fucked. I think they leaked stuff before and realized they were screwed either way so they dropped this.
had to use wayback link because archive.ph link was marked as spam
checked, it should be known trump rallies have a carnival atmosphere
I know a woman is head of SS but I want to know more than that.
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>On Friday, he went to a shooting range where he was a member, and practiced firing, a law enforcement official told CNN. The next morning, Crooks went to a Home Depot, where he bought a five-foot ladder, and a gun store, where he purchased 50 rounds of ammunition, the official said.

>Then, Crooks drove his Hyundai Sonata about an hour north, joining thousands of people from around the region who flocked to Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He parked the car outside the rally, with an improvised explosive device hidden in the trunk that was wired to a transmitter he carried, the official said. Then, investigators believe, he used his newly-bought ladder to scale a nearby building, and opened fire on the former president.
"Hey Bob, you hear that sound on the roof?"
"Must have been the wind"
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>Where was the ladder? Why did they need to fucking boost someone up there?
There was a picture showing the ladder SWAT used and the one Thomas Crooks used, his was at the loading dock. Found this on 4plebs, it's not the one I was thinking of but it shows the theory.
Yeah, it hates flips for understandable reasons.
.today works too.
Supposedly was a 5 foot tall ladder, so that looks to fit.
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And he knew right where to use it, so he had this all scouted beforehand. If he didn't know exactly where to place that, he'd have bought a taller ladder, you'd think.
You couldn't be more wrong.
The word is "hanged"
And on top of that, most cops have optics on their rifles now anyways.
I think it's confirmed he didn't use a ladder.
This shit is what happens when you try to turn /x posting schizos into bargain bin MKULTRA assassins. Blind, unlucky limp wristed kid couldn't hit shit
Forgot pic sorry
Yeah dots and acogs, but not long range scopes.
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Supposedly this is not the ladder he used. They claim the one he bought was 5 feet tall.
>the madlad actually brought his own ladder to scale zogbot HQ
So I'm guessing the car bomb was a distraction he intended to use right before shooting at Trump to draw away sniper attention but he quickly realized security was so piss poor he could just open fire at Trump anyway. Amazing nobody saw this guy walking around with a ladder
Cool now we know where the real Mossad shooter was thanks
There are now conflicting narratives around that. I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what shakes out in that respect.
This is just getting dirtier and dirtier;.
Fucking Biden called out a hit and nearly got what he wanted.
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There was 2 ladders there.
An eye witness said he saw the shooter running on the roof from the parking lot (didn't see him climbing up) and at the time there were no cops anywhere he had to go get them near the fence far away
At some point during the event security planning someone looked at the water tower and said they should put a team there. Someone said no, whomever said no should be vanned by a professional team of patriots and asked some questions.
Fucking Saddam is everywhere.
That he didn't buy the ladder well in advance is weird. He obviously cased the place, he knew where to go. And it of course took time to build a bomb and rig a remote detonator.
Even a crow landing on a steel building like that one is loud and easily heard. How did they not know someone was on the roof, they would hear every movement he made.
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that story just became even more incredible
It was a Trump rally: it was loud and full of mirth. Probably music blasting from PAs in advance of Trump appearance.
I wouldn't put too much stock in that "bomb" talk. The only source is the lying feds. I assume everything they say is a lie or, at best, a distortion.
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Checked praise Kek
I saw that and posted this new thread as its a different source with different information that I thought should be archived for later.
One thing does make sense. Seeing a guy with a rifle on the roof of the building the local police are staging would make me think twice before I preemptively shot him.
checked, Praise Kek he is here
Maybe he intended to escape.
Shoot Trump, set off the bomb as a distraction, climb back down and his other vehicle a van they said was parked in a nearby neighborhood. He also strangely kept his backpack while climbing up to the shooting position instead of tossing that if it was a suicide mission.

He almost got away if he stopped shooting and ran after Trump dropped
It's kind of funny that a retarded kid basically stumbled his way through all the Secret Service protection. Like a drunk man stumbling over lazers.
>Bomb-making materials were found inside the vehicle and home of the man suspected in the attempted assassination of former President Trump, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press (AP) on Sunday.

>Law enforcement officials, speaking on the conditional of anonymity, told the AP the bomb-making materials were found in both the car and home of the suspected gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pa.
Its out there now. Its part of the official story. What the reality is, like with everything else, who knows.

Good point. Imagine taking a shot at a cop at a Trump rally. Hitting Trump? They couldn't care less, but hitting a fellow pig? A dozen snipers would have your head exploding immediately.
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You're right, that seems likely. Let's see this van already. Did it or did it not have a waterbed in the back? We must know.
checkd and kekd
not a very good look for glow niggers.
Pretty likely, but stupid they didn't try to radio the long-haired dude in shorts and a guntuber t-shirt with a shitty AR. Or be concerned an extra sniper was up there with them. They should've planned everything out. Zogbots underneath the roof should've known there weren't supposed to be snipers above them.
a bunch of peoples was already running to the building before the shots were even heard
the shooter was seen by a lot of peoples even while climbing
now they saw him on the roof for half an hour
what a gigantic shitshow
you're telling me a tiny mini dude with no training
very limited previous knowledge of the setup
established a plan on the stop
executed it
I swear
if you believe that story
>counter sniper team just chillin inside the building right beneath shooter
>for 26 fucking minutes
>absolutely no action is taken until it's too late
That is the craziest fucking shit I've ever heard. This is peak incompetence on full display. I mean... that's just insane, bro.
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He was scoping it out and planning for weeks. Little fed boys had no chance.
I think he was only on the roof for 3 minutes. That’s what the tailgating redhead said. The shooter was noticed earlier as a suspicious person when he was just walking around, apparently without a gun.
Now that I think about it, was it this sniper team that checked out the shooter before he shot at orange man?
I think it was the local cops whose roof he was on. Imagine how surprised that cop must have been when the kid swung the gun around at him!
And he had bombs in his vehicle with remote detonator in his pocket. This couldn't glow any harder.
yeah shortly after it happened there were some (((reports))) that he was seen lurking around the metal detectors and then fucked off.
trump really wasn't supposed to look at that fucking chart lol.
Bots don't correct your spelling, mongoloid. Now, careful with that salt. It's bad for my circuits.
The cops have photos of him on the roof from 25 minutes before the shooting. They had that much advance notice.
I’d like to hear more about those. It seems like every “mass/public crime event” has a report of bombs or “explosive devices” which may or may not end up being true.
either a ploy or it shows just how incompetent the panopticon actually is
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I read they had photos of him in that timeframe, but not that those showed him on the roof. I had thought that was a bit earlier when he was still on the ground and unarmed
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>The man authorities say attempted to assassinate former President Trump had explosives inside his car, found parked near the Pennsylvania rally, and bomb making materials at his home, sources tell Fox News.

>There were explosives, including an IED, found inside a car driven by Thomas Matthew Crooks found parked near the scene of the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, sources confirmed to Fox News.

>The sources could not say how many explosives or what kind, but emphasized that more than one was found.

>In Crooks' house, law enforcement found bomb-making materials, the sources told Fox News.
reeks of being a setup by biden now that he has powers to break any law he wants
>According to Ford’s sources, one of them noticed a suspicious man on a roof near the rally at 5:45 p.m., called it in and took a picture of the person.

>Our sources tell us an officer checked the grounds for Crooks at that point, but did not see him where the first picture was taken.

>26 minutes after the second picture of Crooks was taken by law enforcement and the information called in, shots were fired from the roof of the American Glass Research building. Seconds later, a Secret Service sniper returned fire and killed Crooks.
They had two photos of him on the roof 26 minutes before, the saga now goes.
>20+ post
shill much chatgpt
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He walked up to the Police Sniper building with a ladder and a rifle, climbed up on the roof, positioned himself and got ready, all while Trump supporters were watching and there were cops around?
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>enjoys engaging with fun thread full of good posts for once
>"you must be bot"
Thanks for your solid contribution, you illiterate halfwit.
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What part of you won’t do anything don’t you understand?
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>>20+ post
>shill much chatgpt
>long range
A standard 4x acog is more than enough magnification for that shot. Dots are often paired with magnifiers, but even if not they're easier to use than irons, LPVOs are popular for patrol rifles too. Anyways, the kind of optic doesn't matter. If cops are more likely to have them than not, iron sights aren't indicative of a stolen patrol rifle.
>Watch post

Fake and gay
I want to go to one but I’m in shitlib land. Good tailgater.
kek you mad faggot?
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>Scan for threats
>No windows
What part of you are a huge faggot don't you understand?
The USA has created a culture where the "managerial class" aren't punished for anything except stealing money from other rich folk. Cops are part of this class as they are overpaid goons working for these people.
So, all these halfwit morons who never get punished simply flourish and multiply.
No normal ethical person would spend their time protecting Donald Trump, a proven criminal who would put you to death if it made him the most money.
>now that he has powers to break any law he wants
His powers haven't changed, executive immunity was always the law.
>use a one story building with no windows as a look out
Ether fake or gay or the police are full of shit
he read zion don post on 4chan.. truth breaks young men
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The first stories said it was a zogbot staging ground rather than a sniper nest or whatever
Relax retards and learn to tell a joke from genuine maliciousness
There is one warehouse part of the complex that has second story windows. Not a great vantage point though.
luckily the republicans will launch an investigation into SS incompetence.
Yeah I saw that too but media has made so many mistakes and the sheriff guy just saying whatever during interviews, I don't think the guy was on the roof for 30 minutes because there was nowhere to hide up there.
They've already confused him crawling up the last roof with 'didn't use a ladder' to 'he bought a ladder and rally goers saw him use it'
We non knew fags were expecting that
It was clear they were slow walking this yesterday
Is that why the police snipers don't use scopes? Because the average person is such a sharp shooter? You fucking idiot. Have you ever even seen a gun or rifle in person?
Sounds like it was a staging area as anon said. That’s more of a gathering place for cops to get donuts and congregate when they aren’t doing specific tasks. They may not even have considered a shooter would be there, of all places, and that may have contributed to the slow response.
What part of you are not a comedian don't you understand?
i hope they're well hung.
You're right, its too indistinct yet. We'll have to wait for what fresh shit tomorrow brings.
Before he fired a shot, he was merely trespassing. There's nothing illegal in PA about walking around with a rifle.
Not gonna work faggots
Because it’s not true retard
Latest is
"Several rallygoers reported to local officers that Crooks was acting suspiciously and pacing near the magnetometers, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the investigation."

Those are the metal detector things they use at entrances. So this is like the 1000th time the crowd snitched on this guy for acting like a terrorist and nobody did shit each time except take his picture.
Looks like one of those rubber membrane roofs to me
>couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside
who owns the building?
>Police had a report of a suspicious man pacing near the magnetometers and were apparently exchanging photos of the suspect
More photos yet to come?

>“We are speaking of a failure,” Mayorkas told CNN. “We are going to analyze through an independent review how that occurred, why it occurred, and make recommendations and findings to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Jew says its all just a big oopsy.
This has got to be a humiliation ritual. WTF.
Everything points to a inside job. If republicans weren’t controlled opposition they’d be cleaning house within the three letter agencies right now.
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fuck it,
So the secret service thought it was the cops so they didn’t fire until he fired?
>So this is like the 1000th time the crowd snitched on this guy for acting like a terrorist and nobody did shit each time except take his picture.
there's probably multiple security camera footage of the dude right
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He probably had a minivan, not even a full conversion setup with 13" TV and VCR. Loser.
Shooter ordered a couple trays of donuts to distract them. Spent 30 min on the roof doing an uber eats chargeback before he shot Trump
Brandishing is a crime. Go aim a firearm at a non-threatening person in public in front of a cop and let us know how that works out for you.
I have a 1986 Chevy Astro Van with $6k rims that spin and led light underneath.
Alpine stereo. Hurst shifter, Holly carb. slicks on the back.
Those things run forever. I don't envy the 5mpg mileage though.
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pretty sure this is the building in question

AGR international:

615 Whitestown Road, Butler, Pennsylvania 16001, United States.
Can I get a meme of the FBI poking the ceiling of a building with a broomstick?
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If drones didn't cost 800k each then maybe the government could've spared a one. oh wait
>800k each
HAY!! therewhere NO SNIPERS in the room,,,none.,totaly secure.,
,ithink they did good.
they prolly have anti-drone emf grid midtwit. A couple of drones for protection or unlimited as offense?
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>Managerial class
No taller ladder will fit in his car though.
LOL holy shit the incompetence gets worse and worse as time goes on
Yeah massive (((retardation)))
sometimes the line hurts
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>US Secret Service head says she won’t resign after ‘unacceptable’ Trump rally shooting

>US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle says the shooting that injured Donald Trump at a rally is “unacceptable,” and that she will not resign her post.

>“I am the director of the Secret Service, and I need to make sure that we are performing a review and that we are giving resources to our personnel as necessary,” Cheatle tells ABC News.
At what point does it become likely the police stationed in that building were actually tasked with killing Trump?

The guy on the roof being a patsy.

Eight shots?
They were using it as a pop up brothel of 14 year old human trafficked goblinos fresh from the border
wtf is this
They would take the shot if they felt like it was a threat regardless
and to add on top of that:
MAYORKAS: "I have 100% confidence in the director of the United States Secret Service. I have 100% confidence in the United States Secret Service."
"I cant quit now, I have to investigate myself"
those roofs get severelyvhot when in direct sunlight - all roofs do. why was the shooter wearing shorts ? he knew he would have to crawl on his knees. it doesn't make sense
This was state-sponsored assassination attempt 100%. This is all too uncanny.
worst case scenario for the regime
someone is getting fired because trump got hit or someone is getting fired because they missed him
Look at the SS shifting blame to local cops for their botched assassination attempt.
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Funded by blackrock
>Today, tragic officer involved shooting days after the assassination attempt of former President Trump. Deputies responding to a domestic call were met with gunfire….
And so on and so forth. Wouldn’t be surprised if this came up in weeks to follow.
My eyesight is shit, I'd pretty easily hit a stationary target at 150m with a scope even though I'd struggle to see it looking down iron sights.
They weren't that close. Distinct voices are easily heard in the videos outside of the building. Unless the inside was louder, they could hear it.
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Every single article ever about mass criminals only ever say they (((allegedly))) opened fire or drove their sedan into a crowd before (((allegedly))) getting stopped somehow or shooting themself or whatever. Every single article, that is, except the ones about this nigger. They’re just straight up saying this is the shooter and this is what he did.
I don’t know what I’m noooticing but it’s definitely something
protection. Why doesn't the secret service have a few floating around
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local cops were involved in Tree of Life synagogue shooting that was used to almost take gab offline
>oh wait
was supposed to signal that I was being sarcastic.
There were drones everywhere at the nj rally. Which is confusing as to why they didn’t have any. Saw snipers on the rooftops too. They intentionally dropped the ball to let Trump get murdered.
there's no reason why the local cops can't also be guilty in this criminal conspiracy
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shooting location was well-planned
That's true, but considering the Secret Service have to take lead on and ensure the President's security and not hand it directly to local law enforcement, I call bullshit. They even failed to get Trump off the stage to check on the threat even after knowing about it for 5-7 minutes.
the AR 15 was purchased by his father according to some sources
Back in 2013, they claim, the father bought it.
>imagine that full bush
all they will do is subpoena people and ask questions. then feds will just lie because they already covered up their tracks by that point. the director of national intelligence famously flat out lied under oath about mass surveillance and nothing happened
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>feds will just lie because they already covered up their tracks
i was doubtful at first, but not anymore
i believe it
hope this anon is true >>474365222 because having a couple drones to survey (aka protection) is not worth the risk of 10+ drones swarming w/payloads.
Responsibility falls up, shit falls down. Feds are blaming pd, primarily the Sectary of Homeland Security, that spot fell into local pd jurisdiction and it's confirmed that local pd had snipers inside building and that one of them was the one to notice him. But clearly communication issue between SS and local pd, probably them waiting for SS orders or go ahead for anything. So who is responsible?
>The operations plan had them stationed inside the building looking out windows toward the Trump rally. The information about the three snipers being inside the building was first reported by BeaverCountian.com.
>One of the snipers inside saw Thomas Matthew Crooks outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building and disappearing, a local law enforcement officer tells CBS News.
>Crooks came back, sat down and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the snipers took a picture of him. Crooks took out a rangefinder and the sniper radioed to the command post. Crooks disappeared again and then came back a third time with a backpack. The snipers called in with information that he had a backpack and said he was walking towards the back of the building.
>gun was the father's

anons. in every shooting they always have a parents statement or interview within 12-24 hours. i haven't even heard anyone say their name or mentioning "parents" at all. what's that about?
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Try an internet search. That could that up for you.
i have and not a single picture
>didn't have anyone watching the building that the cops are all grouped in
seems dumb but ok
the ss is 1000% compromised and im sure the pressure has been coming from the cabinet level on up
New reports saying there was a 3rd sniper team with AR10 that may have taken the shot
how long did it take for vegas shooters brother to come out only to get immediately arrested for cheese pizza?

Where's Oliver Stone when you need him
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when are people going to wake up and realize the truth

this was a hitjob, commanded by the highest 'officials' in the land -- committing brazen open TREASON


He drove there with a ladder in his car so he knew he needed it. He had to have cased the building already. Also came second time with a range finder. He's oblivious to cops all over second trip.
him and ladder purchase earlier in day not confirmed fully. the one everyone shows is a 12+ft ladder and the one news reports is only 5ft lol.
He was a 20 year old kid who was rejected from his school's gun club because he was such a terrible shot. None of this makes sense.
becuz that interview was fake and gay for clout and clicks
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I would imagine the number of people actually involved in the plot are very small. Fill up the detail with a mix of irregulars; all you need is one SS guy in on the plot to orchestrate keeping the roof open. He was probably told to do so by Cheatle. She’s maybe working with Cheney. She’s taking orders from Mayorkas. Maybe they even bypassed her for the one critical bit. Maybe she knows about the assassin wound up by FBI that’s going to show up. Maybe she doesn’t. Maybe you count on local cops to be kind of bumbling or not get in the way. Maybe you later blame the purposeful incompetence of your own team on them. You have the FBI investigate and keep the local cops quiet about anything damaging they might want to say. FBI locks down the shooters digital footprint and scrubs themselves from it. FBI produces whatever narrative it wants. People focus on incompetence and never get to the truth.
You can’t believe anything you hear from or through the media.
This. People aren't talking about this enough.

He was a 20 year old inexperienced kid who was rejected from a gun club for being a terrible shot.
Why would you make up an interview about him being rejected from the gun club? What propaganda purpose could that possibly serve?
To sew confusion. To cast doubt on the situation. Confusion and doubt protect the truth that it was him, he could shoot just fine, he did it and he did it after being egged on by glowies.
>People focus on incompetence and never get to the truth.
The USSS were incompetent because lack of communication and responsibility given vs what they could handle. The shooter got groomed and/or coached so was aware of possible disorganization and capitalized on it. The best psyops is built on known incompetence.
Yep. Biden himself, too. Probably Wray, too. Probably Cheatle. Maybe the Cheneys.
Get a Clue:
Deputy Dawg did it through the break room window wirh a scoped rifle.
The incompetence was intentional, purposeful. The shooter exploiting it was not coincidental. The same people who organized the incompetence organized the shooter. The orchestrated incompetence cleared the path for the shooter. Then the orchestrated incompetence is used to keep the truth about the shooter from being found out.
Well that explains the ladder and why they were so confused about his presence. But that doesn't explain why they let him just walk around. Did they just think he was one of them?
see >>474368000 The local pd shared a clear timeline. If you have ever been contracted to work/help another company you'd know how communication tends to break down especially if the other side is arrogant and ignores you. This was your typical bureaucratical red-tape + malicious compliance + disorganization + miscommunication = incompetency.

you fckin zoomers need to lurk moar before fuckin posting midtwit povs.
They set up the conditions. The shooter is some unstable kid incited by glowies. He’s not James Bind. He didn’t have to know anything about the SS or their behaviors at the site. He didnt have to know the real identity of the people encouraging him. All he needed was to be motivated to do it and show up on the roof where they wanted him. SS needed to be ‘incompetent’ enough to keep that part of the roof open. Then you let the pieces come together and sit back. Then you run the investigation and clean up and set the media narrative.
Sure seems pre organized
>they let him just walk around.
I would think you would hear this.
Failure of communication between agencies for why some horrible shit happened is a tale as old as time. It’s literally the official excuse for 911. It’s a red herring, especially when we are talking about the power dynamic between a presidential secret service detail and some podunk PD.
V&D indeed. If you are not counter sniping from prime overwach, you are not counter sniping.
Right, he was reportedly running up there, had to be loud
Wait was this before the shooter's info was released?
>Failure of communication between agencies for why some horrible shit happened is a tale as old as time. It’s literally the official excuse for 911. It’s a red herring,
Wow you said the same thing I did previously just with a lot more words.
>The best psyops is built on known incompetence.
Lmao imagine not screen recording
Guys was a complete faggot, few vids have dropped of him talking on twitter and he's soft and gay. He was a member of a gun club though so may have had so e practice.
One set could just about see
Best guess he shot and then got panicked (probably by cop sticking his head up) rolled to his right and the other snipers removed him
>Law enforcement sources said the building was swept

Just like Texas Schoolbook Depository Janny swept his building. Place is large enough to have that goon camping out inside a container until the appointed time. The building/business owners have to be grilled, hard.
What chart?
Probably taking a shit on the clock.
>A local police counter-sniper team was stationed inside the building where attempted assassin Thomas Crooks climbed on the roof
That sounds like some looney tunes shit right there
It would have been so funny if he actually got him. Shame we're in the shitty timeline.
Sniper's name is crooks and this bitch is cheatle, they're doing this shit on purpose
Per Elon
>Previous experience guarding Cheetos
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off by one
Pic possibly related to all of this
The entire thing is a shit show and it was planned and done by SS and Bidens. SIMPLE AS. Fuck the bastards too before a firing squad. That kid was not the shooter. You know and i know and we all know it. He was just a patsy.
where's the picture?
Why does some random local police force have a sniper team? What law domestic law enforcement function does it serve?

sorry faggots I have not seen this word metioned at all.

Without a sling he cant climb a roof with a rifle. And would have a harder time shooting accurately on an improvised rest, etc.

Is there any evidence the “shooter” (aka patsy, jack ruby jr, fiddler on the roof, Baal Shem Tov, whatever…)
Had a fucking sking on that pea shooter?
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anons like you are why I'm here, good find
you're right, I will use .is moving forward
But not on the roof that had a ladder attached. The roof, that had the best vantage point. That takes a special level of incompetence
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No. No one is going to be punished for this because it happened to a Republican.
If this happened to Biden then we would know the names of the police officers and secret service agents to have their lives ruined and potentially face jail time.
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You have shit for brains.
If he was a WN we would have immediately known.
Because he's some leftist faggot we will never ever "know",
>No. No one is going to be punished for this because it happened to a non rino Republican.
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You're a piece of trash. There was no incompetence. This was intentional. They knew of the assassin on the roof 20+ minutes ahead of time. They did nothing about it until after he fired, which is why he was killed so quickly. There is a video of the sniper looking directly at the shooter.
yep. The idea that a 20 year old can just casually climb up a roof and find literally the best possible location that's covered against the snipers, but have a perfect view of Trump shows people inside the Biden admnistration/SS were selectively leaking to the shooter's handlers. This was all 100% planned and way more ominous than the media scampering over meaningless questions about "motive."
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>every mega-elite sniper in region present
>snipers popping out of every bush
>snipers are badass!
>then one pudgy boy arrives
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Definitely Cheatle. She effectively said the reason she won't resign is because this needs to be investigated properly, and she's the one to do it.
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Trump is literally what you claim to hate in most republicans.
It doesn't matter who is running, the Republican will always be vilified as a dangerous threat to democracy.
>Why would you make up an interview about him being rejected from the gun club? What propaganda purpose could that possibly serve?
I once gave a long, tearful interview to the press. It was total bullshit. They did run it on TV though, as I hoped they would.
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I suppose I might as well post another screencap I made.

The reason that I included the post requesting a dog photo and OP's response is because they establish a timeline:
>Request for dog pic made at 1:12AM
>OP responds at 1:29AM with a photo of a dog
>File name of photo is typical from a cell phone with date and time embedded in default order of year-month-day-hour-minutes-seconds in 24-hour mode
>File name of dog photo shows he took it less that one minute before posting it

Anons should have been scouring social media for possible accounts owned by OP and looking for that dog to try and verify that OP was who he said he was. But no one did. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering how botted and glowniggered this place is.
They've not been released, but supposedly there are two photos taken by cops spotting him >20 minutes before.
Such a huge failure by Secret Service and local law enforcement. It's unthinkable that a 20yo chud with a rifle was able to get to an elevated shooting position within 130 yards of the former POTUS. Broad daylight, a white roof. The fact that bystanders pointed out the shooter is an absolute embarrassment. DEI is poisoning our entire government.
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So there were police in the window, directly in the same LoS as the rooftop kid?
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A fucking woman heads SS
She wants to make 30% female by 2030
DEI almost made Trump DIE
No longer just a meme
They know women make worse cops in almost every way. The cops are who protects them. That is insane. What a weird cult.
Dude is Solid Snake irl.
Things that have happened since Biden took office:

Legalised theft for Niggers.
Started war in Ukraine.
Started war in the Middle East.
Attempted to start WW3.
Caused massive jump in inflation.
Used the legal system to persecute their enemies.
Attempted to assassinate Trump.
Trillions embezzled from the taxpayers divvied up between his friends.

How stupid are the average normies who support this guy?
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Now he's liquid snake food irl.
Libel against dead people is not actionable under US law... you can say whatever you want.
No need for "allegedly" spam
>More than a dozen guns found at shooter's home

>Technicians at the FBI Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, are working 24 hours a day, forensically analyzing Thomas Crooks' cell phone and laptop, senior FBI officials told NBC News.

>The FBI also expects to release more information on the explosive device found in Crooks' car.
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>explosive device
Probably Tannerite. It's frequently overhyped as 'explosives'
26 minutes on the roof. Heads should roll on this one.
imagine thinking the guy that was in the position blocked by the tree who adjusted his site after the shots were fired >>474371803 was the shooter that took out the shooter and really posting on /pol/
>killing one Trump supporter
>killing one person
Language matters.
>Cops were inside, but not on the roof during the shooting, sources said.
>inside, but not on the roof
Air Conditioned?
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Lazy useless nigger cattle.
Is that JD Vance?
What was the point of the explosives in his car?
Kek ,secret service just needed to open the door and go outside ,everything could've been avoided
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