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This is why SWAT was told by USSS to get off the roof and go inside.
>last night - Rep Mike Waltz is briefed by the FBI that the Trump shooter had 3 overseas accounts
>also last night - Crowdstrike pushes a bad update and shuts down computer systems globally.
Fake and jewish
Hmm I don't hear anything op.
rumble /v57lchx-audio-forensics-confirms-at-least-three-separate-weapons-were-fired-in-assa.html
>Crowdstrike pushes a bad update and shuts down computer systems globally.
Owned by BlackRock. I've been thinking about this, the bricking of computers requires hands on IT professionals to fix. This, it's a perfect opportunity for compromised IT staff or service contractors to act on individual computers or previously inaccessible networks. The edits they're applying for all the way down to the root system of the PC architecture, remember that Pentium has been making backdoored motherboard chips for about 7-8 years now.

Basically, we can assume that the system has been subverted already with this latest update. Believe it or not, things are heating up.
It's just reverb.

The Secret Service immediately identified the shooter and neutralized the threat. Crooks was the lone attempted-assassin.
The jews and our jewish IC are trying to invent a way to blame the assassination on Iran.
>Pentium has been making backdoored motherboard chips for about 7-8 years now.
they've backdoored all the hardware.
things are definitely heating up and spontaneous combustion could occur at any moment.
we're not even going to get a nice mundane lead up, it's going to be non stop happenings from here on out.
this thread is not about Crowdstrike computer nonsense
Amateur sound engineers lie.
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>computer nonsense
First 3 shots from Water Tower?
Next 4 shots from Crooks (or his location)
Final shot from Water Tower?

Not saying this is so, just throwing this out there, I really don't get what the OP info means.
> glowie faggot posts unconfirmed lies
Not the water tower. The top of the AGR building, 200ft behind Crooks.
anyone else feeling sleepy?
the water tower is a big blue herring
the real culprit is likely DEI in the end.
they've been sniffing their own farts for so long they thought women and niggers could do the job of men.
even if there was a conspiracy in the gov't to assassinate Trump, and I would not be shocked to find that out, the reason they failed was also DEI.
should have hired a non schizo jew White human shooter and back up shooters if that's the theory.
D E I. it works with any situation you can dream up.
>the US Gov't can't even pull off a simple assassination ever since the Equal Rights Amendment.
So the glowies not only missed a really easy shot? They missed it from two directions? How embarrassing.
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dont forget the blackrock connection
either you are a bot, or you have terrible reading comprehension. I explicitly stated it was NOT the water tower.

Next post, prove you are not a bot by including greentext with the colors of the Cincinatti Bengals. Then ill discuss whatever you like about my post.
just enter the agency in question into a search bar and follow it with diversity.
they tell you themselves how much they love niggers and women right there.
every single fucking institution that works.
they all have a DEI branch.
I'm wondering about the Fandango guy that took a header off of a NYC high rise on Tuesday.
left behind 6 kids and a wife, shit fuck ton of money.
>back up shooters
This part makes no sense. Clearly Crooks was a patsy, and with any patsy, you have a back up plan in case he does not deliver the goods.

Not sure what happened here. Did the PA cops fuck up their entire plan?
Pennsylvania State Police has a very active diversity equity and inclusion program. there's a whole section about it on the gov't website.
The red line is off, he was on the water tower to the right in your pic, there’s a video of it youtu.be/D5MDzmxJquQ
Watching you stupid disinformation faggots go to work on this situation for the past week has really opened my eyes to how conspiracies get started. You've been making shit up out of thin air since the minute it happened, on almost every aspect of the event; even the most solid and concrete details have not been immune to your lies.
Doors anytime have full video that shows the snipers on the roof and all ~9 shots? Originally i had thought the first 3 were from Crooks and then rapid fire was from the counter snipers. But some video shows the counter snipers adjusted after 3 shots. But there was also a second counter sniper team.
Here's another guy analyzing the sound https://x.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1814406102903099435
>how conspiracies get started
women's low cut jeans was a two fold conspiracy by designers
1. use less material and charge more for the forced trend
2. to demean women by making them walk around all day with their ass crack hanging out
Almost every govt dept does. This says nothing about the actual officers deployed to the scene, and even with DEI, there can be good non-white employees in the mix.
According to the official story (not a trustworthy source at all, but the best we have at the moment), the assassin got off 8 shots, and then USSS killed him with 1 shot. That is the shot you hear 8 seconds later than the others in the videos. This matches with the timeline of them saying that they killed Crooks 15 seconds after the first shot.
someone said that it took 26 seconds to kill the shooter, and the the sniper took him out with one headshot…but the TMZ video and the feed of the rally both seemed much shorter than 26 seconds
But you can hear from the audio that the initial shots and later shots have a different sound to them, which does not match up with 8 shots from Crooks.
But it was Yearick, not Crooks
Weird, yesterday I read that it was 15 seconds. Thought Mayorkas said it. I now see ABC and good morning america claiming it was 26 seconds.
that idiot (someone on X, reposted here) couldn't do math, it's 11 seconds for Crooks, and then at 15 seconds the SS team kills him with one shot.
the idiot added 11 and 15 and was posting 26 seconds, but it's just 15.
Any link to the audio overplayed with this sound wave?
Nvm red line. This vid from "JesseOnFire" shows vid of woman in white looking around before shots, has a plunge-v neck making it super visible when she holds up a sign completely in front of her, saying "FIRE joe biden" but between her serious looks towards Crooks and high visibility, then suddenly shes holding sign saying FIRE in front of her, right before the shots.. but check 22:02 on vid, right after shots start, she SMILES you see her cheek flex... wtf?
Correct. And if you read the bottom of my first post, the difference in sound is because the shots are coming from 2 different locations. The first three are 220ft away from the person with the camera. There is only 1 spot within 200-300 ft of Crooks that would provide the right height, cover, and line of sight to allow a second shooter to take shots safely. The top of the AGR building, about 200 ft behind Crooks. And the real juicy bit is that according to the audio, that assassin fired first, then Crooks fired his 4 shots after the assassin's first 3.

Crooks probably can't hit the broadside of a barn, especially with ironsights at 150yds. And the first bullet? It was a killshot, dead on Trump's head.
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Everybody knows that you tell the truth.
No, I wish. If you find it, post it please.
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You, uh... you factored in the shots from SS when they domed the little fucker... right?
That would be the ninth shot.
idk but i also independently thought that i only heard and saw 4 shots fired in the video
i was even thinking it was a binary trigger and he held down the trigger for a moment on the second(or fourth rather) shot
all these dumbasses think more bullets=better because of cod
This their whole modus operandi is to use a retard patsie to take the shot, they can't use a professional like they did with John Kennedy because there are simply too many recording devices around now. This is why their retard was so ridiculously close, was even spotted by the crowd, confronted by police and still had time to shoot. Trump should have been taken off stage at least 5 minutes before the shooting as per the SS protocol, their were people pointing to the retard with the damn rifle, Trump should have been led off the stage, to the armored limo while the threat was cleared. This was a stand down, a classic stand down.
I think the real pro CIA shooter going after Trump was on the water tower.

Patsy on the roof
there was a second shooter in the building behind crooks building. The shooter was sitting in a window (first 3 shots, no echo) There is news heli footage which clearly shows the window is opened and left that way
Bank accounts?
OMG what a genius, nobody else thought of that.
please listen to the audio. you can hear the supersonic bang followed by the sound of the gunpowder in all 8 shots. It just that in shots 4-7, its super close together each time because the rally goer with the camera was a mere 50-60ft away from Crooks. Same as why you only hear 1 sound when you are the one shooting the rifle. But someone 500 yds away will hear the both about 1.5 seconds apart.
That just makes it look sus AF.
>rumble /v57lchx-audio-forensics-confirms-at-least-three-separate-weapons-were-fired-in-assa.html

>Not the water tower. The top of the AGR building, 200ft behind Crooks.
no, man. There was a dude repelling from the water tower. Everyone saw him. LOL.
You can ignore the idiot in the video. But the video from the rally goer is real, and you can hear (and calculate distance) of the shots from it. And the waveform files in the video are also accurate. The dude who is talking doesn't have a clue of what he is talking about, but he is doing his best.
Another video from a higher angle shows a person in front of her holds the sign up. She has her phone in her hand the whole time.
Just reached the video, looks like after the first 3 shots, Trump ducked down, so the assumed Elite shooter just got 3 clear shots at Trump before that. How did he miss?

Also, in the video I watched, the first 3 and the next 4 sound very similar, and the last one sound different. But in a prior more widespread video (have not found it on my HD yet) the first few shots sounded different to the next barrage.

But once again, how did an elite shooter (not Crooks) in a undisclosed position miss Trump with a few seconds of clear shooting time?
*Meaning the woman in white has her phone in her hands, not any sign.
Willing to bet some DEI hire got a jump scare and pulled the trigger once they heard things popping off
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Rest in piss, pedo-boon
The closer the camera/microphone is to Crooks, the more different the shots will sound.

a supersonic bullet 60ft from you has a loud sound, with a near instant crack. Whereas at 220 ft from you, you get a small gap between the sounds. It is very noticeable.

But if you hear one gun fire from 450 ft away, and another 650 ft away, they are going to sound VERY similar.

Thus the videos near Trump make it hard to hear the difference. The videos near Crooks, its SUPER EASY to hear that there are two different guns firing.
>Crooks probably can't hit the broadside of a barn, especially with ironsights at 150yds. And the first bullet? It was a killshot, dead on Trump's head.

Well trained professional retired tier-1 guy for spook inc slowfires and puts a perfect shot in trumps ear, then one into the bystanders and one into the crane.

At this moment, the patsy, realizes he's the patsy and is going to live about another 10 seconds. He's not got a good shot yet, so panic shoots over the ridge of the roof, meanwhile, the glorious counter-sniper team pops him once, in that rapid burst and then tight in the dome for good night irene no book deal, no show trial, no bueno.

Something like that.
They probably just sound different because for the first few shots the woman holding her phone taking the video had it out in front of her high up in the air and then ducked down and tucked it into her body as she was taking cover, muffling the microphone for the next few shots. At least that's what I, an intelligent person would think happened.
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yeah, the whole setup stinks to high heaven.
Unfortunately, that is not the case. Only nine bullets were fired. 4 from 1 gun, 4 from another, and 1 killshot on Crooks. And we know that at least 5 of the bullets were meant for Trump.

1: Hit Trumps ear and went into crowd member.
2: Hits same crowd member a second time.
3: Hits another crowd member.
4: Kills firefighter.
5: Hits the hydraulic pump on the lift.

(order unknown except for first bullet)
I'll follow this up by saying the patsy doesn't end up hitting anybody on stage for a couple of reasons...

1) he's been probably handed that rifle and it's 50/200 zero'd. at 220+ft he's shooting over his targets.
2) he's elevated and not compensating for the elevation and also additively shooting high...
3) rapid succession, poor recoil compensation (bad grip) causing barrel flip

1+2+3 means patsy's 5 or 6 shots all go wild high before he's eliminated, thus none of the SS or lower bystanders get hit
Well, I have watched 5 different recordings of the incident, and you can hear the difference between shots 1-3 and 4-7 quite clearly in all of them. Some near Trump, some near Crooks, 1 video was on the opposite side of the rally. Soundwaves dont lie. The time gap between the supersonic boom and the gunpowder explosion can always be used to determine how far away a gunshot was. The shots are coming from different locations.

I concur.
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op, I think you're on to something. If nothing else, because these retards are really trying to jam up your discussion about the audio of multiple shooters.
There's a yt channel run by a dude (lookoutforcharlie) into audio conspiracy. If he's not already on it, he'd be interested.
If Trump gets elected what would stop him from opening up an investigation on the attempt on his life?
And if it’s uncovered that there was a conspiracy then what? Would he not claim extraordinary powers? Would this not lead to a crisis?
Did his speech at the RNC seem subdued, given all that’s come out?

If he gets elected and DOES NOTHING to get to the truth what does that mean?
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Probably the dude at 200 yards saw t grab his ear, and dipped out thinking it was a hit.
Furthermore, the slow cadence of the first 3 shots suggests a consummate professional with a bolt gun (for the precision of getting him only the in ear) and not some sloppy semi-auto.

A sloppy amateur assassin would have probably shot in rapid succession (poorly) like the second series.

For me I think it's all a well staged media event with a lefty patsy idiot to bolster Trumps inorganic (at this point) popularity with some extra nationalism and move the manufacturered CW2.0 narrative and the tensions higher

nobody in their right mind things any of this shit is anything but theatre at this point
>The time gap between the supersonic boom and the gunpowder explosion can always be used to determine how far away a gunshot was.
>DOES NOTHING to get to the truth
They'll lie. Truth is they're incompetent. Just fire as many fed workers as possible and force new hires to be outside of the DC area. The FBI can get new employees in Idaho.
..I saw a video where the shooter shot a hydraulic pump.. that exploded. could that be the second " shot" it explodes and a speaker rack drops and smashes around.
That's not a conspiracy. People all want to see women wear less clothes and they always get charged more for the same regardless of the amount of fabric. A pink razor costs triple the amount of the blue one for men, the only difference is the color. Debunked.
They don't exactly write field reports at the levels that commit presidential assassination.
You might even say they consider their paper trail.
Is it a bad time to tell this poster that gunpowder (modern stuff) doesn't explode at all?
the actual last shot is from the SS sniper, who is using a suppressor. Don't know if you meant that or Crooks' last shot.
>..I saw a video where the shooter shot a hydraulic pump.. that exploded. could that be the second " shot" it explodes and a speaker rack drops and smashes around.
yes and now,
it clearly hits a hydraulic hose which immediately vents out the entire cylinder and the crane drops, a hydraulic pump is something else entirely
the ear and then the hose like that might have been just showing off a bit
Is that you, maxwell?
I am 100% sure I am right on this. Once a solid waveform+video came out, I realized that the real assassin's position could not be stay hidden, because it gives a PRECISE radius to search around the location of the camera man. I used 5 videos, calculated shots 1-3 distance and drew a circle of that radius with the center on the estimated location of the cameraman in each video.

Then I did the same for shots 4-7. And I was doubly shocked by the circles. The circles for shots 4-7 all intersected on the roof Crooks was on. And shots 1-3 all intersected on the building 200ft behind him.

I initially thought "there is no way a second shooter could be on the same roof and not be seen. thats like retard-tier impossible". But then I went drew the line from Trump to Crooks and it landed dead on the same building....exact same line for the shot.

So then I went to Google streetview, and what do I find? A freaking building, with 2.5 tall panels blocking line of sight on two sides, and a negatively sloped roof to hide on just like Crooks did. With trees blocking line of sight on the fourth side. And an easy way to get up and down with multilevel climbing spots on the open side.

Unbelievable. Once this gets out, its only a matter of time before the truth will be discovered. Impossible to stop this dam from breaking.
Heard of whistleblowers?
in fact I think you can hear two or three suppressed shots, probably 1 to knock down and then the slow fired finishing shot to the dome
i slightly disagree, we don't know how shot those shots, PD, SS or other "good guys"
>And if it’s uncovered that there was a conspiracy then what? Would he not claim extraordinary powers? Would this not lead to a crisis?
>Did his speech at the RNC seem subdued, given all that’s come out?
>If he gets elected and DOES NOTHING to get to the truth what does that mean?
depends if he wants to take care of the matter quietly and out of public view.
nice. fits with my theory too, that's just reasoning from the assumption it's staged for theatre and not murder (of Trump)
>puts a perfect shot in trumps ear, then one into the bystanders and one into the crane.
Are you saying shots 2 and 3 were to deliberately miss Trump, or just that he missed?
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>The Secret Service immediately identified the shooter and neutralized the threat.
I use language that people understand. If you want to get into precise physics and acoustics of ballistics we can. But it is unnecessary when plain language that is easily understood will communicate the ideas better and faster.
The same secret service that just made multiple fuck ups
We do know that the first 8 shots came from 2 different locations, and all 8 were meant for Trump, as 5 of them landed in known locations all around him.
Trump has a vested interest in not completely destroying the public's trust in the government. He can use his powers to make sure the guilty parties get punished quietly and off-press.
It don't matter. None of this shit matters. Nothing every happens.
Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
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yeah, zerohedge article link.
>Are you saying shots 2 and 3 were to deliberately miss Trump, or just that he missed?
i'm saying it's fake and gay
a pro shooter shot trump in the air
and a couple of bystanders
a patsy got shot
Yup, thats the building. And the shot acoustics place a second shooter on that building.
Yearick being arrested on video screaming “this is what happens to patriots”

I assume the last shot was the Crooks kill shot. I was just wondering how an elite specifically chosen shooter could miss 3 shots on Trump. He came close, but he had three shots before Trump ducked, and that seems like a lot in a public situation like that, Trump was pretty slow to figure it out and duck. So my question was basically, how did the actual professional Assassin miss?
Nothing has ever not happened. It's always happening. You're like a frog being boiled slowly so you don't notice. It's happening, it already happened, and it won't stop happening. Have you gone shopping? Have you tried communicating with people? Everything is fucked. You'll be living in a cardboard box smoking weaponized drugs talking about "nothing ever happens". Fuck off.
It was deliberate. The whole thing is theater and has so many layers that nothing will happen just like jfk
the reason why there's more shots is because each shot will make two sounds downrange:
the supersonic crack of the projectile
the muzzle blast.
Are these glow in the dark nigger fucks even trying? Holy fuck, this is why DEI was a mistake. Literally using sub 100 IQ retorts.
technically 3
1) heavy
2) patsy
3) suppressed finisher
trump and biden are shabbos goyim, cut the crap
>3) suppressed finisher
there is video/photos of the 2nd story windows behind the patsy being open, at least one of them is open and very convenient for a finisher from interior cover, even if it's just a panicked useful good guy who runs up and looks out the window at the roof towards trump
also, if it's true that the vegas shooting was linked to the saudis, then that means trump let mbs take care of the matter.
>If he gets elected and DOES NOTHING to get to the truth what does that mean?
it's fucking theatre?
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Brilliant work anon.
>with 2.5 tall panels blocking line of sight on two sides
Got a screencap for the archives?
A good indicator will be if it stays on Google maps.
>that means trump let mbs take care of the matter.
>Got a screencap for the archives?
>A good indicator will be if it stays on
look at teh zerohedge archived link
it's all there
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Here is the acoustic ring map I made. Pink is for shots 1-3. And red is for shots 4-7.
Science ftw.
Soooo many vids.
Let me add uno mas
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure they didn't hire off taskrabbit.
I don't know why you're so adamant that intelligence agency presidential assassins wouldn't adapt their methods of subterfuge to their own methods of subsequent investigation.
We figured it out in a previous thread.

All the shots you hear are Crooks. The USSS used silencers. The killshot came from the airport. This is why Trump, in his speech, said it came from a "much greater distance".

The fired USSS anon was posting and confirmed that he was not the kill shot bc there was a tree in the way and video game loser assassin was not on the area of the roof being shared.
geez, i'm sleepy. right
and the vegas shit was a kill team trying to take him out or similar IIRC or was that another contestant in that shit show?
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Here a few google streetview pictures of the 4 sides of the AGR building. You can see the building Crooks was on in the distance in the first picture.
>nothing will happen just like jfk
I'm sure of this. Even the Elites who know what happened will keep quiet, that's their nature.

But I think you can only get to the real truth soon after the incident, because a few months or years later, there will have been many huge footsteps to muddy the scene, and lost of misinfo, and lots or missing evidence that is available now. Then you have people who try to solve it later and only have the residual non-scrubbed info that point so the official story, or some goofy alternate story that is propped up to confuse and frustrate anyone looking into it.
where's that muffled finisher from?
I didnt bother figuring that out since it was a USSS shot. Want me to?
What? Where are so many vids?
This thread is so fishy compared to the other trump assassination threads
3 from Crooks.
5 from SS snipers, most likely the team to the right of the stage.
Final shot from the police in 2nd floor near Crooks making sure he was dead.
>I didnt bother figuring that out since it was a USSS shot. Want me to?
yep, why not? more data is more data
>5 from SS snipers, most likely the team to the right of the stage.
nigger they can't even see him from their position hence the confusion
New vid to me
It turned up on X 2 days ago.
This version doesn't have all the echo/dopplering and seems to have better clarity for shot count.
Still like to know when the fireman got killed. Was that the last shot when the woman screams?
It is from one of the buildings directly behind trump. All of the videos near Trump, I cannot hear a separation between the sounds at all, or if I do, it is nearly imperceptible. So, within less than 50ft of those with cameras in his immediate vicinity (10-15ft in front of him, and the bleachers behind him). The two videos near Crooks place is respectively between 300-350ft in one, and 400-450ft in the other. And the redneck video on the other side places it around 250-280ft away. I believe it came from the building behind and to the left of Trump if looking at him head-on.
No idea, i'm a nogunz. But the woman who screamed may have ducked and a few seconds later she could have gotten up and saw the dude''s blown up head and screamed then. I don't think you need to tie the scream to the preceding bullet.
thanks, interesting.
>The fired USSS anon was posting and confirmed that he was not the kill shot
This is the guy from the Sniper Team video. Now, it looks like he does shoot one shot right at the end. Is this shot accounted for in OPs shot list? Or am I mistaken?
dan bongino's podcast here
mentions the two guys in black are SS "codename Hawkeye" (two man counter assault) and there is a third guy in different BDUs, could be that guy
maybe some CAG guy with great aim
this video here's:
got that final shot cracking over their head
near, seems to confirm
Yes, the ninth shot is by USSS.
This is good stuff anon. I assume it's also easily replicable by anybody with the appropriate acoustic analysis skills?
How did you arrive at the locations of the people recording the audio?
What's it like being this retarded?
You have to know this is cope, right?
Like, you're just hoping trump doesn't look good in any way. Admit it, you wish that shit hit him. There's no way you could say that and not
Well, I'm off for now. Hopefully someone better at spreading info has screenshotted this stuff and can put it in a more digestible format. If its not common knowledge within a few days, I'll come back and post it again and answer more questions about it.
Yup, its really not difficult at all.
You need to make this stuff known, you sound like you're not full of shit and are genuinely trying to verify what really happened so be sure to come back and repost soon. Good work.
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They are videos, not just audio. It is not difficult to figure out where people are standing in their videos when major landmarks such as Trump, bleachers, buildings, etc, allow you to estimate their position within 10-20 ft without much difficulty.
great thread anon
Godspeed anon. I am doing my small part to disseminate the info now.
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Tell me more. I will admit I don't know much about computers and I don't know shit about the outtage that's been going on. If in theory someone were to use the updates maliciously, how much damage could it actually do? Take out internet for weeks, destroy bank records, shut off utilities kinda things or is that too hollywood?
First 3 shots from window, roof shooter hears those and knows it's his queue to fire the next group. Next shot is from Sniper 2 to the roof and final shot is from the motorcycle guy that entered the building to shoot window sniper.
>the motorcycle guy that entered the building to shoot window sniper.
>rumble /v57lchx-audio-forensics-confirms-at-least-three-separate-weapons-were-fired-in-assa.html
Muchos garcias
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Fuck. Did we just enter the Mr. Robot timeline?
Theoretically, someone with malicious intent working in IT/CyberSecurity could backdoor it if they have the right job and the right opportunity. They wouldn’t be able to just wipe people’s records off the face of the planet, but they could probably gain access to massive databases with people’s personal info.
haha holy shit, that is amazing
Stop. AI is fun, but it isn't amazing don't give it that kind of prestige.
but its very clever and impactful. AI is like any tool, it can be used well or poorly. Most of what we have seen is pretty poor, but I like this because its funny
If they didn't always buy that shit, the tactic wouldn't work.
And that CIA nigger screwed the pooch
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>Crooks was the lone attempted-assassin.
The hydraulic lift was supporting a cluster of "line array" speaker cabinets, the current standard method for large outdoor venues.
I have not yet seen video of the speakers coming down, but I did see a still of the spray coming from the lift.
Having worked and attended several shows using line arrays on hydraulic lifts, I have been curious to see what would happen if a hose or fitting failed (or cut, be that accidentally or not.)
If the hose/whatever was spraying as we see that day, the speakers should come down gradually just as they would by lowering the lift on purpose. Even compromised, the pressure in the system should provide at least some resistance, as opposed to a cable or clamp failure that could cause the speakers to release from the lift and fall unimpeded.
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>there was a second shooter in the building behind crooks building. The shooter was sitting in a window (first 3 shots, no echo)

my money is on that window for the pro
Tell me more about this “Pentium” company, Google shows me some facilities management compant and an IT service provider
>1) he's been probably handed that rifle and it's 50/200 zero'd. at 220+ft he's shooting over his targets.
The ballistic chart for 5.56x45mm NATO 62 grain FMJBT says the difference in elevation from 100 yards to 200 yards is only 1.2 inches. Thomas Crooks being at 140 yards would mean his bullet arc moves less than an inch if his zero was 50/ 200 yards.
> I assume it's also easily replicable by anybody with the appropriate acoustic analysis skills?
Related: The Nashville RV explosion on Christmas had a recording of a voice repeating various "evacuate immediately" warnings. I had seen videos that played clips of this audio backwards to get "are you ready? It will happen quickly."
I assumed this was clickbait, so I reversed the audio myself and got the exact same results.
Recently my wife ran across a similar video of audio from that incident. The warning phrase is a monotone voice, but when reversed sounds like melodic singing "are you ready for the Merry Christmas bomb?"
Upon reversing that one, I got the exact same results. I understand those words having surprising effect when reversed, I do not understand why it sounds obviously melodic.
> Moar fun from the rabbit hole
I have not yet tried reversing any of the audio from this day. But I did recently reverse several political speeches from various politicians and found something weird: When Trump says "Make America Great Again" (or "Safe Again" etc) that phrase reversed sounds like "Ay Caramba."
uh hello?
Audio fag here
Ya u can learn a lot from audio.
Seems likely.
Just installed Spectralayers 11 for
restoration projects
lol they all missed
Stop feeling threatened, FAG.


Its hatsune miku guys She back with vengeance.
I don't think anyone is going to be fooled by the doctoring of that video.
It was actually easy, all they had to do was morph the campaign rally into some old footage of Trump from his AMA racing days.
What I'm impressed with: someone had a home PC with enough horsepower to process that video rendering and have it finished this week.
> I remember when Windows 3.1 was cutting-edge, 40MB was a big hard drive, 2MB was "a lot of RAM." Modern computers are holyshitballs compared to where we were 20 years ago.
There is a YouTube video of a young couple that described seeing a guy riding a black Harley Davidson motorcycle ride up and park at the AGR building. The couple were walking over to the rally from their home nearby and their path took them across the AGR parking lot.
They took note of him because they thought it was odd that he would just ride up, park his bike right at the door and walk into the unlocked building.
A Japanese news crew followed up with them the next day , Sunday 7/14, and when they walked over to the police perimeter they saw the black Harley was still parked there.
The door he went in is access to the building the pink circles originate from.
If you can use malware to overheat a server at a data center and shut down the fire suppression system, or do that at multiple cloud hubs at once and cause fires…you can wipe a lot of shit.
That said, I worked for a company in 2005 that owned a data center in an old bunker that could supposedly survive a direct hit from a nuke. We used like 15% of it and then rented the rest out to banks and utilities and Fortune 500 companies as a backup billing records / sensitive data storage center with 99.9% guaranteed uptime. There were companies that showed up every day with physical disks to transfer whatever the fuck they were storing with us.
Crooks got in trouble about 5 years ago for calling in a bomb threat to his high school. I think this is when the Feds started grooming him.
Crooks was a young person with no friends and very vulnerable emotionally. Someone could have easily been assigned to him to be a friend, secret confidant. The agent could even tell Crooks he or she was married so they have to keep everything very secret. An age difference if the agent was like 25 would also be reason to ask Crooks to keep everything very secret.
I think the feds started grooming Crooks when he got in trouble for his bomb threat about 5 years ago.
The Secret Service's performance was so bad during the preparation for and the conduct of the 7/13 Trump rally it leads people to believe that it had to be a planned assassination attempt.
- leaving the grounds 100 yards away from Trump's stage unsecured,
- leaving a roof top 150 yards from Trump's stage unsecured
- letting Trump go on stage while there was a reported threat in the area
- keeping Trump on the stage while people in the crowd are screaming that there is a guy with a rifle on the roof 150 yards away from Trump
- not having a reaction force available to respond to multiple reports of an armed person in the immediate vicinity.
- local cops bumbling around unable to communicate with the Secret Service
- Three two man teams of USSS snipers with scoped rifles were focused on the assassin because people were screaming "There is a guy on the roof with a rifle !!!" but for some reason they did not shoot while the assassin took position over the peak of the roof and aligned his sights on President Trump.
The part of this thing that nagged me was why would they trust Thomas Crooks with taking the shot ? Thomas Crooks was the patsy all along. The guy that rode up on the black Harley Davidson and took the shots indicated by the pink rings was the professional assassin.
Did we ever find out who owns that motorcycle?
Sloppy job trump.
The truth will come out you conspired with your jew masters to fake this for simp votes.
Discussing Trump shooting here. YEARICK AND CROOKS PILL - MOAB THREAD
>come join and give your thoughs anons

>muh science
kys faggot
No, they fucked up too much. It's not 1963, you can't pull this shit anymore, there's too much information already out to bury this, they're going to throw the entire administration under the bus
>Crooks "drone or leo" pic moskito arms
>Dead guy on roof biceps much bigger



>Potentially identified 2 members of "unit 3"
That's pretty conclusive. When will the local PD release this info? Some normie cops in there must know this isn't the same guy.

>KILL ....... ***TEAM***

>muh water tower people saw someone repelling down!
>a zillion cell phones there including professional cameras and video equipment
>not a single picture
>backdoored motherboard chips for about 7-8 years now
Lol been a lot longer than that
Jim stone pointed this stuff out 15 or more years ago
Hello frens from Soundwaves don't lie.
You are free to join us at : Biceps don't lie.
Kek : >>474937241

Regarding our findings from previous thread : Trump shooting- YEARICK AND CROOKS PILL - MOAB THREAD
PREVIOUS >>474924435
PREVIOUS >>474924435
This nig got the downsies and the sugars


PREVIOUS >>474924435
PREVIOUS >>474924435
The usa is filmed in Spain.
>Impossible to stop this dam from breaking.

Uhh...maybe in 60 years time. They still have the JFK shit locked up. All of your sources need to be backed up and ...get this...made public. That is...PUBLISHED. Make government agencies publish them. Library of Congress, a notice at the courts.. w/e I don't know your American system. Get a lawyer and get the data out.
What I suspect is that the 2nd/3rd? shooter had to wait for Crooks to make the first shots to be covered. So the first shots are Crooks and the middle ones are the agency assassin(s). They shoot, they miss and they escape amongst the chaos. Another shooter in another position is given another opportunity by the short SS women standing Trump on his feet, head exposed but they don't take the shot. Likely, they don't take the shot because they know there will be another chance.

The SS are dirty and involved totally. I can't for the life of me understand why Cheatle isn't under arrest given the string of obvious and intentional stand down.

They say that there were other agencies in the crowd, but let's call them feds, either on the public tit or contracted. They're feds. And so Cheatle is head fed. I simply don't believe she wasn't centrally instrumental in all movements of personnel and should be treated with automatic suspicion.
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>shots from other weapon

Yeah that's snipers returning fire retard

ALL fields
Crooks or whoever fires 3 shots at the president, and sees him go down. There’s a break of a few seconds. Then 5 more shots fired rapidly, but who were they aiming for? How could the shooter clip the president and then completely miss the remaining shots? Why didn’t the shooter shoot into the SS pile up on Trump?
I thought the shooter did the first 3, and the SS did the following 6. Do we even know how many times crooks was hit? Is there an autopsy? How many spent casing by crooks body, and by each SS position?
this, intel released a new network adapter driver update yesterday for the ancient 2015 era motherboard I have, they didn't give a shit about updating it before yesterday, and the timing is sus, not installing it because fuck the jews.
Maybe someone knows the answer to this, but who leaked the initial photo of the shooter? I don’t think that’s ever been established. If it was Secret Service or police, why would they do that? If it was police or Secret Service, why would you ever trust it?
> Photo of the dead shooter
>3 overseas accounts
>according to fox "discord and steam"
since when are discord and steam "encrypted accounts" and what are they trying to push with this stupid narrative
That Iran was involved. Expert sharpshooters and Secret Service detail from all over the world from other countries started to chime in with their expert opinions, saying that some government had to be involved. They were basically saying it was impossible for this kid to be able to do what he did without help. This account nonsense is to try and validate that some third-party government was involved.
So here's the thing...

It was a media event.
That means cameras.
Multiple cameras.
Three or more.
With timecode sync.
Yes it's very compelling, and explains why they sprayed off the DNA evidence.
And a motorcycle parked outside.
But also this
Bless you guys for staying on this. Shills have been so active in all of these threads.
Here comes the hologram q Anon well poisoning brigade. Finally got David Brock to stop getting throat pied by all your handlers to come give some support ?
im boomping.

This guy says there were two shooters as well
those IT staff would have had root access to the system anyway, and a backup diff would show if they made any changes other than the ones needed for the fix.
should be easy to prove if true
>what are they trying to push with this stupid narrative

1. you can't get a patsy to do something everybody knows will get him killed.
2. but you need someone you can blame on your enemies
3. you CAN get a second rate spec ops decoy with a peppered past to do it, but only if he thinks he's covered
4. but you can't have the decoy be identified or survive, nor the patsy.
5. if everything goes as planned, then the decoy gets away and you can blame iran and liquidate the decoy and the patsy quietly, blowing up the patsy's car for a plausible but hard to forensic death
6. if the decoy is discovered, you can liquidate and swap him out for the patsy, and you just need to spray the blood off so anons don't come by and ID it independently
7. you just need a second operator at the intersection of the pink circles, a detonator in patsy #1's car, and your men in the building just below where the decoy-patsy body swap has to happen.

>why all that though
Because you can't get your enemy to hurt themself (patsy) but you still need a fall guy (decoy) who hates your enemy, and someone to tie up the loose ends (operator). This provides multiple levels of limited hangout.

The telltale sign will be different cells will initially push their version of the narrative (Iran, walk a mile, carbomb) until the dust settles.
Keenan thompson in a wig
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And the decoy's teeth will be blown FORWARD because he was shot from behind
>sound waves don't lie!
>images don't lie!
>people don't lie!
I was reading a minor author's forum (most of the writers do bad porn stories, so its relatively dead) when a self admitted ex military Torah reader started a thread asking if Iran was behind the shooting. Checked in on 4chan a few hours later and there were 4 threads shilling the idea.
They really are pushing it as hard as they can in the most minor locations.
Britain had the War of Jenkin's Ear. America will have the War of Trump's Ear.
Reminds me of the 2nd bomber at Kansas city. Once they had McVeigh in custody all witnesses were intimidated into silence and Joseph Padilla went into the memory hole, until he was 'arrested in Afghanistan' working for the Taliban and was subsequently held without trial in a USN brig in Virginia.
Oh shut up nigger bitch. I can tell there are a lot of women on pol this AM
>I thought the shooter did the first 3, and the SS did the following 6
i was sure this was the case. this, too, seems fishy. the official story makes them look even worse now, as they were aware of him before he climbed the roof. it seems unlikely he'd get 8 shots off in multiple bursts before the (several) counter-snipers dropped him.
CIA & friends intentionally muddy the waters and flood forums like this with schizophrenic nonsense to both turn normalfags off from reading it, and to confuse the people reading on what actually happened.
The real questions, like why the fuck the roof was left unguarded are just left in the dark.
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Most likely. If Trump had gotten domed, the militant right would be signing up in droves to waste Brownoids for Israel about now.
This is actually a nice theory. I believe it.
I mean if the crowd strike fuckup would have corrupted files instead of just having 1 bad file that needs to be removed, we would be in the dark ages right now. If it would be malicious and actually encrypt every single computer infected, the world would be at war.
YUGE. if true
Nobody believes you, stupid dipshit so simply shut the fuck up and kill yourself
>there can be good non-white employees
Nobody cares that while you wage that your black bull is dumping in your fat wife in order that you may arrive home and enjoy a nigger creapie faggot
This is the work that lulzsec and anonymous actually do these days.
Yep. They’re reactionary and did a terrible job selling Crooks acted alone so now they’re expanding the narrative after getting own by expert opinions.
try use this audio next time
spread it far and wide so we get more audio analysis

but why havent we seen a photo of his bedroom?
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last shot was this usss south sniper team
jesus christ i am just imagining the psyops we are going to face in the next 6 months.

Oh jesus i don't know if i have enough stamina for it.
>things are heating up!
separation of church and state, when?
isn't double tap or "shoot til you definitely know threat is neutralized" kinda standard protocol?
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Your hard drive was the dead nigger storage all along?
The crowdstrike thing was a shitty poojeet zero day update to a kernel level driver that caused a BSOD loop upon boot. I don’t see how suspending business computers and some servers from being able to boot while no changes are made is anything other than a bad weekend for IT at companies who bought crowdstrike (because the fix annoyingly gay)
I chuckled about it last night.
This is the one,**unimpeachable piece of evidence ** that the fucking criminal FBI cannot take sole custody of, nor make disappear.

Looks like the Traitor motherfuckers missed a big fucking Blind Spot.
At any rate, file FOIAS against FBI, DHS, Secret Service + Beaver Country (as a whole, and the ESU).
Remember, most of the MEAT about the vaccines was garnered via FOIA, and not congress. (because of the statutory penalties)
This has potential. The very first time I saw the earliest footage, my initial impressions were that there was a shot which was more horizontal, and 1 or 2 which were more angled, and that there was an initial shot, and then some hurried attempts. That picture aligns with that a bit.
Short video including the hydro leak
>Short video including the hydro leak
Short video including the hydro leak
>Short video including the hydro leak
Short video including the hydro leak
>Short video including the hydro leak

>dude repelling from the water tower
Haven't seen it but I want to. Someone post it please?
It's 7 Days later, and still no:
1. Ballistics Report (even fucking basic..how many Rounds Fire, Types of Rounds, Calibre)
2. By virtue of #1, how many Shooters (yeah, of course this is the reason for the Delay, because WE have noticed anomalies)
3. The Patsy's, sorry, Shooter's means of Transport.
4. The Shooter's means of smuggling the Rifle inside
5. The Shooter's means of obtaining Roof access
6. Bodycam Footage (Beaver County officers are equipped, normally)
7. ALL Radio Traffic
>It's a complicated case, retard..that's the reason for the delay
Also, FBI is hiring Custodial Staff, to wash down roofs and such
>Crooks got in trouble about 5 years ago for calling in a bomb threat to his high school.
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>remember that Pentium make chips
holy fuck why are kike shills so fucking stupid
is jew AI always this female ffs?
either coverup or theyre looking for accomplices and dont want them to know
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>attempted assassination attempt
Good stuff.
Concepts that even a complete Statist moron could grasp.
This should make even the normiest of normies notice.
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just that easy
what they're trying to push:

what it really means:
FBI-linked discord
FBI-linked email
FBI-linked dropbox
3. They said he drove his car but also had a van filled with explosives. That's fun.

4. He probably walked up from the woods.

5. A ladder.
Hemlines are based on the cycle of the economy. I forget if they're lagging or a leading predictor though.
>They said
No, they didn't.
There have been ZERO official releases from the FBI or DOJ.
You must work for either...
That's not FBI or DOJ, now is it..
Off the record HORSESHIT
Its garbage.
>sources confirmed to Fox News
>The sources could not say how many explosives or what kind but emphasized that more than one was found. There were also bomb-making materials found inside Crooks' house, the sources told Fox News.
I wouldn't hold my breath on an official DOJ report, just like how nothing else is moving quickly bc all the other info is being manipulated before the kosher response.
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Retard FED.
Take our coffee break.
>none of this is normal unless they knew in advance because these are not appropriate reactions to an attempted assassination attempt
When does limiting information because it's a sensitive investigation become limiting information because your original script is a dead letter and you don't know what you can say now that won't be contradicted?
How does this square with all the information provided/leaked fast and early from boots on the ground? It's strange.

Take them.
>Ay Caramba
Simpsons predicting the future and shit.
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>>This motherfucker has access to more than one network reeeeee

That's why I keep the name on.
bump for interesting pic
any links in the archive?
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Open window 2nd floor, roughly 20 yards away from Crooks body.
Media keeps placing shooter position in line of sight of window when he died on other side of roof.
thanks langley
So u work for the brics zero hedge guys and you didn't want to buy an ad, or you came about this independently?
very odd that the mainstream media wouldn't put the shooter in the same location where the shooter took a headshot...
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
I dont like all the curse bleeps. It means its not original audio. I dont trust this video, along with your masonic digits.
remember that guy that shot up Comet Pizza with a 30 round mag but the only damages were to a server in a closet?
guy had 6 kids and a wife plus a shit fuck ton of money to alleviate that.
Three overseas encrypted EMAIL ACCOUNTS. In other words he used protonmail. This shit gets so old man. This is how the government brings in patriot act bullshit. Exaggeration to secure illegal warrants and wiretaps. Don't believe it. This was a Biden ordered hit job sponsored by Blackrock, a known CIA bank, AND THEY FAILED.
Tying up loose ends obviously.
Waltz never used the word email.
supposedly gets briefed again Monday morning.
Looks like it.
Dude JUST IN: Trump Would-Be Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks Had Two Cell Phones and 3 Encrypted Accounts Overseas
Secure email that protects your privacy

Keep your conversations private with Proton Mail, an encrypted email service based in Switzerland.

You want to fuck with me again or are you going to admit now that POL IS ALWAYS RIGHT?
DOOD! they still don't know the nature of the accounts.
I'm calling bullshit on this. Back in 1979, Congress re-opened the JFK murder based on similar "audio evidence". It would up that the recording wasn't even taken from the scene.

You cannot, less than a week after the attempt, have anything close to a quality analysis of the sound. There would be no time to plot all of the buildings and trees around, no time to make tests on the weapon and ammo used on the shooter.

This is just another theory thrown in he air; one of hundreds of 'what if this happened" posts based on nothing but a lack of information from the real investigators.
I believe the satanic jews wanted to assassinate Trump and pin it on a white republican that was hired by Iran. this would advance so much of their agenda.
Disinfo faggot
DOOOOOOOOD! An account is used FOR EMAIL! You don't encrypt steam accounts do you? No. And chat accounts aren't OVERSEAS. So that leaves... fucking email! Use your fucking brain. There's telegram and email. He had a steam account, a discord account, and to sign up for both you need EMAIL. He had three accounts. That's fucking email dude. Which email service is encrypted? PROTONMAIL. I swear the intelligence level of pol has seriously diminished since brown skins have made their way here. This is basic deduction. I guarantee he had protonmail, he probably also had telegram, and he may have had Matrix, another common one with these "types." But you need EMAIL to activate these services. What's an email service that doesn't require your phone number and is encrypted???? Huh???? Cat got your tongue?????? PROTONMAIL. This shit is not hard. It's called HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. And it's superior to AI. Try it sometime.
lets just ignore there's video of crooks taking the first shot
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And Trump miraculously dodged a bullet, just scratching his right ear. Yeah sure...
You are either gullible or shills, if you believe there was an attempt to assassinate Trump.
you might find that servers holding financial ACCOUNTS might also be encrypted, my dudebro.
and one of those servers may in fact be in Israel, although I'll bet all the information was lost Friday morning magically where ever the locations were.
there's video of crooks taking the first shot that hit trumps ear

either way, it was a massive DEI failure.
lets say the US Gov't was trying to assassinate Trump. they failed because of DEI.
ok, remove all conspiracies and it was a lone wolf. DEI is responsible for the failures to protect Trump.
it's really perfect. and it's true.
Quite possible, but would those be described as "accounts" or would those be described as "crypto currencies" held in offshore accounts by the authorities? It's clear they are talking about normal stuff people use and exaggerating. The police do this all the time because the general public is stupid and because it helps them to secure warrants or patriot act illegal warrantless wiretaps, surveillance, and searches. We know he was into porn, looked up porn right before the shooting, and was a contributor to an OnlyFans model. They take only credit and debit cards, not crypto or paypal, so he had regular banking methods at his disposal. His job was mundane and he had to borrow a rifle and only bought 50 rounds of ammo and a ladder so his total investment in the operation was about $100. He didn't need foreign help. He didn't need foreign funds. He had more than enough of his own money and had Biden giving him the order by saying people need to target Trump. That's all it took.
I'm glad the truth is coming out. The entire Democrat party should be disbanded after this.
Is that the anon?
It basically makes sense.
Someone pointed out that maybe the acoustic didn't take the moving of the person recording it at the moment so the acoustic is wrong in this regard.
I would like to ask if they did because that's not a huge difference in positions.
Would be interesting to see where we go from here. Because nobody, and I mean even my neighborhood normie leftie freaks, believes the official story.
what else do you call the thing at the bank that has money in it where they send you a statement once a month?
a hooseydinkle?
I call it a foreign BANK account or foreign held CRYPTO account, not an ENCRYPTED ACCOUNT OVERSEAS while mentioning his cell phones, which are another form of communication. Don't forget the context bro. COMMUNICATIONS, not CURRENCIES.
>He had more than enough of his own money and had Biden giving him the order by saying people need to target Trump. That's all it took.
I'm cool with that too it fits right into my DEI failure of the Secret Cervix.
it's a MASSIVE coincidence about the tech shit and the 3 overseas accounts maybe, not saying that isn't possible, but it absolutely REEKS of jews esp since they are pushing the Iran angle on it, which there is no basis for at this time.
here with original audio

I used a mobile phone for brokerage accounts, banking, insurance, crypto. how the fuck else do you sink your life savings into pot stonks?
haven't had a mobile service since 2019 just don't need it anymore. I'm not very mobile.
That's exactly it. No Iranian involvement detected whatsoever. But the Jews want their war with Iran. Bolton wants his war with Iran. And he got Secret Service protection under Biden. So we know those two are linked. He's the real President. He's the one calling the shots. Trump dumped him because he wanted a war with Iran and wouldn't stop agitating for it. And now this? It reeks of Bolton. A man who ADMITTED to staging coups and getting away with it. He basically admitted he was the one who got rid of Trump. And Pompeo admitted to trying to assassinate Julian Assange. Put the three together and you have a suspect list. But yeah, I'm sure it's Iran. Sure. Right.
There is?
Doesn't matter if it was one shooter, two, or a dozen. Don't let this distract you from the fact that the government attempted to murder it's political opposition. Just think about that for a moment......
Iran has zero McDonalds, too.
The McDonalds Wars are starting.
Yemen - zero McDonalds
Russia - zero McDonalds
Iceland (sneaky fuckers) - Zero McDonalds.
people don't realize just how geopolitical the great golden tits of america are.
That's true, but you need an email for all of those other kinds of accounts. And consider this. The kid is fucking poor. Works at a nursing home, a place so bad the revues show feces on the floor and bloody needles being left out. That's this kid's job. He has to borrow a gun, buys a handful of ammo. And apparently he drives a white van, those guzzle gas, so the kid is broke as fuck. He doesn't have excess money to make large investments in anything. He might stack a little silver, maybe buy a billioneth share in shitcoin, but he ain't rich and he's dropping the coin he does have on only fans models. He's a highly irresponsible person. A total coomer. Or he's money laundering for the dems through things like onlyfans. And that might explain the actblue contribution. But considering his last search was for porn it's more likely he's just got low impulse control. So I'm not seeing foreign involvement. I'm seeing Democrat Operative. Blackrock stooge. That's what I'm seeing here.
First three from tree perch NEAR water tower.
Motorcycle dude--the Ukrainian contractor. About the same distance as Crooks but different trajectory. Pic is close enough. Contractor was in tree behind the water tower.

That's why there was no overwatch on the water tower. Not an ooospy we forgot--but purposeful.
Didn't Iceland host the game between Fischer and Spassky? Sneaky indeed!
If there was a second shooter in that 2nd story window on the left, then any misses would have hit in the lower left of the right side bleacher. No injuries there.

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