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In this thread i will explain why I think both were actually involved but first i'll go back rq to the LV shooting for IMPORTANT reasons.

Some of you are expecting the same FBI and press from the Las Vegas shooting and Paddock lone shooter story that ignored civilian footage of HELOS with MUZZLE FLASHES (MGshooting) at the crowd to tell the truth ?? https://streamable.com/4oj12
>More on that..
Cops bodycams, they are terrified from the MG sound, some probably heard it for the first time in their lives https://youtu.be/PSyD72B5e68?si=8_OP_3ZY3Qstiiu6&t=73
>Where are LV shooting chans veterans ??

Now that we have stated these facts. I hope it is clear that we can't have trust regarding the "official" narrative.
>Back to Trump shooting and gore photo leak
This photo gets leaked before all others, not a coincidence, official narrative not trustable. Anon has idea and looks into local thugs, antifas, trump rally connection. Face match with Maxwell Yearick arrested in 2017, beating cops and grandma at Trump rally. Roger Stone posts about credible sources telling him Trump shooter was violent antifa thug Maxwell Yearick, not based on 4ch theories! Later DELETES the post then REPOSTS it INSISTING his sources say it's Yearick even if FBI said publicly it's Crooks.
>Both getting their socials and online activity scrubbed at the same time
Hmm sus.. Too bad Anons and others had already archived websites, photos, they start digging.
>Crooks blackrock video
>Yearick ear gauge scars
>Anons confused and fighting ...
>Cryptic /x/ posts found, foreshadowing the 13th, Thomas was Alone, talks of recoil, not loosing posture, MY logos posted, complex physics drawings.
>Photos in Danemark, Europe.. Rumors of Yearick in UKR. (Possible ANTIFA, Azov connection to dig ? Azov links to J6?)
Anons think it's Maxwell Yearick (MY), this fits with his resume art student prominent in photo editing, "extensive knowledge of nature and human genome" Started posting in 2012 too old to be Crooks.
On the other hand, Yearick multiple blogs .. tumblr .. very more likely to have been the tripcode creator.
>Meanwhile shill paid to post "IT WAS CROOKS" 200x per day on every board.
>Intense kike glownigger projecting. DeathCon 3 Alert.

Now i will highlight everything sus about these two and why they might be connected
>Rumors Crooks wore nails, might be closet faggot. Yearick looks like a bi hippie faggot too and drew gay comics.
>Proximity. 40 min ride between both.
>Lots of faggot, gay talk (yearick gay comics) on the sus tripcode and wildcard numero uno. Sometimes 50 + 200 posts per day (comms?). >Screenshots of CSGO and talking about weapons of other games (game comms?)
>Crooks in BlackRock video, written on board "Unit 3" Shot from "Building 3" ; Cryptic X messages mentioning "Team 3" and "PROXIES WITHIN PROXY"
>Bruteforced tripcode password 57. 5+7 = 12 = 1+2 = 3 ; Poster Name !12 .. + cryptic Wildcard numero uno posts
>Tripcode says "I'm Rv'ing that suicide on a joint" 10 days before shooting (another 3...). Yearick hippie "extensive knowledge of nature" RV'er ? This would explain the cryptic electromagnetic fields drawings + other complex shizo physics posts
>Talks about 10 incher matches video of Crooks saying he has 10 incher.
>Media narrative full of holes kid walked 1 mile then had explosives in van wtf, stories changings, FEDs LEOs blaming each other.
>Anons and others think multiple shooters ? Anons remember Las Vegas coverup ... Forensic anons start working .. 3 shooters, 3 locations.
>Van has AZ plate. Yearick father lived in AZ until death in 2018. Claims he owned the exact model. If someone has the registration documents that were posted earlier please post.
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Now i will give my theory :
>You are FEDs and you keep getting caught trying to groom mentally ills and others to do terror acts
>This can't keep happening need plausible deniability
>Groom violent antifa thug in jail, easy targets, anarchists, hate conservatives. Train when out. (BlackOps trainings for Ukraine ?) (Don't exclude Kennon Hooper that was arrested with him).
>Used to now groom/blackmail others from the shadows "Proxies within proxy" ? Access to patsys
>Tada you have now acquired plausible deniability and Anons are fighting between each other not realizing both could be involved

Or .. Crooks is a blackrock crisis actor because WHY THE FUCK DO WE NOT HAVE PICS OF THIS KID OLDER ?

CIA Media can not be trusted.

Threads from the pic : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474788684/#474795762

Currently most important questions:
> Who owns the building?
> Who ordered millions of $DJT Shorts for Monday?
> Who decided not to put a shooter on that roof?
Daily reminder that nothing else matters right now.
Daily reminder that anyone pushing the Yearick narrative is a Jewish shill paid per post by their Jewish masters to spread disinformation and fuck up the investigation. Yearick is alive and in jail. Also, AI confirmed with 100% accuracy yesterday that the shooter was 100% THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. SAY HIS NAME!
Jewish thread
The (((feds))) groomed crooks
Did they ever find his glasses near the body?
this is incoherent schizo rambling please go to a therapist you need help
THIS. OP is a paid poojeet that gets money every time he posts yearick narrative. He is a black rock employee as well. KILL ALL KIKES!
>Who owns the building?
Indicor owns the building since March guess who's one of the biggest shareholder of Indicor ?
>See @DecentBackup threads on Xitter
But we're all in agreement, the cyber "glitch" was just to scrub the communications and payments involving Crooks, right?
>The (((feds))) groomed crooks
Im not saying they didnt. I'm saying they outsourced it for plausible deniability because picrel ..

>You are Jew
No. I hate them. They killed Tsar Nicholas in a ritual blood murder and were exempt of WW2 because in their books it says "When you go to war do not go at first but go as last so you can return as first"
Funny that as Hasbara agent writes "KILL ALL KIKES" tho , the extent you people go for Hasbara lmao

>1PID ; KYA : https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/uid/0oWxIvwI/
Mole! Chin mole! Yearick and the body have identical chin moles (really clear on his mugshot), crooks does not have a chin mole!
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I think you are on to something hopefully this becomes a general and anons can crack the case. But I just want to say crooks was obviously a closet fag. No teen crosses their legs like this and smiles when other boys pull on their jeans. It's very obvious he also fits the phenotype for it very well. CIA used that against him to play into their plot.
Meds. NOW.
So many butthurt glowniggers spring out when Yearick is mentioned.
Gotta keep to the "a trump supporter shot trump" bullshit story.
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>Guys using Yearick allows you to basically avoid this : picrel . Nobody understands 5D chess ?

His middle name is David btw. He's way more likely to be Jew. Maxwell David Yearick. How more jewish do you want it to sound ?
Fkn filter the jewish shills posting 500 times per day "SAY HIS NAME IT WAS CROOKS" already

>Violent extremists leftist ANTIFA thug shooting Trump narrative could've also be totally deadly
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It’s obvious to anyone with an IQ above 60 that none of yearicks features match the shooter THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
Meds. Now.
Also, never forget that the shooters name is THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS.
I'm semi newfag here .. meme war veteran but it's be a really long time. Don't think i could launch a General or something but someone else definitely could.
Also share the board on other boards.
There just TOO much coincidences to ignore.
We might have another case of Oswald and Ruby, who apparently were butt sex secret lovers.
Don't think the DeepState changes its playbook a lot.
>It's obvious, that's why I spam 'meds, now', like a dude with no dick.
They use and old photo of Crooks because they're hiding that he was transitioning into a tranny
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But why'd I have the bowl bart? Why'd I have the bowl?!
No this photo was proved false. The person from the photo came forward.
But I could believe it desu. Clearly a faggot.
>hurt feelings
Many such cases. Sad!
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Mole. Boom
Mole in the exact same place as the body. You fucked yourself shill
Incorrect. Nice try though. The moles one inch apart from each other match THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. Nice try though.
Also, nice try
sorry bro, ears aren't the same
like at all
didn't read the rest
No man grows his hair long unless he's a cross dresser at the bare minimum
The ear gauge angle is tired, you can clearly see where it was reattached.
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It was most definitely a government conspiracy to assassinate Trump with mountains of incriminating evidence and like all the other one nothing is going to happen because the conspirators own the levers of justice.
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You are correct ears are not the same lol
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Yeah I find it really suspiciously that van was towed away but they said crooks drove a sonata. The second thing i find really suspicious is the dad reporting him missing after less than a day. Listen to this witness she says there was another guy in the parking lot that entered the building right before she heard the shots. Also image related was found before yearick info was scrubbed.

(7:00 min mark)
The chin mole positively eliminates crooks as the body
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>what is foreshortening
oh wow you spent way too much time on that to not realize you're face blind
Same ear different lighting
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That crypto got created the 14th I don't think it is any serious lead. Just another Meme coin.

>Why did they blur the bodies SHOES, HANDS AND ARMS THO ? Very weird .. never seen this before ? Have you anons ?
Yes and remember there is conflict because on civilian video crooks is seen on the left side of the building after he gets shot, but his dead body is on the far right toward the parking lot from drone footage??? So which side was he actually on?
Where is crooks chin mole?
Proof of chin mole or body confirmed for Yearick
Assuming photo isn't AI altered, sure.
Gen X retard taken a photo of his shadow over the subject too
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yeah, but rusty wouldn't approve of you giving up
>drone footage
The cloudy day drone footage on a sunny day?
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LMAO. Zoomer LEO ?

>The gray twins.
Shoes blurred here but not on the other ? Why ?
**Positively confirms
Incorrect. Nice try kike.
Yes, but if it's altered it proves conspiracy nevertheless
Another reminder that the shooter was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
Your lack of chin mole pics is telling, faggot.
His name was CROOKS
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>Gray twins
Standing next to each other. Right before one goes onto the roof. Not weird at all right anons ?

Source with video : >>474864072
Gross they might be zoomers actually
Crooks you say? Yes, I remember him, ol' moleless chin we'd call him
Actually he’s called two mole apart one incher (which matches the shooter) unlike your boy yearick who only has one mole and his ears don’t match
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Almost an entire week of this bullshit nonsense, seek psychiatric help

Oh, and it was CROOKS (the shooter)
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We're not done. We're only starting. Are you afraid ? MI6 MuhSsad glownigger
You think we're gonna abandon all these connections to "cohencidences" ?
Try again
Phantom moles? Pic or it didn't happen.
its not the chin mole you faggots should be looking at, it's the one under his lip, clearly present in both pics, and doesn't appear at all in the yearwick photos.

now. if you retards really wanted to get closer to the truth you would do two things:
>1. study and compare the noses of each suspect
>2. try to find a better picture of yearwick's ear from the side
>3. stop being a fag and get gud at photoshop or gimp
that's it. that's all you have to do. i'm going to bed, hope to wake up and find out you niggers got closer to the truth
>crooks was groomed and yearwick is incidental
t. artfag w/ photographic memory
Guys please just type in "Yearick" in 4chan search and see how much this retard posts and goes absolute thermonuclear glownigger mode whenever Yearick is mentioned. And he just spams the same thing everywhere. BTw how is he not banned already for spam ?
>Not organic. Is afraid.
>Kills any talk of Maxwell DAVID Yearick being Jewish
>1PBID threads via VPNs and answers himself
*three things
I added the last one because faggots are lazy
They fucked up so fucking bad. It's not 1963, you can't pull this shit any more, they're going to need to throw a fuck ton of people under the bus to get out of this one. You can feel the lack of support for the conspirators by the larger oligarchy given how little big tech censorship backup they're receiving, they are fucked
>blatantly obvious kike and BlackRock employee
Post nose kike
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to put it another way, this is not like charlottesville
The blemish under the lip doesn't look like a freckle, and again, crooks does not have a chin mole, while the body and Yearick do have a very pronounced mole in the exact same location
>crooks does not have a chin mole
Yes he does you well poisoning lying kike
So are you gonna tell us more about Maxwell David Yearick and his jewish origins ?
What did his father Roger Yearick do ?
Arizona mmh .. oh yeah the state of gun runs ?
Where paddock drove back 12 hours to vegas in a white van ?
We are here to stay faggot. Go cry to your hasbara boss now.
Lmao crooks has Jewish ancestry as well you dumb fucking kike idiot. So it’s a non sequitur. Nice try though. Go back to your blackrock boss that keeps telling you to muddy the waters in these threads. The shooter was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
Another reminder that the shooter was CROOKS
>The blemish under the lip doesn't look like a freckle
yes it does, look at it again
>Yearick do have a very pronounced mole in the exact same location
ok show me, facebooknigger

Even the lips do not look remotely close. Much closer to Yearick fat hippie lips
When the Secret Service, FBI, & MSM all came out in the first 4 hours & said we don't know anything other than the shooter acted alone, you knew they are feeding us another bullshit sandwich
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Incorrect. The lips are thinner on crooks. Yearick has thicker nigger lips. Nice try though kike. The shooter was CROOKS.
Yeah, nerd boy is on the ground & Earlick is ded on the ruf
It looks like a piercing hole, honestly. The skin dimples around it >>474927413
So you're black, jewish, & gay? My condolences.
And implant an AI Yearick that will reveal himself in a week. Maybe install some backdoors at the same time
>non sequitur
Stop muddying the waters you TCK (TOPIC CHANGING KIKE)

Gray twins caught together before one goes on the roof

Don't mind the kike in the thread. It's afraid. He's probably even posting doctored pics at this point
>reddit spacing
You have to go BACK
He is really afraid to confront the gray twins pictures and videos Kek
>non sequitur
You glow nigger
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His mugshot: >>474926897
This photo of crooks shows a blemish on his chin (think it's not even a mole in this photo, think it's acne scarring), but it's not in the right location, it's higher and closer to his midline than the Yearick/Body mole.
>It looks like a piercing hole
cool theory.
>The skin dimples around it
the photograph is not high enough resolution for anyone to be able to come to that conclusion anon. contrarily, the "piercing hole" is in the exact same place on Crook's year book photo. you can easily compare them to discern this observable fact.
see >>474929117
anon you're arguing with me about the wrong thing. I don't care about moles, freckles, blemishes, or piercings. show me comparison photos of the noses.
This is crazy. We now have a patsy (Crooks) for a patsy (Yeardick).

How manic will Monday be?
Another reminder that the shooter was 100% CROOKS
Supposedly also biggest shareholder of Austin, next to Vanguard.
Is this >>474930233 the yearbook photo? If not could you post it?
>the "piercing hole" is in the exact same place on Crook's year book photo.
Disagree. Crooks freckle is further from his lips than the body lip blemish
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That's a girl tugging at his pants.
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He was a hero
Yeah, I'm starting to notice a pattern here.
Starting to think maybe Yearick is the shooter after all.
You’re mentally ill

Yes. Look into DecentBackup Xitter he has done extensive researches these past days.

>Founder of AGR, Dr.Preston, was a CIVILIAN observer at nuclear bombtests. This glows the classic DeepState front company

This man was CONNECTED

Crooks got in trouble about 5 years ago for calling in a bomb threat to his high school. I think this is when the Feds started grooming him.
Crooks got in trouble about 5 years ago for calling in a bomb threat to his high school. I think this is when the Feds started grooming him.
Crooks was a young person with no friends and very vulnerable emotionally. Someone could have easily been assigned to him to be a friend, secret confidant.
The Secret Service's performance was so bad during the preparation for and the conduct of the 7/13 Trump rally it leads people to believe that it had to be a planned assassination attempt.
- leaving the grounds 100 yards away from Trump's stage unsecured,
- leaving a roof top 150 yards from Trump's stage unsecured
- letting Trump go on stage while there was a reported threat in the area
- keeping Trump on the stage while people in the crowd are screaming that there is a guy with a rifle on the roof 150 yards away from Trump
- not having a reaction force available to respond to multiple reports of an armed person in the immediate vicinity.
- local cops bumbling around unable to communicate with the Secret Service
- Three two man teams of USSS snipers with scoped rifles were focused on Thomas Crooks because people were screaming "There is a guy on the roof with a rifle !!!" but for some reason they did not shoot while Thomas crooks took position over the peak of the roof and aligned his sights on President Trump.
The part of this thing that nagged me was why would they trust Thomas Crooks with taking the shot ? He is not a professional and it does not make sense to have a goofy 20 year as the key player in this scheme. Thomas Crooks was the patsy all along. The guy that rode up on the black Harley Davidson and took the shots indicated by the pink rings in the audio analysis was the professional assassin.

Discussion of the 7/13 Trump Rally audio analysis is in this thread
this is why communist trannies laugh at us
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I messed up the cut & paste in this post but I still think the thoughts are valid.
>Is one of you gonna debunk the twins pictures and videos for us ?
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Super hero
There is a YouTube video of a young couple that described seeing a guy riding a black Harley Davidson motorcycle ride up and park at the AGR building. The couple were walking over to the rally from their home nearby and their path took them across the AGR parking lot.
They took note of him because they thought it was odd that he would just ride up, park his bike right at the door and walk into the unlocked building.
A Japanese news crew followed up with them the next day , Sunday 7/14, and when they walked over to the police perimeter they saw the black Harley was still parked there.
The door he went in is access to the building the pink circles in the 7/13 Trump Rally audio analysis originate from.
That's a blob. What are you pointing out? Grey as in Grey alien? What is it supposed to be?
He’s trying to say those two AC units are crooks and his stunt double. Just kikes muddying the waters again
Any pics of the right ear?
Go through the archive lazy ass I’m not doing your work for you
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That smile. That damn smile.
Is there a way to deblur this
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It’s self evident it wasn’t Crooks, the death pic is jarring alone to convince us otherwise it’s not the same person they’re claiming. The chin mole only helps support but it will take more than that to convince the public. Im pasting something from another research thread to see what anyone has to say or add.

I found something and it’s a little spooky
>Reverse people search the Shooter
>What’re the odds anybody picks up?
>Ask and wait for responses but nothing but silence
>Try other numbers
>Try 2027 again
>Plead again but still left with nothing
>Wait a minute
>Call back again
>Realize something
>Its the exact same Hello? And nothing left after wards
>A fed line
Unless someone can convince me otherwise I seriously think that Crooks wasn’t in this and was used as media to divert. He’s being hidden somewhere. Or maybe I’m going too schizo. Try the number yourself and see what’s what, but that’s registered to him and idk how else to explain.
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He was such a hero that they even came out with his own alcoholic beverage this week!
How are you claiming that the things in the image are people?
There is a person walking (circled in orange). Are those "twins" meant to be sat down, or midgets?
Meds. Now.
Lay off the adderall you damn junkie
im starting to think that too
This is new. Where did you find the photo on the left? Are you with the SS?
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Idk why its been done like that .. one is sitting and the other is right to his left.

Guys i think it might be safe to say that we are onto some "Unit 3" "Team 3" business here.

>Unit 3 ; blackrock
>Team 3
>Building 3
>Tripcode username !12 ; Password 57 ; 5+7=12

>Who was the substitute ?
>With whom did Crooks go to the shooting range ?
>41 pbtid
You’re in every damn thread with the same posting style and same name. I think you’re the real schizo here. Purely unhinged.
Meds. Now.

Also, VS1w84Hz = blow me
Can some schizoanon give me some explanation as to who this faggot is and how did you get so much info on him, including photos?
What FBI get out of framing random nerd instead? Why bother to cover either of the shooter? What's so special? Why should we care?
ITT: retards arguing with each other
The real shooter was a fed on the water tower
It's all misdirection from the fact that the real shooter was a fed on the water tower
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I drew this one myself. Crooks is my hero.
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Thats why they blurred everything BODY IS 100000% NOT HIM
I think we got hardcore evidence here
he doesn't look anything like the dead guy, retard.

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Some more of my art work
these forced "schitzo" threads are obvious.
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>can’t spell schizo
Sad. You want to buy this sweater I made of our hero?
>Trump shot
>Shooter dies
>Name and alias unreleased
>Death Photo leaked with shooters face identifiable
>Name and Alias entered to the public as Thomas Crooks
>Anons research the area and find a antifa fag fitting the description of the dead shooter better than the name entered to the public
The FBI, CIA, etc. can’t just have a motherfucker on payroll to do the job it’s usually someone blackmailed to blackmail somebody else and in doing so detach them of really having to cover them besides at most making them disappear.
This is significant because it’s a world leader, the US especially, having their life threatened and it can cause fear or boost moral depending how you spin it.
This will affect your country come November and the methods of future protection for government events, meetings and whatever the fuck else.
Or, stick a finger in your ass and say it was just some random 20 year old with access to a b0mb lab, security presence at a Trump rally, and another way to shoot a gun in a completely separate building at the same time and call it a day.
No no one is dismissing a 3rd shooter theory here. Although i think the trees are more likely than water tower considering angles.

This is a thread i made to prove these two are connected and that it is Yearick who posted on 4ch with his logo that you can also see in his drawing in the threads picrel
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Sweater I stitched by hand for sale for only 24.99. Buy now before prices go up!
So you say Yarick is some sort of trained professional that work on FBI to assassin Trump or pretend to assassin to raise votes? Then answer me this:
1) why would glownigger sacrifice his life killing an candidate, knowing defence will shoot back? Looks pretty chad to me, I wouldn't be suicidal if I looked like that.
2) what happened to crooks, who been framed as shopter? Wouldn't hos parents say something?
3) what this schizo bullshit with /x/ posts has to do with practically anything?
Kek. Yeah, that's not crooks bicep
I have no idea .. maybe some photo editing anon could answer but I don't think it is possible.

But the difference in arm size just sold me. Both were here that day.
>Spaghetti arms
>Ok arms and biceps on the roof
That's why they didn't realease any recent pic of the shooter aswell. Weight difference wouldve been TOO obvious
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Only 24.99 anons! Get it before prices go up due to high demand of our hero!
For arguments sake, it is his right arm compared to the left…anyone got a wider shot showing both arms?
Interesting. All that sentimental piano playing makes me think he might "commit suicide" soon though. He seems like the kind of shizzo who would come up with the wrong connections and then, you know, suddenly shoot himself in the back of the head.
you must be new here. I guess there are 2 "schitzo" teams playing off each other.
Yeah that’s some pretty damning shit. You’re right arms don’t match.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
yearbook photo shows skinny arms too
Doesn't matter. Both were here that day. Who knows how FED's blackmailed them and brainwashed them. They couldve also used drugs and what not. Mk ultra is nothing new RuskiBro.
But Look at the difference in arms size. Same Tshirt but clearly not the same biceps.
>51 pbtid
>changes name again
>still at it

>non sequitur
Seethe harder kike
Masturbation doesn't cause such a difference in biceps circumference, that's a myth.

Who was the third ??????
Holy shit guys we did it we shat on all these glowieniggers. I love you anons
Fuckin' check'em!
Damn this faggot is mad lol. Not a good look for you champ. Don’t worry there will inevitably be another thread like this for you to sperg out with 60+ post again.
Still seething
I barely understand half of what you said. Who is Yarick? Why FBI choose him to be shooter and blackmail random nerd? Why shooter decided to sacrifice his life? Was he intended to shoot only a ear? Give me more info, preferably the one ESL can understand.
>no teen does this leg crossing
You've tossed all credibility. I'm not reading anymore and I only read that. Sasuga
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>Wew lad
Unless Crooks did 10000000000 pushups right before he had to hold a rifle still as all fuck I have no explanation other than it’s two different people

Did anyone else catch this?

Hello, McFly. This photo on the left is NEW
Really makes you think. What if all this collecting biometric data is also there for the glowing ones to be able to find a doppelganger fall-guy faster and more effectively?
kind of hard to tell with all the grainy quality and bad exposure, but it does look like Deadick has hairier arms here than on the left and more like here
I've never seen pic on the right, so I'm assuming that's Deadick?
The first three shots have no echo and are from inside the building through a window. This was the actual sniper. Crooks was just the cover, and was probably lured into his job as bait and told to fire if he was fired at. He heard the first three shots (oh no, the SS is shooting at me) and fired 5 shots of a clearly different caliber, with a sixth shot possiblely from him or another gun. The audio signatures for the first three and succeeding six shots are markedly different in volume and quality. The first three are someone squeezing off a trigger like a sniper. The shots after are frenzied, rushed shots.

The deep state tried to assassinate trump, but they picked a DEI sniper.

The audio difference is so clear, anyone can tell.
>>474932159 I clearly did.. see here >>474933522
He missed every shot. Pretty sure someone that had done zero push-ups can accomplish that.
This is a disinfo thread
Yes & saved, never seen this shot before, neither, just the one where he looks like he's about to take it in the ass.
I heard that he was on his phone in this moment, so that's nothing new. Looks like that sniper took several shots.
Oops. Backwards. My bad nigga.
Man, OPs A Bitch.
>no echo
Yea, this is a really bad thread full up with retards that are blind, deaf, never touched a gun or been outside.
1st shot was technically a hit, and would almost have been a kill-shot if not for the intervention of fate.
Even minimal kickback in prone at over a hundred yards means the second and third shot are harder.
get outta here checking your own post. this thread stinks of newfag.
>The deep state tried to assassinate trump, but they picked a DEI sniper.

George Webb on the ground there is covering an international shooting match (lots of long range precision marksman teams ...) and crowing about staying with the Canadian team which has a conspicuous amount of Ukrainians jabbering in Uke & Russian ... per SwissAnon on the 16th:

Reminder: the shooter was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
> Are you with the SS?
You would like to know, fed.
BRO the difference is huge .. we are not talking about a difference caused by one arm being used more than the other
>I wanna thank anons for their contributions.
Also thank you to Roger Stone and the White hat who leaked us the dead shooters pic. It is what got us to start digging this whole crap.
We wouldn't even have known that Maxwell Yearick was scrubbed off the face of the internet if not for these two persons.
Guys. Save. Make photo collages of >>474932104 and >>474932428 and spread it wide and far.
To every anon that from the begining was certain something was smellie and glowing. Remember God gave us the gift of Clairvoyance, always trust your guts.

>If its a white hat that leaked the gore pic
That means they were made to look alike with facial surgeries and stuff in my mind.
>gets called fed
>calls me the same thing
>trained by blackrock
Nice VPN faggot. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
>I've never shot a rifle
Your panicked mania is not serving your cause.
Meds. Now. Also, if was Crooks.
You retards feed yourselves misinformation.
>doesn’t say anything about the differences in lip thickness between crooks and yearick
Kill yourself kike
Can you provide the source of the picture ?
Are you LEO ? FED ?
We love you anon.
In the end. We are all anons.
> y-you're a jew
> that's what people on 4chan do, right? accuse others of being jews?
> I'm totally an anon like you ma nigga
> You've never shot a rifle
> Subsequent shots are EASIER and every 'murican knows this
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>Who is Maxwell Yarick
To me bro he is a grifter, a loaner with some anger (being arrested) and put that into some military time (fighting in Ukraine) which made him an easy target for the Glowies to recruit.
>The Random Nerd
The diversion, a Kid who was reported missing not even after a full day. Probably another loner who was lured to get out the house only to be thrown on the news as the person responsible for trying to shoot a president. How do you know he even knows any of this is happening? How do you know he’s not still alive?
Was to kill never to maim. Could you imagine if they got a 4k video of an enemy being murdered and the fear that strikes?
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(7:00 min mark)
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Was he looking at porn here?
he flew a drone and then went home and put it in his cupboard and then went back and shot trump? or are drones just laying everywhere in america?
>trained by Blackrock
>doesn't give him a $100 piece if glass
You vidya fags are on something. You can buy guns and just go shoot them if you want to test your assumptions. Vidya isn't reality. Get off this board and go to /x/ with your tardation
Maybe that isn't what happened
Serious question, is this him checking out porn?
I heard he just briefly rang up a porn site not long before allegedly getting on the roof.
I seriously doubt anybody with this little self-discipline and this hooked to pornography can think straight enough to carry out such a well planned attack, certainly not by himself.
Nope, nevermind. It was to refund the short Blackrock put on DJT stock and scrub that from the internet.
I just said that faggot >>474933976
What does "easier" mean? You think real life is like tarlov, dummy?
About the shooter I'm still not convinced that he's Thomas Matthew Crooks due to the nose.
>Different subject but regarding the Las Vegas Helicopter Muzzle video i posted at the beg of the thread : https://streamable.com/4oj12
Have you guys ever seen it ?
Isn't it fucking crazy that it has never been taken into account ? And its not the only one. John Cullen has many on his youtube he has like 200 videos on LV shooting.
>Yet some of you expected the same FBI and owned medias to tell the truth about J13 ?
it was from the general
#12 im pretty sure
You’re mentally ill/faceblind
I don't know nigger, unless you find a body who then you can claim as the real crooks, I don't really see reason to believe all of this shit.
Why you're so sure intent was to kill trump, not to bopst his candidate even more with false attempt?
so tell me what happened. the media says he had a drone. where did they find that info? the cops? how did the cops get that info? was the drone in his car? the van or the sonata? peole saw the drone but where is the drone? who bought it? where did they buy it?
Interesting. Most of us haven't seen it.
>Any PE or biology autist could estimate the difference in weight or idk biceps size between the dead guy on the roof and this pic of Crooks with his moskito arms ?

> biceps
The triceps actually seems more impressive.
Biceps can always look "bigger" when viewed from the side, especially when the elbow is angled.
Triceps is a weaker muscle and certainly requires more training to gain substantial size.
Triceps is usually more flat, especially when arm is not extended.
This triceps looks like from a body-builder
So crooks would be guy on the ground,
Yearick would be on the roof, then motorcycle guy would be member 3
>How do you know he’s not still alive?
Kid is definitely dead
>Could you imagine if they got a 4k video of an enemy being murdered and the fear that strikes?
Exactly. They wanted Trump making a derppy face as his brains flew out the back of his head shown 24/7 as the media cheers orange hitlers death
Also, Shooter Number Four and five on the water tower. Crooks and yearicks cousin.
Oh, I don't care about what you are saying, fed.

This is a brand new picture the glowies have literally given up, they're getting ready for the storm
>search alleged shooter's name on youtube
>find this
>see date
>see channel creation date

Crooks and Yearicks were related?
You should kike. I am your god.
Stfu kike your nose is showing
>Poisoning the well
>Crooks is a hero

Why do you feds ALWAYS stick out? Trying to force weird fucking catchphrases that have no organic ring to them or jest? You all suck at your jobs your gonna get replaced by us in 20-30 years and you'll be in a ditch somewhere forgotten by history
There was no sniper on the tower they would've been seen climbing down.
>everyone that makes me look stupid is a fed
Nice try kike. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
They literally let them schizopost unchained? Just how sloppy are the Feds lmao
Schizo time
It's fresh off a pump from gooning.
final compilation
Shut up Trump supporter
Another confirmation that the shooter was definitely THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
Are you convinced tho ?

And have you seen the arm size comparision ?
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There’s also this one
Anon when you get a chance you have create a new graphic piecing all of this together. Title it "3Team" so I can find it in archives. Maybe I'll make one before you who knows.
Didn't they say the shooter was into vidya?
Probably overthinking this but MaxwellT6 could be a reference to a Maxell product?
Another quick reminder that the shooter has 100% been confirmed to be THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
You forgot to put your Name back in, fed.
Focus on ONE /pol/ identity, okay?
What is that supposed to be?
Shlomo, fuck off, already, this tactic never works.
I agree, need more of the body, look at that one pic though that got blurred out. That’s pretty damn suspicious of all the gore was maintained in the face.
Also if it was intentional by Trump?
Ever heard of the story of the two brothers and one has an apple on their head while the other sims with a bow and arrow? Trump is arrogant but not retarded to trust something so risky.

To you but to me, this Ruskie and a few other anons he could very well be alive. Wouldn’t that be a mind fuck?
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Thanks for the bump, Biden Bob!
Only jsut realized that MY stands for Maxwell Yearick.
> Thomas wasn't alone
Took me long enough
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its a red herring for now
activation maybe

Great job anon this is PERFECT
It's undeniable. NOT CROOKS

>If any baker wants to retake my thread and make it a general, or start a new thread go on. Its getting very late here i wont stay much longer. Its been hard sleeping normally with these extreme Schumann resonances spikes lately..
I don't know remember whats the max messages per threads but we are already a 235 so don't be to long to bake bakers.
Come some anon kindly tell me what those first two photos are from. Are they satellite pictures? Drone shots?
Videos that were found when searching for the shooter's name right after the attempt.
> mfw my meme comes back home to me
Thank you anon, you made my day. And you also improved it by flipping the upper image of Kim Cheeto
sniper in the window took it
from here >>474868843
"sniper team" was in the agr building and took photos of crooks
Found where? What is the context?
Here, faggots
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Bro i would not be surprised they are cousins
>LOOK AT HOW MUCH THEY LOOK ALIKE YOUNGER. It drove me crazy at first i though like Crooks is a GAN of young Yearick LOOL
Thank you
On YouTube itself when searching for the name Thomas Matthew Crooks.
This happened right after the attempt was made on Trump's life.
Maxwell yrarick has a crypto currency called Shooter. Some anin posted he made 150k the day before the assassination. It is wierd that Maxwell Yearick is being scrubbed as well...
This fits with all the torture talk 12! tripcode spoke about.
>What did they do to him when he was in jail ......... ?
Also search for meaning in the "T6S" maybe could be something
Sorry it's not mine anon i took it from previous threads and while digging this whole !12 tripcode rabbit hole. Im sure you will do a better job than me at compilying and making nice graphics :)
T6S is a camera I believe. So the video is “Maxwell (Camera model)”
Here is the thumbnail for one of the videos after adjusting the brightness.
whos this?
It's a guy with his mouth open and the word kill at the top of the image.
Yeah then maybe you could have posted it earlier and spot the arm difference like we just did NatsocAnon ?
I hope this is a friendly faggots.
Find the nerd kid nigger, contact his parents, his relatives, his close friends, etc, to know if he had any motives to shoot trump. Ask if they believe he was just gone but is alive, ask if the parents recognised his dead body and were on his funeral or if he's just sitting home jerking off and doesn't even watch news as you implying.
Thank you for your work in investigating this. You helped confirm it was a muiltiple team setup which will lead to heads rolling for whichever intelligence set this up.
>we wouldn't want to put somebody on a sloped roof
That excludes 99.999999% of roofs. I'm tired of malarky.

WTF MAN this is creepyyyyyyyy
And it definitely looks like Crooks
Captcha : THYK
t6 is spanish esports
Bad bot
I think it's someone messing with us.
As in the people who actually organized the shooting itself not the patsy yarrik.
The title of the video is also odd.
Yes. Any roof just slightly less sloped than this roof is what you call a "flat roof".
>OP here
Disclaimer. I spoke about all of this to ALL MY FRIENDS ; FAMILY AND NEIGHBORS
There's no difference. It's called visual perception, that's all.
ahahahaha cope, the twins are out mate
Many such cases! Say his name! Thomas Matthew CROOKS!
>magic bicep
They aren't sending their best.
>magic moles, hairline, eyebrows, and ears
Nice try kike. It was CROOKS.
Face shape looks similar but this is pure speculation and you are probably right.


>Also an anon said they might be cousins ?
Probably worth to dig.
Dig the families too .. iirc the first days I ended up in a archive.org about the Yearick family, family history ect from the 1800s
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Is that the Zanarkan Abes logo?
Whats this photo from I've never understood the angle or had it explained
Again, fuck the bicep.
Check out his tricep.
Thomas Matthew Crooks aka Ol' Moleless Chin aka Spaghetti Armed Bandit aka Not The Body.
*aka the body
It looks like it is inspired from that. But Yearicks a graffiti artist too so it could be a mix of both.
And well leave it to the 30 yo to be inspired by FF in his art.
Zoomers rly know FF.
This is the infamous picture of Crooks when he started raising eyebrows. It was taken next to the side building, so it's assumed it was done by one of the police snipers that was supposedly in there.
I don't really know anything for sure because of all the confusing changes in the narratives that keep getting peddled by the glowies.
In any case, thanks to this fed who's been working overtime all morning to make sure everybody believes IT WAS CROOKS I am 100% sure it wasn't Crooks.
"Just following orders" won't save you from the gallows
72 posts... its very afraid
>BlackRock employee
Just because you fags took the commercial doesn’t mean that we still don’t know that you had something to do with the shooting and you hired your boy THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
interesting ink between trump and firemen
not the numbers
I honestly believe at this point that this is some fed intern from Pittsburgh that they put on a night shift to monitor /pol/ and shitpost the narrative consistently.
aka the body you blurred everywhere in the most random places so we couldnt see the weight difference and possibly tats. Kek
Game over. Case closed.
Thanks for playing.
Lol you have convinced me it wasnt crooks. Why else would someone posts this shit a1000 times.... mental illness yes.... paid, yes....
Creepy. Any sound? I couldn't hear anything on either video (there are 2)

Created channel on July 12....fuck.
>face blind
>mentally ill
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
You would have to also be very mentally ill to do such a thing...
I dont know, why dont you look outside
Not just on this thread. "He" is on every thread, even slightly off-topic ones, but he replies so fast that it's quite possible it's a team of feds.
What are the videos? I'm not clicking that shit fed.
>it has to be yearick goy
>even though everything matches crooks goy
Nice try kikes
>meh i forgot to post the body blurred everywhere
Or some new fed bot. But all i know its convinced me the feds are behind this.
You're literally coping so hard right now. We need a baker!
this crosses my mind daily at this point. I keep wanting to think there's a whole other level of sophistication to this plot but it keeps failing to meet my expectation. it really looks like they took an actual shot, missed, and crudely just got a bunch of people involved directly or indirectly. the only thing they've done cleanly and intelligently is cash in on non normies' / schizo distrust about the patsy ID instead of focusing largely on who ordered it. this isn't hard to assume and assume accurately with decent probability but per usual, they do at least cover their ass diligently, which is itself a kind of tell. anyway it's got 60-80s vibe after vibe but even that is enough to confound the non schizos. people incredulously talking about "do you really think it was intentional and not just a lone crazy person?!" illustrates the rift between normies and "other". it's like dude please try to keep up
76 posts! Lol good job convincing everyone it wasnt crooks
> goy
> you're a jew
> face blind
> mentally ill
> if I just keep repeating it, I'll get a promotion
Lame effort. You should consider changing careers, you suck at what you're doing.
Pussy. They already got a few k views from anons no one will care. But w/e its just this w no sound i could hear
>don’t post so much goy
>we’re just blurring the lines on purpose goy
Sad. Face blind/mentally ill posters. How much are the kikes paying you per post?
Just surmise them. Just schizo shit?
Bro its a fucking thumbnail. Thats it.
dude, i don't care, and neither should you, you know why?
because these niggers are NPCs, no matter how much of the truth you dig up, they will never accept it, instead they will screech their faggot meme jew buzzphrases like
>ahurrrdurrr u missed
and blindly accept the official narratives despite pretending to be "redpilled" and pretending to have been here since before 2016 even thiugh they werent because if they were then they would have known that anything the officials say IS A FUCKING COMPLETE FUCKING LIE and to always takemthe opposite of what kikes say and that kikes directly control the (((official narrative))) AND the media and zion zognald, it's a waste of your time and a waste of my time, just prepare for war against miga cultist faggot fucking kikeserving kikeworshipping retards and then get excited for the finaklwar against the kikes once all of their servant faggot golem fucking npc thralls are finally all dead
Only a normie midwit would think it’s the person the government claims performed the shooting. You’re either a glownigger or stupid.
>Any sound?
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>everything is a psyop goy
>everything is a conspiracy goy
Nice try kike. Where’s your tin foil hat?
can you explain why his head is completely distorted
You shouldn't trust anything a politician or government says. The "official" narrative is always dubious, because it comes from a dubious source (the government).
The ear gauge scar is a good point, but the shooter had a very distinct right ear. The shape of it, not just the gauge scar.
What is the age difference between crooks and yearick? Yearick is/was 38. 22 in 09 according to his webpage, that incessantmeme thing.
Does anyone not find it weird that all of Yearicks socials have been scrubbed?????
Not a baker so it won't have green text soz


don't ask questions, just spam "you missed" and then get excited for new sloppy mossad goyslop psyops

Of course we did Anon.
That's why we started digging
Not OP, but, you do care. You cared enough to reply, to write out what you said, and it was quite a lot you've said. And yes, you are correct. Don't trust the government's or its puppet masters. Most on here are all about the memes, and trolling and 1up manship, but there are genuine anons here, and we should talk about this, and share any knowledge we have.
The truth does matter.
doesn't change the fact that it's pointless to care because of all these FUCKING FAGGOT RETARDED ASS ELECTION TOURIST REDDITOR FUCKING CULTIST SHABBOS NIGGERS
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Bros I found the explanation. Pic left is his left arm. Pic right is his right arm. He clearly favored his right arm in jacking his croaker
It's pointless to care about trivial things, but trying to get to the truth (to me) is not trivial.
It is annoying that faggots don't care, and you're right to be annoyed about the majority of these faggots.
well, a nonzero amount of it is bots and literal glowniggers and kikes, so there's that, but the spam is rendering the board neutered, and now 8wheels is gone so we can't even fallback to that shithole now, it's dire, kikes are pressing their final stages of their mary sue self fukfilling falkacy bullshit, at the cost of white lives, but it pisses me off that supposedly white men are falling for their kike lies
>Crooks got in trouble about 5 years ago for calling in a bomb threat to his high school.
Proof? There was a school shooting threat made to Bethel Park High in 2019 but it was a altchan owner by the name of Maki. Was not Crooks but still interesting.
These photos are from Copenhagen
I don't get it
True, and there's things that show that it is donator derail threads,put people off posting. I can't remember the name, and don't have anything saved, but there was something about a uk government linked agency that talked about making boards and sites like this unusable for its original user base.
It's a shit world we live in.
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Apparently MSM is saying Crooks and/or his friend group made the shooting threat in 2019 (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13648833/trump-assassination-attempt-shooter-thomas-crooks-school-threat.html).

If it's the same threat as this then he's basically confirmed to be friends with the owner of 64chan and a literal /b/tard, kek

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