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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous >>475624069

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Qassam Brigades traps a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.
> Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.
>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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***NEW*** 7/16/2024

>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Yemeni armed forces:

We reveal the new USV ‘Toofan Al-Mudammer’, which entered service officially for the first time and targeted the ship TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR.
New 6/30/24


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Trapping a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.



Footage of targeting “Ramat David” Airbase
New 7/23/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage shows scenes of its mujahideen attacking the Zionist enemy forces with mortar shells and missiles on the supply line in the “Netzarim” axis.
New 7/25/2024

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting a building used by Israeli enemy army soldiers in the Metulla settlement in northern occupied Palestine.
New 7/22/2024

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Moment of sniping a settler this afternoon south of Nablus. West Bank.
New 7/2/24

These are the survivors of IEDs
New 7/1/24

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Our preparation continues.
New 6/30/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
New 6/29/24

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
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Total Muslim Death
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Rise! RIse! Rise mother fucka rise!
Auchtung America! Auchtung America!
Fuck Trump end his run
Vote MAGAtards into oblivion

Kommandant Kamala take the reigns
10,000 years of prosperous new days
Fuck the decadent days of MAGA decay
Virility, vitality, depose of the weak

Auchtung, RISE! Kamala Uber Alles!
All hail Kommandant in Chief!
Auchtung, RISE! Kamala Uber Alles!
All hail Kommandant in Chief!

Wilted MAGA movement rots
Worms and maggots eat the corpse
Through the ribcage flower grows
Budding life through decadent past

Hail Kamala, Fuhrer of the new Age
Hail Kamala, the warrior sage
MAGA rots, MAGA decays
Trumpism dies screeching in pain

Auchtung, RISE! Kamala Uber Alles!
All hail Kommandant in Chief!
Auchtung, RISE! Kamala Uber Alles!
All hail Kommandant in Chief!

They called her a dreamer
Auchtung! Auchtung!
They called her a dreamer
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
thanks baker
Yeah I was thinking that, so why is Bibi so gung ho going full force into a war that Israel CANNOT win, even with unlimited support from the US/UK
That is an awesome banner OP
Thank you leafren baker for delicious bread. TKD my fren
TKD frens

Thank you fren.

You're welcome fren and TKD!
he expects mutts to join the fray
TKD leaf fren

i don't even think America can defeat Lebanon, you've seen them try to fight to Yemen
just consider israel to be your 51st state and die for it, goyim. why not? it's no different than, say, Minnesota.
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What exactly is antisemitic about the one on the left? These people are fucking deranged.
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Forgot pic
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So? It's not like Trump said it.

fact check: false, goy
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deboonk sites are always accurate. Despite >97% of their employees being far left donors
there is no difference. its just in the fact checked version instead of saying "die for israel" he says "there will be casualties" but at the end of the day its the same thing.
shitskin thread
hang yourself by a crane like bibi said in his speech
Netyahoo wants to drag US into the war, something that its unlikely to happen, but it can happen, this is not Iraq or Afghanistan, US intelligence knows its going to a bloody war for all sides, US will have to move assets from asia and europe to middle east creating an opening for both China and Russia.
Maybe that is why Ukraine is talking about peace, but I wouldn't put money on it, Ukraine still wants to keep its land and Russia is not going to give it back without fighting.
US has another problem, saboteurs and anti government people, the moment US picks a fight with China, US is getting whacked from all sides,and the moment they try enforce draft, people are going to die, civilians are going to die, its not the 40s anymore, boomers and those infected with the boomer mentality are the only ones who will join the military, everyone else will tell their draft officers to get fucked.
Netyahoo is honestly insane thinking US will sacrifice their state of the art or any kind of plane in war, Hezbollah has ground to air missiles, its not going to be an easy war.

I don't know what will happen but I do suspect pissrael will try to invade another country in the foreseeable future, could Syria, Lebanon, hell even Yemen could be the one, either way I do believe the world is heading towards WW3, so, make your peace.
STFU favela monkey brownoid
Every thread on /pol/ is a shitskin thread. 4chan needs to flush the toilet one day so we stop seeing them.
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>favela creature's wishful thinking
What an educational post.
we can start with you, go rope yourself mutt.
Behold, der golem
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>Oh no, he called me a nigger monkey favelado brownoid wetback beaner lazy pin head negro banana eating chimpanzee
>The horror
I don't care, feel free to call me whatever you want, so get out of you stupid system, and call me a fucking nigger, you inbreed parasite ridden shill, do yourself a favor and jump in front of a moving train, you useless fucking jeet, no one is going to miss you
sweden yes
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>I do suspect pissrael will try to invade another country in the foreseeable future

it kinda has to be Lebanon, Syria has the Russian Army there and the Syrian Arab Army is extremely battle hardened from fighting Al Qaeda and the literal Turkish Army, and is refitted with the top of the line Russian/Belarusian equipment, meanwhile Israel is struggling against a militia

Yemen is too far away for Israel to maintain logistics and depleted munitions and destroyed vehicles from the Gaza campaign, Yemen meanwhile has literal thousands of cheap drones (some of which can penetrate Israeli radars)
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mutts are disgusting
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>still looks better than kyle rittenhouse
and thats a LOW bar
rittenhouse gets a pass because he killed j*ws
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and killed a serial pedo at that
whiter than u ackmed
Henlo frens
weren't both of them pedos or was it just the bald kike?
Not sure. I know the bald one molested a handful of really young kids. I'm not sure about the other
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shitskin cope thread
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I don't know why but sometimes I feel like it's the same person......
its a VPN jeet
the aussie jeet?
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Honest kikes
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I gotta go grab some groceries might be back but just in case


See ya frens.

Thank you for your service leafren. I'll try to keep bumping like I have been. My chan ID keeps changing
No worries and thank you fren.
ayyy shoutouts to my homeboys in Israel. are you guys STILL trying to help some random muzzies get citizenship on a strip of sand that isn't even theirs? kek
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Thanks for baking and death to Israel
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Were the Palirats exterminated yet? I kinda forgot they existed, not been in the media cycle
OP went on errands to grab groceries for his family. He might be back on later. Lebaleaf is the one who creates most of the new banners, ever since 53 went on vacation a few weeks ago
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so it wasn't even propaganda, it was just to scam a few shekels?
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Kikes are always corrupt scammers. It's in their genetics to be con men. Even if it means scamming other jews. Not unlike how yahoo fucks over israel and jews globally, for self preservation.

All that matters to the kike is them self- even if it means fucking over their parents, kids or siblings
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Reminder never to use WIX if you host a website
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>anti-genocide anti-apartheid record of videos and images>
The # of dead has been frozen at 30K for months now. Rip journalists. 250,000+?
Updated often (latest: yesterday)

Can view and screenshot without downloading from mega>

mega.nz/folder/gvtFxLgK#KFpMvFK9akRXeFgVXkeueQ (it's at https)

> These people and their lies and fabrications about s@xu4l crimes and babies will promote ethnic cleansing and genocide. Will cause us to lose 100s of trillions and 200 yrs of hardworked goodwill>

I am an atheist. Don't need religion to value humanity and justice
Folder name starts with gvtFx (future reference)

Will update when can. Feel free to copy paste (same gvtFx link).

>Videos showing the incredibly racist face of apartheid; hidden and censored by all media>

Google search "Feeling the hate in Jerusalem Obama Max Blumenthal archived" and "Feeling the hate in tel aviv Max Blumenthal"

Disclaimer: I do not agree, and often do not read; any of the disclaimers, warnings, agreements, recommendations or assumptions in the posts above (including the thread title and the original post). Not racist, sexist or anything like that. I am associated with no one; just a record keeper.

Follow @maxblumenthal, @jvplive, @johncusack, @aaronjmate, @torahjudaism @ggreenwald, @georgegalloway, @susansarandon, @jacksonhinklle and @normfinkelstein on twitter then can skip the drive. Twitter is censoring; ghost bans, shadowbans and suspensions.

>Social media recently started charging millions to record their posts. Reddit can (and 100% is) making up fake accounts and posts>
What are the chances that the US cuts all support for Isntreal?
Kinda want to live to see the day the iron dome stops working entirely
Though i know it will only be low cast jews left behind as a sacrifficial appeal to empathy while the higher tier ones will just mass emigrate to be somebody elses problem
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Zero chance in the near future. It would take them doing the samson option to trigger that. Till then, support will simply get lower however, the more shitrael accelerates their psychopathic evil genocidal shit

AIPAC is too powerful currently. So, until they're designated as FARA, israel has way too much control
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Hunter Biden here. Pops is coked up in the other room and fucking Kamala in the ass and he asked me to say thanks to all the brave lads in Hamas who delivered to us here in Washington over a thousand sand nigger babies for our feasts on Saturday night in the caves beneath the White House. Because of the generous support of Hillary Clinton and George Soros and Hamas who picked through blown up day care centers and homes and picking only the freshest and delicious sand niggers and to General MIlley for cooking the little tykes with his special sauce. Thanks again. H.
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Here's the correct summary version of /chip/ frens >>470530192

This is a general filled with highly gifted chads in a worldwide outstanding think tank who all share different nuanced perspectives on the issue.
A group of free spirits who reinvent themselves every day because they have a lot of SOVL.
You got a Honduran gym chads who has close family ties to the cause, a Chilean leading scholar of genetics with severe chadism and a large penis, a tireless baker with numerals representing how many merkavas are destroyed per day and the amount of dicks every IDF soldiers takes in one night, a saarland leaf who avatarchads as snufkin and is content with little in life, a green eyed Lebchad diaspora leaf who is a white warrior and owns some vore fag and the chupacabra rape baby, 2 Lebchads that made Hasbaras eat their own shit and drink their own piss, a Nafri chad from Tunisia who is desired by white girls with blonde hair and a well-trained Egyptian which all complement each other ideally and combine to create something better.
You also have the Filipino who busily posts new news along with a couple of Lebchads who make entertaining infographics that scream "This Guy Fucks".
You also have the chad from Morocco that operates under the Muslim memeflag, the Iraqi swede who seems to know everything about cars and a very white German chad whose jokes always hit the spot.
There's also the Bosnian leaf, the Kuwaiti chad, and the Syrian chad.
Who can forget the Irish chad who bakes diligently when the main baker is not there
This is comfy happening in Palestine.
This is /chip/
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Kek this shit is hilarious
>please Christians save us
Fucking disgusting hypothetical kikes.
Hello bro
>yet he is on a blue board
I'll bet 100 he was on the LGBT board
That one is great to post on normie social media. So that normies can undergo the noticing.
Kek, you know I don't have anything good pics to post on this device
>kike bulldozer blowing up.webm
Keep telling yourself that moshe
Why don't you start by leaving if you don't like it faggot
Hypocritical *
I love exposing kikes.
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I possibly lost that one when lightning struck this past week, and fried my laptop, modem, and some other stuff. But, I have this sniper one on my external, that I'm running to my phone with a usb-C adapter
I have it6on the device I semi bricked. I just need a bit of time to recover all those files
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I love how they're making the jews wait for the counterattack. Keeping them on high alert for a while

Just make sure NOT to install anything on the device, and not to write any files to it, if it has the potential to overwrite those files. Such as if it's in deleted status, or unmounted status. And reformatting would definitely overwrite it. If it's a cellphone or tablet, you need to be careful as to how you install the firmware if that's the issue. Since some methods will do fresh installs and wipe your files, while others will save your files as they are and simply updates the OS.

Depending on the device, xda-developers is usually great for questions like that, with detailed instructions and install files to use. I used to always semi-root my unrootable phones that way & also get factory unlocked firmware (was a big thing, back when cellphones were simply 1 carrier's firmware... but it still gives you extras, such as free wifi hotsot, and free antivirus app, and a lot less bloatware)
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There was a jewflag a bit back, that said homes in northern shitrael that's at risk of getting hit by Hezbollah, was going for 90% off. I wonder what the pricing is now that the ICJ has ruled that it's illegally occupied by israeli's, and belongs to the Palestinians.
I'm not sure if any of them have updated that pricing, since it was rare that I even saw that jewflag's hidden message
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Oh no ziosisters! What are we going to do???!!
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Jewish gratitude
I'll do my best
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fallout from ICJ ruling looks pretty serious
>Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress included a litany of falsehoods and distortions, ranging from false October 7 propaganda claims to assertions of Iranian conspiracies on US soil.
>MintPress walks you through his top 5 lies.

>The Israeli PM made up a new story about 2 babies killed in an attic on October 7, which is impossible according to Israeli police records and data collected that day.

>“One of the lowest ratios of combatants to non-combatant casualties” in history, said Netanyahu. Israel has killed more than double the amount ISIS killed in their two year peak, in 9 months.

>Netanyahu says that civilian deaths in Rafah are “practically none”, despite the murder of thousands since their invasion.

>“If there are Palestinians in Gaza” going without food, Netanyahu says, it is because of Hamas. In reality Israel’s top rights group, B’Tselem, accuses them of “Manufacturing Famine” in Gaza and it is factually the Israelis who have prevented aid from entering.

>The Israeli PM claims that American protesters received funds from Iran. There is no proof that any pro-Palestinian protesters or students received funds from the Iranian government.
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The more kikes fight this, the more irreparable they doom Israel, and Jewish reputation worldwide.
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Let's see what those faggots at the European union do
I kind of feel bad for burgers they have no real candidates to vote for
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It's going to be fun watching this play out, to see what comes out of it and how it happens
In another time, there would have been an uprising in the streets. It is said that every nation has the rulers it deserves.
>Israel has killed more than double the amount ISIS killed in their two year peak, in 9 months

that's actually grim wtf
Yeah, my country is fucked :(
Imagine some crazy chud trying to get him like they did Trump
I don't need to imagine.
Which of the two?
>@airwars is out with a new report on Gazan civilian fatalities in the first 17 days of the war.
>The report contains extremely strong circumstantial evidence that the figures of killed Gazans reported by the Ministry of Health represent a substantial undercount. Of 2,993 Gazan civilian deaths Airwars was able to independently assess occurred between 7-24th October, 2023, only 2,236 were reported by the MoH in its list of fully identified Gazans killed that month. Meaning over 1/4 of the civilian deaths assessed by Airwars went unreported by the MoH.
>Keep in mind that the MoH's reporting capacity in October was far greater than it is now. So the extent to which they were undercounting back then, while apparently quite substantial (at least 25%), presumably will be quite a bit larger now.
>The @airwars study also noted: "Airwars researchers tracked more allegations of civilian harm in October 2023 than in any month of its 10-year history of monitoring - including the US-led campaign against ISIS, the NATO-led coalition in Libya and the Russian bombardment of Syria. Around one in every four allegations involved at least 10 civilians reportedly killed - far higher than any previous conflict Airwars has monitored. In this list alone, there are at least two incidents in which more than 50 civilians were reportedly killed."
>The final figure of violently killed Gazans is going to be horrifying and reflective of a war-crimes strategy and mass murder by the IDF. The apologists are going to be exposed for the clowns, liars, charlatans, useful idiots, and/or monsters that they are.
Just throw them out of your country, they wont have internet access to where they are gonna go
>Israel warns France of potential Iranian attack at the Olympics. All Israeli athletes will have 24/7 personal security.
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okay, heads up for Mossad glow ops any anons in paris
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Mutt comes to Ireland, is shocked that the rest of the world doesn't worship kikes like he does.
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>A powerful symbolism of Congress during Netanyahu’s speech today

>An Israeli Protestor near the US Embassy in Tel Aviv dressed like the Statue of Liberty standing in Fake Blood
Imagine her in an IDF dungeon having to service filthy Jewish boys and the most wild, degenerate fetishes 18 hours every day
Unfortunately (for her) the idf doesn't rape women, only men
Imma be honest bro
Terror alarm posts like a 4chan shitpost I don't think it's real
>"I'm trying to eat my breakfast"
Isn't Terror Alarm AI generated?
>What are the chances that the US cuts all support for Isntreal?
the same chances you become a developed country, none existent
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>wtf a yahweh flew over my house
but your country is lebanon achmed.
oh wait, yeah its also fucked kek
i still dont understand why you all use the same perfume that smells like toilet fresheners, especially the women/camels.
whose the manufacturer of that perfume ? and do you all have no sense of smell or just decided to accept it ?
>Unfortunately (for her)
But this is going to be a problem because all Lebanese are women. How are we going to have gay sex with Lebanese if they are all effeminate?
Lebanon invasion status?
They must buy it bulk from Alibaba for 1 shekel per liter
They're ready to go, just gonna take a shower real quick then it's time
Spending two weeks in the shower would really fuck your skin up.
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More worried about my hair
Let's hope Bananyahu buys some comfy diapers for the IOF
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>With much fanfare, the zionist entity boasted about its "game changing" plan to "flood" the resistance's tunnels in Gaza at the beginning of the war. A shoddy plan for doing so was created by the IOF in Shati' camp, but to no avail.

>Today in Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure. As quoted, no one in the IOF can say what benefit, if any, that this expensive project had.
>The investigation revealed that the system began operating even before soliciting opinions from specialists. It was used exactly one time in one tunnel, without any knowledge of its effectiveness, even after it was used, nor whether it affected resistance fighters or zionist captives.

>Haaretz also claimed that Hamas was prepared for such a possibility and created water absorption drains in the tunnels that would render them impossible to flooding.

>Nearly 300 days later, the overwhelming majority of the resistance's tunnel network remains intact, spanning an area almost twice the size of the Gaza Strip itself. What has been uncovered or allegedly dismantled by zionist forces up to this point have been mostly dispensable attack tunnels. With the revelation a few weeks ago of a three-story underground in Rafah, its clear that the secrets the tunnels hold are greater than they appear, and that the ingenuity and adaptability of the resistance continues to pose a challenge to the zionist enemy.
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>Haaretz also claimed that Hamas was prepared for such a possibility and created water absorption drains in the tunnels that would render them impossible to flooding

this account impressively represents a country that has never outgrown the developmental status of a pre-school child

Honest jews like that are one in a million.
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> Israeli tourists vs. Palestine supporters in Tokyo.
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so who are the ones that can't integrate again

full article
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scary ogresses
shalom a leikum
give me some good recap on whats happening rn (leave out coping and made up shit, I've seen it all)
Dios mio….
What an ugly fucking mongrel kike…
Kek. How did the paddies get put on Team Darkness?
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>dumb jeet doesn't know
Kike "men" behave like women. Disgusting creatures
and he's more feminine than the kike women with him
here come the JIDF with their porn posts again
hasbaristas hate ireland for their longtime support of palestinian resistance
why is that lady pooping out of her mouth?
>Forces of Light

Azerbaijan is literally top 5 evilest country in the world atm

>1) the Jewish colony
>2) Burgerland
>3) Keir Starmer-stan
>4) Azerbaijan
>5) saar
Good morning, saar
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>1 dead IDF and 2 seriously injured from carbon monoxide sleeping near a generator in Gaza.
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>Hezbollah drones crossing from Lebanon into northwest occupied Palestine avoided zionist air defenses before diving toward their targets.
>don't tell me they were about to pump the tunnels with CO now, oh no no no
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>An Israeli officer seriously wounded in a car-ramming attack outside a military base in central Israel earlier this month has succumbed to his wounds, the IDF says.
>Cpt. Ariel Topaz, 24, from Pardes Hanna, was one of four off-duty soldiers wounded in the terror attack on July 14 at the Nir Tzvi junction.
>Topaz served as an officer in the Military Intelligence Directorate’s Research Department.

>The IOF admits to the death of one of its intelligence officers after he succumbed to wounds sustained during the heroic run-over operation (https://t.me/PalestineResist/48626) carried out by martyr Mohammed Shehab (https://t.me/PalestineResist/48631) in occupied Ramla on July 14.
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Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Al-Qassam fighters were able to detonate part of a tunnel with enemy engineering forces inside while they were pumping explosive gas into it, causing a reverse explosion towards the enemy forces in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah in the southern Strip.
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>i was right
Israel is doing tom and jerry-tier hair-brained plans that always backfire
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>Cpl. (res.) Moti Rave, 37, had license for heavy machinery from civilian construction work, joined army amid war to operate D9 bulldozer
>An Israeli soldier was killed during fighting against the Hamas terror group in southern Gaza’s Rafah on Thursday, the military announced Friday, as troops pressed on with operations across the Strip.

>The slain soldier was named by the Israel Defense Forces as Cpl. (res.) Moti Rave, 37, from the community of Shani, also known as Livne, which straddles the southern West Bank border.

oh he's the one that died from this
Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Upon their return from their combat mission, Al-Qassam fighters reported targeting a Merkava 4 tank and a zionist D9 bulldozer with two Al-Yassin 105 shells and engaging in clashes with an infantry force nearby, causing deaths and injuries among them near Al-Awda Mosque in the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.

They fried another one today:
Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Al-Qassam Brigades target a zionist D9 bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell. A helicopter landed to evacuate its crew, in the Al-Salam neighborhood near the eastern cemetery in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
they tried to flood it
they tried to gas it 2x, first attempt killed their hostages,
this time it killed their soldiers.

What do you think Israel will do next?

>What do you think Israel will do next?

Shit their diapers.
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hey /chip/....
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Israeli male claims he was gang-raped by Hamas on Oct 7
how many IDF deaths so far estimated?
unironically surrender to Hamas' terms, that will be how this war ends
>Heavier than air
>Highly toxic
The first two are why they went with it, also it is easy to make by incomplete combustion.
They forgot the third part though, fucking retards.
Also, the irony of jews doing the gassing. EVERY ACCUSATION IS A CONFESSION - you do your own deduction on that.
Israeli military strategists have to be sub 50 iq neanderthals with this type of shit, plus even if they successfully handled it, I guarantee you Hamas have made their tunnels with good ventillation to combat this
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Rat face
>at 07:10 AM on Friday, 26-07-2024, targeted the technical system at the "Ramia" site with a guided missile, hitting it directly and destroying it.

>at 08:44 AM on Friday, 26-07-2024, targeted a movement of "israeli" enemy soldiers inside the Hadab Yaroun site with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly.

Saraya Al-Quds:
>We bombed gatherings of zionist enemy soldiers along the supply line in the "Netzarim" axis with mortar shells.

>We bombed the soldiers and vehicles of the zionist enemy stationed around the Rafah crossing gate in the southern Gaza Strip with mortar shells.

>Our fighters have been engaged in fierce clashes with the zionist enemy's soldiers and vehicles since last night on the axes of advance east of Khan Younis, using machine guns and anti-armor missiles.

National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces):
>We targeted with mortar shells enemy soldiers and vehicles in the advance axis, south of the town of Al-Qarara, south of the Gaza Strip.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades:
>The fighters of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, as part of the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, managed to launch an RPG rocket at a zionist tank, hitting it directly in the axis of advance, east of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.
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>Missile sirens ring in "Dafna," "Dan," and "Shear Yeshuv" in northeastern occupied Palestine.
>dumb shitskin pakinadian believes everything is an international jewish conspiracy to make him think palestine is losing
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>France’s high-speed train lines were targeted by multiple “malicious” acts including arson on Friday, in what has been described as “an attack on France” and “coordinated sabotage” to disrupt travel ahead of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.
>The French state railway company SNCF called the overnight disruption a “massive attack aimed at paralyzing the high-speed line network.”
>In a post on X, SNCF said “a large number of trains were diverted or canceled,” and asked “all travelers who can to postpone their trip and not go to the station.”
>The operator said the Atlantic, Northern and Eastern high-speed lines were impacted, with damage caused to several of its facilities, adding that one of the acts was “foiled.”

this is relevant, fake johnny hamas said he's gonna commit terror attacks on France
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>alalalala kill all jews kill everyone who side with them
>oh noes we totally didnt do that attack that will certainly have consequences it was da joooz doing their false flag trickery again
>everything bad that happens is jooish false flags
>The Canada Revengue Agency decided to revoke the "charitable status" of the Jewish National Fund due to its support for the zionist entity's military infrastructure, a status is has held in Canada since 1967.

>The JNF has been active in the colonization of Palestine for over 100 years and controls nearly 13% of the land of occupied Palestine as the largest colonial land owner. Its settlements are built on the graves of over 70 depopulated Palestinian villages.

>With its nearly $1 billion a year revenue, it purchases this land from the zionist entity's government to promote settlement, using funds that it gathers internationally. In Canada, 25% of the JNF's budget comes from taxpayer money.

>Among its colonial actions are planting "250 million trees," i.e uprooting indigenous olive trees to plant foreign pine trees, which create environmental issues. Recently, it has sought to increase settlement in the occupied Naqab and Al-Jalil, holding workshops in the US and Canada to do so.
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remember how you wanted to sell us the flooding of the tunnels as an epic victory ?
Idk man can't remember the last time I fucked an Arab chick
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Just a friendly reality check to all Kikes and their fans.

Immigration from muslim countries is fucking based.
Immigration and a large Muslim population is needed to defeat ZOG.
The reason jewniggers and their fans hate muslims so much, is every single one of them are REDPILLED on KIKES. They're young, battle ready men, unlike the soft weak faggot race the British public have become. They are a clear threat to ZOG, and anything that defeats ZOG is GOOD.

Thanks Tony. Zionist shortsightism. Decades ago, you planted the seeds for Israel's total annihilation. "Zionist Agent".
News has been way too slow. I want some tkd and i fucking want it NOW.
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Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades - Tulkarem Camp Brigade (Martyr Izkihim Nafi' Groups)
>If the [Palestinian] Authority's forces do not withdraw from the city of Tulkarem, the response will be harsh and explicit. If Commander Abu Shujaa is arrested, all the Authority's headquarters will be burned. Consider this a warning.

>We are fighting against two occupations: the Palestinian Authority and the occupation forces.

>Mobilize, mobilize.

resistance factions are calling for a West bank war with Palestinian authority for besieging a hospital that had an injured commander

The palestine authority are some of the biggest cucks on the planet.
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Biden really needs to get a better WH staff. That shit is completely unacceptable. When the POTUS shits his pants, a staff member is supposed to clean him up and put on a new diaper ASAP! Instead, these fucking lazy DEI WH staffers just leave him there with shit dripping down his leg for an hour. That's elder abuse, and it's not acceptable in any circumstances. Let alone when he's the POTUS, the president of earth.
It was a zionist false flag all along, they were trying to blame it on hamas at last I truly understand.
>Kikes annexing more of west bank
>Kikes at fath and abbas authority catch Palestinian fighting back
I hope they will all be hanged later for treason.
shitskin thread
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West bank news
>Gunfire targets the PA headquarters in #Tulkarem after Palestinian Authority Security Forces besieged Thabet Thabet hospital with the goal of abducting or assassinating wanted Tulkarem Brigade leader Mohammed Jaber, "Abu Shujaa ."
>PA forces failed to assassinate Abu Shujaa at the end of March, and the IOF failed to assassinate him a few weeks later.

>Palestinian Authority Forces have assaulted women and heavily deployed tear gas and pepper spray in Thabet Thabet Hospital in #Tulkarem during their ongoing siege of commander Abu Shujaa.

> Palestinian Authority Forces continue to open fire and deploy tear gas in Thabet Thabet Hospital.
>The mothers of the martyrs have mobilized and headed to the hospital to lift the siege on wanted resistance commander Abu Shujaa. However, the PA Forces attacked them as well. Several Palestinians are wounded due to the attacks by PA Forces.
my catbox is broken, cant post vids

Resistance groups that have called for a mobilization against PA
>Saraya Al-Quds - Tulkarem Brigade:
>Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Nour Shams Camp
>Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Youth of Revenge and Liberation - Tulkarem:
>Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades - Tulkarem Camp Brigade (Martyr Izkihim Nafi' Groups)

al aqsa are ex fatah right ...
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>Resistance fighters targeted the Palestinian Authority headquarters in #Jenin with gunfire.

>Palestinians continue their attempts to obstruct the entry of traitorous PA security forces into Thabet Thabet hospital, where they seek to arrest or assassinate Abu Shujaa.
this one has a video, can't upload
I hope PA won't harm the innocent civilians in the hospital...
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"My mom invented copper wire" WTF?
The world didn't have copper wires till a jewess invented it after WW2, possibly in the 1970's or 1980's depending on her age.

Does this jewess seriously expect us to believe that copper wires didn't exist 200 years ago, for russian explosion devices or telegraphs?
If she's lying about copper wire, you also know that she's lying about her story when she kvetched at the store owner, like kyle's mom from south park
> Why isn't cartman's mom, nor cartman's jew jokes and attacksn, viral on chan? Cartman even had the "cartman's mom is a stupid bitch" song
>normal person vs unhinged palirat sympathizer that can't take any criticism
just like muh hecking /chip/erinos
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>Report - targeted countermeasures in Lebanon, a senior Hezbollah official (senior field commander) - the number of those killed increased to 2

>Hezbollah announces a death in its ranks:

Abbas Hamud, a resident of the village of Markaba.

He was killed in an attack by IDF warplanes on a building in the village of Markaba earlier today.

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Volunteer for the gaza power rangers, and get your necessary daily requirements of TKD
>when your flow is heavy
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Sounds familiar for some reason...
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No jewess can resist that BBC! fucking degenerate freaks
>Britain will not proceed with a challenge on whether the International Criminal Court (ICC) has jurisdiction to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant.

>“On the ICC submission … I can confirm the government will not be pursuing [the proposal] in line with our long-standing position that this is a matter for the court to decide on,” Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s spokesperson told reporters.
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PA happening over
>The mothers of the martyrs cheer and the people rejoice after the traitorous Palestinian Authority Security Forces failed to arrest (https://t.me/PalestineResist/50144?single) wanted resistance leader Abu Shujaa, who was wounded in Thabet Thabet Hospital.
>Groups mobilized across the city and West Bank in order to lift the siege on Abu Shujaa and thwart the plans of the PA.
PA left after their HQs in Tulkarem and Jenin was attacked by resistance.
It's not the time to celebrate, IDF can always attack the hospital after.
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But but my word are supposed to effect you.
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I gotcha homie
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seems they're moving the commander
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His hand status?
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Trying to get my hopes up, only to make me depressed when it doesn't happen? Nice job honduranon, you're now on the level of the HAPPENING kike shill threads for psychological manipulation
he still has a hand. Maybe missing/broken fingers
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add this one to your memri collection
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That was a funny thread. JIDF shill pathetically tried to demoralize us, and instead it just became an epic AI mock fest of da joos
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Well now we won't have a choice but to eliminate him
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webm version of >>475720107
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Where'd all the kike shills go? They're so inconsistent in hours, as they don't shill evenly across the day. It's almost as if they shill in shifts at certain times of the day, and not actually organic
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>5 posts in a row to keep the thread alive
>What do you think Israel will do next?

Try to kill Hamas by dropping a giant anvil on them
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I wonder why jews no longer touch Palestinian flags? Or why jews get PTSD when they see a Palestinian flag? Some mysteries will never be solved

Livestream: Demonstrations in Sana'a Yemen live
>Idk man can't remember the last time I fucked an Arab chick
only men and goats
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>>Idk man can't remember the last time I fucked an Arab chick
>only men and goats

I wonder why israeli jew's are like that. Is it genetic? Is it the the talmud? Any idea what causes it?
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while i don't agree with your shitpost, i will agree with one thing. kamala (and the democrats in general) will drive america to collapse faster than trump and will be less likely to go fight for israel, therefore elect her (preferably steal the elections again, people need as many reasons as possible to start the civil war), crash your economy and destroy your bitch of a zionist occupied government with no survivors.
death to israel. death to america. death to the eu. tkd.
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Any idea what this text says on picrel?
I blurred it to make it SFW, even though the genitals were completely hidden by his unwilling furry sex partner
Warnings towards PA

Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades - Tulkarem Camp Brigade (Martyr Izkihim Nafi' Groups):
>Any attempt to capture our fighters by the [Palestinian] Authority forces from Tulkarem to Jenin will be met with a severe response.
>Any attempt to defuse a planted explosive for the occupation forces will be met with a response. This means you are collaborating with the occupation.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Nour Shams Camp - Tulkarem Brigade:
>we condemn the barbaric action undertaken by the [Palestinian Authority] Security Forces in besieging the commander of the Tulkarm Brigade - Saraya Al-Quds, who came to the hospital for treatment of an injury, endangering the patients and our people present in the hospital.
>Some members of these [PA] Security Forces directly fired upon unarmed members of our free Palestinian people. By this barbaric action, which breaks all Palestinian norms, we hold the leaders of the [PA] Security Forces in Tulkarem responsible for any consequences resulting from this barbaric act
google translate says "a few days ago I found an abandoned dog"
btw, Mossad glowie ops have commenced in France, (((theyve))) shut down the trains and the French police are finding explosives everywhere
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You should put a weird character, or phrase in each one of your news posts. To make it easy to ctrl + F your news posts, so that anons can compile them into mega news posts- or at the minimum, for them to compile a list of your news posts #'s to post in a news sticky
> Either that, or save them in a text file as you post them. Appending it each time that you post something new. Then either when a new bread is baked, you can post your news work, OR post them towards the end of a thread with either a list of your linked post #'s or a mega list. That way the baker can include it in the next bread's news sections.
OR, another anon can help out an compile them for you, if you make ctrl + F easy, by putting a weird character or phrase in each one of your news posts

Many such options, so that your extensive work in each thread doesn't go to waste, when we migrate to a new bread
Kikes still talking about gay sex
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Why are kikes so degenerate?
Also, don't (((they))) prefer goats? or was it simply because the puppy was free?
They are allergic to them. That's why they blow up
>Palirat family dates back to 1500
>Still stuck in diaspora
are you allergic to your homeland?
Aye hehe you know how I do it
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>the mudslime talks about goatfucking
Kek always the projection
You better pray I never find my way into the fight. You can't imagine the damage I'll do
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Are jew girls allergic to jewish penis?
Why are they so obsessed with that massive BBC?
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>Hezbollah announces the second dead for today
>The Mujahid Fadl Samih Nour al-Din “Mujahid,” born in 1992 from the town of Markaba in southern Lebanon

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False Flag to push The West into war with Iran
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>You can't imagine the damage I'll do
What will you do? Cope violently on the street?
The delicious and sexy battle between Arab dick and Jewish tongue
You're one to talk, being AFK for 2000 years. You should've returned after the first 100 but your ancestors were far too chickenshit to put up a fight, and they still are, your home hasn't been home for two millenia, and it won't magically be now.
All the BBC imagery you have saved up on your computer just to post it here must be clogging up your drive
He says this as his home is being infiltrated by all the scum and crumbs of the Earth. I was in America recently, it is pure mystery meat land. Israel is unironically more white and homogenous, and we are a bunch of filthy Arab Mizrahis mutts here.
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jew would never try to bait the west into going to war with iran, by pushing lies
It has been infiltrated your dirty slavs. And don't lie your tribe is not homogeneous
I hope you really do make it here fren, it must get lonely being stuck in diaspora
By you *
We are a supreme mutt country but we can't hold a candle to Muttamerica. One of my taxi drivers was literally the Amerimutt guy.
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Was this paki that got his head stomped your cousin? >>475726879
>53 is gone
>lebtroon is gone
>breads aren't updating
>diaspora freaks on a total cope-out
>a mutt holds the thread alive with BBC
>yids in /chid/
How can we expect these muzzos to hold onto a country when they can't even keep consistent breads?
What english doesn't convey is כלבה is female dog.
So, basically, "chad" yids fuck dogs.
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Go rape your goat, Abdul
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Imagine the smell of this subhuman animal beast. I can't believe that the Palestinians actually touched that creature. Hopefully they didn't get AIDS
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>Missile sirens ring in occupied Asqalan, "Zikim" IOF military base, “Netiv HaAsara,” and "Erez” north of the Gaza Strip.

Claimed by Saraya Al-Quds:
>We bombed the city of Asqalan and the settlements of the Gaza envelope with a rocket barrage.
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this yid was caught raping animals in June 2024
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Imagine the smell of this subhuman animal beast.
I can't believe that the Palestinians actually kissed his feet of that creature. Hopefully they didn't get AIDS
I'll head out to the gym, I'll be back in a few hours
this him? >>475705862
Very good point illustrated here
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Does anyone know why (((king david))) was such an extreme pedophile? And why do jews project so much when talking about Mohammed and his 17yo wife? When the kike king was raping 5yo girls to make them pregnant by 6yo
Careful with the weights anon, can't imagine the damage you'll do
Hope you get stabbed or runover on your way back
It's makes picking up your women easier.
Neither will happen and in the rare occasion I get shot at. Nothing will happen since I drive an armored car
I wonder how this is going
And I’m posting it! Keep monitoring moishe!
משה מה הבעיה?
אחד, אם לא שמת לב אני נוצרי, אז לא איכפת לי מהטיפשות שכתבת
שנית, בונה חיים, שמע זה מאוד מאכזב לגלות שהעם היהודי הדגול מלא בפדופילים והומואים וגם מזייני חיות אבל לפחות אני עוזר לך להסתכל במראה
קצת כך כמו שאתם חושבים שאתם אור העולם לגויים, אז לפעמים (אכן רוב הזמן) גוי יכול להדריך אותך לדרך הישרה
>are you win jidf.jpeg
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>since I drive an armored car
Kek stop it with this cringey larp nigger
I hope you get raped to death by a goat or whatever the fuck is typical way to die in your irrelevant shithole in the monkey people parts of the new world
We're getting lectured in botched Hebrew by a tripfag
aids is the least of troubles for sand niggers, remember your culture encourages beastiality and incest.
there are so many sand monkies offsprings from incestry, usually the abominations are retarded, blind and being led in the streets by their """fortunate""", none blind, but still retarded sibling.
Just imagine the first successful half goat half sand monkey creature being born, suddenly being blind and retarded looks more appealing.
For this to realistically happen, government would have to be full 1488. Every one of the officials inside the Oval Office have kissed that wall in Israel.
anyway my point is...
you camel fuckers should direct your hate towards your parents and not us, they are the ones who made you this way.
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Just because you are poor not all us are
מישהו נשמע ממורמר שהוא מיעוט חסר זכויות,
אתה יודע איפה הדלת למדבר סעיד, אתה מוזמן להסתלק.
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Why are jews so incestual? Why do they project so much on others?
OVER 50% of jewlets are raped by the elder jews, like by their fathers.

It's also why 1 out of every 3 jews has a genetic disorder, to the point that cities infested by jews have hospitals with ENTIRE wings devoted to jewish genetic disorders
Let alone that 40% of all ashkenazi jew materla DNA comes from just 4 italian women. With 80% of global jews being ash nazi's, and 90 of kikes in the west
Only the military is allowed to drive armored cars
If you weren't poor you'd leave Poorduras years ago.
>Just because you are poor not all us are
>sand nigger living in honduras
totally, living the rich life.
Why would I leave if I'm part of the elite? And in Honduras civilians can owned armored cars retard. On top of that I'm x military
Based and Vietnam pilled
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>Palestine does not exist and never will
>you shill for literal terrorists that would gladly throw your non passing self off a building in a heartbeat
>you will never be a woman or look like the poorly drawn tranime characters you constantly spam here
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>Why would I leave if I'm part of the elite?
Because it's still a murderous shithole to the degree that leaving the house is a 50/50 gamble you won't shot by the local gang?
Even for LATAM it's a jungle

If you had the cash you'd leave for Miami or San Diego
My guy on the right literally cracking up on camera lol
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You are no longer allowed to post here fatso
>out of the frying pan and into the fire
Lol shut up you fucking kike cunt
Fat fucking fingers lay off the mcdiddys your heart might explode you fat cunt
Bro's double-coping in two threads i'm dying lmao

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