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Previous: >>475533404
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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
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>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V
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>Iskander vs repair depot
>Another Abrams near Volchye village
>Hohols trying to take down Russian recon drone by using an FPV drone with a stick
>Port Izmail, Odessa oblast exploding and burning after Geran strikes
>Command post of hohol 63rd mechanized get hit by Iskander
>FAB-250s fall on building w/ Electronic Warfare installations
>Aftermath of Kh-38ML missile impact on bridge in Toretsk
>Sniper takes out 2 with 1 shot
>Russian assault on Krasnogorovka
>14 destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1s
>Voznesensk air base in Nikolaev is still burning
>Strike on air base in Voznesensk, Nikolaev where Ukrainian pilots trained
>Train full of T-90M tanks on its way to frontline
>TOS on Urozhainoye
>FAB-500s fall on AFU positions
>Bunched up hohols get hit by arty
>Drunk pigger causing trouble in German playground
>50+ Western instructors was destroyed by missile strike
>Hohols tried to hide 155mm Bogdan SPG
>Street Fighting in Volchansk
>Russian assault on Toretsk
>FABs fall on Volchansk underground shelters

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enjoy the bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!
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Thanks for the bread, baker!
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread
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I really hate jews
>hamburger = ground beef, salt, and pepper (when done right)
>bacon = just a cut of fatty pork
>fatty cheese = milk, salt, and bacteria
Can these things be "over processed slop"? Yes.
Are they always that bad? No.
Stop being a retard.
I have a Mac (latest MBP) and a Dell monitor.
Going to update to latest version of OS and then probably KMS
>fucking around with plists
The days of "it just werks" are ogre. Thanks, Tim Apple, you faggot...
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Thx for the bread Z
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All of them?
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>Hohol shootout over personal disagreements
What the fuck? To be honest, I wouldn't blame AFU if it covered it up, but goddammit, they are going full zrada.
>>Hohols trying to take down Russian recon drone by using an FPV drone with a stick
I know it looks silly, but I'm actually excited by this. Right now we use missiles to take out drones. But what about... stay with me here... we could use DRONES that can take out OTHER DRONES. And even better if they can locate+engage them AUTOMATICALLY.
Pretty cool, right?

We're gonna get "drone warfare" after all, just not in the way people first imagined.
As a Christian I don't like Mudslimes for obvious reasons (and the feeling is mutual). I hate kikes because they actually made me care about Palestinians. I may hate the Palis, but even I cannot condone such indiscriminate slaughter.
I want to lick her пyпoк so bad, bros...
Sopa de macaco can't even imagine you can make a non jewish burgee by grounding the beef your own or asking your butcher to ground select cuts of beef.
Same for the bacon, he thinks all bacon is made in a factory by being injected full of chemicals.
He lives in a plastic world and thus he sees all the cheese as plastic, the mere concept of a real cheese is incomprehensible.
Some time ago i made a burger from freshly ground beef, shoulder and some fat, 15% fat. Little low, i know but the other things helped.
I added some homemade smoked sausage to the beef mix.
Smoked the patties until done, goat cheese and homemade bacon in homebaked buns.
Perfect burgers, so good were they that i forgot to take pics.
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>NATO's borders
>wall of text frothing at the mouth when talking about food
why do I even bother
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What the fuck do they mean, "eradicate similar cases"?
Sure, a bunch of disgruntled and stressed men in close quarters will get grating and maybe they fight at times, but the fact they said "similar cases" means this is a known and ongoing development in the Ukrainian lines.
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Wataya playan ziggers?
They really don't make them like they used to. Personally I think it has to do with the global average IQ plummeting down the shitter.
>Are they always that bad? No.
I made that point in the previous bread, actually. Thank you.
It's a bit like me walking up to someone, getting in their face and asking them
>why are you invading my personal space bro?
Unfathomably gay.
You do know what happens in situations like that right?
I seen like 3-5 videos of how our drone drops a net on a hohol drone.
Also like 10-20 "drone ramming videos"

And my favorite was how our dude shot hohol drone with a plastic bottle with water.

At this point fellas in the ground prefers "nets-shotguns" to the fancy jamming "riffles"
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Every single kike must die!
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I have not played any games for days.
But, I'd like to play more Alpha Centauri.
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>that pic
They're reaching retardation levels that shouldn't be possible.
>convinced we are the enemy
They should stop acting like one
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Sopa de macaco, denounce the talmud and eat some bacon and ham or you are a talmudic plant.
>in one unit, soldiers used firearms to fond out personal relationships
Sounds like a case of someone getting cheated on desu, do they have hoholinas in the same units?
>Defender's Quest
>Graveyard Keeper
>Doom 2
Open to suggestion. Game must run on Gapple.
You come across as abbrassive in your posts, but I think you mean well. You would enjoy food in Japan. Even combini food (7/11 tier) is fresh and quality.
I am also struggling with food and food prices. Paid $20 for a steak at a grocery store that was very mid. Today paid $60, but it was 5 good cuts at a butcher instead. Still very expensive...
>Game must run on Gapple.
I refuse to give you any recommendations. Fag.
find out*
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Russia is a fucking weird country, why can’t Russia be a little more heteronormative?
Have you ever read any frontline reports that compare semi-auto shotguns like VEPR-12 with net guns? When targeting FPV drones and not something higher flying like a recon drone or fatter like a Baba Yaga agri drone.
Makes sense that "EW guns" have fallen out of favor because they are fukking yuuge. They are probably good for stationary defense though.

My gold bar are either smaller drones with explosives that can "seek and destroy" bigger ones or a drone with a gun that can auto-aim.
Got any pics of her showing her pitussy, bro?
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It does not really make sense. If anything the whole, "cheating" thing leading to a full on shootout between soldiers?
Unlikely. What is more likely is defectors attempting to escape and getting gunned down. It works out because the defectors will be fighting their way out while the loyalists are going to try to kill them, at face value all incidents like this are "interpersonal" issues.
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fuck off, retard
>he doesn't know about Пeтyх
>and inmate rape culture on the Zona
In Russia gay sex is not about sex, it's about power. Which is very gay...
Aaaaa Russians a cooooming aaaaaa
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I’m posting Russian traditions
Ukrainian national anthem

Haтиcнiть кнoпкy.
Гpaнaтa пaдaє.
Caмoтнiй coлдaт y бeзлюднiй пycтeлi.
Oднe вбивcтвo зa paз.
Biйнa мoжe тpивaти тиcячy poкiв.
Дe нaшi F16?
Гeй-шлюби тa вaкцини – цe пaгopб, нa якoмy ми пoмpeмo.
>soldier confronts other soldier over being cheated
>they start shooting at each other
>bunch of other people get hit
I'm pretty sure I've read something like this in the news thousands of times.
They were never really “popular” on the level of something like Doom even back in the day. Still I think you’re right. I do think part of it is that world governments were sleeping on strategy games when FPS’s were all the rage and there was (in the early 90’s) a distinct lack of understanding about video games by the top brass who were probably looking for pure reach of a game as opposed to what you could use a game to actually simulate. This is how we ended up with Call of Duty as a flash in the pan cultural phenomenon where as AOE is more of a smaller hard core fan thing.
You gotta get some new material, bro
Back of the knee maybe??
Reading Ukrainian is so frustrating. It's like ebonics. Sounds absolutely retarded and kind of disgusting like how Mandarin or Hebrew sounds like the speaker is about to spit at you... Maybe i am just associating the language with the kinds of pidors who'd actually use it though.
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Who the fuck knows, after this totally unsuspicious gentleman tapped one of Ukrainian language hardliners, odd things started happening. Like that "eject Moscals from Lvov" rally. (((They))) tried to blame Russia for it, but the cunt caused a lot of controversies in with her speech.
>Iryna Farion
>Said that Russian speakers in AFU are disgrace,
>Russian speaking azovites aren't even Ukrainians
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Did the USSR REALLY lose the cold war? I mean, the USSR collapsed, but Russia and other butthurt belt countries are now among the most anti-gay in the world
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"You cheated me! I am going to kill you!"
While on the frontlines of a massive conflict zone, facing Russians, always at risk of being killed by any number of threats. And either someone getting pussy, a big win in poker or whatever, THAT is what they are going to fight over. These niggas do not even have the next moment in their lives guaranteed to them, the interpersonal narrative works against Ukraine majorly. Because if it is true these men have enough time to dick around and get at each others throats, then where the fuck are they that they can afford such luxury as to even think "damn, I lost five dollars in that bet, this dude must be cheating, let me draw a firearm and shoot him".
It just seem to me like a decent excuse to hide the very real possibility of soldiers killing their way out of the fight.
That's the dude suspected of merking Farion? kek
>"eject Moscals from Lvov" rally. (((They))) tried to blame Russia for it
Why would Russia want to spread Russophobia? There's enough of it in Ukraine already.
It's Ukraine that's allegedly trying to stoke sectarian/ethnic tensions in Russia by e.g. paying some retards to burn down a mosque (they were caught en route).
>FAB-3000 is 4.5m in length
Holy shit Buhanochka is HUEG
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How can you support Russia if you know about that stuff kek, should be gulagu net
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They're forcing Kamala Harris down our throats
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mfw I am looking up at Buhanka-chan before I get smashed like a roach for drawing yuri pics of her months ago
Almost none atm, yes.
They had a couple of microraids earlier today.
Only one. But he's got a full folder that'll surely last him the whole thread!
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That nigger is every where in the catalog more than zion don...
Yes? It lost by collapsing and leaving USA the only one standing.
Now the "why" it collapsed is much more complicated and stems in large part from America's support for the December 1991 coup in Moscow.
Both URLs work
>How can you support Russia if you know about that stuff
With a clear consciousness and sound sleep. This is either a very stupid or very Jewish question. "Clean" or "Good" countries don't exist. They all have have one sort or another of problems.
And anyway, THD, destruction of GAE, and end of NATO are more important.
It's still a long shot for her to carry AZ or GA. So jews are kind of desperate.
buhanka is like 2 feet tall
are you a cool draw dwarf
More like she's forcing us down HER throat, eh? :^)
You uh.. still got those pics around, anon? Asking for a friend...
Gonna be interesting who ends up being her VP pick.
Imagine if it's Obummer... NGL that would be pretty based and funny.
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I am a slug.
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Nevada is in the bag for Trump because of this last second flip-flop but Nevada is ran by communists so they'll just ignore it and print the Harris/(blank) ballots anyway.

They're also trying to ignore the the fraud they're committing with how they're handling all the campaign money that was supposed to be for Booden.

They're also doing insane damage control over the fact that Biden made her the one in charge of the border.
Think about it. What matters more? The government, or the people?
The USSR chose the people when they chose to be anti-gay. That planted a seed that sprouted into righteousness. The West did the opposite.
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Probably Sherrod Brown as a Hail Mary to resonate to Midwestern vOOters, I guess.
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I can unsee Commander Coomer now.
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Clark County spics always ballot harvest their shitholes to elect Democrats. Ballot harvesting is basically legal in NV within a reasonably large timeframe, kek.
>It just seem to me like a decent excuse to hide the very real possibility of soldiers killing their way out of the fight
But that would be perfect get out of jail free card, we killed the traitors. AFU administration could cover it up.

>That's the dude suspected of merking Farion? kek
It's even more ridiculous, apparently he stalked her for weeks in that attire
>Why would Russia want to spread Russophobia?
It would be beneficial for Russia to fan the language conflict inside Ukraine. A lot of Ukrainians speak Russian, if that conflict turns violent, the Russian speakers could ally with Russia. But the problem is, Farion was already sowing that division, it would be more beneficial for Russia to just let her continue.
>NATOcuck has gay porn saved on his PC
Not sure what your point is, anon. There's a big difference with a faggot at pride and an excon that raped his cellmate. That's all I'm saying.
JD Vance's fellow Senator? Big brain move. I wonder if he'll accept as the clusterfuck might easily jeopardize his own career.
Makes sense to me, anon. Russia is good at "don't interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake" strat.
I hate it when they docthis kind of pseudo-commie iconography/propaganda shit. They did it with Obama all the time. Beyond the Liberty Bell in the back there’s nothing about it that screams, “American”. It’s like a Euro-Union Commie style maybe even a hint of Sub-Saharan warlord propaganda. I’m just waiting for the obligatory Kamala holding a groul of children’s hand as they walk into a sunset in Kamala’s bizzare multicultural-love-fest-masking-a-police-state America.
> muslims are awful 90% of the time
Yes. They are the worst subhumans to walk this planet and it's just a matter of time until Russia gets into another war with Chechnya, probably when Putin gets very old or dies.

> Seriously, every kid i know now either does drugs, or fucks for money to do drugs.

Idk I think the drug abuse was worse with millenials. Most zoomers just sit home and play vidya and the girls browse social media. The ones who are into the drugs + reckless sex stuff are much more degenerate than past gens.
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"We killed the traitors!"
The question then comes up. Why are men in a warzone, with their enemies literally in front of them, betraying their nation and trying to flee?
If Ukraine is winning.
That is why they cannot claim that their own are fleeing, it must be internal conflict from "cheating" or another reason.
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Utilize Belarussian-Malorussian cooperation for offensive.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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That's not official.
it's an edit.

"we're not going back" is her slogan. It is perfect for editing in the good ol days or putting in destructive shit they're doing now.

>Image of everybody being happy and everything being cheap
>we're not going back.
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kill hoohls
Right. I’m just saying it is something they like to do. Obama was the worst with it. Even like that infamous “Change” dual color poster just screams commie style propaganda
GM frenZzzz!!!
Not sure if just contrarian faggots or real shills anymore
>try to flex on Russia
>Run like pussies as soon as their jets go airborne
Humiliation ritual for NATO?
>Right. I’m just saying it is something they like to do.
Oh. ok. I misunderstood then.
I do understand you about the commie sloganeering shit.
>"We killed the traitors!"
>The question then comes up. Why are men in a warzone, with their enemies literally in front of them, betraying their nation and trying to flee?
No, not like that. Something like this:
Soldiers to investigators:
>We killed the guys who tried to flee the position and surrender
Investigators to press:
>Ukrainian rear forces successfully defended against Russian forward patrol. In the fire fight 3 Ukrainian died and 30 Russians.
Hmm, now this guy has some interesting ideas
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I don't know. Do you remember what they did in 2020? All of the nigger shithole cities got 98% turnout so Biden had a chance of rigging each and every one. Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and the Georgia nigger combo of Atlanta, Athens, Augusta, Macon, Columbus. They may run the table at the Midwestern old Blue Wall. But Trump could still narrowly win with 272 if he carried NV and NH.
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Hello Thaibro!
>Not sure if just contrarian faggots or real shills anymore
It's only going to get worse more and more tourists and kikes keep coming in. Might as well just post in /chug/ until it blows over
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Thats why the russians scavenge ukranian washing machines: They are hunting for the ancient technology that might allow them to make everything clean!
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I can understand that info pipeline, but it does not help when the press mistakenly admit that there are "similar cases". The likelihood of these stories all being relevant is low, what sort of ramshackled army do you have if there are situations where at any given time someone or another will kill other fighting men, expending not just ammunition but also demoralizing the remaining fighters. Each man dead is additional workload on the remainder, the firewatches need someone in rotation and if 4 men died suddenly, someone needs to fill the gaps if their corpses are not replaced with fresh blood soon.
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>Farion murder
>The TV channel We-Ukraine quoted one of the residents of the apartment building on Masaryk Street in Lviv where Farion lived as saying that a stranger, aged about 18, had begun to hang around the entrance to the building about two weeks ago. He would sit on a bench in front of the professor's entrance in the morning and not leave until the evening.
>"He had a very interesting style, and that’s why I remembered him: it was hot, 40°C, and he’d be wearing sneakers, socks, sweatpants, a long sweatshirt like Americans wear, a hat and dark glasses. Whenever I went out or came home, he’d be there.
>Three days ago, I came back around lunchtime, and he was sitting on the bench. I thought to myself, it's 40°C, it's hot, and he's sitting there, there must be something wrong with him. I went over to him and said: ‘Excuse me, can I help you?’ ‘Everything’s fine,’ he replied."
Farion's controversy
>"Can a soldier or officer not follow orders from his commanding officer without breaking the law? I would like to ask every Russian-speaking soldier: have you read the law on the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Ukrainian Constitution, have you read what is written in Article 13? The language of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the state language. So are you fighting for the Ukrainian state, or are you defending your right to be a speaker of the ‘Russian world’? At least speak surzhyk [a Ukrainian-Russian pidgin], but don’t speak Russian," Farion said.
>A criminal case was then launched against Farion for violating the equality of citizens, insulting the honour and dignity of a serviceman, and violating the secrecy of correspondence and privacy. The pre-trial investigation is still ongoing.
shorter, this is too much info
>similar cases
Technically they didn't admit similar cases, they said they'll prevent similar cases in future. Basically they just said "don't worry about it"
>Personal disagreements
I agree, it's really odd for a country under martial law admit that their soldiers are shooting each other near the frontline over "personal feuds". This is not a good sign even at face value. The other question is, how the fuck do you prevent something like that? Gather around bonfire and sing kumbaya?
I'll say something that'll get me hekkin downvoted here on /pol/: I believe the election WAS rigged... but not in the way that most people think. It was rigged by ballot harvesting and MSM censorship of important news stories, most notably the "Hunter Bidon's Laptop" story.
Both of these acts are "in the grey zone" (although there are some states where ballot harvesting is specifically banned/illegal).
bro what the fuck those are little girls... that's pizza man
Does anyone else have info on new drone warfare developments? I am tired of FPV drones. I want some steamy drone-v-drone akkktion.

Level up your attention span you TikTok scrolling nigger.
It has blatant ballot harvesting. The movie loop holes and the tight race in certain districts could overturn the election. It didn't need millions of votes it needed a few thousand in certain swing states and it had that.
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>It was rigged by ballot harvesting and MSM censorship of important news stories, most notably the "Hunter Bidon's Laptop" story.
You're right, anon. Also, the Zuckbucks shenanigans that enabled ballot harvesting. That was totally out of the grey zone.
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i'm watching a Wings compilation from today to laugh at him and Wings says that there are countries inside of Russia and that Serbia is inside Russia. made me kek even harder.
I'm very drunk, can't read this much now. Keep your propaganda short so everyone can get it
What's definitely illegal is buying votes. If I pay you $50 to fill out your mail voter form in a way I want then that's clearly illegal. Very hard to prove without something like video evidence though.
>movie loop holes
What's that? I can't seem to find relevant info
I know what it is. Still underages without tops. Delete that shit.
NMP, negro.
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>deliberately targeting vulnerable units
Illegal targeting of the weak
>shorter, this is too much info
OK, in short:
>Farion was a language hardliner
>Her anti Russian language speeches landed her a criminal case for:
>violating the equality of citizens, insulting the honour and dignity of a serviceman, and violating the secrecy of correspondence and privacy
>~18yo guy in this clown attire stalked her for weeks
>From dawn to dusk
>In sweat pants and long sleeve sweatshirt, even when it was 40°C
>Raised suspicion of neighbors, but nobody bothered to call authorities.
Yea, who the fuck cares about sus characters, it's not like there's an ongoing war... oh wait
>planned perfect escape route, utilizing a rolling blackout.
>authorities call it a professional job.
>outer/pol/ seethes and kvetching heavily and more than usual whenever I post anime
Yep the whole board is infested with tourists and shills
are we actually going to see another counternahruk? place your bets
>deliberately targeting vulnerable units
I like how the article implies this is somehow immoral or even *gasp* illegal!
Yes, in October to boost Kamala's election chances. This has been all but promised according to rumors.
Yep, as usual.
They forgot that 4chan is an anime website first, and og hacker group anonymous second.
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The strength of a hohol unit is inversely proportional to the amount of pressure Russian forces put upon it
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I'm sure piggers cutting off oil to Slovakia and Hungary won't backfire at all.
Man, RoN was really not as good as you make it out to be.
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>The Ukraine has the largest deficit in the world
The Ukraine is so pig!
wtf i hate orban and fico now
who the fuck is kamala? what are you talking about?
Creditors just forgave an 8 billion dollar debt you shitlord! What do you say to that!
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>who the fuck is kamala?
Some nigger
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I’m really fucking scared right now guys.
This is why if I’m Russia I’m not hedging my bets on Trump being willing to negotiate. It would be better to proceed as normal.

Ukraine is working on Washington’s time table and look at what it’s gotten them. Russia needs to work on Russia’s time table. I would absolutely not give a shit about the US election cycle. This is what screwed Ukraine during the last counterhruk. They attacked when they weren’t ready or they attacked after they actually should have. All in a vain attempt to make sure Biden didn’t lose seats in Congress.
What happened?
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>purposely move closer to Russia
>complains about being too close to Russia
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Do you have an AR-15 or an AK with a lot of ammo laying around? If you do then you are fine so dont be scared
In fairness most (all?) hohol units are undermanned, sometimes by a huge margin so that's not saying much at all, anon.
>retard who doesn't even know who his country is fighting
lol do russkis even?
>It would be better to proceed as normal.
Of course. I'm the one who hopes he'll make good on his "end the war in 24hrs" boast. Russia is obviously going to take a more pessimistic approach and continue THD.
It's the geopolitical equivalent of "stop hitting yourself". Very tiresome.
File deleted.
tried a little bit of experimenting with basic shading, its not great but i finally finished this drawing
oh i just realized the boob shading didnt get smoothed out in the bottom right
>>retard who doesn't even know who his country is fighting
Judeo-bolsheviks in US deep state
Kambala is an even more embarrassingly obviously puppet than Bidet
I already YOINK'd your drawing
the black demonic ghosts from fran bow
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ok i deleted it and fixed it, any criticism would be appreciated
kys jannies
i agree jannies are gay but i deleted it cuz there was a mistake kek
Scared of what? Nothing ever happens
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>>475560244 Checked!
>Crimea Beach Party 2024
Am I invited?
Gonna be one of my more challenging wanks, but I think I can manage. Thanks, anon!
By some accounts this kike is currently running the show as Bidon is slowly dying from dementia and old age: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Zients
I see, counternahruk has nothing to do with her.
Hohols need to win or whatever to keep the money flowing
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Oh new train.
G'day /chug/
Hopefully a french kiss? I'd rather not have a second war in my lifetime, thanks.
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In the far-flung corners of ancient Ukraine, in the land of Ukrainian Aratta, there lived two proto-Ukrainian brothers named Prometushko and Epimetyushka. Renowned for their unmatched generosity and intellect they embarked on a mission to bestow upon humanity a gift that would transcend time and culture: the first language.

The village of Kamyana Mohyla (Zaporizhia), nestled amidst rolling steppes and murmuring brooks, was the epicenter of this grand undertaking. Here the Bandera Academy of Linguistic Innovations stood as a beacon of knowledge where the brothers would study. Prometushko, ever the visionary and Epimetyushka, the idealistic dreamer, decided that their language would revolve around a single, powerful concept: "дaй" (dai), meaning "to give."

"Brothers and sisters of Aratta!" Prometushko proclaimed standing atop a makeshift podium of carved beetroot, "we shall create a language that embodies our spirit of perpetual demands! Our foundation shall be 'дaй' for asking is the highest form of being!" He thus went on passionately to say, "so ask not what you can do for Ukraine my sisters--ask what the world can do for Ukraine!" He then ended his public exhortation by coining the famous Ukrainian maxim "To дaй or not to дaй--that is the question."
Russia will run out of trains in no time
>Nearly everyone else is saying the same—for instance, Arestovich in his latest interview, who states that Ukraine will give one final “hurrah” offensive in October of this year, and that will be a wrap
>Many believe that Ukraine is being ordered to deliver one final powerful offensive just before the election, to give Biden—if he’s still there—a triumphant boost in the standings. And should that offensive massively flop—as it rightly would—then it could be the AFU’s swan song.
This article was written before Biden was coup'd out of running, but the assumption is that the plan is still in force to help Kamala because she has the same "pushok" on her "ryilo".
>nothing to do with her
Educate yourself, Puccianin: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/sitrep-71924-west-searches-for-new
We have crackheads fighting for bum spots with illegal alien Venezuelans in our airports. Yes, actually inside the terminal.
They usually end up stabbing each other
The Ukraine conflict started with Obongo's cabinet and high placed EU officials jumping into the money laundering pit of Ukraine. There was barely any coverage of this. Clinton was labelled a ww3 president because she wanted to kick off the conflict and bait Russia into war much earlier (already in '16 or ' 17). But yeah it is history at this point.

Money buys MSM, money wanted Biden more than Trump. Trump is significantly more swamped and cucked than he already was in 2016. He likely won't win though. What Trump did show was a ceaseless 4 year long chimp out by every mainstream US newspaper or channel about him coming up with baseless and sometimes funny conspiracy stories that were on infowars levels of credibility.
someone posted bmwf porn in the catalogue and now i cant goon to russian deaths because im too busy gooning to bbc
stop taking trains and start more walking you fat virgin retard
Trains are peak comfy
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> Russia will run out of trains in no time
Run out of USB chargers. Who needs wireless charging?
> They usually end up stabbing each other
Or you. That's why you should watch out
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all of /chug/ is invited, theyre letting marichka host it because she occupied crimea in her mind
>inside the terminal
Link news story or bullshit.
That's gonna be a problem for their Kalibr production...
>4 year long chimp out by every mainstream US newspaper or channel about him
Yup. And this is exactly what i'm hoping for to happen again after he wins a second time.
4 more years of no new wars and maybe the economy will magically unfuck itself if we stop the money printer.
One can hope, anon.
I see you continue your studies, but jannies don't want you to enlighten us in the misteries of Ancient Aratta!
Keep the good work!
>wireless charger
So retarded
Waste of energy
I guess it's more resistant to vandalism tho
But you can't use your phone while charging
The point is that the USSR died for its people while the West killed its people to survive
>Run out of USB chargers
What are those?
Oh nevermind, I see there are still USB ports in the seat dividers
Crisis averted
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> Trains are peak comfy
usb and rj45?
these niggas are retarded
Imagine not having 10gbps Internet in your trains
Couldn't be me
Peremoga cancelled then
/uhg/ on suicide watch
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Our trains have crackheads and Venezuelans duking it out for bum spots.

>but you said that about the airports.
That's everywhere in the US. Crackheads and Venezualans ducking it out for territory to bum around on.
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> stop taking trains and start more walking you fat virgin retard
I'm actually have to walk to train a bit.
I told you about the venezuelans bro, I told you
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> What are those?
USB. Then what's this?
>26 hearts pts
How many hearts pts until you get a girl to turn into a sweetheart from the ground up?
Interior looks much nicer and cleaner than the intercity train that I often take
>Electric kettle propped up on garbage can
Fucking KEK
Somebody must NEED their morning coffee
Kek, someone is getting too comfy
Also: that broom
I was redpilled on Der Venezuelan when they started to show up in Canada.
They were all going there first before coming here.

>Ohhh booo hooo, they're poor starving refugees, we must accept them
>Ohh boo hoo, they're poor starving victims of communism, we must accept them.
> How many hearts pts until you get a girl to turn into a sweetheart from the ground up?
I don't think this is possible.
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Why can’t Russia conquer anything?? Isn’t this meant to be an invasion?
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We still have older rolling stock, they're being retired as new trains are produced.
this lo-fi art reminds me of old internet in a good way
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this is scientology-tier shit!
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breads going slow again and im getting sleepy so
good night /chug/ frens

Udo was afraid of the next war.
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I wonder what he's dreaming about...
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>died of heart attack
they killed him.
ty baker!
Also I'm envious of the much wider carriages because you guys use a wider gauge while we use something like the 1 meter gauge
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Daily reminder not to click Bitchute links, especially not from 1pbtid
>they killed him.
Either way, he tried to make a difference and normies don't care for the most part.
Dr. Yuri Shilov is one of my deepest inspirations. Shilov is master. I am but a student.
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Will Russia ever advance again?
1.6 million dead holhols
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About buying bootleg anime figures. Especially Ayaka.
ultra based
unfathomably based
you're brown
who is responsible for the historical revisionism dedicated exclusively to niggers in years prior but now is slowly doing the same to ukrainian history? what do ukrainians and niggers have in common?






thanks for bread
>purposefully try and run the Russian economy to the ground
>arm Ukraine to the teeth
>feed Ukraine real-time intel
>kill tens of thousands of Russians
Of course they are very angry. What the actual fuck are these people even thinking?
Volchie is taken
That lighting is horrific.
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Russia should havde done this way sooner. Ukrainian battlefied achievements have been ran into the ground since then. Also strikes on Crimea are non-existent.
>May 6 - Kislovka, Kotlyarovka
>May 9 - Umanskoe
>May 11 - Strekechia, Krasnoe, Morokovec, Oleinokov, Pilnaya, Borisovka, Ogurcovo, Pletenevka
>May 12 - Gatishe
>May 14 - Bugrovatka
>May 15 - Glubokoe,Lukianci
>May 17 - Zibino
>May 18 - Rabotino(kek), Starica
>May 20 - Belogorovka
>May 22 - Klesheevka
>May 23 - Andreevka
>May 25 - Arhangelskoe
>May 27 - Ivanovka
>June 2 - Umanskoe
>June 7 - Paraskovievka, Novoselovskoe
>June 10 - Rizhevka
>June 10 - Staromayorskoe
>June 11 - Artyomovka
>June 13 - Novopokrovskoe
>June 14 - Georgievka
>June 16 - Zagornoe
>June 28 - Razdolovka
>June 29 - Shumi
>June 30 - Novoaleksandrovka
>July 1 - Stepovaya Novoselovka
>July 3 - Kanal Chasov Yar
>July 6 - Sokol
>July 9 - Yasnoborodovka
>July 11 - Evgenievka, Voshod
>July 14 - Urozhainoe
>July 19 - Urievka
>July 21 - Rozovka, Peschanoe nijnie
>July 23 - Ivanovo-Darievka
this is what a stalemate looks like
A stalemate looks like slow advance? Your mental gymnastics are really impressive.
The implications of this picture are honestly kind of pathetic. Who the fuck needs an inspirational poster? Wtf
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Needs an update.
autistic people can't detect sarcasm.
> That lighting is horrific.
That's an underground passage. moreover, the store is closed.
Why do you have a woman as your profile picture
>localized successes, no strategic breakthroughs
t. Syrsky
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you seem mad.
Who is that grill? Is it your gf?
>Trains are peak comfy
these seats are shit ivan
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>Who is that grill?
some anons or his gf?
>Is it your gf?
I wish I had a gf.
>anon has a gf
>literally some sigma pepe pic on wall
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maybe anon is a girl.
or is trying to become one.
> these seats are shit ivan
we have the same here and they are shit compared to old big seats
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I guess the gorenigger is doing this now?
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chud bros... why do we keep losing??
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the cope and seethe ITT from loser contrarians and propaganded ziggers is hilarious. stay pathetic losers.
> we have the same here and they are shit compared to old big seats
They can't be the same
Too bad neither candidate is solely for that, so you gotta pick between Israel + Ukraine or just Israel.
So what's wrong?
they have the same thickness
idk im just posting because it's mutt hours. really i don't care about israel and ukraine causing unnecssary problems
You know, your post literally made me support Ukraine to the teeth. Heck, I may even sing up to some NAFOfella volunteer battalion. Been here since the 1st day of /chug/ but fucking heckerino lad, you just turned my life around.
>NATOfag deflection post
ohh, the war!
I almost forgot about it!
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>cope and seethe ITT
who's coping? who's seething? quote some posts.
>from loser contrarians
I'm confused, what's a contrarian view?
ukraine is not winning?
ukraine is not running out everything, including men?
I'm really curious what's contrarian these days....
Not with the air conditioner setting on our train, madmen set the temperature to freezing 21degrees.
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>ugh tranny comes to chug
>accuse chuggers of seething even tho we are just being comfy and happy posting anime tiddies here
??? take your meds you mentally ill tranny
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> 21degrees

are we talking about amerimutt freedom® degrees or Civilization degrees?
realistically, when will putin step down?
His term ends in 2030.
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Henlo Deer Frens!
>MiG-31K w/ Kinzhal Kh-47M2 hypersonic missile
>FAB aftermath
>Lancet strikes AFU radio station Plastun-RP3000
>Volchansk getting FABed
>Destroyed AFU M109A4VE
>AFU rotation gone wrong
>Akhmat arty working on Volchansk
>Ukrainian USV destroyed off Sevastopol
>Kontor group destroys 5x Baba Yaga UAVs + M113 APC
>Colombian merc says they're fucked
>Novorossiysk battles USVs and UAVs
>Medvedev at Pogonovo training ground
>BAT-2 engineering vehicle in action
>M-109 SP Gun hit by Russian counter battery fire
>M-777 hit by counter-battery fire resulting in a spectacular explosion of the ammo
>AT mine vs hohol dugout
>Audio of Su 34 bomber evading multiple incoming patriot missiles
>Cluster Iskander strike on hohol training ground in Peresechnoye, Kharkov region
>2 FABs strikes the enemy’s air defense forces in the village of Neskuchnoe, DPR
>Kino grad strikes
>Big boom on ammo depot in Izyum
>Destruction of the Polish Krab SPG
>Various FABs fall on Volchansk
>Geran-2 strikes ammo depot in Lipchanovka
>FABs and TOS arrive on hohol position in Donetsk
>RU stormtroopers clear out AFU position
>Gerasimov visits Northern Military Group
>Russians have rewards for destruction of F-16s and F-15s
>Intel station near Chasov Yar rekt
>Lancet takes out T-64BV through hole in roof
>Veterok (breeze)" combat control system to transmit targets
>Burned British AS-90 SPG
>RBK-500s mow down forest belt
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two more weeks, what else
good morning and thanks for your effort fren
Wear a fucking jacket mate
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Thank you for a buhanka bread. TBL!
Howdy kuwaitifren
SMAC is comfy
I can bake
>autistic people can't detect sarcasm
Also a feature of people prone to alcoholism
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thank you sauna fren
Rise of Nations was a true shining gem from the golden age of RTS
I remember locking the age between ancient and enlightenment, rushing tech as fast as I can, and then introducing gunpowder to the barbarian masses
Did they just stop announcing and listing all the aid?
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Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
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ty fren
>Also a feature of people prone to alcoholism
kek.. luckily, I didn't get addicted to that shit even though most of my family drinks a lot.
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New Simplicius
Some juicy zrada, particularly Ukranda's top drone guy saying Russia has a 6:1 drone superiority
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NEW WAR POP SONG just dropped. "When the war ends"
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okraina is a product. They need to show that they're capable of winning something even the slightest battle or whatever.
It has nothing to do with kambala or elections, NATO wants this war to continue.
To the last hohol is not a joke
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wrong pic
Which one of you posted this comment?
>Well done to Putin's necromancer corps and their techpriests, when they figure out how to reanimate hruks as combat effective troops the defeat of Ukraine shall be set in stone.
I imagine this is what it looks like when she keeps sucking after you nut
*way to less female butt content*
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Today you all working overtime, no tea breaks btw
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Thanks for the compilation fren
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meanwhile qeef this morning
another day another morning
didant we have a morning yesterday already
dumb hag elf
obviously morning comes every morning
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I hear you. Today I let the alarm ring for 10 minutes before getting up
Civilisation unit of course
30 is comfy
25 is tolerable
21 is shaking
5 is death sentence
0 is shoot me now
Hokkaido winter caused me to start nosebleed within a day.
Netherlands is comfy though, looks and feels just like home besides all the pollen.
Too hot to wear around, only windbreaker with hoodie in the backpack in case of rain.
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another cauldron now in Krasnogorovka
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Juicy juicy dead piggers!
> they have the same thickness
I don't think so
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Top kek lol
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But Bongs said the casualties will go up to 1.8 million
Those are psychological casualties
Physical casualties were getting so low, BBC's MediaZona had to stop reporting them and invent an entirely new cope metric
UK is basically what USA will be at the end of its career.
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yw frens
Wait, what? QRD?
Ahem... special military operation!
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I wish some anon would give us lyrics tho...
I've made various posts about finns being Jews.
I found that I was mostly mistaken.
The stories I found were something else.
Stories about all kinds of things.
Some stories might be useful or interesting for them but finns are finns.

your finnish posting storyteller.
*england/scotland border btw
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Apparantly it happens every day.
Touha kuin oli, touha kuin lausi. Touha kuin teki. Touha sinä oli.
Turhan minä tein työtä.
En tienny mitä minä löysin.

Vanha tarina kuin löytää, niitä on monta.
Touha sinä on.
Kuin vain lauset pannin väärin.
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haha... fuck man... they just kept following them.
btw, anyone with rentry access? I have vids.
MediaZona have introduced a new statistical cope metric to estimate Russian losses and appear to have hidden the timeline of reported deaths per week after it fell to the single digits per day low after trending downward for over a year
I love how the MI6, one of the best intelligence agencies on the PLANET apparently is just taking Ukrainian made up numbers at face value.
I guess they also believe that the front is completely static.
Germany has no sovereignty.
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Good morning shitskin general. I'm still whiter than all you brown vatnik cocksucking fags.
You are also the fattest person in the thread. Lose some fucking weight.
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>one of the best intelligence agencies on the PLANET
oi nigga I'm so white I need to wear gloves for you not to get burned by my shine
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fat hohol is fat
>"Beyond the Pyrenees begins Africa. Once that natural barrier is crossed, the Mediterranean racial type in all its purity confronts us. The human phenomena is entirely parallel with the sudden transition to the flora and fauna of the south. The Iberian population thus isolated from the rest of Europe, are allied in all important anthropological respects with the peoples inhabiting Africa north of the Sahara, from the Red Sea to the Atlantic."
-William Z. Ripley
Callate gallego pelotudo y preocupate del corrupto de tu presidente
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he's just another draft dodger.
Nothing ever happens
Are you still here?
>Mongol rape baby thinks he's white
Based Screen Crop Pro user
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Yep still here. Will bake soon.
humza sucks. gib hoholina leaf
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Thanks anon
>t. Iniesta
yw. A nice evening over there?
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america fu
[Tässä on tarinna:
Hyväinen aika on loppun menny.

Kuin se teki työtä. Ahkera se oli. Kuningas sinä oli.
Kunigatar sinä oli. Kumpiki teki töytä. Siten se työ loppui.
Mitä me nytt tehdän. Rouka loppu. Mitä me tehdään. Mitä me tehdään. Mitä me tehdään.
Rouka on loppun mennyt. Rouka on loppunu. Tässä on rouka loppunut. Kuin se matki meitä. Tässä on rouka loppunut. Kuinka paljon rouka on ollut. Tässä se on loppunut. Hyväinen aika on loppunut.
Ei nainen o täälä. Minne se on mennyt. Se ei o täällä. Loppunut se rouka. Se lähti. Se meni mualle. Minne se meni. Minne se meni. Minne se meni. Niin se meni. Hyväinen aika on loppunut. Loppun mennyt. Loppui se tarinna.]

[Kärsimys loppui. Toisen kärsimys alka. Hyväinen aika loppui. Käärmen rouka loppui.]
[Hyväinen aika loppun menny.
Niin se matki sinua. Sai rouka että riitä. siten se meni mualle. Hyväinen nainen meni mualle. Mene pilvekseen. Rouka ei riitäny. Hyväinen aika loppun menny]

[Pilvekseen on mennyt, Hyväinen aika on loppunut. Loppu nytt.]
Today was nice and sunny, even now it's still warm
I'm more shocked that finngolian media outlets would even dare to publish that kind of article painting ukrainians in anything but golden light.
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NEW BREAD >>475574277
>NEW BRöD >>475574277
NEW BREAD >>475574277
NEW BREAD >>475574277
NEW BREAD >>475574277
>"eradicate similar cases"?
Their politruks/political officers will kill off more conscript who show signs of being disgruntled probably. That's the only way to keep conscripts/slaves in line at this point.

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