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>Sniper location A
patsy's area but windows below or roof behind him may have been the actual sniper location

>Sniper location B
was in AGR 2nd story window as can be determined by the trajectory through Trump to victim James Copenhaven (see white arrow)

Proof, see larger image w/lines:
Draw your own lines, see blank image here:
Previous thread.

Ignore all Crooks / Yearick shills.
>Maxwell Yearick is the Trump shooter and has been missing since the rally as seen here
>The mp4/webm of the larpers on the roof with the fake blackrock crisis actor apparently dead, with blood trickling down and his gun ridiculous far away, is fake
The reason they don't want you to know it's Yearick, is because he is a Rothschild power plant worker, Antifa terrorist, and Ukraine Azov soldier
>The implications are immense
>That name again, the actual Trump shooter, is jew

Please note the same people saying the shooter acted alone hate Jesus.

NBC straight up lied about the location of Crooks body. They haven't retracted it yet.
That's not where Crooks was, that's where Greg the sniper was.

>hate someone that has zero proof of ever existing
You’re mentally ill
Just scroll past it, don't engage.
This thread is about the location of the patsys body. It doesn't matter if the patsy was Ronald McDonald.
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>jews hate truth
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>Please note the same people saying the shooter acted alone hate Jesus.
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This is Greg.
>seething that he has to die
Many such cases. Pussy!
Just scroll past them, it's the only angle they have and they are pushing it as aggressively as possible, this thread is about the location of the shooters body.



Greg was in the window where the shot lines up.
One of the three, sure.

Ok will do. It’s all just so tiresome bro.
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This is the view from the window where Greg the sniper was located.
I thought there was 7?
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>These are the fellow shooters who were with Yearick but have not had their death shots released
How long until they bulldoze all the buildings.
Total, maybe. Shot's fired, it's three different rifles.
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>Blackrock hates this video
Look, listen, see this whole thing is contrived. Get two shills to argue back and forth on if Crooks or Yearick was the shooter, all the while maintaining there was only one shooter who has no connection to the SS, law enforcement or the FBI.
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>jewish damage control flop
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Judging by how hysterical and desperate the shills itt are, pretty soon.
True. Besides, how can someone that’s in jail be the shooter? Makes no sense.
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>Why are jews so violent?
jews should be banned from owning AR-15's
Make you own thread about who the patsy was. This thread is about the location of the shooters body.
Why did they use him? Did he know he would die?
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Most jews are mentally ill due to inbreeding
There were multiple shooters.
You have no proof of that though, just speculation
The problem I have with the second shooter theory is that Trump is alive, professional shooters don't usually miss stationary targets. I can believe the retard was manipulated into doing the shooting and I can believe he bottled it.
I can't believe anything the FBI days, so if they say they recovered 8 casings from the roof I know they're lying.
I can't babysit for another 300 posts. Eventually you guys are going to need to step up and learn discernment.

This thread is about the location of the shooters body. The patsy could be Ronald McDonald for all I care, this thread is about the evidence for multiple shooters.
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How can you verify that ya dumb cunt?

Wise up
The dead cunt in the pics is Maxwell Yearick, nobody gives a fuck where people were or were not standing
>Look into who the dead guy is and why they are lying to you
>if they say they recovered 8 casings from the roof I know they're lying.
Therefore the patsy didn't fire 8 shots at Trump.
Therefore there was a second shooter.
THIS. Stop with the yearick/crooks theory. That’s already dead and buried.
Lol you wish Blackrock
The fact that you need to lead with disinformation shills tells me that isn't exactly the case. If you thought you could debunk these points you wouldn't have to use the disinformation shills.
Thanks anon.
I haven't seen them so desperate and hysterical in 15 years.
What disinformation shills you kike? I’m a lone wolf just like the shooter Crooks was
KYS faggot
>I’m a lone wolf just like the shooter Crooks
Oh nevermind.
Greg the sniper is a very likely candidate for the second shooter. Where is Greg anyway?
It just means that anyone who believes the FBI on anything about this shooting is retarded, they're disqualified along with the secret service, they need to be investigated along with all the bullet theories.
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>Their symbolism will be their downfall
Yeah this thread is about the location of the shooters body and the evidence for multiple shooters.


Greg was in the window where the shot lines up.
Interesting theory. I’ll have to read more about this
therefore you have to explain how 2 shooters miss a standing target, protip you cant
So you are not rejecting MAX YEARICK as a shooter, you are saying there are multiple?
Are you a bot?
You better not be.
No dude. I’m not a bot. I’m a human being that lives in St. Louis, MO. I’m 6’4 and 245 pounds. Hazel eyes. 3 inch cock.
I don't care if the patsy was Ronald McDonald. I'm not engaging with this.

Trump turned his head, he got very lucky, they missed. People make mistakes all the time, like yesterday how you all tried to claim this video was a virus.

That was a mistake.
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>What if by coincidence
Maxwell Yearick (the dead guy) was there to shoot Trump
>Other guy was there to attempt a false flag psyop shooting
They bumped into eachother by MERE coincidence
>And sniper shot the wrong guy?
Or something

>Either way the actual dead guy in the photos is Maxwell Yearick, a Rothschild worker, antifa terrorist, and ukraine azov terrorist
Aussie fag is a shill. Baked a new thread, and is trying to disrupt the flow of the old thread by changing topic to 'location of shooter'. We know the fucking location of the shooter.
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>I’m a human being
They used a camera suited for filming hummingbirds.

These shots were supposed to be Trumps head exploding, sometimes it really is about sending a message.
By they you mean democrats? Mossad? What?
>jews be like
That was the title of the Old thread.
>Victim location
You're not even trying anymore.
There were multiple shooters, one was probably Greg, the police sniper.
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That said, Maxwell Yearick is the dead guy
Hello frens.
Also see.
What the fuck is FVEY?
Five eyes.
What you don't have internet access?
I obviously do if I’m on here moron. I just don’t speak in code like a faggot.
Freddy's sweater is red and green
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Multi-shooters proved by physics. The first three shots likely came from the further agr building.

Yearick was the roof shooter, but he will be used as a limited hangout, allowing a narrative of antifa infiltration of SS instead of the reality that this was a CIA/Jew mob hit.
Ignore ALL yearick fags anons. That theory is dead and buried. Don’t engage the paid by the post Jewish disinformation shills.
> Intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, all of which being parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence
You could have just said that.
The most likely candidate for the second shooter is Gregory Nicol, the police sniper in the position the shooter was first reported to have fired from.

I did. I'm glad you figured out how to use a search engine.
No… you said FVEY. How the fuck was I supposed to know what that is? If you would have said five eyes to begin with, I could have looked that up. Do better next time aussie
Are we done?
I think I'm done.
I need a break, a couple of cones, and a hug, to be totally honest.
Yeah thread is pretty dead. Take a break bro. If I was there I’d buy you a beer and give you a bro hug, no homo
Guess I spoke too soon.
>How the fuck was I supposed to know what that is
A search engine.
You're a fucking bot.
>KYS faggot
staged and gay!
>First shot pierces Trumps ear then hits James Copenhaven at location B in OPs pic. This bullet also ricocheted and was responsible for blowing up the rail turning it into smoke. Both J Copenhaven are hit and the rail blows up before a second shot can be heard going off.
>Second shot hits David Dutch at location A, near the rail.

To recap: this is why your theories are wrong. First bullet hits J Copenhaven, and also hits the rail. Recreate the shooting sequence with this information in mind.
I guess that’s what you get for trying to be friendly. Kill yourself and fuck your thread you aussie faggot.
It’s all so tiresome.
You're a bot, you'll switch between trying to be my friend and telling me to kill myself within one post. You're a bot.

The thing about books with happy endings is, you need to read all the way to the end.
>And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
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I am, worn out now.
>And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.
Dude go kill yourself and your stupid man made bible christcuck. There is absolutely ZERO evidence that retard existed outside of that fake and gay book. The only people who believe in god are low IQ or mentally ill. I’d surmise to say that you are both. You’re going to die and there will be nothing forever faggot. Don’t be afraid, you won’t even know you’re dead. So STOP BEING SUCH A PUSSY ABOUT IT.
>I’d buy you a beer and give you a bro hug, no homo
>Dude go kill yourself
You're a bot.

See again.
Please note the same people saying the shooter acted alone hate Jesus.

NBC straight up lied about the location of Crooks body. They haven't retracted it yet.
That's not where Crooks was, that's where Greg the sniper was.

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Patsy. Proxy. Pro. CIA/mossad SOP for high profile political assassination:

Patsy: Exists to take the blame. Doesn't need to know shit. You can use the mentalism truck of dual reality. You can tell him whatever bullshit story you want, he could even be told he's helping out the SS or FBI by being there. For that matter, he doesn't really need to exist.

Proxy: Exists to mask the hit. Political motivation makes him a great limited hangout. He just needs to get shots off. He will not know about the pro, he thinks he is the assassin. He will know there's a conspiracy, but will not be told the extent, needs to die publicly so conspirators know he's off the table.

Pro: Makes the shot. Doesn't even need to be a human holding a gun today, could be a riflebot.

Layering the hit like this gives you much more protection from exposure AND gives you a limited hangout in the proxy (allowing a "political fanatics infiltrated the SS", not as clean as "lone nut", but a hell of a lot less damaging than revealing the masquerade) while still having the reliability of a professional killer.

Never forget the 1963 coup by the CIA/Jew mob, never forget the hit on Ronnie 30 days after inauguration by VEEP and fmr CIA director Bush (HATED Reagan). Never forget the US has been run by the CIA/Jew mob since 1963. Not omnipotent, just a mafia.
Police confirm the van was Yearick's
Parked near the water tower.
Yearick's father reported it stolen, after filing missing persons on his son.
FBI scrubbed Yearick's social media BEFORE the shooting.
DAILY REMINDER that There is absolutely ZERO evidence that retard Jesus ever existed outside of that fake and gay book. The only people who believe in god are low IQ or mentally ill. I’d surmise to say that you are both. You’re going to die and there will be nothing forever faggot. Don’t be afraid, you won’t even know you’re dead. So STOP BEING SUCH A PUSSY ABOUT IT.
See how everything is bound by His name? The bot can't help itself, they think Jesus is a bigger threat to them than the public discovering they tried to kill Trump.

They are right.
He is.
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Shot was perfectly on target to blow the back of his skull out. Pro didn't miss, Trump literally dodged a bullet (50ms from death). They are not omnipotent, just a mafia.
OK now tell us more about how the shooter acted alone.
Go on.
You can't help yourself.
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This one is also a highly recommended read. IGNORE ALL JESUS BOTS.
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Tell us more about why you believe the shooter acted alone.
Do you see that anons? How the Jesus bots try to change the topic? This is what they are taught by their handlers. Do not engage them as they know not what they do. All hail to the church of atheism and the god of atheism!
>These shots were supposed to be Trumps head exploding, sometimes it really is about sending a message.
Yep. Oligarchy hit on Trump, carried out by CIA/Jew mob. Don't buy the limited hangout they will try with antifa/Yearick, follow the audio, pro was further back
>The only people who believe in god are low IQ
Sounds like you ate from the tree of knowledge. You're so smart you don't need God amirite?

I'm not one of those cult members brainwashed into thinking everyone can be saved, I've actually read the bibles, and know that only a few will be saved. So you do your thing, you had free will to choose your path, and you can deny the consequences all you want.
We have blokes that shoot kangaroo's from helicopters with headshots 100% of the time and they rarely miss because bullets cost money.
>change the topic
This is my thread, I made it.
It's about how the location of the shooters body doesn't match the angle of the shot that hit Trump.

Gregory Nicols, the police sniper was in the position the shooter was first reported to have fired from, The location of Gregory Nicols matches the angle of the shot that hit Trump.
I needed that more than I'd like to admit. Sometimes it feels like I'm yelling into the void.

The finally figured out how to piss into an ocean of piss and change the composition, its bots.
I'm the OP.
Start your own threads.
This is my thread, It's about how the location of the shooters body doesn't match the angle of the shot that hit Trump.

Gregory Nicols, the police sniper was in the position the shooter was first reported to have fired from, The location of Gregory Nicols matches the angle of the shot that hit Trump.
>if the first bullet flew at Trump's head that means all other bullets flew on the same path
>fired by amateur who couldn't hit the target at much closer range, sending bullets every which way
Damn, Jews really do hate Christ. That's fucking crazy, literally vampires
It's about the angle the bullet travelled, not the location it hit.

Posible, one of my suspicions was two snipers, one inside the building, one towards the bush area towards parking area, and one right behind the equipment near bleachers, potentially the machinery area, potentially a remote nest... the sound... at least there was sound from there... Something was there too... but not sure it's there for sure, I actually saw the video few times second day and did not research after... I came to that conclusion streightaway.

Needless to say the roof dude was a scapegoat and not a shooter.
I still want to know what's below those BlackRock grounds!
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>bullets couldn't fly other ways because angle, mmkay
Threads here are saying he worked for them... what are the chances he thought he was at work and was rold to go up there... and he was a scapegoat who had no idea what was going on!

He was supposed to blend in the crowd, boss tells him go up.
>Ukraine Azov soldier
you niggers keep adding more shit to this everytime i check back in
The shot that hit Trumps ear hit the crowd behind him, bullets don't change direction mid flight.
there are some unscrubbed socials that exist for the patsy still, anyone good at archiving?
>acct goes suddenly dark
>Patsy probably dead before event
>seems to be connected
LEO supposedly served a warrant on gab for a nearly empty account, but there are some nearly full accounts that need to be archived before they get scrubbed.
Sheer fact police said, on video, the aledged shooter aimed gun at officer sho was pooping up to look, and once officer lowered down and fell off the roof wall within five to six seconds this aledged shooter managed on that roof with those glases to turn forearm, aim and unload reveals it's literally Imposible.
Let alone trigetory itself... let alone we don't know who stages what and when!
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You are mentally ill migger.
Lisa Simpson whore won't make it, this is not her timeline! lol

He lived.
That's not where the shooters body was.
That's where Greg the sniper was.
He fired like five times after the first lucky shot.
For a blind dude he sure could aim!
Too well, so well it's suspicious af, as if he wasn't the shooter even.
Sure but the bullet that the shooter on the roof couldn't have fired was the one that hit Trumps ear then hit the crowd behind him.
>8 casings
I heard "8 cartridges"
maybe these were casings plus unfired bullets prepared for the action
"Crooks" seems to be a composite character based off the Blackrock actor and Yearick and some 18yo nicely gun nut who caught the attention of the ATF and seems to have disappeared...
The corpse up on the roof may have been dead for a long time before it got there. There's a reason some ATF spook showed up.
Like I said.
I don't care if it was Ronald McDonald.
I think it was near the flag area... and from bushes towards parking plus second floor.

The second floor probably hit the bleachers dude that died.

Now, I have one more theory but that nuts, basically I have zero evidence and argument for it but just a simulation run... what if there was another shooter sitting in the belachers that someone protecting Trump took out... so they can't act at least, while other two shooters and nests were aiming for Trump and the billboard fucked them up.
The very first shot proves a second shooter.
>"Crooks" seems to be a composite character
Sounds reasonable
Never forget Ahmaud "Armed robbery" Arbery and Derek Chauvinism
azov Threatened to kill Trump, recently, they were heavily contracted by traitors during j6 coup!
So they may have been involved, just perhaps not the way the anon presents it.
That's the only shot that matters, we only need to prove that one shot was impossible from the location the shooter was on the roof to prove a second shooter.
>body not in the right place
I agree. There are some relevant social media accounts that need to be archived before scrubbed, I am not up to the task. Anyone here good at that?
Posibly remote nest!

But there was sound from near the flag too.
I think this shit show had many angles!

Th the fact he made it is a program matrix miracle for lack of a better word!
Forgot to check those digits also the position where Greg the police sniper was located fits the angle of the shot perfectly.
>For a blind dude he sure could aim!
He couldn't, that's the whole irony. Retard almost killed Trump, but Trump's was even more retarded, thus his luck stat was higher.

So the bullet that almost hit Trump was the same bullet that hit the crowd behind him, killing one and wounding two more? This is some Wanted level of gun-fu.
You can tell tjere is a second shooter jist by listening to the shots carefully, the sound match from multiple devices confirms this. This was a CIA hit and crooks seems to be a composite person that never existed.
I too suspect that dude was deas a long while and we dont know who did what when and recorded what when or staged!
>remote nest!
It's simpler and more likely that Gregory Nicol the police counter sniper who was in the perfect position to make the angle of the shot fired at Trump grazing his ear.
Fucking Ivans, if you had any brains ukraine would be yours.
It only hit one person after it grazed Trumps ear to the best of my knowledge.
Shot "B" in the image in the OP.
it's an attempted hit by spooks but I think not CIA, probably ATF. You'll notice the heavy emphasis on AR-15 and trying to ban guns and blame this on gun violence in the Congressional Hearing (look at Raskin's statements). Or perhaps there are spooks from different agencies working together who are very anti-Trump.
The sniper aiming for Trump had a perfect aim and clear shoot until Trump moved last millisecond.
That was a pro.

There were at least two active nests, posibly more, I am not discounting counter fire to neutralize them in the mix, and objects getting in the way thus things turned as they did.

Bottom line, the shoot aiming for Trump was absolutely by a highly trained professional who aimed perfectly.
redditors on r/conspiracy pointed out that CNN and some other major news channels were doing live coverage of the rally, something they never do since they don't want to give free press to cheeto-man. they wanted bad orange guy's head to 'splode on live TV from an AR, and it would lead to serious push to ban AR rifles. this was another typical "two birds one stone" operation that failed due to sheer luck.
If God saved Trump, Trump better step up.
I am left wondering about the third sound... was it there to confuse!

That sire was finely set up prior for the expected kill!

A sound I heard coming from right behind those bleachers near the flag.
yet within 24 hours the media wanted us to believe it was a lonewolf 20 yr old.
I have to go to bed, is anyone here good at archiving socials? Don't want it to get scrubbed before it gets archived and I'm not set up to do it. it's a large plebbit, associated with the main character (or one of them)
yeah i member reading this coincidence on twitter
I got banned here for days for saying it before it hit the floor here... it hurt my feelings! lol
Idk, start a thread about it maybe?
I made this thread to talk about the impossible angle of the shot that hit Trumps ear if it came from the shooter on the roof.
well he seems to be more scared now and open to just doing what he's told. i don't think we're getting 2016 trump, because he's now much older and more cautious. notice how there hasn't been any appearances of kushner so far. if you're religious you can call it God, or just blind luck. trump does move his head often when speaking.

if he truly wanted to avoid such close calls in the future he would walk back and forth on the stage, randomly changing pace and when he starts walking, in unpredictable directions. it would also add more energy than just standing still in one spot and moving his hands. but again, he's getting old now.

God = Luck = Fate
All my threads die, I suc at it!
That angle was shit, that's clear af.

Alright, carry on, I am done. lol
don't forget the world famous photographer who was sent to the front of the podium seconds before trump got shot, taking so many pictures he was able to catch the bullet midair.
trumps head was supposed to explode and all that shit was for deep state snuff goon material.
Sorry I'm just really tired.
i don't really follow the "it was yaerick" side but that seems plausible too. it would take an older, more skilled, experienced shooter to get within a literal hairsbreadth of a headshot at that distance, given everything going on at an event. it's much different than hitting a target at a range.

it's also clear that whoever took the shot was given space and time to do it. light security, stand down orders, etc. again luckily for BAD ORANGE MAN there was a real sniper there to do his job, to fire back. if given more time, whoever the actual shooter was could have taken more follow up shots when BAD ORANGE MAN stood up and pumped his fist.

>gets hit in the ear, just like in fight club scene
>says fight fight fight (another connection to fight club)
>within days, picks Vance as VP (who might be gay, another connection to fight club)
>within days, biden sudden has covid, despite covid being memoryholed, and despite him getting gigavaxxed in front of cameras
>within 1-2 weeks, controlled demolition of stock market
Yeah 100%
Shooter would have to have a ladder to be sure clear the ridge of that roof.
Another odd thing is the video of the roof shooter shows him get up from prone and reposition before he’s taken any shots. The sniper team behind trump had him in their sights but didn’t fire? I heard the furthest sniper team was the one that took him out. Anyone know which sniper team took him out?
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This is still the most accurate description of the shooting.
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yep. the whole thing feels so fake and gay because it was clearly a set up. and like i said, trump is not as sharp as we was in the past, and they may have warned him in private to play ball, not to fuck around, but he declined, and this was their next move.

since my life is fucked up, i feel like all of Reality is fake & gay, and i subscribe to the simulation theory. of course if you are optimistic then it's still very possible we live in a realistic-looking physical simulation (not a digital one like the matrix) that was created by a "God" and controlled by him.

who ever shot his ear didn't factor in the chance of him moving his head. they did study vids of him talking and noticed that he does stand still most of the time and now that he's older he doesn't flail around as much. but he still does that faggy dance.
yearick is a meme distraction. there is nothing linking him to any of this outside of him being a typical antifa druggie who got arrested almost a decade ago at a riot.
when this shit first happened it was 3 shots, the shooter fired 3 shots and then the counter snipers unloaded on him.
now crooks fired at least 8 shots.
there was a sniper team directly behind crooks with a very similar line of sight.
IF there was a second shooter it was that team in the room behind crooks, they took 3 shots and then crooks unloaded into the crowd before he got his melon split.
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to make it even harder for him to get hit in the future, DRUMPF should do a crab walk onto the stage and keep walking around constantly talking shit about the dems.
take a bump fuck the shills
terry davis would have dealt with you mufuckas. It's your strategy to divert attention, for every fact you release 5 alternative but close versions so they all seem stupid. People will learn, eventually. All you do is piss off the intelligent
Like the yearick/crooks side by side post with the lines drawn. Yall literally drew yearick with a gigachad outline and the body with the same one. It's not even subtle at this point but I know the mongrels believe it. Tighten up lil nigs
yeah what i'm saying is there was definitely MORE than 1 shooter, possibly part of the very SS team tasked with securing the event, so it doesn't matter if it was some rando antifag named yearick. i remember seeing "Faces of Antifa" and none of them looked capable of any sort of sharpshooting.

actual guy who shot trump's ear was in his 30s, mil-trained, still at large. of course, only /pol/anons are the ones aware of this. more muddying of waters shit, like those shills posting that biden died. maybe he did die, who cares. doesn't matter. everything is a distraction to cover-up truth about july 13th.

we still end up with same result of biden dropping out, but he hasn't stepped down yet. he's still a puppet no matter what. same goes for kamala. both puppets. with bad orange man, MAYBE he's not a puppet also and that's what gives people hope.
Thanks fren.
Thanks anon.
This is our best lead.
The SS guy on the rood seemed supremely uninterested in him here.


Can I have a bump pls?
Thank you Aussie fren. First post has trips so I feel obligated to bump
Thanks shills came out like a carpet bombing then just gave up.
At least they keep the thread bumped.
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Gregory Nicols from the Monaca Police Department is the police counter-sniper who took the photographs of Crooks from inside the building that had line of sight with Crooks while he was on the roof in shooting position. He is the one who fired the first 3 shots at Trump. This has been demonstrated through audio forensics showing there is no echo from the first 3 shots, as well as having a different sound and delay from the 5 shots that come after from Crooks.

>He is mentioned by name here: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4

Furthermore we have evidence that implicates the involvement of the Butler County PD setting up some local kids to feed a sob (bullshit) story to the media about Crooks being a loner incel.


We need to compile as much information on Gregory Nicol as possible, and to organize what data points we have and provide this to sympathetic senators. I think Marjorie Taylor Greene is on our side and wants to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. This information should be forwarded to her to assist with her case, which has information that we do not have access to.

Here is the video with full audio forensics showing not only was there a second shooter, but that the shots came from the building that Gregory Nicols was stationed in.

>Audio Forensics: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491

Furthermore, I have inside sources who have confirmed with me things that I cannot publicly reveal, but I will let you all know anons, that we are in very good hands. The beast that has drained our life and liberty, hidden, unseen, and malicious, has and is being exposed and will not be able to escape.

For law enforcement and federal agents reading this, I suggest you turn yourself in and ask for immunity in exchange for coming clean and being a witness.

God speed.

>exhibit A: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4
Greg mentioned by name being the one inside the window with line of sight to Crooks

>exhibit B: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491
Audio forensics showing multiple firearms were used and that the first 3 shots came from the location that Gregory Nicol was present in

>exhibit C: https://files.catbox.moe/2qmase.mp4
The kids who first gave an interview talking about Crooks were set up by local Butler County police to provide a cover story about identity of Crooks (incel loner who was bullied). This provides a false motive.

>exhibit D: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregory-nicol-612b80257/
Gregory Nicol of the Monaca police department. The main suspect.
To the agents who have been threatening me.

I am not afraid of you.
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OK that's new.
Crooks was the patsy firing blanks. Hired by the Trump team.
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Stay at it. Shooters locations are more important than their IDs right now. We’ve got some names of two tards and a cop; okay shills that’s enough.
The only one firing live ammo on that day were the SS and Butler County snipers. The SS was firing rounds to make it look like crooks had real ammo, and the Butler sniper was reacting to Crooks, not knowing about the Trump/SS plan to fake the attempt, and not knowing Crooks was firing blanks.
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Previous threads with more information on Gregory Nicol and other possible associates.


Hey the second one is my OP.
God bless you fren.
Did you make the other thread?

>exhibit A: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4
Greg mentioned by name being the one inside the window with line of sight to Crooks

>exhibit B: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491
Audio forensics showing multiple firearms were used and that the first 3 shots came from the location that Gregory Nicol was present in

>exhibit C: https://files.catbox.moe/2qmase.mp4
The kids who first gave an interview talking about Crooks were set up by local Butler County police to provide a cover story about identity of Crooks (incel loner who was bullied). This provides a false motive.

>exhibit D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odrj3tvwbva
CBS Pittsburgh: Local counter-sniper team was inside business where Trump shooter climbed on roof, opened fire

>exhibit E: https://beavercountian.com/content/daily/beaver-county-officer-warned-of-seeing-man-with-rangefinder-before-trump-was-shot
Among those municipal counter-snipers was Sergeant Gregory Nicol of the Monaca Borough Police Department. Nicol was providing security at the Trump rally in his role as a member of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit (ESU), the county's equivalent of a SWAT team.

>exhibit F: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregory-nicol-612b80257/
Gregory Nicol of the Monaca police department. The main suspect.

>exhibit G: >>475570407
Attached webm showcasing inside of AGR building demonstrating the police sniper team had a direct line of sight with both Crooks and Trump

Please provide any other relevant data that can be attached to this bullet point list. Next topic should have this as the main post. It is hidden here underneath all the Yearick spam.

Something else I noticed, the shills seem to log off around 3-4 am depending on your time-zone.
Have a bump.
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I thought you made your own thread.

Actually disregard all of that.
Can you give me a vanilla slice recipe?
>he does it for free
dumb glownigger
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new thread
We could gave gone another 115 posts here, we are just going to end up splitting the threads. Anyway it's fine I'm done for the day anyway.
Weak. Guy on the left has much heavier jaw than Crooks.

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