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Greetings, I am back

Previous thread >>474359704

I am not a ballistics expert, I rarely make threads, but no one is talking about this and I feel it is of utmost importance.

I have gone frame by frame, down to 0.01 of a second, to analysis when trumps 'head movement' begins, and when the bullet impacts

Using the assumption that the 'click' sound we can hear is the sound of the bullet passing the mic on the lectern, I worked backwards to find the timeframe in which trump begins to move.

The 'click' sound can reasonably be assumed to be the sound of the bullet, as it is followed shortly after by the 'CRACK' of the gun. This timing is consistent throughout all the shots we can hear.

Trumps movement occurs 0.07-0.08 seconds before the first 'click.

Assuming a .223 fired from an AR15, muzzle velocity is approximately 1000m/s. From a distance of 130-150m, that give a bullet 'travel time' of 0.13-0.15


I encourage other anons that are less retarded than me to present this information in a better, more attention grabbing way.

The exact timing is incredibly important, because it changes the narrative from being 'the shooter missed', 'Trump moved a few seconds before, throwing off the shooters aim', into something infinitely more unlikely, implying a miracle. Devine intervention, call it what you like.


here is my piss-poor video trying to show how I did this analysis. For the love of god, someone please fucking take this and do a better job. I'm the most incompetent cunt on this earth. It's not even hard to do what I did, you can take any of the footage and apply the same analysis.
praise god
Shinzo Abe tilted his head, there's literally no other explanation for how everything came together in the only way it could have to spare him.
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Black hats and white hats.
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It is a divine intervention. His head tilt while looking at this chart saved him.
I am OP, have to phone post now. Jannies just fucking banned me for violating US federal law posting this thread. THIS IS INPORTANT
I have also come to that conclusion.
I've seen so many threads of disingenuous " anons " making threads like these since July 13th ( Never Forget ). Grasping at threads. Hoping to sound like they blend in, here. Creating dumb conspiracy theories that are just retarded.
You retards are doing your best impressions of what you think a /pol/ poster is like, or of what you think a maga person sounds like.
But you fail, because you are disingenuous and ill informed.
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Shinzo Abe literally moved his head. This event goes beyond "coincidence". Shinzo saw the future if trump dies/loses. This was divine intervention and THAT's the biggest take away from this whole thing. All the proof I need that god wants Trump to win and that we are, and have always been on the side of good.
Isn't shinzo's assassin near him when it happened? His odds of killing him is higher.
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I mean, obviously, but look at the exact timing I procured. It's even more miraculous than people are imagining.
I dodge shill accusations like trump dodges bullets, cunt. Fuck you. You clowns are eternally BTFO
No I mean his ghost intervened to save Trump. There's no other reason to explain why Trump happened to turn to his video display at the exact instant he did, which has been proven out to be the only instant he could have done so in a way to save his life.
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if standard 556 was used, then velocity is 3,200 ft/sec, at 130 yards it would take 0.12 seconds from trigger pull to Trumps ear. As shooter is pulling the trigger Trump is leaning and turning his head, Trump's motion stops and bullet grazes Trump's ear. Its that fast.
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God bless President Trump.
I swear people don't read.

Dude, read and watch my vid. Trump moves 0.08 before the bullet hits. It was already on target and moving at his fucking head through the air.
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I enjoyed your song video more. Nice job m8 hope yer staying safe down there with the gas huffers, emus and tassies.
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Your vid sucks. Make it looping early on.
He was looking to his front-right at his teleprompter and saw the muzzle flash. He glanced further to the right for a better look, rotating his head far enough to catch the round in the ear instead of in the middle of his head. God-tier reaction time, I bet he would have been insane in Quake deathmatch.
you a retarded ausnigger. stick to your own loser country which is toilet paper for the US empire.
Yeah I know, it's piss poor. I can't make vids I'm retarded. I want some anon to take this and do it better, that's the fucking point.
>catch the round in the ear
better the ear than mess up his hair or maga hat.
it was an obvious glow op, I am an expert on glow ops
Never vaxxed, didn't mask, stood up to the covid tyranny. Not all of us are pussies and cucks.
Wasn't the Secret Service saying the bullet shattered a teleprompter and the glass is what hit him? I'm not saying that's what happened, but why did they say that at first? How does such a weirdly specific mistake like that happen? Did one of them just guess wrong and they ran with it?
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>Assuming a .223 fired from an AR15, muzzle velocity is approximately 1000m/s. From a distance of 130-150m, that give a bullet 'travel time' of 0.13-0.15

I like what you did anon. Considering the fact that the bullet's speed increased as it moved away from the muzzle, narrowing the travel time even further, Trump's action all the more impressive.
you thought the shooter missed? everyone knows Trump turning his head was the miraculous maneuver
What video editor are you using? Is it free?
Imagine being surprised that Trump is bullet proof.
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It's this chart faggot. He was saying how months old it is then said check out something when bullets flew.
Salute pure blood. Hard to do in Australia so extra respect
VSDC, just got the first one I found on google. I've never done this shit before
Damn right, skippy.
The teleprompters were undamaged, that was just early confusion.
Could be. There was a video here the other day from behind him in the bleachers and it looks like he glances toward the AGI buildings, not the video screen further behind him.
Whatever it was, he's one lucky bastard.
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>Trump dies without a chart to refer to
>the chart doesn't exist without Biden
Biden saved Trump?
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Deep state always floats out fake stories after a major event. They track the progression of the fakes in real time.

Always acquiring more data.
not defending Biden obviously, but Trumps numbers werent great either
no better than Obama basically
and it went up all throught 2020 already and when he gave up office it was already higher again, than when he took office
they also fucked up their own chart, he didnt leave office in 2020 but 2021
did they do that on purpose or are they just retarded?
Funniest part is Crooks looked like a discount version of the Feminazi.
The truth is, well, republicans hire a lot of illegals, although I liked the fact Trump's people seem to be working alongside lads like Bukele, he basically reversed migration trends, which is something democrats somehow haven't figured it out yet, let the country of origin fix its problems, support it in doing so and suddenly migration attenuates or even starts to revert, who would have thought such a thing was possible.
For fucksake, surely someone can do a more competent job than me? Why the fuck hasn't this blown up yet?

Comment on my channel if you want to have a discussion outside of this thread

Im disappointed in you, pol. You found Shia 's flag but can't analysis trumps bullet.
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In a way and the election. Immigration alone is a huge metric how shitty biden's performance is, on top of him aiding foreign interests more than domestic.

Obama's number are better compared to trump but doesn't absolve biden. There are bumps in jan 2021 before biden took office but biden reversing a lot of working policies under trump bit him. His performance is more than any previous presidents combined.
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Faggot. Crosslink it on uhg containment shill thread. They're full /k/ shills.
What do you even mean?
/k/ would be more interested in the fucking details..broadstrokes, it's a fucking mkracle/divine intervention.
I understand now. I have to fucking phone post it's cumbersome as fuck, could you do it?
>he basically reversed migration trends
no he didnt, did you even read what I wrote?
when he left office the numbers were higher than when he took over
their chart is an outright lie, because he didnt leave office in 2020
That's straight up bullshit dude. Trump lost the house, and was obstructed from building the wall and implementing border policy at every turn. This time he'll do it by EO if neccessary
They aimed for back of his head so they could have a stylish kill that didn't look immediately gruesome.on film, you wouldn't see his face explode, just pink mist from the back, he'd fall chaos would follow

Next time they may just go fuckit and brain him down the middle
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On July 13-14, the same evening of the assassination attempt, there was a lunar occultation of Spica that occurred.

In Latin, "Spica" means "ear of grain" or "ear of wheat."
the shooter was probably wondering why he wasnt getting a hit on trump. he died before he would ever know.
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I can't believe Iran did this guys
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Trump 2024
Dems meth'd up edition
>Shinzo Abe saved Trump from the dead
might as well start unironically believing this now
>Trump lost the house
you mean 2018? the numbers went down afterwards
nice work anon. a miracle for sure
Tool-Assisted speedrun with save states and Tesla, or God. I haven't decided, either way I repent of my sins love Jesus Christ who died for us, was buried and rose from the dead
It's not nice work it's fucking shir, I need someone to present it better. I'm banned from posting on my pc, fuck the jannies, so I can't even link shit like I planned.

I need someone to do what I did, just more concise and coherent.
I don't really care about those details, he's going to mass deport in 2025 now regardless. Using military if necessary. The funny part is project 2025 is real and it will really be implemented, lol
>0.15 seconds
that kind of reaction time is in the realm of top tier pro gamers and championship race car drivers
Yes, but no one can actively dodge a bullet even with those reaction speeds. I suppose it is possible in theory but no one is alive willing to test that

I think what is also interesting, there is no other direction or amount of movement he could have done to and still got clipped, but not die. It's more likely to completely miss or hit the skull. It had to be that exact amount to clip the ear.
You telling me that an 80 year old man can assess the situation and react in 0.04 seconds?
No. That would be almost impossible. I'm telling you that it's a literal miracle. No man can dodge a moving Buller. That's the point. No mechanism can logically explain it.
Makes sense. Like another anon said yesterday, he's got a role and God won't let him go until it's done.
That's kind of the point man. What I'm really getting at, this entire incident has the potential to cause a spiritual awakening. for whatever reason, the universe or God hasn't finished with trump yet. It's reasonable to infer there is some greater plan or destiny from some higher power at play. I hope that makes sense. I just really want people to understand the exact timing because it takes it from lucky or improbable to unfathomably improbably. Its changed me, it can change others
Obligatory link then. Timestamp = 666 for other autists out there. This event was foreseen in a prophesy
I'll try and fix your shit tomorrow based on the work you started. I have some expertise in video editing and will actually add some subtitles or narration. I do need the source video with the audio of about a 5 second clip- highest possible quality. Anyone got something like that they can post on wsg or gif?
I saw this the other day. I am baffled by it. I am not really a Christian but fuck me dead. If trump is born again, and I believe he will be, then I'm convinced. I suspect he will be humbled before God, and that will be the focus of his RNC speech.
Analysis is flawed. Only audible evidence of the bullet is the crack you mention. Whatever 'click' you're hearing before that was not the bullet. I refer you to Mach number if you wish to work backwards from that
Thank you that would be fucking EXCELLENT. I dont want any credit in this, I just want someone to present it so normies will understand.

I didn't even come up with this, some anon yesterday suggested trumps movement occurred 0.09 seconds before the bullet hits, I just checked it for myself. I got 0.07 and 0.008 on different attempts.
I agree with you but I got to know. Are you vaxxed?
That's fucken bullshit dude. You can literally hear click CRACK, click CRACK, click CRACK. The gap between the click and the crack is consistent with the speed of the bullet, distance and Mach number. Literally check it, prove me wrong
Fuck no im not. I lost a lot because of it. Friends, family and my sporting career. No regrets, I'm proud I stood almost alone in this country.
I just used tge fox clip man, but any clip will do. Rsbn was the same result. All the vids have the click then CRACK, just pic any. This is asumming the audio is perfectly synced but like I say I've tried it with different sources and it was the same
OK I've read through the thread, but the quote leading up to that fateful moment of destiny was "take a look at what happened"
>look (opening line of Eminems lose yourself song ebonics for listen)
>what happened (Clinton's election book post 2016 loss) pic related
Kabbalahist8c teachings include Genesis chapter 1 God creates reality through words paraphrasing Derek Tikkuri and Zach Hubbard from gematria youtube blogs
I would love to be spoon fed a few things since I'll be doing this during my down time at work. I've had issues clipping streams lately since they changed the embedding codes in websites.
Interdasting. My spiritual beliefs align more with this particular flavour than a C mainstram christian framework.

I mean I just used this https://youtu.be/fYfvSspaJtk?si=flsc5gntldCBcrUn

Any of them will do

The click is the bullet hitting the teleprompter. The glass hits trump’s ear. All of the shots fall in front of Trump because an inexperienced kid using iron sights put them directly on him, ignoring ~200 yards of bullet drop and the windage. In the photo you posted the flag is blowing almost horizontally. The kid didn’t correct for that. The rounds strike: the teleprompter, three randos, and the hydraulic line on the tractor. In the photo of the bullet, the bullet is passing between the photographer and Trump, not behind Trump. You’ll see all this in the ballistics report when it is filed.
Trump obviously has conquerors Haki
Look at this fucking clown, people. Show the damaged teleprompter made of glass, cunt
Shirley, glass from the screen
> exactly like Suge Knights head-wound from the glass in the car that night Sept 13 1997
What is the difference in time between a click and crack?
you got my attention but explain picrel
Yes. I also concluded this the second time i watched it. Not the timing. Very nicely done, kinda dull, but useful analysis. Since we can get the distance from spot to spot we can also figure bullet velocity at the time it reaches Mr. Trump thanks to this gap. I haven't done the math.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qmxlfofzPdY
Actually, the full quote is>
>If you think that's sad, take a look what happened...
the bullet didn't exist, it was a laser, the bullet was added later, it was a botched glow op
My video is fucking shit dude I just dobt know how to present it better. I'm just hoping someone else takes the idea and presents it. I dont have a fucking clue how to even do shit
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In Sept. 11th terms, the speech "pulled it", it pulled the bullet into his ear. Suge Knight had a similar head-wound on Sept 13th 1997, verbal account from witness on dj vlad channel https://youtu.be/fbPsBTU1mrw
Why are schizos so retarded.
The first shot barely misses and Trump reacts because it flies by his head which causes him to move for the ear shot that was coming for his head.
You done good. Your video is shit.
Now that you have the time markers, just make a video of you presenting the video, then the time markers and what they represent, and then the separation time.
It's the clicking around on the video app that makes it really dull.
Nah see, I also need to include the click CRACK sounds, explain what they are and how it's relevant, then show the frames before leading up to trumps 'movement'. It's a bit of a mess. Basically I could narrate it but I'm too shy.
The wind was blowing in the opposite direction though
You are one retarded shill.
I mean it took me 3 minutes to make this piece of shit, surely someone can do it better, it's not even hard
>if standard 556 was used
I'm not buying it
that was a 22LR
I watched the video. The click cannot be from the bullet, it is too close to the crack. The crack from the gun should be 0.26s after the click if it were from the bullet. In your video the click is at 0.07s and the crack is around 0.12s, much too small of a difference.
I've heard it was a .223, my calculation are based on that. 22lr is slower, right? That would nake trumps window to move larger
he moved before the guy popped and then again after he did
Hmm, are you accounting for the speed of sound? I could set up a camera and external mic, then take a shot over it, but Im at a much higher elevation than pennsylvania. Also need to have similar humidity and temperature.
Any one got a 5.56 and a camera rig in the right climate?
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SoL is Lucifer. Her foot is even chained.
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Here you go.
Some guys get by this by using Notepad. You can open one with the script already on it, highlight the keywords or sentences that apply, using the mouse pointer to reinforce/underline what you want to say instead. You can also use Microsoft text to speech in Edge. Write the text in notepad, open the text file in a browser, then read it to an audio track on the mic,. then splice as you see fit.

Well that wasn't very nice of the French.
One could make the claim that a subsequent bullet was the one that clipped Trump since we're not 100% which one it was but most likely it was the first one. That would be the shot the shooter has the most time to aim for. The rest most likely wildly missed given that the shooter naturally was full of adrenaline and spent much less time properly aiming in the subsequent shots.
Yo that's actually spooky wtf
OK I'm hearing you. You are right, there should be a larger gap between click and crack, I think, I'm trying to work out the maths but I'm not good at this shit. I'm still pretty sure the bullet is the click sound, but I'll check more into this timing.
You’re such a fucking liar. The timing is absolutely nowhere close. Anons pointed it out this morning and you’re doing damage control. This entire event was staged.
It's definitely the first. He immediately moans OOHH and shrugs before the 2nd is fired, reaches his hand to is ear. Half way to his ear the 2nd misses, this is what is captured in the photo
Begone shill, you have no power ITT
oh please bring him back to twitter. Someone please post the diet coke tweet I miss those days.
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Blond in the tanktop was super fast going to ground. She beat everybody.
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We already know Trump is superhuman. Ubermensch if you will.
Dropped like a sack of potatoes huh?
>90 millisecond reaction time
Trump GOATed, all that time in the WWE paid off
This is great but doesn't include the timing details, bullet travel timevand trumps movement timing, which is the main point
If you think that's sad
>former wife Ivana Trump was in a tv advertisement for "don't get mad" Glad https://youtu.be/nUXsERduwyo

There's a 3rd gematria bl9gger named Simple Truth TV I dispatched myself from there some years ago, we share s similar name he's like King Arthur's Round-table, Arthur Ponzerelli or something I left a comment saying "never forget Sept. 12th 1997 the day Ricardo Lopez died in Hollywood, FL
>I got banned for making this thread on my pc but I am totally safe on my mobile because no one’s watching
Fuck off and die you lying piece of trash.
You’re not fooling anybody
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good angle of shot
All that hatred of mexicans paid off. He was looking at immigration stats on a screen to his side.
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https://youtu.be/y1ONysvCbIc wrong pic and extra video last but not least! They're really really serious about not leaving a man behind
fpbp. Christ is King
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What was agent chud on the right thinking in this moment?
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Fuck you cunt. I'm not concerned with safety, I'm just banned
Wrong. Both teleprompters are completely intact. There is no glass, only a bullet.
>god could have caused the gun to jam
>god could have caused a bird to fly in the way
>god could have made the bullet a dud
>god could have made his car break down on the way
>god could have made him slip climbing the ladder
>etc etc etc
>god deflect the bullet by 1 micron and sends it into some guys cranium and splatters it all over his family
Can we see this supposed teleprompter? surely there is a picture of this thing you are saying exists?
Imagine if he shot a bird like Randy Johnson.
God has a sense of Humor
What a total fucking tourist.
God's not benevolent retard. That image of Trump getting up and yelling fight is more important and someone had to die for that to happen. So be it.
God did things in a way that only retards and demons could deny his presence.
Its normal for a gun to jam or bad ammo to not go off, but its not normal for an old man to literally matrix-dodge a bullet flying at his skull
lmao what a delusional crock of shit
200 yards of bullet drop is not that much what round was he using, the bullet goes up a bit first you are bullshitting also people behind Trump got hit
>t. Expert ribbon but doesnt gun that much
not an argument
Kinda this. The movement is more important than the life of one man. But the movement needs trump. With him dead, as was the plan, chaos and hopelessness. It's unfathomable to imagine what would have happened

Don't care. This is more important than not doxxing myself.

Digital simulation on Trump assassination attempt
that's another bullet. Trump is already reaching for his ear which already hit in this image.

The graphic is amazing but the bullet timing is wrong. He moans instantly after being hit. That vid shows the Buller clipping the ear after he moans, so I don't believe it's correct
Guys I'm fucking retarded. The scale on the bottom of my video editing software isn't in seconds. So my timing numbers are bullshit.
Obviously Trump is a multiverse traveler who has been killing parallel versions of himself and harnessing their life force to become stronger and faster than any normal man. He will be THE ONE.
kek, it's funnier if you read anon's post in Jason Stathams voice
Nevar forget* I meant
God have mercy on the RNC
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>Shooter's distance: 1200ft
>Bullet from AR15: 2950ft/s
1200ft/2950ft/s = 0.4 seconds
There was nearly half a second for Trump to turn his head in the direction of the missed shot/s.
We evolved to have primal reflexes like this specifically because it helped us survive.
if evolving is a thing explain niggers
Drop the memeflag, KIKE.
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I'm not a religious man, but nothing short of "divine intervention" explains it.
see >>474518301
The divine intervention was God giving us millions of years of evolution.
>the glass hits trump’s ear.
stopped reading there, you niggers are never getting this meme over no matter how many times you spam it
thats right over where the world trade centers where
I will grant you that some sort of psychic phenomenon is possible. So was JFK's loosh just too low or what?
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>Using the assumption
>the only way!
His security could have done their fucking job, retard.
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JFK was shot from 265 feet, so half the time.
The first shot that missed didn't alert anyone, the second shot already hit Kennedy, the third shot destroyed his brain.
In the case of Trump, the shooter got off 5 or 6 shots, most of which missed completely. The shot that grazed his ear could have been any one of those shots, so it's hard to tell from the video if it would have been in the air or not. I'm sure if someone really wnated to get into analyzing the video you could figure it out though.
Just find the timestamp for the bullet that hit trump, and rewind it back 0.4 seconds. I'm going to guess he had already moved his head before the round that hit him was fired.
Early on they were trying to say it was anything but what it was, they hate him that much.
Electronic infetterence from his Stand
The shooter was 1200ft away, they were 150 yards. Bullet had 0.15 travel time OT there abouts.
May Trump be radical and rape the GOP
I've fucked up major lyrics. So the 0.07 seconds is actually 7 frames. Vid is 29.5fps, that gives about .25 seconds. So trump Sid infant move slightly before the shot was fired. Long story short, I'm retarded, I was wrong
Please keep saying it was staged, I want more normies to see how retarded you all are.
The time it takes to turn our head is ~.15 seconds
So the point still stands, he'd hear the first shots and that caused him to turn his head, saving his life.
You are more retarded than me. The bullet that hits him is the first fucking shot, it's obvious from his moan and reaction.so he heard the shot before it impacted him? Cunt, what even?
It's a miracle.
I could explain it to you but I don't believe you're intelligent enough to understand what you're missing. Good luck putting your pants on tomorrow, I'm sure you'll need it.

The shooter was not 1200 ft away, look it up, he was like 400-500 feet
He literally corrected from turning too far that he'd still have gotten it through his cheek. It is that second move that confirms supernatural intervention.
Yeah I heard a dude died but what happened to this chick, there's no way she dropped like that on instincts
That's correct, I was trying to correct the other guy but said was instead of wasn't. 150 yards or so, yes.
That’s a great comparison

I don’t like trump much but you gotta hand it to the guy he has balls. If I was in his situation I don’t know if I’d be in catatonic shock or not. For him t9 give a powerful gesture like that is pretty based.
Coincidences and close calls happen all the time.
It wasn't time yet.
The Bible even says that evil will be allowed to reign for a time.
Sure they do, leaf. Presidents and people with the power to change history and save the world dodge bullets all the time. Many such cases. Infact it's so common it's almost not worth mentioning.
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He was around 750ft away just using Google maps quickly.
>turning your head at the exact right split second so a bullet clips your ear instead of splattering your brains
idk man, that's a little more than coincidence
400ft-350ft (I'm retarded)
This is a piss poor effort
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>Presidents and people with the power to change history and save the world dodge bullets all the time.
I kek'd hard at that one
Apparently Google maps isn't going to cut it, it has been verified by many different sources
Have you considered that multiple bullets were fired?
Illegal immigrants saving Trump's life, once again doing the jobs Americans won't do.
Your head moves on two axes. Not only did he turn the right way but his head was tilted just so that it didn't clip his skull. He was in that instant positioned in the one singular way that avoids a direct hit with him still standing on the footprint he was. If anything was different than how it was, his best case scenario is dying in the ambulance.
I disagree this is what a real pol thread would have been five years ago. You may be looking for the lust provoking image and irrelevant time wasting question 1pbtid threads.
OP, here's evidence of a miracle that seems impossible
I have said this from the beginning once I analyzed the footage myself and realized what happened. For all that was expected on his end the shooter made that shot. If we're only talking about marksmanship he deserves more credit. If not for that incredible head turn Trump should be dead.

Several bullets where fired.

>I am not a ballistics expert
You didn't have to clarify, its obvious.
>be in NY
>felt something
>didn't know what
>thought it might have been distant bix noods blasting their shit but it felt a little different
So hold on that was a fucking meteor?
My thinking is cia disinfo networks reflexively posted disinfo
>a real pol thread would have been five years ago.

Real pollacks would watch the video and realize that multiple shots where fired thus rendering these histrionics irrelevant.
It's not just the head turn. If he doesn't also look down, he dies.
It's been posted and the 3D graphic is cool but the bullet timing is wrong. The bullet should be shown clipping earlier.

Anyway my analys was retarded and wrong, it was 7 frames not .07 seconds. That's about .25 seconds

Trump moved about 0.1 seconds before the shot was fired. Still miraculous but he didn't dodge it mid flight like I claimed
he had a regular head swivel back and forth, holding about 5 seconds in each of the two positions leading up to the shot.

i think the shooter was watching and waiting for him to switch positions before taking the shot.
However this time, he breaks the pattern and immediately looks back at the chart just in time.truly a close call whatever the explanation
It's almost like Trump was advised to keep his head turned to one side throughout the whole rally.
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This place has a shill infestation problem and I have the solution.
Fuck it, I am just going to say it.
The Bible was right
God saved Trump
God is telling all the filthy demonrats voters to change their ways or he will erase them from this Earth, scorched Earth motherfucker.

God is real and Christ is King and I am not being ironic...this time.
You're fucking retarded. The first shot is the one that hits, it's fucking obvious. The shooter gets off at least 3 rounds. Same shooter. Miss me with your weak bullshit
Imagine how mad that nerd was on the roof lmao.
irl pink wojak until he turned red
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i cant fucking believe it there is shooter, shooting at Trump and people at trump rally, snipers shooting back at him. And Trumptards just standing there nearby sipping...

WTF i would fucking RUN away if there was shootout going out near me, nobody knows if there are more of them, if the police snipers will be shooting some another shooter hidden near me somewhere... And they just stand there sipping their drinks.
>WTF i would fucking RUN away if there was shootout going out near me
That's because you're European
the statue of liberty depicts a merged Nanna/Persephone/Seshat, and is the prisoned bride of the underlord.
in a christian sense, she represents Jesus' church-bride that he saved from damnation.
in an esoteric masonfag illuminati sense, it represents the brainwashed vassals of rome being led to a safe protestant/revisionist port.

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