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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474672767
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>if it's kamala they lose
>if it's mike they really lose
>if they rig it the war will escalate beyond social media
>it's too goddamned riled up now for the left to win in any angle
All the kikes had to do was wait four years, but they'd rather die forever.
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BREAKING NEWS: Biden and cabinet have meeting in the eagles nest under allied fire
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Ann is back on the Trump train.
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>I can't believe these leftwing conspiracy theorists are claiming the entire thing was staged
>now let me show you my 80 slide powerpoint proving that secret service knowingly allowed the shooting to happen
Great now I'm worried.
Take that faggot destiny down. Don't stop until he can't even post on 4chan
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how mad would everyone be if someone edited the red army flag over the reichstag to be a MAGA one
Uh, guys....
As long as we made money selling flags made in China then it would be kink
>revelation 12:7-9

>A war broke out in heaven.
>Michael and his angels were fighting against the dragon and its angels.
>But the dragon lost the battle.
>It and its angels were forced out of their places in heaven and were thrown down to the earth.
>Yes, that old snake and his angels were thrown out of heaven!
>That snake, who fools everyone on earth, is known as the devil and Satan.
Reagan broke that curse.
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You guys see the little jewish hedge fund take out a massive short on DJT the Friday before his assassination attempt?

They're deleting everything now.

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Everybody on all sides would be upset, depending on how illiterate they are

Yes destiny glorifies violence and terrorism, that stochastic terrorism and violence has no place with advertisers, social media, and streaming platforms. Be sure to show people his horrible crimes.
This is evidence Trump is the anti-christ.
> Cheney Family
Huh. I guess they lost a lot of money this week.
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That is just hewbrew bullshit.
Not a word of that is correct, because hewbrews never say anything that is true.
They put out a statement that this was a calculation error by a 3rd party they out source too but that is quite the convenient excuse. they said it wasn't supposed to be 12 million but like 1,200 or something.
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Awoo and good morning lads
(((They))) never think long term
How was I wrong?
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I love Kel...
Thoughts on Vance's speech last night?

He's not the most charismatic, but the content was great imo.
Kenan is more funny tb.h.
Harrison was the oldest president when he was elected
Reagan broke that record, was shot and survived
Biden broke Reagan's record
Bad omen
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KEK, how goes the cope posting chang
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Imagine going to SNL for ~20 years and having no memorable characters nor movies
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Good morning!
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Fuck off retard
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I think his debate performance against Kamala, if she is the VP nominee for the losing side, will be regarded as a criminal assault in much the same way that Tulsi savagely beat Kamala to a bloody pulp on live television during the 2016 debates.
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You don't talk shit about Good Burger, okay!?
>Sloped roofs
>accidently invested millions and millions of dollars
the excuses they come up with...
I tapped that in the early 80s during college.
80 slide power points at least have evidence to present

The staged argument is just because Trump being targeted by mentally ill leftwing radicals due to democrat doom posting and media lies is inconvenient
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Confirmed: newsom likes getting fucked up the ass
Good Burger was in the 90s, Egg. He didn't go to SNL until some years later.
They claim that the trade never went through, they said the submission on the 12 was supposed to reflect what their position would be on the 28th, I'm not too into the markets so it's a little hard for me to follow
>They would rather die
I can live with that.
Imagine a clean New Earth, free of the jew.
The police officer that spotted him but couldn't get a view on him with his rifle went to go check on the roof before he opened fire but Thomas turned around with the rifle and he dropped back down.

They couldn't get the shot. They couldn't take the shot. The windows were too small.
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You didn't specify a time frame. You said "no memorable characters or movies" period. And I then responded with Good Burger. So you can correct your claim to say "after going to SNL" or something of the sort, otherwise I stand by my correction.
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The staged argument also sinks with this image alone. The bullet in the shot. The blood in the shot.
It was never a hoax, but it was a setup by Biden's secret service and Soros' schizo assassin.
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Sam Hyde has said the absolute truth.
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that was a close one. how did they know?
I never thought about it, but his most iconic work was with Kel. And it wasn't him that had the iconic shit. It was Kel
>Who looooooves orange soda?
Twenty years on SNL and nada of note.
What a polite and compassionate, selfless girl Michiru is! She seems very talented and will go far in life.
Fitting that drumpf is the Russians
>Good Burger
Now that's one hell of a movie...Now put Ed in the White House and that would make 9/11 look like spilled milk.
freemasons and jews stage everything
Hyde got gung ho as fuck as soon as he saw Trump get up.
they put out a statement that the position was nowhere near 12 million, but only 1200 and it was a filing error

its a nothing burger and over
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Did you enjoy the RNC?
>Did better on nickelodeon than snl
Is nickelodeon still a thing or did they just rename it to SpongeBob rerun channel
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who does she vote for?
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Welcome to good burger home of the good burger can I take your order?
Can I take you your order?
the reply makes musk look laughable and weak. hes a comedian who is his own punchline.
thats the thing though, was it even "staged" as in it was fake?

Good morning, Gay Gavin
I saw it a couple years ago and it was still funny as fuck, And in many ways, it was kind of "white face." But at the same time it wasn't. Even though Kel was super "white", it was a different America when no one gave a shit and no one cared about him "acting like a white guy."
>I'm a dude
>He's a dude
>She's a dude
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> foreign flag
> irrelevant tits as distraction
Fuck every nation that is not America. America first, and only America.
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I enjoyed hearing from the families of the dead soldiers who died in the Kabul exit, who Joe doesn't even know a single name of. I liked that part, because it made Joe look like the uncaring piece of shit he is. Greedy, corrupt boomer fuck. Biden wants to tell lies about things Trump never said while he can't even be bothered to find out of the names of the fallen, fuck him and fuck you faggot.
They actually tried to shoot Trump in the head and kill him so he wouldn't be the candidate for presidency, since killing him would raise their chances of winning against him to 100%.
They failed. They staged the assassination just like they stage Kennedy's except this time they fucked up by two inches.
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Did you call the shooter "Aryan" yet?
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ok what the fuck
>your last game, rage, was very bad
where was the second shooter, I tire of the magic trick patsy.
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reminder that kike is a jewish word. /nsg/ troons have been here since 2021 attempting to subvert MAGA and make trump supporters look and talk like natsoc's. just ask yourself: is Trump NATSOC? is MAGA NATSOC? If you answered no, then ask yourself why certain /ptg/ posters persistently use natsoc rhetoric.
>inb4 kike
>inb4 go back
>inb4 newfag
>inb4 pilpul
>inb4 "this poster is jewish"
>in before anything else
their goal has been to infiltrate any MAGA space that they can and make them appear to be extremist from a media perspective so that the left can use that ammo closer to the election. all these natsoc posters are "personas". you can identify them by their filenames and/or their specific avatars.
luckily, it wont work this time. trump will win in a landslide, and these troons will disappear or pivot to attacking who will eventually be then next president: JD vance.
>I liked that part, because it made Joe look like
MSNBC refused to air any of it. Coverage of it in web media is confined to rightwing sources (Fox, Daily Wire), foreign media (DailyFail), and wire services (AP). It's being buried hard.
Spread it by BoomerBook and MotherNet.
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life is so fucking weird. thanks for the oc anon
>reminder that kike is a jewish word.
Fuck off, kike.
kys tranny
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oh it's NEVER been more joever
wtf its supposed to be Berenstein?
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Imperial Trump
LOL you speak hebrew.
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It's the presidential stance that gets me with this one. Never mind the Trump hair and ear scar. That damn thing looks like a political leader and I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be that generation's common normal woodland creature.
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Navarro was fiery
Kai was charming
Those were the highlights for me
Go back to the other timeline
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Did you like the enjoy the black lesbian satanist onlyfans whore with the face tattoo for Trump? Getting that 2016 MAGA energy vibes man!
btw this poster is jewish and should go back & pilpul somewhere else
JIDF confirmed raiding. 1pbtids that really hate when you call them dirty fucking ratfaced kikes.
Imperial presidency? like what?
>have to pretend Vance does anything but glow
>have to watch RNC circus
>have to read flood of celebratory shitpost maymays instead of addressing very real fraud/competition/etc still happening in state level races
>a new tripcode avatarfag
no thank you that's quite enough dumb and gay and lame for the decade

Working class suburban blacks who acted white were pretty common in the 90s, Obama race baiting really destroyed that
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>WI +5
stay mad, troon. /nsg/ is a failure. now youre forced to post in /ptg/ for the rest of your life. KEK
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Would you say Trump's family are kikes?
>election day trump is going to win arizona by like 10 points or something stupid
>somehow the communist spic will beat Lake for senate
Yeah, that's true
Nah I didn't watch.
Tits, while distracting, are never irrelevant
So let me get this straight.
>deep state want Biden out
>he refuses
>Blackrock and co hire 20 year old to kill Trump, which people would blame Biden for
>basically a 2 birds one stone situation, they get rid of Trump and Biden
>act of god ruins Blackrocks plans
With the new evidence every day and how the cops and secret service just left the shooters body up there for OVER A DAY, almost as if they knew what was already up there.
This shit stinks to high heaven.
Ivanka should have gotten BLACKED instead not gonna lie
Was it boney
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Best part is they also accidentally made the best possible argument against DEI to date.
case in point re: millennial glownigger
The Gold Star families segment was absolutely damning to Biden, who claimed during the debate that no troops died on his watch. The young men and women being mourned in that segment died because Biden botched the Afghan withdrawal. You can't make a commercial out of it, because that's politicizing death, but a clip of Biden's lie followed directly by the tears and testimony of those soldiers' grieving families, no extra commentary or even music or b-roll footage, would be the political equivalent of a nuke.
These two can't eat pork
You should have watched lol, hilarious to see what (((conservatism))) has become under Zion Don.
It's just one retarded angle after another with these kikes. Did Alex Soros come up with these high on poppers?
The jew was in a good position, had a good rifle, good ammunition, a good scope, and couldn't hit a man sized target.
The White Man who returned fire was firing on a much smaller target, and had no difficulty in hitting what he was aiming at. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he is a redheaded Irishman, because all the best shooters are.
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The avatarfagging in these threads is reaching cancerous levels.
They'll do what our last two Prime ministers did
>allow vp/second in command to run things
>party knows it going to lose and doesn't waste popular candidates in losing election.
>public gets used to seeing vp as leader of country
>improves vp likeability
>if vp loses no big loss
>if vp wins then they are back in power.

however both times this trick was deployed, the ruling party lost the following election.
I haven't seen this video before, thanks
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What's worse is we are training them into an effective military force and we know what haooened with Sadam when that happened.

The kuwati war. The war with Israel.

Basically we are training the people that are going on to train ISIS to be special forces.
one world government is the goal and will come, stop trying to stall it
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You’re correct but I don’t think your intentions are as righteous as you want us to think they are.
No matter who wins. We lose.
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These avatarfags should go and stay gone
Trump's campaign is almost writing itself at this point. Even an October surprise can't kill it
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>one world government is the goal and will come
Ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha oh my God what hilarity
My worry is they've demonstrated repeatedly that they'd happily burn the world to the ground just so long as they ruled over the ashes. What's stopping them from ACTUALLY going that route now?
says so in the bible, dummy
I hope they try it. Their soldiers are fucking idiots.
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This. We can’t stop it. The only thing you can do is get down on your knees and seek God.
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Obviously, she would vote for me.
Avatarposting is stochastic terrorism.
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I heard that he was whisked away without his famous mask, nor did anyone else wear one.
Again… THIS!!!!
>they never deny it, they just resort to calling everyone jewish
just had bacon this morning, faggot. but you had manishevtiz. seethe.
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Me when sydney suck
Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if the goal was to install Haley as the candidate.
That's why they did it right before the convention, so there wouldn't be a pesky VP to get in the way
You don't make any sense, heeb
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>attempt at consensus cracking
how many ids are you using today?
is MAGA natsoc? of course not. hence the congnitive dissonance that exists in these threads in the morning. youre part of the reason he got shot at, you fucking faggots. years of "trump is hitler" and muh natsoc.
maga isnt natsoc.
trump isnt natsoc.
That's exactly the route they are going.
Shit is about to get wild, my friend.
Shit has already been wild, I mean, they shut the whole down, try to explode Tump's brains, so yeah, shit is already wild. But it will get even MORE wild.
They're spitballing with increasing desperation.
Can absolutely unknown secret can they even say about Trump at this point?
>lol dispensationalism
youre about as useless as the nsg fags
thats because youre projecting, moron. stay mad. your efforts have failed. trump will win and you will cry.
Watashitachi wa toku kara nerai o sadamezu, shinshitsu de machimasu
Yes, Trump will win, I'll celebrate, and you'll cry all the way back to Tel Aviv

Been gone for some months, but yeah I think im back

4chan servers down in 3..2..
You don't have to be natsoc to love your country and hate Jews
Fuck Jews
Fuck Israel
Fuck you
youre a retard. i am MAGA. you are a natsoc tranny.
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You know I like Carmack, but somebody's been needing to smack him upside the head for awhile now, and I'm glad this new MAGA KING era Sam was the guy to do it.
Chat is this real?
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This guy really let Palmer Lucky get fired so he could take him job at Oculus VR.
We haven't had major leaps in VR technology since Palmer was forced out of the company he created.
More projection. Your boy b*den is finished btw
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Trump doesn't have any secrets at this point: his life has been scrutinized by every activist hack, journalist, and intelligence agency on the planet. If they had anything to discredit him, they would have used it already. The man is clean, with that strange purity that comes from no longer having any secrets and nothing to hide.
No, USSS is to afraid of slopes to be posting them
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No entity on Earth, or elsewhere, will ever be more anti Christ than you jews.
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Virginia appears to be sliding out of Biden's reach.
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Exactly what happens when you overdose on your own farts. He overstepped.
Also Sam's last paragraph made me laugh. Rage was a pile of shit.
All western technological development has slowed to a crawl since the boomers replaced everyone with Indians, there's a reason that a bunch of drunk slavs have hypersonic missiles and we don't.
The most boring conspiracy of them all. At least the other ones are a little funny.
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Those numbers are too low to be significant. It's all undecided voters who will vote Dem on Election Day
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It's over.
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>Trump doesn't have any secrets at this point
>in their desperation the dems try to luma the pee tape into existence
>they miss a crucial moment where Trump's hand spins like a fucking helicopter
>another plan backfired
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So is pick related confirmed the shooter?
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There are no nigger tapes, anon. There never were. If there had been, they would have been released years ago.
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καὶ φῶς λύχνου οὐ μὴ φάνῃ ἐν σοὶ ἔτι, καὶ φωνὴ νυμφίου καὶ νύμφης οὐ μὴ ἀκουσθῇ ἐν σοὶ ἔτι· ὅτι οἱ (((ἔμποροί))) σου ἦσαν οἱ μεγιστᾶνες τῆς γῆς, ὅτι ἐν τῇ φαρμακίᾳ σου ἐπλανήθησαν πάντα τὰ ἔθνη,
Revelation 18:23
Never forget what they did. God promised (((Esau's))) seed wiped from the Earth
obviously not you retard
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Worth sharing

All the undecideds will vote Trump this year, people want to be part of the history in the same way they wanted to vote for Obama because he was the first black president. It's shallow, but that's what will cause undecideds to break hard for Trump.
I'm not Jewish.

Zionist evangelicals believe in a pre-trib rapture. They don't believe they will see the anti-christ. They are also the biggest supporters of Trump and Israel.

I am not a zionist, I am a fundamentalist. The fundamentalist movement started in the 1920s to combat the zionist movement and other heretics like Mormons and JWs. They fell out of favor when they were anti-war and after the holohoax made criticizing zionists a bad thing.
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Chin sticks out too far. His sloped down straight. Looks similar, but no this troon ain't Crooks.
The secret that nobody wants you to know is that the pee pee tape and the nigger tape are the SAME TAPE
It's actually pre-millennialism which dispensationalism falls under along with several other eschatological theories. It is the dominant position among the world's Christian population with adaptation of around 58%. There is nothing abnormal about his position anon....
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How about if you take the image of the bullet missing President Trump, and put an angel, or a /pol/ icon, holding a MAGA flag?
Now that Trump has been saved by divine grace in front of the nation, what will he feel empowered to do to save America that he might not have before?
There is absolutely nothing hypocritical about people on the right wanting to, now, cancel people on the left. It's poetic justice. It's turnabout. It's turning their own mob back against them so they can suffer what they created. And it's damned funny watching them suffer what they've done to others.

Is it hypocritical for someone who opposes murder to also support self-defense or the death penalty? Of course not.

Is it hypocritical for someone who opposes robbery, kidnapping, or other violent crimes, to support the criminal having their own money taken from them and being forced into a cage (fines and prison)? Of course not.

I'm 100% opposed to cancel culture, to silencing unpopular viewpoints or harassing people for expressing them—for people who are just expressing themselves. For people who have worked to silence and punish dissenters: Fuck the lot of you, and I hope you enjoy it being done to you. Worse is coming.

These people started this. Now they're suffering it. Good.
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sure why not
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Tell the secret service that slopes are fine people too no need for all the hate
It's going to go to his head and he will think he is god sent to earth.
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17 years ago Trump advocates for injured veterans, ending the wars as a waste, and hosts regular events for troops
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Shills fucking relentless today lmao
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No way. Trump is a Stormcloak, he's Ulfric
>so many avatarfags filtered the thread looks barren
/ptg/ really has a fucking problem with this shit. Thankfully during rallies and actual happenings enough normal people show up to drown them out
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Just kids living in the moment breh
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>Trump has been saved by divine grace
So God directed the bullet into the brain of a migatard instead? lol based!
If there's one thing the past four years has taught me, it's that despite all their drones, tanks, and fighter jets governments can be easily crippled by unarmed boomers taking unplanned tours, strategically parking trucks, and slight inclines on roofs.
Deport the jews back to their home planet.
Good morning, everyone.
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You can help remove avatarfags by reporting rule violations, directly calling people out who interact with and reply them, and harassing the groups of them. It is good that you posted your valid concern, be sure to do so more often so people know it is wrong and not to tolerate it. It will only get worse if you and more people don't intervene.
We're all kinda jumping on him a little bit, I like John too, John is a good person.
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Based retard.
Corey was actually in the stand INFRONT of Trump, he may have even inadvertently copped a bullet for him. Either way god did not redirect the bullet to specifically hit him.
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Joy Reid of MSNBC is promoting dangerous conspiracy theories insisting that the president was not shot, be sure to complain and let people know
Anon, I'm not sure it's even "cancel culture" at this point: gloating over or cheering on assassination was, prior to 2015, such a massive taboo that doing it would have incurred severe social and economic penalties. If you'd congratulated Lee Harvey Oswald, it would have been shocking and would have made you an outcast; it was surprising even in Apocalypse Now to see the drill sergeant talking about Oswald as a Marine making a shot. Supporting assassination always came with major consequences; "cancel culture" was just a matter of extending such major consequences to minor offenses, like saying the word "nigger" or disagreeing with the left or loving America. "Cancel culture" is wrong because it applies major sanctions to minor offenses, but applauding assassination was ALWAYS a major offense. Let's not confuse the two.
>John Rich: Donald Trump, the Darkness of Eminem’s New Album, and the Song Inspired by God

John's biggest problem was his pride and using his intelligence to alienate himself from others. He's not a bad guy but he does think he's always right, and this time he wasn't. Sam called him on it and better still called him out on that exact pride (you're being a smarty pants!). That was something Carmack's been needing to hear for decades now.
You got a problem with the Hulkster cunt?
he bleed'n like a stuck hoag bois!!
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>finish brewing coffee
>you arrive
seems to happen every day
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This is the forbidden fruit of eve.
Ballsack is the biblical forbidden fruit.
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Biden has severe difficulty with stairs, he is unfit
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I agree. I can respect John's opinion but I can't agree with it. It's not just about me either, there's so many normies here on 4chan that have been banned everywhere else. They deserve their revenge as much as I do. I think we all want just a little bit of revenge, I think Destiny is getting a nice taste.
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I'm scared
I have my cup now too.
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A bullet couldn't stop Trump, a cold can stop Biden
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After Reagan got shot there was a supreme court case because the feds fired a big fat black woman who couldn't keep her mouth shut about how the assassin shouldn't have missed, it was literally front page news nationally that someone could be that much of a cunt. You are correct, publicly praising an assassin is just a vile thing to do and so far outside the normal social niceties that it's shocking even to programmed normies.
/Sip Hounds/ edition of /ptg/ when?
>putting a halo around trumps head
>it's the black sun

Very fitting for the son of perdition.
How is this real life?
Good. That means it's working.
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Macho Man Randy Savage was watching over Trump on 7/13
Op says he's russian.
Slavs are not aryan.
His children are halfbreeds.
Mutting destroys loyalty.
Democrats are loyal to their tribe.
Trump can't be a nationalist because his children are slav.
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You should be
Checked and keked.
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Does she really think that he's Norm McDonald?
That's why it's important to confront people like Carmack who try to draw a false equivalence between the usual and customary consequences for such abhorrent behavior as cheering on assassination, and the novel left-wing tactic of "cancelling" people who disagree with them on any issue. Don't let them get away with trying to say that ruining someone's life for refusing to go submit to leftist demands like DEI is the same thing as shunning someone who openly advocates for political assassination.
Unless he's civic nationalist.
And chose a fellow bleacher runningmate.
Just you wait until anime becomes real
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>Kamala Harris improves Democrat likeability in 4 months
I see what you're saying and it's really a forfeiture of 2024, which means they just move to "new faces for 2026."
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I understand why it bothers some people since the elimination of cancel culture is the ultimate goal, and I'm not 100% confortable about it either really, but the most efficient way of doing eliminating cancel culture is to take away the advantage it gives to libs, that's what is being done. Also encouraging the death of the president would get glowies sent to your house if it was anyone but Trump so it's not quite the same as normal "cancel culture" anyway imo
They better play the theme

>vengeance is mine says the lord

Roman's 12:19

>do not get even, let got take revenge
Trump BLEACHED a slav.
Vance BLEACHED a dravidian.
Bro, I took 30 day bans for less threatening statements. It's 4chan so it is what it is and I've made myself heard to the mods about how I felt about them so that's between me and them.
On other sites though, like facebook, I would get consistent 30 day bans, like my ban would end and I'd get another one.
I'm not too pissed at Elon yet, I haven't taken any 30 day bans from X yet.
This is not a Spanish colony. I swear.
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he's the real vp
Who's Smokin the good morning joint ptg?
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I swear.
Does Scott have AIDS
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Heil Hitler brother
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Why does Trump keep picking these weak spineless VPs
And lid.
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hey your ID changed
This round of bioweapon hits like that.
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Slavs are "honorary" aryans?
Apocalypse Now had the bootcamp scene
>kek bootcamp didnt even exist until post WWII, there's old films about the 1st bootcamps Marines used to ear 5k calories everyday because thats how much exercises they ran

The biggest mentor to former pres. Trump was Apocalypse Now's director Francis Coppola (86 yrs old), who is filmed himself GTA style commandeering a Huey H-1 helicopter from the Phillipines army to use in their film because no one else would do it, and calling someone to say "I need an authentic family of French immigrants, for the high class dining scene." They attended the same military academy and Coppola was class of '62 and Trump was class of '67 (close to that).

Myself I've had the idea to make a prequel, where Colonel Kurtz is shown as a Vulcan Raven type character from MGS1 on PS1, fighting with his battalion of Cambodian village people, it would be great kek
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Lmao keep telling yourself that.
>I Am A Real American intro for hulkster
>50 Cent performs Many Men for Trump’s intro
Screencap this
Wait until they find out it's not food poisoning
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Destiny's spiral downward is a lot of fun
If the DNC is going to virtually nominate Biden early to end all this rebellious discussion, they better do it right now.
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That's awesome
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i like how despite all their best efforts the misinformation durrdurr experts had zero success inoculating the public against /pol/
I'm still working on the assumption that he received a Sonichu medallion and put in on. Maybe he did it off stream so anons aren't aware that he's been cursed.
>tasteful bokeh
>perfect framing, interesting subject
Unironically great photo
You could say that they've been out....
out.... animaled? Its on the tip of my tongue...
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Well said. Major claims earn major consequences.
Are you guys unapologetic about voting for Trump in real life? I'm always hesitant to tell women I meet that I've voted for him.
>massive short sell against trump the day before the assassination attempt
>oppose pretend it didn't happen
Didn't Martha Stewart go to federal prison for less?
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>bailouts for the welfare employees
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Do you think he was dilating on teh roof? Should we be eyeing all trannies as possible murders?
He hasn't apologized yet, obviously things need to go further.
I'm seeing more people enthusiastically tell others that they're voting Trump
Funniest thing so far is how the shills are trying to tell me that biden voters choosing to vote Trump instead is a bad thing.
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Trump gives private speech at RNC:

“God was with me... Something like that honestly makes you appreciate God even more.”
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It's getting dark out there.
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yes i tell everyone i meet i'm a trump supporter
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I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel though
Maybe they need a lesson in media literacy.
You don't meet anyone.
But, then, that's the joke, isn't it.
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Do we have a list/schedule of speakers tonight yet?
now consider they may have ordered that pizza.
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kek, they have to mention that it was filmed last year. Most productions are but still silly
It's always darkest before Don.
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important Trump related MAGAnime does the emo Peter parker dance
What are they talking about? The future's never been brighter.
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Diversity, Equality and Inclusion will be achieved in actu in MAGA what was attempted only in theory by the woke order.

MAGA world is genuinely diverse, genuinely believes in equality, and above all else is genuinely inclusive, having essentially zero barriers to entry.
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Hulkster is showing up to announce a change in the platform regarding Ukraine. We can’t risk having another BS impeachment and more interference. They all must perish
>Hulk Hogan will speak tonight
lets fucking go brother
we could be frens IRL if I moved back to my ancestral home (the show-me state)

The fact a DNC shill is attacking Adam Schiff should tell you how bad the friendly fire is getting.
democracy dies in darkness lol
Destiny is right on this one, that fucking retard knew the risk.
The silent war continues
I'm just seeing four votes for Trump that would've gone to Biden.
new bread soon I hope
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It's a straight PVP zone if you're a Democrat right now
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I agree, I think people have already decided who to vote for and the assassination attempt didn't swap many voters. Also undecided independents are retarded.
At what point should this be reclassified as murder?
At what point is ignorance [common sense] no longer valid [excuse]?
Evil surrounds us
I've had Helldiver's games with less team killing.
I don't understand why the dems are infighting. I've been told for years that Biden was heckin awesome and had nothing wrong with him. What happened?

The media wouldn't lie to me, would they?
RIP baker
That's not a poll, it's a model and it isn't particularly good.
I think they all signed 5 year contracts so no. Well they chose to drop the ball after season 1 because of ego.
He totally got 81 million
Please God let him ride onstage on a Harley Davidson
>page 5
it's ogre
the joeposters won
baker is kill
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In fairness to Biden, the black man does so little for DoD that he can go missing for a week and nobody notices.
My MAGAebf is dead what the heck
>the most retarded shit you've ever seen
many such cases
>that he can go missing for a week and nobody notices.
and he has!
It's Joever.
Vdare lol what an absolute pile of shit :3
Guys, truth come with restrictions.
Bullshit is free
Discernment is good



I've noticed there's trump stuff at tacky souvenir shops. I don't think I've seen Biden gear outside of "community organizers" in the ghetto. Weird.
Ty Baker ilu
Ah shit they got him with the plutonium
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Don't care. She probably doesn't like John Carpenter. Show me her dog.

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