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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474568370
Ultra MAGA.
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welp, that's it. Prepare for Kamala Harris as our new Democratic Nominee for the 47th President of these United States
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“President Biden has been one of the most consequential presidents in our nation’s history, and his lifetime of service as a Senator, a Vice President, and now as President has made our country better. But our nation is at a crossroads. A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November.”
wow, a woman loyal to her husband even in death
don't see that every day
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This is a moo ment.
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Trump is collapsing
he just really wants those dick pics
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chat, is this true?
>most consequential president
dude he was in politics 50 years and everything got worse the entire time
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why aren't we posting salt?
Is Biden going down to Kamala again?
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Yes. Bidenbros, stay strong! You got this!
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Trumpbros it's fucking joever we're only 400% the odds of Joe had winning
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Evangelicals believe in a pre-trib rapture. They don't believe they will see the antichrist. They think the church is taken away before that. They are the zionist church that will back Trump and call him god in all but name. Some of them will realize their mistake when Trump sits on the mercy seat and does the abominable thing that makes the world desolate.
>the gen z persepctive
>dash dobrovsky, millennial
Where are the piss tapes, Adam? You said you had them. Where are they?
lol. Schitt wants that senate seat so bad and is out if he doesn't get it
>Trump is collapsing
Keep telling yourself that.
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Actually yes.
Shifty Schiff stabs corn pop in the back
You have my full attention, Jahy-sama!
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This you?
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>Some of them will realize their mistake when Trump sits on the mercy seat and does the abominable thing that makes the world desolate.
Still not working. Still voting Trump. Stay mad.
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>but it's not PRINCIPLED
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No I was actually memeing.
BPS' son is sure blowing up in the Xitter verse
Info about Corey's funeral if you plan on going tomorrow.
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Kamala always goes down.
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This doesn't have anything to do with Trump. It started under Bush 2. It'll just get worse with every republican regardless of it being a firebrand or Mitt Romney.
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soon they will call for Schumer to go to prison too?
Virginia, Maine at-large, NM and NH will be tough.
man, I sure hope your map is right
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>less than 6 points ahead of his own VP, who literally nobody even likes
What I don't understand is why they didn't just primary Biden, they could have even rigged it for whoever they wanted like they did for Hillary and their voters would have been none the wiser.

Going about it this way seems shady and I don't think their voters are foing to appreciate it no matter who they install, I doubt it will be Kamela either. That bitch is just plain unlikable and has just as many gaffs as Brandon. Is it even legal for them ro use their delegates to install whoever they want?
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okuu kuu kachoo
He spelled " A second Trump presidency will send me to prison." wrong.
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yes! I think!
Is that the drop after Vance was announced?
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>red Delaware, Joe's home state
Would cum.
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This faggot shouldn't have any power
He's been around 60% for a while the bump to 70 was from the saturday shooting it's normal that it would dissipate over time.
yes yes!
Getting the mostest ever votes ever in ever history in the history of history will be a little tough to fake this time.
>inb4 incumbency advantage cope
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>What I don't understand is why they didn't just primary Biden
Hubris and lack of forethought. Dementia progresses very slowly, then very quickly, and they thought they had time.
>t. had a close family member with dementia
John McCain would be so disappointed.
Funny that after all these years the D was for Donald.
no sweetie, if Bidet was going to win, you'd never hear from Pencil Dick Schiff
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Is this after the drugs for the MK ULTRA during the impeachment began to wear off?
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>Saurva peeking through the window
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California will be red this year
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jahy's boss is for breeding, Druj is for loving, what is Saurva for?
(((muh fascism)))
I'll never not laugh hearing leftists crying about fascism as if they aren't literal fascists.
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>you rightoids need to do something to protect freeze peach
lol, lmao even.
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ancap being a trump supporter
it's more believable that hes just a seethin cause his girlfriends boyfriend is.
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Reminder that Republicans, MAGA and /ptg/ loudly and proudly stand with Israel, unapologetically and with no ambiguity whatsoever.
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Here is a news flash for you.
The Emperor has no clothes. Time to face reality.
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>blocks your path
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The whole west coast will be from Alaska down south.
bush was a kike servant, no one can tell me otherwise. don't ascribe to the left right dichotomy, these demons who serve israel play both sides. trump is neither, and he is being assaulted by kikes 24/7 to the point of almost losing his life as well.
epstein couldn't dirty him, remember that. he's untarnished.
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>what is Saurva for?
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>Jack Black starts his career with a sniper
>Jack Black ends his career with a sniper
Is that this guy? Not exactly a great perspective.
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oy vey
whats wrong with standing with your greatest ally?
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> it doesn't matter what this person said
What if he'd said the word "nigger?" Would the left still hurry to protect him?
If you ended mail-in voting and required people to show up to precincts in person and show ID to cast votes, you might find much more red on the west coast than you thought was there.
>Northerners pretending to cook southern food

Reminds me of visiting Boston and eating Mexican Food and Trying their Barbecue. No wonder leftists hate everything. Northern food is fucking bland and terrible. Same for upper midwest. Terrible food, but great people there, however, unlike Boston.
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>the right needs to speak up and defend the leftists who want us dead
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This needs to be the next OP, specifically this picture
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The pendulum begins to swing back.
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Explain pic
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We know. We're working on dead voter purge and legal ballot harvesting in every county.
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le mao
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>pendulum swung so hard the watch broke
Peter is 100% a long-time /pol/ poster.
Dr pepper and anime
One of these men is a winner, a Christian, and an MVP who hit for .300 has nearly 2600 hits and almost 275 home runs. The other is a filthy jew
Yeah that Atlantic article reported that Trump invested a ton of money in election integrity and they're big mad about it.
Saw this live with /pol/
Fucking insane entrance
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He is the harpy eagle poster.
What a stupid bitch!!! These Trump supporters are traitors and scum!!
He can’t sneed!
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I just hope you all know that they are going to try again. Earliest could be at the funeral that Trump will attend. He still has SS with him, so it's an inevitability at this point. The feds are going to kill him.
I have a very happy Druj gif that is too large to be posted /here/ but I refuse to cut down its size
Whiskey and apple juice..
>She always goes down?
Yikes..no thanks
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petey gee is not for booba or brappa postan
Antichrist disguised as an angel of light.
Shill bros, glownigger bros, media bros, dem bros...why are you ignoring the assassination like it never happened? I find it interesting that the swamp is diving into a chance of "unity" since they failed to get Trump while shills, libs and social media crazies are upset because the shooter missed.

Care to explain yourselves? Didn't you assure /ptg/ that Trump would be in prison? Whatever happened to that?
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not true, by the way
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>et tu, Chucky?
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Good for her.
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hol up

jack black is a real person? I thought he was just a movie character
shits getting old, get a new bit
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Seems like there's a problem with the golem. The kikes are issuing commands as normal, but they're not getting through?
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Checked, keked, and correct.
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Convince me I'm wrong.
Deport all the illegals, hang all of those who brought this, the traitors in all forms of government who abused their power, those who corrupted religion, the entertainment and media who pushed this must all hang. When you kick those illegals out, do it violently so they understand clearly. Then you shame those who stood by and did nothing for the rest of their lives and brand those who fought back against the corruption, against evil, as heroes.

Vote for Outlaw "Deport them all" Don! MAGA!
Iktf, bro.
>DL cool gif
>go to post it here
>file size too large
>delete gif bc too much work to fix
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Acceptance reached in record time
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Another clip of Crooks fucking around...
meh, adam schiff can be easily ignored by biden. a top senator telling biden to step down has more of a punch to it.
Luckily Bidet made huge headway last night according to shills
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Republicans probably poll even higher.
Destiny brought up a good point. Has Trump called the wife of the victim?
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>it's like Waterloo
Joepoleon BTFO
Kino Trump graphic.
Yep, and is going to the funeral
Fuck you.
Isn't casualty event denial bannable on xeeter?
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I'm behind the times, what's the cope in here about vance being a fat faggot with an indian wife that voted for cia mcmullin?

What are the influenceable talking points for this?
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Say it with me now
>Make America Great Again!
> unencumbered by the administration that has been
I guess that makes Kamala a "has been."
Where are Biden's Doctor Reports?
The left can't even release video of the Bidet classified docs questioning transcript they provided to the congress.
They need to outlaw Trump assassination denial just like holosneed
>by an average of three points in the battleground states
so they still lose
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only if the official story is nonsensical, then that's a billion dollar lawsuit for asking questions
>we need to think of what could be, unencumbered by what has been
>Trump is so powerful he made a guy in a wheelchair stand up
When you lie 24/7 the way they do you start to believe your own bullshit. Just like in 2016 when the final vote came in and Trump was declared the winner. For the first 5 minutes or so they were all completely dumbfounded, several media anchors even had a moment of clarity when they started asking questions like "Where we just wrong the entire time? Blinded by our own bias?". Of course they immediately decided to double down but for a moment there you could see them realize how much they had bought into their own bullshit.
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The tweet includes audio which has the gun shots included.
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if i never read the name of this zoomer herdsman again, it will still be too soon
Has anyone actually run into one of these lunatics claiming the shooting was fake in real life and not online? Even the most faggoty leftoid I’ve encountered knows it was real
Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.
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some guys at work were mentioning it slightly. But one guy who brought it up said he was looking forward to voting Trump. Which is not something I expected to hear. We're so far away from 2016
First, he blamed Nixon
Now, he blames George Washington

(Christopher Columbus has already been blamed by LL)
I don't even know who it is. "Destiny" sounds like a woman from a black R&B band.
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>clean wound
>close wound
>provide care instructions for wound
There's your medical report, bro.
They're only here because
lmfao, that meme SS woman is that clip. i wonder how she feels right now. the whole internet made fun of her.
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I knew some xpol retard homeopathy believers who were insisting it was fake within minutes. I cut ties over their nonsense.
The VA numbers are wild.
Hopefully you shut down anyone that claimed it’s fake by mentioning the 4 people who were shot
>all the young men got a hard on when Trump raised his fist
>everyone changes their mind and will vote Trump now
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are we winning bros?
>serious concerns about whether the president can defeat Donald Trump
They're dropping all pretext that this is about Biden's cognitive abilities. At this point they are saying they just want somebody else because the polls look bad. Forget the primary vote that took place, let us shoehorn our guy in. Remember, democracy is at stake!
Did you even read my post you fucking retard?
She was planted there with the hope that she would make it easier to assassinate Trump. She probably had the lowest scores in her program.
>tripfag won't put trip back on to avoid being filtered
>still spams "Q" to create a narrative
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King Cheeto will not be silenced
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>Trump up in VA
The RNC has filed a lawsuit against Whitmer for allowing federal agencies to be used for voter registration.
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He awaken the primal male energy in zoomers.
When will they finally put him in an asylum where he belongs?
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Seeeeeeeeeee I know how your game is
>You're next
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The uniparty wants to be a true one party state, which is why uniparty Republicans still get lambasted by democrats.
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It’s only a matter of time until Disney fires their faggy dei department like michealsoft. And when they do, I will be there to laugh at the trannies that btfo’d Star Wars now being homeless
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dragons rock on
Lichtman is still clinging to his little keys kek
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>I cut ties over their nonsense.
Good, I would too
Define "our" people.
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>When will they finally put him in an asylum where he belongs?
It's Chicago.
Everyone in that city is fucking nuts.
This legit, or is he actually /ourguy/ trolling?
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Why would you post that on /ptg/? We have standards.
He looks like the crisis actor dad from sandy hook.
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>intelligence agencies not included
what the fuck lol
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Double meanings.
Know you enemy
Know the game
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>Kyber crystals are mood ring gems now
lol wut
I don’t doubt that Canadians are voting for Biden
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It's almost as if democrats have been so pro-criminal that no one trusts their opinion on justice anymore.
Fuck off you brown bong, literally no one on the planet cares what you think.
visual representation of the black vote in 2024
Your Canadian..you can't vote retard
That’s not how Kyber crystals that works lmao what a joke
lots of talk about Biden dropping out this Friday. cant believe it. thought Jill would never let him do it
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You think Trump unveils his battle scar on Thursday's speech?
Get ready to change that trip, Joe Nigger.
All you had to do was be a comedian. Why the fuck would you make a political statement guaranteed to alienate a significant portion of your audience?
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>In b4 they assassinate Biden and pin the blame on a “far right extremist” just so Kamala can run.
>23% of Americans are victim blamers
Whoa, not very progressive.
Reminder that I am still baking.
>implying they haven't already raped the established canon beyond repair years ago
>MORE, per a source familiar: Schumer and Jeffries spoke and both agreed to make the push.
As soon as the RNC ends the Dem civil war will begin lemao
lol who tf are they going to rush out that can beat the guy who got fucking shot and stayed standing
>Died protecting his family
He just had bad luck.
The jews did not recognize Jesus because they misinterpreted the signs of his coming. Christians and non believers are going to do the same thing but with the antichrist.
>Schumer and Jeffries spoke and both agreed to make the push
has Jeffries put out a statement yet?
Okay I haven't watched Star Wars since the original trilogy but I'm 99% sure that's not how lightsabers work.
I think him putting his head in the way of his wife and daughter was pretty shitty and good luck at the same time
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>The left is so desperate they assassinate joe to own the right
I could see it.
Probably legit, trying hard to fit in with tiktok
C'mon man, you're either with JRB or you're with Project 2025! You gotta grow up corn pop and realize what's really happening in this country, and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for Biden
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he can't. he made his promise only on the condition that biden doesn't win. kamala replacing him would make him fail and have to self immolate.
jeffries would be a much bigger name than shiff. that would hit biden hard if that post is true.
Do they even say the word “kyber crystal” at all in this abomination of a show? Reminder it’s written by a writing staff and showrunner who never watched Star Wars prior to Disney getting it
He was deliberately shielding them
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we all know who's responsible
I genuinely have no idea why dems are acting like Harris over Biden would save their party. Biden and Harris are basically identical in the polling average and I think Harris has way more room to fall with all the damaging material on her.
>biden pulls out of race
>dems agree he is fit to finish his term
>replacement candidate is seen as a “breath of fresh air”
>dem polls rebound to a obscene level
>nobody questions it
>Trump loses to Biden replacement candidate
>massive irregularities
>republicans cave, even though they destroyed their party base trying to act like Obama 2008 democrats
Trump vs Willie browns side piece in a debate would be fucking hilarious
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the whole JD vance pick made me consider there's a split in what's considered "Trump-aligned" within the GOP. You have your Vance's and you have your Gaetz's and MTG types. Florida-Trumpians vs Rust Belt-Trumpians basically. Two interesting sub factions. It seems like the Florida ones get off with more sycophantic attitudes who are mainly aligned on cultural issues and political minutia, hyper-online type thinking vs the Rust Belters who are more aligned with also foreign policy but economics and trade. I'd argue the Rust Belt subfaction are more in-line with 2016 Trump, and the Florida ones are more in line with 2020 Trump. Basically the original vision of turning the GOP into the blue dog democrats of old. Which is more of a winning vision and one that can actually survive the post-Trump world.
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Say it with me now
I mean, every democrat president does that, firing every executive employee appointed under the previous republican presidency... obviously the MSM would pretend that it's unprecedented, but it's not
nothing formal yet, but we all know he's following Pelosi's lead and she is planning the takedown op
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plebs are just screeching that there is no other good option to replace Biden
Most have already accepted the election is all ready over
Watching my lefty friends desperately try to convince themselves and each other that Biden stepping aside would up their odds of winning has been very entertaining.
The only replacement candidate they can pick is Kamala and she ain't beating Trump.
Make way for madame presidente
Biden says he will drop out if he has a medical issue

Kamala is going to be the new nominee
trumpbros what do we think?
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Man her past got totally hand waved because she was just going the veep route, the affairs and being a whore are enough on their own to embarrass her internationally let alone her being a fucking cop lol
and then you woke up and everybody clapped
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here soon
The honey pot?
No the kind you smoke
They will spread fake polls
People believe polls.
It’s going to be worse than 2020
a call with biden
>listen fat
>we tried to get your guy trump
>but we hit your husband instead
>*wet fart noise*
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Why does MSM have a bias against Biden?
I think Joe is just trying to play for time. He doesn't mean any of it, but it may get some heat off of him for a bit. I'm 50/50 on him making it to election as the Dem nominee. I think his team could pull it off, but the growing calls for him to drop out are growing.
>Text Hung
Now that's marketing
C'mon Virginia This guy is actually a good candidate, so you better vote for him.
legit, zoomies on tiktok have literal brainrot, so you have to jolt them into lucidity within the first second or they just swipe up to the next thing
Yeah. The Florida faction is more stridently Evangelical, which I think hurt him in 2020. This year is a correction from that.
Not to mention she's as bad of a public speaker as Biden is now in his dementia-addled state.
0% chance of this.
they can't win without MASSIVE vote rigging, and this time the entire RNC apparatus is specifically looking for it everywhere
there's going to be massive, undeniable evidence, and a very energized and angry republican base ready for all out civil war.
so yea, its either trump, or straight up civil war.
She got her job by sucking cock
Women hate that shit
Biden is the best candidate for the job..........
What's his name again? Turnip? Trollop? The orange guy, well he's not even close in the polls, and Biden is clearly going to win
What Democrat would want to run against Trump today? Go back to Friday, probably several. Today? No, the smart play is for Biden to stay in and take the blame for Democrats getting wiped out at the ballot box then try to come back in 26/28.
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>so yea, its either trump, or straight up civil war.
even if Trump lost this go-around (which he won't btw) no one would do shit. There wouldn't be even the sniff of a civil war
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I agree, Joe will not stop aside. His families corruption goes too deep and they need him to protect them from consequences, all of them.
I'm guessing Jack Black wasn't dropped because he's jewish?
Nah, it would be even less believable than Joe winning at this point.
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-17 favorability Biden is just way too unpopular for the democratic party to run him, it would doom the party
so they need to run -16 favorability Harris instead, that will save them
*cackles nervously* folks *laughs* we president now *chuckles* (fake black accent) we gon win yall! *laughs*
i sincerely hope you don't have to find out.
but i stand by my prediction. its trump, or civil war.
Biden is the nominee, no two ways about it. All these calls for him to drop out is just bullshit politics to cover their own ass and have an excuse after his inevitable loss in November. The Dems are obviously pivoting in acceptance of Trump's victory and are positioning to distance themselves from the extremely unpopular Biden and obstruct Trump for the next 4 years.
but I thought "democracy was on the ballot" and "Trump is an existential threat to democracy"?
This is great. Would hapa his daughters.
Yup, this.
He technically didn't say it. Just laughed.
No he threw kg under the bus because he’s a Disney product now. Yesterdayyyah, Kyle quit the band
That makes sense.
No, what's going to happen is a few thousand right wingers will riot, fail to coalesce into a functioning group, then dissolve within a couple months. Maybe another CHAZ could pop up.
the GOP and the dems are both the establishment. There will be no monetary support for a prolonged domestic conflict.
At least he now can look forward to being VP.
god I wish that was me
>Hung Cao wins....FATALITY!
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Inhale the good shit
>Exhale the bullshit
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>hung cao or yoo wang wee
dumb pundits who don't see how Vance is going to help Trump's chances really baffle me. It's like they gaslit themselves on both sides of the aisle to think Trump's coalition operates in suburbia. On the GOP side I guess it's not gaslighting but the usual jewry from the old guard, but the fact that the Democrat party is buying into the arguments of Karl Rove is fucking bizarre.
Shill bros...what's our new narrative? They aren't taken the sloppy assassination attempt all too well...it's over
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Don't you mean the slopey assassination attempt?
>a few thousand right wingers will riot
that's what happened last time, without much in the way of evidence, and it being the first time the election was stolen
this time, everyone is looking for it, there will be evidence, and if trump says "it was stolen, again", with lots of evidence to back it up, its all out civil war, 100%.
its not just going to be a few unarmed dudes going for an unscheduled tour in the capitol building and taking selfies, its going to be every redneck in the country digging up their arsenals and taking scalps.
Life should have big tits
It's insane how the dems just choose to ignore the guy's insane documented trail of racism and compulsive lying too...
Niggers are really hopeless
It's soundbite farming so threatened downballot candidates can say they're against Biden. Fucking Schiff in that club is side splitting comedy. All of the west coast is at risk.

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