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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474521577
First for Trump is the son of destruction.
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there would be so much money spent for nonsense it would be incredible! (although democrats have unlimited dark money so maybe it wouldn't matter)
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hey are you a bot
wheres the manifesto
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hey you are a bot
>the whole world looked in awe at the beast who avoided the deadly wound and said, who can't fight against this man.
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anyways why do you post those specific webms at the start of every thread (you know the ones) and why was your name a certain herb that you can't say here?
>Bangladesh shuts universities, colleges indefinitely after protests turn deadly
The current precedent is that the feds will refuse to publicly release manifestos from now on and you need to file freedom of information lawsuits in order to get any information at all.
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Yes, just is a sin. We must bully him to stop it, for his souls sake.

Coomers get the lake of fire.
uh no i don't care what he does i'm just curious why
>Islamic State claims responsibility for rare attack at Shi'ite Muslim mosque in Oman
I don't know why you are scared of the antichrist and ignore the fact that Revelation has a happy ending
>I don't care
>I just care

Retarded as always I see.
I'm not going to lie I hate the entire Republican party even more than the Democrats
I'm not scared and I'm not trying to stop him.

The hible says only God can and will stop him.

I'm warning people about it as I might not be able when the crash comes and ww3 starts.

Before Jesus return 50% of human life is extinguished.

So 4 billion people die before christ returns.

We have four years left.
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that’s just silly
Alex Jones was a mess on Tim Dillon, funny though
was he schizoing about the trump assassination
I sure wish some apostate evangelical would tell me who is the antichrist for the seven millionth time.
Drinking from a vodka bottle, smoking cigs and nearly vomiting
Conservatives should use the Alex Jones precedent against Democrat celebrities spreading Trump conspiracy theories by suing them for 1 billion dollars for emotional, physical, and psychological damages.
I'm not an evangelical but Trump is most likely the anti-christ.

The zionist evangelicals will be his biggest supporters and encourages.

This will go to trumps head and the jew and christian zionidts will encourage him.
spuds mackenzie is the antichrist.
The son of perdition was revealed and you are laughing?
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No. His clone maybe, though.
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I saw some discussion in an earlier thread about how Democrats are leading in most of the swing state Senate polls and so we should be worried about Trump winning those states. I didn’t have time to respond but I wanted to point out thar ticket-splitting used to be very common. If you believe that Democrats leading in Senate polls mean the state will go blue this year, you’d have to believe that Montana and Ohio are going blue because the D candidate is leading in both of those races by 5+ points even though Biden will lose those states by over 10 points. Trump at the top of the ticket will likely cause these candidates to overperform and I expect he’ll drag at least one across the finish line, GOO should end up with 52-53 Senate seats.
If Trump dissolves all the alphabet agencies, including the IRS, and returns 99% of federal power to the 50 states, would you still complain?
He'd be paid even more and work overtime.
i am dead serious.
that is how you know he is the antichrist. the mortal wound which will miraculously be healed. the scripture speaks plainly

but man has not eyes to see

for he is blind without the holy spirit
Biblical Trump is biblical
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-classified-documents-case-dismissed-by-judge-cannon/ar-BB1q19SQ?ocid=BingNewsSerp ill leave this here
As a realist I can only comment on what I know.

>if Trump turns out to not be the anti-christ will you change your mind

Of course, but that's months if not year's away.
if getting tits and ass back into beer commercials isn’t MAGA i don’t know what is
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So many terrorists on Facebook and working at home depot
I think you are being a faggot, personally.
Nigger, the motherfucker was shot in his ear. That's not a mortal wound. Are you retarded? Genuinely, I ask you, are you mentally deficient? Have you ever been diagnosed with mental illness?

trump will bring the hugest of tits and the juiciest of asses

for it is written in the Word

all will copulate

how so?

spuds mackenzie was not shot in the ear. i am talking about spuds mackenzie, the true antichrist, not trump
I don't want to live in a world without CRT televisions
I've explained that there are other interpretations. You are bing stubborn.

Are you even a Christian or are you just butting in?
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U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has declared that the Pennsylvania shooting is "unacceptable."

I agree, she should resign and everyone should know that she needs to resign.
Oh, right. I confused you with the schizophrenic.
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I hope security will be better on Saturday.
it is easy to do

there is no shame

spuds mackenzie is the antichrist
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Federal Judge Rules 156-Year-Old Ban on At-Home Moonshining Is Unconstitutional

Trump fits the markers better.
spuds mackenzie is plainly the antichrist
Yeah, I told you motherfuckers this approximately a week ago and no one cared. For now it only applies to one of the plaintiffs however the next move is obviously a facial challenge.
Low quality hurr durr if I'm being real with you.
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>all will copulate
yes! a 35 year old big fake tiddy wife in every backyard and a chicken in every deep frier!
just wait 70 years bro, assuming there's still a US at that point it'll be declassified
>oops we lost it
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Destiny gets shit on on television by piers Morgan
Kek this image
you have no eyes

you do not see

you are chaff

you will suffer the second death


enormously large breasts for all men under spuds's short reign
Where is the gooner anon who wanted to fuck the abu ghraib girl?
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Abu ghraib girl was pretty cute
God will not be mocked. You don't understand what you are playing with.
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hey did you see some retarded faggot cucks saying how it's le bad to get these freaks fired
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I'm sure any number of false flagging faggots are going to appeal to my obvious Christian virtue to not defend myself.
my mouth pours forth the word of the lord

you do not know god

you are vain

god will spit you out of his mouth

spuds mackenzie is the antichrist
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SS director says roof slope was dangerous
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I must have really pissed you off.

Please don't damn yourself for my sake, I would that you live forever and we can laugh together.
i am incapable of anger

the lord has seen fit to rob me of it

from your mouth you speak vanities
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Not even once
these were supposedly nietzschean basedlord accounts it was absolutely pathetic and i still want to spit acid at it when it pops up on my screen again
What's your favorite verse from the bible?
w-why do you ask
i don't think President Trump is using usss anymore
I think he's being protected by federal marshals now.
a wall of them apparently
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Nietzsche has become even more of a meme buzzword for retarded nigger self help gurus so there is absolutely no congruence with being good or right in having any affiliation with it.

If there were such an assassin in Russia what would happen to the security director and people who wished the assassin well?
i can't believe all this time Sarah Huckabee Sanders was a butterface with a pretty good body hidden underneath
Any agent operating around him is still under the auspices of SS but if he is fully staffed by augmentees that is hilarious.
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someone is actually pounding the coinslot? as disgusting as that is, it also displays unparalleled heroism and bravery, manliest man of all manliest of men
14 The farmer sows the word. 15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. 16 Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. 17 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 18 Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; 19 but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. 20 Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.
JD Vance killed any hope I had of Trump learning anything from 2016. This shit is a wrap.
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yeah i can't wait for when it becomes bastardized so badly that people say niggerfaggot cuckshit is nietzscheanism with faustian characteristics or whatever bullshit. i think there should be mass crucifixions
nobody cares, kike
Which soil are you?
jd vance is the vp and if you wanna cry about it, then hahahahahah
I knew her celly i can get you her email address
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Is the hype already done? I thought Trump was due to speak thurs
guess who isn't the republican nominee because Trump lived?
that's right
i bet nikkis still pissed about that
It's a D&C shill. Probably a bot, since 4chan admin love bots being used by leftist spammers.
Don't waste your time on it
he is, vance today
it's 5am silly everyone's asleep
the hype is wearing off a little but it's also that today the RNC wasn't quite as atrocious and therefore engagement baiting people had less reason to bitch about it
just send her my regards, anon. she is a national hero no matter what the media (or military tribunals) say
the only people kvetching about jd vance wanted trump ded
who the fuck do yu think you're kidding?
100%. She was filled with inner rage last night.
He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”
hey wasn't it funny how everyone who did the whole
>durr durr i'm so angry
couldn't actually answer the question on how many whites spoke today
i sure wonder why!
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she’s lucky Trump didn’t make her wear a dog collar and drink out of a bowl
I would be less worried about Vance as VP if only the Constitution gave the president the power to fire his vice president anytime, anywhere. I feel it is wrong for a president to be stuck with a vice president that he no longer wanted.
>fire SS
>hire construction workers who aren't afraid of sloped roofs
problem solved
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Begone, Satan!
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> If there were such an assassin in Russia what would happen to the security director and people who wished the assassin well?
It'll be quetly dismantled and reorganized behind the scenes and it absolutely won't become a public show or shitflinging on twitter, the director's fuck up will be covered up one way or another becuase nothing should damage the administration's image or having appear weak and incompetent.
People don't badmounth the president publicly here, it's not really a thing, especially since commie times where you'd be sent to camps for breathing wrong. A chance some retard will be made an example out of, but again, that's not something that would make the news.
i think it would be great if all countries became great again for each of their peoples.
They should all follow Americas lead!
I watched Ben Carson's speech a second time. It was the best of yesterday IMO. Vivek was good but Sleepy stole the show.
Dr Carson is an eloquent man. He's great
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India becoming great again would imply it was ever great in the first place, anon.
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i think i cannot stress enough how much i hate everyone
Why is the egg wearing a faggot hat?

Are you a faggot?
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What's a faggot hat? Care to specify?
so you're intellectually dishonest then.
National socialists suck cock by the way, and so do you.
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Name one time in history that India was great. I'll wait.
Wow, every day I hate the regulars here a little more.
Ben Carson's speech is the only one that didn't sound like a campaign speech because Carson is actually friends with Trump.
she has the statue of peace behind her too. too funny
God spared Ben from being tied to the anti-christ.
>moves goalposts to asking for proof of ...the thing they were promoting?
no, this is about you being intellectually dishonest.
you posted the meme
it's your problem.
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Don't tell me you suck jewkrain cocktail as well!
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You're free to leave any time. There's the door. Don't let it hit ya where the Lord split ya. Bye, faggot.
I didn't move any goalposts. I said that MIGA implies India was ever great in the first place and asked you to specify a time in history when it was. You have since failed. Please give me a year that India was great. I'll wait.

Ducking phone
--> >>474536402
this is intellectual dishonesty.
you are simply ...a kike
Lol, go back to /uhg/ and jack off to your gore.
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duck ukraine.
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Do you not understand sarcasm? The joke was poos think they can make India great again; yet it was never great in the first place. I don't know where you're getting hung up in the train of thought here. Are you okay, anon? Are you having a stroke?
>go back to wherever, /ptg/ regular
You sound like a retard. Am I a regular, or do I belong somewhere else? You're going through cognitive dissonance.
do you not understand intellectual dishonesty?
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Making fun of India with a fun epin maymay isn't intellectual dishonesty. When did I claim India was ever great? I was making fun of poos with the meme. I don't know where you're confused.
This is so gay
or wait for a leaker.
he shit i do hate he ; trump will jall an john master whithouse form he he do, trump homus is tent john house white
finally a voice of reason
N-no, ur gay!
thats a really interesting take.
please continue.
>Am I a regular
You aren't a Christian is you support the jews.
That ain't a john deere.
Most chrakchurs I see round here are yeller.
a lioning clown trump be award of he lies an true amerca no what he do want to give you but lie an lionhing to amerca people sin too god form word biblie that jesus say true; town cat smart more thane trump vote town cat
>deus vult
Lmao, time after time you have acted effeminate.

That's a sin, take that flag off, fagboy.
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Wanna try that sentence again, ESL-kun?
Trump is the anti-christ.

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why do i love this pairing so much
god i wish boris was american and the vp pick
Did you really try to stab your dad to death?
>the word 'again' is in my meme... but that doesn't count!
and you call other people retards?
I don't believe you.
It's called sarcasm, retard. It's making fun of poos. India was never great and anyone who thinks otherwise shits in the streets.
Well, there is nothing else I can do to convince you. Do as you will.
seems more like you're trying to make fun of america first people
like i said, you're an intellectually dishonest kike
>open twitter
>Destiny jacking off over a 10 year old gear and courting her is trending
What the fuck happened to this guy? He went from 0 to 1000 in the span of 24 hours with saying the guy at the rally deserved Death and so did he daughters, and now he's showing 10 year olds his dick? Like bro dial it fucking down.
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It's not my fault that you don't understand sarcasm. I wish I could help but unfortunately, they haven't found a cure for retardation yet. You'll be in my prayers, anon. Please get better.
>Well, there is nothing else I can do to convince you.
Something tells me you think that a lot. Your arguments are always shit and never work.
it's easy to understand that shit tier of sarcasm.
But you and I both know you're here to disrupt the thread.
I am entertained.
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Mystery gift was the lapel pin. It looks pretty nice but I don't usually wear dress or polo shorts.
What am I working towards? Tell me if you know.
Apparently Fuentes knows the agenda before anyone
>nikki haley
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But his father was literally a builder though and construction is the opposite of destruction so...
The verses that is referencing speak about the destruction on sinners at the end of days.

The anti-christ is the embodiment of perdition.

He is first into the lake of fire.
I'd love to know what SS-field-agents think about this lmao.
>oh no, the slope
they got to be furious over this BS.
yo now this shit would be crazy if its true

>At 3pm he triggered a metal detector as he tried to gain access to the site, and was found to be carrying a rangefinder – a gun sight typically used by hunters and marksmen preparing to shoot at distance.

>But security officers allowed him in while keeping an eye on him until he left the secure area a short time later, the official said.
haha yeah there's no way secret service agents that report directly to biden would knowingly allow someone to take a shot at trump that'd be stochastic terrorism or something haha
If you guys want to see Jack Black properly punished for his awful comments, you should inform Nintendo of Jack Black's behavior. If you don't trust Nintendo America to take your concerns seriously, you could directly contact Nintendo Japan instead.
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he apologized
Wait, what happened with Jack Black? I need the big enchilada.
So what's the ETA for a false flag or attempt on Biden to get the news off of Trump? How long has it been? 1 week, 2 weeks?

Ok but you said he was the son of destruction and in reality he is the son of construction so are you now changing your story and conceding that he is not the son of destruction after all?

See this is why Vulgate bibles and the doctrine of sola scriptura are so important, if I were a papist brainlet and had to get a priest to read the Bible for me then I would be much less able to spot your wolf in sheep's clothing heresy. The fact that satanists and witches and pedophiles across the globe hate Trump while faithful salt of the earth good Samaritans across the globe love him speaks volumes.
Would be kino
Why should anyone care what this grifter thinks?
Kek he truly is securing the nigger vote by getting assassinated

Wow it's almost like Spic Fuentes and shills itt get their talking points from the same place...
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he sang happy birthday to kg on stage then told him to make a wish then kg said he hoped the next guy doesn’t miss
during a show in australia kyle said he wished for another attempt at trump who didn't miss

hilarity ensued
What? I thought KG was based and JB was the faggot. They're both faggots?
Well fuck. My life is a lie...

Trump is blacker than Obama in a very real sense
read his apology again
>all future creative plans
he’s literally breaking up his band over it
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>no kyle, that's our private bedroom talk, you're not supposed to say it in front of the cameras!
No, I read it. I just didn't know KG sang back saying he wished the next sniper hit. I knew JB was a fag, but wasn't aware KG was.

It seems like JB is a spineless sellout who only backed Biden because his agent told him to whereas KG genuinely suffers from Drumpf hysteria. Hence, JB kicks his boy from 30 years ago to the curb instantly once the political situation calls for it by canceling all creative projects with him.
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Which is Vance?
idk which one makes lefties seethe more
Fucking kek. He really is
BTW, either of you have the video? I need to see this. It sounds hilarious.
trump monster
You are one annoying mother fucker.
Thoughts on Eric Prince? Seems extremely based. Trump should go full scorched earth with the CIA or FBI and put Eric Prince in there
I think they are both anarcho-capitalists.
ngl I didn't even know he was a real person, I thought he was just a character from that old movie
Maybe she is responsible once again?
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I just wanna grill some fish and watch the sportsball gosh dangit. if you and others get the chance do file reports on YouTube, x, kick, etc. about destiny the turbocuck. He's on some sort of amphetamine bender that might kill him if he gets harassed enough and his dox is floating around.
I agree with this thinking, but you're wrong about Montana. Tester is getting buried right now. Every poll conducted since June has Sheehy up 5+
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Good morning frens.
>shot in the head
>need to safeguard against future attempts
>pick technocrat (((yale))) glowie and his brown (((yale))) wife
rip donnie boy
done in by a babyfaced swamp creature
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Worth consideration
trump evil dog an more ,
Fuentes is a faggot. I'm glad MAGA is starting to realize the race baiting faggots are a burden and need to be laughed at
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Oh my
Yeah because he was about to get canceled. He didn't decide to shut down the tour, the venues did when their insurance costs were about to increase ten-fold
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Asmongold called the shooter retardy Oswald
The anti-christ is not desire women.

Ultimate black pill is Trump is in the closet.
Any of you madlads got the ss bitch washing dishes meme?
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if he's going to hire solely for aesthetics he can do better
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he really won me over with this.
t. 1700s anglo bloodline
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The original Constitution required the VP to be the runner up in General Election so it was even more adversarial.
>hope it will be channeled for good
Lol, he comin
A cuckold wrote that. It was always acceptable to support Trump.
lmfao retardy oswald
Not in the game industry, which is what he focuses on.
I mean, statistically speaking, 41% of Biden's voter base has offed themselves by now
Go back
I hear these days the stat is actually closer to 50%
>haven't seen best friend in over a year
>because I hate his godawful abusive monster wife, and he insists on every guy's night outing including her
>I explicitly spelled out for him multiple times over the last year that I don't want to just go without seeing him ever again, but that if she's coming, I'm not
>several times he invites me to things she's at, I keep reminding him that I didn't just forget
>he invites me again last night
>I don't even ask, and instead take it as a good faith hint that he's understood my terms and had somehow got a night away from her
>venue is a college town I haven't been to in years
>bar has a tranny and LGBT flag
>he brought his terrible wife, after promising multiple times he wouldn't ambush me
>she's elaborately dressed and made up like a prostitute to go to a dive bar in a cheap town
>she takes every opportunity to butt in whenever he's talking, changing the subject, and he submits every single time
>and he's brought some couple I've never met
>and some girl I was seemingly supposed to be set up with
>she was dressed in fishnets, tramp stamp, and visible red thong, looking like an early 00s porn starlet, an STD museum
>couldn't hear a single thing over the deafening noise
>nobody seemed to care much about what anyone else had to say, I'm the only one making an effort at at least keeping up the appearance
I try dipping my toes back into the normie world, and I am absolute annihilated with cringe, vanity, and trust betrayal. That's it, I'm done. This place is the only place I belong now.
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Gaming really needs a rightwing revolution, it's the only thing that save it.
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>the trannies are pretending Trump is going to genocide them again
How the fuck did anyone these clowns survive from 2016 to 2020?
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>Has a profile pic of a literal 10 year old anime girl
This is why trannies need to be shot on sight
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When Jesus states that jews are the sons of satan.
Pic related: The god of the jews.
gas vance
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Fuck IRL, we ball
your grandkids will be brown trannies
Yeah normalfags are stupid miserable people
I psyop'd my 4 kids into existence.
It's a very competitive world right now.
You'd be raw dogging her right now if you had just asked her how many STDs she currently has.
company that owns the building shooter used as ties to black rock

She knows that she is not qualified, so what was the reason that she was offered the job, and what is the reason that she accepted the job?
>You'd be raw dogging her right now if you had just asked her how many STDs she currently has.
Oh I know. That was obviously not what she went there for (she was there for instagram of course) but I still COULD have if I wanted, but I don't. If I can't have a quiet white girl with a girl-next-door kind of vibe going, then I don't want anything at all. I've done whores before. Blown out snatch just isn't worth the many risks. If she was whiter, quieter, and dressed appropriately, I would have been willing to look past the ambush instead of letting it irk me for the last several hours.
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Daily reminder that Trump and his supporters are kikes.
I forgot all about this picture. Seeing it again enrages me on a level I can't properly articulate.
Isn't that what nick is
I was wondering how you faggots were going to try to maintain that in spite of the now overwhelming evidence against it. Turns out you're just going for the brute force strategy. Unfortunately all that does is reveal just how incredibly bad faith you've been since the very beginning. You're not against jews at all, and you don't really believe jews control Trump. You're just against Trump, and this angle is one you think might eventually dislodge some supporters.

After he's elected and can't come up for election again, I suspect these posts will just vanish forever.
Try a park next time. Jesus that sounded like a nightmare.
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>After he's elected and can't come up for election again
They'll give us another "far right nationalist" leader who bows to kikes. Zogniggerdon is just the current one.
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Insufficient. Destroy him.
>Trump institutes some mild regulatory reform and immigration restrictions
Isn't the shadow rabbi supposed to be some guy who the entire world worships? Doesn't 50% of the country and most of the world hate him?
This would be top tier kino.
And you'll stop making these posts about Trump as soon as he's elected. The day after the election you will vanish until you get your new marching orders in 2028. It's not about making a point of any kind. It's about manipulating people into not voting for Trump. That's why you won't be posting the day after he wins.
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yes...yes...embrace the incel life...
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42% of them didn't
>you do realise [insert complete bullshit here]
There is something about that phrase that makes me see fucking red...
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Come to the dark side, we have the sex.
Holy shit destiny is just the biggest faggot ever
>trump didn't tell /ptg/ he was going to crash the silicon market with his statement yesterday
I could have been rich pmurt. Why did you forsake me
ladder was probably already there
Yeah I'm watching the whole thing now, it's crazy to see Piers cook him.
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I don't give a fuck who you vote for. Go vote for Zognald for all I care, just don't be surprised when he betrays you again. You probably won't even notice though because he can do no wrong in your eyes
I read, but the threads are goiing so fast, by the time I responded the thread archived
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The smug and condescending attitude of xitter users often does that
Good for you. I'm the same way. I need a woman worthy of love or I want nothing
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You won’t do shit
>I-i-i actually don't even care who you vote for!
>that's why i've been repeating the same talking point that is now obviously wrong for the last 9 years!
>and why i won't post anymore once trump is no longer able to be re-elected again!!!
>and why i really don't want you to know what country I'm in!
>i care that little!
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well yeah as there was meant to be a sniper team up there.
I identify this more as reddit phrase.
Its so fucking annoying to me holy fuck..
>lefty faggotslarping as big bad government haters
Seen that in 2020 already.
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Of all fucking people, asmongold has been the most forthright about the situation and how insane destiny is

Reward him with comments, likes, subscriptions, shares, etc.
The area of his hair where the long, top hair comes down over the short, side hair looks like the faint outline of a laurel wreath. He's a fucking Roman emperor.
Yeah, thats how I feel about my wife's friends except for like 1 couple that's ok. Everyone else is beyond annoying. Last time I was forced to hangout with all of them, this one husband wouldn't shut up about marvel shows and how awesome they were.
>assassination happens cause local pd is too fat & lazy
I believe it
why is anyone giving him air????
He's not really getting air, after the interview, he was banned from Kick.
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what does this say about the republican party?
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>pure coincidence
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> this one husband wouldn't shut up about marvel shows and how awesome they were.
Fucking basedjack. Did he look like as much as a faggot as you describe him to be?
Secret service will blame the cops, the cops will blame the secret service. Neither will be found at fault & the usual "lessons learned" applies
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reminder still baking
Yes lol
>DNC wouldnt applause too
Nice larp.
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This hasn't been getting nearly enough attention after the shooting.
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explains why they tried to kill him
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Easy to carry with two people.
The building the shooter shot from was owned by Blackrock
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isn’t the dictator of ukraine jewish?
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I am not at all convinced that there are going to be any large deportations in Trump's second term.
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The personacult follows the persona who represents their values. Profound, amazing.
I'm very sure God saved Trump to prevent ww3
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i've been here too long
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I was a staple in ebola chan anti African stuff and Ron Paul threads before that. Help me.
Lol k

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