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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous >>475571291

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

Ansarallah spokesman Mohammed Abdul Salam:
>The brutal "israeli" aggression on Yemen by targeting civilian facilities, oil tanks, and the power station in Hodeidah aims to double the suffering of the people and pressure Yemen to stop supporting Gaza. This is a dream that, Allah willing, will never come true.
> After the IOF bombed Hodeidah, leaving about 90 Yemenis wounded so far, a large protest has broken out in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a in support of Palestine.
>Houthis attacked Tel Aviv with a drone. Literally outside the US embassy.








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.

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TKD and I'm outa here.
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>With much fanfare, the zionist entity boasted about its "game changing" plan to "flood" the resistance's tunnels in Gaza at the beginning of the war. A shoddy plan for doing so was created by the IOF in Shati' camp, but to no avail.

>Today in Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure. As quoted, no one in the IOF can say what benefit, if any, that this expensive project had.
>The investigation revealed that the system began operating even before soliciting opinions from specialists. It was used exactly one time in one tunnel, without any knowledge of its effectiveness, even after it was used, nor whether it affected resistance fighters or zionist captives.

>Haaretz also claimed that Hamas was prepared for such a possibility and created water absorption drains in the tunnels that would render them impossible to flooding.

>Nearly 300 days later, the overwhelming majority of the resistance's tunnel network remains intact, spanning an area almost twice the size of the Gaza Strip itself. What has been uncovered or allegedly dismantled by zionist forces up to this point have been mostly dispensable attack tunnels. With the revelation a few weeks ago of a three-story underground in Rafah, its clear that the secrets the tunnels hold are greater than they appear, and that the ingenuity and adaptability of the resistance continues to pose a challenge to the zionist enemy.
Wonder how much Project Atlantis costs
damn man, that was quick
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Glory to Karl Marx

Fuck Capitalists
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Based swede baker. Delicious bread indeed. Chock full of our daily TKD requirements
>million dollar pumping system to flood tunnels
>gets defeated by sponge
Elmo detecting a disturbance in the Hashemite Force I'll need to escalate query response to a level 10 baby yoda model.
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Why can't israel stop winning? I guess that's what happens when you have god on your side
damn. master chief + hilux combo goes hard ngl.
>Why can't israel stop winning?
because god gave them the promised land,
although it doesnt look very promising (pun intended)
I'm updating elimination_gamma_factor on production to 0.75

git add .; git commit; git push all;
get in the fukken box /pol/ and stop playing COD
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you know whats crazy? Gold equipment last the shortest in minecraft so the gold ingot is accurate kek
time to vote https://strawpoll.com/GJn447XPmnz
>Video: Special Episode - Some of what the Hoopoe brought back yesterday, Tuesday, 23-7-2024.


Notes (1/2):
0:20 - Special Episode: “Ramat David” Airbase
0:23 - Some of what the Hoopoe brought back yesterday, Tuesday, 23-7-2024.
0:34 - “Ramat David” Airbase: Eizar Weissman Base.
- Codenamed “Wing Number 1.”
- The only airbase in northern occupied Palestine.
- Contains a number of aerial specialties including:
- Fighter planes, fighter helicopters, transport and rescue helicopters, naval surveillance helicopters, electronic warfare offensive systems.
0:44 - Working formations:
- Three fighter squadrons: “The Valley 109”, “The First Battle 101”, “The Scorpion 105”.
- Intelligence squadron “Night Hunters 160.”
- Naval surveillance squadron “Defense of the West 193.”
- Electronic warfare Squadron 157.
- Four command squadrons for support, maintenance, and management missions.
- A distance of 46km from the Lebanese borders.

1:12 - Garage 13.
1:15 - Aircraft fuel storage.
1:43 - Squadron 109 command.
1:45 - Communications dome.
1:50 - Garage 15.
1:54 - Iron Dome systems.
2:15 - Ammunition storage.
2:20 - [Left] Squadron 109 maintenance area. [Right] Runway 09/27.
2:25 - Yard for loading ammunition onto warplanes.
2:33 - Garage 9.
2:36 - Squadron 157 command.
2:43 - Squadron 157 preparation hangars.
2:46 - Squadron 105 command.
3:05 - [Top] Garage 17. [Bottom] Garage 2.
3:18 - Garage 4.
3:21 - Unfortified garages belonging to Squadron 101.
3:28 - Squadron 101 command.
3:31 - Squadron 160 command.
3:40 - Garage 5.
3:53 - Aerial navigation radar dome.
4:13 - Technical department for Squadron 193.
Notes (2/2):
4:25 - Headquarters building of the base:
- Current leader of the base: Colonel A.
- Assumed his position on 26/07/2022.
- He previously held several leadershp positions including commander of Squadron 101.
4:34 - Current leader of the base: Colonel Asaf Eishd.
- Born on 01/12/1979.
- Assumed his position on 26/07/2022.
- He previously held several leadershp positions including commander of Squadron 101.

4:40 - Officers' quarters.
4:46 - Command and Control Center [above]
- The fortified building of the base command [below]
5:04 - Engine Maintenance Department.
5:07 - Air Force Academy
5:15 - F-16 Aircraft Inspection Hangars.
5:23 - Maintenance Squadron Command.
5:31 - 193-Helicopters Squadron Command.
5:54 - "Apache" Combat Helicopter Squadron.
5:58 - Main Control Tower.

6:19 - Previous night surveillance.

7:24 - Aerial Photography of the Base 9/7/2024.
7:30 - "Apache" Combat Helicopters.
7:38 - "Panther" Naval reconnaissance helicopters.
7:51 - Fuel pods for fighter jets.
8:04 - C-130 aerial transport airplanes

8:20 - "...Weaker than a spider's web."


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Trapping a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank. (23 July 2023)

0:14 - With reliance on Allah, Al-Qassam fighters in Jenin set out to the town of Mutila to prepare a complex ambush at the gate of the wall.
- The ambush consisted of three explosive devices: one for luring and two for striking the soldiers.
- The enemy announced that an officer and two zionist soldiers were injured during the operation.

0:31 - Monitoring the ambush location.
0:52 - Preparing the explosives.
1:09 - At 11:54, detonating the luring explosive.
1:23 - The advance of a zionist force.
1:40 - [At 12:46, the detonation of the second explosive]
1:50 - A zionist officer advances towards the third explosive.
2:07 - [At 13:44, the detonation of the third explosive]
2:15 - The advance of another force to the location to search and investigate.
Have an ingot you animal. Give me a god damn eye of Ender or find yourself swimming back in the proto-universe equation engine.
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Israeli male claims he was gang-raped by Hamas on Oct 7
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Add it to the list of articles israelies wrote with one hand
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i got something better
someone should edit it to say: "stop clapping and get in there"
kikes are going to be fucking obliterated by hezbollah...this will be glorious

and jerked off with the other
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Total Muslim Death
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here is a vid of israeli an woman desperate for arabs
I was very disappointed that netenyahu didn't applaud the efforts of the cum retrieval squad in his speech.
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Megatron ron seems pretty adamant that war with Lebanon will go hot as soon as yahu returns to israel. 2 weeks seems pretty lengthy for a diplomatic visit.

>haphazard jewish plan vs intelligent Arab preparation

when you have american equipment but jewish brains......you lose..esp. vs Arab brains.
i think they want as many sidewinder missiles as possible for their F35 fleet.
>Megatron ron seems pretty adamant that war with Lebanon will go hot as soon as yahu returns to israel. 2 weeks seems pretty lengthy for a diplomatic visit.
>kikes are going to be fucking obliterated by hezbollah...this will be glorious

Hezbollah is going to fry every major radar and communications system in northern Israel. Maybe Tel Aviv too.

Imagine them frying the communications of the IDF headquarters in downtown Tel Aviv...
I was making a 2 more weeks joke. But yeah. He'll obviously keep begging for weapons.
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>An Israeli officer seriously wounded in a car-ramming attack outside a military base in central Israel earlier this month has succumbed to his wounds, the IDF says.
>Cpt. Ariel Topaz, 24, from Pardes Hanna, was one of four off-duty soldiers wounded in the terror attack on July 14 at the Nir Tzvi junction.
>Topaz served as an officer in the Military Intelligence Directorate’s Research Department.

>The IOF admits to the death of one of its intelligence officers after he succumbed to wounds sustained during the heroic run-over operation (https://t.me/PalestineResist/48626) carried out by martyr Mohammed Shehab (https://t.me/PalestineResist/48631) in occupied Ramla on July 14.
Literally everyone on /chip/ pointed out that this was a retarded nothing burger right when the jews began spamming this. The idea that you're going to sit around in a battlefield to deconstruct each and every little trench is retarded and a fools errand even if it was possible.
They havent used their F35's yet, and the contract wont allow them to fly them before training is completed. I think bibi wants to fly them prematurely, if an F35 gets in hezb's hands...... it goes directly to Iran for their reverse engineering team. this is something USA wants to avoid so i do not think he will be allowed to fly them.
>The IOF admits to the death of one of its intelligence officers
It probably is because he wasnt that important to their intelligence division, or he was holding them back in a way. i wouldnt be surprised if mossad made his death possible just to quicken the happening.
Other resistance news from the previous thread
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>1 dead IDF and 2 seriously injured from carbon monoxide sleeping near a generator in Gaza.
thanks anon, i wasnt active while i was at work.

Is this next penny pinching, or some kind of weird power-move?
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>Hezbollah drones crossing from Lebanon into northwest occupied Palestine avoided zionist air defenses before diving toward their targets.

both heh

no problem fren
>Plumes of smoke are observed in several areas in northwestern occupied Palestine following repeated drone alerts in the area that persisted for nearly 10 minutes.
Talmudic humiliation ritual no doubt.
What's with the lithuanian flag posting strawpolls in every thread? Is it some bot?

Can anyone give me an estimate on Israeli casualties in the war?
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I really doubt Trump would say Israel kidnapped anyone. Israel was attacked first.
>Can anyone give me an estimate on Israeli casualties in the war?
0 dead and 0 wounded, only antisemites believe that we have suffered any casualties.
last bump. i gotta go. amerianons should get off work in 3h.
I heard Col Mcgregor say 8,000 killed. Surely that can't be true?
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sounds reasonable for 70,000 cripples
70k cripples, with 8k dead...... i can see that.
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8,000,000 you zionist scum
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6 million bombs never forget
Hezbollah can barely 1 out 40 rockets launched ibto kiryst shmona...which btw..the lights are still on and sonare services.

I think you overstate their capability. They are a defensive force. Yes we wish they were a juggernaut, but they arent. They exist solely to prevent Israel from randomly bombing lebanon like it does to all of its other neighbors
Killed and wounded definately over 15k

Killed probably about 2200

This is includes oct 7
Funny enough, this is exactly how Israeli tourists behave in other countries. They’re the most entitled ones and are somehow worse than the Brits and Australians.
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the kike at the israeli consulate at UAE said
in the north alone, there's 15,000 injured and 150 dead.
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>Israel is the only indigenous land held in the middle east
Remember that one kike shill here that was adamant it was 14 dead?
thanks fren
see you
>Egyptranny ape acting tough
Meanwhile in the real world we're charring your cousins
There's no way that these numbers are true as I pointed out the previous thread. They're being hit by bombs that will kill 100% of the people in the room they target. In this type of war there are so many bombs and weapons that kill everything they hit so you either die or are left unscathed. Israel is claiming 100 injuries per 1 death. Right on the first days of the war I remember seeing a Hezbollah ATGM video where a cluster of Israeli soldiers are literally sent flying like ragdolls. You're telling me that that one video is 5% of all deaths in the entire front? Bullshit.
mutts are so funny
for blackrock and vanguard
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They're your cousins too if you're native to the levant, retard. You are quite literally making burnt offerings for your god like the good 'ol days.

>exponentially more violence than kikes themselves.

I wouldn't do that, because I need jews to know they're isolated and the strict target of 100% the hatred. I feel they get too happy to displace anger and blame onto some other group--any group.

after all the jews are dead/in hell, there needs to be a serious "culling" of sorts of all the retarded people (jew enablers) on Earth.
yep, i remember and believe you fren.
It's for people who doubt hezbollah (a post above mine) and use israel's fake number,
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Iran about to be W I P E D

Cope, sacrifice is based
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Our greatest ally....
> veiled threat
>Iran about to be W I P E D
the US can't even handle yemen kek
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President Harris
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Too late hoe

Yahu is worried about Trump or Harris not being as ZOG friendly as Biden, so that's why they're pushing to go to war with lebanon right now.

Also with Biden not running for re-election now, Biden can go ape shit for Israel without paying a political price at the polls.
And Harris can just claim it wasn't her decision to escalate in Lebanon.
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So stunning and brave...
"She planned the murder for years and there were several attempts": Mother Siegel's murder is getting more and more complicated and all the time more details are being revealed. It turns out that the first murder attempt was in 2018 on 6.6, she posted about Stan on the number 6 near the murder, and the murder was at 6 in the evening. In addition, their neighbors when they lived in the sand say that there were other murder attempts that were known but no one did anything about it. Immediately live part 4 of the story
Why did kikes burn their own on October 7th bros I still don't get it
Are they actually just evil?
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Her years long plan was to kill a toddler, their dog and dance half naked in an airport?
>Are they actually just evil?
>Ryan McBeth is being pushed hard on my feed again
I firmly believe this guy is a psyop.
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Simply answer 1 question
Being surrounded by jews 24/7, 365 days a year. Would that be enough to make jews want to kill different jewish tribes, if there was no consequences and it was allowed by the israeli govt?
I literally hate sandniggers so much it’s probably unhealthy
yes. imagine how they are with eachother.... even worse if they're married to eachother.
BREAKING: Biden to issue an order tomorrow that allows Lebanese citizens to stay and work in the US indefinitely due to concerns that Israel will invade Lebanon soon.
> edited: i had copypasta'd from a thread without reading it in full.
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Does anyone project more than Muslims? Go back your own shithole you inbred goatfucker
>Go back your own shithole you inbred goatfucker
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That might mean that shitrael actually might invade, Resulting in TKD
with such low soldier morale. i do not think they should for their own sake.

I always wondered how the 80 year curse panned out so many times..... now i know.
Do you Arabs really believe you are smarter than Jews? This might be a novel cope even here. I don’t I’ve seen an Arab ever make this claim since they are at least minimally self-aware.
By that logic, shouldn't you go back to your European shithole? That is, if you even know where you're from kek mutt problems
The low quality b8 by shills isn't even funny. Is there any place on the jidf website so I can file a complaint about these low level retards. Can't even do their job right.
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it's a self fulfilling prophesy.
Not enough tanks
Not enough munitions
Not enough manpower
Not enough morale
Not strong enough to beat Hamas, so lets go after one of the strongest militaries in all of the mideast
>pop goes the weasel
Never really notice she looked like a toad
apply for a position. Tell them that you can do a better job. Shill while feeding intel back to us. We get better shilling, and find out more. win-win for everyone.
>arab golden age brought with it deeper understanding of science and mathematics
>jewish golden age brought with it ponography and shekelbegging from usa
Tie yourself to an AMRAAM and let your mizrahi buddies fire you at Tehran.
I repeat, evangelicals are not Christians.
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Israel invading Lebanon might be just silly deterrence propaganda.

>Israel is ALREADY warring Hezbollah
They're already looking for targets, firing their weapons, and stationing their troops.
>Israel already suffered too many casualties
Even according to the BS number given by the Israeli diplomat, Israel claims to have suffered 15 000 wounded. That's too much already. Half of Israel is on navy or air force, and in the ground forces 80% don't want to be in the front, 15k to 50k is basically their functional "spearhead", we're already started seeing 20yo conscripts show up in the list of the dead.
>Because Israel is already fighting Hezbollah appropriately, "Invading" lebanon just means clutering up
What do they accomplish by "invading" lebanon? If they get together all it takes is a single hidden Burkan rocket to wipe out an entire platoon. They can literally scorch the earth in Lebanon and it would still be too hazardous. They're already fighting this type of war appropriately by dispersing their forces.
>Hezbollah can just wipe out every high-rise building in Tel Aviv in retaliation
No need to elaborate on that.
Those numbers still seem to low for me
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Why would evangelicals want to live there? It ruins the whole myth. They end up seeing how israel and jews treat them, and then they don't want to follow the scofield bible anymore
I completely agree with you but if the child is small enough they can be taught differently.
>die for Israel goy
>don't be antisemitic
meanwhile in reality
>plz biden we need more soldiers for our artillery systems to bomb more gaza chilren
Kek, what this war has taught us is that we gave kikes to much credit and you faggots are just larping conmen.
I really need to look into it. But pretending to be a kike makes me cringe.
A lot are still retarded bro
Yes if you live in a cope box and get all your news from random shills on Twitter, I can get why you believe that.
That's why they want trump to win. I bet aipac is doing a lot behind the scenes to make sure zion Don wins
or kamala harris. but i dont believe they can do much desu. they sanctioned almost everyone and their missiles are crazily advanced and take a lot of time to build.

people are over it too, they want israel to end.
Faggot I'm all over the internet and make conclusions from all media. You are obsessed with twatter since it's the least censored. Just because you don't see the hate people have for your tribe in other sites doesn't mean it does not exist and isn't happening irl.
We already saw that mutt politicians are willing to destroy the US for kikes. Hopefully they'll revolt, because their government isn't representing the majority
Does it count, if a kiket I fucked cleaned her pussy full of my cum with a kike flag?
>I'm not even jk really happened
stop fucking kikettes and give your tainted illegitimate offspring levantine DNA.
you might also catch rabies and AIDS from them one day
keep in mind that barely half the senate is with bibi. they know this is bad for themselves and the future.

They wanna be the ones standing side by side with yahya sinwar and say "we helped the palestinians!"

Theyre only worried about their own future now, and they have to choose wisely. Israel just seems like a risky choice to side with now. Theyre all selfish at the end of the day and care about their own and future image.
>Israel: 24 soldiers killed by Hezbollah
>Random anonymous shill on Twitter: Israel admits to 150 deaths
>You: there is no way that could be right, it’s over 9000
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see >>475634288
It's called the uniparty for a reason
It was years ago bro, I dated her for awhile don't worry she didn't get pregnant
still didnt get an answer why your, what you call """women""" all use perfumes that smell like toilet fresheners.
^kike is mad that arab women like perfume
i have never seen people so out of touch
More than half I think maybe 6 retards are against him. Politiciana are greedy crypto kike scum.
So you still believe that there has been only ~200 dead since all this started? Let's not count the faggots the idf killed and then blamed hamas for.
>talk about retarded
>More than half I think maybe 6 retards are against him.
youre counting who is against him. im counting who is not with him and who is against him. which is a bit over half.
i didnt expect your women to smell any different than his mustafa, so of course you like them smelling like that.
Oh, I see. You mean in favor of Israel but not him.
Let me guess, you love your women to smell like shit? No wonder you and poos have so much in common
yeah, i like women who take care of their hygiene. who would've thought.
so is Israel invading lebanon in two weeks?
Yes because it’s hard as fuck to hide deaths and we have no infrastructure for creating grand anti-Israeli conspiracies in the army.
Isn't the average IQ in the Gaza Strip like 68? kek
kinda, but since israel is stuck with bibi forever. they're also against israel by default. They're for the 1967 borders. problems with that is the settlers will have a massive disagreement with the government and form their own coalition.

basically, israel is going to war because it is the ONLY thing it can do. anything else and the population will implode from the inside causing it to fragment into several smaller countries that will (inevitably) be swallowed up by palestine just for the convenience over time.
i wonder what else you have in common with our local sand monkey.
do you guys also have a lot of incestry, so you see a lot of times in the street one sort of normal looking person, holding the hand and guiding his less fortunate retarded, blind sibling ? whom both are a result of incestry.
incest is legal in israel
>le Palestinians have low IQ
meanwhile it's the israelis that tried to flood the tunnel like a retard meanwhile
> Hamas was prepared for such a possibility and created water absorption drains in the tunnels that would render them impossible to flooding.
and every lil chippie found the flooding plan retarded
the problem is israel can't do nothing... they've lost their northern territory
hebrew humor, this one's pretty funny
you have no idea what are you talking about its almost sad, its a classic case of arab day dreaming of defeating the zionist entity for 75 years.
i bet you get your info from haaretz/aljizzira and get hard from it. you will just die old and bitter just like your grandparents thinking about us 24/7.

Still bragging about 75 years, when only 74 of them are worth bragging about.

tick tock
>not replying directly
classic seether
kek, guess i managed to get on your nerves muhamad, truth hurts sorry.
>its a classic case of arab day dreaming of defeating the zionist entity for 75 years.
youre mistaken. even though i mightve dreamed about it, you guys are doing a much better job at eradicating israel yourself.
the hoothis, hezbchads and khkhamas are barely doing anything...

Its like camping in one corner on cod and waiting for enemies to just come by and get trapped. you fall for it. All. The. Time.
I hope someone post the fridge full of dead kikes. You are stupid if you think your government isn't hiding all those death
2 more weeks eh saeed ?
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Our greatest ally
I wish this would happen, must kikes would probably leave
you were the same kike on here kvetching about that iran wont do shit about their consulate attack.... and then iran destroyed one of your airbases along with one of your carriers.

And again, and again, and again we just get proven right.
it's happening right now sweetie
you can't even beat hamas
Look kike sister, let be more than honest the only reason you still exist is because of mutts. If they withdraw complete support today I don't give your fake country more than a year before it doesn't exist
bot is lost again
its funny to watch desu
No one concerned that the jews are actively trying to ruin the board?
>2 more weeks eh saeed ?
I know I can’t win this since you suffer from a self-induced brain rot accumulated after months and months of coping and seething. But I will say again, the Israeli government has no capability of hiding hundreds of dead soldiers from their comrades, their families or the public. It’s just not a realistic cope. So when the IDF named 24 deaths in the North, that’s because, that’s all there is.
we're just used to it kek
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could it be an actual jeet that is just too retarded to realize he's in the wrong thread?
i think so
a jeet isnt this good at being consistent

>three replies
>jibber jabber in caps lock
sneed bot is here now, something BIG has happened within israel. brace yourselves for a massive flood of shills.
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Imagine being a hasbara in this thread and having to be all like "damn, IDF, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your daily deaths and horrific injuries. I would totally never lie about hundreds of dead soldiers."
israel is done for now
So nice that it's been on time more often. 4 seconds past the minute
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posting in this thread
It's way more than usual.
Kek, if you are jidf you better move to normie social media kike. Because no one here believes that. If you aren't jidf you are just stupid. Either way cope and seethe you have more dead than that.you also have many more wounded and who the fuck knows how many already left. On top of that you are criminals also throwing low numbers at innocent Palestinians death. Either way tod is coming.
lemme look at the catalog
Look kike no one is buying you're white. Just suck on some kike dick and relax.
Yep you're right. Maybe its their attemp at ddosing the site?
How long until the jannies clean up this Spamming/Flooding?
Fag are you pro kike?
I don't know what it is, but it's obvious that /pol/tards WANT to talk about kikes and kikestan but all those threads are being push down by random pointless threads.
until the IDF jannie goes to sleep.
I wonder what happened to that basedod that was on our side
Personally I think it's the miga and q tardes flooding right now
no, its never this unnatural. and the replies are quick.
Hezbollah is going to destroy electric infrastructure in pissrael, let chaos ensues in the land of the jew
hondouranon, plz bake if you can. i need to sleep soon. got work tomorrow.
No imageboard MAGAtard is going be happy to be to die in Iran
My bakes are shit bro, but I'll give it a try. FYI I'm phone fagging
chatbot quick?
time to type it up, time to attach file, time to load captcha and submit
Eh, 60 40
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the triples poster is some schizo pigger
he does the same shit in ugh with an average of 60-70 pbtid
copy my infopasta and philippine anons news pasta to get us through tonight.
Well, just call me an anti-semite!!
Makes sense
Got it bro, gn
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I will bake the next thread fren.
Well if I'm here when the this one tops off I have to run a couple of errands in awhile but I think I'll be here before the thread reaches it's limit
thank you leafren.
Thanks leaf bro
lebleaf anon will take care of it, it seems. do your errands and go to gym.
if you say so lebano... i mean honduras
no worries
Thanks bro, I went to the gym in the morning. I just need to go to the bank to get some cash. I want to buy some stuff and those fag's don't take cc
go do what you need to fren

night fren
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I wonder how Madam President Harris will handle the war with israel. She's pro black, and anti-white male. So, she refused to marry a white male and instead married a jew male.
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Apparently picrel faggot is some american soldier
I don't recognise the uniform though probably new
Can any of you tell me the branch and rank
Katt Williams interview is great to know about how jewish people have infiltrated their communities. He basically talks about why these marriages happen and whats involved.
No clue mate I mostly fuck ashkenazi slags
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>imagine what the children look like
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They look pure jewish. Even paler than the husband. The daughter looks like a tranny
>Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting a building used by Israeli enemy army soldiers in the Metulla settlement in northern occupied Palestine.

fuck that's grim
>Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targetting anti-helicopter system at the Al-Abad site of the Israeli enemy army on the southern Lebanese border using drones.

whoever was inside that house is impaired for life, whoever was inside that room is dead.
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Naw its just nerve gas, they'll live.
filipinoanon i'm geussing I should just click your ID for all breaking and latest?
dat nigga dead yo
yeah, my posts are mostly news
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bad news and good news
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> a white person is speaking. listen and learn.

yes, lmao. go try and fail with a stupid plan to flood the tunnels again.

I know for a fact, if America was propping up Palestine with weapons, jews wouldn't be capable of infiltrating with paragliders.

learn to correctly evaluate your own intelligence and skill.

> the israeli gay government has no capability

you could've stopped there.
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Jewish gratitude for you
all media in israel is censored by the army, they absolutely can
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sure you do champ

lmao, Hezbollah is holding down the head of the helpless jew, while they hold northern occupied Palestine up in their other hand where the jew can't reach it.

> give it back
> no, come take it
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Spirits still high

>Holding football matches inside shelter centers in the northern #Gaza Strip


Thanks for making the webm bro!!!!!
this was israel yesterday if anybody hasn't seen it. bike cop got humiliated for life
cope achmed
this isnt one of your desert sultans monarchies, these numbers cant be faked in a real country.
תתמודד ותרתח
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.

lmao what a retard
Might actually be 2 weeks lol

>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon: Report

> Former Israeli intelligence and security official Yuval Malka told Hebrew media on 25 July that Washington has greenlit a wider war on Lebanon.

> “According to the information I received from the delegation and what I know, Netanyahu has received full legitimacy in the United States to wage a war in Lebanon,” Malka told Israel’s Channel 14.

> The Israeli army has reportedly signaled to the government that the time is ripe for an expanded war against Lebanon, according to a defense analyst for Hebrew media.

> “The Israeli army is prepared for a major ground maneuver in Lebanon and warns: Any delay will be in Hezbollah’s favor when there is progress in the background in negotiations to release the hostages,” said Amir Bohbot, military editor and senior defense analyst for Israeli news site Walla, on 24 July.

> “The Israeli army is sending a signal to the government – we are at the height of preparations for war in the north, and now is the right time,” he added.

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Why jews be such goodest drivers?
>When the genetic predisposition to schizophrenia hits and the demons start dancing on the windshield
They kind of look like Europeans and not retarded brown Middle Eastern monkeys

That bike cop who rear-ended the car, he was probably mentally burnt out due to 10 months of post-Oct 7 work drama.
Now he probably has a severe neck injury, is out of action, and Israel doesn't have the manpower to replace him.
Many such cases of first responders like that, all over Israel and the West Bank/border regions, who are mentally falling apart.
True government is infinite organically equal leaders and infinite dimensions of progress. Infinite perspectives of progress. Infinite simultaneous dimensions of progress.

people of outer Chernobyl are skilled at stalking the parasites
>cope achmed

im not a muslim, i am the descendant of people like hadrianus and titus who dealt with you properly, you will learn to fear honorable and strong people in the near future

Israel has more retarded chink-like videos than China on a per capita basis. Probably like 5 times more.
Anyways, as Russia we gave Sakhalin {Kita Shogunate} independence.
Also we choose that Crimea and Donetsk etc are independent.
Also we purged and gave the stolen land falsely called “autonomous jewish oblast” back to the indigenous and China.

As Ukraine we let Anarcho-collectivism take over. Azov is an independent nation. Many other regions are independent. Ukraine does not exist…
Fren do we have any latest kino for Al-Quds brigades from the last couple of days?
Shitskin cope thread
eilat port status?
>RAQ (RNN) — A drone and four missiles targeted the US occupation's Ain Al-Assad base in western Iraq, according to Al-Mayadeen. This represents the second time in two weeks that the base has been targeted by the Iraqi resistance, after a several month pause in operations targeting US bases.

>This operation comes just hours after Ansarallah Commander Sayyed Al-Houthi's stated, "The course of joint Yemeni operations with the Iraqi resistance will witness significant developments in the coming stage," and increasing hints at joint Iraqi-Yemeni operations targeting US bases.

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>Shitskin cope thread

>For the first time in several months months, explosions were reported at the Conoco oil field base in eastern Syria due to a suspected rocket attack.

The base is a headquarters for American military reconnaissance aircraft operations, anti-drone systems, and a center for managing the operations of US forces and electronic warfare.

>This comes minutes after the American military Ain Al-Assad base in western Iraq was targeted with several missiles and drones, suggesting the resistance has shifted to a new phase of operations.

it used to be 103 before the jews invaded
Goyim left meal worms and grasshoppers for yahoo at his hotel. Do jews eat bugs? or is it just a WEF mandated agenda?

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>A metaphorical opiate inhaled when faced with loss, failure or defeat, especially in sports, politics and other tribal settings.
>The effects of copium include, but are not limited to: extreme rationalizations for the defeat, outlandish theories of conspiracy supposedly perpetrated by the opposing side, extreme rage directed at the other side, unconvincing allegations of fraud and abuse in the system, and rejection of the system as a whole.
This is from earlier today I'm pretty sure.

>Al-Quds Brigades

>#Watch.. Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen attacking the Zionist enemy forces with mortar shells and missiles on the supply line in the “Netzarim” axis.
>#Al-Aqsa Flood

shitskin thread
File deleted.
I updated the kino section a little bit.

>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Yemeni armed forces:

We reveal the new USV ‘Toofan Al-Mudammer’, which entered service officially for the first time and targeted the ship TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR.
New 6/30/24


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Trapping a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.



Footage of targeting “Ramat David” Airbase
New 7/23/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage shows scenes of its mujahideen attacking the Zionist enemy forces with mortar shells and missiles on the supply line in the “Netzarim” axis.
New 7/25/2024

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting a building used by Israeli enemy army soldiers in the Metulla settlement in northern occupied Palestine.
New 7/22/2024

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated

Let me know if anything should/needs to be added before next bake.
high on ziocaine again are? kiryat shmona status?
thank you lebaleafren. TKD
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>18 posts by this ID
Nobody with a newborn child has time to waste like this. I'm afraid this nigger has not yet further poisoned Canadian genetic pool.
TKD fren

> Net & yahoo meets with Vice President and U.S presidential candidate Kumalot Harris.

jason, how are you?
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With the goofy smile on his face, it looks like he just banged her. Her only talent. Plus she married a jew, so she'll apparently do anything for power and money
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I just finished cleaning and Im trying to figure out if the retards of Kataib Hezbollah did any american casualties to see how badly they're going to get btfo
I could see it
>I just finished cleaning

Is there anything your retarded ass won't post to prove something to a random stranger online? If I had a father as retarded as you, I might as well wish I didn't had one.
what have you been cleaning jason?
You don't have a father though so how could you possibly ever understand?
Bro you really shouldn't go out of your way like this to get even with the chupacabra, just ignore it like everyone else.
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Apparently jason's mom just gave birth to his sibling. I wonder if that's what he meant that he was cleaning. Cleaning the trash off his brother's naked dumpster body. Then cleaning away the tears he shed, remembering the trauma of growing up in foster homes after jason's taco truck momma dumped him in a dumpster and went back to work
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my house. Garbage comes every Friday morning so I use Thursdays to clean in spot clean and throw away things.

I do thought. iirc your dad died of AIDS prostituting himself in Lebanon so you could escape to Canada. Such a sad story
Un-based depending how you look at it.
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mom's over 45. Would be a miracle if she and pops pulled something like that. If she does I'll ask you how did your parents raised a retard like you, since it's most likely what I'm going to get as a brother.
AIDS is a nigger monkey disease and only happens to lesser thans.
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Guys, how would an israeli invasion of southern lebanon will go if it happened?
Literally, right now, at this very moment,the Israeli army is mopping the floor with the Mohammedians. They are so outmatched that it isn't even sporting. This is your legacy Ahmed, posting on the Internet about how the people you dispise keep dunking on you everyday and with the moral high ground.
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Lmao this sandmonkey's getting desperate. Look, I'll go easy on you because you're a retard that can't think straight. Even the low IQ egyptian had to warn you about not posting your child pictures in a weeb forum. It's plainly obvious you're an unstable individual.
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Here you want something a bit more current?
They would shell the shit out of everything near the border, drive in a column of tanks straight into a Hezbollah ambush and then send a bunch of pajeets to 4chan to kvetch about how those tanks never existed.
Fake statistics won't change the fact that your coward daddy sucked dick to escape Lebanon so you could live comfy in Canada while your cousins get blown up by Israelis.
You're so cucked you even served in their ARMY lmao
i heard they'll airstrike the Beirut airport too, there's a mossad disinfo op saying hzb keeps weapons there, but it seems they've drunken their own kool aid
Anybody heard about these Zeus hackers?
Even Israelis don't believe their own propaganda. The ones you see here are just hired call-center jeets.
And 2/10 b8 posts you make up about me will never change the fact that you're fatherless.
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Kek. Chupacabra definitely makes a lot more sense with your picrel.
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Badly, pissrael still acts like it 1950s where they can stroll around in vehicles and murder a bunch of farmers with world war 1 rifles.
Unless they drop a nuke and create a radioactive cordon in the south, pissrael is going to lose so many soldiers its going make Gaza look like a child's play in comparison, destroyed APCs and tanks are going to pile up the roads, its going to be a mess, good luck getting medvac during an ambush.
pissrael is going to be in a worse situation than Lebanon, the Leviathan will be destroyed, there is no way pissrael will be able to defend from a wave of suicide drones, their power stations, gone, that nuclear station, gone, chaos ensues, no energy for months, no more shills, no more bots.
Philippines anon, why is jews so degenerate with kids? that picture is degusting and representative of all jews
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look at that caption
so based

I saw that they're in Israeli news already and Israel claims zeusIsTalking is Iranian
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>no energy for months, no more shills, no more bots.

Sounds glorious and comfy, fren
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