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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous >>475483785

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

Ansarallah spokesman Mohammed Abdul Salam:
>The brutal "israeli" aggression on Yemen by targeting civilian facilities, oil tanks, and the power station in Hodeidah aims to double the suffering of the people and pressure Yemen to stop supporting Gaza. This is a dream that, Allah willing, will never come true.
> After the IOF bombed Hodeidah, leaving about 90 Yemenis wounded so far, a large protest has broken out in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a in support of Palestine.
>Houthis attacked Tel Aviv with a drone. Literally outside the US embassy.








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.

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thanks for baking

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Can one of you edit this image to make the white knight wear a swastika arm band while defending IDF soldiers killing Palestine children in the background?
thank you Iraqi baker
i have a lot of Iraqi neighbors and you are chill af, lovely people
your taste in cars and music is niggertier though
TKD ofc
i do not like jews
>your taste in cars and music is niggertier though
kek, bless me with your wisdom then habibi.
>he went to prison and did it again until they made him leave.
>after that he became "antizionist" lol
Well, something hilarious happened to him, he himself is hilarious in his own right.
>His commander was an uppity kike bitch so he called her a whore lmao.
Sounds like something he would do, military court?
>im from california not the south my acent is western
You told me you had a southern accent, and you had a confederate flag stamped on your backpack.
> im not a psycho
Insulting an officer is a crime
> im suprised you still post here the board quality has gone down hill
Only in /chip/, the quality dropped a lot in the rest of the board.
>has gone down hill id hoped youd be a succesfull lawyer by now
In fact, I'm thinking of changing careers
im gonna go bake (literally), i wanna make some sourdough bread for tomorrow morning.
im a blond ashkenazi your a cockroach no your place
>You told me you had a southern accent, and you had a confederate flag stamped on your backpack
its closer to a texas acent youve heard my voice before and i did have the flag in my pack, now my voice is becomeing less american im oftem mistaken for a euro when i talk here
>thinking of changing careers
good luck
what even is this thread jej
>cockroach no your place
its leagues above you mizrahi moshe.
lots of noisy american cars with big engines and and economy car teir
for a 6L engine i expect at least 700HP
je velmi najs thread
i like imports desu. what important for me is light weight, high rpm and big power per liter.

But i do understand the appeal of american cars.... however i often go to the race track and need something thats a decent racecar.
>im a blond ashkenazi your a cockroach no your place
Blonde ashkenazis don't have dirty hands and cracked feet like you, poorfag
War with Iran is inevitable
America has been years without engaging in a middle-rhythm war and Iran will be it
>im a blond ashkenazi

khazar rat vermin
>middle-rhythm war and Iran will be it
sounds horrible if my parents get dragged into it.
>Insulting an officer is a crime
they deserved it they blatantly give people special treatment and lue to me about it when i bring it up, i wanted to go to the market five minutes walk from my base they told me i cant leave the gate is closed then 30 secomds later unlock and open the gate for a druze to get somethin i saw this add got pissed whent on a rant " is it cuase im nit an arab is it becuase my skin is white, your a duaghter of a whore, your afraid" and so tey kicked me out of the army ive apealed their desition but i dint think it will work, one time after this the מפ(oficer) insisted on driveing me from the base to my house becuase she did not trust me to take the bus and i lit her car seat on fire as we were driveing, and when we got to my village i oulled the handbreak on her and got out of the car and the security guy for my towm came uo to us and asked if everything was ok i told him she was trying to rape me
>and i lit her car seat on fire as we were driveing
talk about toddler level beahvior by throwing a tantrum. are all israelis like this?
>im a blond ashkenazi your a cockroach no your place
I thought this experience would make you more tolerant of other shades of Jews, such as Ethiopians and Mizrahi, what happened?
> closer to a texas acent youve heard my voice before
Indeed, you sent me a vocaroo of you singing.
>now my voice is becomeing less american im oftem mistaken for a euro when i talk here
Already sound like this?
>good luck
Thanks, do you plan to stay a shepherd all your life?
>no one is applauding
>"no no, don't applaud"
your a beaner i could buy your whole family id make your mom and sisters cook for me and clean my house and dress you up like speedy gonazlize and have you serve as my waiter bringing me all my meals
dont get me wrong, Iraqis are some of my favorite people
one of my best friends is Iraqi and i had fun doin chovi (or whatever its pronounced) at his wedding
also Nebuchadnezzar III when?
The craziest thing is how much of /pol/ doesn't even know what Hitler has said about the christians and muslims.
Now type it without the dirty hands, poorfaggie
NebuCHADnezzar III will not come because hes too based for this world.

Also, even tho im iraqi, ive been in sweden for a bit over 14 years now and i did lose touch with my culture desu. I have westernized quite a lot. I got a citizenship out of it, but i feel like something is missing in my life.
>your a beaner i could buy your whole family
shut up kike, i can smell your greasy paws from here
you are living on cheetos and maintain dew
>more tolerant of other shades of Jews,
i like mizrahim the ethiopian are hit or miss the ones from ethiopia tend to be better than the ones here realy depends on how hard they try to imitate american niggers
>sound like this?
its not that bad yet
>Thanks, do you plan to stay a shepherd all your life
posibly for now its good money easy work and conveinent hours, if i stay in this line of work indefinantly i want to own my own sheep and farm nit work for outher peopel
I think the deep state wants to cut ties with Israel, but cant because of all the blackmail. Which is why theyre supporting but dragging their heels with Israeli support, especially with Epstein being long dead. They probably cant or at least struggle to blackmail politicians moving forward. Remember, neither Biden nor Harris were there to greet him nor attend his shitty speech. AIPAC has a gun to the heads of many congressmen so they were forced to oblige like trained seals from sea world. Best they can do is stall
>druze to get somethin i saw this add got pissed whent on a rant
Maybe something religious, or not allowed for new recruits.
>her car seat on fire as we were driveing, and when we got to my village i
Overreacting is not right, most likely you were considered a danger with a gun.
>told him she was trying to rape me
Taking into account your short height...
Influx of shills today
very low quality shills
outsourcing can be a bitch sometimes
>i want to own my own sheep
So you admit those animals ain't even yours? What a poorfag lmao
>Maybe something religious, or not allowed for new recruits.
they were new recruits as well its a blatant double standard the base was run by woman and they were afraid if the druze and let them get away with things i could not do without consequences
>Overreacting is not right, most likely you were considered a danger with a gun.
they already decided to kick me out at that point but i regret acting like a retard alls i had to do was be normal for three months and i woukd if gone to the religouse unit away from all those people, i fucked up and cant fix it now
>Taking into account your short height
im 5 10 i was taller than her he did not belive me she told me to grt back in the car and i listended still it was funny to me
i work for some one else
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these threads stink up /pol/ more than usual
How does it feel to be poorer than palestinians while living on their lands?
jordanians over here actually larp as african americans, same with most arabs (except sudanis funnily enough)
it's christian land, buddy
>i like mizrahim
I know, after all you Ashkenazis are not white, like Mizrahis.
>ethiopian are hit or miss the ones from ethiopia tend to be better
You most likely have ancestors from ethiopia.
>its not that bad yet
You may end up merging the two accents.
>i want to own my own sheep and farm nit work for outher peopel
And america?
>who are palestinian christians
> i want to own my own sheep
lol, lamo even
now get off the internet you serf
this mutt has never heard of christian palis before
persecuted and killed by muslims. palestinian christians are fighting for israel
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Jesus these new indian shills are terrible at their jobs. Go eat some cow poo maybe you'll get smarter.
>christians are fighting for israel
no they are not kike
i have a ton of christian friends who would beg to differ
only buildings that can be rebuilt. why should i be defending pisslamists again? in israel christians actually have political representation and so do muslims for that matter (they shouldn't). are you denying the muslim genocide against palestinian christians?
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unironically they were the ones who started fighting Israel before the Muslim Palestinians
Go back shitskin
Sand nigger diaspora general
no you don't. no palestinian would ever fight for pisslam. pallywood is very low budget, it's not convincing
George Habash was fucking based btw
a general to expose the zydokomuna
shut the fuck up kike, you are embarrassing yourself
i have a ton of palestinian cristian frens that are TKD to the bone
If you did doubt that jews have schizophrenia watch this
>George Bush was evil psychopathic serpent who was scheming to destroy Israel.
>Islamic nazis want to murder and kill jewish children
>Palestinians never exist and were made up by US in order to make people hate jews!
>are you denying the muslim genocide against palestinian christians?
Forgot link
no, you don't actually
>marxist leninist
oh, you're also a faggot in addition to being a mooslam. how confusing

you come to /pol/ as a shitskin also shilling communism. i laugh as you shitskins die
weve been over your pic reated many times i dnt belive it to be factuale
>You most likely have ancestors from ethiopia.
i doubt it
fucj that shit hole i only miss my guns and some of the nature quality of life is much higher here becuase its a high trust soceity
Wow King retard, you read an article online and believe it.
>its a high trust soceity
>is a jewish society
pick one mizrahi
no their terorist just like the muslim ones all arabs are the same
Post hand
why is this fat retard alcoholic talking to me? go die in gaza, you fucking disgrace
>all arabs are the same

ben shapiro is married to an arab jew
he is already a nugget, dont you see why hes here? Hamas helped him lose a few limbs.
>druze and let them get away with things i could not do without consequences
I mean, Druze can be physically imposing, you would do the same.
> alls i had to do was be normal for three months and i woukd if gone to the religouse unit away from all those people
Still a Zionist and wantinh to join the idf, but only to a unit where you are tolerated.
>im 5 10 i was taller
Wasn't your height 5 6?
>>marxist leninist
>oh, you're also a faggot in addition to being a mooslam. how confusing
let me guess, you are kike who never visited the middle east (besides your orientation tour in pissrael)
im asheknazi my hair is blond my skin is white my last name is german
Most upper class families are socialist here
And Christians tend to be upper class, and socialist
Do it yourself you fag
>weve been over your pic reated many times i dnt belive it to be factuale
It's totally factual, but how do you feel about Palestinians having more Israelite DNA than Jews?
>i doubt it
>quality of life is much higher here becuase its a high trust soceity
>high trust soceity
You were removed from the military for unfair treatment, and that literally led to a false allegation of attempted rape by you.
>And Christians tend to be upper class, and socialist
what is your last name?
im not fat or drunk i weigh like 165kilos
i dont give a fuck about ben shaoiro and his wife is seoherdich she is not an arab
>would do the same.
no i fucked with them cosntantly every time id pass them in the halls of the base id stop walkeing raise my hands to the sky and say allah akbar theyd grt pissed cuase they hate muslims, once ten of them came uo to me and surounded me and asked me if i love druze i calmy told them no i dont live druze only jews, another time i pushed one becuase he tryed to sit next to me i told him he could not he would not kove so i moved him, more things as well fuck them
>Still a Zionist
i am a jewish supremacist zionism is a secular idealogie that aimes to seperte us from our judiasm and make us israelis, equale to arabs and russians and àny outher scum that is also israel, i wanted ti be in netzach yehuda were there are no goyim or woman and i would of made it if i just shut the fuck uo for three months
>Wasn't your height 5 6?
last names mean nothing in pissrael, go google their PM last name
the jokes write themselves
There's a famous saying in Nazareth from my dad's generation.
>muslims eat rice and Christians eat sushi
>not fat

ok lol
>having more Israelite DNA than
i genuinely domt care were both giga mutts
becuase why would i have ethiopian blood
>false allegation of attempted rape by you.
that was just banter imagine were driveing down the road i pull the hand break car stoos in the middle of the street a guy walks up and asks is everything ok amd i reoly shes trying to rape me
i meant 65 kilos
It was constructed under christian rule, during 200 years , then the mamluk dynasty had control comprising if both jewish and muslim rulers, later on the ottoman empire had taken over with causing control, the British Empire then had control of it so it has been under christian and jewish administration far more longer than Islamic control or jurisdiction. The area is still controlled by Muslim government (Hamas) , the Church was not directly damaged at all and is still standing , would you are looking at om the right is a weapons depot bombed by IDF air force jets the campus area outside the church was being used under the guise of a "refuge" shelter despite being used for storing Ammunition and Explosive materials by hamas. It is understandable your level of brainrot by Reddit is high, so easily brainwashed into believing propaganda unfortunately.
to bad we should be bombing churches just for the lolz
>im not fat or drunk i weigh like 165kilos
>i dont give a fuck about ben shaoiro
they are bot sending their brightest i see
your pancreas is screaming for mwrcy6 and you will be dead very soon
fuckin phone posting and fat fingers
I keep seeing people say they expect the Houthis to respond within the next 48 hours but it's all western/kike sources.
Is this just more israelie schizo reporting like with Lebanon?
2 more weeks
I heard some say the situation today in gaza wasn't good for the idf.
I mean, houthis can respond at any time that they desire, its not like they're on a deadline or smthn
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>anti-genocide anti-apartheid record of videos and images>
The # of dead has been frozen at 30K for months now. Rip journalists.250,0000+?
Updated often (latest: today)

> Can view and screenshot without downloading from mega>

mega.nz/folder/gvtFxLgK#KFpMvFK9akRXeFgVXkeueQ (it's at https)

> These people and their lies and fabrications about s@xu4l crimes and babies will promote ethnic cleansing and genocide. Will cause us to lose 100s of trillions and 200 yrs of hardworked goodwill>

I am an atheist. Don't need religion to value humanity and justice
Folder name starts with gvtFx (future reference)

Will update when can. Feel free to copy paste (same gvtFx link).

>Videos showing the incredibly racist face of apartheid; hidden and censored by all media>

Google search "Feeling the hate in Jerusalem Obama Max Blumenthal archived" and "Feeling the hate in tel aviv Max Blumenthal"

Disclaimer: I do not agree, and often do not read; any of the disclaimers, warnings, agreements, recommendations or assumptions in the posts above (including the thread title and the original post). Not racist, sexist or anything like that. I am associated with no one; just a record keeper.

Follow @maxblumenthal, @jvplive, @johncusack, @aaronjmate, @torahjudaism @ggreenwald, @georgegalloway, @susansarandon, @jacksonhinklle and @normfinkelstein on twitter then can skip the drive. Twitter is censoring; ghost bans, shadowbans and suspensions.

>Social media recently started charging millions to record their posts. Reddit can (and 100% is) making up fake accounts and posts>
65kilos you stupid nigger i wouldt be able to do my job if i was fat
isn't your job shilling on the internet all day? you could do it at 300 kilos
no its sheperding, the videos im posting are me
>turns out the jews are the goatfuckers
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Are you this guy?

yep, a jew

you won't be able to hide to some goyim's basement next time btw
that's not a grown male weight
are you a foid or just a manlet?
time to vote /pol
you sound like a fag
>what is your last name?
He already told you, its German. Shlomo German
what happened to the manlet kike?
not clicking
Viva PhilistinaZZ
Palestine is infinite organically equal leaders and infinite simultaneous directions of progress

Infinite dimensions of pure will-power!
Damn you're sexy. Wouldn't mind a closer look at your archaic bronze age beauty, no gay shit.
I love Latin~Gothiccc~indigenous
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y b the yahoo tap this sloot & she in public?
its videos from my work
Over 8 billion people demand the end of cancerous behaviour!
I haven’t been to this general since last month
What happened to 53? Is he still around?
nice propaganda piece there moshe, they're paying you handsomely to throw up nonsense on the internet?
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53 has gathered enough money from Tehran for his sex change op. Xhe no longer needs to hang around these losers.
Didn't watch King Kike's speech.
Anyone got highlights? I heard some stuff like open hostility towards Iran (duh) and something about chickens and KFC?
>What happened to 53? Is he still around?
nah, he was getting burned out and some irl stuff started showing up in his life. another anon got a kid. so the two most active bakers are gone for now due to irl reasons.
Which anon got a kid?
lebleaf anon
That's nice.
That sucks
So are you the new official baker then?
it is really nice, i imagine he is full of love for his kid now. and takes care of his child very well.
>So are you the new official baker then?
nah, we all try to contribute. tunisia anon bakes the most. there is an amerianon that bakes a lot aswell. i only bake here and there, once the thread gets archived in my timezone.
>Fight our wars, victory over liberty.
>50+ standing ovations.
>Muslims and Niggers in the IDF
>Ignore the dead kids and war crimes
>Noa Aragami shilling
>Iran bad
>Please clap
>New Nintendo Game
>AIPAC bonuses in your checking account
and you are still here
i feel sad for for you new world monkey
Its quite nice the lebatroon is contributing to the decline of Canada. I hope he and whatever schizo he's stuffing expel 5 more creatures that will one day hold Trudeau decapitated head on live television, Inshallah! As you pedophiles say.

da joos always post off site links to get the goyim to click. if they click they get free tracking software, malware software and virus software installed on their device. they also get to view whatever the honeypot video clip was

israel is #1 for hacking in the world, #1 for tech security companies. including #1 for surveillance and hacking software created sold to other world govt's and intelligence agencies globally. including the software that broke in to the crooks shooter who shot DJ trumplie
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A hero reborn.
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I'm soaking in my pool after a long day work, watching my chickens graze and dog play with his new toy. I wouldn't even imagine what It would be like living in a sandyshithole like yours.
lebs are green eyed, light brunette with white skin for the most part. never met one that had traditional north african features.
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why these jews so disrespectful and putting useless trash in this wall? why they so evil? the needs to puts it in trash demselves. not making some random nigger jew clean their trash for dem. so fucked up. poor nigger
/pol/'s extra jewish today... what happened?
>today... what happened?
bibi speech got their anuses perked up.
>off site links
someone ought to behead the filterfag newfag subhuman
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its catbix youbstupid new fag nigger go n suck start a shot gun mabey if the inside of your head gets some sunlight a brian will grow
Bibi's thoughts:
"Ah, yes, the good old days when we could blow up the King David hotel and the goy leaders still supported Zionism."
I could use TKD, right about now
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>bibi speech
I didn't listen but what I heard from some that it was all just him kvetching about how every anti-semitic thing that happens is because of Iran and is begging the golems to do something about Iran
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>i genuinely domt care were both giga mutts
>becuase why would i have ethiopian blood
Ashkneazi are partly Ethiopian.
>that was just banter imagine were driveing down the road
Maybe the psychological profile then.
>told him he could not he would not kove so i moved him, more things as well fuck them
Did you get into a fist fight?
>idealogie that aimes to seperte us from our judiasm and make us israelis, equale to arabs and russians and àny outher scum that is also israel
What about Arab and Russian converts?
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>never met one that had traditional north african features.
Your b8 used to be better
>I-Iran's gonna do it, guys....
>t-they're gonna build n-nukes....

yes come here and see a very small amount of them ahve red hair even and vould pass as relatives of mine most look more like what you imagine an arab to be outhers are very brown and some are actuale niggers they are giga mutts
>Ashkneazi are partly Ethiopian
bull shit
>psychological profile then.
it was funny
>Did you get into a fist fight?
some how no he just kind of stood there mad for a minute or two untill like 50 outher druze came then he tryed toa ttack me but at that point their were two many people between us kinda funny
i hate all converts holding the syrian custome on this one

chupacabranese translation:
a few hood rats came to beat up this tranny jasonetta niggerston.
they pissed on his bleeding torso, spit on him a lot, and then jasonetta got horny from this and jacked off.

jasonetta niggerston, aka chubacabra golem rape baby the 2nd, now calls his soaking wet bed a "pool"
while he lays on the bed soaked with urine, spit, blood and cum. jealous of the people living in gaza

jasonetta has nightly sex dreams of Hamas gang raping him. which is why he comes to /chip/ daily. as he's a degrenerate freak that his rocks off by watching vids, pics and reading text about hamas for hours each day

jason types with 1 hand at all times, as this degenerate freak thinks /chip/ is a hamas themed sex chat group
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>lebs are green eyed, light brunette with white skin
>brown subhumans really think this
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Nice fanfiction. At about the level I expected around this general full of degenerates
All western flags ITT are chickens for KFC
>i told him she was trying to rape me
Hard kek. You sound like a fun guy.
>red hair even and vould pass as relatives of mine most look
Anon... this Palestinian Christian is a anciemt Israelite.
There are literally almost no Jews who look like him.
>bull shit
The papers disagree
>tryed toa ttack me but at that point their were two many people between us kinda funny
It seems that there was a lack of will on both sides.
>i hate all converts holding the syrian custome on this one
Erev rav?
"Two states for two peoples living side-by-side in peace and security is not a fake slogan, but a real necessity for the stability in the entire region. Each homeland should provide a solution to the national aspiration of its people – Israel in the 1967 borders, as a homeland for the Jewish people and the descendants of the nakba, and the creation of a Palestinian state, as a fulfillment of their national desire."

i particularly liked this part of his speech today
>almost no Jews who look like
make your lies more belivable
>Erev rav?
just opurtunstic theivig niggers
"Our vision prescribes a very specific process – a step by step process – whereby before Israeli security can be created, we have to abolish occupation altogether, stop Apartheid, and of course, accept Palestine as a state"

also a very strong statement
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He's half british retard
yigal amir is nit going ti be happy about this
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poo subhumans are too poor to pay for VPN's.

now they instead work as forced conscripts for israel and ukraine

since they're too desperate and low IQ to not fall for these tricks
"We know that we Israelis deserve leaders who will care about the well being of their people, and who do not simply take hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance from America and Europe, put them in illegal settlements, and use them to support occupation instead of peace. Israelis need books, not bombs. We want peace, not nuggets"

bibi was on fire today
Muzzie shits are disgusting. Ive live next to both kikes and muslims and i never want to live next to you disgusting goat slaughtering low iq FUCKS
I can you like use a goddamn nunchaku, you are tiny.
settlment is the only path to peace if all the land is jewish their will be no more conflict there are zero terrorist comeing out of the villages we depopulated in 48
im 177cm tall
he said jews came from hell, at least he is honest.
fuckin based brasiliero
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How come you never take pics of places relating to your claims? You're not very honest 2bh.
That was my favorite next to saying he wants victory against liberty and comparing pro Palestine protests to KFC.
why would I make it easy for you faggots to dox me like you all attempted to do to that kike? I've posted some things like when the culombian asked to see my christmas tree or when the paki brit asked to see my chickens.
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Henlo frens. Any Yemen update?
nothin so far. except for bibi begging in us congress about helping them out with the hoothies
Based pirate lad
>make your lies more belivable
I mean, that Palestinian Christian has stereotypically white features like blue eyes and light hair, but his face is distinctly Levantine. Jews with white features do not look distinctively Levantine.
>just opurtunstic theivig niggers
all of them
Didn't you have a yeshiva partner who was a Colombian convert?
yea theirs alot of cinverts i sont trust any of them
heres a video for you
What do Palestinians think of Husam Zomlot? He’s fatah who are traitors but is very passionately outspoken in support of Palestinians in the UK
Zomlot rhymes with zogbot. i already dont trust im from the name alone kek.
>distinctively Levantine
Retard alert. The Levant has been full of mutts from 3 different continents for thousands of years.
your a westernized iraqi liveing in europe calling any one a zog bot zero self awareness
>zero self awareness
too bad my company doesnt work with izzos. better luck next time with your lobbying here.
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>yea theirs alot of cinverts i sont trust any of them
many converts in that yeshiva?
Well now you know why certain Palestinian groups are 90% Israelites, and Ashkenazi are only 30% Roman Levantine.
he's an excellent ambassador to the UK, unironically better than the Israeli one at interviews and handles the harsh interrogation style question extremely well
Where's the crew
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>Retard alert. The Levant has been full of mutts from 3 different continents for thousands of years.
i hate the west my dream is a jewish taliban state were faggkts like you get tossed off of buildings
>in that yeshiva?
all over its realy anoying
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I thought useful idiots were good for jews and israel?
when is irael doing to take back the north?
>all over its realy anoying
Are there many converts in the Jewish state?
We have a German in /chip/ who is a convert, pic related.
Why do kikes always make that face?
>i hate the west my dream is a jewish taliban state were faggkts like you get tossed off of buildings
keep dreaming, retard. Ethnonationalism and theocracies are dead.
They evolved their nose muscles to also make facial expressions kek.
filming a tiktok video inside the tank
were going to get raped by lebanon if we go to war,.im stocking uo on water propane and canned tuna so i can enjoy the kino in comfort just wish inhad a solar panel to charge my phine with so i can keep shit posting afyer they knock out the power
even one is too many i hate them all luckly theya re rare and stay in their containment zones
i hate nu pol so much just a few years ago you would of been luaghed out of here, enjoy more sheperding kino, running out of videos will have to make more tomorow
wouldt be suprised the idf is a joke tzhal shel tiktok yeish zonaote varaveem
>in their containment zones
Do you have literal neighborhoods in Israel where converts are concentrated?
Like which one?
guys, look, the palestinians are doing the white power symbol, aren't they so anti cement sticks?
they tend to live in more normie areas so you find them more often in jerusalem than say yitzhar again their pretty rare in general
How a Colombian end up in Israel?
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only good when useful idiots support israel or jews, and not understand anything and only do it for el judenhoo
Has any protest action here done anything at all to assist Gaza?
I don't think the power brokers are listening.
I'm almost certain (((they))) are sliding threads. What place is there online to talk about jews? Twitter?
>i hate nu pol so much just a few years ago you would of been luaghed out of here
Pol hasnt changed. Youre just jewing about. Classic strat for you guys.
their parents wanted to get out of columbia simple as
>Pol hasnt changed.
the quality has gotten tremendously worse ive been talking to chilean anon on here for years he can atest to this
>were going to get raped by lebanon if we go to war

what makes you say that? I thought israel was the 5th most powerful military on earth?
His parents also converted?
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Serious Question:
Are there actually any anons that don't know the history of the OK white power hand symbol?
it was a chan campaign to troll the media into making them go nuts over innocuous things that people do. The media took the bait, and eventually ADL added it to their hate symbols too
right anon and the vax is safe and efective the moonlamding happend micheal obama is a woman and your mother is not a whore
And his parents are also ultra-Orthodox?
i never met them so i cant comment on this
so what changed? Israel used to be able to be able to force its will onto all of its neighbors, now it has ceded territory in the north to hezbullah and is fumble fucking around gaza (10 MONTHS!) and doesn't look to have an exit plan. What changed?
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el suenos hispanic gang also fought in syria. they left the comfy street wars of LA to desert fight in syria
I thought he was the only one who had converted because he was leaving Columbia, and that he converted at an adult age.
>What changed
the post oslo acords leadership has gutted the ay and instilled wester progresive weakness into it
nope paremts brought him amd his sibllimgs as kids
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shortage of diapers in israel

houthis destroyed many cargo ships transporting diapers
that was like 1994 or some shit, what magical force made your troops onions out?
He, his siblings and parents were converted, while he was still a child?
The desire for adventure in some
>yemenshits have still not responded
nothing burger once again
the axis of retards are just as incompetent as the kikes. Almost a year into the war and they can’t take the entire strip. Meanwhile we took all of Iraq in less than 30 days.
the mentality is the same and so is the leadership recently the head of mossad came out and said that jewish religouse extremist are a bigger threat to the state than arabs, the idf cheif of staff said the biggest chalemge facein us is climate change and gender in equality
>what magical force made your troops onions out?
america this is what henry kissiniger meant when he said its dangerouse to be an enemy of ameroca and fatal to be an allie
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I just don't believe you, is all, sorry.
so what are you going to do? move back to the us?

post chikins.

yummy yard bird yoo
What are your thoughts on the fact 86% of askenazis can't drink milk
im going to get a drivers licemse and move to the shomron i like life here its nice freindly people wa weather and good opurtunities, very stoked on my job as of late this is from aroumd sunset today me takeing the flock back to the farm
lactose intolerant dose not mean you cant drink milk it meams you get the shits afyer you drink it, any how not my problem i can drink milk and i had a job milking goats for a while, once i took tge goats tit and milked it straight into a cuo then drank it warm and thick very strange
Seething kikes lmfao. Nobody likes your kind. The vast majority of earth would celebrate if israel was wiped off the planet. You are regarded as subhuman cockroaches by most people in your life who aren’t jews.
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((they)) sure like to drink this milk
> harvey
>You are regarded as subhuman cockroaches by most people in your life who aren’t jews.
meditate on this well your shoveling the snow out of your drive way
what if Israel goes to war with lebanon and loses? What will you do then?
take advantage of cheap realistate along the border
which border?
the one with lebanon
that border area might changes owners thouugh
So is the unity goverment anything signfigant or nothing burger?
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I just found this picture on 4 channel

it is going to destroy the narrative

proof that jews love arabs.

how will jewshills ever cope?
Depends on how they proceed and how serious China is about it, we don't really know much of what they're doing yet.
Any unified Palestinian government between Gaza and the West Bank is extremely dangerous for israel because it makes their stance even more untenable, putting aside their current doom spiral.
I think if China and other nations actually work with a unified Palestinian government and pressure for establishment of a Palestinian state it's going to be very difficult to stop it.
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picture for you pretty ladies, saar

> t. you may redeem
Hello Matthew, I thought you joined the idf. To much of a bitch?
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>China's power move
I wonder what the Netyahooo think of this.
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do you know the OP IRL?

do you ROFLMAO and KEK and MFW in person?

what it be like to?

yow much sweden pounds d0es ur internets cost?

how much cell?

it look pretty on the television set in living color.

the ladies of sweden be pretty

which river do you catch the swedish fish from? they is delicious and sweet and boneless
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After seeing tranny demons, Captain Sweden suddenly looks a lot more straight. I hate clown world.
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why jesus be such a chad?

fire safety so importin to him

all the ladies love him and worship him. but he only have stories with his family in banned books of the bibble

jesus is biggest chad world has ever know

churches worship his 6 pack on the altar of church. staring at his chadly abs the whole time

no lady could resist jesus. which is why jew men want to kill him

at some point you just have to ask yourself, why do people let jews do it?

couldn't be me.
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but jews would never lie

jews not lie to goyim ever

why I ask me that?
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this face of god never lie to you

made in likeness and image of god

goyim just wear fake human skin suit over animal subhuman body
It means your body can't handle it. I wonder why God promised a land of milk and honey to a population that was lactose intolerant and why would a lactose intolerant population have laws around drinking milk
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>i had a job milking goats for a while, once i took tge goats tit and milked it straight into a cuo then drank it warm and thick very strange

that was a boy goat you milked.

you drank man milk of goat

that why it taste very strange and thick and warm

did u milk goat with electric butt plug or wit mouth? or hand jobs?
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why lady hold up sign?

2 signs? or 1 sine other side?

why she tell bibi to become a war criminal?

she no like semites of palestine?
anti-anything seems to be the trend of everything bad, just try to be straight and go to pride parade with a sign that says im proud to be straight and you get ganked
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why she want bibi to kill baby semite in this picture?

she is antisemite and no like the natives of pallystein?
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I'm not even religious or native to the Netherlands, this makes me upset as historian nut and when our leaders and allies destroy our cultural heritage
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y usa dont arrest bibistein?

icj say arrest bibi. why they not?

why usa breaj icj law and no arrest

i kno
you is god chosen people like me
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Via Dolorosa > anything
So what, you like having Colombian DNA in the Israeli gene pool?
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jew gene pool very diverse

they let everyone in their pool with no borders
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this interadastistading
many curse on them
i no understand tho
Yes, interestingly the Jewish genetic problems have little to do with inbreeding, and have much more to do with the fact that that Jewish diversity for some reason had a lot of defective genes. If you had a population with no defective genes you could commit all the inbreeding you wanted without consequences.
Those were Armenians who were deported
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why cry when she would send much monies to israel too? she is happy harris the killer kamala

she say nice things like she like black people and want them out of jail
but she keep them in cali jail after sentence ends to get cheap labor for free

kamala poonog is big liar and will do whatever monies pay her
It's probably that the group which entered and now dominates the religion in of itself was a sickly creature
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hyena harris and killer kamaler is same person

hyena harris mocks you and laughs you for being so idiot to elect her and let her deflect with laugh and cackles

but incest is best!
Everything indicates that. For example, Cleopatra's family, the Ptolemaic, were extremely inbred (not cousin to cousin type unions, but uncles to nieces and brothers to sisters) but all were extremely healthy. Inbreeding has an effect in which both favorable and negative traits of a group are expressed and maximized. A group with no unfavorable traits will only maximize positive traits. Now, why do Jews being so genetically diverse tend to have so many diseases?
Because those diverse groups that converted to Judaism are carriers of the diseases.
Houithis waiting to respond has israel confused as fuck. They are obviously doing something sneaky.
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more houthis wait, more jews seethe and kvetch.
jews cant calm down and relax until houthis hit, so jews scared long time by houthis if dont come.

if houthis wait 2 weeks then attack then jews panic for 2 weeks. waiting long time is best. like 9hrs of Iran attack kvetching and high alert
Today was the last proof I needed before making a solid prediction.
I wanted to see if there were a few, last untamed freemasons in the US but, it turns out, every last single american has been effectively and irrevocably domesticated
And judging by the unconditional acceptance most congressniggers showed to Netroonyahu, I can finally make my prediction, and feel free to screencap this for years to come.
>Netroonyahu will stay in power, giving free reign to the revisionist zionists (aka most people in his cabinet),
>Gaza will cease to exist,
>a full scale war against Hezbollah will take place short after and Hezbollah will have the upper hand at first, and then americans will declare war against Iran.
>The ameritrannies who so happily shilled for pissrael in this board will be sent to die against Hezbollah/Iran/Ansar Allah.
>It will be a low intensity war for at least 4 years, that will evolve to a mid intensity one as soon as russians and the chinese start supporting Iran. A few millions of people will die so Blackrock, Vanguard and other gigabanks can seize more wealth and the industrial military complex gets even more power on behalf of globalist jewish bankers
>depending on how it plays, either the anglotranny or the asian blocks will emerge victorious, it depends on how each side plays their chess pieces
>nuclear war will be a possibility in 2030 assuming any of the involved factions feels particularly threatened
>total death toll might be anywhere between 2 million and 20 million, most of them civilians, but we will see american and pissraeli soldiers die en masse for the first time since Vietnam
>the Intel buildings might get hit and AMD end up as the new chip hegemon
>if the anglotranny side wins, globohomo will become obligatory worldwide (more than it is anyway)
nigger, why you never reply to me anymore? at least say what's up or something. It's almost like you just a bot or somethin
I hope they all nuke eachother.
Every death in the middle east amuses me
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>And judging by the unconditional acceptance most congressniggers showed to Netroonyahu, I can finally make my prediction, and feel free to screencap this for years to come.
Half of democrat congress didn't show up

>Netroonyahu will stay in power, giving free reign to the revisionist zionists (aka most people in his cabinet),
Biden WH and many in congress have talked shit about bibi and want him to leave. Bibi is paranoid and states america is trying to coup him
Obama also invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2015 to make sure bibi didn't win, donating to his opponent

>The ameritrannies who so happily shilled for pissrael in this board will be sent to die against Hezbollah/Iran/Ansar Allah.
USA military troops had an uprising and antisemitic revolt per the important head master guy. In leaked email he said when they spoke of israel, troops protested and revolted and said the most antisemitic thing: they would not die for israel or risk their lives either

Your prediction sucks and already deboonked
yeah but I mean armenians and georgians are the hispanics of Russia
Elon Musk showing his colors again.
I don't care about brown Muslims dying. I don't see them as human.
Next congress won't be democrat, nigger. Your "debunk" would only work if next president and co guess we're to be democrats. Fucking nigger.
I'm glad cuz you will be sent to die in Iran soon enough, kiddo
Pirate daddy
lol. It's simply going to shift jevv donations back to republicans. It used to be 40% during reagan
Now: less than 25% of donations are jewish gold
Democrats get over 50% of donations in jew gold

Democrats get a lot more donation overall. so they get MORE than double the number of jevv gold than goyim dollars

pendulum is swinging back, and getting jewies back to republican voting. Happens over time
Meen howna ibyihkee 3arabi
what that means?
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These GILFs should allocate their grip to holding COCKS, not Glocks.

They're more human than heebs at least.
shills busy here tonight
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That's actually really freakin cool. A shepherd in Israel. It sounds like a nice peaceful job, as long as there isn't some sort of fight going on. I mean, there have been shepherds there for thousands of years, I'd imagine you would feel some connection with them?
Muslims are stone age retards. Jews won 25% of Nobel Prizes.
being so isolated its probably abandoned, hamas does have a couple of videos running up to armored vehicles with explosives while people were inside.
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I love supporting Israel. I got these bad boys on Midway for $0.27 a round. $0.41 a round with shopping and tax. I know they're designed and built to kill even the most virile Muslim. So good.







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I'm late to the party but I wanted to talk to that shepherd. In the Bible, being a shepherd in Israel (Judea) was THE job to have to see angels and assorted miracles. Think about it.
>Because those diverse groups that converted to Judaism are carriers of the diseases.
Its fucking crazy.

>>Manetho has been cited as an early example of antisemitism. Manetho's history of Egypt, potentially presented as a counter-narrative[14] to the traditional story of Exodus, portrays Jews negatively; Manetho's depiction of Jews — or Lepers and Shepherds – exudes anti-Jewish themes.[15] While the Old Testament's Exodus tells of the Jews escaping Egypt, liberating themselves, Manetho tells a different story:

>>that Egypt, under the reign of Amenophis, who was the son of Ramses and the father of Sethos (Seti) whom he later named Ramses after his father,[16] expelled lepers because of their impurity who then chose to revolt against Egypt pioneered by leader Osarsiph — later revealing himself as Moses — who imposed various anti-Egyptian laws.[17] Together with the Shepherds, they conquered Egypt in a 'barbarous manner...set[ting] the cities and villages on fire...roasting those sacred animals...and forced the priests and prophets to be the executioners and murderers of those sacred animals."[18] Negative themes of the Jews followed, such as being characterized as misanthropic or tyrannical.[19] Osarsiph also declared that "they should neither worship the Egyptian gods; nor should abstain from any one of those sacred animals which they have in the highest esteem








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We need an anon to post a new thread, even if it is just a lazy bake 1 post OP like this thread was
حلو كيف ضيعت الshills

Its as if judaism just attracts the worst of what humanity has to offer.
Ma 3am ifham shoo 3am itkool. inta 3arabi ouw yahudi?
Bte2rash 3arabi b2a7rof 3arabi?
Aaaakh sho eln3'orbe bte3mal.


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