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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474576185
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Ultra SNEED!
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MAGA !!!
I think the bloodier ones need glowing red eyes.
Actually yes.
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>Dems bootyblasted.
>Joetrip on suicide watch
Today is a good day
Shill bros, glownigger bros, media bros, dem bros...why are you ignoring the assassination like it never happened? I find it interesting that the swamp is diving into a chance of "unity" since they failed to get Trump while shills, libs and social media crazies are upset because the shooter missed.

Care to explain yourselves? Didn't you assure /ptg/ that Trump would be in prison? Whatever happened to that?
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Good evening lads and ladies.
schiff ran the numbers and the levels of election fraud they're going to need exceeds their logistics
Can someone post that keychain with Abe, JFK and Trump?
She will ANNIHILATE Trump

Are you ready for Madam President?
why is maga owned by jews now and why don't we seem to care?
sizable group of dems calling for biden to drop now

meanwhile ultra biden campaign shills like that Sisson kid are pushing hard to keep him in. how does this play out? will the DNC be a giant fight?
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Trump is NOT the Antichrist (obviously).
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Fuck Leftists and all others that deny/oppose the greatness of the white man.
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Good evening
>I think the bloodier ones need glowing red eyes.

The splattered blood and new messaging makes the little guy so much more feisty and spicier !!
Donald Trump is the ant*christ.
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Real photo of trumps stand
Yeap I'm casting my Ballot for madame president
Dumb niggers can't stop giving themselves away
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He didn't "outsmart" the secret service, he was WORKING with them.
And angrier.
>better place
the only good places in the world are those built by white men
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>>474583333 quads checked
A Lockheed Constellation !!
A Niggermoo !!

It's great to be White !!
The DNC is going to be a trainwreck. They're already pushing to confirm Biden as their nominee before the convention even begins lmao.

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>And angrier.
Totally !!!
Please be my /ptg/ wife
No way does Biden drop out. The dude is a total asshole.

If they won't even fire the Secret Service Director, no way will he ever drop out. He will take down the whole Democrat party before he drops out.

The Bidens are the most vain and power hungry family in Washington.
Are you saying it is impossible?
Lol, this is what a blind follower says.
You don't love Jesus, you will turn into a pillar of salt (your tears).
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>the attempted assassination of Trump only bought Joe Biden three days of respite from calls for his resignation
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Is it AWOOvement today?
Quads dont lie, checkem niggas.
>Uh oh, people are still bringing up the Sloppy glownigger assassination on Trump...umm...BIDEN NEEDS TO DROP OUT FOR DEMOCRACYS SAKE!!!!!
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'Twas an inside job. No doubts.
And now see https://x.com/Aristos_Revenge/status/1813641060553474332
>The DNC is going to be a trainwreck.
Have you seen the RNC? MAGA is dead, owned by jews and deepstate. check in, retardo.
Jews activating plan B
And slopes
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>wants to be president his entire life
>finally president
>it's when he's so old and demented that all he does is make his entire family a laughing stock in front of the entire planet
>plus half his family's nudes get leaked
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holy cope
Even if Trump is a zionist, he is, “making America great again” is not a Jewish goal because that would give their personal rivals, Europeans with extra disdain for the vaguely Christian, a leg up which they wouldn’t have even if it’s hardly tangible.
>Are you saying it is impossible?
Yup, 0.0% chance of it.
Only retards, schizos, and lying kikes would say otherwise.
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Is there a particular font that anons prefer on the sign? I'd been trying out various futuristic looks. This is Futura Bold, which seems pretty decent, pixelated by the bot's tablet.
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question, would Biden have time to run/file for running for independent if he's snubbed the nomination? it'd only be out of pure spite to tank his own party, but it's not entirely impossible, if Jill and Hunter and the few loyalists feel so slighted they'd rather torch the whole DNC than give it up
And the real person running the show is Jill Biden. All he can do is walk and barely read a teleprompter.

He's angry the media isn't falling in line with all the lies they are coming up with.
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Thanks for checking.
Hey guys. I know we like to have fun here and joke around with the piratebeard shill, retard shills, kikes and in some cases, glowniggers. But I genuinely mean it when I say that all evil kikes, illegals/niggers who rape, murder, steal and traitorous glowniggers, all who enable and are responsible for the problems the world is facing today should face justice. They all need to hang in a public forum for the world to see.
Don't forget to volunteer when operation deport Dora the explorer kicks in when Trump enters his third term.

Have a nice day! MAGA!
>doubles down on intellectual dishonesty

Love love of many grows colder, sad!
pretty sure we're on plan F or G or something by now
plan A was "biden was 'bamas VP, they're sure to vote for him"
plan B was BLM riots
plan C was stealing the election
plan D was preventing trump from being the gop candidate again
plan E was putting him in prison
plan F was shooting him
so yea, plan G currently sounds about right.
Biden has no real grassroots support. If he's not on the ballot as the DEM then no one will care.

The DEM voters vote blue no matter who and he knows it. That's why he won't drop out and is counting on all these people to fall in line, which they aren't doing.
>edith wilson 2.0
>world on the verge of yet another global conflict
i hate women so much it's unreal

now that word is in this thread it will auto sage, you will never reach 300 posts in this thread because of that word
Biden clearly won’t step down
Trump has been the frontrunner since March
Kamala would do worse she is just getting a boost because she objectively does not have dementia. When she starts talking though…
Sup, bros?
You forgot the plan to remove him from the ballot in states altogether
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NOTICE: $DJT was shorted massively in the days/weeks BEFORE the assassination attempt. Keep an eye on the stocks so we know when it'll happen next!
Follow the money.
Once Biden either isn't the nominee or loses the election, then all the horror stories of Jill will be dropping.
what's with the 'conservatives' seething over people getting fired for wishing trump and republicans dead?
>outed kike shill calling others dishonest
it’s actually incredible Trump is still going
9/10 rightoids, even the ones here, would give up after plan B
I really want Biden to stay in now. All the bad guys are turning against him. Too bad his brain is 100% Jello.
Official Trump KINO
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Some people are addicted to losing and being the perpetual opposition.
Plus many still believes you can reason with leftists, marxists and jews.
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>it was Biden
Impossible, look at RFK if you want a reasonable timeline on how to do it.
>is counting on all these people to fall in line, which they aren't doing.
most them will, brainwashed libtards will vote blue no matter what
its all the at least somewhat independents that he's lost, all the marginal voters in battle ground states.
and with any luck, his obvious senility has also demoralized some of the brainwashed libtards enough to get them to just not vote, tho i doubt it.
really, the big thing is the assassination attempt and subsequent photographic kino, which has fully energized the gop base. all of the red voters will vote this time, and they'll be very enthusiastic about it.
Classmate who knew and spoke with shooter said he was a huge Trump hater.
Dem narrative destroyed
Shill bros,.is it true there's no assassination attempt bump for drumpf?
Someone needs to make an AWOO with a bandaged ear.
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You have all lost your shit.
Great delusions.
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>And now see https://x.com/Aristos_Revenge/status/1813641060553474332
Love it !!!
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Connies are so pretty. I saw Eisenhower's in Arizona once when I was little. You can tell Americans were shorter back then because Connies and Catalinas are TINY inside. Picrel, Catalina from an airshow last summer.
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i wonder why the illuminati is trying to kill trump when they already vaccinated 6 billion people they could just wait for them all to die
You completely blew your cover yesterday and everybody saw it, keep coping faggot.
Kek, Trump's ear was still ringing by the time they wrote
>w-well at least this means Biden will secure his position
And now they're just continuing on with replacement talks like nothing happened
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>Is there a particular font that anons prefer on the sign?
I believe I usually use Arial Bold
Someone should..
>nemusona died
>no way for my dumb ass to make waifus
Dark day indeed.
very telling
I think there's enough dregs to keep him on the ballot and throw something together in the week(s) between the DNC and various deadlines, and if it's a scenario where he's still president but not the nominee, there's probably a lot of pull he can throw around (and by he, I mean his family) and throw an electoral tantrum for refusing to give him the nomination
Outed as what?
A Christian?

You people troll so hard you sniff your own farts.
>3pbtid op
is this an upgrade slider from 1pbtid?
>Outed as what?
>A Christian?
As a muslim, shitskin.
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>Hitler's power wasn't taken, it was given. And once he had control he enacted his horrifying, dictatorial agenda.

>The same dynamic is at play with Trump.
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is it actually happening?
Wtf, is this true? That's wild
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I don't see what they could do to remove him. Hunter and Jill have nothing to lose. They are the ones keeping him in this and don't want to lose power.
The five fundamentals are christian, retard

I'm a fundimentalist.
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>shitskin cant even spell
Nothing further to add, your Honor.
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uhh, isn't biden the one who immediately started imprisoning his political opponents upon seizing office?
Here’s this:
I know he's the one who complains about personas (while wearing one of the most obnoxious ones I've ever seen), did he do something else?
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Muhammad was a pedophile and will burn in the lake of fire
Shill bros...what happened? I thought the sloppy assassination would be the end of /ptg/ and the breakfast breads would forever disappear from the spotlight however the exact opposite occurred and /ptg/ raised almost 999 million tomboys. /ptg/'s support is growing by each day, I don't think deleting and pruning the thread is an option anymore...are jews and traitorous abc agencies inbred retards? WHY WON'T THEY DO SHIT?!! Perhaps they should have focused more on Trump instead of a japanese basket weaving forum.

We lost so much money in selling truth stocks...ARGGG I CAN'T BUY REEEEE
What was my cover I blew?
cope harder troon nigger
Yeah, that is what I was referring to, the fact that he outed himself as the TRANIME REEEE nigger porn spammer.
>Hahaha Trump is still the frontrunner leading Kamala and Biden
This is an unhealthy cope
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>shitskin trying so hard
Its over, invent new person to troll here achmed - that one is bust.
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Fucking lmfaolel LOOOOL
Ursula von der Leyen's bid for a second term as European Commission chief has been dealt a major blow after a top EU court ruled she was not transparent enough with the public about Covid-19 vaccine contracts.

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Soon to be evening, corner gas in my blood as Oscar smites communist scum into the undiscovered country. Rural existence seems kino, when there isn't a heat wave. Bring back smaller towns fuck big cities.
Plan G would be "technically, Trump is ineligible to be president again because he actually won in 2020, no takebacks though!"
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why do you guys believe trump is going to win this time? I mean if they rigged the election in 2020 what's stopping them from doing the same thing again?
if it wasn't rigged in 2020 why did he lose? the way I see the american political landscape is that no relevant amount of people are changing their mind one way or another. lefties are still voting biden and the right is voting trump.
trump was never appealing to the centrists and non voters so where does this confidence in a trump victory comes from?
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Here, have this tomboys to brighten your day.
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my grandfather was a mechanic for TWA and he could completely disassemble that aircraft and put it all back together
he was certified on every part of that aircraft
I've done that for years, anime is for trannies and pedophiles.

My disgust for you people was never veiled.

Maybe you only just noticed I wasn't a mindless follower and I think for myself.
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>Picrel, Catalina
I knew that wasn't the interior of a Connie
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ah also this kek >>474584986
Wish they'd send funny shills, these are just tiresome lately
If we catch the riggers in action this year we're allowed to execute them on the spot for treason
The five fundamentals are on Wikipedia.

You are not fooling anyone that doest want to be fooled.
>>474585433 checked
Soon !!
Can't wait to watch the videos !!
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>worse than the most unpopular woman in politics
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He is very boring shitskin.
The plebbit spacing is just cherry on top.
Biden won because a slight swing from White voters who were gas lit by the media. Biden lead by 10% in the aggregate all of May, June, July, August, September, and October now he trails
>lefties are still voting biden and the right is voting trump.
>trump was never appealing to the centrists and non voters so where does >this confidence in a trump victory comes from?
Trump is popular with non voters and lefties aren’t going to bat for Biden only partisan democrats. Trump also net gained 11,500,000 between 2016 and 2020…
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>my grandfather was a mechanic for TWA and he could completely disassemble that aircraft and put it all back together
>he was certified on every part of that aircraft

Very cool !!
>noooo you can't just punish the people who have been destroying people's lives on our side for disagreeing with them for a fucking decade
Gradually, I began to hate them.
I'm a fundamentalist, we follow the five fundamentals of christian theology.
Muhammad was a pedophile.
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Of all the words of tongue and pen....
Are there any hot pics of JD Vance's wife?
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Our retribution will be great.
>over my dead body
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oh are they already back to this
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I like your style!
There it is
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There's a new development. The local police were NOT TASKED with securing the AGR building. Secret service put them on traffic control. The local police only moved in after receiving the initial pics of crooks on the roof. They positioned a sniper that returned fire after cooks shot. That's those additional repeating shots you heard. Then the SS sniper downed him with the big gun. Now where this gets interesting is, the SS is caught in a lie. They said locals were tasked to the AGR building. Things are starting to not add up
No one wants to challenge Trump when he is most certain to win. Better to wait four more years.
Kamala is only being held down by Biden's unpopularity.

When people get to know her, they will realise she gives off goofy, cringe yet fun mom vibes. They will fall in love.

Unburdened by what has been, Kamala will easily become the first female president of the USA. Everyone other than the irredeemably racist and sexist will vote for her.
Do you think this is going to offend anyone on the most offensive place on the internet? Are you lost?
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uh oh stinky!

Now more than ever, Joe Rogan needs to just have Trump on already. It would be too entertaining. It would be too fucking funny. The world needs it. Maybe in October?
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>yes I have spammed nigger porn here for years because I'm a butthurt little bitch over fucking cartoons
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They're retarded, they'll try something stupid again soon enough
He is trying to pretend he isnt shitskin like we dont know what taqyia is.
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the saddest are these:
I'm not a Muslim.
I have never spammed porn.
she finished last among actual candidates in the Democratic primary in 2020
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You have the iq of one
>I mean if they rigged the election in 2020 what's stopping them from doing the same thing again?
the entire gop apparatus and voter base are specifically looking for it this time. and they're energized as fuck.
if they try it again, and trump says it was stolen, its civil war. 100%.

>if it wasn't rigged in 2020 why did he lose?
it was rigged in 2020.

>the way I see the american political landscape is that no relevant amount of people are changing their mind one way or another.
incorrect. while many voters are extremely polarized and will vote blue (or red) no matter what, and while most states are solidly red or blue and there's small chance of changing that, there's still millions of centrists/undecideds in swing states who are up for grabs, and who ultimately decide the election
and in this occasion, their choice is between a visibly, undeniable senile biden and trump who just survived an assassination attempt and made some legendary moments happen as a result.

>trump was never appealing to the centrists
bullshit. clearly he was more appealing than clinton and the corrupt underside of the democratic party.
and it took BLM, covid, massive suppression of the dirt on bidens family *and* outright cheating to push him out in '20.

>so where does this confidence in a trump victory comes from?
see above.
it was already basically over after the debate and subsequent attempts to coup joe out. the assassination attempt made it 100%.
remember, at this point, the GOP hasn't even spent any money on ads, and are already polling to win pretty much every battleground state.
imagine what that's going to look like once the dems settle on a candidate for realsies, and the gop can start running ads featuring biden's best of compilations, ending with that kino picture of trump under the flag.
its beyond utterly joever.
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/gtfkjqiswz

MO 8/6: YES
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes, yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

Little do the Democrats know, they can't do anything but hurt themselves!
I dont think you have any idea what's going on here buddy
I can see that coomerpole is still unemployed kek
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pmurt will be president when we have our 250th birthday
pushing her onto the ticket like they are is the only way she can get on the ticket

she will get BTFO by Trump if they do this
Anyone feel like things are going all too well for Trump? As if everything is working in his favor and the left have hit rock bottom, a little too early? For a while now I been thinking the other shoe is about to drop and that failed assassination might have been one had the MK Ultra'd zoomer not fumbled. I'm just nervous something else might happen "accidentally" to even out the shit before November. Someone whitepill me
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Cash rewards for getting dangerous terrorists out of a job for dangerous social media posts

You can make money, go do it
you say that but as far as I remember there were numerous videos of people fucking around with votes and numerous issues with the machines and mail in ballots and all sort of crazy shit and nothing happened with any of it.
>Trump is popular with non voters and lefties aren’t going to bat for Biden
well you say that but is there a way to actually confirm that trump is popular with non voters because all the videos I saw with them seem to indicate that they don't like him because he says mean words.
as for the left going to bat for biden, I agree they won't go to bat for him but they will come out and vote against trump so does it really matter if they like biden or not? they just don't want trump to win.
Rigging the election in 2024 would require substantially more in the way of influence, money, loyalists, and apathy than it did in 2020, all of which the Democratic Party has less of to work with than it did four years ago, along with a more popular candidate so you could make it "believable."

tldr, Biden's campaign has given up for a reason.
Michael Knowles talking about Tom McDonnald rapping about the president getting shot.. Someone stop the timeline I would like to get off.
You have no proof, as a Christian I get blessings if you lie about my faith when I'm being earnest.

You heap gold on my head and fiery coals on your own.
Shill bros what happened? I was assured by your shilling that Biden would win by stealing the election again and that voting for Trump wouldn't matter as you said numerous times.

Why is the media, social and dems freaking out all of a sudden. Isn't it odd how the unbiased media is turning very biased against Biden? Perhaps Trump was on to something when he started his fake news campaign.

Will the shills realize their folly on relying heavily on the drive by media? Will they accept that obongo nigger and drunk Pelosi don't know what to do about Biden? Shill bros, your response??????
The end is in sight
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I wonder if Democrats are starting to regret 2019.
I'm saying I'm a Christian.
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Too late faggot, no takebacks.
God bless the man. That kind of expertise and craft is something that we all should strive for.
foolish democrats think that that can’t bottom out in a presidential election. Trump has a minimum 45.1% floor and if he just gets the same people he did in 2020 he wins with a mild mandate… Also it’s not unrealistic Biden loses 25% of his votes from 2020
Even better, she didn't make it to the actual primary. Even California hated so much that she polled lower there than Elizabeth Warren.
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>I have reported every liberal on my Facebook feed who celebrated the attempt on Trump’s life to their employers.
As all of you should, get to it
did he then explain why he would do this?
They need the words

>drive by media
That's AI, tomboys aren't real
Nah Biden is going to not net the same number of votes
Lefties: That can be arranged
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>semites crying
they are real, im sleeping with one
Biden will get a boost after his convention and we will endure one month of shilling saying Biden is "catching up" because some of the copium polls show him only down from Trump by 1 or 2. Then the presidential debate will come and Biden will have another awful night, at which point the campaign will truly collapse and Trump will begin focusing on helping out downballot candidates. Biden has already refused to do the traditional October debate, vowing that the final one will be in September, which is highly unusual.
Keep making up lies about me.

It tells me I'm going the right way.
When is the next rally?
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>I like your style!
Likewise !!
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>Anyone feel like things are going all too well for Trump
no i think he was literally shot at
Yes, actually. I think it was the Snuffleupagus interview where he said he didn't count on the extreme amount of division in the country and felt he needed to stay.
Whiter than you.

I say this because your vanity.
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slopey job
>gains the points lost by the other loser, biden
I'm saving this frog.
hmmmm....I'm still saying Biden either dies or he loses 2024.
thanks fren would post more but wifi
>at least we can imagine police whefyus
He still needs red eyes.
West coast traveling airshow.
You mean shit you literally copped in 4k and now are desperately trying to walk back?
But, does she wrestle with you?
Trump being ahead in the polls, the doom and gloom on the left, the debate, the further doom and gloom from the left, and the assassination attempt have made the election interesting,

Before this, it was the most boring election ever. No primaries that actually mattered unlike 2016 on both sides and 2020 for the dems. 2024 though was BORING until the above happened. The primaries weren't fun this time, so I'm happy the GE became super interesting.
Post hand with timestamp or else you’ll always be known as a mudslime, fag.
Hmmm my opinion is I expected better of normal people strange to see Biden was so realistic then. Bro clearly was aware he was the only one who could beat blormpf
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(CNN) — Democrats Fear Trump On Track For Blowout 330 Electoral Win
I hope you're right and I do hope trump wins because holy shit what a disgusting walking corpse biden is. and while I would never fucking ever want to live in the us I recognize the importance of a strong american president.
seems like the whole world has gone to shit immediately after biden took office.
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np leaf
every day
What day does Trump speak?
Listening to the news.
Apparently Secret Service and Local Law Enforcement are finger pointing.

Secret Service: It was LOCALS that had the jurisdiction of the building the shooter was on
Local: NUH UH! We were on Traffic duty!

So let's just say that the secret service said "Yeah, we fucked up. It was our bad. Hindsight is 20/20"
What would happen? What are they trying to avoid?
Why would Trump need to stage an assassination attempt? He was already stomping the shit out of Biden in the polls, it’s not like he needed a sympathy bump.
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I got it from /Chug/, why aren't you there?
probably the last day, why would they have it any sooner?
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I used to have a short-haired blonde tomboy who would bike a hundred miles a day. She got really sick with mononucleosis for a bit and stopped exercising and started growing tits, which I really appreciated. She didn't like it, though, and went back to exercising until she was flat again.
tomorrow i think. tonight is vp
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he's not, as always this election will be another nailbiter, not to mention the downballot for republicans is even tougher
Sweetie you're forgetting the party where Kamala slaughters Vance in the Vp debate
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I agree but what does the tranime have to do with that
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Don’t you wrestle with your dad or something?
Director is trying to keep her job
>I hate you and curse you but I'd like you to do something for me
My hand is in the archives, faggot

We've been through this before.

The last time I said I followed the five fundamentals the polish faggot did this same Muslim bullshit. I bet he still has the screenshot from last time.

Your troll tactics are boring.
Shill bros...I thought Biden was going to steal the election again? Care to explain yourselves?
My liberal family is seething at the fact that Trump survived. American frens, make them cry more in November.
It's going to be a relatively boring election season unless the dems manage a hail mary and get Biden out somehow, but he doesn't appear inclined to go.
Looks like he’s getting a really good blowjob.
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I only visit /ptg/
Kamala is dumber than Joe and she doesn't even have dementia.
I've never posted porn on 4chan.
Reminder that I am still baking
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>semite still crying
Living the dream i see.
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>Joe cratering
>knives out in the open now
>everybody still hates Kamala but she is a brown woman so they can't yeet her for Newsom, Bernie, or Pete Buttplug
You love to see it.
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>Blah blah blah
Okay Ahmed. Sneed and seethe
Who's speaking tonight lads? Worth watching tonight or am I spending another night playing FF14?
Starbucks and Schiff and Pelosi have turned on Biden so obviously he needs to stay in and we all need to support him. The worst people/companies have turned on him. That means he's free of the worst influences.
He woulda stuck to that if not for the existential threat to democracy.
Trump is the best!
>and while I would never fucking ever want to live in the us
i would. a very white state, ofc, but i would.

>I recognize the importance of a strong american president.
look, all of us in the west are living in the american empire. its basically the same as people living in gaul in roman times. who becomes emperor of rome affects us, even if nominally we have our own rulers.

its particularly important in cultural terms, since we basically wholesale import american cultural norms with a few years delay.
it can't be overstated how important it is for europe to see DEI/wokeness/pro-immigration conclusively defeated and killed in the US. this shit is literally the decider for the death or survival of white civilization.
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okie dokie
I am still holding out hope she is first woman POTUS.
I would be shocked if anyone outside of /ptg/ and reddit gives a shit about the VP debate, but going by Kamala's history with debates almost anyone would beat her. If Vance has good enough public speaking skills to become a senator, he's probably going to be able to do the job.
I suspect that Kamala was originally intended to replace him. The media pushed her hard until she dropped out and they went and saddled him with her anyway. I don't think they realized how unlikable she really was until it was too late.
I get blessings for the lies you tell about my faith, I am exceedingly glad.
They're back on Biden needs to drop out talking points because they don't want the media to talk about the assassination on Trump any longer.
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Well, I'm planning on peacing out after the convention is over and just stick to looking at polls/checking the archives each day for that Trump News poster, which is what I was doing until recently. I'm planning on only coming back for debates, the DNC convention, and election day. I just wasn't expecting ANY interesting things other than these (like the assassination and the doom and gloom from the left leading me to salt mine)
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Biden's US Secret Service purposefully permitted the attack on Trump.
>no they didn't, it was incompetence
Fuck you faggot shill. Anyone who can put the videos together can see it.
we got more horrible gore though
JD Vance will give a closing address tonight. I'll be watching because I don't know much about him, and I'm curious to see what kind of tone he takes.
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I had a skinny tomboy gf, she went on birth control and got giant tits
Same situation where I loved it and she didn't
So she cut them off and started taking testosterone

Life is suffering
Sometimes incompetence can be so overwhelming it's impossible to tell apart from a planned scheme.
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it's VP approved
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If everything doesn't go to shit I think he's due approx 290

I assume the election will be stolen or something insane will happen or they will crash the country on his entry anyways.
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Awooing in my lair.
Nice. Alright, I'll be watching then. Hopefully he goes on a 20 minute tirade about executing bureaucrats.
Eat Trump's shit faggot.
>Director is trying to keep her job
well she's only going to have that job for like, a couple more months anyway
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murphy's law
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hey do you know that shooter, for months, got packaged labeled
>hazardous materials
(which again points to this being planned for a very long time, which again, makes it even more outlandish that he didn't have any sort of digital footprint)
Oh ok please be my troonhou /ptg/ wife
> God will bless you when people insult you, mistreat you, and tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me.
> Be happy and excited! You will have a great reward in heaven. People did these same things to the prophets who lived long ago.
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okay but so have i
it would be. a massive mistake for dems to do that just now, it is way too late. just eat the loss, hold as much as you can in the house and senate, and try again in 2028 when Trump is gone
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>So she cut them off and started taking testosterone
It's not about the job, it's about being a girl boss and not being fired publicly for gross incompetence leading to a mans death
will they admit they brute forced through a senile puppet in 2020?
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Fine work, lads.
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oh also should i add vance speaking appearances to the OP going forward?
>MAGA is about White men and how great we are
Not according to the Republican convention
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Well they tried to imprison and murder him so there's not much unexpected shit they can throw left. Anything is either more tame or par for course, like they're going to bomb us COVID II or economy crash or war. I think their most likely emergency maneuver is some military crisis because of voter tendency to stay with the same executive in a mass terror or wartime.
Evidently, a guy with an AK and wearing a Scream mask was stopped while trying to get into the RNC.
jews just can't help but try to play the stock along with their scheme. The same thing happened during 9/11. There were massive short positions placed just before the event on all the airline companies.
>this page doesn't exist
What was it?
What the fug.
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I'm not sure I like him with red eyes, anon. I thought the black eyes gave him the cuteness he needs.
I have acquired a new american citizen british immigrant gf
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Major or positive events would be helpful because voters are indifferent or unknowing of him, and his primary appeal is evangelicals or crazies here. I don't think his every move is necessary just the headliners.
yes, especially considering he might be the "future" of the MAGA party
He's in kill mode now.
Peirce my ear o' Lord my God
Make me a servant unto thee.
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Neema Avashia, true Appalachian, doesn't approve of Vance
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>"You're late"
>"aw common traffic was bad a-"
>"no, your fired, go home"
mkay but like before i am not as abreast of this stuff as trumoop or assistant was so make sure you guys tell me when there's one i probably missed
LEGALLY! She's a doctor.
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its not over yet
never relax
>these edibles ain't shi-
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oh nice
>they are real, im sleeping with one
damn she like that?
hot damn...no wonder your trying to get her to exercise
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