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Previous >>475730838

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death).

>Al-Qassam Brigades traps a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.
> Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.
>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.

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>Jews are loyal to eachother
>Jews are loyal to eachother.
>Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
TLDR anyone?
>buckbroken by a watermelon emoji
it was the pier that the MSM said will help send aid to gaza, but in reality was there to help usa extract the oil from gaza easier.

It was washed away
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>Jews are loyal to eachother..
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>Jews are loyal to eachother...
Shit held for 2 months and cost hundreds of millions to built and maintain. Extracting oil seems trivial in comparison. Got sauce on oil?
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>Jews are loyal to eachother
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>Jews are loyal to eachother.
Kek, this one destroyed him
kek, classic jewry
I wonder if Iran has developed a missile that can take jets out. We've already seen drones downed
AA systems?
they're def limited by range (how high up the jet is flying)
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Wasted digits and are you anons straight?
Depends on the mission and type of plainFor example the u-2 jet was shot down. By old Soviet missiles. That's a spy jet and is still in service. Fighter jets are another story. Because they can hit Mach speed. So I wonder if they developed something that can actually lock on. We already know they have hypersonic missiles that can keep up
>Stop dodging answer my questions are you anons straight?
Well, like I've told me many kikes before. I've already fucked your mom and your sister.
>For example the u-2 jet was shot down. By old Soviet missiles. That's a spy jet and is still in service. Fighter jets are another story. Because they can hit Mach speed.

The reason the U2 was shot down is because it needed to go slow in order to be able to take the photos above russian soil. Same with modern fighter jets, you cant drop a bomb at mach speed. And if it ever came to be, that they wanted to hone in on one target, the jets need to slow down and get closer to the ground. Mach speed is meaningless if you cant fight at mach speed. The reason speed is important is just so that you can quickly get out once the bomb is dropped or the target destroyed, before reinforcements arrive.
Well, I was using the U2 because of how high it flies. But you can go Mach slow down to lock on the target, drop bomb and go mach again. My point was if they can actually intercept them before they ever get to see the target.
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Shokran lal 3aish al 6aza ya akhi al iraqi.
Al mowt lal yahood.
That depends on their system. Im looking into it and the best they have is the Bavar-373 system which iran says is equivalent to S400 and can shoot down 5th gen fighter aircrafts.
3fuan ya akhi.
Most jets nowadays aren't equipped with the mk41 bombing deployment systems mainly because of the added weight and it's really really really expensive lol.
Listen to the mohendes kek.
I would love to see a kike jet go down.
werent mk41 systems on the naval fleet? not the jets?
is it morning?
forgot to add that fighting at mach speed would greatly reduce accuracy and precision which is key for bombing shit lol
The thing is, if they fly an F35 into iran. Iran prob doesnt wanna destroy it since they wanna reverse engineer it.

So if the USA gives them the order to go to iran. They need to carefully think about which jets they are gonna send into them.
Back in the 70's when it first launched both had them but now only naval fleets.
Another reason why jets nowadays don't is also balance.
saba7 al khair fren
even tho it's night here kek
>Palestinian 1 shot 2 kills
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He got the 3rd one as well
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That couldn't have been hard to get a Kikes female.
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I mean, this is what you are up against.
The phone is thicker than his arm
damn straight
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hamas is steamed ham
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shitskin cope thread
anyone got the new kino
Kikes aren't white, they're Turkish-mongolic-slavnigger mutts
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Man... where're our kikes? The Hasbara has been shit tier. They don't bump enugh, just doing nothing lately
Death to all parasites.
Cost doesnt exist among truest community.
stop trying to false flag with a VPN sandnigger
They got replaced by pajeets and sent into combat.
>the jews forced all of each-other into suicide

Conscripts are hostages.
Viva PhilistinaZZ
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sandniggers get gibs from the government they cant afford a vpn you dumb mutt
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Then how come they get free healthcare and college, and free land/home when they move to israel?
Like shooting fish in a barrel
Bibi's visit to US Congress (2024, colorized)
kek. saved
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>Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
>*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death).
You forgot mudslime, goat Fuckers let the sandpeople fight over pisrael
OK, this made me hungry. I'll go make some hummus
Hey poojeet, your statement made no sense and it's a sad day when I'm the one correcting you
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Friendly fire happens all the time retard
and then everyone clapped and palestine was freed
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True. IDF kills each other 20% of the time.
If you were surrounded by jews 24/7, 365 days a year. As if you wouldn't want to kill them too
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>105 KIA
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What ungrateful golem. Used purely to scheme and protect israel's interest, only to turn on their master
This isnt what you think it means retard. Hamas not hitting the IDF means more deaths are due to mismanagement and friendly fire. Your palesbaboonian freedom fighters destroy their own hospitals;
>Hezbollah Missiles Destroy Israeli Factory As Iron Dome Fails Again; IDF 'Ready For Decisive War'
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Why can't israel stop winning?

Also, why did we never hear about this Arkansas weapons factory vidrel again? They produced javelins, hellfire missiles, and other nice goodies for our masters
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Threadly reminder that kiketrannies are not real semites and the belgium faggot is a slav-pole-khazar-turk muttnigger
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Your friend got his arsehole blown open in the previous thread and now you are begging for it to be your turn.

Israeli GDP will grow 1.5% in the year of the war.
It is in the middle of OECD countries. Unemployment is around 4%. Singnificantly less than in majority of OECD countries.
Very few Israelis left Israel after 7th of October. 20-40k out of 9 millions

But yeah, Israel is losing so hard bro
>Hamas not hitting the IDF means more deaths are due to mismanagement and friendly fire.
you realize that makes the IOF look even worse right
>mutt niggerbabble
Didn't read btw
You will never be a real semite, muttie~
You are retarded but probably in a funny way so I will hear you out
>Very few Israelis left Israel after 7th of October. 20-40k out of 9 millions
you sure about that, clown?

What did the mutt say?
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>grow 1.5%

You mean drop 20%
Brutal, you're wiping the floor with the kikemuttranny
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They're not exactly sending their best and brightest. Every one of his stats was the complete opposite of reality. Let alone that foreign investment has dropped by 90%, Good teamwork fren
Kikes get trained to lie ever since they're little goblins, because the Talmud instructs them to lie as a means of thriving among different cultures. Every other religion teaches their kids to always tell the truth, except for judaism, in judaism lying is rewarded and praised. This is why I always assume that anything a kike says is a lie.
The magic numbers were down before 7 october. Not even with time machines cummuz can win :(
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خيبر خيبر يا يهود جيش محمد سوف يعود
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Jews are even punished if they don't lie, to protect jew criminals. The punishment is death, if they don't lie and do everything else possible to protect a jew criminal & the property that he stole.
Plus after they're murdered, they then suffer for all eternity

It's why you can never allow a jew to sue you in regular court, or vice versa. You must take the jew to a jewish court, since that's the only court that they will tell the truth in
> Dad taught that to me as a kid
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I always wondered why they lie so much. Is it genetic? Is it environmental? Is it the talmud? Is it the rabbi leading each community, who gives advice and speaks under the framing of the talmud (even to the jews that supposedly never read the talmud)? There's so many possibilities, but the only certainty is that jews lie
Your dad is unfathomably based. If one learns the way kikes work, its quite easy to avoid their traps.
Its a combination of factors:
It's been scientifically proven that circumcised people develop psychotic and psychopathic tendencies in their adulthood. Perhaps because once a male can't feel half of the sexual pleasure he is supposed to feel, he starts resenting the world, and hatred is coincidentally considered a virtue in the tal-MUD
Kikes are how the are because their ancestry are the edomites, a tribe that survived not by building a civilization but by existing as parasites of the surrounding civilizations of their time. The catholics made the lethal mistake of allowing them to practice usury instead of exterminating them.
>judaism itself
All religions teach people to act in good will, to be honest and helpful, except for judaism. In the talmud, kikes get explicitly instructed to do everything they can to fuck the goyim over, and they get rewarded for doing vile things to the goyim. This is why no kike is good, and no kike should ever be trusted, because we are talking about animals that have been raised to lie, taught to lie and rewarded by lying.
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Based. There’s absolutely something wrong with kikes, they should be taken to labs and studied closely.
The turkish-mongol tribes were already pretty savage to begin with, and we know for a fact they never built anything remarkable in the khazarian memempire, because they were mercenaries for the byzantine empire. All that got tripled through judaic rites, that's why all kikes look white only in color, while their faces look like long-faced mongrels.
Ashkenazi are particularly an ethnicity at this point, so yes it’s both genetics, up raising and their religion. Even if they’re atheist, Judaism is part of their culture.
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They’re particularly mutts, like gypsies.
They all have the same disgusting face, with big ears, big lips, a long face, and their skin is pale due to low testosterone
Hmmm... why would god give genetic disorders to his chosenites???
>niggas lost Jerusalem never regained it, and are about to lose Gaza and are like "we are winning"
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Don’t be fooled, kikes have two features, the one on the right is what you described, the other is the Slav mongrel kike phenotype (khazar blood) on the left.
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The khazar mongol phenotype, these are the low iq barbaric ones.
I'm all for kike on kike violence. You retards just seem to do it more than others
OK, that actually made me laugh out loud
Left is the typical Netanyahu face. The khazars are also the ones with more "pedigree" among their ranks.
Someone please post nuggets and aftermath for this faggot. I still haven't gotten around to recovering my files.
I could feel my food almost exiting my stomach after seeing this Pic
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It is a lot of fun to watch though. Not unlike when IDF dressed up as EMS, went to go rescue the jewish hostages in an ambulance, and then went inside the home where the jewish hostages were held

They came out shortly later without any of the hostages. Then they left. Their mission was complete, as their job was to murder the jews, not rescue them. Which is why Hamas had to later release tapes of the hostages from only hours beforehand, showing them alive and well before the IDF jews came to "rescue" them
> Or another story like picrel, when the jews were waiving white flags and half naked, and then...
murdered every sin
They have the most punchable insufferable demonic faces.
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20 Pack of Chicken McNuggets incoming...
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Gonna take a short break, and then continue. Fingers getting tired of all the captcha's, etc
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Checked, and interesting collection of phenotypes. The one on the left could easily be a jeet, while #4 looks like every line of British DNA simultaneously collided in a brutal trainwreck.
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Am I going to hell for laughing at this? I mean kikes are not human so I think we get a pass.
I hate kikes so much it's unreal bro
Yes they do
Thanks a lot bro
She looks Puerto Rican.
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Any backstory on this one? I know the London Jews stopped the German Palestine plan, but does anyone know the reasons behind that? I'm pretty sure the regular Internet™ will be devoid of answers, and I would really like to know.

Also, why does the pickelhaube have a goddam teapot whistle in the spike? This has also long perturbed me.
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That’s pretty funny considering kikes are known for that inbreed far apart mutt eyes
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Are you really from Honduras and why do you hate kikes?
Total gaza blackout on US news. They barely report on protests only to demonize the protesters.
Brazil, swed anon made me an edit of the watermelon on her hear like an arrow. I posted it. She never replied :(
Yes and there are many reasons to hate kikes. You seem new.
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I know there are many reason, but it’s just little bit surprising that Latino especially from hondarus to care about kikes.
The ones that had money were actually leaving. But a lot were stopped because bongs tried to stop the mass migration of kikes into their territories. That's how so many ended up in the US. The that fat fuck Churchill opened his asshole for the Rothschilds
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That's the pic
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I'll, assume you are not a shill. I'm Palestinian diaspora and Honduras is a catholic country. On Easter(Friday) people would dress up ass kikes(monster mask with whipps) and terrorise people. You don't see it as much now because evangelical faggots love kike dick and a lot of the population has converted I would say 30% of it
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God, 30% evangelical. And here I used to think that it was bad in USA
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Shut up, kike. I hope your parents, at least, still have enough dignity to be ashamed of you.

It's been a full hundred years, and the wheel has turned again, and this time there will be no trace of you scum left after the pendulum has done its work. I hope, anyways.

Invasive rodents are notoriously hard to get rid of, but with the aid of all the populace, we can surely get the job done. Look at Alberta, for example. What irony to be rat-free for a century or so, and then to get overrun with human vermin within just a few years.
They ass fuck each other with those legs
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Any idea if that easter ritual existed before slavery? In parts of south america, 85%+ of all slaves were owned by jews. They used a lot of whips, and looked like monsters
Gringo missionaries love coming here. It's not even funny. All a scam for shekels.
Honestly don't know, Spaniards didn't import that many African slaves to central America. And the kike community isn't that big here.
You guys have converted more people than I thought no wonder I see more retards than the early 2000s
I get that stuff, but why did the London Jews block the Angriff Agreement? It would essentially have resulted in just an earlier version of Israel, no?

Is it because nothing short of a war would have stopped Germany's independent banking system? That's really it, isn't it?
I'm getting different answers when I ask in Spanish
You are probably right, but I would have to look more into it to give you a well formed opinion
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Holy crap. It doesn't even really matter, which of the numbers is correct. 1/3 to 1/2 of the population being evangelical is fucking insane. Believing a fake jewish scam bible, wanting to serve the jews in israel, and waiting for the rapture
I thought the numbers in the deep south USA were high, but your numbers are insane. Hopefully you can redpill some while you're living there. Evangelical youth is waking up, but 1/3 of them still view jews favorably
The main issue everyday day x gringo church come on a mission here. Give some food makes a shity wood house and convert retards. The catholic church has fallen hard they don't even maintain their churches. The official religion of the country is catholicism. So the churches that are kept basically belong to the state.
>bad goy
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It's pretty sad when you can't even tell who is/was what.

Anyways, fuck Africa in its entirety with a bunch of rocks. I genuinely don't care about sand-niggers, or even regular niggers, since they will never be among my tribe, and so let's just have a fun thread.
Evangelistrannies are the 2nd most dedicated shabbos goy, masons are the 1st ones.
Fun fact: every kike has to go to that gay wall at least once in their lives to lament about not having dealt enough harm to the goyim in their lifetimes, and kikes must continue to lament until Solomon's third temple is rebuilt on Jerusalem.
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It's hard to find such information. It is certainly not taught to us in school.
Thought chip would appreciate this, taken from a book of photographs from the first half of the 20th century, published 1950.

Palestine problem was one of the most controversial tackled by the UN. After years of struggle between Jews and Arabs the UN decided to divide Palestine and create the state of Israel on its west coast. Many commissions were sent to the Holy Land to prevent bloodshed. First mediator was Count Folke Bernadotte, who was assassinated by Jewish extremists. Dr. Ralph Bunche, an American negro, took his place and after tactful and patient negotiation, following Arabs' defeat, finally brought peace to Palestine.
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>finally brought peace to Palestine
lol. Thank you, fren. Holy fuck, imagine the smell.

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