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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474688714
Ultra MAGA.
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Reminder: Magamania is gonna run WILD tonight.
Also: We DO say that word here.
hey look who is speaking tonight
>Franklin Graham – President and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
victory condition achieved
the actor who plays Castiel went to a trump rally. He spoke to some ordinary people and thought they were deranged for being conservative kek.
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powerful line-up
To continue last thread's talk about Harris vs Biden, it's important to remember that the goal of the democratic party is no longer to hold the white house, but to save as many down ballot races as possible. Harris will be weaker in the swing states, but more popular in Dem strongholds, while she can't win she can keep places like New Mexico or New Jersey from flipping red for another cycle.
Hulkamania brother
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luckily i don't know who that is so i win!
Today's schedule
>Gerald Ford: 2 assassination attempts. Lost
>Bob Dole: war hero. Lost
>John Kerry: war hero. Lost
>John McCain: war hero. Lost

"Looking cool" means nothing if they don't like your policies.
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Overheard from a group of delegates and guests near me on the bus last night:

Reagan's three legged stool is dead. There's no more competing factionalism within the GOP. Everyone agrees on at least 80% of the platform. Democrats can't even agree on what a woman is.
Three days in a row of polling showing Trump doing better or at least as good vs Harris compared to Biden:
And if Harris did become the nominee her numbers would likely drop further due to in-party divisions, and her being exposed to more people
libtards are something else.
i accept your complete and total concession! thanks for playing!
S-tier catalog
Hulkamania is gonna run wild tonight!
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They roused a sleeping giant.
> Tucker Carlson
> Hulk Hogan
Impressive, but wasn't Musk slated to speak?
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The DNC aren’t sending their best
>a bunch of jews
Wow, can’t wait!!
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Good thing trump’s policies are super popular!
Trump is still the frontrunner
>he was before the debates
Keep going tho keep coping
Literally no one I named is jewish, you dumb fucking nigger.
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Anyone got a higher res?
warlord tom timeline?
>joetrip peters out last thread
>reality check comes in right on time with one of his images
yawn, change it back
they're terrified of the swing districts in NY, if that's any indicator of how bad it is. the state itself is still safe dem in regards to the EC but they can lose some seriously valuable seats if they can't get a good/better ticket going
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hey instead i have a funny epilogue to something
remember when i posted the faggot begging for money to play vidya (and succeeding) and then getting sad because some other faggots got upset about that kind of greed
Acting jewish is worse than actually being jewish
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Harris will implode under the pressure, the woman can't keep staff as the VP. She's been kept out of things for four years now because she's awful, polling her when the public barely remembers she exists is going to be a lot different than a month from now when everyone remembers her primary performance.
Any clip? I didn't watch RNC at all yesterday.
If Elon is speaking tonight I need a new speaker schedule, Media! Fucking make it! As of now I'm sticking it on at 5:15 PST.
That was a rumor, sadly. He's busy getting Starship ready for IFT-5.
>Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
>He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
America is a center left country
We saw in the 2022 midterms when they rejected extreme maga candidates in swing states
Americans don't want project 2025
Americans want gibs
That's right. She runs through staff like water.

The infighting in her campaign will make them beg to bring Biden back.

The woman is hated by all of Washington.
Why did JD marry a poo?
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And I'm back in the room. No more phonebakes today.
I wouldn’t bet on 2022 if Trump wins with 50.8% of the popular vote Biden is finished forever.
Because love makes you do stupid things
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You guys do realize that if Harris is the nominee, Trump loses, right?

Trump is so unpopular he could only beat a man with literal dementia.

A woman who can actually speak and think would crush him.

You better be praying that Biden sticks it out through sheer old-man stubbornness.
Get better material. You've already tried to beat that one to death.
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It's the best he could get, poos are nobody's first choice
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Watching American political rallies is not unlike a fever dream but God bless y'all and God bless America.
He was a broke law student and didn't think he could do better.
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Why aren't you married yet? When are you going to start a family?
I started FMA after ignoring it for years. First 15 episodes are poorly paced, but it has picked up once Father and the homunculi show up. Need to finish it.
She was also top of her class. Fucking brilliant for a woman
Kamala is dumb as a brick and only slightly more coherent than Biden. Nobody likes her. Nobody wants her.
She'd basically win by default. Normies would vote for her for being "young and fresh", unlike old news trump
go kill yourself faggot
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Is it a coincidence that BlackRock, one of the most powerful private equity firm on the planet, that owns most everything and is at the center of almost every conspiracy theory had the shooter in one of their ads?
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So they stopped forcing the FORMER President Donald Trump every time he's mentioned?
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you're smoking crack like Hunter Biden
The kind of stories you hear about people who were with her are wild, it reminds me a little of how people said Ellen Degeneres was behind the scenes. The White House supposedly sends people to work for Harris when they want them to quit lol, I guess she'll scream at people over just about anything.
This 100%. White men marrying Asian/Hispanic women and having kids with them starts with younger adult White women eloping with niggers at a similar rate…
Please promise me you’ll leave these threads after the election.
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what did they mean by this?
The Trump run RNC wrote this schedule
Actually yes.
Why didn't JD marry me instead, an overweight midwestern man :'(
Cope. It's not based at all
anybody else very demoralise by vote poo no matter who? we already have poo vice president. now we get poo pray at RNC and poo second lady. everyone hate poo but we get poo no matter what. it probably over for us and probably time give up upon democracy. just do not vote in protest of poo
> all the books on the bookshelf behind them have their spines turned away to face the wall
Weird. It's not consistent with the loose book on the desk, whose spine is facing the camera, so it wasn't done for the sake of the commercial.
The only thing I can think of is imagine how annoying a white woman lawyer is vs a minority who is at least still happy to have bagged a white boy. Being married to a white female lawyer must be some kind of hell.
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Boom there goes the dynamite.
I like Vance, but expecting a white marine to not marry a brown woman is asking a bit much by any metric.
Trump very well might lose to a woman who could speak well and think clearly. Too bad those women are unicorns and not involved in politics.
lmfao hahahahahaha what happened that is incredible
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> It's "Aryan" but you just move the "N"
Yes, move the N. Move the N back to Africa.
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thanks, looking forward to tucker, hogan and uncle daner
time to break out the old LOTR orcposting memes?
If anon has just one White child, it would be more meaningful than all of Vance's little dingleberrys. He's objectively a cuck pick.
If trump wins I'll celebrate with you, but it's really not looking good right now.
Can't take this shit for granted. Trump doesn't know what he's up against
I hate to defend Biden, but Lloyd Austin (sec of defense) does so little that he went missing for a week and nobody in the White House even noticed. Calling him "the black guy" is actually pretty charitable when he makes about as much impression as wallpaper.

No, I sincerely believe this. Kamala is a bad candidate, but outside MAGA-world most people hate Trump or at very least have strong reservations against voting for him.

Kamala may be cringey and uncharismatic and none-too bright, but Biden's brain is melting like ice cream and Trump only leads him by ~2 points in the polls. If you are only 2 points ahead of someone who 80% of voters think has dementia, someone who does not have dementia will destroy you.
If Biden thought Harris could win he would have handed over the reigns a year ago. He knew she could not even survive the Primaries again. The only way she can be President is if Biden hands it over to her & she is just the interim
just working out the exit package, probably assurances Hunter won't go to jail and no investigations into all their corrupt business deals
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I kind of hope Joe stays in the race purely for the comedy factor. He’s trolling Democrats harder than Trump at this point
oh shit i totally missed linda mcmahon and popeo LOL
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Guess I'll start watching ~7:28pm
no wait, that's central.
That's literally not what the Axios report said. These outlets are replacing "may" with "will."
If anon had a White child, would he be trolling 4chan or spending time outdoors with his child?
Anon doesn't have any White children: that's why he's a troll.
No you won’t lmao
Just stop coming to these threads after the election. Shit I’d ask you to do it now but you need that paycheck.
Anyway last (You) you’ll ever get from me.
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marines are fucking retards. glue and crayons
Then it's over
I've seen enough
Trump just lost the election
He can't compete with the fresh face the Dems put up and media will be celebrating.
he destroyed his pcie slot by not accommodating the GPU's weight
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Gibs actually don't seem that popular at the moment. Biden keeps paying off student loans and his popularity among young people is relatively shit for a Democrat. There seems to be an acknowledgement that gibs and inflation go hand in hand among Americans.
2022 was way more about abortion, we've seen heavily republican states put in really far left abortion policies. Turns out religion isn't as powerful as the absolute panic people fear at the possibility they might have to raise a kid which is really sad.
>If anon has just one White child
He doesn't. He's brown, like you.
Biden hates Kamala and his team kept him around because they wanted another 4 years where they ran the country through their puppet. Issue is the wheels came off and as president they couldn't hide him as well as they could during 2020 as only a candidate

only chance Dems have now is a ticket with either whitmer or Newsom and Mike Obama as the VP with Barrack campaigning hard. Even then Newsom's signing that tranny law just yesterday probably doomed him
>going to straight to hostility for reaction
well well well
Kek, they're doing exactly the same misleading headlines and anonymous sources horseshit they've been doing to Trump all this time, must be a bitch being on the receiving end for once.
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Nice retort
In a week you'll be saying it's over because they lulled Trump into a false sense of security and now Biden's coming back lol
They are trying to sow chaos in the white house so staffers feel they aren't being told the whole story.
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I think Scott is full of shit and Biden will drop out.
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this is quite a leap of logic.
>don't put in someone everyone knows but will likely lose
>instead put in someone nobody knows and they'll definitely win!
When I was in high school and the recruiters called, I told them I was going to college to major in dead languages. The other branches all encouraged me to enlist anyway, and the army even told me that I could use my language skills (in Latin and ancient Greek!) to help the army in intelligence. The Marines' recruiter, though, listened politely and just said, "Well, I won't bother you again. Good luck, sir," and hung up.
I've been under the impression that, while many Marines are stupid, some of the smartest people also go into the Marines for the adventure.
>July 10
see >>474695111
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she's so ugly.
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Beshear has a little bit of name recognition, at least. I've never heard of Shapiro or Moore, though.
nah he's dug in there like a tick, he already told them the only way he's leaving is in a bodybag
That's downstream of economics. If a man can raise five kids on one income, children are a joy. Even surprise pregnancies end in weddings. When women have to work outside the home to live then children become stress factors.
Biden picked her because she was no threat & it has worked out that way. imagine if instead of her it had been someone actually competent? Someone actually going around being Presidential whilst old Joe stumbles about like he's ready for the hospice? That is how bad Harris is, old Joe can keep her from the job. That virtual convention is going be something tho
Map if Kamala is the nominee
It's fucking over
they are hoping their fear monger tactics will result in people just voting for whoever has a D next to their name. As long as Trump is on top of the vote fraud he should win easily
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found the retard. you don't need the marines for adventure. the #1 killer of the us military is suicide. and a percentage of those suicides are murders made to look like suicide.
If Biden died, would we even notice? I'm pretty sure Jill and Hunter could do a mix of Weekend at Bernie's and Videodrome to keep us thinking he was still alive until November.
How high are you right now?
This such a funny map because you charitably gave Trump PA and WI but denied him Michigan
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That's the quintessential end result of unadulterated whoredom.
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he's still saying it

i see him going.
You do know its nearly impossible to beat a democrat in the popular vote currently? Republicans have only done it once in decades. A +2 lead is near miraculous.
theory: the first few days were pre-slated by the GOP elites. today, the day trump gets to speak, was slated by the man himself.

note that most of hte major speakers are people close to trump in a personal way (his son, hulk, golf pro, golf manager, tuck, dana white)...not sure what Pompeo's role there is...i can't recall if he was a good force for trumps first term or not..
Kamala may be weaker in blue collar areas, but she'll excel in places with lots of minorities
Trump can't win
There’s no Democrat that can keep GA, AZ and NV blue this year. The election hinges on PA
Shapiro - Gov of PA
Moore - Gov of MD
unironically. people would vote down existing lines, and moderates who thought biden was senile will happily vote for camela
Every war on terror vet I know is fucked up in one way or another, going into the military ruined those guys to the point where the guys I know who spent their 20s in jail are doing better in life.
not sure how anybody who isn't a complete NPC can vote democrat just based on the fact they can't even run their own party, let alone the country. Any moderate or swing voter who can't see that is retarded

Trump needs to hammer on the fact that the democrats are completely dysfunctional and tie that into his message on the border, foreign policy, etc. You wouldn't trust them to run a lemonade stand, let alone the country
Trump outperformed the national polls by 2 points in 2016 and 3 points in 2020, so he’s probably leasing Biden by about 5 points in reality.
le contradiction, the media are not moving on. They are already writing Joe's obituary. Just a case of if it was being literally his life or just his political one.
Kamala will win Muslims after she denounces Israel in solidarity with The Squad
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What I'm seeing is just 5 faithless electors for a contingent election.
The nut she sucked out of Willie Brown wasn't as retarded as you are.
Why would they waste their opportunity for run for President on a campaign that will last less than 3 months and tarnish everyone involved in it?
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Mama mia!
Kamala hates the Squad though
>Bob Dole: war hero. Lost
>John Kerry: war hero. Lost
>John McCain: war hero. Lost
Also the 5-way polls give Trump an extra 1 point on average
This is the RNC so they'll always say President, but yes the media more generally have started to slip into calling him "the president"
These are the polls that the DEMs are freaking out over. Their internals have to be even worse.
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Good morning, /ptg/!

TRUMP 2024
It's an anti Trump vote just like 2016. Sure there were Hildawgs but most were just to keep Trump out & it's no different now. They haven't got an Obama now - although ironically his "wife" would get them to vote for someone rather than just be against Trump
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he is right,
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Let's review results of last election in 2022 statewide races

PA blue trifecta
Michigan blue trifecta
AZ blue trifecta
GA almost blue trifecta + never trump gov

Only Wi and NV had red winners statewide

If republicans were to win these states in 2024, they'd have done so in 2022
Dems aren't unpopular, only Biden is
This. The only actual hero there is Bob Dole.
yes, that's precisely the point
kamala is strongest in 100% democratic strongholds. biden, being white, and a man, was sucking up some of trumps natural voters.

its the same dynamic as trump picking vance for VP. he's not getting anyone for him that he wasn't already going to have.
he picked him as vp for other reasons, possibly the whole "pick some1 worse as VP, or they'll try again", possibly some form of "anoint your maga successor" thing, but certainly not "pick a VP that'll get you more votes you can't get yourself".
for that, he'd have needed a nigger, or a woman, or something of that sort, and presumably he feels confident enough he's going to win to be willing to give up this boost.
>John Rich: Donald Trump, the Darkness of Eminem’s New Album, and the Song Inspired by God

>"Revelation" by John Rich featuring Sonya Isaacs
>released on 7/12

>Eminem - Antichrist [Official Audio]
>released on 7/12

tell me, what are the odds now?
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>No secrets
Get used to that Anon, we are all telepathic, and we are all getting better at it.
Be careful what you think.
>spend decades hand crafting multiple languages with their own histories and evolutions
>some cunt thinks it’s white supremacy because lol word look same
Women, am I right?
Remember when they announced justice Breyer's retirement before the man himself ever said anything about it?
I think that's what they'll do, just announce it and Biden will have to make the choice to either go along with it or pull a wolf of wall street and actively fight his own party. If the guy's brain is at all there he might actually fight them he's a stubborn asshole kek.
Ive come to the realization that Dems were so mind brokingly buck broken by Trump and Biden is so absent that in their minds they really have been under another Trump presidency this entire time. Everything shitty right now is all Trump's fault because they never left that mindset.
Harris didn't win a single state and was demolished by a wannabe conservative on live tv lol
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Onw way or another, the Dems are getting Joe off the ticket.
Kamala has to take it because this is the only chance she's ever going to get, she won't be winning any primaries and everyone in the Biden white house is DONE after this shitshow of a term. She can also slide into the existing campaign infrastructure, any replacement would be starting from scratch.
The presidential candidate is not simply a cog in a machine that can be changed out with a new one that will work. These people are delustional.
Democrats rigged the primary in favor of Joe Biden and against any challengers, and now they want a do-over. You've got to laugh your ass off at a party filled with smug, sanctimonious frauds!
Joever status?
anyway do you think this current replace biden episode has legs
it is probably the most convincing one yet but man what desperation
Invest in Joe now for easy money
>John McCain: war hero
For North Vietnam, maybe. He's the only PoW in history to come out fatter than he went in, and our pilot deaths quadrupled shortly after he was captured. He told then exactly where we'd enter their airspace from.
Still blathering I see
I don't want to listen to the song
Does anyone know if he has any clever wordplay or if it's just unadulterated garbage?
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>The FBI discovered and marked Thomas Matthew Crooks as a "person of interest" more than an hour before shots were fired at Donald Trump, multiple sources familiar with the matter told ABC. The Secret Service is also said to have seen him on the roof a full 20 minutes before the attack.
What did the sissy service mean with this?
>5.30pm – Crooks is seen using a range finder.
>5.52pm – The Secret Service discovers him on the roof.
>6.02pm – Trump takes the stage.
>6.12pm – Crooks fires the first shots.
>I think that's what they'll do, just announce it and Biden will have to make the choice to either go along with it or pull a wolf of wall street and actively fight his own party.
They've already been doing that, and his response was essentially "as long as I'm breathing, I'm running".
In 1968, Hubert Humphrey only BARELY LOST

Anyone can slide into the passenger seat of the Democratic Machine. She's nothing special.
tucker carlson and john rich just did an interview about it

please learn to read
they already got away with stuffing the ballots like fucking crazy 4 years ago. What makes you think they won't do it again?

Doesn't matter if it's Joe or some other faggot the dems pick.
it's never been more
Kamala won't just slide in, she is gonna fire all the top leadership with her people. The bitch is a power hungry person and won't just take a back seat to them.
Pompeo was dCIA and then SoS. He was a Congressman before Trump nominated him.
Shit, I forgot that he was legit. I think that's why he never used one of his arms.
Becoming the face of Viagra was an interesting point in time
I dont know if Vance is as electorally useless as some think since Trump is just going to park him in like 3 states total to squeeze out as much blood as he can. If the election hinges on 3 states, might as well double down on them rather than going with some sweep strategy of "le suburban women" and play to your natural strengths instead.
>Hulk fucking HOGAN is speaking at the RNC
what timeline is this? how many dimensional merges are we up to now?
I just want to get out ahead of this so I can screenshot this and remind you in 4 months.
Biden drops out and polls will remain pretty much the same, trump will have a lead over whatever candidate they poll him against. New candidate is confirmed at convention and a week or two later trump will tank in the polls down in every swing state. This will be the cover for the fraud.
"Trump was only winning against a guy with dementia, no one actaully liked trump. Our guy is obviously more sensible and the voters see that."
And then you guys will do nothing, again, when they rig it
i really hope biden addresses the nation again with one goal in mind: to tell his fellow democrats to fuck off
anyways i still think he stays in, not enough prominent democrats are going public with the whole
>get the fuck out we are going to lose if not
i think if there are more prominent names in the coming days biden might have his hand forced
Pretty much. Every aspect of Biden's administration has revolved around Trump in some way, he spent the majority of his time on his out of office campaign opponent, it's unreal just how unprofessional Biden's administration is.
like 7 I think
Biden better not resign, even if he withdraws from the race. Too much money's been spent on the Trump 47 branding lol.
Vance seem to be a long-term investment
He's young and seen as the frontrunner for 2028
>What makes you think they won't do it again?
the entire gop apparatus is specifically looking for it this time.
it won't be a "look, there's good statistical reasons to believe they cheated", it going to be "we have hard evidence from numerous polling stations, complete with videos, photos, data and names and license plates for those involved"
also, this time, they don't have a pandemic and the resulting shitloads of mail-in votes to hide it behind
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>literally every thread besides /ptg/ on the first page of the catalog is jew shill demoralizationslop
>it's been this way all week
That's how you can tell we're winning bigly, my friends.
How do you think rigging happens, in practice? It happens on a polling station by polling station basis. You secure the stations, you secure the vote. And if Republicans have the infrastructure now to ballot harvest, they can just counter rig.
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I also would rather never have a woman President ever
Just looked up the lyrics, trying to be edgy but unimpressive
this, the internal polls have been showing this for weeks after the debate and now being reflected in regular polls. I hope biden tells them to fuck off for the comedy though
yes i recall his positions, but can't recall what the impact he had on the trump 1st term was. or what his slot on this pinacle night of the RNC is intended to represent...figleaf to deep state?

"I still got one of my guys, so watch out fuckers"?
Does Vance currently hold the record of highest achieving marine in history, surpassing "regional manager of a Wendy's chain" as the top of the totem for them?
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So who's getting fired for letting the shooting happen?
The victims should take the Federal gov to court over incompetence. This would force them to have to hand over all comms & other info & testify under oath
>went all in on JoeCoin
I am financially ruined joepedo bros...
He spent how many billions to speak when ever he wants
I think that after the shitshow with Pence Trump isn't really in the mood for a conciliatory VP pick, h needs someone who will aggressively advocate for him and he believes that's Vance.
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rise of the beast, no one can stop what is coming.
>I dont know if Vance is as electorally useless as some think since Trump is just going to park him in like 3 states total to squeeze out as much blood as he can.
maybe, but i doubt it. like i said, i don't see vance getting any voters for trump that he wouldn't get anyway on his own. he's a white male from the rust belt ffs.
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That's right man. The more they screech the merrier, block out the sun with shills we partying up in this bitch
So is that tripfag going to set himself on fire?
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i wouldn't know, im running the 1pbtid filter
You can only stuff it so much before it becomes extremely obvious.
no fake virus this time, ironic that Biden will bow out using covid as an excuse & that was the thing that got him elected in 2020
so who will be the fall guy for this? They've had to backtrack their story multiple times after new footage or local police exposed their lies. They can't contain it anymore, I've got leftist family members who are even admitting it seems like they tried to get Trump killed
Why the fuck is that snake Pompeo speaking? After what he said and did?
He will. Democrats my band together like bugpeople for voting, but there is zero loyalty when it comes to their individual fiefdoms. There is a 0.00% chance that Biden will step down and abdicate all the luxury, power, and financial scams his family enjoys until he's forced out.
because he lost weight
something similar to this happened in Sweden a couple of years ago
The leftwing party in charge was losing badly In the polls, so the prime minister stepped down and was replaced by a woman, making her the first female prime minister in Swedish history.
However, her party still lost and the Swedish government became even more right-wing in the election.
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What am I thinking about then anon
I certainly hope so.
>a white male from the rust belt
Those are literally the most important voters in this election, turning out as many as possible is the priority
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Cheatle will step down and go be rich CEO somewhere else. Nothing else will happen.
>whining about Vance
Let us dispel with this fiction that VPs have ever had any actual effect on the race
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a lot of democrats are clinging to hopes that some other candidate is polling way better when they never came close until this week somehow. a lot of republicans are also buying that as realistic and i think everyone is being stupid, swapping is probably one of their worst decisions
i actually thought they'd wait until AFTER the DNC to do it if they were so they could shoot down all other options but harris, and i'm also not sold that current news shit isn't just power plays to force a situation
he'll just never use his trip again and pretend to be someone else during Trump's 2nd term.
Thick as thieves mentality. If you fire people they start talking
There are just as many examples of the opposite
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/gtfkjqiswz

MO 8/6: YES
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes, yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

Not one American life (officially) lost in Joe Biden's latest war!
>so who will be the fall guy for this?
does the president appoint someone to a leadership position in the secret service?
because that person or persons head should be on the chopping block
Not only that but you see this sentiment from the right all the time
>if they assassinated trump there will be civil war!
but how would you wage war without a leader?

it'll be different this time aroundTM
The Biden family clings to power like malignant tumors. No way they are going unless they get treated to what they attempted on Trump.
While using the exact same stupid pictures and posting style no doubt. Also checked.
>enticing violence when slightly upset
Was calling me a nigger earlier just pure projection?
>The guillotines anon
They have use
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An interesting side effect of dementia is being stubborn lel
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ha that's good shit pal
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kek this is a BAD comic. Pure miss, L stonetoss.
>and i'm also not sold that current news shit isn't just power plays to force a situation
(that's exactly what it is)
>i actually thought they'd wait until AFTER the DNC to do it if they were so they could shoot down all other options but harris
the problem with this is that democrats will naturally go up in the polls after the DNC, thereby galvanizing worried biden dems (even if it's a dead cat bounce)
I dont think youre wrong on the long term nature of the pick, but theres still short term benefits. Idealogically you may be right but on an operational level of who can be where and when, elections are all about turnout and a lot of Trump's base are otherwise low propensity voters. Which is partially why Republicans now are disadvantaged in midterm and special elections, besides the RNCs incompetence. In the Rust Belt theres maybe hundreds of thousands of votes per state that are naturally inclined to go Trump but just are untapped - they dont vote. Throw JD into these communities in the mountains, have him give speeches, rallies, and have voter registers there. Trump can bounce around the rust belt, the sunbelt, cities, and target congressional races.
demoralization threads
Elon's $45m a month is specifically going towards protecting against this,.
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going to the store, anyone need anything?
Nah, too many big names are behind Trump now. Imagine if the Teamsters said “vote trump” and change their minds after a month, how fucking disastrous would that look
kill yourself kike
Ask the Senators who got got after they killed Caesar.
install violentmonkey (or tamperedmonkey, or greasefork, but i use violentmonkey) https://violentmonkey.github.io/
install 4chanx https://www.4chan-x.net/
activate the 4chanx catalog from the settings (wrench icon bottom right on a 4chan page)
install the 1pbtid script https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/442568-filter-1pbtid-on-4chan-pol
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List of public figures glorifying violence against Trump
Reminder that I am still baking.
why are normies/libs running with the trump pedo shit like we didn't already know he took two flights to the island and then banned the dude? like this isn't new information, yet people are acting like the narrative has changed and he's an absolute 100% confirmed pedophile now, even going as far as to say that's why ol chudder crooks shot him. why?
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Herp durr durr
No its a hit. Its probably in reference to all of the wetblankets who are saying to not dox leftoids who reacted negatively to the failed assassination attempt.
>durr durr why are democrats lying about trump
what a mysterious thing i don't think we will ever find out the reason
More people need to understand this.
It's not just Ol' Dementia Joe in the seat; it's also (and moreso) Dr. Jill, PHD (Doctor btw), Cracksmokin' Hunter Biden, Biden's brother, and more. They're basically shadow-running the most powerful office in the world and reaping the financial benefits from it with absolute impunity. They're not letting this shit go lmao.
This it is very late to replace the presumptive nominee
He didn’t take any flights to “the island” he took 3 round trip and 1 one way flight to and from Palm Beach, FL and Newark, NJ
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No, he's shitting on faggots who say "hurr durr if you cancel leftists you're no better than them, we need to be PRINCIPLED".
Click boom
Click boom
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Is it actually Joever?
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total freemason mormon family death
>still angry
Aren’t you thrilled to watch kikes on tv endorse immigration, including the orange one?
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its one heck of a cohencidence
Yes.... for TRUMP.
wait none of those listed ever served a full term
twitter posts getting 100k likes for saying he's a pedophile with no proof. why is twitter so heavily liberal?
kill yourself nigger
It's been over sucka
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noooooooooooooo come on joe, fight fight fight
republicans won the popular vote in 2022
He didnt even fly to the island he just hitched a ride to NY as i recall
this is essentially a dem forfeit because kamala is NOT winning

they couldn't get hillary clinton to beat trump and they expect black hillary clinton to work?
baker is kill
>durr durr why are there LIBERALS on SOCIAL MEDIA
what a mysterious thing i don't think we will ever find out the reason
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they kept clinging to biden this long because he was the only one who polled well in pennsylvania
show me how well harris does in pennsylvania
go ahead anon, lets see it
You forget that people have experienced Trump as president and he was a total and complete disaster. Nobody outside the MAGA-cult wants that again.
didnt they have a chance to vote for kamala in the 2020 primary
what happened there
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>Dr. Jill, PHD (Doctor btw)
Actually she's an EdD, not a PhD.
'Lady Macbeth' Biden is definitely the power behind the throne.
>cheap gas and food is le bad
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Shit I hate about modernity/the world:
>People who don't look before crossing
>Trailers that spoil the whole plot
>Cop & Medical Shows, they are the peak of normie cringe including the message (Seriously Law & Order was pumped filled with liberal talking points)
>Reality TV
>Lack of mustard sardines
>Ads/Infomercials/Commerical everywhere and how fucking loud they are
>DVD prices
Anyway, I think I'm going to make my coffee and watch more 2000s kino.
Umm lets see: diet coke, 2 100 capsule bottles of 200 mg thc capsules, 12 pack of corona, hard copies of democracy the god that failed and ride the tiger, pepsi max, hot chocolate, coffee, Mara Jade or Sayuka (that time stopping 2hu bitch) or Seras, Anakin's Full Potential, the death note and oh yes chili
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kamal picks mike obama for vp then kamala dies of covid
>Was This Antichrist Prophecy Fulfilled? We Must Discuss This

Covid and Putin caused inflation, not Biden. Learn economics retard.
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Trump will win Pa among others such as MD, My, and Nj
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>Covid and Putin caused inflation, not Biden. Learn economics retard.
Printing money caused inflation, mouthbreather.
the exact same thing was said in 2020
yet he gained more supporters than any incumbent in history
for reference, obama LOST supporters when he tried to run again
yet people act like obama is still this popular cool guy
My gf keeps telling me that diet coke is poison and that I need to quit.
I cannot know for sure what Biden is demanding to drop out, but I imagine it is more than 100 million
He wasn’t a total disaster though. His job approval rating has increased significantly since he left and has a higher favorability than every other democrat besides Biden who he is dominating in rhetoric and campaign momentum signifying he is indeed the FRONT RUNNER
Because it's not historically accurate
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A lot could be done with $100 millions.
A lot.
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checked, she's not wrong anon diet soda is horrible for you worse then normal sugar. I just want to drink it while super high one day. Thinking about the rothschilds collapsing with hell and celestial fire of nature and fate of God's will.
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voter turnout increased 20% from 2016 to 2020
which is impossible
and they barely won
thoughts on the RNC?
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Faggots mad.
while its conceivable tha Biden would drop out, he will not resign, at least not before he pardons Hunter and a bunch of other scumbags.

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