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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474516081

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How long until Trump's "conviction" in the New York case is tossed out? It has to happen per the SCOTUS opinion.
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king judge doesn't have to do anything, anon
I believe Neuralink is the last Elon company still headquartered in California.
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But I can save her!
Was it worth watching any of those speeches?
Either in August or September. Everyone knows it'll be retroactively ruled a mistrial and the "convictions" voided. Will be hilarious if/when it happens before the second debate.
thread quality just went up
Ben Carson's.
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No we must have "Unity"
I missed it why did Haley bend her knees? Was she shitting on stage?
Yep. I worked for one of these companies that cleaned up after you left. I've wiped brains off of walls, cleaned carpets soaked in blood, you name it. You never forget the smell of that much blood. The most Ive ever seen was from a suicide, this girl slit her wrists in her living room and holy shit man it was like gallons of the stuff had soaked into the carpet. It took 2 days to get it all out.
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symptomatic of a uniparty, hopefully changes soon
Only the part where they have to say "I wholeheartedly endorse President Trump!" with straight faces.
you ever look around and realize that the average american is a very trashy degenerate person?
First we need the hard times.
Like real hard times.
Like to where everyone knows someone who has died to famine or violence hard times.
Then people will shape up.
And from that the parties will shape up.
But while we live in an age where everyone can inject heroin, sucking down cheese sugar, with a big buttplug hanging out of their ass, and their biggest strife in life is the monthly rent, yeah we're going to have niggerfaggot enabling politicians
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>only could think of 3 things to use so just reused the first one again at the end
It's a bird thing.
you had me until the "shape up" part
It's wild to think there's already an entire generation who's completely unsurprised that Donald Trump is a politician and a leading presidential candidate. The pre-2015 world is truly a faraway memory, isn't it?
highlights from last night? I missed it. I don't feel like going through six fucking hours of dancing boomers just to watch a speech or two.
Why are* there rainbow MAGA flags.
flags are plural.
So it should be "are"
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Your God-Emperor commands you to stop posting Coraline (mid) and post more of Rika (best girl).
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you should see the pre-9/11 world
>you had me until the "shape up" part
i don't know what kind of word you would use for "stop being a naive idealistic leftist and actually hold some standards of behavior and reality based political stances"
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I hate women and women with tattoos
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no i just think we should have famine and lots of people die and then that's it
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If you are under 30 Trump has been a presidential candidate in every election you have been able to vote in
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When you look at landscape paintings from the 1800s and realize that there were only 1 billion people on earth at the time, it makes me very jealous.
PART TWO! New news on attempted assassination:
How the security fuckup happened, when it happened, and who was at fault.
New information, timeline synched up with rally footage, google street map view
all show that security FUCKED up, before during and after.
Local police claims SS was in charge, SS trying to say local police were in charge. SS was definitely in charge. That bitch director is going to fry.
Police snipers were local police wearing "Police secret service" uniforms. They were operating under normal use of force rules for cops, not trained bodyguards of the president.
>snipers in the building the shooter was on top of, confirmed
>total fucking incompetence
Cops finally confronted the shooter, he turned his gun on them, then they dropped off the roof to not get shot, then he started shooting at trump/the crowd.
Understaffed detail for trump, combined with mismanagement and miscommunication with local police caused this, mostly from the fault of the secret service. The local guys weren't in on it.

Part 1:
How the assassination actually happened, and how the security team responded after shots were fired.

Unconfirmed info that there was a post to filled on the roof, but the guy assigned to that post never showed up. Leads to the conspiracy theory this specific individual was paid off, or in on it.

Vance info:
Vance interview with hannity at the RNC
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj7Ma2zRetY [Embed]
JD Vance wrote hill billy elegy in 2016.
Vance signed up for the marines when he graduated high school, and spent 4 years there which is normal, but he was in PR and never saw combat (though he was deployed to iraq a few times).
Do families stay in hotels while you guys work or do they just step around blood soaked carpet?
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we need to start building grocery stores asap!
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yeah but i cant even imagine their mindfuck
they don't know how the world should be
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>you should see the pre-9/11 world
I don't know about him, but I did.
>tfw I can never ever go back
They stayed in a hotel. It's unsanitary to do that, not to mention a hard time for them.
for cleaners?
family doesn't get in 20 feet
all they do is cry anyway
If you’re a strong man like trump, would you call these people pathetic behind closed doors? There were several high level Reich admirals and commanders who happened to be Jewish and regularly debated with Hitler. They spoke their minds, argued back and forth at escalated tones, then agreed on a decision and moved on. That’s how leadership works.
I always save these but I don't know why since I will probably never use them for anything.
But I will continue saving them nonetheless.

O I don't know the new building is kind of cool thanks obama
Floch, when you keep talking shit about Ai like that, I might start siding with Connor and Armong and the rest of the Cringevengers. Please stop.
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Any more stories or weird deaths? I'm in a morbid mood atm.
>would you call these people pathetic behind closed doors?
grifters are there to bring in more faces
wtf is going on there
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hey going up in that thread though: they say these are freakish extreme philosophies that only exist on the right and not among democrats
how far into members of this administration's families, histories, friends, colleagues, etc., do i need to go until i find marxist theorists and literal communists? i can already say buttigieg's father was gramsci's translator
The first ballot where Trump isn't a GOP candidate is gonna fuck some people up. It must be what people gaining the vote in the 30s felt when FDR was on the ballot in every election they ever voted in.
Today is his freedom day.
Today he will speak at the RNC.
also wasn't a kleptomaniac crossdresser appointed by this admin as well? i'm sure he was very sane and well-adjusted
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i'm glad, if only bannon could join him
although honestly maybe it's a good thing that bannon is locked up, only because he would have fedposted harder than anyone in history after trump was shot
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Sure was, and sure wasn't!
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>I will choose to betray the empire and become CRINGE because of mean words about women
No true Eldian patriot would EVER say such a thing!
hey i got just an abhorrent message and i'm blaming you
anyways yes it's fucking retarded niggerspeak from the left. there's a reason why blue dogs are fucking extinct now (except for my MAGA guy)
I have vague memories of the Florida recount in 2000, and I remember 9/11, but the first election I fully remember happening was Bush/Kerry in 2004, which felt intense at the time but, in retrospect, is completely foreign to the politics of today.
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Trump should make a 30 second ad of just the clip of Biden saying NIGGERS in congress over and over and over.
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what abhorrent message am i responsible for i haven't done anything particularly bad in the past few days at least
i didn't even post this at you
wtf i love biden now
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This bitch gets it.
you'll be sorry when the trump nigger tape comes out!
I hope that in heaven Jesus Christ will allow me to cuddle with a cutie
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this, and so many other questions never to be answered by the FBI
Yeah I've cleaned up after a guy murdered his parents and the blood was everywhere, little pieces of bone in it in the basement and the dude wrote things with their blood. He lived in there for 8 days before anyone realized what had happened, they were old and didn't go out much. But most of the time man I just wanted to clean it up and go, I wasn't that interested in what had happened.
>we didn't accelerate hard enough already
Makes me think they may actually fake an attack on Joepedo, or do it, because they want him gone. Would solve a lot of the Obama traitors problems. I would think Jill has thought of that though.
nigger tape NEVER EVER
>trannies (where)
>a music genre
>fag MAGA flags (it occurred to me in a dream)
>trannies (again where lol)
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why does a gay faggot get it better than most on the eright
All this Vance ball washing is going to age as well as all those old Pence memes, kek
>admitting trump will win
based :)
trump 2024 :)
hey why didn't you answer my question??
The only thing you get by letting this stuff go is encouraging more of it. Liberals are, and for years have acted feloniously against conservatives because they've been emboldened to do so.

They need to be brought down quite a few notches. Nobody ever got fired, nor ever will get fired for protesting the deportation of illegal immigrant murders. But people have been fired for supporting it.

Absolutely fuck them.
Wew. That lame comeback too.
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>a whore speaks during the first day for 10 minutes and now the party’s over
It's funny to think that of the two most anticipated speeches at the RNC one of them will be given by a guy who earlier in the week was waiting in the chow line at the penitentiary and the other will be given by a guy who was shot in the head This ain't Karl Rove's or Ronald Regan's RNC. We got convicts and the bullet wounded representing us, Kind of kino, when you really think about it.
what else could the october surprise be?
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the world used to be a bigger place with adventure and danger around every corner.
The Bush, McCain, and Romney conventions feel like a parallel universe now.
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Understandable. How did you decide to do that job? I can't imagine you sought out that particular line of work.
please i really want to know i will offer a genuine funny in response
he may be a faggot but he's not gay anymore.
>they are clearly more focused on ousting candidates they view as anti-crypto rather than on supporting any specific candidate.
okay i'll do it in a bit
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>he's not gay anymore
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okay actually this might be funnier
I'm ridin'
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You know, when you put it that way, you might be right.
>there's a reason why blue dogs are fucking extinct now
they evolved into MAGAcommunists, it's a growing movement
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anyways it had nothing to do with you, it was just some brown faggot i regret giving my number to texting
>lol dude what's up with the GOP? i just saw the first day of the convention and god, it sucks
>this is not the GOP i remember reading about overseas
>btw what position is vivek going to get in trump's cabinet? he's based!
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>>this is not the GOP i remember reading about overseas
>>btw what position is vivek going to get in trump's cabinet? he's based!
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Yup. Gotta have a big dick to chew on Skoal. Not many people here would understand.
Why would they end the practice and not do it even more? Tit for tat? Eye for an eye?
Right on! Have you tried the new blue-razz flavor?
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don't worry it's just God's way of punishing you for beeing an awful person
enjoy your mouthcancer
dum and gay is not okay
This is going to be the biggest landslide since Reagan. I can’t fucking wait.
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So, now that MAGA has embraced LGBT, prostitutes, multiracialism and other liberal positions, while purging itself of pro-life and traditional marriage, how does it differ from Democrats? Conservatives are getting dragged on social media for objecting to Amber Rose and sikh prayer, and MAGA is being proclaimed as "party of inclusion". Is this where its at now?
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What would the Trump 2000 presidency have been like?
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>we shouldnt strike back at our enemies who want us dead
>stern finger waggling will suffice
Never trust a faggot.
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miss the old, pre-capped teeth milo
it was to blow up the IED hidden in his trunk (for whatever fucking reason)
maybe he was a disgruntled ex-at&t employee
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no 9-11
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the real question is to ask what would a buchanan 2000 presidency have been like
so this was a domestic terror attempt.
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the real question to ask is what a nixon 1960 presidency would look like
The opposite of this
the real question to ask, is what would a patton presidency have looked like?
okay so his entire plan was fucking retarded at every level
is it possible that he actually thought he would escape? that he didn't actually want to die from counter sniper fire? i know we have talked about this before but i still cannot grasp what the fuck the point of bringing the wireless transmitter with you
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>This is more of a parody of a far-right ad then the real deal
how many lodges were burned down around the presidency of FDR?
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>he didn't graduate to nicotine salt pouches yet
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I'm sorry, MAGA. I can't anymore. It's become too cringe. We didn't gatekeep hard enough.
Sorry anon I had a phone call.
It was just a job I found on indeed and it payed pretty good so I gave it a shot. It wasn't bad, I left for a reason unrelated to the work itself.
what if the plan was to blow him up if he got caught before he took the shot?
this only got outed because trump looked at a sign at the right moment..

do not forget for a second that if that had happened the other way, there would be completely different circumstances today.
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I know Costner is a hypocritical libtard, and fucks married women, but is his new movie good? I like westerns, and I like Open Range.
If he took the shot and got away. The van would blow up.
or this
i'm gonna guess he thought he wouldn't be noticed by countersnipers (somehow) and the bombs were to distract for a getaway
it's not the WORST plan if he actually was unnoticed, like if he planned to ditch the rifle somewhere and meld into the panicking crowd

what i don't fathom is, he was on a rooftop and could see the other snipers, and they were fucking aiming at him, surely he didn't seriously think he'd live for more than three seconds after the first shot. i guess he would have set up the bombs and all before the exact situation, but he went ahead with it in suicidal fashion
or maybe it's like father like son: just like the father didn't notice him BUILDING BOMBS AT HOME, he didn't notice THE SNIPERS ON THE ROOFTOP AIMING AT HIM
okay but why bring the transmitter with you? why not leave it in the car?
Without question a better world. Nixon in '60 means no Cuban Missle Crisis (as the USSR did it to test the inexperienced JFK), no Bay of Pigs, no 1963 assassination, no LBJ and no Great Society, no Civil Rights Act of 1964 (thus letting the Civil Rights Act of 1957 stand instead), no Nixon paranoia, no Watergate, no resignation, no Vietnam War, no anti-Vietnam protests, no hippies, no collapse of faith in the US government, and no decade of brutal assassinations in general. JFK lives, RFK lives, MLK probably lives. Also, Barry Goldwater never gets btfo.
that can't be, according to leaks, both the secret service sniper team and local police noted that the shooter was using a range finder to both look at trump and the snipers
>i'm gonna guess he thought he wouldn't be noticed by countersnipers (somehow) and the bombs were to distract for a getaway
the car was over a mile away that wouldn't help that much
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Thanks for the story, fren.
Bitches are temporary.
Eldia is FOREVER.
But you see hun, leftists have enough balls to fight for things, while right wingers are pathetically weak christcucks. Christcucks dont fight, they beg and whimper. And their double digit IQs dont help either.
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d-did he think he was going to fucking kill trump and then snipe the SS
d-did the SS actually see someone using a fucking rangefinder with a rifle on their location and not immediately open fire what the fuck
>the car was over a mile away that wouldn't help that much
again i have attended a rally before and the security didn't even allow me to bring a fucking umbrella inside
Are those any good? Looks way less cancery.
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Uh huh. People are taking your opinion to heart and you’re swaying minds.
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the only thing i can think of is that he had planned on using the bombs in some mysterious and unthinkable way, but then he realized that for whatever reason, his plan wouldn't work
instead of backing out, he decided to carry out the plan? but he still brought the wireless transmitter all the way to the roof so i don't fucking know
i mean was his plan
>shoot trump bigly
>immediately after blow up his car a mile away so everybody looks in that direction / people are confused about where the bullets came from
>run away? i guess? somehow?
did he get false confidence or something after rolling nat20 after nat20
>lol the snipers didn't see me for all this time
>they certainly won't see me now
also lol
>d-did the SS actually see someone using a fucking rangefinder
they thought he could be using it as binoculars to watch the trump rally haha!
like i know there are rules to when police are allowed to take shots but "someone has a weapon and exhibiting intent to use it on you" i do not think requires permission to engage
>is it good?
Its... not bad. Its not a great movie either, and it doesn't really work as a film by itself, there are definitely things going on between scenes that you'll have to make assumptions about. It tried to be the ultimate western, encompassing every possible Western setting in one movie. It wasn't woke in the modern Hollywood sense, but it does have appropriate levels of minorities for the period, and where they would be expected. It does not have a "yt man bad" theme, because nobody comes out looking great.

Overall, I liked it.
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>he was on a rooftop and could see the other snipers, and they were fucking aiming at him,
and he could also see the so-called cop on the ladder
go figure
the plan was probably to take the shot and blow up the car to escape.
i think part of it too was he was in the wrong (for him) spot because based on the overheads i've seen only one of the snipers didn't really have a shot.. but it could have been both if he was over more..

God saved america saturday, that's all i'm going to assert.
night 1 was a clown show
night 2 was a little better
>Was it worth watching
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>namefag telling me go to reddit with a meme i made 8 years ago
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the full story is more absurd. apparently the shooter was spotted ~35 minutes before the shooting acting suspicious by the metal detectors
the cops noticed that he had a range finder in his hand and thought
>hey that's suspicious
they then radioed in that
>hey some weird dude has a fucking range finder and isn't coming into the rally area
when they went to go talk to him he had disappeared i swear i'm not making any of this up
Hostile Action/Hostile Intent are the two big thresholds to cross when exercising deadly force. There are several other justifications but those two are big ones, and universally applicable not just to SS but also to you.

You should establish both prio to shooting. You can establish hostile intent a number of ways, but chiefly bringing a rifle to political rally area where you can't have that. Hostile action would be established as soon as he uncased it and began aiming it.
maybe he intended to truck of peace with it and saw there were vehicle barriers? at this point i'm just coming up with whatever this is all nonsense
there's some big answers about
>why were the local police not at their primary station if they were supposed to secure that building? ('it's too hot' is no excuse if all the rallygoers could be outside the whole time the police certainly can)
>why were the SS that fucking lax about watching him the whole fucking time
that's a shitton of incompetence across the board no wonder people are getting conspiratorial
the reports i saw stated 26 minutes
still a long fucking time
No problem.
>BA/BS in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Economics, Information Systems, or applicable related field or Certified Public Accountant. An additional three (3) to eight (8) years of relevant experience may be substituted for the degree/certification.

In order to be a CPA you need to have a degree in Accounting/Finance/Business and 2 years of experience anyway. Why are HR ladies the dumbest animals alive?
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Love to see it
I hope it's still at the theater this weekend. Maybe it will all come together as the trilogy continues. I like movies. I know it's all Jew propaganda to some degree or another, but I can't deny it.
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it also doesn't help that the head of the SS isn't talking to the public instead she's hiding behind a fucking ABC interview.
it's not like this is some ongoing case where you have arrested the murderer but he still needs to go on trial so you need to be secretive. he's fucking DEAD
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>Guys! I heckin’ made that meme! I was, like, totally all aboard the Trump Trolley! You gotta believe me
Stop using clips I made 8 years ago then...
i think it's obvious she's trying to avoid scrutiny that is well-deserved the #1 most important skill of any bureaucrat is the art of avoiding culpability
i've mentioned this a few times but people are so Process(tm)-brained and trust in todd howard sense that
>it just works
when it sometimes clearly doesn't
>yeah it was fine we called it in
>*no one does anything*
yeah that's what i don't understand. the guy wasn't dressed as police who usually have identifying markings so the story that they mistook him for local police is kinda bullshit (no markings, not even a uniform, he had long unkempt hair which is not normal for policemen). and they watched him go to a rooftop with a rifle, range out both THEM and trump, and just watched the whole time until he started taking shots? imagine if he thought he was slick and went for the SS first imagine how fucking retarded it would be to just watch him the whole time as he lines you up and plants a bullet in your skull
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like it's borderline this level of insanity
it is that level of insanity
Revelation 2:7 KJV

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
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Christ is King.
Trump is Antichrist.



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the fun part
this is supposed to be handled by secret service
>Mistook for cop
It is the BEST excuse they could come up with. This is it. It isn't passing the smell test with normies, not even on Reddit. This isn't going away.
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he's right isn't he?
he looks like he could be hogg's cousin or something
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okay, i have a potential theory about the shooter's plan that makes sense. it does not make a lot of sense (it should never have worked) (i am not even going to attempt to explain what the government did and did not do). i am going to assume that the shooter's plan was to:
1. kill trump
2. escape
3. return to a normal life like nothing happened (lol) (he told coworkers that he was taking off saturday but would see them on sunday)

the shooter's plan was simple: he would climb to the roof, setup on the northeast corner of the building (where trees would possibly obstruct the SS snipers), shoot trump, use the wireless transponder to blow up his own car, and then slip into the panicked crowd unnoticed. however, before he could properly crawl to the correct corner, a police officer was hoisted onto the roof. after being exposed (lol), the shooter decided that it was now or never and pulled the trigger, knowing this was the only chance to assassinate trump. thankfully for the world he was a fucking loser and missed a shot a child could make
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oops i meant to use this to show the northeast corner of the building
it'd be a hell of a thing, realizing that you were one inch away from having your brains splashed on your audience
and that it sure looks like the people in charge of providing your security were trying to make that happen
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posted on 8/pol/ in ‘16, made it with some shitty meme app on iphone6 which is where those dots on the sides come from, was too lazy to fix and still surprised nobody’s made a cleaner version
I would expect it to take more than 3 days to fully come down from avoiding having your brains blown out by basically the narrowest margin possible.
Please I don't need cancer

A brush with death changes you
anyone that has come near death is not the same person after.

.t- came near death
the weirdest part about this whole thing is i have been to that area before
Yes. I hope he snaps out of it but considering he came within an inch of having his brain splattered on the stage I'd say he deserves a bit of slack. I'm sure he'll bounce back.
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>.t- came near death
w-what happened?
Yeah that's definitely the weirdest part of this whole thing.
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officers i do NOT know who that person is and this is my first time on this website
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don't look at me i've never cared enough.
I wonder if they'll use plastic surgery to fill in the portion of his ear gone or whether Trump will make a point to keep his damaged ear as a permanent reminder to everyone of what happened.
for me it is, when you've been to a place and then it becomes of significance that is a weird thought
it'd be like hearing news of some terrorist caught somewhere and you look and it's your old house
it's just another layer of the surreal placed on the whole thing
i wonder if trump is going to remove the bandage during his speech for dramatic effect
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He'll get a golden ear implant

Well, as far as I know the only photo of Trump's wound was taken as soon as it happened. It looked bad but there was so much blood it was impossible to make sense of it. I guess what I'm saying is I don't know how bad the damage was. He might not need plastic surgery. I just hope he rebounds mentally. He's looked sad the past two days. He definitely looked better today, though.
>He'll get a golden ear implant
This is the answer.
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Christ is King.
Trump is Antichrist.
here you will adore this
I've heard conflicting stories. One says a portion of his ear is just gone; another says it's a part that, with proper medical care, will grow back just like how piercing holes can close up again.
He was laughing and having a good time for what was actually any good.
Also, he still sounded like the old Trump on that leaked RFK call, so I'm hopeful. But you're right, the last two nights he's had a somberness that I don't think I've seen since election night 2016 as he was walking to the podium.
at last i truly see
>sounded like the old Trump on that leaked RFK call
I missed that. Link?
From what I saw, I think he just needs people talking to him to keep the mood up, and keep his mind off Saturday.
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That's called "Which one of these other fucks is after me too?" face.
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AWOO, good night and God bless!
Reminder that 7/13 was an inside job
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It's all a Melanin Worship "unity" dance. A 1960s Coke commercial, singing on a hillside.

Not one GOPer will say even a milquetoast thing like
>It's OK to be white
But my god, the slavering over brown and black and yellow and "gay" cock and pussy!
The whole thing is a spectacle to let white men and women know they no longer matter.
Great plan till white people go away, like the slain Golden Goose, and these shitskin worshippers and race mixers have to live in the society they themselves create.
Yep just needs to keep the spirit up. The speech is going to be something out of this world.
oh no! how terrible!
Well put.
Unity my left nut.
Except that "unity" for the new GOP neo neocons means turning the US over to Asians and Africans, making bank while still possible, then escaping to billion dollar doomsteads in New Zealand.
Built and protected, of course, by white men.
Your VP Donnie
What a solid fucking pick!
He changed his speech. Half the thread is probably going to say he cucked based on the hints of the new one
no that's just you lol
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>"America" isn't a legacy from the Founders to their offspring, it's a brand that any gushing pajeet, chink, or noggle can put on like a skin suit.
>shut up white people
>also, keep working to make things nice, because we want that
>but we don't want you
>because, since there's only 700 million of you, and only 28 million of you women of breeding age, you're still the MAJORITY
>and none of us will EVER say it's OK to be white
>by the way, get back to work to make things better for the MINORITIES
I doubt it. He's not going to go after insane lefties, just the moderates that actually listened to the media who believed Orange Man Bad because it was popular.
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wonder what he thinks now he has talked to him?
i mean why the fuck would he have around 2016?
>Like to where everyone knows someone who has died to famine or violence hard times.
I grew up in a 70% nigger city and had two drive by shootings, three house breakins, and three race riots.
Shut your whore mouth, you suburban piece of smegma
He's going to go the whole gay unity and reconciliation route. It's probably going to be shitty.
Did Trump offer RFK Jr. a cabinet position? That's what it sounded like to me.
Well when you're wrong you can admit it. But you won't, because that's not how you do things.
i was thrown into a large heavy object at around 50 mph, and then flew like a bird for about 100 feet
I will if I'm wrong. I just bet it's going to be too soft based on what he went through.
if you are curious, he's the same anon who
>celebrated when he thought trump's candidate in WV lost
>celebrated when it looked like kari lake would lose her primary
>thought trump would lose the primary
>thought trump would have the primary stolen from him by the RNC
he's a pathetic worm lol
I believe this is the point that manlet Destiny was making. If the other side isn't going to 'play nice' then calls for decorum are retarded. That being said, I wouldn't mind both destiny and milo showing up in a Ukrainian drone video.
Nobody under 30 before 2015 knew anything about Donald Trump except that he was rich and was in Home Alone 2.
Poz fag, why do attribute all these things I never said to me? I wasn't even here for whatever you're talking about in WV. For a faggot who is here all the time, you aren't very bright
cope :)
>in 2016
Literally who cares lmao. What's next, pulling up quotes from Cruz and Rubio saying the same in 2016? He wasn't president yet and they, like many GOPers, were skeptical of him. It's been 8 years. Trump has a record now and Vance, like Cruz and Rubio, changed their tune.
there's a song about dindu nuffins
I was sure Trump would win 2016 when he released his polices and did his first rallies. Made 6k on it. I also knew he wouldn't let having the election stolen go by the wayside, and we'd be here. The overpromoted parasitic retards that took a shot at him, I'm surprised they had the balls to be honest. Must be like Hitlers bunker in their little group now.
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and he had that show where he fired people.
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Vance has been working for Palantir since 2015. Palantir produces military and surveillance technologies, and they already have several contracts with the defense department. The company is run by Peter Thiel (along with a bunch of Jews). Thiel gave Vance $15 million for his senate campaign, which he won. David Sacks who's affiliated with Thiel (PayPal mafia), pushed for Vance to be the VP. When Vance was announced as VP, Palantir stock went up. Now Vance is already pushing for war with Iran. Vance also follows all the BAP people on Twitter (whom are all Jews)
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it's funny, absolutely everyone thought ron desantis would be the future of the republican party / leader of the MAGA movement
all he had to do was sit quiet, support trump, get a cabinet position, and then lead the country into prosperity.
instead he listened to faggots like karl rove and here we are
I accept your defeat. That gay syphilis has really rotted your pea brain. It's hilarious how I live rent free in your head and try to play this little gotcha game with me when have the shit you accuse me of, I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
7 points by the way. : )
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Vance's goofy views on the Iraq war
>still doing the /ye24/ smile
and you are STILL a nigger lover lmao
>Rubio changed his tune
lol, lmao even. You are so naive
>faggot thinks I ever supported Kanye
See, what I mean when I say you are a retarded freak?
nobody has a choice
they either sing trumps music or they are pounding sand.
Mcguire won btw.
good lost.
actions matter
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I didn't have a question. DeSantis was a whining bitch and trying to take over something before the theft had been correctly been made right. It would have been a neocon core wearing a practical populist, forward looking movement as a skinsuit. It was despicable. Completely based on false pretenses.
he writes like a lost boomer from 8kun/rightwing twitter, and his writing is getting worse and he's making obvious posting/formatting errors
>have the shit you accuse me of
Ah. Well who doesn't spy on other countries? That's what everyone does.
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>all this text
>such little substance

these schizos need to be culled.
Nigger, Rubio is on the intelligence committee. The faggot had a hand in all the bullshit they threw at him.
I'm not defending Israel. Well, maybe I did in fact do that. Fuck the kikes. Apologies.
It becomes enemy action when you start completely destroying their countries and genociding them with mass immigration, terrorist attacks, selling their technology while shaking their hand honestly.
rubio's not the vp either.
that means... ... ... he pounded sand
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i posted this the other day but it's worth repeating. he's been seething in /ptg/ for years lmao. he used to say
>trump isn't going to run for 2024 he's finished
then it was
>well fine trump is going to run but he won't win the primary it was such a boring announcement speech
then it was
>desantis is going to BTFO trump lmfao he's so popular in florida and destroyed disney
then it was
>well fine trump beat desantis but the neocons and RINOs are going to support nikki haley and it's over for trump
then it was
>trump is going to lose like he lost the 2022 midterms
now it is
>well trump is going to win but his administration is going to suck
he's fucking pathetic lmao
Nigger, its late and I don't give a shit to proof read for fucking 4chan
Cope however you like
Vivek kicked ass
Trump is the anti-christ.
it's reality.
he treid so hard to get in that circle
and now JD Vance's beard is vp!
that's what our statesmen believe?
fucking shit they need to hire people to do research for them.
Lol, never said any of that and it's really odd how obsessed you are.
this place attracts all kinds
wonder what keeps bringing him back
Been coming here for years and pissing off that little faggot is fun. I bet he gets so mad that he literally shakes
hey are you still ban evading? it's weird, back in the day when you got banned for spamming bible verses you'd just serve the ban
what changed quinton? did the criminal record change you? hope you don't get a 30 day lol
with laughter probably
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that's so fake.
fuck you finland.
one day i'll find the thread where it looked like kari lake lost her primary. he was fucking elated and laughed at /ptg/
>haha she fucking lost LOL
>the trump endorsement means nothing anymore
as you know she ended up winning the primary by the skin of her teeth (and then losing in the general by the skin of her teeth) (and fraud). he disappeared for weeks after the primary lmao
What changed?

Saying Trump is the anti-christ is not off topic, I won't agree to serve it.

Spamming and flooding is spamming and flooding, I was guilty of those.
>admitting to ban evasion
bye :)
you really are a natural criminal lol
You do that because I wasn't even here whenever that was. I'm not here everyday like you are homo
oh good, i mentioned that mcguire won to the anon that needed to hear it most
The ban was bullshit.
>fuck the jannies
>janny save me!
the race still isn't over btw, good filed for a recount and now it has to happen
Christ is King.
Trump is Antichrist.
fair point, but until/unless he gets fucked out of it, he's the guy that got certified
kek and he seems obsessed with you specifically like you're his arch-nemesis or something, and most of his posts have gay insults. what do they call that again, when someone accuses others of what they are?
also this is related to the desantis discussion above. all good had to do was fall in line and he would have had his seat for as long as he wanted it
instead he endorsed desantis like a fucking moron and paid dearly
Dunno, I bet your father knows though
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>noooo you can't just dodge the bullet
imagine how much money was burned by republicans trying to stop trump this year
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reminder still baking
>proving my point
pretty much
it's not hard to do.
first, foremost: follow the constitution. no more lip service.
second: be loyal. don't be a fucking bag of tools
if they can't do that, then they have no place representing anyone. not after this past weekend. This country literally had a near death experience itself this past weekend.
yes i have had a few people obsessed with me during my time here (and elsewhere). and to think all i want to do is discuss politics!
>“There is anticipation for elections to be conducted in the Republic of South Sudan so there should be clarity first on how elections can be conducted when some of the things have not been arranged appropriately,” Garang stated. “There is no security arrangement in place, there is no political space and there are no campaigns now. These are indicators of elections. The public should be given sufficient information about what is going on.”
yes it's fucking retarded but almost every single donor fell in line so it's not the end of the world! also i touched on this earlier, a donor who previously said a few months ago
>i'm writing in my wife's name fuck trump
is now donating to trump
The point that you are so ass hurt that you are IP hopping? kek
>more references to asses, doesn't deny anything
lol, lmao even

i think he has a crush on you!
Trump choosing Vance as VP is a mistake. I honestly don't believe Vance will attract female voters at all, especially independent voters. Meanwhile, I can see female boomers willing to vote for Ben Carson as VP.
Sorry, not a homo like you two are.
Looks like a Canadian Invasion.
Its not their money, even their own money isnt their money when it comes to donation time, if you catch my drift.
my one true love is political discourse sorry to disappoint!
>Thai police say cyanide killed 6 foreigners in Bangkok hotel, including suspect
that bullet changed everything.
no one is voting democrat.
except a few zionists.
the fact that they haven't released the manifesto yet tells you everything
>p-p-please be gay i need you guys to be gay so bad
Vance was a mistake, but not for the reasons you say. He's a snake and is Pence 2.0.
Stephen Miller wrote Trump's 2016 RNC speech. However, this time around, Stephen Miller is not part of Trump's 2024 campaign staff and therefore, he will not be writing Trump's 2024 RNC speech. I feel like most people do not realize that Trump is missing 99% of his 2016 campaign staff.
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bret hart would have been acceptable
>is anti-christ

I think we can say THE anti-christ now.
Not having Miller is another mistake
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money at that level is a weird thing to talk about in terms of what is "lost" but the most important (bad) thing is money was pumped and circulated among stupid and undesirable elements to prop up idiocy, some of which is perpetuating to today to spew stupid shit along the eright
imagine how much better it would have been if they didn't throw their tantrum for more than a year
Rubio voted for warant-less surveillance on Americans. He is literally tied with the Bush family and Jeb Bush wanted to make Rubio the next governor of Florida in the past.
staffing HR departments helps as well
which isn't?
>leftists have enough balls to fight for things
No, they don't. They have no balls at all. They never do anything that would actually cost them because there were consequences for it. Their entire existence revolves around their side having compete power so they never have to play by their own rules. There's nothing courageous about them when they face no risk at all. Leftists are the biggest hypocrites and cowards in existence.

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