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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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/pol/ vc here https://meet.jit.si/OPLNight

last time on OPL >>474038672

>Where the fuck is LIVE PD?
>Hurr Durr it's not actually live
>Why is this on /pol/?
>What Channel?

/pol/ (Akariposter)approved VC

/pol/ (Sneed)approved chat

FAQ https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/414760709/#414762633
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Other streams
^ These streams will have a full replay afterwards ^

Want to run your own stream for anons? https://pastebin.com/Wkgi73eZ (embed)

ON PATROL: LIVE BINGO: https://mfbc.us/m/kwu74qj
>I'm poopin mah pants I'm so nervous for this edition of OPL!
WIll we get an update on the poopy pants lady?
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I wonder if she ever pooped her pants
Yeah but did she poop though?
Did they get a stool sample?
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Evening anons. If anyone missed Thursday's /lpbg/, the first case was a banger. The turd had sex with his son and then impregnated and married his son's 14 year old girlfriend. Crazy shit. Also, no new /ourtard/ pics yet.
cute little bugger
Damn, forgot link
Happy friday everyone, thank you OP for baking breads tonight!

First shift updates:
-2nd anniversary of OPL
-Tom rizzo in studio, who cares
-dui lady poopin her pants in Brookford NC: Consented to the eye test, refused other tests and got more combative including flashing jail staff. Puked, and got taken to the hospital. blood draw results still pending. Charged with DWI.
-Fontana, CA 4 alarm commercial building fire. Holy shit! 85 firefighters and 2 hours to put out a massive pallet factory fire.
-Viewer video of a WALLABEE (looks like a kangaroo) in Washington. Escaped from a local petting zoo. Cops tried chasing it for a while. Nabbed him with a blanket, citizens helped. No charges on anyone, or the wallabee.
-Rizzo shares a tale of a babboon in peoples yards when he was a cop (it wasn't a black person)
-Live in about 54 minutes!

>First shift is updates from last episode, then best of segments. Show is live at 9pm EST.

Pat that cat, let the dog out, refill your drinks, plan your snacks, lets have a good night watching dummies get arrested!
Thanks update anon
not interested in fedogram?
not a fan of shrump?
try cytuPERIODbe
which room?
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Did you retards hear about the Trump shooting?
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nice update. did you dump that bitch?
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>-Viewer video of a WALLABEE (looks like a kangaroo) in Washington. Escaped from a local petting zoo. Cops tried chasing it for a while. Nabbed him with a blanket, citizens helped. No charges on anyone, or the wallabee.
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No shes a nice lady that works a lot and we're both just tired on a friday night with work tomorrow.
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His wrangler just posted this, He had the coof last week, but is doing better now,
Good on you anon.
Good evening frens. Shoutouts to my kings over at /lpg/. Hope everyone is doing well
I like Tom Rizzo
pissed off my local cops yesterday rolling around on my bike trying to see what they are doing he tried to stop me with body language but I knew better gotta be faster than that. really overheard something I shouldn't have how they are trying to surveil and create scenarios with actors wasting resources but thats for me to know
Hey fren, we had a great week. Just wow.
I couldn't catch any of it. Sounds like I was missing out.
hey if you join the
carshield booba room
make sure you choose a name
we weeding out shrump
that's one word
There was a guy who fucked his middle school aged son AND impregnated a classmate of his. And his son advocated for his parole.
there is about to be a... GIRL FIGHT!

Trust me, you have to watch this hearing:
Man has sex w/son and impregnates/marries 14yo https://youtu.be/CnqrgR9kT7w?t=553

Also, audio anon made another masterpiece:
Chucky Tillis on JRE https://vocaroo.com/1gKjoZHFVAYo

German AI anon released a new one too:
Memaw Stapleton in the hood https://files.catbox.moe/24w5u0.mp4
i like traffic stops the best
Is that Tim Dillon?
Checked and thanks, saving link for later.
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evening, niggers
no fat ass latina on patrol
guess that means i'm going out to look for some dragon puss
ah, who am i kidding? nothing is worth the effort
incel for life
why does it look it its 3 in the afternoon in AR?
wtf this dude is gray
Is Jano's hair going to be up or down tonight?
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whats up fellow internet racists
Why is his skin like that
Truck Driver Golem in Hazen
yeah well, truck driving is the biggest mistake he ever made
Officer Infowars chases down a trucker. I hope it's not truck driver anon.
dude is gonna get em he told em
It's the way of the road Bubbs
I hate my job too. Relatable

I think it's just weird lighting caused by the shadows and video compression. In the direct sun it looks normal.
wagie sick of the mobile cagie
Well I still think he's some kind of creature disguised as a man working a trucking job
WE ARE LIVE!!! Happy Friday /opl/ it is nice to see you all, especially ant /lpbg/ frens. Always happy to see Chiefe Taylor and did they just arrest a vampire? His skin is awfully ashen...
This the pigger worship thread?
>Actin a fool.
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This guy is a McPoyle
the man has grey skin and is losing his hair
he's having bad fucking day
can we please just cut him some G-D slack?
No it's the hoping to observe niggers in their natural habitat thread.
do you think she ended up pooping in her pants, lads?
I like how the guy who was knocked out by a pole got no help from the people around him.
One bitch was almost tripped by him and kept it moving.
It is pouring rain and flash flooding in Richland County tonight
wont be any niggershines from Richland tonight
evening gents
shitposting with the wife
Wasn't she wearing a dress
muh family
Good evening, also shitposting with my wife and dog.
Bad news for this guy: he's White so he'll actually get fired.
Oh I'm sorry I thought this was America
From what I’ve seen it’s niggers acting like niggers and getting a slap on the wrist at the end + plus their homies throwing gang signs at the camera and all excited their on tv. The piggers are more aggressive against non-niggers due to worry of a next saint Floyd
FYI, it's not anymore. Pour one out.
tell your dog we say hi

Beat me to it. Had to get a beer
Truckers are all 80 iq retards
he said he wanted to get fired
I get it’s entertainment, but these cops should shut the fuck up after he says he wants his lawyer
not all, but a lot
Yes and he will given race. White privilege.
Pigs live to ruin lives.
absolutely disgusting
How do you get that damn drunk at 6pm?
he is gonna cool off in the cell they aint gonna do him like that i hope
>K-tuned TSX

a man of culture.
Thank you, gave him a scratch for you both.
Why? It's his fault he's responding to the questions after saying he won't talk without a lawyer.
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My former step dad was a trucker.
Vietnam vet with electrician knowledge and more. He could rig and fix all kinds of things like Macgyver.
Instead of using his smarts in a different career he rode the roadways delivering produce.
He's dead now never had a chance to patch things up with him.
How is that car paint already rusting its not that old?
>we're on the way to the hospital
>wait here for 10 minutes while i run your ID

woman moment
Day laborer who got paid.
cops get lied to all day long could be bullshit
Just let this guy get the medical care he needs gosh
Opl live!
should call the amberlamps
Cop lie to people all day long too.
Tit for tat.
Should call ICE and deport him
I love how shes pretending to be concerned but she says what did he take? get tf outta here with that shit officer.
Mexians can get fully wasted on 4 Modelo. Zero idea how they do it. Probably genetics.
.t California farmer
Hi fellow retards
I see he's got a can of Mountain Dew Zero Sugar. Is he trying to watch his figure?
>busted with drugs
I see people buying beer at 5:30am all the time
they lied. no way they're headed to hospital. for throwing up? In Fotana?
it's amazing how just having a good car, obeying traffic laws, and making sure your lights are working and tags are up to date lets you get away with most crimes. i was a drug addict for 20 years and never came close to getting pulled over with drugs
mexicans are all indians in denial so it's no surprise
He got covid
You're actually dumb. She's trained to assess his condition and in particular for dangerous narcotics that kill. Idiot.
texan here, liquor stores and banks on a friday at like 3pm to 5pm are JAM FUCKIN PACKED and they always buy an 18 pack of model, or 3 tallboy beers.
lmao these spics wanted to avoid the $2000 ambulance bill now they have no choice
bird flu.
Ryan Garcia looks like shit
sup fags
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imagine hearing desirae talking dirty to you in bed with that high pitched voice. wew
Hello desu, how was your week?
He's clearly sober and has a stomach virus, I have no idea why this retarded bitch thinks that "yellow puke" means they're overdosing
Dumb bitch doesn't know yellow throw up is bile. Also Dan Abrams is a bitch.
the flu doesnt make you vomit dumb bitch
many such cases
She is gonna detain the guy?
What a POS pig.
>Reluctant to go back to the drunk driving illegals
Beaners gotta stay hydrated somehow.

yep, they wheel those huge coolers right up near the door, fill them with ice and tallboys. just remember that anytime you see a landscaping truck at 4pm...all of those mexicans are drunk.
I remember I said people were lacing weed with meth, fent, and other shit and some stoner got up in arms.
"Why would dey do dat? Why would dey lace weed with more expensive drugs."
To get people hooked dummy.
Fucking weed niggers and spics smoke doesn't smell natural it's chemically and stings the nostrils.
I'm not a smoker but I went on a trip to Georgia and smelled some Good Ol' boys driving by smoking what I assumed was honest natural weed and I was shocked. It smelled some what pleasant.
this spic is literally fine this is the most retarded stop ive seen on this show in a long time
Well this retard is free to refuse medical treatment and go on his way if he wanted to.
This show reminds me to hate police.
Maybe. His wrangler hasn't posted any good feasts in a while.

move on from captain pukey already dan
And she's getting him a bill for the EMTs.
What happened to police escorting people in emergencies?
He would literally be at the hospital already if she didn't stop them
RN, and you don't need to be either to know that influenza doesn't cause nausea and vomiting.
This stupid hoe doesn’t know what bile is?
>You're throwing up repeatedly?
>I'm gonna detain you for 30 minutes and write a ticket and check your license
If the driver isn't intoxicated or wanted, get them the fuck outta there, let them go to the urgent care clinic you cunt
Not bad got tattoos for my birthday but woke up today feeling like shit.
>lacing weed with fent
This would be all over the news because it would kill high school and college kids fast
Is this cop 12 years old or something?
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What if he's patient zero for the disease that wipes out most of humanity?
Buy a gallon of milk? Fentanyl.
Buy some chocolate chip cookies? Fentanyl.
Get a frosty mug from the freezer? Fentanyl.
she is attracted to them
LIke I said early some cops are liars for no good reason and will convince people who don't know better that they have to stay there.
You're a freaking sheeple normie NPC if you can't see how she roped them into this whole ordeal. This is how officers operate. At first its the open door, then its probing for evidence of crime.
you can grow amazing home grown without any fucking chemicals or anything
I know some people, you could say family like, and they just use dairy cow poo in a fucking field. shits amazing for my wife's epilepsy
When we have company events, and invite the day labor guys, they will all be wasted, passed-out, etc, while the White boys just drive home. We have to make a point to never offer them shots like we do to each other. God help us if they bust out the cheeba.
living in a legal weed state this show always shocks me when i remember that there are some hillbilly states where weed is still illegal.
Buy fentanyl? Baking powder.
change careers

In their fairness, they start their workday at like 6am, so ending at 3pm when its 100+ outside and they start drinking at 4 or 5 kinda makes sense. They're just dumb about it getting plastered at 5pm attracting a little too much attention.
She went right from saying his yellow puke was a sign of an overdose to saying he might be dehydrated after seeing he was sober. No shit he's dehydrated, he can't keep any fluids down
I want a tattoo but I can’t imagine anything where I can say I wouldn’t mind having it on my skin 10 years from now
>let them go
Police want to jail everyone they encounter.
Sadistic fucks...
I think in CA if the cops call the ambulance the rides on them.
Stomach flu is a layperson term you retarded idiot. Viral gastroenteritis is not the same as having influenza.
They have quota’s they need to make
she's a genuine retarded stupid bitch
If the cops are busy probing vomiting retards that are unaware of their rights, they'll leave me alone.
Klumpp did nothing wrong.
Cubans call mexicans "indo tiraflecha" (indian arrow-shooter) to their faces and they get so incredibly mad, it's hilarious
Tattoos are a sign someone can't think of long term consequences.
And she and they are laypeople
>Stomach flu is a layperson term
so... the doctor wouldn't diagnose this as 'having the shits and pukes'?
I'm not ripping on them, most are legit good workers, and do what I ask/pay them to do. But damn do they get wasted on nothing and do stupid things.
Oh wow sure got me. You're the one telling me to change jobs because you think two separate illnesses are the same thing.
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>come in
>ads are playing
>Viral gastroenteritis
Weird a cop and homeboys didn't use a medical term, right?
this means you're a normal person.
Probably if you buy it from a nigger.
It's mostly niggers and such who do this to unknowing people. It's not like they're doing enough to kill but enough to get people sick. And the ones who do die again are nigger low lives no one cares about even the media.
Plus people are dying from that shit left and right you have to pick the right people to highlight.
When some cute white girl gets over too some bad shit and croaks then they'll talk about it.
But niggers are just dumb and evil.
But I'm not talking out of my ass it's happening
If you had a downy son, and he was 25, and he would never have sex, and you were 65, and had no friends, and all you had was him, and you both had cancer, would you let your downy son fuck you in the ass so he could have the experience of sex once in his life before death? Or force him to die a virgin?
Seems like all these cops have tats too lol
That was my thinking before I finally got one. I've gotten 5 this year and only paid for 1 so far lol
I do not think that. I think they're not medical pros and would never use that term.
You're clearly butthurt by replying two separate times. It's okay there's a lot of idiots out there
poor people trapped in their wrecked car and the incompetent cops cant find them

i don't understand the point. you're literally killing your customer and losing money. why waste expensive drugs like that?
Nah. I don't like when people who lack thinking skills and/or information spew hostility from ignorance.
Find God
It's probably the government spiking everything with fent to kill drug users.
I'm not shitting up the thread replying to your dumb ass anymore, have a good one bud
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what in the fuck is wrong with you?
Where I'm at the stuff is putrid and it burns your eyes and irritates the nose and lungs. I spend years living over spics who smoke the shit and it would seep through the shitty apartment building.
Smelling the natural shit that day it was like night and day.
it's just trace amounts and i think it's more likely that the dealers are just lazy and it's cross-contamination and not intentional
50IQ lanky ass nigga
niggers are fucking dumb
Niggers are so braindead
Niggers and spic drug dealers aren't smart
>Nigger is still unable to follow simple instructions.
Hold gaiz! We have a noticer.
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You didn't reply to my correct point that flu is a blanket term for laypeople because it's indisputable. She's LE not EMS.
how many niggers have ended up in jail because of broken tag lights or brake lights? jails would be empty if they knew to replace a fucking bulb.
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it probably sucks when you're an intelligent black guy like Nog Clinton and your entire race is represented by these fucking retard niggers
Instead of being fucking gay you could just hire a hooker
When do the pigs start 'protecting & serving'?
he profiling. cuz im black
they cant even change fire alarm 9volts let alone tail lights
I was certain Dan would switch from that street lawyer/ganja enthusiast.
>you can't search mah car
>why dah camera doe?
>ayo why you pull me ova?
>shirtless tweakin and visibly nervous
I want the era where police could just beat you with a nightstick for being too fucking stupid in public.
I feel protected when they hassle niggers. Keeps them away from me
RIP taco
There was a post online from a father with a highly downs syny son who he said he would jerk off to give him release. A news article.
I think there's hookers that specialize in fucking tards.
natural, home grown grass is the only shit I'll smoke. I don't trust the chemicals dispensaries use nor will I buy nigger weed because of that shit right there. It smells like fucking ass with a hint of plastic.
Tase, cuff, imprison
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The hooker might say no. I'd just take him to retard social functions. Retards like to bang. It is a well known secret that all institutionalized retard chicks are on birth control because they fuck like rabbits.
He's getting hard.
When will they start charging people for driving while high on weed?
I remember that. Sick fucker should be terminated immediately.
i'm speechless that dan cut away from a drunk white guy to show a moderate chimp out
>jerks hands away
>I haven't done anything illegal
>I know my rights
>I'm not going to jail!

How to announce you're knowingly doing about 5 felonies
What's this dyke cop gonna do?
>i got work to do
chief nog clinton is alright
Weed is illegal in NC
plenty of sonic ad placement tonight. i see you dan.

…is there only one hooker on the planet?
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Checked. There is a webm for that, but I don't have it.
That scale is for tobacco!
niggers are always fucking retarded.
Fuck the nigger
He’s a liar, I can tell.
>ayy bro why you doin this? i got drugs to sell

diabetic boomer
fuck I'm late sup bros?
how is everyone?
what did I miss?
Weed might be illegal but they don't charge drivers who are high on weed
Sergeant looks just like Stone Cold Steve Austin.
>Guy is having a diabetic episode
Cuff him and give him a felony!
Yeah but tall.
a truck driver went crazy and never wants to drive a truck ever again. got arrested because fuck truck driving, then blamed the cops for ruining his life.

Fill the DEI quota.
i have siren autism so idc
I lolol.
They can if the perp is retarded enough to smoke in the car.
Is it just me or does the studio look dark?
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If a beetus person is having beetus fit cant they just drink a Baja Blast and be good?
Posting from the year 2074
It's just Curtis.
they upgraded their cams for season 3.
fucking kek
Was the white race replaced? Did the Jews finally win?
i dont know why this soap company thought their dry skin CGI makes anyone want to buy their product
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American workers deliver technology
>all american workers are imported browns
She finally killed that ratchet bitch, Chelsea
I'm hoping a nigger gets shot and killed soon. I need to loot a fucking Xbox.
Yes, and it is beautiful. Overlord Harris brought a golden age.
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Brb going to change the future.
law and order svu needs to end. everyone on that show is old as shit and ugly now
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>going to change the future.
Dude all these adds are for poors, makes me feel bad for watching and being targeted.
Poor old nigger thinks it's a Cadillac
is this dude retarded high or drunk?
what a retard
Too much holy water

Nigger looks retarded, and I mean actually retarded, not an insult.
Yes. He's a nigger
pooph is based
Is he half downs?
he's either drunk or extremely unhealthy
now that you mention this i dont think ive ever seen a nigger with down syndrome in my life. its always been white people
Some nigger bitch backed into me like that before then said WHY YOU PARKED THERE
nigger cop lets a nigger off, shocking
Bill Clinton's illegitimate lovechild #11 here is very eloquent. Future in Democratic politics
ok, he is a sub 80 IQ nigger drinking and driving

great combo champ, way to go
Checked and happy Friday Piss Fetish Anon. I thought the same thing, he sort of looks like a downy.
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Which lefty group are you knocking your cock too? The niggers or the pigs?
of course theyre letting the nigger off
this nigger is legitimately 40IQ
Dude we need to hire this guy at my company. Smartest DEI hire.
>the heat got to me

it's 74 degrees there you absolute retard
I’m glad they let him go. He has to make it to the Children’s Hospital to do surgery tonight, and he’s going to speak at a NASA seminar tomorrow.
It's not that hot in the east today
>The next time you murder again we'll get ya.
hes actually a snow nigger
Oh shit this nigger had a stroke, that is why he sounds fucked
not impaired, just retarded
I would've put money on him being drunk, but yea I think he's just retarded
>female driver
>stuck in water
checks out, this cop is about to do traffic duty or arrest a hoe for DUI
cookin with jack's cousin
Have we seen the Toledo lesbians yet?
lol these idiot drivers
called it, she drove into a lake somehow
good job you fucking racists, you assumed he was drunk or retarded because he's black but he had a stroke from the clot shot
woman moment
schlop schlop schlop
new bread >>474901427
you can't park there
>Toledo lesbians
What sport would this team play?
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TYB. Always on point.
Dan will treat this naked noncompliant BM felon as a comedy routine, not a serious crime.
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i love it when liberals complain about how mean american cops are when they aren't even a quarter as aggressive as brazilian cops

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