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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Invisible collapse Edition

Canada IS a failed state.
Use this thread to communicate with fellow anons and frens about the sorry state of our nation.
>no glowies allowed

Every institution in Canada is bordering on collapse.
>own town lost 3 businesses in the last month, out of ~20 or so
>most businesses seem to be operating at a loss
>highways disintegrating, have-you-seen-the-404-edition
>unchecked immigration continues - thousands importedndaily

Previous Thread: >>475550517
Using my baker's privilege to mention that you anons are welcome to message me. I am always on the lookout for frens.
Before we proceed can I get a definition of collapse in a financial or national context?

The word appears to have no meaning, and occasionally taking every meaning.

You guys are alright. You gave us HappyConsoleGamer and Ryan Cohen. Sorry about the Indians
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CPChads report in
PPCucks need not apply
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On a semi-related note - we need to establish some manner of backup communications.
Posted about this yesterday, but got too tired, and deleted the post.

"Call me a glowie, but it'd be cool if we had some way of chatting outside of 4chan.
And I don't mean Discord groomer clubs, I mean something like ultra-long range HAM, but without faggots saying 'YOU CAN'T SAY THAT ON THE AIRWAVES' and reporting us.

Do you guys remember Meshtastic?
It's a long-range radio communications network.
We could honestly use it to chat.

There is a pretty developed network in Ontario.
Problem is, it's all redditors.

I can set up a node in the Newmarket area.
RCMP WILL start fucking anyone on /pol/ soon (next few years)."
I'm no longer on any of the parties' sides.
The cuckoo wants to add a kirpan to the coat of arms you miserable faggot.
Will Khalistan become Canada's Israel (or, what Israel is to America)?
>exporting everything to punjab

I'm curious to see how CAF fares from such a move.
We already gave half our stock to Ukraine.
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Are you still against the PPC? Check his twitter, dudes been going off the last month since the PEI protests with all the jeets who want to stay despite having visas expiring. Seems a jeet telling him to his face that he deserves to stay "because" broke him. He sees there's no reasoning with jeets.
Maxime is so fucking based. Why don’t more leafs vote for him?
>RCMP will start fucking everyone on /pol/
Can't wait to meet you guys in the camps
Haven't seen this one, anon.
I think I just don't have any trust left for the politicians in this cesspit - maybe there'll be a decent one, but I'm not going to be placing any bets on them, if you know what I mean.

How'd the PPC react to this?
I know plenty of CPC fans here in AB and Ontario who like what he says but are afraid to split the right vote and let the LIB/NDP win, and I understand it. CPC is still better than LIB/NDP. If we had proportional I know many who would vote PPC since they didn't have to worry about "wasting" their vote when fighting the left. My riding goes 60% CPC easily, so I can afford to vote PPC.
Canada failed when they changed the flag and anthem
Because he is, like the rest of them, a shabbos goy.
There is no political solution.
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Ruh roh....
Is someone mad again because their memeparty couldn't win a single seat?
>this faggot probably thinks that with a first-past-the-post electoral system le pee pee sea will win when in reality all it will do is split the CPC vote and give the Libcucks another term to wreck the country and impose even more gun and hunting restrictions.
I don't believe he's based. I think he's some kind of controlled opposition they dust off every election.
>Based /k/poster with the C7 clone
Is le based
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>maxime is based
lol no
>whispering the things that makes me wet
you're a woman
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A part of me wonders how much political reform is even possible at this point when I see stats like this. The major parties are either encouraging this immigration model (Liberals) or appear to be ambivalent or supportive of it (CPC). As a young person I can’t help but feel as if we’re being actively replaced as our communities die out
bitch I'll take what I can fucking get. You live here, you know what it's like. Max is the first step to a long road of reform. To really heal we need PM Jeremy MacKenzie and we need to break up this country into Diagolon. Unite with the based red states and create the best fucking country on earth. I just don't want perfect to be the enemy of good.
I don't think JM's purpose is to be pm but it's definitely to lead something if you know what I mean.
The vast majority of white Canadians worship immigration. Over 95% of them voted for it in 2021. In 2025 over 97% of them will vote for it. These numbers are even higher if you only include whites. White Canadians will do anything for more immigrants. Women will just cum on the spot thinking of all the Indian food they can aggressively shove up their cunts.

This is genuinely what Canadians are like and what they want. Their genocide is justice.
So sick of hearing about disgusting Indian slop
Look at theae faggots admitting they voted for their own genocide. On /pol/ no less. Your average leafposter voted for their own genocide, never forget that. Don't believe or trust anything they say. All you need to know is they worship immigration m
Nothing can be done federally other than voting out the immigration-maxxers with the immigration-lite party.
You don't like immigrants?
>Pretend to befriend them
>give them bad financial advice: get loans, max out your cards and borrow to max out other cards
>pretend Canada is a dying country and the future is the US
>clog up immigration offices
>clog up immigration aid bureaus

It's not that difficult.
Alternatively, convert to Islam as a moderate and use that to bash on liberals and other immigrants.
LMAO, says the guy against the only party who is speaking out against open borders.
Historically incorrect leaf here.

I'm working but we need to make Quebecois edition where we talk in tabernak and broken English, and then Anglo supremacist edition where we GOD SAVE ENGLAND every post, and the Newfie edition where we talk about fishing.

Make Canada so fucking Canadian everyone else is sorry, again.
Calm down, retard, voting doesnt matter
>The vast majority of white Canadians worship immigration.
>not the french from Quebec
>not the east coast
>not Manitoba's metis
You mean the dipshit anglos? Let them die out.
I hope Quebec takes over and institutes mandatory french to weed out more and more immigration.

>against open borders.
If we had open borders, the immigrants would flock to the states.
Ppc won't do shit
>RCMP WILL start fucking anyone on /pol/ soon
ex-post-facto internet hate speech law got me fucked up. I will also be thrilled to meet my fellow dysgenic retards in the camps
You voted for it. You're a globohomo faggot. An immigrant worshipper. Weak and docile cattle. You go up against the wall like the rest, faggot.

Leave this thread and never return. Go back.
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Hmm, yes. Why indeed.
Quebec isn't part of Canada. Separate. No one likes you parasites.
The laws are retroactive so we're all fucked, anyways.
Classic. One of my favorites.
Why are you still here? Immigration worshipper.
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>Getting this angry when called out about hating the PPC
Either jeets or as the other anon is saying you all actually love open borders shit
You voted for it, though. You actually uniroincally voted to genocide yourself because you're stupid enough to have been convinced by a shallow CSIS psyop that voting for mass immigration is "based".

You're just too stupid to be allowed to exist. Your replacement is justice. Starve, faggot.
Why separate when you retards keep paying our dividends? And now you're getting pumped full of more immigrants to pay us even more. Now be a good vassal province and overpay your income tax.
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I'm surprised none of us retards talk about this faggot. He's one of the main authors of our disaster. Mark Steyn was warning about this bald cuckold supreme years ago.
As >>475613391 said, you voted for this for 10 years, 3 election cycles!!! You voted for this crap and you are now outnumbered 3:1 that will keep voting this way. Voting is done in Canada, all you have are local laws and institutions, the fed is finished.
>>Pretend to befriend them
>>give them bad financial advice: get loans, max out your cards and borrow to max out other cards
But Corporate Canada is already doing that.

What do the prairies do? Randomly insert HURRY HARD!! into their posts?

At least the existence of the Palestine protest movement in Canada is likely to get a few non-braindead toadies to power thinking about the day when PP is in charge and would use the carte blanche and star chamber powers against them and their associates and online friends. So it may stall out before being passed if Canada is lucky. Then the conservatives can pull out the paragraph about distributing unwanted deep fake porn into its own law to pass and the media priests of the centre-left can suddenly remember they vigorously hate laws that look like internet censorship.
nobody voted for this bros. mass immigration and total ethnic replacement with jeets was never on the ballot.
Yeah I agree with the second part of your reply
he won the slopular vote... it was his turn...
Kek. I this is so utterly true it makes me hate canada and canadians
They actually did though, everyone genuinely loves this migrant shit and blames all there problems on the right wing.
Sounds like your average government union employee
>But Corporate Canada is already doing that.
You don't understand, they are given minimal bad advice.
Give them maximum.
Pretend that working for CutCo is a good idea selling knives.
Tell them that you just max all credit cards you have and only pay interest and get richer that way.
Tell them to pay a credit card with another.
Tell them to refinance their mortgage with a variable rate.

It's not that hard.
Just goes to show how little a party needs to actually win an election, a handful of seats in Toronto, Ontario and the Maritimes. Most of the people here in the prairies voted primarily to stop immigration or to stop the liberals economic policies. O’Toole dropped the ball hard tho by being liberal lite
>everyone genuinely loves this migrant shit
every single thread you post this baloney and every single time I will tell you to get better friends
I dunno where you live but where I’m from almost everyone hates immigration and immigrants now unless they’re a liberal ideologue. Hell, the IMMIGRANTS here hate immigration, I was talking to someone from my uni from Bangladesh and he ass like “yeah there’s too many immigrants, I feel like we’re like colonizers” and I said “yeah, you think?”
Objectively false, 95% of Canadians voted for it in 2021. That is projected to increase to 97%. Canadian mass population replacement is the most popular political policy in the history of recorded politics.
Pajeet has entered the thread
I understand that you did not look at the image you replied to but can you do that next time before replying to me? thanks
Why they vote for it, then? The answer is Canadians are stupid cattle who shouldn't be listened to. Only their actions should be considered. Lying is seeply embedded in Canadian culture, going hand in hand with being "nice". Canadians are taught to lie to themselves and others to be "nice" at a very young age. Age such most Canadians are constantly lying without even realizing it. Like giving directions when asked when you don't even know yourself, you just lie, to be "nice".
How could 91% of Canadians vote for it and result in a minority government? Even if you account for population density by voting district, 91% would be majority territory. Are you stupid or something?
Ontario, Quebec and BC are the only provinces that matter.
Maritimes always votes red, doesn't matter.
AlSaMa have such little populations, they don't matter. You want more political power, make new cities and towns up north and make babies. A lot of babies. You can literally overturn this in 30 years time with more seats and representation.
Yukon and NET are imaginary.

It's not baloney, we have programs by whites for immigrants.
Immigrants don't make these programs. Christian churches, which greedily seek money from christians don't give a fuck about migrant status.
If everyone hates it as you said then why doesnt anybody do shit? Or at least speak out against it that isnt in an online echochamber?
As much as I would love to meet frenleafs in the camps, I think there are alternatives.
Let's just say these generals are part one.

I think we should have a place to communicate, don't you, anons?
Also, my fucking ID got reset, am >>475606696
And, fuck any kind of glowie nonsense. I am NOT talking about violence against the state or any manner of illegal activity (unless they make it illegal for anons to breathe, but I might have to break that one.)
Firstly, his party is filled with toxic retards that repel anyone with above room-temperature IQ.

Secondly the electoral system in Canada makes it impossible for him to win any seat barring a collapse of the Conservative Party, which isn't happening since the Conservatives are clearly going to win the next election.
Why are Indians suddenly EVERYWHERE:
- Overcrowding allows Indians to move into every neighbourhood and out compete non-Indians, several Indian families can buy a house together and then rent the basement out to 25 uberjeets:
25 international students found living in a single Brampton basement
Jan 31, 2024 "Just a few days ago in Brampton, I got a report from by-law where they found 25 students living in a single basement apartment."

Employment: Wage Subsidies and LMIA Scams
- around 70% wage subsidy for hiring newcomers (landed within 10 years) in Agriculture or Electrical jobs
Electricity Human Resources Canada
"Wage subsidies of up to 75% of a participant’s wages, with a maximum benefit of up to $24,000 per participant are available. "
-- Use as intended, it gives newcomers an unfair advantage over Canadians, but scammers can game it further:
Start a business claiming to hire electricians at a number and rate where you can claim the full 24K, the hires give you a % of their wage which you'll get fully from the subsidy, the business profit comes from the subsidy.

LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) -- LMIA is a pathway to PR (Permanent Residency), so employees would pay employers to be hired, sometimes before they leave India -- this gives the employer money to buy up local businesses and out-compete those that didn't sell. Money paid to the employer could be cash up front from phone scams or stealing cars, or a portion of future wage..

Prior to being allowed to bring in foreigners, a company is supposed to prove that there was no locals for them to hire: so they post fake job postings, copy and paste job descriptions, when they have already arranged to bring in the timmigrant. Lowballing the paid in fake job postings also drives down the wage of legitimate job postings.
because 91% of the population is actually 25% old stock.
It's easy you just take the inverse of the PPC vote. Every single party has an identical immigration platform except PPC. This is still largely true in 2025, certainly with the CPC.

Of course the numbers are even higher in reality, like over 99%. This is because non-voters are complicit faggots.
The rest was for NDP and smaller parties like green or communist. Even the conservative voters did so knowing more open borders will happen.
You either aren’t Canadian or live in a very closed off, cosmopolitan bubble for you to believe that to be true. Immigration rates have been criticized since 2019 when polls were coming out saying half of all Canadians believe the immigration rate to be too high. Just look at the news, the media has been banging the drum that immigration hs been unpopular for the last two-three years now
Well yeah, HAM radios are the answer because the internet is easily manipulated for intelligence and data.
>- Overcrowding allows Indians to move into every neighbourhood and out compete non-Indians, several Indian families can buy a house together and then rent the basement out to 25 uberjeets:
>25 international students found living in a single Brampton basement
Push for local fire safety laws limiting the number of people in a house; else pay fines weekly.

This is the only point that matters for housing.

You want to compete? Convert to islam and live with 2 wives.
I know you spend all day in your room but if you went outside and spoke with people occasionally you'd know this is not the case
There are signs everywhere about giving migrants free shit and free high cost training and all the white cucks here act as if they dont exist
Can anyone tell me why so many invaders have vanity plates on their Corollas? Is it just that they come from shitholes full of hordes of people who look and behave so similarly that a vanity plate is one of the few ways they have to distinguish themselves? Seriously, start looking at every driver you see with a vanity plate, it's insane.
>nobody voted for this bros

Bernier warned Canada back in 2017 on Twitter. The media reported it, sort of, but not the stats he said the government was lying about. Just how the public should feel. Based on no specific factual information.
No one cares about your shallow bullshit, CSIS. The proof is the country, no one needs to scour the population for anecdotes. If what you were saying is true than why did over 95% of them vote for it? Why is mass population replacement so overwhelmingly popular?

>But my fictional friends voted for CPC, that's based, right?
Literally voted for it, faggot.
But I do speak to people and people that trust me and they are all pro migrant communism. I mind my own business and people brag about migrants as I walk past two people talking.
Not secure, anon.
And easily jammed / monitored.

I like LoRa more.
Going to be setting up a point here soon.
>t. American with VPN
We get it, you guys are jealous of the normal functional country next door. Maybe work on fixing your own country instead of bitching about Canada.
Got wasted and went kayaking with the boys yesterday then we went out for some wings and got wasted again
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>convert to Islam
Not necessarily but you're on the right track. Follow the Amish or Hutterite models. The meme is correct. We really do need to build our own communities. The key to success is following the law and paying your taxes. As long as your community abides by the laws and is not perceived as a threat, the government tends to leave you alone. Not in all cases of course, and it isn't easy, but it is doable as we have seen with many of these communities.
We should also enforce against e-bikes on the sidewalks, anyone caught will have e-bike confiscated for a month, if it's a rented bike, they will be banned from platform. If they are UberEats, banned from platform -- though the trick is they use different IDs.
you two are extremely annoying disingenuous demoralization shills. you completely fail to complain about the legitimate issues of the state and instead choose to come up with nonsense scenarios which you repeat ad nauseamevery single Canada thread. do not reply to me anymore.
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Based and duverger-pilled. Trudeau fucked over Canadians yet again by not passing electoral reform. It’s virtually impossible for a third party to win in a first past the post system due to the “all or nothing” nature of the electoral districts.

Go read up on Duverger’s law
Hell no, put the bikes on the sidewalks only and off the road.
You want to ride on the road? 40 km/h max roads only, and if you have a license and if you pay a registration.
Fuck cyclists.
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You both have a point.
In my experience, 50% are neutral, but strongly anti-discrimination. 20% are strongly pro-migrant. 20% are anti-migrant, and 10% strongly so.
Cool, now go find a girl who will let you cum in her without a condom. The catch: your kayaking drunk days are over.
Most Canadians love mass immigrations and vote for it every election. Most of the rest think voting CPC will somehow do something against mass immigration even though Poilievre is in favour of mass immigration and pretends we can avoid its problems by building appartments as fast as possible. Then you have demoralized people who don't even bother voting at all even if they like his policies because they think he's fake, even though voting takes no effort at all and if you think it's not enough on its own you can still do more WHILE voting, but somehow that's impossible for them to conceive, in the end they just do nothing at all. PPC still got 5% of votes after existing for two years with almost zero mainstream media coverage, and actively publically push against the pozzed shit happening in Canada, but nothing is ever enough when you can vote for another pro-replacement fag like Poilievre after all
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I was at a judas priest concert and it was full to the max yet nobody was touching either. Weird, huh.
already have it and I've probably got the best parents in the world and probably the best job in Canada or at least top 2%
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Wrong, my statement are objectively and provably true. Yours on the other hand are mere copes

The use of this word indicates you are a psychologically weak faggot who requires copes to believe in a delusional state of reality. There is only reality, and if you try to ignore reality you are a weak minded docile faggot.

You had a choice. You could have voted against this. Like the majority of nigger cattle in this country, you voted for it. You are not one of us, you are not like us. You are the majority of Canadians who deserve nothing, and that is exactly what you will get. Starve, faggot.

Why do foreigners try to pretend like the situation in Canada isn't critical? Globohomo shill.
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I don't see anything wrong with that. Makes the kids canadian?
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>best job in Canada or at least top 2%
This means nothing. If you were any good you wouldn't be in Canada. There are no Doctors, Lawyers, CEOs, or whatever "prestige" position to believe exists. There are only Canadians Doctors, Canadian Lawyers, and Canadian CEOs. These people would crumple under moderate competition.

If you don't leave, you're a mediocre leftover person. There is no prestige or status in this country, just king of the retards.
t. Canadian
it's extremely lax and yet another huge devaluing of our citizenship
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>tfw no service guarantees citizenship

They really do seem to be operating from the theory that if the public is being upset over immigrant numbers, that the perfect solution is to move those numbers from the immigrant column to the citizen column in the government spreadsheet. Then there will be nothing for the nasty right-wing Canadian media to legitimately report on and they can get back to the hard business of shmoozing with influential foreign and domestic representatives of business and state.
Believe it or not there are some jobs that pay more in Canada than in the states. Also you don't have to try so hard to pretend to be edgy.
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>bloody bitch bastard

Yet here you are with us
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I think poos have realized in their collective unconsciousness recently that they've become a permanent ethnic bloc in this country and have started escalating their shitty third-world behaviour
Did any of you see the headline about how Canada's immigrants are now facing higher unemployment? Guess those "labor shortages" were fake and only an excuse for companies to bring in more immigrants to devalue the rest of you, huh?
Atleast PPC wants to almost halt immigration and go back to the vetting process. Your leader PP wants to bring in the same amount Trudeau has been letting in.

Get fucked
btw this Tims is 100% poo staffed.
source: I was there the day before this news broke and didn't order from there because it was 100% poo staffed
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There are jobs that pay even more when you go saturation diving or work on an offshore oil rig. Your statement doesn't mean anything. It's also essentially not true. The only things Canadians can do are things that literally no one else does because it's fucking stupid.

What is the Canadian economy? Really? Like what are we the "best" at? Natural resource extraction, actually. But in reality we're not even good at that. In reality the majority of the publicly traded natural resource companies don't even operate in Canada. Canada does nothing. It is good at nothing. It cannot afford good people.

So go on, tell me. What specific thing can Canada compete at an international level? Brain drain is real, it's always been real for over a century. Now it's just a total brain dump.

$0.50 cent CAD by end of 2026.
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Yes but in a week I will be in croatia then ireland after that
>you go abroad
>have a kid
>mother has to undergo immigration process
>child also has to do the same
now the child is no longer ungergoing the process making it easier to bring kids over.

>devaluing of our citizenship
muh values, get over yourself
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look buddy I'm not saying citizenship had much value to begin with but it's objectively a blow to the tiny remaining amount
I honestly don't think so. Many other countries do this already and it's not like having a few kids overseas matter in the massive migration pumping we're getting.
>speak niggerish version of French
>only accepts French speaking immigrants from Haiti, Algeria, Morocco, France..
Canada was always a ticking time bomb. Canada's cultural landscape, where British and French Canadians harbor mutual distrust, was already built on shaky ground, with the Anglo-Saxon and French's vast differences coming to light, but it had the unifier of a shared understanding of Western European civilization and culture, and a racial kinship. Today's Canada has no unifier of any sort, it is a bunch of disparate groups put together in a patchwork, unified by nothing except the ideological values of liberalism and importing American culture.

Another key contributor perhaps is the fact that Canada is still crown land and thus the domain of the Windsors (and indirectly the Rothschild). While we ultimately broke off from the British through revolution, Canada maintained its connection to the Crown, evolving into a dominion within the Commonwealth, and is rendered property of the Jewish social engineers that run dear ol Blighty. This also allows the Paki and jeet preferential status as fellow "Commonwealth" members.
>muh values, get over yourself
*Taps sign*
>Many other countries do this already
that's not a reason for us to do it
>it's not like having a few kids overseas matter in the massive migration pumping
bodies are bodies and we don't know how many kids this will grant citizenship to. could be 10,000 could be 1,000,000
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>shitskin niggerpill PPCuck is back again
Didn't getting btfo'd twice not teach you anything?
The only one getting fucked is you, underaged nigger.
Post guns....oh wait.
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>voted for mass population replacement
>smug about it
not surprised at all
You're fucked either way. You vote for liberal or cpc, you're voting for immigration.
You vote for ppc, you're voting for not immigration.
You think cpc is going to fix things? You're an idiot.
Cpc literally started the mass immigration of the 3rd world to fill the voids in entry level and semi-skilled tradesmen in 2006.

Mostly though: if you're still voting because you think 'it'll help', you're a retarded idiot.

I'm waiting for the collapse. Hopefully EMP related, where all the bureaucratic records that'll be used to 'intern' us later magically disappear.
Nothing else offers an iota of hope for Canada.
This place is already the end of the world 7 months of the year. What's another 5?
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I was in a hurry on the way to a morning meeting and stopped by Tim Horton's for a coffee the other day and I asked for a double double with sweetener instead of sugar, this was too complicated for the ape on the headset and after about 10 seconds of confused murmuring, a coworker with a marginally better grasp of English had to jump on and take my order. And then the coffee was atrocious, it had clearly been sitting for too long. Fucking pathetic.
Canada is good at laundering money and corporate reputation and responsibility.

I think there is a difference between simplifying the bureaucratic process for Canadians and opening wide the barn doors for Canadians of convenience. I don't trust this government, neither the politicians nor their top public servants, to hit that nuanced balance.
As it stands the Liberal plan is almost tailor-made for Hong Kongers to send their kids to Canada for university and then returning home, and in the process cementing the Canadian citizenship of their future grandchildren. There needs to be some sort of proxy for a real intent to be Canadian.
>unified by nothing except the ideological values of liberalism and importing American culture
Otherwise does being Canadian even mean anything in the end? Just a slightly more valuable corporate brand to associate with, almost cyberpunk style.
>I'm waiting for the collapse.
you get china and india proxy war and you will like it
Yeah the British should have finished the French when they had the chance. But they also should have allied with the Third Reich. Such is hindsight.
Anyone plan on exiting to the states? I work in a profession that's TN visa eligible but that's a non immigration visa so I'm not sure how I can go from TN -> Greencard track.
kek. there is no reason to go to Tims anymore. it's an immigrant slave labour factory, and the staff does not wash their hands. it's actually a health hazard now, it's coffee russian roulette.
>going to Tim Hortons
You faggots never learn, do you?
>aaah I must escape to be ruled by freemason pedophiles!
fleeing the country is second only to actively helping the invaders. you're handing it over either way
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>laundering money
yes, we are internationally recognized for this

>corporate reputation and responsibility
This is just made up, lmao. Canada is known for a high level of government corruption and embezzlement. You get the worst of all worlds. Tons of red tape and regulation. High taxes. High corruption. Chaotic regulatory environment.

The only people who genuinely are "winning" in Canada are those who embezzle ungodly amounts of money because it's just that easy. The system is built for inefficiency and embezzlement. There's absolutely zero enforcement. Everyone is part of the graft.

But in the end, these are just rent seekers. This isn't a talent or skill. It's not hard to launder or embezzle. You don't need to be creative. If another country these people would be in prison, they can't compete at an international leve.
>no reason to go to Tim's anymore

This was a true statement over a decade ago. The coffee beans that were used to build the brand are no longer used by timmies. A decade ago when mccafe came to be a thing they went to timmies bean supplier. For a year or so they. Both had the same coffee. Tim's tasted like mccafe and vice versa. The supplier said I will only sell to the highest bidder and that was mccafe. I short, mccafe is old timmies coffee. These foreigner's think timmies is the best coffee when it's mccafe that has the original timmies blend.
Like I said, I was in a hurry and it was on the way, I hadn't been there for months and the previous time it was because my boomer aunt wanted to meet there for lunch. I should mention the pajeet who gave me my coffee had a dagger tattooed on his neck. Best and brightest.
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>almost cyberpunk style
some of us live in a cyberpunk corpocratic reality
A canada where people let it get flooded with jeets is a Canada not worth living in. At least in the US you can own guns
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I'd seriously consider taking Trump up on his offer to buy citizenship via a diploma mill. I'd be happy to pay inflated tuition prices for US citizenship.

I hope that happens. Not just for me, but also for the children who will have to spend their entire high school years thinking and preparing themselves to apply for TN visas.

No responsible parent is going to raise a child to stay in Canada.
and a USA where people let it get flooded with spics (jeets soon) is a USA worth living in?
just get your fucking firearms license. it's not hard.
Please keep voting for mass immigration, it did wonders so far.

>if you're still voting because you think 'it'll help', you're a retarded idiot.
Hmm, I wonder what your plan is then
>I'm waiting for the collapse.
Yep, same as usual.

Why not vote anyways just for hell of it then? It barely takes any time, and the worst thing that can happen is your vote goes nowhere. I'm not saying we're likely to save Canada by just voting, but why can't we do it anyways, along with whatever else you'll do? I agree that it's dumb to put a 100% of our hope and trust on the electoral system, but why ignore it completely? It feels like a demoralization tactic to ensure no one votes for PPC, because no one ever says it for CPC or NDP or green party, only PPC
>just get your PAL bro
The right to own firearms is codified by the US constitution. A jeet prime minister here can get elected at any time and decide to take away every single white person's firearms loicense at any time.
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>N-no, don't leave! You need to stay and resign yourself to a serf class ruled by incompetent oligarchs!
Fuck off CSIS. No one wants to live in your shithole country for mediocre retards.
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>parrots the same tried & failed talking points
>guns not posted
No wonder why you retards seethe over /cangen/
>j-just get a LOICENSE
>j-just submit yourself to the STATE
>j-just let them search your home and vehicle whenever they want!
>j-just resign yourself to being a worthless pleb in a worthless country
How about people just leave because it makes sense. Post-national special economic zone. There's absolutely nothing to be romantic about in this resource colony. Just a bunch of boomers just playing pretend, it's all fake.
America violates it's own constitution and 2A all of the time. What gun do you need to own that you can't in Canada?
>>corporate reputation and responsibility
>This is just made up, lmao.
Canada has a lot of mining companies. They got to go into foreign countries with less scrutiny because it was the nice Canadians and then of course the locals got screwed as hard as ever. Then when it comes time for the locals to find someone to hold accountable it's very difficult because Canadian law doesn't let that sort of thing happen. There was a big story for the sector in 2019 where it looked like a Canadian court had finally accepted jurisdiction and would allow a case to proceed, but then there was a confidential settlement likely to help avoid precedent.

I should have made it clearer that I meant laundering corporate reputation and laundering corporate responsibility.

Will Trump allow diploma mills though? As things stands the US is much more diligent about international students it allows than Canada. Maybe a Trump government could fall to the same lobbying tactics as Canada's feds and provinces, and maybe he even has specific people who want to pay him a million bucks to let them get away with opening a diploma mill. But on the other hand his administration might manage to keep things under control.
>CPC is still better than LIB/NDP
This is the buck-broken mindset that also plagues my country and needs to stop in all of our countries.

No, actually, a slimy traitor party is not an improvement over an enemy. The fake-right's effort to make the complete and utter destruction of our nations with immigration slightly more palatable with a little less open disdain for us and a few ultimately meaningless perks and token gestures is not a bona fide improvement in the state of affairs, and I'm tired of people pretending it is. Any and every contribution to a real political opposition, a real resistance, however small, is still infinitely greater a contribution to actually saving a country than all the WASTED votes that get tossed away supporting spineless failures.
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Where would leaf anons go if you decided to leave? East Tennessee is paradise but it might be too hot for you guys.
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>They got to go into foreign countries with less scrutiny because it was the nice Canadians and then of course the locals got screwed as hard as ever.
You're just emphasizing the nature of Canada. It's all based on lies and deceit. We're not actually good at anything. Just pure rent seeking at every level. It's not a skill, not a talent, it's a grift and under neutral/international conditions Canada loses every time. Self-respecting people of skill will simply leave. We're not even really in disagreement, you just seem to believe that your personal involvement in corruption makes Canada "good".

>Will Trump allow diploma mills though?
No idea. He may never mention the diploma-citizenship path ever again. I don't actually care if it's a "mill" or not. I'll get a degree from a US normal university, no issue. I'll just take something related to my professional experience and it'll be a cakewalk. I could teach some of these classes.
You're used to living in a high functional society, but just look at America. When institutions fail here they just close them down for everybody.
I saw three jeets yesterday deep in French Canadian country. There's no job no money here and everybody is Francophone who wants to preserve their culture. They really have no consideration for our struggles, they will never intragrate, they'll come here by the drove they'll call us racist and "we're all immigrants". WE'VE BEEN HERE FOR OVER 400 YEARS MOTHERFUCKER WE GOT CONQUERED BY THE BRITISH JUST LIKE YOU WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US.

This is cultural genocide.
My sister is a National Parks ranger in Jasper Alberta and her home has burned down, all the towns have burned down there, her vehicle is covered in ashes, and she's been evacuating people from the park for awhile now. It's the apocalypse over there. She's a refugee now and will have to come back to Ontario to be with me, so at least Ontario is going to get a little whiter as a result of this. Any anons in Alberta enjoying the current happenings seeing everything burn?
They will integrate and that will be the final death nail in the coffin of the white race. Integration means they racemix and embrace homofaggotry and all the rest.
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>meanwhile the Libcucks still haven't found a way to begin the so-called buyback
>RCMP straight up refused to go door-to-door because they fear getting shot
>don't realize that literally not a single gunowner has complied with the 2020 oic
>PPCoons admit to being nogunz
What are surprise.
I bet you retards don't know the first thing about firearms laws here to begin with.
Maine is actually further North than Toronto, I've considered it because I like weather that is cool and moist, but I don't want to be physically stuck on a small island like Nova Scotia...but at present I'm learning French so I can move to Quebec. I just feel more comfy in any place that would have both sea access (so not Alberta or Satkatchewan) and fresh water.
Probably Montana, Wyoming or Colorado as those are the states most like my home of Alberta.
>leave Canada, that's 80% white
>to go to America that's 40% white
Do you really just love niggers this much?
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no one cares except for you. The random retard who just posts pictures of firearms, demanding other people post pictures of firearms. Just guns, that's all you talk about. Those guns wont save you from mass population replacement. The country you were born in is already dead and it's never coming back. So you play pretend in da woods with your toy gun? You are like a child playing pretend in a closet as the house burns down.

You are no survivalist, you're a LARPer. Frankly, you seem like a glowie. But on the other hand, Canadians are stupid fucking nigger cattle.
>Canada is 80% white
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>buzzword salad with a copium cherry on top
Whatever helps you cope, nogunz niggerpill.
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at least try to write a coherent response, glowie.
And civil war to the south of us. China or India doesn't have the population base (yet) to maintain its interests here if things get kinetic.

Outside the cities, prairie Canada and the US has always had a rifle behind every blade of grass, something to do with the fact that people willing to put up with the complete bullshit that is winter here must have realized, there's nowhere else to run.
That definitely hasn't changed.

Once you move away from the coasts, this place becomes very inhospitable to life in general, even when the 'new', very land possessive natives aren't trying to kill you, to preserve their hold on the thing they spent generations toiling to get.

The fallout from vaccine injuries isn't the only wildcard now, but it's a big one. The farmers were all about community 4 years ago, and weirdly enough trusted their government (which is fucked, considering bad governance is what drove them all to emigrate here when it had literally nothing, no roads, towns, only distant train lines, and live in sod houses in months of -30°) with their blood.
Insanity when you look at it that way.

They might all be dead and they children voluntarily sterilized by 2030.
They want the 3rd world here in a hurry for more than one reason.
The state's is more fucked than we are, thanks to population density. If you do migrate, make it the interior. The coasts fall and start burning, the million sq miles of suburban sprawl, the only thing that'll save you is blind luck.
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>They want the 3rd world here in a hurry for more than one reason.
the line must go up. it must always go up. it must never stop going up.
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>Outside the cities, prairie Canada and the US has always had a rifle behind every blade of grass
Canadians are huge faggots and wont ever do shit ever, lmao. Like, seriously. Lets just stop pretending and appealing to some vague notion that has been demonstrated to not be true over and over.
Do leafs want us to annex them?
no. leafs by-and-large are scared of america to some degree for one reason or another.
The correct term would be "Liberate". But yes, please.
Zionist mass immigration gay liberals with a blue tie
These threads have blackpilled me more than any normie msm ever could
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where the hell have you been for the last 4 years?
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You should step inside one next time.
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I hope you've sold all your CAD.
Only Tim Hortons you should go to should be outside of Canada
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>maybe if I call him a glowie I'll win
Take your advice, you self-unaware retard.
Its also "glownigger", not "glowie" like you reddit transplants love to parrot.
Pretty sure there's as many guns per person up here as down there.

You think an AR or handgun is the bees knees, but I'd rather not be fighting for my life in the situations those 2 class of firearms are designed for: close combat.

The population density up here lends itself to scoped hunting rifles and shotguns. And at least i justify having those for putting food in my freezer, instead of people in the ground.
He unfortunately surrounded himself with gay libertarians and jews
>CPC is still better than LIB/NDP.
At this point they're so below the line of acceptable that this distinction is meaningless. The CPC would gladly watch everyone here go to prison for life while they literally suck israeli dick.

I'm not voting for a party who calls White Canadians "old stock." Not happening. And I'll make fun of anyone who does
Because it's a broken, rigged, evil system. And willfully participation in that system enables it. Your vote literally means nothing, other than acceptance of your fate.
The only viable means to fix the system without blood is mass non participation, and the sooner we realize that, the more likely it is we'll fix things before it's too late.
If it isn't already.
>Cpc literally started the mass immigration of the 3rd world to fill the voids in entry level and semi-skilled tradesmen in 2006.
Try the 1980s when they tried to dilute French Canadians. That didn't work out and now the shoe is on the other foot.
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InteractiveBrokers is the best brokerage I've found for divesting from Canada. Lowest US commissions. Effectively flat fee currency exchange without a spread.

If you have a single penny of your RRSP invested in Canadian assets you're a total retard. Take advantage of the IRS withholding tax exemption and directly invest it all into US assets. Do not by a Canadian fund, you don't get the exemption. Transfer your RRSP to InteractiveBrokers using a T2033 and invest it directly into US assets for optimal tax efficiency.

Canadian ETFs are the most expensive in the world, often 3x-10x more expensive than US counterparts. Most Canadian ETFs aren't even real funds, they just wrap US ETFs and charge you triple for it.

Most Canadians by default are invested at least 50% in Canadian assets. An average international portfolio will be 1%-2% Canadian (accounting for 10% of developed world indexes). The later is the correct allocation.
Someone give me the straight dope. Is Trudeau the bastard child of Fidel Castro?
Why? Learn spanish, tan and pretend you're a mexican.
Jobs in my specific field.
just say you're a mexican that studied in canada
MAID yourself
Imagine going to prison and having a captive audience that is pissed off and doesn't bow to authority and educating them about the jews.
I don't know why people here think America is so much better than Canada. Maybe America is better in some ways, but generally it's not.

If you're going to leave then go to places that are actually first world countries like Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, etc.
Yeah, i don't think you understand the mindset of the people that settled the prairies. They ran from totalitarian Europe and endured the same Siberian gulag like conditions here, willingly, so that they could say this land is theirs.
They remember what happens after the government takes their guns, and they're seeing the writing of an attempted repeat of that history.
The cities will comply, but rural Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, BC gets word of armed confiscations, things will get interesting, fast. They remember what happened to the kozaks.

I can't even imagine who they'd get to even participate in such and worthless cause suicidal cause.
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Shut the fuck up. You know nothing of our pain. You think your food is expensive, you think your rent is high. You know nothing. You are like a baby.
Even if the majority of Canadians stop participating, the government will just keep going anyways. Only thing I'd agree would make a difference is if we didn't participate by not paying taxes. But compared to just not voting, having a anti-mass-immigration party get in pushes a message more than just not voting, and if you think they'll ignore that, well they'll ignore people not voting anyways
Holy shit this cocksucker is working overtime.
In general America can at least say no to trans rights but in canada you go to jail for that with every white tard here cheering it on. You at least had Trump, in canada everyone has TDS.
If you don't want more pain then go to New Zealand. Instead of America which at best is only slightly better. There are ways to work with expensive food and housing.
>New Zealand
lol, lmao. Fuck globohomo anglo colonies. You're just a total fucking retard.
Trump has made things worse, and Trump is also pro LGBT and made conservatives even worse than they already were. Anti LGBT wasn't even allowed at the last RNC the other day.
Check craigslist to find this very vulnerable to fire housing.
Stay in the city faggot.
It's where you belong.
Man, you retard liberals really cant help but constantly out yourself for loving migrant cock and lie about everything.
Only the prairies, and only if you get rid of the east coast and cities on the west coast.
Seriously? Place is the third world rn
Prove him wrong. Leafs had the chance with the trucker protest and they kept bending the knee so they can just smoke weed all day
This seems more like trying to get the whites who fled to come back. Not happening.
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Does it bother you to consider the reality that you won't do shit? Faggot? That if you were gonna do shit, you'd have already done it? The time has way past. So many opportunities to stand up and say something. It's over and you did nothing. The country you were born in is dead, and you did nothing as it happened. Now your children will be neo-serfs right along side you. All without a single shot being fired, amazing.
Nobody thinks Quebec is Canada. Quebec is Quebec. That used to mean something. We're all kind of fucked now though.
Can't see how he isn't. But even with all the willful dna that schmucks donated the last 4 years, somehow that hasn't come up.
Well Quebec can just gtfo, who really gives a fuck about that place anyways?
That's generally what i mean by non participation. No work, no taxes, no voting.
A month, maybe 2, prepared for and organized by the plebs instead our corrupt thieving government, demanding rule by referendum, and this country will have meaningful government again.
Would solve a lot of problem both for Quebec and the rest of Canada.
1% population replacement per year started in the early 90s.
Fuck off, glownigger. A protest in Ottawa? What kind of retard goes to a foreign land with foreign notions to protest and expected things to end anyway other than they did.
Shutting the border down, though, that was productive. And notice how quickly the political maggots came out of the wood works to end that. And how. Remember the Couts 5? Either does anyone else.
Never happening. Leafs cant even go without goyslop waiting in line as a migrant who cant speak English fucks up orders.
It depends
From a rational standpoint we would be much better off, we could actually exploit our resource wealth because greenfaggots would be outvoted
But from a cultural standpoint, we actually are substantially different from Americans
Our version of Ellis Islanders, the Germans, Irish, Italians, Slavs etc would find it very easy to adopt American identities but for the British descended leafs, we do still have a strong cultural affinity for the motherland
My grandmother and mother always watched the queens Christmas address every year, for example
We have more of a monarchical mindset than Americans do, which unfortunately leads us to shitty outcomes because our monarch is a figurehead and our government is run by evil incompetents
It's so bizarre hearing analysts keep saying "people are buying less stuff, but spending more on services". I have no fucking idea what that means, luxury bullshit. People are just addicted to living a lifestyle they can't afford.
Only issue it won't solve is poojeets and the niggers, especially the nigs coming in through QC.
What, I'm supposed to care when everyone is still voting? No thanks, I'll wait for the collapse.
9 meals to anarchy will do nicely in that regard.
Get fucked, glownigger. I'm here and the entire country could collapse and it would make zero difference in my day to day.
The only thing different is I'd be carrying a gun, as would everyone else around me, for when the undesirable mouth breathers like you start showing up.
>And how
They asked them to leave the bridge and they did. It was only after when most people went home after being told to did they bring out the guns to clean up. And you know what? A lot of leafs agreed that JT was allowed to use violence and the few that disagree just accepted it anyway to prove how docile and good they are not fighting back, not even to go protest at locals. They just gave up once the fun party ended because Canadians only care about fun
Also, what kind of idiot thinks Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and anything within 100km of those shitholes as any relation to what Canada is?
Those places were already lost in thr 90's.
We need to start thinking like Croats or Bosnians during the process of Yugoslavia collapsing
Our government will declare war on us when they see we won't MAID peacefully and we need to have a parallel economy and militia up and running by that point
Yes, it's called rule of law
You need to exhaust every legal means of change before people see the use of force as legitimate
Come home White man
The Noticing continues. People have been pointing out how Canada and Australia are the avante guard of the WEF for years now.
Canadians, the slow wistful creatures that they are, might be beginning to notice what that means.
And seriously, we haven't had a hard winter in a decade. Those are fun for the locals, never mind the shitskins wearing 3 coats when it's 5° and raining.
What a useful idiot. He isn't even a Jew.
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>t-try that in a small town
>w-what you want me to do something?
>n-no that's okay I'll just keep being a good serf
You're a serf, you're children are serfs, and your children's children will be serfs. When they ask you what happened, you'll mutter something incoherent about nothing. Because that's what happened, nothing. You did nothing. You'll "wait for the collapse", lmao.

Just stop pretending, that's all I ask.
People still trust and shill for the liberals after all that has happened. All options have been exhausted. Leafs are full of sloth and lust. This country is fucked.
And will continue to do so until they can't. Like religion, blinders on, assume this is just a phase. Nobody here thinks this is a phase. And our numbers are definitely growing.
At this point, yes please.
>T-that's not real Canada!
>N-not like here!
>I-It's totally different here!
Just stop pretending. You're a docile faggot just like 90% of Canadians and won't do shit. You'll cope and lie to yourself instead. You play pretend in the closest of a burning building, telling yourself your magic blanket will protect you.

You are the result of a 200 year long eugenics project to breed the dumbest nigger cattle to exist.
Normies know about the WEF but still love open borders. They love the WEF but not the name itself
The MSM hides it. The truth might black pill you but once you get past your emotions you will be far better off than ignorant normies. Just don't be a girl about it.
>Let's keep running away!
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>Move to the shittiest shit hole in this shit hole resource colony
It doesn't have to be blackpilling, we just have to accept the reality and start thinking as a diaspora living in a country that oppresses us
We should be organizing politically to push for white interests, such as ending discrimination against whites in employment and education, organizing economically to take over communities and keep nonwhites out, and building networks to support each other in the face of attacks from the government and hostile ethnics like pajeets
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Our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents lived in an amazing country as far as day to day life went in relation to the rest of the world. Many of us were raised in that country, a once high-trust society defined by its strong social cohesion. It might take longer than a few years of everything getting turned on its head rapidly following generations of stability for adjustments to be made you demoralizing faggot.
The only thing that is shit is your skin, Nova Scotia is for WHITE people
Yes, we need to come together but the problem is that we keep getting infuriated by feds and kikes. This is the main problem we have to solve. We need to be able to trust each other.
What is so bad about it?
Thats why its blackpilling. White canadians hate themselves and see no issue with laws that go against them.
Too white... so many white people..
I think the sleep is coming out of people's eyes on the prairies. They're not morons, simple yes, but not stupid. You only have to drive to the local city, try interacting with any of the shitskins that have replaced every aspect of the previous entry level young Canadian workforce, and understand what it means. I'm not saying it will.
Yeah, I'm ready for the decline. I don't knowingly come from the serf stock, but let's be honest, everyone here is the spawn of the serf/slave class. The prairie's were the birthplace of the middle class, we're all here bitching because we all see the writing on the wall affects the middle class the most, and i don't think the prairies are ready to let the truth that being the middle class (simple, productive, happy, and lackadaisical) die just yet.
You worthless cunts in the city though? We'll let you all eat each other before we let you destroy what's left after the collapse.
I usually tell anons to leave the city, but glownigger garbage like you? Stay put.
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>Our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents lived in an amazing country
This is historically false. Canada was populated with a docile serf-class that was intentionally suppressed by the British out of fear of a revolution. They lived lives of significantly decreased quality of life compared to their American counterparts. The country was largely undeveloped, intentionally. One of the primary cultural traits of Canada is they're "not American", that's a British artifact. We are nothing except not American. If we were American, now that's dangerous.

The fact you believe Canada was ever a "good place" really demonstrates how you are exactly the domesticated nigger cattle set out to design. You can't even see it front of your face, faggot.
That seems old, though.
I bet Alberta and Saskacaralho aren't that much white any more.
I don't wanna be pessimistic but it's currently filling up with jeets.
Fit in er fuck aff, bud.

Why aren't you working, got fucking pipe to lay and rapeseed to plow, fuck it. Peelers with the boys.
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The Atlantic provinces, if independent and separated from Canada would become like Rwanda levels of impoverished. It's a welfare province of inbred retards.

It's like African-Americans suggesting they should move to Liberia.
The key is to drop fedposting and hate (no matter how justified) against other groups, and focus purely on our interests as whites
That's how community organizations function everywhere else, the issues they talk about are purely focused on what benefits their people and removes obstacles for their upward mobility
We have to accept that we aren't going to be taking this country back in its old form, the long-term goal should be preserving ourselves as a racial group and then preparing for the inevitable implosion that happens with all diverse nonwhite shitholes, at that point we can impose our own borders again and reestablish a nation state
But that doesn't happen on its own, we need to have effectively a parallel government by that point that can assume the role of government in a vacuum, this is how every successful revolution in the past functioned
Estimate timeframe
cholera outbreak:
Vancouver, Edmonton, Ottawa, Toronto, Halifax
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Good thing I don't have any
Hasn't broken support yet, but it will. I've been DCAing out of CAD all year.
Women building futures does it for women.

Free paid way into the trades?,
White male.
"I see no reason for you to qualify for assistance" and given a list of homeless shelters, and a smirk.
I'll be moving to Vancouver in September with a salary of 85k. Exactly how comfortable am I going to be. Single male obviously.
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I hope winter-chan fucks up Canada next winter, I want all snow plow to magically stop working, make cities blackout in the middle of winter from abusing heating, make Canada face the cold again!
I've actually seen some incredible change in a very short time period, I'm talking legit shitlibs becoming radicalized against immigration *in principle* due to the economic effects and just the repulsiveness of pajeets
I never would have imagined seeing this https://files.catbox.moe/25jf08.webm in Canada before 2021
I have all the time in the world out here. The only thing the collapse will mean to me is i won't have to interact with garbage like you, corrupting everything they touch for sheckles anymore.

The internet going down means a devoted return to a life worth living out here. The internet goes down in the cities and you fucks are eating each other within a fortnight.
I sleep like a lamb knowing this truth. When's the last time you slept, kike?
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Good. Then maybe pajeets would leave us alone.
>The key is to drop fedposting and hate (no matter how justified) against other groups, and focus purely on our interests as whites
I'm not sure this will work. The pure fun and memetic fervor that can be obtained from shitting on minorities is a good tool for recruitment. We need to be able to be a place where people can come to be honest and look at the world for what it really is. That is one of our greatest strengths as a movement.
>at that point we can impose our own borders again and reestablish a nation state
I agree with this. We shouldn't abandon our home country but we can establish enclaves and communities where our beliefs dominate. The only problem with this is that we might get WACOed.
>we need to have effectively a parallel government by that point that can assume the role of government in a vacuum
We can call it a community of likeminded individuals. I think any reliance on government based legitimacy is going to fail. They have a monopoly on that kind of power. It needs to be grassroots and we must focus on uniting ideas.
Violence is also important, whether we would like to admit it or not.
Cyclists are the fucking scourge of the roads. They drive on the highway then when a transport truck happens sometimes they wipe out from the wind tunnel effect.
Retards who want to kill themselves, but have someone else to blame for it.

Drive on the sidewalk, or get ran off the road, as it is in Alberta.
Rural Nova Scotians are easily the most racist Canadians and Nova Scotia is one of the least urbanized provinces. If you're anti-invasion, Nova Scotia is the ONLY option. Anyone saying anything else should be disregarded as mud posting.
There's knowing, and then there Knowing.
The decline is being managed as well as it can be, but the masters know, they fuck up the just-in-time supply network, that is now run and managed by the most dejected of the middle class (take a look at shipping and receiving rates this past decade to know what i mean), and the mob burns everything.
But only in the cities.
no actuaries here?
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Good luck leaf bros
Yes and we won't have it any other way, nu-Canadian.
Kek, hello fellow east coaster.
t. Was there with the fuck Trudeau flag a week before it dropped and made the boomers in the corner have screaming matches with the window.

Also the new jeets in Amherst are dysgenic and look like they suffer from malnutrition, saw one infront of their house by the sexual health center fucking sponge bathing on the driveway. Odd behavior. Wendy's is 100% Jeet. A&W is only half pinoy half white now. Jeets everywhere.
The way to think about it is treating the official organization like you would a workplace
Yeah you know your buddies at the job have the same opinions you do but you keep it professional while you're representing the business
>I think any reliance on government based legitimacy is going to fail.
There always will be a government in some form or another, and if you want a true revolution to happen you need to have an organization that can fill that vacuum of power
The state is a monopoly on force that should be used to defend the collective interests of the people within its borders, and that's been abandoned by our postwar lurch to international liberal capitalism
Otherwise we will just have some milquetoast conservatives come in and take over government and the libertarians will get more of the same except worse
I know an Egyptian guy living in NS right now and he says the whites treat him very nicely compared to Quebec
The only truly racist part of Canada is Quebecois, they will openly call nonwhites out on the streets

I dare not cut down a single tree, or go to work without the explicit permission of the family.
t. Irvingland resident
Vancouver Island here, outside of maybe 10k~ wokies pushing politics its salvageable here, get outside of Victoria and you'll hear people be racist as shit.

You'll be poor as shit. That is barely a living wage in Vancouver.
Boomers are allowed to have grandfathered Fully automatics, by the way.

I self identify as grandfathered and a holder of a PAL, if anyone disagrees they go to jail longer than I do for transphobia.
You're a retard. And some fucking retard that's never left the cities to boot.
Look up the DLS. Look up how settlers often beat train lines to areas, a thousand kilometers off the beaten path. Even a hundred years ago this was the last frontier, and everyone then knew it.
The British took advantage of Canadian's morality for the world wars, just like the Canadian government did with covid.
That's over now.
We know we have nowhere to run. We're not fighting for a country where the cities filled with retards like you that couldn't grow a potato decide our political and economic state.
We're going to fight for our way of life, which so far hasn't been attacked yet. But you and yours can and will eat each other before we even notice.
The stress of having to interact and converse with you people is hard.

You don't listen and just talk over eachother and carry on 5 conversations at a time and "whyaat bout that time me byy' on the laabster booot"
>intentionally suppressed by the British out of fear of a revolution
The prairies so much as elected the CCF and the federal government lined up to import Ukrainian ex-Nazis to keep the existing Ukrainians under control.
Now decades later one descendant is the finance minister and doing things like giving $15 million to help build an anti-communism museum in Ukraine, where Ukraine itself has only allocated $18k.

>I dare not cut down a single tree,
>t. Irvingland resident
Irvingland, with federal assistance, is working on beautiful Green tree-planting because climate change. It's a total coincidence that the new climate-resistant tree chosen for the monoculture happens to be the kind Irving wants for its mills.
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You were never really Canadian, sorry. It's time to go back.
When you remove housing equity from people's net worth, the amount of millionaires in Toronto drop to less than Chicago's, which is a step up from Detroit
And Vancouver's millionaires drop to 15% of the millionaires in Toronto
This country is basically second world in terms of its real economy when you take out massively overinflated housing equity
honestly anyone not from old stock pre-1700s Europeans needs to go back.
Pretty sure that's everyone except for the French
my family got here in 1598 and 1635 on my father's and mother's sides, respectively.
> Why can"t I culturally genocide and replace French Canadians! Racist!!! WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS. We'll move to your community and destroy your way of life! It's love! We'll ignore all of your concern and vote for an entirely different political party. We will oppose your fight for emancipation.
No, they are racist. Not us. No question about that.
>This country is basically second world in terms of its real economy when you take out massively overinflated housing equity
Considering the parallels to the Soviets, this kind of makes sense.
>He then launches into one of his favorite stories about his lunches with the top guys at the Canadian Pacific Railway, one of Canada’s economic jewels and the primary engine behind the settlement of the western frontier during the 19th century. A naive and younger T——— had tried engaging his sexagenarian audience with things like “western economic development,” “resource transportation infrastructure to meet Asian demand,” and “provincially supported railway extensions.” It went over their heads. Within minutes, the conversation had switched to golfing and vacationing at their lake houses. This was the pinnacle of Canadian corporate ambitions.
It's inevitable, especially with the idea of going green. This whole global warming narrative will disappear when we're reminded that a continental climate means we're just as likely to get fucked as Siberia.
I use a wood stove with propane backup to heat my place. All my neighbors the same. What will they use for warmth when the power inevitably goes out for even a day or two in the cities?
I literally don't fucking care.
Well that's impressive, the furthest back I can go on my father's side is 1672 from Brittany to New France, and my mother's side the late 1700s from Ulster to Upper Canada
He didn't say that like it was a bad thing, I actually got in touch with this guy through /pol/, he's remarkably based on many things
This makes sense, like the rest of the Anglo world our economy is hyper financialized and there's no genuine interest in industrial development
Boomers just sort of forgot the foundations of the economy and are living off the equity created from international richfags pumping their money into our housing market
The problem is finance is not innately productive, its meant to provide capital for productive enterprise, not supplant that productivity for financial speculation
But you can make a lot of make-work jobs for DEI purposes in finance that wouldn't be possible in a productive industry like resource extraction or manufacturing, so it fits like a glove
Indians are crammed 25 in a basement, so they can share body heat and not die -- especially since the horde we are getting are all from Punjab -- Northern India. I think flooding of their basements is more effective than winter, especially if the water damage their e-bikes. That said, a cold winter, especially the kind that comes over suddenly, could cut down on Nigerians. Even Liberals joke about Nigerians and Indians being scammers, if we must have africans and south asians why couldn't we at least get more Kenyans and Thais
Technically I can trace my father's side back to 1372 in England, got all sorts of neat history there. We moved west in the 1860s to help build up Fort Victoria. My great-great-grandfather helped craft high end scientific and exploration equipment for early arctic expeditions.
>Look up the DLS. Look up how settlers often beat train lines to areas, a thousand kilometers off the beaten path. Even a hundred years ago this was the last frontier, and everyone then knew it.
insane cope. No one cares. Blacks built the railroads. Chinese built the railroads. Oh no wait the Canadians built the railroads.

Apparently Anglo Canadians are just another type of coolie nigger.

I can't wait to colonize as much jeet pussy as I can with my BWC.
It would be more funny if it were a rainstorm at night, so when shit happens, you got like 15 poos in one basement that flooded overnight, and none of them could escape in time, and just drown in their sleep
>sticking your cock in them
anon, their cunts are going to be smeared in curry shit.
85k Canadian? Not enough. Why the fuck would you come here for 85k? Honestly you should be making at least $160k CAD to make it worthwhile to live in Vancouver.
Now that the media can't effectively suppress dissent like it used to, people living in horrible overpriced conditions are reading these articles and becoming more and more furious
All we need to do is normalize the idea that whites have a right to advocate for our interests just like anyone else, once that hurdle is crossed we will snowball
The ziocons are actually a bigger threat to this than the leftists, because they want to go back to raceblind egalitarianism which inevitably results in our genocide via miscegenation and replacement
The left accepts the existence of racial collective interests, they just hypocritically reject those interests for whites, which is much easier to attack than the old system
Its interesting how Ontario up into Manitoba is heavily Scottish but as you go further and further west, the population becomes almost 100% English (I'm talking foundational stock ofc)
this glows
he's basically a bot, he posts the exact same mindless shit in every thread.
>We have to accept that we aren't going to be taking this country back in its old form,
...it depends. For example, I'm East Asian, we flooded the country around the Y2K to 2010s, but we have a lower fertility rate than whites so we are already diminishing. Indians breed like crazy, in India, but in Canada they are limited by fire code if we enforce them, so as long as we keep enforcing laws and stop the planes, since our only land border is with the USA, over time white population can rebound.
Oh, yeah, well 104% voted for free tranny surgeries! What are these faggot numbers you're making up? Less than 50% even bothered voting in 2021.
Eh even up until the 90s I'd say a good half of BC was still descended from foundational stock. I'd say this is due to HBC & the Crown investing heavily in the region in the early days, otherwise they'd risk losing the territory to the US.
Trudeau lost the popular vote in 2021.
Doesn't the whole island usually vote NDP?
When PP takes charge, I expect:
-companies to start hiring again
- the dismissal of dei and hire bipoc
-the end of wasteful native reconciliation. Time to rip off the bandaid and insert them into the taxbase
-further selling of public assets like cbc buildings and land
- the dollar value to go up
-the war machine to get spruced up
-the dimishment of obsolete national bs items like the crtc
-the diminished of federal and provincial workforces in general, esp. the do-nothing bureaucracy
-immigration to go down from current insane highs
-taxes to go down
-almost every woke government program to end
-jails to be built and filled
-cops to be reempowered
-jagmeet to finally quit
-trudeau to quit too. 'Family' reasons

Is Canada then fixed anons?
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That's true, and the Punjabis in particular have fertility rates on par with Europeans (1.7-1.3) in India itself, though the "students" we've had flooded in are from all over India, not just Punjab (though still disproportionately Punjabi)
However I don't see the planes slowing down, the CPC has made it clear they won't be altering immigration substantially except lowering the numbers to something less insane, they are still fully committed to replacing the population with pajeets but just want it done in a less disruptive manner
East Asians are an interesting group because you are subject to a lot of the same discrimination we are in favour of browns/blacks, this would be an area where we can cooperate for our mutual benefit
And of course none of us benefit from Canada becoming India 2.0, once nepotism becomes entrenched in vital areas like infrastructure we will see everything start crumbling and collapsing
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I went to see on r/Quebec and everyone there seem to be overwhelmingly against immigration. Leftist or not.
>All we need to do is normalize the idea that whites have a right to advocate for our interests just like anyone else,
I agree, but it's tricky, how do white people equal rights as other groups do to advocate without making everything worse with a pushback. I thin it is very important to understand the language of the commie-left and therefore use it. Focus on what poor whites are losing rather than what non-whites are gaining, that they are undeserviced, falling through the gaps, that they are under-serviced too. Understand that different people have different jobs in a movement -- sure, some should criticize the non-whites line jumping too, a fringe Opposition criticizing that could base the normies over time, but before the Overton shifts, the Mainstreamers must be more subtle and hide power level -- if you want to be the Mainstreamers you have to get into the happen of using normie speak instead of 4can speak when addressing the issues, the issues of overcrowding, scabbing, nepotism and corruption, rather than just laugh at poos for pooping over everything, even though they do that. Or if you do that, do it only with your boomer family members, different songs for different audience.
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this thread is fucking depressing.
there's no hope for the americas, is there?
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If you’re pro old stock only the. What do you think about the European Canadians that immigrated in the late 19th and early 20th century like the Ukrainians? We’re just as white as you guys are and imo are more based/traditionally minded from that old Catholic/Orthodox doctrine
Most of the island votes NDP due to labour concerns, we hate the woke social policies but you gotta remember how many people are trades and resource extraction here. Additionally a vote for the NDP is often viewed as a less Ontario/Quebec focused party, its an 'attack' against the eastern elites that have time and time again stolen from the west.
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Canada has been fucked for years, pepole are just finally noticing thanks to all the major cites overflowing with human shit
There’s always hope Amerikaner. But it requires strong will and the willingness to agitate for change socially and politically
Depends where your ancestors settled. I have no issue with ones that went to the prairies and worked hard to create a life for themselves. Anyone east of Manitoba can get fucked.
I unironically enjoy living in a diverse society, ideally mostly whites and east asians, some blacks, some hispanics, some south asians, it is my preference -- but I've noticed over and over again that a multicultural society is only first world and stable when Christian whites are running things, not politically correct to say, but it is what it is. While evil white people exist, especially among boomers...over all it is Christian whites who are able to be high trust and fair in dividing stuff between groups and making judgements.
Immigration can be attacked from a purely economic standpoint, as a policy it always benefits the employer and landowner class at the expense of the working class
In fact there's no way to defend immigration from a labour point of view, which is why the left relies on accusations of racism to suppress dissent
The only defense I've seen self described commies make of mass immigration is that this allows the working class in first world countries to create a "labour aristocracy" which impedes the worldwide revolution of the proletariat
To which I reply that you get nowhere by allowing your capitalist class to destroy the economy for the working class in your country, if I were a dedicated Marxist I would want to establish a prosperous nation-state for workers in order to use it as a springboard for provoking revolution in other countries, which is basically what the Soviet Union did in the third world ("prosperity" being a relative term here, compared to mud hut shitholes in Africa and elsewhere)
That's exactly what I had in mind, but we also need to avoid cucking on issues by abandoning our primary position
For example, you see on the boomercon right wing in the US everyone screeching about illegal immigration, and the left just says "okay, we will legalize all these illegals and then they aren't illegals anymore" and the boomercons have nothing to say because they are using the illegality as a proxy for their actual concern
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Hello based? Prairies is Ukrainian country anyways. If Canada collapses I hope we see the enclaves here form our own state
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So you're a white supremacist who values multiculturalism. Okay... could you show hands please? You're Filipino aren't you?
The best thing that could ever happen is this country splitting apart and the west joining together to survive, followed by a massive earthquake wiping out Vancouver and Victoria.
Something I noticed is that the multiculturalism thing sort of worked while there were buffer whites that kept various other groups from having to interact too much with each other
Now with nonwhites taking over political party leadership, like Jagmeet in the NDP, we will start seeing these mutually hostile groups rubbing up against each other
As the economy gets worse and resources get more and more scarce, we will see open conflicts between these minorities for political power and it could end up in a Yugoslavia situation, ironically without whites doing most of the fighting
>-companies to start hiring again
>- the dismissal of dei and hire bipoc
Won't happen.
>-the end of wasteful native reconciliation.
Won't happen.
>-further selling of public assets
For cheap. To insiders.
>- the dollar value to go up
>-the war machine to get spruced up
The Irvings need more chateaus. Or maybe we'll see procurement try for some joint US/Israel-built drone or anti-air platform.
>-the dimishment of [...] the crtc
Won't happen
>-the diminished of federal and provincial workforces in general
When Harper did it they came back as privatized consultants. You would need to tear up the Ottawa consensus on grifting the public and that won't happen.
>-immigration to go down
Only slightly. PP says he will match it to business and it's business who demanded what we have today from Trudeau and Ford.
>-taxes to go down
>-almost every woke government program to end
Held up in endless court cases so no.
>-jails to be built
Idk. Probably too expensive in political capital.
>-cops to be reempowered
It's the judges he would need to stop, so no.
>trudeau to quit
Yes but too late. Jagmeet might stick around as a focus for foreign protest campaigns.

>Is Canada then fixed anons?
Of course not.
My great-great grandparents came to the prairies in the mid 19th century and they were German and English-Irish, they got along with the perogee eaters just fine.
True, though logistics and trade becomes a major issue, I doubt BC would join a new western state given our politics and values. We’d have to rebuild the Hudson as a main port for trade or rely on America, which I fear would lead to annexation or becoming a puppet of the Americans
>We’d have to rebuild the Hudson as a main port for trade or rely on America, which I fear would lead to annexation or becoming a puppet of the Americans
Anon, we already are an American puppet
The vast majority of our trade is with the US, they have us by the balls and can do whatever they want to us
So in that scenario, including outright annexation, nothing would change
You underestimate northern BC, rather everywhere in BC that isn't the two cities. In a SHTF scenario the cities probably starve to death anyway.

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