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Yeah they were inside and the bad guy was on the roof so they couldn’t see him obviously because it’s not a glass roof you dope
this is the new book depository
You see the image where one of those sniper nest is looking out of a clear glass windows facing the roof?
The Guy on the First neste can see, also theres the noiise of someone walking on the roof
they watched him for 30 minutes and took pictures

What’s the trajectory on Corey? The photo of the bullet in mid flight didn’t seem angled upwards
Wut? Serious?
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Fired their weappns in what direction?
He wasn't armed at that point so while they might take his picture, there's no immediate need to grab him.
>He wasn't armed at that point
So he got up there, scoped it out, walked back to his truck and got his gun?
jfk takes a nap while riding through an uneventful dallas parade.
He walked up and sat on a wall. That's not a reason to shoot somebody.
No way they didn't see the alleged shooter.
And now we know who shot trump
Loud popping noises heard during presidential rally in Dallas
they said that the slope of the roof was too dangerous its not they wanted to be comfy inside with AC

They did though. All sources are saying they saw him.
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>Crooks is alias for a patsy, a real identity, but not the "shooter"
>the "shooter" is some mkultra retard who resembles Crooks (perhaps Yearick? doesn't matter who)
>"shooter" is to crawl around on the roof and get killed by secret service snipers at the fairground
>world sees a dead 'lone gunman' and no further questions are raised
>meanwhile sniper niggers from local SWAT team are positioned behind open windows in the buildings
>snipers fire the actual shots intended to assassinate Trump
>by a pure miracle, the professionals choke and miss the shot
Un petit d'un petit
S'étonne aux Halles
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/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General #2



/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General #2
Ok. So he didn't have a gun?
At what point did he get his gun?
Some time after.
There was a couple of really dense poplar trees covering the cubby with the ladder. Easy to stash stuff in there. But that's lone gunman theory shit anyway.
I remote viewed the scene. The shooter could not see Trump from his vantage point because his view was blocked by the building lip on the roof. The shooter asked SS where he could position to see the rally, he claimed the gun had no ammo in it and he was using the scope to get a view of the rally. The SS watched the shooter the entire time as close as they could until the moment of the event horizon. I see in my remote view of the event, the shooter loaded the .22 Hornet bullet faster than the SS agents could see that he was loading the weapon, but the moment he fired the first round, the only shot he took, the SS peppered him with 9mm semi automatic rounds. Shooter tried to throw his weapon in compliance to make them all stop shooting him but before the rifle hit the roof the shooter was dead.
I am seeing a second shooter in the trees that nobody knows about and nobody even talks about. This tree shooter used the .22 LR in a tree stand that was outside the perimeter of the event. This shooter took the tree line to be able to see the 1st shooter and Trump and he used triangulation to calculate the shot. The 2nd shooter is the one that actually hit Trump. The first shooter was a distraction to hide the 2nd shooter.
2nd Shooter in the tree stand along the tree line, used a Ruger 22 LR

It's called an intelligence blackout. I was the 2nd shooter in the tree line and I remote viewed the entire event. The literal dumb twink on the roof top was not there as long as I was in the tree. I camped out in the tree for 2 weeks before the event. I watched every single thing about every person, coming, going, who what where when how why. I saw everything from my perch. I used a Ruger bolt action 22 LR. and Hornet 22 LR rounds. I saw the FBI and the SS shoot the innocent child with the fake gun. That pulled on my heart string. Everything I have just told you is the 100% Remote View Truth.
So you said they watched him. Did they watch him go get a gun?
He was car sick
Lol shill. They shot audience members so they could pretend trump had shots fired at him
They saw him and took a picture. That from that point on they were watching everything he did is not certain. And why would they? At this point he's sat on a wall some distance outside the rally area and looked around a bit. That's nothing to suggest he's about to kill anyone.
Perhaps we ought to strip the Dems/deepstate of their benefit of the doubt and start treating this matter as an attempted assassination by the Dems/deepstate: They tried media smear in 2016, brazen rigging in 2020, and now have almost assassinated Trump for 2024.
This is how you limey faggots got so full of shitskins.
Theory that trump used fake blood etc doesn't add up. Biden's secret service would not help Trump stage a fake shooting to boost Trump's popularity, so this idea is just nonsense. A crime has to make sense. A real shooting happened, they had a patsy ready, and it was a plausible plan, but it all fall apart because somebody missed their shot. Now they know Trump is going to be President again and they're all shitting bricks about the ramifications of being found out. It's highly probably that all these guys are either going to spill the beans or "commit suicide" real soon.
Try that again but this time plug in your brain.
>3 means 4 look at my arrows
watching everything he did is not certain. And why would they?
>They saw him and took a picture.
Ok. But why would they?
>Biden's secret service would not help Trump stage a fake shooting to boost Trump's popularity, so this idea is just nonsense.
Holy shit just kill yourself already. What part of both sides are controlled by the same people do you not understand?
>and Hornet 22 LR rounds.
even pretending for a second you just entered the braindance editor from cyberpunk, .22 Hornet and .22 LR are wildly different cartridges
Probably thought he looked a bit suspicious and so snapped a picture in case they had to find him again.
So he's suspicious already? For what?
Are you fucking retarded?
I’m sure if some elite faction wanted to kill Trump they could do it no problem and would try again even if this one was real, but I call bullshit. This was a judeo-satanic human sacrifice and policy stunt for their shabos.
>all three sniper teams failed to kill Trump
Competency crisis.
Suspicious enough to take his picture. Not suspicious enough to actually go arrest him.
This is dumb for the sole reason that if they had four competent snipers shooting at Trump, they would have actually hit his skull
>.22 Hornet was the Patsy
>.22LR was the sniper in the treeline.
I was remote viewing the sniper in the treeline and I actually saw them shoot that young boy.
But you said he's suspicious? But that they aren't watching him?
Not after taking his picture.
The dude seemed to be missing some ear. If they didn't shoot at him which they wouldn't under your scenario, then why is he missing ear?
So they also have bad snipers that can’t make 150m shots to a relatively stationary target? Feels bad.
But if he is suspicious, why disregard him? Was he not suspicious after they took his picture? They trapped his suspicious essence in the camera?
>I used a Ruger bolt action 22 LR. and Hornet 22 LR rounds
This is what society is coming to. I for one blame participation trophies.
They have a thousand other people to watch at the same time.
I remote viewed the Sniper in the Treeline.

In Timeline A. .22LR hit Trump in the Right Eye and splattered blood from his brain on the people behind him.

In Timeline B, bullet lodged in the Right Side Head above the Eye. Did not kill him.

In Timeline C, bullet hit Right Ear High and stayed in his head. Did not kill him.

in Timeline D, we watch a movie about how Trump is a Robot Warrior from the 40K universe and he is the Avatar of the God of War.
How many of those thousand people are on a roof with a rifle?
yeah, this shot was easily missable for random fag with an AR, not a competent sniper
official story is the cops saw him using binos or a rangefinder ~30 minutes before the shooter engaged. it sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me though. if you’ve seen the “drone footage” pic of the shooter I’m pretty sure that’s the pic that the cop took.
The 22 Hornet vs 22LR is a rivalry between two calibers that were once considered a favorite of many shooting enthusiasts.

Both are primarily overlooked because of their lack of ballistics and stopping power.

However, they shouldn't be disregarded entirely as calibers that only have nostalgic value.

22 Hornet vs 22LR
The 22 Hornet was once the go-to caliber for coyote hunters, while the 22 LR was the next step for most young shooters wanting to upgrade from a BB gun.

The 22 Long Rifle cartridge has hung onto its reputation as an excellent beginner round, but most consider it underpowered for anything other than target practice and plinking.

The 22 Hornet load is more powerful than the 22 LR, 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (22WMR), and 17 HMR.

However, its ballistics don't hold up against other comparable rounds like the 22-250 or 223 Rem, which is why it's largely been forgotten by most varmint hunters.

Yet, how do these classics stack up against each other?
telling response
they can't fire 4 times, they have to select an operator to go first and fires the first kill shot making it seem like the roof retard did it and the rest spray the area while the patsy gets filled with lead
If you can explain how it is relevant then ok, but it's not and you won't.
How many suspicious people to keep tabs on?
>snipers fire the actual shots intended to assassinate Trump
>by a pure miracle, the professionals choke and miss the shot
They fired shots to make the whole thing look real. there were 3 confirmed shots from the "shooter", the SS just let 3 shots go off before returning fire and funny enough 3 counter-snipers in the building. 3 trained people would not miss such an easy shot from that distance.
Thanks GPT
But there is at least 1. On the roof. And he had a gun.
You don't know how much they had to deal with so do not assume.
Kinda fucking nuts when you put it like that. Like I was studying the School Book Depository 40 years after it happened, I wasn't even alive when JFK was assassinated.
This happened not even a week ago and someone like me will be researching this 40 years from now.
The plan wasn't to kill him.
If it was, he would be dead.
22lr is great for digging targets because it's like shooting a cap gun and costs 8 cents a round. I wouldn't use it to hunt anything but maybe rabbits.
Not GPT https://ammo.com/comparison/22-hornet-vs-22-lr
that news wasn't instantly reported the very second after it happened to social media.
news orgs dont want to be sued or discredited for reporting something too early without confirmation
No way they would shoot at him if staged. So is he missing ear answers your questions. If he is it wasn't staged.
>I remote viewed the Sniper in the Treeline.
Fucking kek I don't even have to read the rest of the post I'm already laughing
If it's a building that they're attempting to secure and a random guy climbs up on the roof they should immediately detain and question him.
But that is one thing they did have to deal with. And they...chose not to?
Butler and beaver county.
There's nothing to say they knew about him getting on the roof. All we know is they saw him sitting on a wall.
Trumps blessed by God saved by Divine intervention. The professional highly skilled shooters meant to kill Trump that day all somehow missed their shots and Trump lives.
Technically wasn't a miss, he grazed the ear.
They recorded a suspicious person but at that point had no reason to take it further.
>another full sleeve zogbot
I’m starting to think that having a tat is some kind of underground fraternity for zogbots
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So they were aiming towards eachother
Take it further? Watching him is taking it further?
Faked, Trump wasn't the target.
> Now they know Trump is going to be President again and they're all shitting bricks about the ramifications of being found out.
No, this is the part that doesn’t make sense. Trump has clearly been selected by Jews as the Zionist candidate. Wake up
Useless boomer waffen posers
this is what theory Ive landed on. Multiple professional shooters missed a shot that they shouldn't have missed. Divine intervention really. The patsy shit is all standard play and there would be multiple professional shooters to make sure the job got done but they all failed.
He was viewed from a window apparently. When he leaves that view point you would have to actually send somebody to follow him around.
this time babushka lady was calling his name
Then why would they need to do anything bongtard?
Shouldn't you be somewhere using a spork to stop a gang of pakis from bumming your mum?
why would counter snipers need to hide?
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>Matthew Wagner - Prospect Borough
>SWAT Operator / Sniper
>Butler County Emergency Response Unit/ Team 400
>Sniper/Observers Team Members have attended basic and advanced sniper schools in addition to their basic and advanced SWAT training

perhaps guilt
Someone needs to get Oliver Stone to do another JFK movie on this shit.
Sad to see the mkultrad some zoomie to go climb onto the roof to get a piece of candy while holding a rifle while the actual professional snipers took the shot but missed 6 times
Why do you guys keep acting like it was a bad shot. It was millimeters off his temple. It was bad in the sense that it didn't kill him, not in the sense that it was poorly taken. Trump literally bobbed his head at the last second.
Glowtards fuckin failed. That's all
There is no Patsy it was him a progressive homo
I worked in butler EMS for years, and I’ve worked with EMS agencies all over the state and country. I’ve never seen a larger gaggle of bootlicker idiots in my life than with the Butler police. In most counties and states, the police transport psychiatric patients. In butler, they want to offload everything they can on the EMS agency. If someone is a public intox? Instead of doing their job and throwing them in the drunk tank, they would rather call for a medic to come and tell them “either you go to the hospital with them, or to jail with us.” The drunks always went with us, inundating an already stretched thin service to save them some paperwork. A collection of absolutely lazy, corrupt pieces of shit. So this comes as absolutely no surprise to see happen. Someone says “they want to hurt themselves”. Instead of the PD taking them to the hospital, let’s waste one of the few medic units babysitting it instead - saves up paperwork and lets us lounge around more. Just an absolute joke.
Jesus fuck. Who made this graphic? It says 3 counter snipers and there are 4 arrows to sniper’s nests
Take your pills boomer we dont need to hear your wet brain takes
You're easily the dumbest person in this thread. Please fuck off
Try an argument retard.
1 shot fired at trump, dickcheese.
It hit him.
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simply look at the angle of the bullet flying by trump
if it was from up on the roof it would have a much sharper downward angle towards trump but it was almost parallel to the ground in flight which means the shot originated from much lower in the building

a shot from 130 yards isn't going to drop enough to keep it level with his head from up on a roof
You don't have one to begin with, nigel.
You just keep saying "umm they sae him on the wall guys. Job done hurrrrr"
This though occurred to me too. We need to dig.
Cops interacted with him on the roof can pussed out, therefore they knew he was on the roof
what is parallax?
If you can't form an argument you are not worth speaking to.
chk’d heil’d
dude. britbong knows. digits don’t lie.
ESL jeet go back to india
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>Trump has clearly been selected by Jews as the Zionist candidate. Wake up
Nobody wants to speak to you, you kebab dildoing fuck. We want you to shut up
this is about the angle of the flight path, that wouldn't change from this perspective
Then shut up.
absolute fucking retard, it was a STAGING AREA
Bidets SS seriously pathetic.
Good one, lad..
They're claiming to be there in sniper nests.
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Because it's not a difficult shot. Go shoot a gun.
He hit him. It was literally divine intervention. I dont know what to tell you. The cia clown fucked it up.
You watched it. He turned his head and it clipped him. It would have killed him.
if he's the zionist candidate, why was he deposed in 2020?
>take the shot
Doesn't really matter anymore does it.
Look at it like this. Whoever was in that nest. It was the culmination of their entire life. They have never been apart of something as world changing.

He choked. And now its history.

Oh, and now trump gets to hang you in the street you tranny
>not a difficult shot
people yelling at you
cops try to approach you
laying on burning hot metal roof in shorts and t-shirt
high level target
Republicans are deep state, too. Who do you think was supposed win the the presidency after trump got his head blown off? If you have been watching the RNC, every speaker is sucking Jew cock.
I don't believe the SS were in on it for one of two 2 reasons

1. Trump isn't accusing them of fucking up. The one person that would know is him. He isn't making a big stink about it and if he isn't then why should I give a fuck?

2. Trump is in on it and there are some shenanigans going on and again why should I give a fuck?

This is one of the things that irks me the most about Trump. He doesn't act mad enough for a man being targeted by our government. You would think he would spill more beans, secrets shit he thinks is happening to him illegally but for the most part he is running a mundane campaign. Why should I care about a guy who doesn't seem to care himself?

Maybe the night before PA he had a meeting with someone and they asked him to drop out or say something and he said no and this was the warning. I dunno. Trump just comes off as controlled opposition.
Tha man who took that shot is very much alive. Ree tardy Oswald was just forced to climb on the roof and wait to die. The cops claiming he pointed a rifle at them were there to make sure he didnt get down.
Who knows what they did to get him there
What is trump supposed to do? Say it out loud? And have the media immediately make fun of him and every coward discredit him and claim he's insane?

That's how this works
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they were making sure that no one interfered with the charade.
a professional sniper shot at trumps ear (it had to be a perfect shot, if he was shot at at all), while another sniper shot at the patsy.

a perfect manchurian candidate/patsy theatre, an no one is the wiser, not even us dumb goy.
Haha, nice!
I would think Trump would understand more about whats going on than us. The real people in charge. Illegal shit going on but he stays quiet. He is the first president I think where both sides and the media are conspiring against him. They just shot him. Yet it's business as usual. I don't know what he should be doing but not running a standard campaign like he is
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It's time for dark ultra maga jihad!!!!
>Death to the banchodes!!!
>A source familiar with the investigation told CNN that snipers were stationed inside the building. The local sniper team, which hailed from the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, was located on the second floor providing overwatch of the crowd at the rally, the source said.

Didn't need to be SS since CIA/Homeland security must have contacts in these regional law enforcement teams.
look up who runs the RNC now, it's his fucking daughter-in-law. He's part of that whole stinker.
Yeah, he does know how the gane works.
If he doesn't have proof, he can say nothing. The fbi is now conducting the "investigation" so it wont matter.

The only thing he can do is keep personal detail he can trust

They're still going to kill him anon
it was obviously a glow op, and I am an expert on glow ops
>The Beaver County Emergency Services Unit — which traveled to the Butler County, Pennsylvania, Trump rally from the neighboring Pittsburgh suburb — noticed Cooks on the roof, took a picture of him and reported it around 5:45 p.m., WPXI reported.

>The Butler County Police Department Swat Team also fired a weapon on Saturday night at the Trump rally, a law enforcement source told CNN.

>That was in addition to weapons fired by the Secret Service and the shooter himself.

>Audio forensics previously suggested that as many as three weapons were fired.
Trump is a narcissist and is vulnerable to delusional thinking. He might not realize it was a fed hit unless he has people like his sons telling him about it.
>zero evidence
Silly well-poisoner, no one is buying this retard shit.
it's a reason to investigate them and tell them to get the fuck off the top of the building which they definitely don't have permission to do.
They wanted him dead. He was supposed to get his head blown off giving way for Haley or Vance to win the next the election. His daughter being in that position doesn't really mean anything.
I'm willing to bet they recruited the kid. He thought he was working WITH them for some reason. Brought him in, quick "training" and told him that was his asssemnt. Something like that, at least. Why the Kid was so matter-of-fact about just being up there with a gun in front of everyone. he thought he was a counter-sniper to some extent.

Or.. MK Ultra. Who knows.
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I'm in the "staged hoax" camp, and it just occured to me how similar of a setup this was to a scene from one of those white-nationaist books from that Pacific Northwest writer (I think). I think it's a book about a new civil war in the u.s., and at one point the nationalists get a sniper into the Oscars (Holloywood award ceremony), where his job is to headshot whoever while his buddy's head is only a few inches away from the target, etc. They planned it that way so that suspicion wouldn't fall on the buddy (inside man). Someone else post what book I'm talking about.
>They wanted him dead. He was supposed to get his head blown off
All fake, the aimed anywhere but at Trump to sell this phony assasination attempt. Tell me one good reason why they would consider him a threat after his previous term.
They didn't choke and miss, God made them miss. Trust the plan.
what if he was just going rabbit hunting though
>>the aimed anywhere but at Trump to sell this phony assasination attempt

a bullet hit his ear retard
>still thinks that Trump and Biden are on different "teams" like some marvel goyslop movie
Got any more stories to share?
Fudd around and find out.
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all those positions and they missed. i rmember hitting my target the first time i went to a range at 1000 yds. this just stinks to high heavens of AGITPROP. Either that or this is just for the purpose for confusion in an effort to build up to civil unrest. Either way i feel that thats coming, in either case via paid actors led on by political operstives.
your remote viewing has no credibility, i'm afraid
I hope you’re never in charge of protecting anyone or anything. You don’t sound very keen.
Could you be more transparent.
i've heard a lot of leos are masons. don't know why i thought of that, especially when i was thinking about the odds of 3 pros missing a gimme.
I just wanted Cheeto to game end already
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During an outdoor speaking event the exact place you want your tactical people is inside where the pizza and sodas are
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>i rmember hitting my target the first time i went to a range at 1000 yds
Everyone in this thread is on a watchlist.
Trump does blading he did that shit during his WWE stint
i am pretty sure i have been on one for years. they just know, like i do, that i am a harmless nobody who is too fat and happy to do anything but larp on the internet. oh well, at least we get to feel like we are part of history.
This is a kike
I don’t know. But he is. You’d have to have zero perception to miss the tone shift.
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>Be 20-year-old
>Be ROTC rifle reject
>Know exactly where to park
>Know exactly where to climb onto roof
>Know there would be no over watch on water tower
>Spotted 30 minutes before, points gun in face of cop, no one pulls Trump
>Remains calm, 3 minutes of crawling to apex of roof, 2 cops standing there watching, no one pulls trump
>Hot day, metal roof, know you're about to die, 180bpm hr
>Get within 120 yards of presidential candidate, "protected" by USSS
>Sniper team 1 blocked by tree
>Sniper team 2 blocked by tree
>Sniper team 3 lower elevation, blocked by roof apex
>Sniper team 1, 2 & 3 all suspiciously looking in same direction, completely opposite of how designated sectors is supposed to work
>Cops inside building shooter chooses to crawl on top of
>Get off 8 shots, one of which if not for shear luck, would have been an instakill
>Witnesses in early hours claim to have seen 2 shooters
That's private property, Chud. That could've been the owner on his roof cleaning it with the water blaster.
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If the intention was for the pro snipers to actually kill Trump, then why didn't they? After the first few shots missed there were definitely still a few seconds while Trump and team were figuring out what was happening when they could've delivered the kill shot
Why bother faking an assassination when he was already going to win the election.
If my mom saw that in our browser history she'd box my ears
what article are you quoting?
there was probably also ice cream, cookies...if you were there you would be inside munching.
"he was given abnormal stamina and focus due to drumpf's hateful rhetoric." -what CNN would say
I know the book and it's not similar at all.
this dude is a shill. ignore uk flags for threads related to the assassination
> Biden's secret service would not help Trump stage a fake shooting to boost Trump's popularity,

They want him to resign but he refuses.
Now they make their other puppet more popular by syrviving an assassination.
No more pee pee poo poo biden to say stupid shit during press conferences.

Friendly reminder that both of Crooks parents are licensed counselors by the state of Pennsylvania and have been for 20 years. So two literal mental health experts didn't know that their son who lived with them was planning an assassination attempt.

Trump loved his SS detail and they loved him. That got changed though because that was a problem. Memba when the SS and FBI almost got into a firefight when the FBI rolled up with full tac gear at Mar-A-Lago?
That was insightful ten years ago or so, but since Trump won, we've been in uncharted territory, so those old platitudes amount to little more than intellectual laziness at this point. Trump's most die-hard supporters are people who already understand that shit. You're not shining any light in this conversation with one-off musings like that.
To unite the country and inspire patriotism to boost military recruitment, it also helps the left mentally prepare for the humiliating defeat they're about to receive so they don't riot and the right starts believing in elections again.
That's a big bite, I doubt they can swallow it
My theory is Crooks was some sort of home grown glowy assassin but he wasn't ready or a good fit. A unique opportunity presented itself and that asset was used and failed.
>it's 2024 and there is not a SINGLE trace of any sort of online footprint other than a blackrock vid of Crooks or any of his family
It's like they're ghosts that don't fucking exist. There's ZERO, ZILCH, NADA info on them. No photos of family barbecues, vacations, NOTHING.

Hahahahaha. Why were they all inside the building? If everybody is outside of the building. Obviously you keep a patrol in there checking nobody can access it. But there was a bunch of agents looking out all the windows? That's stupid really stupid
Shooting guns, retard.
And how does the shooter fit into all this?
You'd be surprised at how much the left can swallow
I get the term. Go into detail about the fbi vs ss firefight.
Brainwashed patsy to kill and close the story, wouldn't have been given a working weapon.
You retard. The sniper nest took the shot, counter sniper thought it was the shooter, and shot back. Hope they recovered the bullet from the dead firefighter (rip) so they can trace the bullet to the gun.
I wouldn't be surprised with how much the left or right could swallow. You're all sucking Jew dick with vigor.

Ba nananana na nananana batman. And the shooter went on the roof above their heads.

The dumbest. The dumbest
Absolutely this.
I think he means 3 minutes.
They won't even bother, the patsy is dead and they'll say that's the end of the story. They didn't even immediately close the rally down and remove everyone to gather forensic evidence
Then who was nigger
people are naive dude
always have been, always will be
plus that "anon" is probably a shill
I forgot exactly how it went but someone on Trumps staff had shown someone with the FBI where the files at Mar-A-Lago were. There were arrangements being made to pick them up. The fucking glowy then goes back to the FBI and organizes a full raid and rolls up to Mar-A-Lago with full tac gear. The SS didn't know about this and think they're fake cops so both of em are telling the other side to drop the guns pointing at each other.
Lmao. SS are cucks.
Remote viewing is fake and gay nice larp

I will be a believer if you tell me what i am
doing right now

Niggers remote view my anus
the part where you're completely retarded
>uhhh holy shit dude, you don't just believe obvious utter bollocks just because it was posted on /pol/???? are you for real????
post iq anon. I know it's less than 90
>remote viewed
>I hallucinated it while smoking weed
can we please purge these retards back to /x/
news also reported that that area was targeted as the weakest spot a day prior during a security meeting which means that information was leaked. the kid immediately goes to buy a ladder and bullets which means this information was leaked to him in some way
Go play some counterstrike nigger
Are you suggesting that the local PD sniper team shot trump?
>unknown person with a direct line of sight to trump
>not in the security perimeter so he was totally unchecked
Yeah that's fucking retarded. Wal mart does a better job looking after shoplifters than the SS did looking after trump.
I like how my enemies are coping and spinning their wheels about an event that even if they had hard evidence would not be payed attention to. You are wasting your time. You think if you draw some lines on a picture something will happen? You think if you convince some anonymous nigger on 4chan you will make a change? Right now Trump is fucking full steam ahead and you people are reacting to something 4 days ago.
and they shot in the direction of the crowd because...?
>someone like me will be researching this 40 years from now
Good luck... It has barely been 4 days and it is already 80% memory-holed.
they literally watched him pull out a range finder, put it to his face to measure the distance for a shot.
They even said they watched him use a rangefinder.

You fucking idiot
>Republicans are deep state, too. Who do you think was supposed win the the presidency after trump got his head blown off? If you have been watching the RNC, every speaker is sucking Jew cock.

GREAT point
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nigger you just made that shyt up in 5 minutes no one is going to buy into your kikery.
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ligma balls
No, it was about half an hour. 26 minutes filmed on the roof
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kek imagine fucking up this badly
it really was a miracle
>inb4 it was faked
fuck off noguns faggot
Glow oped
I hate to do the Reddit thing, but I would like to know where this info comes from.
>Are you suggesting that the local PD sniper team shot trump?
No, if that were the case they would have been killed by a mugger in an alley.
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sneaky bastards got sneaked on by a crippled abomination

they should rope themselves to preserve the last shred of honor they never had
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here you go
learn to webm
So who shot trump? And why did secret service allow him to get that close with a weapon? It makes no sense.
nobody is talking about Biden resigning from the race anymore, are they? this was such a poor shitshow
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It's fake and gay? Picrel.
The simplest explanation is the right one. Is it simpler to convince a SWAT officer to take a shot at DJT, or is simpler to convince an angry outsider 20-year-old?
I don't know, but I saw it flash on the banner of multiple news stations while walking around town.
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Joe Biden's retirement activities at gitmo.
"Hey Jill do I look like a chocolate ice cream cone?"
Spectators were recording him for 3 minutes, so maybe that's where that comes from. The Chinese could have hacked your telephone, or whatever.

>“There were three counter-snipers located in the building that the shooter eventually used to take shots at Trump,” one officer told BeaverCountian.com.
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what infuriates me is why everyone is even bothering to entertain the idea that this was anything other than a failed attempt by the deep state (yes ultimately Jews) to kill Trump.

The SS, every cop there, US marshals Service, there's even some obvious glowies in the stands behind Trump waiting for the video of his head being blown off.
They're all i on it.

And they'll try again too.
CIA is already seeding the Iran assassination plot for when they try again.
>Iran is Israel's biggest threat
>new war will get everyone paid
>They think Trump dying will help them to recruit white males back into the military to die for kikes

this is so simple a child could see through it like a B movie plot
I hope this makes Trump drop his "indemnity for police" cringe dogshit.

EVERY cop is a leftist in 2024. Actually, they have been since at least 2020 with covid lockdowns
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what a dumbass
Did you not read what I said, or are you a disinformation bot? I said news stations both right and left were reporting this. While walking through town, I saw multiple TVs with multiple news stations reporting this fact. This was yesterday that the information came out. Hope that's clear now. I'm genuinely hoping for your sake that you don't have cognitive dissonance and this is a simple misunderstanding between us.
And I forgot to mention. They reported officially 26 minutes.

The only source of the shooter being a random loner who was bullied happens to go semi-viral in another video that same day with an “explosive” in a car. Weird.
>Trump isn't taking it personally enough and making lots of drama about what a victim he is
Bad take. To put it lightly, the future of your country is at stake. Given the results out of France and UK, I dare say the future of the western world is at stake. Trump has his eyes on the prize.
What if he really is a time traveler?
I'm genuinely hoping for your sake that you don't have schizophrenia. I'm just asking for any kind of link and not a "trust me, bro." It honestly wouldn't even surprise me, but I need to see evidence before I can pass this information on to others.
seems like someone w geometry skills (not me, im retarded) could figure out exactly where this bullet was fired from - they can figure out two points already: exactly how high it was and how far it was from trump using photos of trump on stage; factor in the visible angle of the projectile and it should lead straight to the shooter. am i wrong? im sure ai could help
>inside building
>fired their weapons
w-w-which way did they fire them? certainly not directly up into the ceiling
Found it on my own. Thanks for the heads up.
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bamp bc fuck commies
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thomas was alone
>Given the results out of France and UK
One was a coalition of traitorous governments overriding the popular vote and the latter was the lowest voter turnout in election history, neither really represent the state of the normal person's mind in either nation but do reflect on the passivity of modern Western Europeans and make a good case for the abolishment of "democracy".
anyone who says this wasn't a difficult shot has never been in a truly stressful situation or has nerves of steel (doubtful).
also, the fact that he wore shorts and a t-shirt when he knew he would be crawling on the hot roof does not make any sense at all - nobody who planned this whole thing out would have put shorts on that morning knowing he'd be kneeling on a blazing hot roof in a few hours. it does not make sense.
yeah everyone talks about how easy a shot it is because theyre sitting on a flat range fondling their balls and shooting at paper targets. go try to assassinate a former president and come back and say how easy it was, fucking retards. hurr durr 150 yard easy, everything exists in a vacuum
Hey everyone, I spotted the Glownigger.
Try not to be so obvious next time.
At least give a little banter before dropping the cope on the first post.
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Grammatical structuring of this text is very similar to typical Israeli ESL typing.

Also, Steve Bannon is highly likely next. They are going to try to make it look like a "random street/prison assault".
That’s an awful lot of 3s
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"The fact that Sirius was 19.5 degrees below the horizon at the time is TOTALLY irRELEVANT! Stop talking about hyperdimensional physics! DELETE YOUR POST!"
>My theory is Crooks
Stopped listening there
So you're saying that particular building was perchance glowing like Chernobyl at the time?
It’s not a legit conspiracy unless witnesses and whistleblowers start dying off
here is the best explanation I got now

they were indoors for the comfy AC as they can't admit that they cope with the slope of the roof
I recommend for the head of the secret service to resign so we can reduce the conspiracy theories.
Drone signals can't penetrate cielings, so that explains why there were no drones.
There was audio analysis. With a known fps, speed of sound known it should be possible to calculate the exact distance which I believe someone has ardy done meaning where the bullet came from would reasonably fall on the edge of a circle.
i did not hear or see any witnesses talk about seeing a second shooter and i was here looking for it - anyone see such a thing in the early hours
i am assuming there was a second shooter because thats how it has always worked
Give it two weeks.
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Then why the fuck does any of this matter? If they are both of the same side and one of them is obviously bound to win why would they stage a sloppy shooting where someone died and various people have recorded proof of your assassin climbing on a roof. Holy shit, I miss when schizo posts were good and made sense, you guys are just being contrarians for the sake of pretending to be smarter than everybody.
>He wasn't armed at that point
woah, he materialized a rifle while he was up there?
Could they also not hear, you fag. You also don't think they would have surveillance tech all around the building. You shills are pathetic. Inside job, simple as.
For fun, of course! Aren’t you having fun, anon?
its a reason to get the VIP behind cover at the very least retard
>SWAT were the real shooters
>Just like FBI were the real shooters that killed JFK from a different building and not Oswald
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I still have this thread open on a tab
I heard a woman say there was one on the roof and one by the fence.
he might have been shot by the team behind him on the second floor
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>its troubling that hitmen had refused to job for so long, that the kid ended up on a perpetuated blacklist.
What the glowie fuck does this mean
>if he's the zionist candidate, why was he deposed in 2020?
Because it's how they applied the DEI nigger pressure. Had he done it, the red hats wouldn't have been ready enough to follow a jew controlled puppet. But now that they're good and softened up by the other jew puppet for the last 4 years, the red hats are emptying their soul to make their flesh husks ready to die for Israel.
He was distracted, looking at TikTok on his phone
but there were drones. every bit of what happened is recorded in hd and is being held by multiple agencies including the ss, fbyi, usmil, hmeland secrty, pa national guard and pa state police
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>Memba when
Pepperidge Farms remembers that, as do I.
>refused to job
Universal Translator gives this result "he became a NEET". I might put that into my English language extension kit next to "don't into".
Yet another glownigger super high rez image that no one can mark up and repost. Image size limit on /pol/ is 4 MB not 20.
thank you
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Counsellors Eh??

Mental Health Experts ... and Had no clue ...
hooooooooly fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
imagine being this niggerfaggot larper pretending to be soldier boy and some fucking dweeb who gets bullied for not being able to shoot in hs is literally on top of your stupid head shooting at your principal

this is the kind of shameful display that honorable people would commit ritual suicide over

i cant believe everyone involved is a fucking larper
i cant believe that even the people protecting presidents are totally fake and gay
what the fuck is this world?
they were at the rally filming it live. They were there watching the people get shot.
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"to job" means "to throw" or lose on purpose
Any movement on that roof would be very conspicuous inside the building, especially at the top floor. They knew he was there, at the very least.
staged and gay!
What absolute fucking idiots. Must be foreign to not recognize that context immediately.
this is the most shocking part
that fucking asshat on the 2nd floor should have been shot on the spot for GROSS negligence
there's no way
this shit just gets more unbelievable with the display of incompetence

it's as if the schizo theorists are right, and they were all setting trump up to die
there's just no way that many idiots are working that job and have no idea what the fuck theyre doing
i can't believe that
Just wait. Lots of training accidents in a helicopter are going to be happening after a fuck up like this.
No sense of humor. Your panties might be too tight anon.
The GOP definitely wants him gone. You really think fucking Mitch McConnel or Lindsey Graham want the wars in Ukraine and Israel to end? They did everything they could throwing darts to get someone to beat him in the primaries. Worse yet, after the assassination attempt, they made a public statement that there wasn't going to be any changes made for security at the RNC. WTF?
i cannot wait
i will helicopter stomp their nuts into their assholes
i am in disbelief at how many stupid people are able to larp their way into these jobs

if an actual professional team of opfor showed up, they would all be dead, they would be wiped clean
>you guys are just being contrarians for the sake of pretending to be smarter than everybody.
No, the "fake assasination" people are shills intentionally shitting up the board.
That's reason enough to detain and question him, you fucking idiot.
Trump knows stuff about Epstein, they wanted to kill him so the Israel blackmail scheme remain silent. Blaming Iran and covering Epstein all points to kikes
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If they've been working this hard and doing all this just to get rid of Trump then that means he's doing something to really piss them off and that's more than enough for me.
If pol existed in 63 I bet Kennedy wouldn’t have even been shot - autists on this board literally found out the plab and prevented globalist glowniggers from destroying the Seattle SkyNeedle right before their global fake ass covid lockdowns to try to keep the public in a state of perpetual fear. I always think about that, you crazy Hitler loving homies have been a thorn in the side of the global deep state for over a decade and without this board Trump literally wouldn’t have been elected and given those first years.

Pic unrelated. I think I lifted it from x or something
Vincent Fusca was at the rally Saturday unironically and directly behind Trump. Go watch the video if you don't believe me.
My Dad is a remote viewer at Quantendo, and he says you are full of shit.
>No, the "fake assasination" people are shills intentionally shitting up the board.
The level of damage control makes it seems they have all hands working overtime.
You guys from GCHQ need to fuck off. We see you.
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How does he managed to not get put on a list if he was buying stuff to make explosives? How does he hide that in a small house like that?
These people are agreement incapable. Just ask the Native Americans. Eventually they will come for anyone who knows too much, even if he's a fellow glowie.
Go up
He's showing up might early for work at Vauxhall.
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"He Amereekan like you comrade live in small sweet Amerikan house totally comfy. See he no Soviet KGB! He wear cowboy hat...drink baseball play beer push hockey just like youuuuuuu!"

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