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>Sniper location A
patsy's area but windows below or roof behind him may have been the actual sniper location

>Sniper location B
was in AGR 2nd story window as can be determined by the trajectory through Trump to victim James Copenhaven (see white arrow)

Proof, see larger image w/lines:
Draw your own lines, see blank image here:

tl;dr Deep State tried to assassinate Trump!
locations explained
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close up view
names of south bleacher victims and their locations
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reaction seen in webm - David Dutch is near smoke; to his right under jumbotron is James Copenhave w/ white shirt and hat - you see his hand move toward his chest
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this area is flat - snipers ground-level is 3' higher than fairgrounds (1333?!)
I thought locations were off, but this doesn't seem right either.
Don’t care. Trump went full globalist and sold us out for jeets, niggers, and faggots.
Trump never got shot
Audio proof that different weapons were used
>3 ... initial shot to kill Trump
>5 ... shots that hit hydraulics
>1 ... return fire kill shot from South tower SS

This means the first three shots came from INSIDE the 2nd story window where Butler/Beaver County ESU sniper teams were positioned - their 3 shots missed Trump but stray bullet hit Copenhaven
this is bit, don't shill up the thread
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I will write them thank you letters but I need the address.
Well poisoning nonsense thread #897089233454
Fake and gay
How can the three shots from sniper A be coming from three places of origin like suggested in pic? Wouldn't all three come from same location?
Yes, they'd all be from the same location but they were badly aimed - going toward Trump they hit Corey, and Dutch, and the Hydraulics. So the lines back each one shows approximate area of those shots, the cluster around the area where patsy was located.

Here you can listen to the series of bullets:
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Possibly my favourite type of tractor.
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That's a smoking gun.
Good work /pol/.
The sniper in the window was Greg.
We need to hear from Greg.
>Audio proof that different weapons were used
I've seen the video that makes a case multiple weapons were fired towards Trump based on audio evidence. Consider this however, Director Wray of the FBI made the claim that 8 cartridges were recovered on the roof near Crooks body, assumed to have been exhausted from his firearm.

If we can prove without the shadow of a doubt that shots came from other locations, then this means the FBI was 100% in on this assassination attempt, and Director Fray committed gross perjury during his testimony today.

The only other possibility is that Director Wray was simply reporting what his agents had recorded. So it would be the FBI agents in the field who were in on this ploy against Trump.
It's showing that no matter where Crooks was on that part of the roof, the shot was impossible.
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Post Interview with original witness interviewed on tv - this is crazy -
not 1 casing can be seen on the badge cam video of swat talking to the SS or ATF guy with the red tie on the roof next to the dead body. They might not be in frame or possibly rolled off but its weird that there's not one to be seen


Greg was in the window where the shot lines up.
Smoking gun.
Great work /pol/
There is also a possibility that the bullets could've all been fired from crooks position. What we need is information regarding the wounds of the victims in the crowd. We can determine where the bullets came from by analyzing the entry / exit wounds of the folks in the crowd, since we have footage of where these folks were standing when they were hit.
We need to find him before it's decided he isn't useful anymore. You know what happens to assassins after all.
Zero evidence for eight casings.
He fucked up he's probably already dead but that, plus the angles in the OP is a smoking gun. Crooks couldn't have possibly taken the shot that hit the crowd behind Trump.
Agreed. The '8 cartridges near Crooks body' is based 100% on the good word of the FBI currently. That's not enough.
>There is also a possibility that the bullets could've all been fired from crooks position
Deep state are compartmentalized in their conspiracy - the cabal is really in charge and calls the shots - agency figureheads come and go.
he's #1 person of interest ... that's the guy we need to hear from
I agree, let's just wait for autopsy and official reports from (((them))) to tell us what we should think.
The problem with picrel in OP is that it assumes Crooks was firing in the general direction of Trump. If he was shaky nervous and a terrible shot it's possible he could have hit all those weird locations. Again, we need to figure out what angle of the entry/exit wounds were of the victims in the crowd in order to get to the bottom of this.

That is the real smoking gun.
Glowniggers thought we'd forget about this shit by now, not happening faggots. High time you take your fucking medicine.
>I agree, let's just wait for autopsy and official reports from (((them))) to tell us what we should think.
Two of the victims in the crowd who were wounded didn't die. We just need to find some photos of their wounds, and hear some testimony from them. We could probably contact them on social media to get this info as these guys are on our side.
Details to add:

Police chatter on the radios in the video released by Chuck Grassley discussed a possible person on the water tower. In addition, Crooks' van (the one packed with explosive) was spotted near the water tower, and then later on was found 10 miles away near his home. How did it get there?

Cell phone tracking shows that there were people going between Crooks' house and a location in Washington D.C. near an FBI location. One was also shown going to his place of work. One of these cell phones stopped all service the day before the assassination attempt. I'll try to find the actual link for this, but it's discussed in the following video.

Ladies and Gentlemen... we got 'em. If Barron still frequents these boards I hope he sees this thread so he can show his Dad.

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The shot that hit Trumps ear carried on and hit the crowd behind him, nice try tho.

sooo all lines of fire somehow converged through trump eh? rather than basedboy increasingly spraying and praying after the first shot? while playing whackamole with donutbro#1 and probably hearing 100+ people below yelling to LE about him? Sounds a bit like all the expert analysis here on day 0 saying he was a shit shot cuz any of you mouthbreathers could make it. while insisting it was a 22. cuz another post said so. i watched this shit for hours, it was disgusting.

But hey, cool graphic sciences bro, must be real

can never decide if a post is just fucking retards on this board or another brilliant vlad psyop. has to be one of the two, but in reality they blend seamlessly.

please understand that you and frankly this whole board are a perfect illustration of why this country is going down the shitter. it ain't team trans/futa/wtv they are literally .004% of the population. it's you. and the rest of your worthless fucking tribe. own it.
choke on dick, smoothbrain.
even better, daddy vlad's dick. be one with your tribe
What's more, we could also analyze the damage done to the tractor to perhaps acquire insights into the direction the bullet came from.
>OP assumes Crooks was firing in the general direction of Trump.
You're an idiot. Of course he was aiming at Trump.
People can be bad shots, but it's not possible to be that bad.
It's the second floor window shown on the video.
The sniper team conveniently left their post at that window prior to the shooting.
It's got Epstein operation written all over it.
>The shot that hit Trumps ear carried on and hit the crowd behind him, nice try tho.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here, because this only explains the story of a single bullet.
Trump was the target.
Is this the new pasta for today?
Real and straight
Here's a few websites I found talking about Geo-Locating phone data associated with Thomas Crooks going to Washington D.C.




>You're an idiot. Of course he was aiming at Trump.
>People can be bad shots, but it's not possible to be that bad.
You're an actual idiot, because people absolutely can be that bad of shots. It doesn't take that large of a movement when aiming a firearm to completely miss your target.

How fucking stupid are you people
>this only explains the story of a single bullet.
Right, a single bullet Crooks couldn't have possibly fired from his position on the roof.
Smoking gun.
perfectly planned hit all flicked away in a millisecond by the Hand of God
More direct thread to the information regarding cell phone data from the Oversight Project

You guys are so dumb.
Why does every bullet have to pass through Trump? The guy clearly just missed one and it struck guy B.
>Right, a single bullet Crooks couldn't have possibly fired from his position on the roof.
>Smoking gun.
From the position on the roof where Crooks fired from he absolutely could have hit all the points we know were hit.

It's easy to draw the lines if you aren't an idiot. You idiots have obviously never fired a gun under pressure, some people are shaking and can't focus. Especially when you're firing multiple shots quickly, the barrel doesn't stay on target, the gun jumps around.
If a patsy is already a part of the plan, the best masking effect will be achieved by having another shooter directly under the roofnigga, making the ballistic trail of the bullets almost indistinguishable.
Is it even possible, from this range, to distinguish by the wounds if it came from roof or a window directly under it? I assume not, I could be wrong
Enough of these threads let’s just wait for the official Trump investigation and let him end the Secret Service once he’s elected.
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The shot that hit Trumps ear then carried on and hit the crowd could have only been fired from the other end of the roof that Crooks was on, or, from the window Greg was in.

Smoking gun.
All you can do is call people names.
>The shot that hit Trumps ear then carried on and hit the crowd could have only been fired from the other end of the roof that Crooks was on
What are you not understanding about this? That only tells the story of 1 bullet. We have 8 shots we're accounting for. Stop trying to siderail this discussion.
Fuck yourself shill.
Your onions infused ass probably never even handled a rifle before.
Pic is literally what you think happened.
>he could have hit all those weird locations.
Maybe, but we have at least different weapons being fired based on sound profiles of the 3, 5, and 1. The five however were fired in such rapid succession that likely they come from separate weapons, making 4 weapons total.
See the links in OP for large images, make your own analysis, and report back.
>You idiots have obviously never fired a gun under pressure
This is silly cope anon. The fact of the matter is he intended to shoot at Trump. He would not intentionally fire shots into the crowd, so we can assume that the shots are more or less pointed in Trump's direction. From that position, it is impossible to fire a bullet from the angle that hit one of the members of the crowd if he has his gun pointed at his target.

It's not rocket science.
draw your own lines that match with the evidence if you have a better idea
>That only tells the story of 1 bullet.
The bullet Crooks couldn't have possibly fired from his position on the roof, that bullet.

Relax, Crouton. The JFK bullet was impossible too and no one got in trouble, sure you'll need to kill a bunch of people, but you won't be held accountable, but we know.
New thread. Where in the world is Gregory Nichol
lol, you're a fucking moron. It isn't a stretch of the imagination to assume a 20 year old virgin who wears glasses, attempting to shoot President Trump, would be shaking nervous, with his arms flopping as they are burned on a metal roof in hot weather.

Holy shit you people are stupid.
We were doing that all day yesterday.
Anons found Greg in the police body camera threads.
Really compelling arguments there.
Oh, you're a glownigger shill.
Makes sense now.
>Really compelling arguments there.
Go look in the mirrior. What you see is the definition of a stupid, retard, moron. Yes, it's a very compelling argument indeed.
>Oh, you're a glownigger shill.
>Makes sense now.
This website has truly gone to hell. How many of you disagreeing with me are vaxxed?
Probably back in Ukraine by now.
>stupid, retard, moron
Anyone else think he's a little over invested in this?
>Relax, Crouton. The JFK bullet was impossible too and no one got in trouble, sure you'll need to kill a bunch of people, but you won't be held accountable, but we know.
>Is it even possible, from this range, to distinguish by the wounds if it came from roof or a window directly under it? I assume not, I could be wrong
There's a 3d graphic/animation that was put out that drew the lines w/assumption it came from the roof - and in order to line up with some of the victims they had to assume wild shots and aiming at Trump's feet, a spray which seems implausible but perhaps perhaps that was after he hit the ground ... seems the window location under him would have explained the shots better ... but I'll search to see if I can find the graphic and you can decide for yourself
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this is low res
>Anyone else think he's a little over invested in this?
Just filter his ID. Thread becomes more readable without his fedshilling.
I like making him mad.
>Anyone else think he's a little over invested in this?
You're an idiot. I'm the only one whose offered a legitimate method to prove or disprove these claims, and you're attacking me.

>Just filter his ID. Thread becomes more readable without his fedshilling.
Ironically, the shills are you two faggots suggesting I get filtered. You've offered nothing to this discussion
>I like making him mad.
lol you think I'm mad because I accurately pointed out you're a fucking retard? This is 4chan, go back to red dit.
There was a flurry of shots, like either there was a burst fire, or someone pulled the trigger repeatedly, and what sounded like more than one gun firing in a very short time.

There are an awful lot of reasons someone besides the dead Cucks and the barn sniper might have not been the only two who fired.

In the possibility that one of the responding officers mistook a camera in hand for a gun, or mistook an SS officer for a shooter, or vice versa, there are so many scenarios where someone could have been wrongly shot it's incredible it wasn't a blood-bath. But, it cannot be ruled out, from our limited perspective, that the Identified "police sniper team" in the 2nd floor window (behind Cucks), actually was trying to kill Trump. And then there is the question of a possible second shooter, not a mistake, but someone else programmed to make an attack.
This just proves that it was all a psyop.
Nudging glowniggers is the only reason I come here. They won't do shit.
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the video puts the victim James Copenhaven in the wrong location
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>you're a fucking retard
finding all 8 on that roof is almost impossible. AR can throws casings 20 feet
Keep this thread bumped it's the most important one on /pol/ right now.
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Yes, video has the wrong angles. It's pretty clear by comparing two images in shitty picrel

You are so assblasted that I correctly identified you as an idiot. Keep seetthing faggot
>hey some strange kid is acting suspicious I want you snipers to leave your post and go on foot to look for him
>cops on ground? Well sure we have some but you guys took a Pic so you have a better chance of ID'ing him
>someone watch your post? Nah, we are cool don't worry about it
>oopsie whoopsies! The shooter just so happen to get up on the roof in the exact spot you snipers that left your post were covering!
>oh boy are we going to hear about this from the chief on Monday!
This is the official story btw
why does this only show 7 shots being fired?
Seriously what would I do without you?
>Seriously what would I do without you?
I'm convinced you're a women. I'm glad you continue responding to my posts because it just gives me a reason to bump the thread.

Carry on faggot.
8th would be the snipers return fire that brained him would be my guess
I want the thread bumped.
that was the 9th shot.
>8th would be the snipers return fire that brained him would be my guess
IIRC, Director Wray specifically said multiple times 8 cartridges were found near Crooks position.



>Did Crook fire 8 shots?
>We have recovered 8 cartridges on the roof
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>Muh Deep Sate
>Muh Glowies
>Us have alien tech and control the world
>They know, see and control everything!!!
But they can't even kill/protect e fucking president huh?
If anything US glowies are good at fooling retarded, fluoride poisoned, fat golems.
Thats over chud.
i tuned into the trump rally right after the bad thing
oh shit
there is a video of staters not a half hour after the chaos, they are dragging a body off the bleachers,
kinda disrespectfully,
disrespect not just of the dead man, but of the crime scene
i would think they could have gotten some forensics of the body, gunshot wound positions,
let alone rope it off and put a sheet over the body
it was a wtf moment to see that body dragged away so carelessness and so soon
anyone got that webm?
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great graphics but suspicious that they'd go through all that effort and not position victims right, Corey was also off
Zero evidence for eight casings.
>Trust the FBI!
Dumass. Not ALL SHOTS pass THROUGH Trump
Only the first 3 shots are in Trumps direction. The next 5 are so fast, that its likely he wasnt even aiming and just firing in the general direction
Our tax dollars at work, they can't even insult us properly.
Abc shithead news showed cropped body cam vid and sound.
The dickhead asked question and others hi said found 8 rounds on roof. They didn't walk all over to locate rounds, guy bent down and counted.
>on couch watching this and predicted they will find 8 rounds which is more proof this was a planned assassination on trump and rooftop patsy.
>meanwhile accidently sneezed as I was drinking milk, sneezed, inhaled trying to stop it and preceded to snort milk then spray hardwood floor like an ace....

Tribunals can't come soon enough!
Agreed. That video does appear to have been made by a random youtuber to be honest. It would be highly suspicious if the official FBI social media accounts released that video seeing that the angles and topography are clearly inaccurate.
Reports were already made that the Butler/Beaver snipers fired their weapons, so they must have filed simultaneously since there are only 8 audio signatures

For simultaneous sniper shots see:

Fact that ESU snipers shot their weapons see:
>A member of the Butler County Emergency Services Unit fired at and may have hit Thomas Matthew Crooks, who officials say tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump on July 13 at the Butler Farm Show grounds in Connoquenessing Township.

>District Attorney Richard Goldinger said on Thursday that the unit member, who he did not identify, may have hit Crooks, but that has not been officially confirmed.

>“It was reported that (Crooks) had a reaction, but (the ESU officer) did not fire the kill shot,” Goldinger said.

>He said the officer was inside the rally venue when he fired, but Goldinger does not know exactly where h...

Also the shots were first reported to have come from the window where Greg was.
Everyone thought this was where Crooks took the shots from until they had to change it because of the position his body was found.
A total Lie! These rooftop cops think they are fooling us!
This is what you think happened?
Even an amateur isn't going to miss by this much.
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If he took aim, carefully fired 3 shots
Then he tried to duck below the roof peak, and blindly spammed the next 5, that is exactly what I would expect
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He was over on the building much further
What a slimeball.
>We have recovered 8 cartridges on the roof
He didn't say "yes" or "no".
He's trying to avoid lying under oath.
The next question should have been:
>Were all 8 cartridges fired out of the weapon used by Crook?
Listening to salty cracker and he posted a video of a real former sniper interrogating the general or whoever he was about attemp assassin.
He picked him apart like kfc chicken.
Toward the end, the former sniper asked guy if he was told details at crooks house like timelines and what was found.
The former sniper already knew the answers and was toying with this nervous fuk!
>They Completely CLEANED OUT crooks house! He said it looked like a hospital clean room! There wasn't EVEN ANY Silverware in the house!

I never heard this until an hr ago. The video must be around, i haven't looked yet.
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All of you are forgetting the magic bullet that hit JFK. You could just come out and say "what are you going to do about it." On prime time TV, and nothing would change, nothing. Why do you act like getting caught out would change anything? It wouldn't. People would just keep going to work, keep paying taxes, keep on seeking pleasure, and avoiding pain.

It's honestly insulting that you think you need to prove you didn't try to assassinate Trump to keep your power. I promise you that you don't. This is a slow burn, there isn't going to be a return journey, Mr Feds.
No one ever asked that. I was so disgusted. Another good question would be; "Did crooks drive a van, or ride a bike?" Very simple questions, instead we had to listen to Nadlers jewish speil for an hour or so.
Careful anons, this collective is getting close to the truth. That scene had swamp written all over it. I think cooks cell records are key right now, but like I said be careful everyone. I was threatened over a pretty bland comment last night in YT comment's of all places. Right after that video came out of the body cam footage of the three bros on the roof. We are in unprecedented times. Try to enjoy the show
This theory seems the most accurate based on my research as well. There was a dark horse podcast (Bret weinstein) where some dude was talking about a shot coming from the woods based on the footage. felt like misleading illogical information personally..

Also seen the eye witness accounts of someone on the water tower. I HAVE seen the video with what looks like movement on top of the water tower but still makes no sense someone would shoot from there based on what seems to logically line up.

There are multiple news stations putting crooks in front of that window saying he shot from there as well... unless they MOVED the body that makes no sense
What about the other person we see hit on video in the opposite corner of Dutch in the stands, most likely from sniper b
If you beat them down enough, eventually they need to concede to so many of our points, the tiny bits of disinformation they feel they can push becomes inconsequential. This shill has one job here, I know him very well.

His job is to be the "leader" in these threads, to do that he can't appear like an obvious shill, to not appear like an obvious shill he needs to concede to more and more of our points as the thread goes on. Anyway see.
>The next question should have been:
>Were all 8 cartridges fired out of the weapon used by Crook?

I do believe someone asked Wray if it had been confirmed that all the cartridges were fired from Crooks gun. Wrays response was
>The ATF is running ballistics and it hasn't been confirmed yet.

A slimy and dodgy way of answering that question indeed. If an anon would go through the FBI Director hearing and find the timestamp where this comment was made it would be much appreciated. I'm 95% sure that comment was made AFTER the timestamp I provided above.

>careful anons, this collective is getting close to the truth.
I'm certain we aren't the only collective closing in on these facts.
>was threatened over a pretty bland comment last night in YT comment's of all places.
I've been baiting them to kill me for nearly a decade, I promise you it's harder than you think.
Confirmed and Those Digits.....
He deleted the post I responded to but it was basically this one.
I like it when you call federal agents slimeballs.
that was a quick reaction duck not an injury
anyone think its weird that there was hundreds of people with phones but there was no one recording at all towards the building. No one turned their camera towards the direction of the virgin, no one was recording when he got shot even though there was someone recording at the time? The perfect angle to have seen trump got shot was edited and cut so you can't see him get shot. All to much to be a coincidence. They must have confiscated everyones phones or something.
I posted this yesterday I captured shooting day.
Apologize forward due respect for family. If you can gain clues and proof, which is only reason so we can mail all of these treasonous fukers.
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Let me get this straight
You think there is 2 shooters
One is a PROFESSIONAL sniper in full kit, and he misses EVERY SINGLE SHOT on Trump?
Some kid with a red dot sight just barely missing at 150yards is believable
A pro shooter with a 10x or even just a 3x missing from 160yards is not going to happen
They might have started taking phones. The ones who have a good footage and got out of there are probably shopping the videos right now. Or they could all be gone by now. Ever research the witnesses from Dallas?
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As far as I am aware the professional sniper only took one shot. Shot B in the OP. It was pure luck Trump turned his head, the shot was on target.
You’re a pathetic smooth-brain glowie. When your boss asks for feedback, Let him know that they cannot influence anything here without an high IQ. But your bosses won’t. Because anyone with a high IQ is subject to “radicalization”
Yeah, if you guys haven't already, spend a day or two reading about the JFK assassination. I highly recommend this book.
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I think it's still possible it was just one shooter.
He hit Trump once, and could've started spraying as he panicked
Does anyone know anything about the dude in the Grey suit there? Apparently he was asking for people to send all the images and stuff to him but he had no official jacket on.
I think that's why they are so fond of using LLM bots here. They can't be reasoned with, their minds can't be changed and they won't accept any logic that hasn't been programmed into them. They are as implacable as a toaster.

This is really new and they don't know how to handle it yet so their "best and brightest" are here. Did you see the threads yesterday where there were dozens of shills saying not to watch this video on X because it's a virus? They got caught with their pants down.



Greg was in the window where the shot lines up.
> 10ft red disc that the average shooter could hit realistically.
Yeah, with a fucking pistol. 150 yards is nothing for a rifle with iron sights, and child's play with a red dot and just simple training of the basics.
A deluded lone (snickers) gunman.
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As far as I am aware we don't have much information about the baldy. Although someone pointed out that it looks like his head was recently shaved.
The physics of the sound waves (pressure waves) lead to three shooters.
We'll never hear from "Greg". 56 Connections to give a LinkedIn profile just enough levels of legitimacy. Nothing before this job. Interests are DOJ just to spit in your face. Maybe the stories will start to pile up and he'll kill himself and get a burial at sea just like Osama.

Total Glowjob
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Except a pro is no aiming at the back of Trump's head
>open gif
>put mouse cursor on Trump's temple
>Trump moves his head
>bullet hits him in the right eye
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Possible police sniper on the water tower but nowhere near as much evidence for it as for Greg in the window. Shills always freak out over this webm.
A shooter from the second story would have to aim down towards Trump. Those bullets should not hit the upper deck of the stands. Shooter needs to be at a lower elevation.
The evidence alone dispels what you're saying. We already know which bullet hit those targets. The first shot. The line from crooks cannot be possible. I hope I wrote that simple enough for even you to finally understand. "Aim" has nothing to do with it. And its increasingly apparent that you're reaching for any argument you can to deflect this information.
That trajectory is theoretically possible for all shots (I suppose, even though it is really wide) but then you still have to explain how at least 2, or perhaps 3, different weapons (per acoustic evidence) were firing along that same line. It means another shooter either firing from the window right below him or from the building directly behind him, or both.
Oh yeah, if he had a deal with them to retire with a few million dollars on a beach somewhere he fucked it up when he missed.

That nigga is dead.
>not* aiming
How so? I haven't looked at those yet
Maybe he was spraying & praying
Only Robin Hood can hit a 5c coin from 150 yards. Hey why was the photographer using such a high shutter speed?

It's because you wanted the HD headshot in slow motion. Your hubris fucked it up for you. Anyway you're making this a way bigger deal than it needs to be, see.
Crazy.. legit looks like bald cap.. lol
Greg was at pretty much the same hight as the roof, see.
Which exactly matches the original position of the shooter that was reported.
Yeah a bald cap or a fresh shave. Guys who have been bald for a while have the same tan on their face and on their head. I should know.
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Is pic related too subtle of a hint?

This was at the fbi oversight today
That's a little on the nose isn't it...
>Shooter needs to be at a lower elevation.
see >>475545249 for elevation - land is basically flat.
Here's a picture from across the way, seems to me the difference is very small between roof and window as to how that will affect the shot's elevation, but I wish I had better equipment to plot it out and confirm.
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>Here's a picture from across the way,
Not sure yet. This is wild though. I'm actually surprised how much info is being released through different msm channels. It tells me they all fukd up and are trying to stay ahead. I guarantee there's some high ranking mthrfkrs here right now monitoring this thread right now. I fking hope Barron is here
>seems to me the difference is very small between roof and window as to how that will affect the shot's elevation
Here, it's exactly the same height.
Trump got shot in the ketchup packet
The shooter was based in the building behind Crooks based on the echos and slightly longer sound signatures.
He brings it out and never references it directly, he just asks
>”Why might you think someone would be inspired to attack trump”

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>>Here's a picture from across the way,
and here
>The shooter was based in the building behind Crooks


Greg was in the window where the shot lines up.
Miggers think the government tried to assasinate Trump but still think they can just elect him into office again lol
>Ok we tried to kill him but we were worried he might take some of our power away. Also he's racist, or something.
Like I said, they could come out and say this and absolutely nothing would change. What a joke.
This is why the media was trying to say he was so much farther to the west on the roof.
First part of this video is related to this thread. Prob like 10 min of it but here is where I saw multiple news stations putting crooks at that window. They also go over the audio forensics some from that one doctor.

Don't know much about this channel but looking everywhere since it happened for anything new.

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2 shooter theory is now mainstream, Governors and senators in thread, take note.
>vid related

Im totally willing to entertain 'someone' knew there was a shooter, and that Trumps life was in danger. Even the the counter sniper waiting 15secs to return fire is suspicious
What I dont buy is that they used 2 or even a third shooter on the water tower, and everyone missed
NBC straight up lied about the location of Crooks body. They haven't retracted it yet.
That's not where Crooks was, that's where Greg the sniper was.

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A deluded lone (snickers) gunman.
That was john Cullen in that interview.

Surprised that clip hasn’t been shared.
81% of people thought there were multiple shooters in the JFK assassination at one point and absolutely no one was ever held accountable.

Shills are making this a bigger deal than it has to be. 30% of people are disappointed the sniper missed. It really doesn't matter, but we know the truth, and that matters to me.
Ty for link. Will check it out. I was shocked it went mainstream as fast as it did. I thought it would be chalked up to conspiracy theory to obfuscate information..
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>>>475559727 #
>2 shooter theory is now mainstream

Why does there always have to be TWO shooters?
Why can't schizos just be content with 1

Also this >>475559962
>What I dont buy is that they used 2 or even a third shooter on the water tower, and everyone missed

They admit there is a second shooter now.
Yeah the shooter was in the car
>Why does there always have to be TWO shooters?
>Why can't schizos just be content with 1
You can o-scope the sound waves anon. This is very old technology, but now everyone has a mic on them recording, so finding source material to analyze is bountiful.
Do they?
Like I said, even of they did, no one was ever held accountable, people just carry on with their lives, seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.
Why do kikes have to keep killing more presidents?

Can’t they just be content with the ones they’ve already killed.
>two shooters
This is general protocol. You have overwatch. In this case the FBI plant wasn't aware and though he was an hero.
They killed the prophets, then killed Jesus and it wasn't enough for them. They want to kill them again.
It's never enough.
Tell me why every shot apart from the first is centred on trump.
kek, just saw that youtube has a sound evening/balancing feature now, and it's default on.
Why did 33rd degree transgender-family Jew Trump's ear hearlovernight?
This ain't the 60s anymore, muthafawkn traitors going to trial this time around. Never forget, this is not going away.
Yeah, in the archives audio they do at least.

They’re trying hard to make that happen, and to stifle any inspection into this event.

The Butler County sheriffs said they have no bodycam footage, and no radio chatter recordings of themselves.

The police are corrupt and in on it, the FBI is corrupt and owned by Israel and is in on it, the SS threw out a red carpet for the fake rooftop patsy, purposefully set up “poor security”, DHS was involved, and the audience behind trump has Israeli kikes and FBI assistant director in it, they wanted to watch.
Trump was hit in his ear 8 times.
the stands were 15ft up or so? Trump was lower and in front of the stands. Let's just say 3ft lower. How can a bullet supposedly missing Trump's head hit someone 3ft above and behind him?
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I'm sorry, I'm just too old and blackpilled.
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Greg was from Monaca PD and so is Patrick Young
>Pat Young is a two-tour Iraqi War infantry veteran, a Beaver County detective and head of the county's ESU SWAT team, a former Monaca police officer and EMT.
He fired quickly. All the victims WERE in Trump's general direction.
Because the spirit of Jezebel sits on the throne of America, but not for much longer.

This, DEI hires are leaking things to the ‘white hats’ apparently, literally not even for being honorable, but for a massive payoff, so at least we get one positive thing from DEI
>video of the right bleacher during the first shot
At around the 19 min mark shows the entire top row of bleachers (to the right of trump) disturbed by something and seems like it’s a bullet because the guy in white immediately drops… however this guy wasn’t reported to be hit? Anyone have an idea what we’re looking at with the first guy dropping hard? This is the row that had Dutch and Copenhaven. The bbc reported on Dutch’s injuries but didn’t event mention Copenhavens injuries.

dont lose hope
this time it failed
>This ain't the 60s anymore
Yeah you're right, people are even dumber, lazier, stupider, and browner.
Suck it up goy, nobody fucking cares they're too busy scrabbling for goybux™ and legal weed.
This destroys this entire retarded thread. It was probably an inside job but this is just dumb, trying to say the trajectories don't match up while assuming he aimed all his shots right at Trump.
In the JFK days these nudgers had some loyalty even though they took out their own and let them hang out to dry if caught. They hired so many fucking foreigners at the agencies, they don't give a fuck about anything but money. Serves them right, now they know what it's like living amongst traitors the way we've been doing for decades.
I don't have hope I have assurance, not in men, but in Jesus. I'm sorry, I don't want to blackpill anyone. I'm nearly 36, I've been actively involved in things like this for over 20 years, since 9/11.


We proved beyond any reasonable doubt that wtc 7 was a controlled demolition and no one cared, a few people said "nuh-uh" then moved on. I sincerely hope you're right and I'm wrong. Honestly I've been feeling a little depressed lately, would any of you care to pray for me?
Keep dreaming faggot.
I'm sorry guys, please forgive me.
I'm a little bitter, maybe I'll stop posting.
You're all doing a fantastic job, I've seen it.

Let me post this again to remind myself.
Have mercy on me, a sinner.

>Let me tell you a story if you ever feel demoralised. When Elijah confronted the priests of baal, to his knowledge he was the only prophet of The LORD. With unshakeable faith and conviction, Elijah confronted all four hundred of them, laughed in their face when their idol couldn't set their sacrifice on fire, then got to work himself.

>Elijah demanded that they pour water all over the wood and his sacrifice to The LORD, three times until it was saturated and couldn't possibly burn. It wasn't enough just to burn the sacrifice in front of the priests of baal after they failed to do it. Elijah had to demonstrate that The LORD could set water on fire.

>After one single prayer, The sacrifice, and the water were consumed by fire. One of the greatest miracles performed by a man in the Bible.

>After Elijahs complete and total victory, Elijah ran away to be alone and to hide, because he felt like he failed, because he felt like he wasn't good enough, that his miracle wasn't good enough. The LORD corrected him in a still small voice.

>If you ever feel like what you can do isn't enough, just do what you can anyway. It's enough for God, it's not for us to tell ourselves we can't make a difference. It makes a difference to God.
What's wrong with this scenario
Looks pretty open and shut to me
>>475562212 see >>475550780
read the thread
It's not accurate, a lot of this stuff is vaporware that can be debunked. Easier and more professional to just to multiple audio sampling. Fucking Batman did this like a decade ago, this isn't new tech (and not nearly as advanced).
Trying to say anything about impacts that aren't actually occluded from that roof position is brainrot retarded.

>8 cartridges were found near Crooks position
Okay, what makes you think it's inevitable that they've definitely found every approximately 1/4" hole in, conservatively, a fucking 3 square mile area? Panicking retards do not have great trigger discipline.
You know the only suspicious thing is why don't they have something like a modified fire truck packed with cameras and a Shotspotter on-site for all these events. Total coverage ought to be trivial until you start involving high rise buildings.
They had two sniper teams who work as spotters. They both saw him and did nothing until he took a shot because that's what Mayorkas commanded.
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>They both saw him
They both saw somebody crouched down behind a roofline because they were in shit positions. That isn't enough to dome someone.
They seem to be working their way up to Mayorkas, hope he gets deported back to Cuba.
He was flying drone 2 hours before
Was identified 1 hour before
Somehow the police got distracted and couldn't find the guy
Left the roof exposed while he set up 20 minutes before Trump took the stage
The SS let him shoot 8 times at Trump apparently

This story keeps getting stupider and stupider.
Nobody answered any questions at the hearings.
None of it makes any sense.
I have seen the sound analysis
What it fails to take into account, is the distance of the shots and the direction of the microphone
That is, for the first 3 shots from Trumps main microphone there is a near match, which makes sense as the shooter is in one location, and all 3 shots are likely the same distance and passing mic at the same angle
For the next 5 shots, while the shooter is still in same location, he is rapid firing, quite possible in random directions towards the crowd. In which case each bullet that passes the mic can be passing a greater distances.
The first 3 pass about 3-4 ft from mic
The next 5 pass anywhere from 20 to 100ft from mic

The second audio that was used for analysis was taken from a persons cell phone, some broad that is not even pointing camera at shooter, she is running away from shooter and camera is constantly changing its direction from shooter, which was evident in the analysis, as there is variations in the reports and echos that were recorded
Unlikely is not impossible. Circumstantial evidence will need to be stronger than that. We need proof beyond a shadow of a doubt because the media will obviously cover for the FBI.
They knew about him for an hour. Multiple agencies, SS/ATF/FBI/PD/etc.
That says enough.
Who is that Taliban looking faggot being arrested?
That might account for some of it I agree (if different mics were used) but it doesn't account for the accoustics. The mic on stage would have recorded a lot more bandwith, but I also suspect that if that was even released to the public (it hasn't, just from the speakers as far as I'm aware), the cell phone (if that's what it was) picked up very identifiable accoustic differences. Any other phone in the area would have the same signatures. There are real answers in the recordings on an analyzer.
They should do a fire drill at all their buildings, then just lock them out and fire them all via text. Glownigger problem solved.
and these keystone cops just happened to be in charge of the only building SS didn't want to cover for unknown reasons
If only the Jews could count this many digits.
One of the two people detained that are mentioned here. The SS thought one of them was riding the bike but that was later said to be Crooks.

I don't have any more information than that unfortunately.
Im not even comparing the different mics. It is a separate analysis for 2 recordings each using their own mic

Mic 1 is from the live feed, and is the mic that Trump was speaking into
3 shots, were matched to shooters location, the next 5 show anomaly. But only if you assume that all 8 shots come from 1 location and are all passing mic at same angle and distance.
If however, for the 5 rapid shots, the shooter is just randomly firing towards the crowd, then clearly the angle of bullet and the distance each bullet passes the mic could greatly vary

Mic 2 The cell phone, is pointed at shooter for first 3, then she turns and starts running the camera waving back and forth. Obviously this is going to effect the recording. You literally even have a doppler effect if you are waving a mic back and forth.
There was an eye witness account that claimed Crooks turned the gun on the people that were on the grass pointing at him on the roof
So if Crooks fired 3 shots towards Trump (and away from the cell phone) then turned 90 degrees firing towards the people on grass and towards the cell phone, then that would account for the drastic sound change between the first 3 and the last 5
It's not hard to line up mics and clean up the noise. The problem is the physics. That's the give away that there were three shooters total. You can't dispute science. We've got a lot of history the last 100 years measuring stuff.
Before you respond, look up feet vs miles, and mph for sound, and how fast the two propogated to whatever mics were in the area regardless. It was two different guns. Two different locations. Third gun took out Crooks.
Not disputing the physics.
What is in dispute is the data your are ASSUMING in making your analysis

IF the bullets pass the mic(s) and a different distances and different angles, you WILL GET DIFFERENT RESULTS
Nah. Nothing you faggot ass kikes and feds say will ever convince any thinking person it was anything nut a staged performance to preload Trump. That is including all the bogus theories you put out to tire the public of dissenters.
That's ok, his base is boomer christian conservatives and they hate White interests equally with the left.
you can see the 2nd shooter from this angle
>That isn't enough to dome someone
should be enough to get Trump of stage.
You won't get the same accoustic patterns from multiple mics unless there were two (confirmed) or three guns. The last shot is obviously a different round than the first 8.
Keep this thread on the front page, make another one at 300 posts.
Just link it to the slide threads. I'm out. All the info is out there, hell they almost cracked the case when CROOK died and CHEATlel had stonewalled. Too bad they're all sucking down FBI dick. Obvious is as obvious does.
And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
Meds NOW. Kike.
Or spraying off the roof.
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>Except a pro is no aiming at the back of Trump's head

Normally yes, but even pros are retards these days. Wouldn't at all surprise me if the glowies in charges wanted a televised headshot specifically, and were willing to risk missing him if they couldn't get the perfect kill shot. It is weird how that rally was televised on CNN and other mainstream media channels when they rarely if ever broadcast Trump rallies like that. The whole thing stinks and it was obviously more than just one lone shooter
So is Beaver County SWAT sniper Greg Nicol innocent, or was he the second shooter? Where is her??? Where is Maxwell Yearick?
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>Wouldn't at all surprise me if the glowies in charges wanted a televised headshot specifically
They used a camera suited for filming hummingbirds.

These shots were supposed to be Trumps head exploding, sometimes it really is about sending a message.
what are the trajectories, if we follow the official account?
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>direction of the microphone
nigger record something on your phone right now
its omnidirectional
jews lose
Not you two again.
Daily reminder these two shills are working together to derail threads like these.
>kike from JIDF seething
Many such cases. FAGGOT!
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
do you have an official story version of the bullet paths?
unoriginal, and jewish.
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>INSIDE the 2nd story window where Butler/Beaver County
Three shots from the further agr building.

Greg-building kinda glows, saw a known fedboi glownigger (the one that spazzes out when you point out that it was Y on the roof, likes to namefag) post in support of a second shooter in that location. Audio data AND possible bullet trajectories points to the further agr building as the source of the first three shoots.
Good post anon.
You're not even trying anymore, see.
bullshit, they saw him aiming, they had scopes on his ass as he took the shots - do you have any idea what someone looks like on a scope like that at 150 yards?
He's an untouchable jew, nothing will happen unless the people make it happen.
except the explosives in the van are presumably planted or fabricated to hide that it was a mossad hit. when mossad assassinated a hamas guy in Dubai, they used communications devices. The purpose is not fully known, since they also used cellphones. But they are used for some end not involving explosives.
The 9th shot is from counter sniper and killed Crooks, that is not in dispute
The dispute is the difference between 1,2,3 and 4,5,6,7,8
But you cant claim that all 8 should be the same, if they are at different angles from the fucking mic

Either you are too fucking stupid to follow the analysis and see the obvious error it contains, or just too thick to admit you could be wrong
Either way Im done here
an image of the bullet paths, can't do vids rn
>can’t do vids rn
Literally not my problem.
amazingly, we have an exact trajectory that can be mapped, the vapor trail of the bullet in the NYT image
still will suffer from doppler effect if it is moving back and forth, faggot
if you're proud of incompetency, your opinion is nothing.
Caught you.
Here's the same shill arguing in favour of covid lockdowns.
Nice try.
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>HYDROLIC LINE: obstructed USSS vehicles windows

Tactically sound whether or not a complex attack was intended, making driving more difficult while marking out which cars had or could have the VIP in the egress convoy en route to the hospital.

Problematic: suppose the building PD inside did so with that in mind. Were they equipped with 556 carbines like the roof suspect?

Objection: Ricochet and spastic rifleman literally spraying and praying knowing he's getting domed in mere seconds.

>Peak Prosperity competition shooter level semi-auto trigger splits set of shots in the audio: hitman, friendly security, simultaneous (more than one shooter or some combination of friendly & perp[s]), or Binary Trigger Group facilitating those rapid splits

>8 rounds of 556 brass supposedly collected from the rooftop with the alleged perpetrator

Have the caliber(s) possible been ascertained from the audio beside the .308 from the suppressed rifles of the second roof top team behind the stands?
I’m incompetent because you are too lazy and fat to watch a vid? Nice try kike. Kill yourself.
For ONE bullet, not for the other 7
The absence of an image showinf the bullets, per the official view, is strange.
Look, listen, see this whole thing is contrived. Get two shills to argue back and forth on if Crooks or Yearick was the shooter, all the while maintaining there was only one shooter who has no connection to the SS, law enforcement or the FBI.
there are ???? birds left?

how many? blurry pic
>schizo opinion
>no diagram
truvada prescribed.
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I don't care either way.
Get off your fat ass and watch the vid you kike
KYS and live stream it so we can watch
OK Satan.
Do you remember me from yesterday?
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facts matter, to MEN.
Agree the Yearick shit was retarded, just as the 2nd shooter is retarded
And BOTH could be a distraction from the fact that SS had the shooter in their sights and they LET him take those first 3 shots on Trump
nice try 666 kike
>The dispute is the difference between 1,2,3 and 4,5,6,7,8
>But you cant claim that all 8 should be the same, if they are at different angles from the fucking mic
>Either you are too fucking stupid to follow the analysis and see the obvious error it contains, or just too thick to admit you could be wrong
>Either way Im done here
I wasn't disputing that, I called it out. Learn the differences between the speed of sound and other shit I brought up that you didn't lol. ka- haras
>magic bullet that hit JFK.

Oswald was a competent Marine marksman, dedicated Marxist requesting the head of a known Soviet wetworks unit leader in his call to the Mexican Embassy, and the profile type to get wrangled into such a thing.

Not to say he did it or alone definitively, but the properties of the 6.5 Carcano and the propery headspaced WW2 wartime surplus ammunition he used - and its propensity to yaw without fragmenting - it's quite physically possible for at least one of the rounds from behind to have collateral'd Governor Conally.

Wager it's far less than compartmentalized than you'd imagine. It's just a mafia, if it were supervillain 27d chess compartmentalized there wouldn't have been the "totally accidental" shorting of trump related stock
lol he's had a whole day to find a graphic, and there is nothing.

it must be really indefensible.
Yes kike
Watch the vid homo
oswald had previous atrempted to kill the governor, but just missed.
Anon, bullets don't change direction when they pass through someone. Are you a bot running an old script?
You better not be.
Looks like Backpack Beardo
I'm a Christian.
Jesus is the living God.

leave 4chan, you are too stupid for us.
I hope you all know Trump never had a bullet hit his ear
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Hunter Biden here. Patriots let it go. Who cares the world is coming to end. Pops is going to push the big red button. He wanders the White House carrying his underwear and eating turds. He thinks they are baby Ruth's. Look a deal was set up with Iran, where the Secret Service would stand down and an Iranian would blow Trump`s head off from the Water tower. Being a sand nigger he fucked up and missed and then fell into the water tower. The body is still there with his rifle. Fucking funny. H
>Maxwell Yearick is the Trump shooter and has been missing since the rally as seen here
>The mp4/webm of the larpers on the roof with the fake blackrock crisis actor apparently dead, with blood trickling down and his gun ridiculous far away, is fake
The reason they don't want you to know it's Yearick, is because he is a Rothschild power plant worker, Antifa terrorist, and Ukraine Azov soldier
>The implications are immense
>already proven to be fat and IQ
how can someone that never existed be god? Makes no sense. You’re mentally ill + low IQ
>Watch the vid
See you're the kike.
go away reddiot.

You are too inarticulate for 4chan. We have voted you off the island.
oh look at that it all lines up PERFECTLY lmao
>non sequitur about an even from 4 years ago
Nice try well poisoning kike
exactly. women need to get the FUCK out of politics and leadership. they are conniving attention whores who do nothing but fuck everything up and take no responsibility.
kikes always will footdrag.

So, give any shill a chance and he will footdrag, if jewish.
Imagine allowing a kike to vote
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Biceps don't lie
>Maxwell Yearick is the Trump shooter and has been missing since the rally as seen here
Provide the missing persons report then you kike faggot
>you won’t
we are trying to deport you.
It's in the link
>Why play dumb Shlomo?
Provide proof he's in prison

>SAY his NAME!
Hitter should have killed your entire blood line
>id is nar
just sod off fbi
>vlad psyop
Hey infowarror! Where you stationed? You know you're working for the bad guys right? Russian bots? Are you fucking serious? /pol/ was usable before YOU shit it up. Get the fuck out and take your faggot friends with you.
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The guy who made your video shilled for the government's position on covid. Now he's shilling for the government's position on the Trump shooting.

You're the kike.
Hey infowarror! Were you stationed? You know you're working for the bad guys right? Russian bots? Are you fucking serious? /pol/ was usable before YOU shit it up. Get the fuck out and take your faggot friends with you!
Cam someone make a new thread? I'm actually feeling more depressed than I'd care to admit.
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>Hates people knowing Maxwell Yearick is the actual Trump shooter
whoever that is
***thomas crooks
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Sure, if by that you mean Maxwell Yearick, the actual Trump shooter
>Silly jew
sod off fbi loser
You guys pushing disinfo should take a long look in the mirror.

>SAY his NAME!
>works for JIDF
Nice deflection kike
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>So you see, Max Swell Yearick has been missing since the rally because he is dead
Imagine being so retarded you trusted the news.
ffs I'll do it myself, no one even said they would pray for me. It's fine.
What is photographic perspective distortion
>pray to muh sky fairy
STFU christcuck homo. You’re going to die, there is no god or after life and you will be dead for eternity. Get over it pussy
Mostly it needs to be in the same direction and general elevation, ballistics aren't going to differentiate between 10ft at 150m, see:>>475567627
Is there a version with sound?
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>Maxwell Yearick is the Trump shooter and has been missing since the rally as seen here
>The mp4/webm of the larpers on the roof with the fake blackrock crisis actor apparently dead, with blood trickling down and his gun ridiculous far away, is fake
The reason they don't want you to know it's Yearick, is because he is a Rothschild power plant worker, Antifa terrorist, and Ukraine Azov soldier
>The implications are immense
>That name again, the actual Trump shooter, is jew

New thread.

Please note the same people saying the shooter acted alone hate Jesus.
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>hate someone that has zero proof of ever existing
You’re mentally ill
>supports obvious red herring (water tower zipline assassin!)
>hates on audio triangulation, i.e. physics.
You have been made. Fedboi, belief does not matter. Objective reality exists, and you are on the wrong side. Simple as. Kill yourself now and save your family the embarrassment of a treason trial.
ok fbi.

show a diagram.
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No shill ever shilled Yearick, Yearick proves conspiracy. Yearick has always and only been associated with multi shooter hypotheses.

Aegyo sal don't lie.

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