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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous >>475660496

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death).

>Al-Qassam Brigades traps a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.
> Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.
>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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***NEW*** 7/16/2024

>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Yemeni armed forces:

We reveal the new USV ‘Toofan Al-Mudammer’, which entered service officially for the first time and targeted the ship TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR.
New 6/30/24


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Trapping a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.



Footage of targeting “Ramat David” Airbase
New 7/23/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage shows scenes of its mujahideen attacking the Zionist enemy forces with mortar shells and missiles on the supply line in the “Netzarim” axis.
New 7/25/2024

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting a building used by Israeli enemy army soldiers in the Metulla settlement in northern occupied Palestine.
New 7/22/2024

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Moment of sniping a settler this afternoon south of Nablus. West Bank.
New 7/2/24

These are the survivors of IEDs
New 7/1/24

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Our preparation continues.
New 6/30/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
New 6/29/24

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.











Is it just me or does no one really care about the bibi speech?
The response seems lukewarm at best and completely apathetic at worst. All the ones celebrating are your typical christcuck evangelical golems, but not really anyone else more than that.
I think Israels reputation has been completely tarnished if this doesn't pick up steam soon.
Even Aaron Bushnell had more time in the spotlight.
your culture encourages beastiality and incest.
there are so many sand monkies offsprings from incestry, usually the abominations are retarded, blind and being led in the streets by their """fortunate""", none blind, but still retarded sibling.
Just imagine the first successful half goat half sand monkey creature being born, suddenly being blind and retarded looks more appealing.
Recent Happenings
>Palestinian authority and later, IDF tried to assassinate Saraya Al Quds commander Abu Shujaa
>commander survives and is on Thabet Thabet hospital
>PA besieges hospital
>Palestinian civilians block PA from entering
>Resistance groups are calling for mobilization and fight PA
>Gunfire in Tulkarem PA HQ
>Gunfire in Jenin PA HQ

>PA lifted the siege on the hospital after HQs were attacked

>PA warned not to capture resistance members or defuse bombs or face a severe response

Gaza, Hezbollah reports

>Saraya Al quds shoot rockets at Asqalan, "Zikim" IOF military base, “Netiv HaAsara,” and "Erez”
>49 clapping events
>Congress spent a total of 11 minutes clapping
>Arab news outlets coping the fuck out
This war is wonderful for the zionist entity.
>France’s high-speed train lines were targeted by multiple “malicious” acts including arson

Israeli FM blames Iran and islamists for France sabotage

>Canada Revengue Agency decided to revoke the "charitable status" of the Jewish National Fund

>Japan - Israeli tourists harass old man protesting the genocide
bro no offense, but your writing indicates an extremely low IQ
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Why does judaism push bestiality and pedophilia so much?

Why does the talmud require that jews rape toddlers and animals?
And be surrounded by kikes. No thanks. I like Honduras and those stats are old
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June 2024
>yid caught having an animal rape bus

also, see >>475724719
I thought you were going to the gym anon
Are you really getting baited by zionists?
Get a load of this fat cunt
I'm shit posting while on the treadmill
You will never be able to deflect that photo. Join that Diaspora Houndaran in the gym you lard
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Wagwan rastas big up the Jew killas in the ME namsayin?
Lol who the fuck are you talking to? That’s you who posted that you silly cunt
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Fat kike fat kike fat kike fat kike fat kike you’re a fat
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This is getting really embarrassing anon.
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>How the Israeli Army's Plan to Flood Hamas' Network of Tunnels Under Gaza Failed
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Ayo shills are back time to drop some redpills
Yea every British poster is the same.. you have the iq of a parasitic worm
>Ayo shills are posting my fat fingers someone help me avoid this
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>Israeli male claims he was gang-raped by Hamas on Oct 7
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>idf gasses himself, 2 others
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Quick update on the Jewish mindset by Goebells
You scrolled up yet retard?
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God, look at the sausage fingers on that (((big fat bastard)))!
This thread hosts a limited number of returning posters. Like all these diaspora faggots and that lebtroon(rip).
Also this reply >>475732629 shows your fragility on the subject. You didn't have to reply but you're coping the fuck out lmao
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>And be surrounded by kikes.
Miami is a second Mexico

> those stats are old
It's still in the top 10

No one who has the choice would choose to stay in Honduras. Especially if they're ""rich"" and can afford a much safer and more developed country with running water.
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>absurd headcanon
>the only people who come to post here are you troons!
I come back every once in a while, and I’m sorry to disappoint you shlomo, but that ain’t me in that photo looking like I just got done eating two tubs of lard. The shoe doesn’t fit, sorry moishe. Better luck next time
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>RQ-4 Global Hawk intelligence drone makes extensive flights on the Lebanese coast in Beirut
About to become Byerut
>The shoe doesn’t fit
Does anything even fit on your lardass?
And look >>475733328, /chid/'s number one spammer is quick to try and deflect to save you. Sad
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How does it feel getting notified every time I join the thread? Lmao
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>>475731380 (Cross-thread)#

Is that Fauci posting on /pol/.? Or is that simply the average size of jews these days
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Hahaha you’re a funny kike, I’m razzing you. Where did this image originate from Sherlock shlomo? Pray tell
Hairy one, ain'tcha?
I am indeed a hairy bastard, but you finally got me to post my swarthy hand on /pol/ I suppose congratulations are in order. Maybe you get first dibs on the adrenochrome tonight or a raise or something lol but ye ggs man
Where did this image originate from Sherlock shlomo?
/chip/ from few days ago, retard

>dat ape hair
Yeah, you're clearly a sandnigger

>nigger OP filterfag still unaware the fat lard is a britranny
kek, someone needs to murder this subhuman asap
It seems /chid/ is the embodiment of the kike tactics it fears most. deflection and lies lmao
It was fun while it lasted. shabbat shalom fren :)
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A few more redpills
>Palestine does not exist and never will
>you shill for literal terrorists that would gladly throw your non passing self off a building in a heartbeat
>you will never be a woman or look like the poorly drawn tranime characters you constantly spam he
I am nicely tanned, but still whiter than you somehow. My nose doesn’t look like a shark fin either.
Sieg heil. See you on the field someday I hope
>- The United Kingdom has pledged to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu if he ever enters the country.

>The new Labour government has also pledged to suspend ALL arms shipments to Israel as well.

OH NO NO ZIOSISSIES. Our goyim are abandoning us.
Based, finally this country is doing something right for once
Only ME war I support is against israel
>I am nicely tanned
Well yeah, given that you were born in Syria that isn't surprising.

>The new Labour government has also pledged to suspend ALL arms shipments to Israel as well.
Oh no, not the British.... knives? Paki cuckoldry? that they export? lel
>Bong capital threatens the entry of a perfectly good looking white man
>Allows Pakis and Muzzies to flood the country
Not a good look
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Now do the talmud
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now THIS is "/CHIP/" !
so comfy sisters
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>Al Mayadeen: We shall prevail: Live interviews with 'Galaxy Leader' crew

Stuff we already know +
Ansarallah made the flip chief sailor cry from watching Gaza clips.
the crew is well-fed and rumor has it , the crew are hooked on Khat
>white man
Jews aren't White. We're a people not a descriptor. Dumb fuck
oh no
oh, so its as scott ritter said, israel will only be allowed the weapons as long as he has a ceasefire deal.
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>A photo of an IOF vehicle abandoned by zionist forces in Gaza City, northern #Gaza Strip, after it was damaged by the strikes of the resistance.
Bros, this is offtopic but:
I went to a scottish bakery and their shortbread is the bomb. I had no idea scottish cuisine was so good. Im addicted to this shit rn.
>bmx bikes on top
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>Arab media reports on 4 American and British attacks on the island of Kamran, in the province of Hodeidah in Yemen, about 60 km north of the port of Hodeidah.

Kek houtshits getting BTFO and dying of pure frustration that they can't even get their response going
Fifth stage of escalation is coming baby killer :)
you are not white, you disgusting worm
kek says the seething bitch of Ahmed
/chid/ can't accept the fact that we're whiter than thou
>/chid/ can't accept the fact that we're whiter than thou
Honest question, when did the palestine not being real thing start?
I noticed that mega-jews only refer to them as gazans and the argument of bringing palestine existence into questioning is seen more and more in social media nowadays
Since forever? Even today using the term "Palestinian" as an Israeli outs you as a leftist. The vast majority of Israelis call them "Arabs" (aravim). We never bought the Sykes and Picot fabrication of them being a different people from other Arabs.
A lot of the fringe hasbara talking points have been embraced by useful goyim. it used to be widely accepted that criticism of the Israeli gov was not antisemitic. Now you have congress trying to equate the two.
nah, hadrian named it palestine 2000 years ago, cope and seethe khazar rat
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>since forever
Shut the fuck up jew
You can sort your fake differences with the Balestinians. But you European-invented "Lebanese", "Syrians", "Jordans", "Egyptians" and so forth are all the same degenerate brown durka durka subhuman race, and we will "Nabka" you all the same in due time.
>But you European-invented "Lebanese"

Phoenicians are not a European invention, they built empires around the Med and conquered parts of Europe. Modern Lebanon is their successor and they have been in that region for 15,000 years. Cope and seethe, you self hating khazar subhuman
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>Satellite photo: Almost all the oil tanks in Hodeida port were destroyed or damaged by the Israeli attack

>phase #29642809 of toppling A̶s̶s̶a̶d̶ Israel
EIlat port status?
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Trying to push the name Palestine on the map lmao. It was Canaan and now Israel, but never Balestine
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>Trying to push the name Palestine on the map lmao. It was Canaan and now Israel, but never Balestine
Everyone loves palestine, even your own women.
The Iraqiswede thinks i'll forget his Yemenite Twink obsession lol
ahem: Jerusalem was rebuilt as a Roman colony under the name of Aelia Capitolina, and Judaea was renamed Syria Palaestina
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""Palestine"" idea as a country was started by the Soviets after the Arabs lost in 1967. Before that they themselves called themselves Jordanians. It's a made up ethnos created solely as a strategic identity to oppose Israel.

This is what im talking about
Everybody knows that Israel is a state that forced into existence after ww2, the US bragged about it all the time.
Bringing into question the validity of a state just seems like it would naturally push the conversation into questioning the legitimacy of israel itself
>""Palestine"" idea as a country was started by the Soviets

Hadrian was not a soviet, nice try jew
Hadrian was just based
they forgot in their kikebooks, they were crying about getting raped by Philistines...
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What about bollystine, aka brampton canada?
Balestinian Arabs are not Romans, they are Arabs. Greasy Arab monkeys.
Why are you sending me a picture of delhi?
>Balestinian Arabs are not Romans

Khazar jews are not semites, they are khazars.
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During Ottoman rule, the Ottomans referred to ""Palestine"" as southern Syria. When the British came along and split the Arab borders post-World War I, they decided on ""Palestine"", using one of the many historic names of the area.

The Arabs, of course, didn't refer to themselves as Palestinians, as they didn't want to refer to themselves by the name colonizers gave their borders.

From 1948 to 1967, the Arabs of the land in the West Bank were taken by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

In 1964, the PLO was formed and adopted the name Britain gave the territory. After losing the 1967 war and the West Bank becoming occupied by Israel, the Arab struggle grew as a people without a country and started identifying with the PLO and its leader Yasser Arafat as their representative.

This is the start of the Palestinian identity and no amount of cope or seethe will change that.
>During Ottoman rule, the Ottomans referred to ""Palestine"" as southern Syria

What does this have to do with Hadrian again?
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>What does this have to do with Hadrian again?
Hadrian living in every kike's head rent free
Balestinian Arabs are not Philistines, they are Arabs. Greasy Arab monkeys.
Khazar jews are not semitic, they are khazarian converts, greasy khazarian shitpoops
Hadrian should have finished the job
That's true actually, but Saudi Arabs are mutts and not real Arabs.
Real Arabs come from the levant, not the peninsula.
>coping as expected
Shartdrian was a faggot who liked to buttrape young boys, just like Mudslimes today. So I guess they do have a lot in common! thank you anon, truly I didn't see the connection before

Is that why only the sharmerican bought it up?

Kek I love how nobody can't even try to refute anything, only cope.
""Paleshitnians"" will always be gutter trash arab whores that even the Jordanians didn't want to take back.
>Shartdrian was a faggot

why are jews so obnoxious and obsessed with poop? You and pajeets man
>From 1948 to 1967, the Arabs of the land in the West Bank were taken by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
>In 1964, the PLO was formed and adopted the name Britain gave the territory. After losing the 1967 war and the West Bank becoming occupied by Israel, the Arab struggle grew as a people without a country and started identifying with the PLO and its leader Yasser Arafat as their representative.
>This is the start of the Palestinian identity and no amount of cope or seethe will change that.

No, there's record of Arabs referring to themselves as distinct Palestinians hundreds of years ago.
But it doesn't really matter, these lables change and are irrelevant to the argument of right of return
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>Roosevelt asking Hitler not to invade Palestine
Palestine state is older than the pissrael fake state
poop and cows, both of them.
Arabs existed in antiquity in the Levant. Which makes this whole thing funny. A people who call themselves Arabs, who speak Arabic, and are Arab for as far as they know, all these nitwits try to convince Israelis are anything but Arabs!! They are Romans! They are Phoenicians! They are Philistines! But Arabs??? No way!
>every accusation is an admission
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>he doesn't know

>here's record of Arabs referring to themselves as distinct Palestinians hundreds of years ago
Go ahead and prove it. Should be easy? Unless you're lying and simply gonna post an irrelevant old map showing ""Palestine"".

They only started referring to themselves as such after the Britrannies revived a 2500 year old name from history books.
You are obsessed with feces because of Hadrian? This is your answer?
he doesnt have an answer. he even pointed to a movie made by jewish writers, directors and actors. thats how much they hate him.
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The seethe is incredible.
Hardrain is a statue and the Jews are a state. I don't give a fuck about this guy
why are you so obnoxious? who told you to behave in this manner?

the jews are a state? so all jews everywhere are responsible for israel's actions?
>jewish homoerotic fanfiction
I too love to rewrite history to fit my narrative
I'm always here faggot, even when I don't post I'm lurking
I'll send you some when I'm back from the gym
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>waaahh stop bullying me Jew master!11!!
What did she say? I haven't seen boomer news this week
You're a disgusting demon. Eat shit and die. Only Indians can tolerate your stench.
seriously, did you grow up seeing this histrionic behavior from your parents or something?
Mid of the 2000s they first started using it
Take your reddit reaction image and go back you Oct 7th tourist kike
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>when I'm back from the gym
First the Poorduran now you
Is this a codeword for sucking dick or something? raping a goat? whatever is you gayrabs do in your spare time
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Take my cock and shove in your mouth, you stinky Chinknigger
every shill in this thread rn be like:
You have an obsession you faggot. KYS. You'll never be White. You'll never have a state. You're a mafia LARPing in the desert and losing to Hamas and your own cowardice.
You and Indians are a perfect pair.
Why are you guys arguing with Hasbara pajeets?
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kek, the homosexual jew is mad, don't you have a 5 years to rape or murder ?
no, they consider those 5 year olds militants now. and israelis only fight civvies.
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>literal shit in street poojeets projecting again
Hasbara outsourced to India. He's literally just a pajeet sitting at a cell center in India on a VPN. Making fun of kikes won't bother him. Just remind him that when his 39 hour shift is done he'll still be a penniless street shitter.
>Sarr you do not understand. It is you who is pajeet Sarr
You have done the needful sarr. Many thanks.
Indians are your allies you stupid fuck
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>MORE projecting from the Poojeets
Holy kek
I can smell your stench from here, Rajesh
Maybe its the manlet sheep fucking jew from the last threads
>types poo with a capital P
yep, youre a jeet alright
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>we wuz your allies n shieeet
You'll never be ally with anyone other than a toilet, Arjun Al Canadi
That doesn't even make sense. Indians don't use toilets.
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>And now the literal shit and piss drinking arab ape is projecting again
Lmaooo this is getting better
I know you're a NEET anon, just like the lebtroon.
>replys to me without being directly called out
I'm glad I live rent free in your head. How much did you lift fren?
this is what happens when you give these lower caste people internet.
>muh projection
Im not a kike so that doesnt work
I'm shit posting in between set retarded kike
back day today?
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>Arab drink camel piss.jpg

Sure you are faggit
Pic of the gym as it is NOW or you're a confirmed tranny who ""goes to the gym"" to make a living out of sucking dick
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Curls for the gurls nigga
Back, lats and biceps
thats a good day
You would know
barbell rows>>>>dumbell rows
It is bro
i like both. it depends on my mood desu.
I do both, last set till failure
Yes, it's autistic but meh
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>in whatever pzura tent you live in between Haifa or Dimona
Come on now, Tarabin fag
till failure is good
Something about moving a barbell for me just does it... Gotta be a mental thing.
I never feel like I've done as much after dumbell rows.
I love that pump feeling, even tho Arnold is a kike loving faggot he was right about the pump.
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I have a car you know
Kikes seem angry at me today, I wonder why?
its not nice to brag about things you have that they dont. look at how bad their economy is, he can barely afford rent.
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they dont like gym people
Not my fault they are fat fucks that can't stop eating the got slop they created
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>I have a car you know
Stolen* Subaru Impreza that you took from some leftist kibbutzfag
Oh, right
Why is there brain eating amoeba in israel anyway
even if they went negative?
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God hates kikes and Floridians
whats his leg routine is?
the shooter if that got killed a few months ago
>whats his leg routine is?
2 sets of cleaning his prosthetics
>just 2 sets
Gym's are for fags, a tradition created by the gayreeks in order to lure children they wanted to rape (and they all trained naked)

Ofc gayrabs pedos would like it
Cope fat fuck
i dont think hes just fat, i think hes skinny fat kek
you'll have chronic pain and reduced bone density once you get older if you don't lift, israeli-kun
I'm still lifting btw
Why does self improvement make kikes seethe so hard? There's literally nothing stopping them from doing the same
>why even live?
and people in the olden times didn't have to "lift" because they did manual labor.
In the modern day, we have the convenience of machines so weight training should be a necessity
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Judaism emphasizes strength of the mind, not body
It's how we outlived and triumphed over you all

>Olympics started
Off to /sp/ faggets, hope the Moroccans in Paris bomb the opening ceremony
Ancient israeltes were warriors and regularly practices sports such as discus throwing and grappling.
However I train specifically to look and feel good.
I used to box for nearly ten years but boxing takes too much out of your free time
It is amazing how someone can be so butthurt with the Romans more than two thousand years later, first because you are a Jew, and second because you "think" you are German.
You survived because judaism propagates through the female line, so no matter how many times the cossacks destroyed and raped jews they still pop up.
Kike will always play the victim even tho they're 100% at fault for everything that happens to them
All jews are greek to some extent, unless you're an ethiopian shitskin.
The province and the geographic region was called "palestina".
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>Judaism emphasizes strength of the mind, not body
Obviously, the only sporting contact the Jews had in the ancient world was pic related, literally trying to make money at the expense of chad Greek athletes. I also remember reading Jewish apologists of the time, calling physical exercise idolatry of the body, no doubt you always lost wars.
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Wrong general?
Top jej
>Judaism emphasizes strength of the mind

then why are you so histrionic, volatile and deceitful? strong minded people tend to have strong bodies, they also tend to behave honorably
text source?
lmao the arab diaspora chads win again
>iraqiswede lifts
>honduranpali lifts
>lebaleaf lifts

lifting is a must to make kikes seethe
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>Before that they themselves called themselves Jordanians
That's because they actually are
and ashkenazi jews are greek+lebanese or druze, while the christians are OG jews, who created the main ideology of palestinians, severing their ties to their hebrew ancestors of old, who you larp as and got the religion from before they dropped it, but corrupted it after. The true heirs are christians and samaritans, now you made the mistake of not taking lebanon before peepeeslime and you're gonna pay for it by getting shitstomped by your arab equals (hezbollah)
Not only that but the persian muttzrahurr bastards you brought in are gonna get shoah'd thanks to the ashkis being impulsive ignorant retards and endagering the entire jewish world LMAO
has there ever been a bigger cuck?
Kickboxing is becoming popular here.
He is not even a descendant of Israelites, I don't know why he takes it so personally.
I just wanna know if you study at UNAH anon, that's all.
>Kickboxing is becoming popular here.
its great cardio. ez way to lose fat.
Yes, there is a kickboxing group at the dojo I attend.
The Israelites are the negroes. The Jew-ish people are from ESAU. The people in the land of Israel are not the real Jews
Muslim arabs conquered the levant after the battle of Yarmouk and the land is rightfully theirs since then. Non Muslims can continue living but under Muslim sovereignty. This also applies to andalusia which we will reclaim after we're done with the jews and then battle of Vienna 3 and battle of Tours 2.0. Prophet Muhammad's warriors legacy lives on.
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No wonder.

The kike can't fight. They are wimps. Why do you think Yahoo went to burger land to get help.

Of they were "winning" why would you need America?
But kiketrannies in this thread told me shitrael's jets were unreachable by Hezbollah's artillery
new levels of cuckoldry unlocked..

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That's the biggest public university in my country and all titles need to be approved by them and no. Like I said before I study in Academia Francisco Morazan. You do know every post I make revealing info isn't enough to do x me kike...
>military since
By all even private university titles
>attempt a kike MAGA hat
Are the kikes in Israel happy with their kike leader?
Science *
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Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Netanyahu and Sarah celebrate their son Yair's birthday at the expense of their soldiers on the battlefield.
>Note: Zionist media has criticized Netanyahu for moving the time and place of his meeting with Trump to today in Florida, claiming that he is vacationing on his son's birthday.
glad to see Al Qassam artists are still alive
Would rather live under islamic rule DESU.

t. Christian Palestinian.
The problem with this is you Arabs can't run shit. You are retarded. All your countries are turd world. You should live under Jewish sovereignty and also give us sexual pleasure
Did I get you stuttering or are you still phonefagging from the treadmill?
>also give us sexual pleasure
O7 aye aye xir!
Hey we're you the one that wanted to see this?
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This, arabs should give young jewish boys anal orgasms at any moments notice.
I'm the one that keeps telling you I don't talk to tinhouse people.
Arabs and Jews should have a lot of sex including homosex yes. But Jews should run the Middle East, not Arabs.
Are you aware that even IDF trannies have to use gyms? You're underage
>Judaism emphasizes strength of the mind, not body
False, you are unfathomably retarded if you are still inside pissrael, awaiting a full scale war where your chances of dying are nearly 100%
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Behold! the new divinely inspired flag for the state of Israel!
Wanna come to shibli?
>The citizens of israjeet are very happy to work in our pro-semitic gulag
This is the Palestine national anthem that will play if they ever win a medal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hlwDSnkXrA
>>475750853 #
>Judaism emphasizes strength of the mind, not body
It's the same thing. There are not separate systems.
Jews can't even beat Hamas. They're a bunch of dumb fuck Semites who just lash out like retards. Ashkenazi diaspora were entirely responsible for babysitting dumbfuck israelis and even with the entire US government slavishly backing them, they still couldn't save israeli retards from themselves.
>muh ICJ trial
no genocide found
>muh hamas will win
How is that going? Post war plans are being discussed already and Gaza will be ruled by different factions, none of which hamas.
>the ICC will get them
wont do shit
>hezbollah will get them
last time they tried, beirut was toast. If they try again their people will dispose them.

is actually hilarious to see the palicope
You are brown and circumcised

You are brown and circumcised

You are brown and circumcised

You are brown and circumcised

You are brown and circumcised
checked and ke'd !
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Ukraine status: not taken
Lebanon status: not taken
Syria status: not taken
Great pissrael plan status: lol
evert accusation is a confession
wanna easily make them seethe ?

remind them that the Jewish Agency, a branch of the Zionist organisation that shipped millions of rats to Palestine used to be called The Jewish Agency for Palestine

it is documented
it was chaired by Isntreal's first minister, David Ben Gurion
>brown and circumcised
Lol, wont do shit. Theres over 60 countries still able to argue against the decision.
some details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Agency_for_Israel#Name

they're good at shilling but they forget that it leaves a trace lol https://www.loc.gov/item/2015646411/

this dates back to the beginning of the 20th century kek
Gaza: ACK
i'm not your mom, faggot.
Israel: ACK
There's mountains of historical evidence, almost entirely provided by zionists themselves against the legitimacy of israel and their existence in the region.
They purely exist through controlling western media narratives and disproportionately influencing their governments.
In their best case scenario, israel would still cease to exist if left to its own devices because they're a fake country with no identity or ties to the land.
Much like is gradually happening right now, actually.
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slightly off-topic, but how do you get shot in the ear by a high-powered rifle like ten days ago and then magically your ear is completely healed and you no longer need to even wear a bandage?
All this work, and no one you’re trying to convince is going to read your post. Know why? Because everyone knows journalists generate clickbait to extract (you)s from the mentally retarded.

Israel is the same as ever. I know because I have friends there and their lives go on as usual. For every Jew that leaves, another one goes on taglit and mingles with the battle hardened Tel Aviv qts. Meanwhile Gaza is a shithole and hamas managed to turned it even more shit somehow.

Everyone (you)ing me under this line is coping
No one cares about your “mountains” of evidence anymore regarding the word itself. Because to us, sane Zionists, being “anti-Zionist” demonstrates either antisemitism, ignorance, or weird delusions about how the world works (or all three).
Gaza has 1/1000th or less of the total value of Ukraine. Your side lost and will never recover unless Russia falls
The middle east will never be the same after this. You retards cheer for your own demise
>Hamas is in no state to govern Gaza anymore
>Beace process is kill, no two states
>Jews more than ever aware of the necessity of a Jewish state
Reminder that "words of concern" wont do shit and once Israel is done with Gaza there is absolutely nothing left to challenge its position anymore.

Get over your antisemitism and stop supporting the wrong side
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>There's literally nothing stopping them from doing the same
their race isn't nothing
cool it with the negationism leaf anon
you laugh but Jews actively helped muslims expand and conquer the Byzantine and especially in Iberia because they were allegedly mistreated
or being filthy traitors is in their blood, seeing how they ended up betraying muslims too kek
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>Get over your antisemitism
But kikes are not semites, they're central-european as confirmed by science. Palestinians are real semites, the only antisemite here is you
Cope. We are children of Abraham and you are children of a different fazza.
You're arguing with an Israeli on a VPN
Lmao called it
You are a khazarian x centraleuropean mutt, as confirmed by Science. Cope, seethe and dilate.
Hey, I just love blowing up their gay asses by posting this >>475767283 yet again
Hamas won every political goal
Hornets nest in the UK kicking off over Starmer dropping the challenge to ICC arrest warrants for Netenyahu and Gallant.


Labour Friends of Israel, Jewish Leadership Council, and the Chief Rabbi all wading in. Expect low odds on the government bottling it before Monday.


Tea and popcorn time.
There's two of him.
The real god is going to exterminate your disgusting ass
Ashkenazi are Khazarian. You have no Middle Eastern DNA. Your ancestors 'converted' after they lost their empire and wrote the Satanic Talmud.
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Booo Israel boooooo!
Name the accomplished goals.
LOLing so hard at your accomplished goals.
>lose your entire military and civilian infrastructure
>dat means we iz winners

it's just banter
Nobody reply to the mutt
He failed to prove he isn't a khazarian-pole mystery meat mutt lmao

If anyone wants it. Translated Hohod special episode released days ago by Hezbollah.


Was going to share it but 4chansearch didn't do it's job, lol
reminder pissrael added the retard title to their cowardly reputation >>475732776
they got hundreds of women and minors liberated from israeli prisons last year
they redpilled gen Z so hard on hews the amerigolems had to ban the platform kek

catbox is caput, don't you have a mirror ?
opinion rejected
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>Clashes between resistance fighters and the PA Security Forces in #Tubas have intensified after the PA attempted to arrest the resistance fighter in Saraya Al-Quds Omar Meselmani.
WTF resistance and PA are fighting again
PA is actually strong tho desu..... maybe the IDF will try to use them in gaza now.
Is this what winning looks like?
You mean get the hostages back home and get the terrorists where they belong (in islamic heaven)
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this is your savior ukie kike living in belgium
>khazar-pole babble
You will never be a semite, tranny
>shitskin living in a country that is not his own
opinion rejected
cope enjoyed
You're a pole immigrant with rotten khazar blood, what a filthy mutt lmao
Israel is like 50% Ashkenazi you mong
They have millions of Middle Eastern Jews. You are so retarded I feel sympathy for your mother.
no need to be jealous kike, the unemployment checks hit good here. too bad you cant afford to come here tho.
>They have millions of Middle Eastern Jews
hitler shouldve mowed the lawn there too
Phone fagging and I'm not afraid kike. There is nothing you can do even if I was doxxed ...
nice lmao
Jews are loyal to each other and work for their goals and that is why you are not in Iraq right now.
Wanna know something funny? Tomorrow more terrorists will die, and future terrorists, haha and you will cope
I wonder what will mutts do if the uk actually does this. Most Europe even kruts respect the UN. They build their whole world projection on the UN.
Man even if abbas isn't dragged through the streets I hope he has a stroke
Kikes will stab one another if it means they can win a shekel and I've seen it happen irl.
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>Jews are loyal to each other
>if you really knew how bad things are
I'm extremely surprised he dropped the challenge, if they actually act on a warrant it'll be nuts.
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>Jews are loyal to each other
should i bake?
nice fantasy
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You wish it was a fantasy
Gaza is a fantasy. This entire thread is a cope and I already explained why.
>ICC, ICJ, Lesbollah wont do shit
>Hamas buckbroken

too bad hmm

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