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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

Ansarallah spokesman Mohammed Abdul Salam:
>The brutal "israeli" aggression on Yemen by targeting civilian facilities, oil tanks, and the power station in Hodeidah aims to double the suffering of the people and pressure Yemen to stop supporting Gaza. This is a dream that, Allah willing, will never come true.
> After the IOF bombed Hodeidah, leaving about 90 Yemenis wounded so far, a large protest has broken out in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a in support of Palestine.
>Houthis attacked Tel Aviv with a drone. Literally outside the US embassy.








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
Thank you for this fresh bread emergency bake, burger baker fren
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/sg/ veteran US baker here, saw you guys on page 9 and figured I'd help out.
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> Those khamas bastards baked me a cake on my birthday! So fucking evil they are!
> They made me do manual labor by washing dishes after dinner, when we stayed in poor homes for a few nights with out a maid!
> They refused to rape me, which is worse than emotional rape, it's just cruel! Anuda Shoah!
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Thank you fren. I normally bake since 53 left, as one of the replacement bakers. But my laptop and modem got fried in a lightning strike this past week. So I'm stuck on a cell phone with dynamic IP which keeps changing every couple minutes. Too quick for the new thread 5 minute captcha countdown to complete
***NEW*** 7/16/2024

>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Yemeni armed forces:

We reveal the new USV ‘Toofan Al-Mudammer’, which entered service officially for the first time and targeted the ship TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR.
New 6/30/24


Al-Qassam Brigades:

footage of sniping a Zionist soldier in Shujaiya, east of Gaza City.
New 7/2/24



Footage of targeting the headquarters of the 91st Division in the Biranit barracks of the Israeli enemy army on the Lebanese-Palestinian border.
New 6/30/24


Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage of our mujahideen striking enemy soldiers and vehicles in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, with mortar shells.
New 7/1/24

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Footage of the joint operation launched by the Yemeni armed forces and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted a vital site in our occupied city of Ashdod, and an important site in our occupied city of Haifa.
New 6/12/24

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
>News / Clips

Moment of sniping a settler this afternoon south of Nablus. West Bank.
New 7/2/24

These are the survivors of IEDs
New 7/1/24

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Our preparation continues.
New 6/30/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
New 6/29/24

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.























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It'll only be a year at most until we learn about the rollercoasters, and shotgun walls, and the semen extraction machines.
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>Thank you fren
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Thank you emergency baker fren for going all out with this bread. Posting the full stickies from 2 threads ago. It is greatly appreciated /sg/ burger baker fren.
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The war is apparently going very well for israel, as illustrated by PICREL. I bet yahoo's 4D chess has gone according to plan, for each and every step
> Failed at each step, as nothing had gone as planned. Israel and jews keep suffering more as a result of yahoo's actions. The war is unwinnable, israeli society is collapsing, IDF morale is super low, military equipment is in short supply, and all the high tech cope defenses keep getting exposed as paper tigers, or easily destroyed via Hamas and Hezbollah drones

TKD is in the near future. It's just a question of how many months or years from now.
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Essentially the same speach here
>destroying a country is le good, going to war on our behalf is le good they have le nukes and will target America etc
But notice the congresses reaction? Yeah. I'm still in disbelief that yesterday wasn't a parody.
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Half of democrats were not present in congress. Only 100 in the house out of about 206 I think, and about 26 or 27 in senate, out of 52 or so.

This would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. With support for israel plummeting among congress and voters. With only 50% of zoomers stating that the holohoax was not a lie as of December 3rd 2023. And only 55% of all blacks of any age, believing that the holohoax was not a lie,


US and Israel should create ‘Middle East NATO’ – Netanyahu

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Many of the chip regulars will join the thread again around 3:00-3:30am. It really picks up around 5am, with the asia and europe anons. But, we'll be asleep by then.
Right now is just the dead hours, when burgers are now all asleep, and europe and asia either haven't really woken up yet or haven't gotten off of work yet.
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LGBT it is!
Lets Go Bomb Telaviv, that is
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Good night baker fren. I'll try to bump it until the regulars come online in the next 30-60 minutes or so
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>notice the congresses reaction?
Too much clapping lmao.
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The trained seal effect in action.
And yet, with these hundreds of lawmakers of the most powerful country in the world. Somehow not even one of them arrested yahoo to fulfil their duties of ethics and morals, for the untouchables at the ICJ
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I wonder why congress would applaud a genocidal war criminal like that. Let alone one with arrest warrants from the ICJ...
Some things we may never know the answer to, nor figure out...
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Christcuck goyem
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>Resistance fighters detonated an explosive device at the colonial Qalandia checkpoint, north of AlQuds, according to local sources. The checkpoint has reportedly been closed after the explosion and gunfire was reported.
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>An Israeli officer seriously wounded in a car-ramming attack outside a military base in central Israel earlier this month has succumbed to his wounds, the IDF says.
>Cpt. Ariel Topaz, 24, from Pardes Hanna, was one of four off-duty soldiers wounded in the terror attack on July 14 at the Nir Tzvi junction.
>Topaz served as an officer in the Military Intelligence Directorate’s Research Department.

>The IOF admits to the death of one of its intelligence officers after he succumbed to wounds sustained during the heroic run-over operation (https://t.me/PalestineResist/48626) carried out by martyr Mohammed Shehab (https://t.me/PalestineResist/48631) in occupied Ramla on July 14.
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new nuggies
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arts on the bg were done by cripples too
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Good morning chads
good morning fren
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>Bodies of five slain hostages recovered by military, returned to Israel
>Remains of Ravid Katz, Oren Goldin, Maya Goren, Staff Sgt. Tomer Yaakov Ahimas, and Sgt. Kiril Brodski, found by troops in Khan Younis working off gathered intelligence
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The leader of the sons of light.
The leader of the free world.
The leader of the Jewish people.
The One King Bibi Netanyahu.
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>3 IOF soldiers were wounded in a shooting operation in Azzun, #Qalqilya this morning. The resistance fighters withdrew safely, and the IOF has besieged the city and raided several towns to look for them.
Damn, things are hot in the West Bank. The resistance is carrying out bigger operations. Now they just need to defeat the traitors in the Palestinian Authority
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west bankers have someone faking their IDs too (pic related) and one of them went south of tel aviv and did this >>475578195
he killed one, 3 more IDF injured.

I shared this news 3 days ago, too bad latest news isn't updated. I could but i'm too busy right now and i can only share news.
Das crazy
The one king of pig shit.
2 days ago a Canadian Muslim stabbed IOF soldiers. Pissrael invented a new type of tourism, kek
"License to kill" visa. Kek.
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this glows
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Thank you fren
Last bump
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how is this nigger accepted by hamas? they literally threw his men from rooftops and couped him
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TKD frens
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>inb4 israel attacks syria again
Houthibros are too quiet...
terrified after being bitch slapped by Israel, did they even put out the fire yet?
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>The moment the Palestinian Red Crescent personnel met with the released hostages and transported them to Al Aqsa hospital in Deir al Balah
Damn I can see IDF chicks and fags rape the king Leonidas looking Palestinian guy
these dont look like the faces of people who are winning a war
i'm starting to wonder how rapey IDF chicks are, our settler tried to (falsely) claim his commander tried to rape him
Have you got your American passport yet? You will need it
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I know it's already posted here But this is hilarious
They're obsessed with fag shit and rape, anything to do with degradation. Look at the israelie flags we get in here.
Tells you all you need to know that the inbred settler is the least degenerate of them.
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oink oink
>Video: Special Episode - Some of what the Hoopoe brought back yesterday, Tuesday, 23-7-2024.


Notes (1/2):
0:20 - Special Episode: “Ramat David” Airbase
0:23 - Some of what the Hoopoe brought back yesterday, Tuesday, 23-7-2024.
0:34 - “Ramat David” Airbase: Eizar Weissman Base.
- Codenamed “Wing Number 1.”
- The only airbase in northern occupied Palestine.
- Contains a number of aerial specialties including:
- Fighter planes, fighter helicopters, transport and rescue helicopters, naval surveillance helicopters, electronic warfare offensive systems.
0:44 - Working formations:
- Three fighter squadrons: “The Valley 109”, “The First Battle 101”, “The Scorpion 105”.
- Intelligence squadron “Night Hunters 160.”
- Naval surveillance squadron “Defense of the West 193.”
- Electronic warfare Squadron 157.
- Four command squadrons for support, maintenance, and management missions.
- A distance of 46km from the Lebanese borders.

1:12 - Garage 13.
1:15 - Aircraft fuel storage.
1:43 - Squadron 109 command.
1:45 - Communications dome.
1:50 - Garage 15.
1:54 - Iron Dome systems.
2:15 - Ammunition storage.
2:20 - [Left] Squadron 109 maintenance area. [Right] Runway 09/27.
2:25 - Yard for loading ammunition onto warplanes.
2:33 - Garage 9.
2:36 - Squadron 157 command.
2:43 - Squadron 157 preparation hangars.
2:46 - Squadron 105 command.
3:05 - [Top] Garage 17. [Bottom] Garage 2.
3:18 - Garage 4.
3:21 - Unfortified garages belonging to Squadron 101.
3:28 - Squadron 101 command.
3:31 - Squadron 160 command.
3:40 - Garage 5.
3:53 - Aerial navigation radar dome.
4:13 - Technical department for Squadron 193.
Notes (2/2):
4:25 - Headquarters building of the base:
- Current leader of the base: Colonel A.
- Assumed his position on 26/07/2022.
- He previously held several leadershp positions including commander of Squadron 101.
4:34 - Current leader of the base: Colonel Asaf Eishd.
- Born on 01/12/1979.
- Assumed his position on 26/07/2022.
- He previously held several leadershp positions including commander of Squadron 101.

4:40 - Officers' quarters.
4:46 - Command and Control Center [above]
- The fortified building of the base command [below]
5:04 - Engine Maintenance Department.
5:07 - Air Force Academy
5:15 - F-16 Aircraft Inspection Hangars.
5:23 - Maintenance Squadron Command.
5:31 - 193-Helicopters Squadron Command.
5:54 - "Apache" Combat Helicopter Squadron.
5:58 - Main Control Tower.

6:19 - Previous night surveillance.

7:24 - Aerial Photography of the Base 9/7/2024.
7:30 - "Apache" Combat Helicopters.
7:38 - "Panther" Naval reconnaissance helicopters.
7:51 - Fuel pods for fighter jets.
8:04 - C-130 aerial transport airplanes

8:20 - "...Weaker than a spider's web."

Good afternoon, I hate the jews.
Henlo fren
Even he was annoyed by the dick riding.
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Good day fren
No matter how many times I see this, it never gets less funny kek

Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Trapping a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank. (23 July 2023)

0:14 - With reliance on Allah, Al-Qassam fighters in Jenin set out to the town of Mutila to prepare a complex ambush at the gate of the wall.
- The ambush consisted of three explosive devices: one for luring and two for striking the soldiers.
- The enemy announced that an officer and two zionist soldiers were injured during the operation.

0:31 - Monitoring the ambush location.
0:52 - Preparing the explosives.
1:09 - At 11:54, detonating the luring explosive.
1:23 - The advance of a zionist force.
1:40 - [At 12:46, the detonation of the second explosive]
1:50 - A zionist officer advances towards the third explosive.
2:07 - [At 13:44, the detonation of the third explosive]
2:15 - The advance of another force to the location to search and investigate.
there is at least 1 less pedophile on planet earth right now
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how much do you guys get paid to shill here, shareblue gives me 30 cents per (you) but i feel like ik getting jewed
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here's another 30 cents mr shlomo shekelstein
Are they NPCs from a fucking stealth game or what?
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I am disappointed of our kikes.

You disgusting creatures can't even Hasbara right.

What is this shit tier Hasbara?

Post more you faggots, we need the bumps.
it's like metal gear solid
one guy gets killed, then another comes in to investigate, and he gets killed. they're moronic NPCs
You're too comfortable in Norway abdul.
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>mogged by a woman

How will sandniggers ever recover?
Contribootin to this sad kike’s next waifu pillow
Ha,ha,ha playing a game of hole in the wall.
>strongest palestinian "men" vs weakest israeli woman
They have a habit of it, i think they get off on getting BTFOed by women.
Onlyfans in the army is bad idea just ask your best ally about it or maybe watch 7th of October kino
>arape talks about women
>mind goes to porn
Disgusting degenerate people.
Yeah Im pretty fucking sure a gun can kill anyone regardless of gender and strength.
Palestinians get blown and fucked out of their brains by IDF girls a lot , hard agree
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No our conservative society don't allow degeneracy unlike yours
I get two shekels per you and three for every time I use the word nigger. They also send me vials of Palestinian baby blood on my birthday and for Passover. This is from the Soros-Rothschild Protect Israel at Any Cost Shill Force. It seems you are getting jewed.
DELET THIS. This board ONLY allows BBC if it is being mated with pink white woman pussy that gushes vagina cream all over the thick Black shaft.
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>Palestinians get blown and fucked out of their brains by IDF girls a lot
This is true but not sexually
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actually it is only sexually
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Does this look sexual to you? You are a freak.
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Moshe can't stop lies But you can't deny facts
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Jewish women are demolishing palestinian huts and turning palestinians into paste as we speak and you're ITT fantasizing about jewess sex.
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need more proofs manlet ?
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were talking about the IDF girls. IDF guys are chud virgins getting revenge on Palichads for stealing their women.
That's why Netanyahu is calling this a fight for the existence of jews. jews will go extinct unless the males fight away the Palichads.
>/chip/ backed into a corner
>starts talking about nothing but interracial sex
You're on the ropes
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she demolished a Palichad's house because he only had sex with her 5 times a day instead of 6.
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One of these is a jewess, shooting palirats like fish in a barrel.
you started this BS and it seems you don't have arguments so STFU
>posts a jewish girl sucking a palestinian dick
yes its over for jews
>you started this BS
No I didn't, I just pointed out that arabs get humiliated by women all the time and you faggots started coping and rambling about interracial sex
Araps can make ok-ish sex slaves for Jews. But don’t grow an illusion that you are able to run a country, even a homogenous Arab one.
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jews were sex slaves in ancient egypt tho, so im just being historically accurate my nigga
what do jews think would happen if America solely provided weapons and funded Palestinians?
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im not even arab or muslim lol....
why are your bitches so racially disloyal?
I think I fell in love
"she" looks like a latino gayboy. you're gay dude.
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nothing would change, except Israel wouldn't have anyone holding them back.
if the US just stop backing pissreal and just stop giving a shit about them pissreal will vanish
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Good morning sirs
Kikes and their love for nigger dick

and be serious. no hope and cope or standard jewish lies.

it just seems if you want to talk shit, you shouldn't cheat.
it's in the internet so it must be true The Soviet helped us a lot with even with boots on the ground but it was limited and can't finish the job Unlike pissreal that have infinite supply from the US with the last generation weapons
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russia has been run by kikes since the bolshevik revolution. don't care what a kike puppet has to say.

hello saar! poo poo in the loo saar!
That's a Jew.
arabs and their love for getting bombed and dying lulululuululululululull
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>and be serious. no hope and cope or standard jewish lies.
>t. coping
jews and their love of getting big black dicks into their pussies kike: >>475597263
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porn = jews paying women to have sex with blacks on camera
reality = palestinian chads have sex with jewish women for free
>Unlike pissreal that have infinite supply from the US with the last generation weapons
We didn't start sending them our advanced weapons until after the war was over, Israel was still using Shermans in 1973 and you niggers still got blown to hell.
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yeah, that's what I thought.
I denounce and fully condemn the Talmud - TKD from Australia frens
If pissreal that powerful then Why they retreated from Sinai parts of the Golan height

you don't even believe that.

we know you know jews are weak and lose without you manipulating the social infrastructure of strong nations, you just don't care.

spare people who know you are lying the dumb ape chittering. nobody takes you seriously as a result. we don't believe you. are not bothered as a result.

it takes 1 man 10 years to destroy every scheme jews have been hiding from goyim for hundreds of years and rip them out of their societal strong holds. it takes one group of paragliders as an airforce to do the same.
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This lesbian dutch jew sold out her own race and got 700 of them killed lmao...
coomer here, keep posting porn. preferably webms
>Alexa, what was the most popular category of porn among Jews following WWII?

jews are so funny, almost, in how they are so straightforwardly motivated by self-interest.

they only like to be jews when it's an organization they can gain material benefit from (money, pedophilia, ego). that's the social glue of the community...not altruism or love.

they act all "kumbaya" but when the chips are down, this group of savages turn on each other without sympathy.

I'm literally salivating at the mere idea of what jews would do, were they in the situation of the palestinians, behind the wall of a concentration camp without any weapons, at the hands of a sociopathic species. first, they'd all be dead. but the kino of seeing a jew rip the food out of their child's mouth is hilarious.

extreme opposite of the moral and noble Palestinians.
this is hilarious
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very true. the women kill their kids the minute things get tough. jewish women have no love or respect for their "men".
thats why they don't complain about young jewboys getting sent to the meat grinder.
jewish men are indistinguishable from female-to-male trannies
Youre french?
Thanks fren
>barely coherent niggerbabble
>question that could easily be answered by a simple search
Would be a perfect Arab post if it had an empty threat too.
Yesterday was the last proof I needed before making a solid prediction.
I wanted to see if there were a few, last untamed freemasons in the US but, it turns out, every last single american has been effectively and irrevocably domesticated
And judging by the unconditional acceptance most congressniggers showed to Netroonyahu, I can finally make my prediction, and feel free to screencap this for years to come.
>Netroonyahu will stay in power, giving free reign to the revisionist zionists (aka most people in his cabinet),
>Gaza will cease to exist,
>a full scale war against Hezbollah will take place short after and Hezbollah will have the upper hand at first, and then americans will declare war against Iran.
>The ameritrannies who so happily shilled for pissrael in this board will be sent to die against Hezbollah/Iran/Ansar Allah.
>It will be a low intensity war for at least 4 years, that will evolve to a mid intensity one as soon as russians and the chinese start supporting Iran. A few millions of people will die so Blackrock, Vanguard and other gigabanks can seize more wealth and the industrial military complex gets even more power on behalf of globalist jewish bankers
>depending on how it plays, either the anglotranny or the asian blocks will emerge victorious, it depends on how each side plays their chess pieces
>nuclear war will be a possibility in 2030 assuming any of the involved factions feels particularly threatened
>total death toll might be anywhere between 2 million and 20 million, most of them civilians, but we will see american and pissraeli soldiers die en masse for the first time since Vietnam
>the Intel buildings might get hit and AMD end up as the new chip hegemon
>if the anglotranny side wins, globohomo will become obligatory worldwide (more than it is anyway)
no, what makes you think that?
I re-posted this because only a few hours after posting it I was proven right:
oh the image text. nah i just found that image somewhere.
>the Intel buildings might get hit and AMD end up as the new chip hegemon
anon, are you a time traveler from the 90s?
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The screencap
keep coping without western help kikes fragile country can't survive and that's why they influence and lobby western politicians
>But my laptop and modem got fried in a lightning strike this past week.
Nigger what are you like cursed or some shit
Imo, with how alienated the political class and the working class are nowadays. USA will balkanize before a war with iran happens.
No, hes a practitioner of lightning style jutsu
>Be retarded Jewish whore
>get yourself abducted by Ham ass to get some pali dick
>they bring you into the dark spooky rape dungeon underneath the gazan ruins
>here we go.jpg
>they actually chain you up and don’t lay a finger on you as you’re a filthy kuffar whore
>you spend the next three months in the dark sitting in your own feces being fed moldy bread and rain water
>Pissraeli chair force eventually drops a bunker buster on your position and you slowly die crushed by the debris

Cant make this shit up.
>they actually chain you up and don’t lay a finger on you as you’re a filthy kuffar whore
>you spend the next three months in the dark sitting in your own feces being fed moldy bread and rain water
>Pissraeli chair force eventually drops a bunker buster on your position and you slowly die crushed by the debris

this 50 shades of grey style scenario is what crazy jewish whores find arousing.
50 shades of hamas.
Watch their women weite hamas fanfics and sell those scripts to jewess directors and camera crew.
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>50 shades of hamas
What truly terrifies me is that this kind of behaviour is clearly not unique to kike women, I’ve seen instances of hohol women fantasizing about being “raped” by the big bad “Russian orcs”, retarded white women in the West expressing desire to mate with niggers and arabs, chink/nip/gook women dying for white dick, negresses in America with white boy fever…women are truly fucked in the head and we must bring back arranged marriages
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Kek, what was the original? I bet my ass it was something cringe and milquetoast like the entirety of western leftist “antizionism” (not antisemitism guys we swear, we only hate white people!!)
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jewish male porn producers would never allow it.
i just realised that Cheryl Tunt is a jew.
its most common in kike women. kike culture is being force fed to the rest of the world, along with their mental illnesses.
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even the men, one of them claimed hamas raped them during the nova festival.
This shit is a perverted fanfic
lmao you learn something new every day
That's a nazi gimmick to a nazi yellow press edition.
Qrd on news bros?
Not much yet, but the fighting im west bank has started to pick up steam
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>that last frame
That's good, I can't wait for them kill abbas. Fucking faggot
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I love supporting Israel. I know this ammo is specifically designed and tested to kill even the most virile Muslims.
Yet, the Chad Palestinians are still owing your faggot ass
>kike fan fic
When do you think they'll actually make a porno of this? Kike are so fucking degenerate that I think they already started production
No. It's a Latinx man. Do you think Palis have a foreskin?

sadly its not like 1972 anymore
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>and the semen extraction machines.
I'm pretty sure those a real - though they are used by the IDF on recently deceased zogbots so that their widows can shit out a few more future zogbots. Pretty funny.
Holy mother of kek this is real
And it's inserted anally.
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Why does she want them to be naked kek
gay people need to be wiped out fr
>oy veeeey!
Muzzies need to be wiped out. You're worthless and the world would be better off if that land was controlled by the Jews. From Morroco to Iran. All Jews.
guys....atp I think jews would lose in a war against a black nation, I do.
What are you, a fag kike?
>cucks for the christkillers
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BBCanon, stop being angry. I am a White man.

They didn't do 9/11. Jews are good people
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I'm not a muslim. you are a disgusting piece of shit who puts his dick inside of a faecal organ. aids infected monkey pox faggot.

No society in history gave equal rights to faggots. Whenever you insane freaks were tolerated you brought the civilisation down. Get chucked off a rooftop, scum.
all Italians have the BBC gene that makes them lean, dark, and virile.
Doesn't mean you're not a fag or a kike.
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>They didn't do 9/11. Jews are good people
Plenty of countries did. Homosexuality was normal in ancient Greece. We have equal rights all across North and South America and most of Europe and East Asia.
Today's resistance reports
Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Al-Qassam fighters sniped a zionist soldier with a Ghoul rifle in the Al-Zana area, east of Khan Younis city in the southern Gaza Strip.

>Al-Qassam Brigades fighters, in coordination with Saraya Al-Quds fighters, bombarded an enemy position near Al-Zalal Mosque, east of Khan Younis city, with heavy mortar shells.

>Upon their return from their combat mission... Al-Qassam fighters reported luring two zionist forces into two tunnels and detonating them on the members of the forces inside, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries in Yabna camp, in the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.

>Al-Qassam Brigades target a zionist Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell in the Sheikh Nasser area in the city of Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip.


Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades:
>Our fighters bombed the enemy's soldiers and vehicles with a barrage of standard 60 mm mortar shells in the axis of advance, northeast of Khan Younis.

>We bombarded enemy soldiers and vehicles in the axis of advance northeast of Khan Younis with a barrage of 60-caliber regular mortar shells.

>Scenes of targeting the zionist enemy gatherings in Tal Al-Sultan, west of Rafah city, with two 107mm rockets and heavy mortar shells.
Catbox is gay rn. Can't post vids for a while

>The fighters of Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades bombed zionist enemy army gatherings with mortar shells on the axis of advance east of Khan Younis in the southern Strip.

Saraya Al-Quds:
>We shot down a zionist "quad-copter" drone and took control of it while it was carrying out intelligence missions in the skies of the city of Rafah.
Psychologically speaking, you are a homosexual. Natural born fighters always root for the underdog, anyone who doesn't is basically a woman who wants protection and social acceptance by cheering the obvious winner.
It wasn't normal then and it'll never be normal. People secretly despise you, which is why you constantly have to try indoctrinating kids. Commit suicide, faecel scum.
Muslims are a bunch of food aid monkeys that won 20x less Nobel prizes in Science than Jews.
I'm literally just gay. Why would I support Palestine when they want to kill me?
They were treated like human for the first time in their lives and can't go back to being evil bloodsuckers? Awww, poor jew.
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>a fake dick-measuring prize that was made by jews, was won more by jews
wow Imagine my shock. That prize lost all of its """""credibility"""" when that black monkey you used to call president won the peace prize.
>tfw I am always right about my assumptions
The jews did do 9/11 in fact.
I don't give a fuck. I want both sides dead. So no matter who dies I win either way.
It gets worse, here in greentext form:
>Be moishe shekelstein
>Living cushy life in herzliya
>Shill israel online for the goyim
>Khamas rekt too much infantry and tankmen
>Even though being in 8200, get drafted
>Do anything for israel and king bibi, even getting bumfucked (metaphorically)
>In Gaza now, tank makes one feel safe though
>"this thick steel is anti-khamas"
>Hear something smack the tank
>"Oh no..."
>Hamas chad fucked the tank up with a shawadh explosive
>Barely aware of what is going on
>See medic, finally!
>Its Chaim Shekelbaum from tel aviv
>Bleeding badly though
>He's preparing a probe?
And that is how moshe shekelstein dies, with chaim shekelbaum milking him before moving onto the next yid.
>less Nobel prizes in Science than Jews
they had nobel because they are whites not because they are jews Without European education jews wouldn't achieve anything they never had an empire They can't rule a country
more than 80 years
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Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a zionist Merkava tank with a Shuath explosive in the Sheikh Nasser area of Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, resulting in it being set on fire and a helicopter landing for evacuation.

Saraya Al-Quds:
>We bombarded with standard mortar shells a gathering of enemy zionist soldiers and vehicles at the axis of advance northeast of Khan Younis. Our fighters observed a helicopter landing with the intensive firing of smoke shells at the targeted location to evacuate the wounded.

>Documentation of fires that broke out as a result of anti-tank missiles targeting buildings used by IOF soldiers in "Manara (https://t.me/PalestineResist/50005)" and "Shtula (https://t.me/PalestineResist/50006)" in northeastern and northwestern occupied Palestine.
>Zionist firefighting crews are unable to put out the fire in Manara and have asked settlers to refrain from approaching the area.

>Ansarallah Commander Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr El-Din Al-Houthi will deliver a speech regarding the zionist aggression on Gaza and regional developments in an hour, at 4:00 PM Al-Quds time.
>RNN will provide translated highlights of the speech shortly after the speech ends.
yes gay people existed then and exist everywhere now. it is a common mental illness worldwide. allowing faggots to have too much power is one of the reasons why the ancient greeks are no more.
I'd rather die of turbocancer with the cast of Ghostbusters screeching in my ear
No catbox today?
They got conquered by Rome who did the same thing, lol. Sexuality in men isn't changeable and gay men have been a constant percentage of the population across regions and time periods.

Google it. The rate of gay men in 1970 was around 2%. Today it's still 2%
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yeah. I did link to the specific telegram post so another anon can catbox it

>Missile sirens ring in the vicinity of "Mount Meron" in northern occupied Palestine, in "Metat" and "Sasa."
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>Sirens have been ringing repeatedly in "Shlomi," "Neveh Ziv," "Adamit," "Goren," "Manot," "Arab al-Aramshe," "Ya'ara," "Hanita," "Eilon," and other settlements in northwestern occupied Palestine due to fears of resistance drone infiltration.
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>Missile sirens ring twice at the “Kerem Shalom” IOF site south of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.
thats 2% too many
thats actually crazy. what are hezbchads doing now?
Romans were not gay friendly. These are myths perpetuated by jews and christcucks to stop pagan revival movements.
watch this, aids monkey

i didn't say sexuality is changeable. gays are born subhuman, like down's syndrome people are.
>Plumes of smoke are observed in several areas in northwestern occupied Palestine following repeated drone alerts in the area that persisted for nearly 10 minutes.

but I can still webm short videos

Married gay men outearn heterosexual couples by around 40%. Gay men have a divorce rate of less than 1/3 of heterosexual couples. Gay men have lower rates of poverty, domestic violence etc.
Cool, thanks. I hope other anons post the videos on catbox because it looks like there are a lot of kino today.
Ideally, all men would be gay and artificial wombs would be used to keep the population up.

No more societal kneeling or caring about women's problems.
>No more societal kneeling or caring about women's problems.
damn this guy really hates women. sucks. more pumpum for me tho.
greek weren't gay-friendly. debunked here:

>Married gay men outearn heterosexual couples by around 40%
heterosexual couples have to look after kids, which takes a toll on your career. gays nowadays are extremely nepotistic and take advantage of DEI.

>Gay men have a divorce rate of less than 1/3 of heterosexual couples
most gays don't get married. "gay marriage" doesn't exist as marriage is for couples to raise kids. gays are just larpers.

>Gay men have lower rates of poverty, domestic violence
how will we know this is true when most openly gay people who take part in these studies will be in a good place in their life. we do know that pedophilia is rife among you subhumans.
Robo-waifus for straight men and artificial wombs.
gays will stop existing through eugenics and designer babies.
Gay men have higher body counts than any other demographic and are higher spreaders of STD's than even Niggers.
I don't hate women. I view them as an obsolete form of human we need to evolve from.
That youtuber is great. he made a debunking video of "jewish intelligence", looked into the research papers and it was a lot of manipulation of data going on to make them seem smarter.
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>Hezbollah drones crossing from Lebanon into northwest occupied Palestine avoided zionist air defenses before diving toward their targets.
If women didn't suck, straight men would do the same thing.
bruh, why didnt the iron nope detect it when they move so slow
Yeah he's based af
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I'm out but I got a pic for that Australian with the cuck fetish.
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>The IOF admits to the killing of a zionist soldier during battles with the resistance in the southern Gaza Strip, as well as the serious wounding of two others.

pic from

iron cope has dementia. wtf was it hitting? a bird?
The iron drone doesn't work well against slow drones. The drones are like birds.
You're an American wirh VPN. That picture and the logic behind it is how burgers see the world. No European would ever embarrass himself like that
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>>Married gay men outearn heterosexual couples by around 40%
>heterosexual couples have to look after kids, which takes a toll on your career. gays nowadays are extremely nepotistic and take advantage of DEI.
>>Gay men have a divorce rate of less than 1/3 of heterosexual couples
>most gays don't get married. "gay marriage" doesn't exist as marriage is for couples to raise kids. gays are just larpers.
>>Gay men have lower rates of poverty, domestic violence
>how will we know this is true when most openly gay people who take part in these studies will be in a good place in their life.

This is a great material analysis, didn't even need to invoke God.
thx bro. i'm not religious and find that if you invoke god, that turns off people who are areligious anyway.
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How do kike shills cope with the fact that no woman will ever look at them like this
>You're an jew wirh[sic] VPN. That text and the logic behind it is how yids see the world. No European would ever embarrass himself like that
its true

and the israeli man who claims hamas gang raped him
Whoever created the desert religions probably realised the negative effects that faggotry was causing their tribe.
imagine if down's syndrome people naturally formed mafias, spread diseases, harmed kids and subverted society.
bible would have a verse calling for the stoning of down's syndrome people.
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reminds me of this map
arabs before islam used to "drown" their newborn daughters alive in sand because they werent men. thats how bad it got.
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osht you guys
that's dumb. pajeets and the chinese aborted their girls for decades and now they have massive numbers of incels.
>The officer who was killed was Sergeant Noam Dweik, 19 years old, from Kiryat Motzkin, an armored soldier in the 9th Battalion, Iron Footprint Formation (401), killed in a battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

they're saying that in reaction to the drone video lol
They literally say that every two weeks.
It won't happen.
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>Kiryat Shitzkin
What's with all this 12 year old Brigadier General David Schlomo shit Israel has going on?
calm down, they needed to rearm their merkava 2's they nabbed from their museums kek
>merkava 2
Ah, thanks for the chuckle anon XD
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Fucking shut your gob you nigger streetshitter.
Honestly, i'll be speedily getting down the recruitment office to sign up as a guard for the new Concentration camps that will finally exterminate every one of you cunts for good. Hitler literally did nothing wrong and not a single Jew has proved otherwise. Evil, bloodless little cunts, only fit for killing civilians. It will be a right fucking laugh when you're being hurdled into cattle wagons again, i'll be laughing all the way till you're at your final destination, in a fucking shower.
kek what a webm, like SeaWorld seals clappping for another fish
Running out of meat for the meatgrinder (so throwing in new recruits) + posthumously promoting them.
Literally every yid gets a participation trophy XD.
The only award they should be getting is a darwin award.
uhm, they were ordered to act like that. Do you not understand that they are over acting on purpose to make the whole situation look as disturbing as possible?
You can tell she regrets going back because she isnt gonna find better dick within her own population
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any one got the video that the soldier took of the dead hostages
Faggot muzzies still crying over Israel like everday lmao
nah, sadly we are not israelis, so we dont jack off to gore like you people do
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>5 targets were attacked at the Hodeidah airport

>US command: "2 ballistic missiles that were on launch pads were destroyed."

>At the same time, initial reports of powerful explosions in Hodeidah, Yemen, apparently an American attack.

Houtshits BTFO
1 dead IDF and 2 seriously injured from carbon monoxide sleeping near a generator in Gaza.
so whats the point of a happening break if yall don't post happening
>1 dead IDF and 2 seriously injured from carbon monoxide sleeping near a generator in Gaza.
we dont post videos, we just post happenings
this tweet summarizes every retarded shitraeli
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Gassed himself
Why is IDF so smart vs goyim, and so white?
>6 million and 1 now
This guy was a huge Mossad operative that the Jews planted in the Bill Clinton administration.
He was the prime suspect as an Israeli mole inside the White House, and Bill Clinton would not drop the investigation to identify the Mossad mole.
As punishment to Bill Clinton, the Mossad released the Monica Lewinsky scandal on Bill Clinton, a card up their sleeve they had been sitting on.
The day before the Lewinsky scandal broke, the DC Jewish journal (forget name) had a picture of Bill Clinton hugging Monica Lewinsky at a public event where he was meeting and greeting the crowds.
That was a signal by Mossad that it was about to destroy Bill Clinton for not giving up the investigation into Marty Indyke.

FBI picked up Mossad phone call where a Mossadnik asked "Is this something we should call MEGA for?"

Mega was Mega Group, the US Jewish mega-billionaire group formed by Les Wexner, the Bronfman brothers, and other Mossad kingpins.
>Israeli Air Force Commander says Israel is ready for 'total war' with Hezbollah – Kann
>The IDF says it has completed all preparations for an invasion of Lebanon
it even says it in his name
>Mega was Mega Group, the US Jewish mega-billionaire group formed by Les Wexner, the Bronfman brothers, and other Mossad kingpins.
>Joint announcement of Israel Cyber Organization and Israel Ministry of Culture and Sports: Iran is behind an infiltration campaign that is working to intimidate and threaten the Israeli delegation at the Paris Olympics

>"At the end of an investigation, the National Cyber Agency revealed today that Iran is behind a new infiltration campaign that is trying to strike fear into members of the Israeli delegation to the Paris Olympics.

>In this framework, a group of hackers opened channels in social networks where they published the personal information of the members of the delegation and also sent threatening messages. This office works to eliminate channels through the Cyber Unit of the Israel Prosecutor's Office.
The campaign was carried out while trying to impersonate a French organization called GUD.

>We are cooperating with the Israel Olympic Committee and the Security Department and the Ministry of Culture and Sports regarding the guidelines for the protection of delegation members."

>According to the head of Israel National Cyber System: "Iran is using a non-political international sports competition to promote digital terrorist activity against Israel and the right to participate in these competitions."

>Minister of Culture and Sports of Israel: "Once again we were exposed to the efforts of the Iranian snakehead to threaten the Israeli athletes and women and inflict psychological terror on our wonderful delegation. Here in Paris we are going full force and nothing will stop us, the athletes are more ready and determined to succeed than ever and our security system is ready for any scenario. We will not stop until we hit the head of the Iranian snake."
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Note the date on that, 11 days before Mega Group and Israel did 9/11.

The Larouche group were all over the 9/11 suspects even before, and also right after 9/11.
israel is about to get toasted. they are literally throwing their soldiers into the meatgrinder now.
>The Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Algeria denounces the French government’s decision to recognize the autonomy plan for the Western Sahara region under Moroccan sovereignty

Seething Nafris
Why are you such a subhuman?
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because hes israeli
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It's OK, now the Algerians are raping the Frenchtards
Let's hope they both eliminate each other swiftly.
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Just the trees, the shitskin's war against nature will escalate.
Did the Diasporaswede finally cool it with his Houthi twink obsession?
Truly you have done the needful sar. Israel thanks you for your phul sapport.
The ovations for Yahoo in Zogcentral will make them sin of hubris

Biden: Now look Jack, you're gonna accept this peace deal, and that's that.

Yahu: I don't have to do anything. I just got you out of the race. I could have Congress condemn you tonight if you act up.

Biden: Well I said what I wanted to say. I just wanted to say it.
John Fetterman (the senator who always wears casual clothes to the senate), wore a suit for the first time in years when he saw netanyahu.
>This guy was a huge Mossad operative that the Jews planted in the Bill Clinton administration.
>Did the Diasporaswede finally cool it with his Houthi twink obsession?
Chai-boy is mad i dont give him more inspiration for his twink fanfic.
Good that he died, hope satan gives him hell. Forever.
>picrel is every israeli
Gaza will be the end israel
>Good that he died, hope satan gives him hell. Forever.

Yeah, 73 years old is still prime Mossad operator years.
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They just admitted flooding the tunnels failed
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hezbollah genocided chickens again
>Inside the chicken coop and in the bedroom: damage caused by the drone crash in Moshav Abdoun, which was not evacuated
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>hezbollah genocided chickens again
theyre prolly good enough for KFC
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Can you swim?
>With much fanfare, the zionist entity boasted about its "game changing" plan to "flood" the resistance's tunnels in Gaza at the beginning of the war. A shoddy plan for doing so was created by the IOF in Shati' camp, but to no avail.
>Today in Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure. As quoted, no one in the IOF can say what benefit, if any, that this expensive project had.
>The investigation revealed that the system began operating even before soliciting opinions from specialists. It was used exactly one time in one tunnel, without any knowledge of its effectiveness, even after it was used, nor whether it affected resistance fighters or zionist captives.
>Haaretz also claimed that Hamas was prepared for such a possibility and created water absorption drains in the tunnels that would render them impossible to flooding.
>Nearly 300 days later, the overwhelming majority of the resistance's tunnel network remains intact, spanning an area almost twice the size of the Gaza Strip itself. What has been uncovered or allegedly dismantled by zionist forces up to this point have been mostly dispensable attack tunnels. With the revelation a few weeks ago of a three-story underground in Rafah, its clear that the secrets the tunnels hold are greater than they appear, and that the ingenuity and adaptability of the resistance continues to pose a challenge to the zionist enemy.
>Hamas was prepared for such a possibility and created water absorption drains in the tunnels that would render them impossible to flooding.
arape autofellation
Iran gave Hezbollah cool electro-magnetic bombs. I wonder if Iran got them from Russia.

Russia's not fucking around and Israel is toast.
new bread anyone blease?
ack RIP thread
thank you
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