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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Canada IS a failed state.
Every institution in Canada is bordering on collapse.

JEETpocalypse edition

Previous Thread: >>475605847
>healthcare is fucked
>immigration is fucked
>economy is fucked
>housing is fucked
>wages are fucked
>politicians are all just a different flavor of cuck
>leaf roasties are insufferable
>more taxes
>"transitory" inflation
>CAD is now starting to slide against the USD
its fucking over.
get out before you cant.
Already planned. Marrying a nice American girl that comes from Texan oil money.
>double big mac meal with a large fry and coke costs 20 Canadian
Canada has fallen
How'd you find her
Jesus. Though, that is probably like $12 USD here, which is almost as retarded. Things have doubled or tripled in price in just 10 years.
F for Jasper. Wish I got to visit before they Lahaina'd it.
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>import millions of streetshitters for cheap labor
>porta-potties start appearing on sidewalks at every intersection
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PPCucks tongue my anus
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Do the needful sir
I fucking loathe canada and Canadians in general. Shitskin loving npcs. Reddit: the country
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Anyone else wondering how the "student" fiasco will play out once they realize they won't be getting PR? I could actually see rioting when enough of them get together, they're already threatening suicide if they are deported
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what's the point of these threads anyway, there's not much to discuss with such a general topic and like most repeat threads the shills and trolls have taken residence. it's better to start with a specific topic such as the foreign collusion in our government that everyone seems totally fine with I guess? where are the protests and resignations? Personally, I called my MP a suspected traitor and they didn't dare to reply, guilty conscience?
Apparently Jasper is evaporated now,
has already come and gone. they went home
just get trudickcheese out of office you retards
>votes in retard
>you see he's actuallg retarded like he displayed he was
Yeah but those are just the first ones
What's going to happen when the millions that arrived more recently are slated to get kicked out?
I wish leafs were fucking intelligent enough to push for harder regulations preventing loss of QoL in their own neighbourhoods.
I want to see a city implement a maximum amount of people in a house for fire safety reasons and make indians that pack 3-5 families in a single family home seethe.
That's already illegal. Shitskins dont care
it's neither illegal nor enforced in many cities and it should be.
>they're already threatening suicide if they are deported
They're already committing suicide.
>91 Indian students have died in Canada in the past five years, India says
>In the past two years alone, a community member in Surrey, B.C. counted at least 47 international students from India who died from drug overdoses or suicide in the lower mainland
>at least 30 other students from India had died based on an analysis of GoFundMe pages
>A funeral home in Ontario told CBC it has been repatriating remains to India from across Canada at a rate of about five a month since the pandemic
Somehow it takes the National Post to write an article. The CBC did not. The CBC has a generic milquetoast article about how the representative entities of the Canadian establishment are lacking in sufficient processes. In this case tut-tutting at universities not tracking suicide. One would expect the CBC to be the one showing compassing and caring and progressive feeling for the plight of the sorely abused international students being brought in, but no, if a CBC reporter tried to write that story it's clear that somebody had it killed.

>Personally, I called my MP a suspected traitor and they didn't dare to reply, guilty conscience?
Even if he/she isn't one who's in bed with China, there is plenty of nation-killing corruption to go around. Like the politicians know about the abuses of the TFW program. They know about the abuses from diploma mills and related abusive employers. Some likely know in much greater detail than others from personal knowledge. And yet...
do you guys ever stop crying like faggots? so cringe, you must be a jeet
no they keep voting in liberals and then expecting them to make republican decisions
It's all well and good to send these fuckers back to their shithole country but I won't be happy until every fucking shot caller that lives here and was involved in this international student scam is tarred and feathered across the 401 towards an execution.
That's good but not nearly enough to stem the flow
I would love to see some antifa type incite them to riot so we have an excuse to mass expel pajeets and then ban them from ever coming back here

Why Canadá cant do a cartel to terminate poojeet menace, north américa forms a symbiotic circle if poojeet is a thread for cánidians, then that menace Will be a threat for us in the future
We have a uniparty like you do, retard. Our "conservatives" are faggots just like republicans, democrats, liberals etc
Jesus that has to be the shittiest steel core Soviet bloc country ammo I’ve ever seen
And then what? Vote in another guy who ends up doing nothing and upkeeps the status quo at best?
Donald Trump didn't close the border, neither did Giorgia Meloni. And this was the primary issue they built their campaigns on.
The only one who gets to have ethnic segregation is Israel, and politicians both "left" and "right" on the political spectrum will fight for it while their voters get stabbed in the back.
The conservatives were pussy footing about with their leadership the last two elections and were picking wimps that tried a more moderate approach to appeal to Liberals. The pandemic also fucked things because normies were scared that a shift in parties would make Covid worse. They did not expect things to get as bad as it has today.
Trudeau is out next election, even his most die hard supporters that I know of irl are turning on him. But the problem is that Pierre is also in bed with a lot of these companys that want the Jeets here for cheap labor.
This is not to say that any of this isn't our fault, it is but we also grew up on the lie that we are a nation of multicultures and we can all live harmoniously. It just took a giant pile of Jeets to learn that adding shit to the stew does not improve the taste.
they don't make 7+ threads crying about like faggots day after day, why do you do this?
I voted for PPC, but unfortunately the vast majority of Canadians love voting in favour of mass immigration despite complaining about it
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And yet we get it cheap delivered straight to our doorstep.
How about you?
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Fucking cultural genociders get the fuck out of my country REEEEEEEEEEE
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>Canada IS a failed state.
>Every institution in Canada is bordering on collapse.
Same thing in France ! Funny how that works heh?
Shut the fuck up shitskin

Look at the mainboard and notice that every thread is either:

>Demoralization (the economy is collapsing, you will never own a home, you have no future, give up)
>Incessant christjew spam
>White women are your enemy. Interracial porn.
>Low IQ stuff like flat earth or "space doesn't exist".
>Every second thread is about India (as if anyone cares about india)

This is IDF ChatGPT bots, jews, outsourced pajeets, and low IQ spics. The mods do nothing about this because they are jews who are in on it.

/pol is now a microcosm of the west and what you have to look forward to. Whites build something good and then kikes and their gollum come and ruin it.

If you're ethnically European, don't waste anymore time here. Move to X.
>let jeets in
>CP up 50%
>sexual violence conveniently left out
Based hate crimes. Remember being racist against a White isn't counted as a hate crime so this is all non-White infighting and White people telling browns to get the fuck out.
Incredible sense of entitlement those fuckers. The fact that they have the audacity to protest a foreign government like this shows a lot.
I use the app once a month for a big Mac deal. $10.50 before tax. Ain't bad. That said, I also have a McDonald's app on my phone, so fuck me right?
Foreign students need enhanced access to MAiD.
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>I voted PPC
Are you five foot two by any chance?
Yellowstone fan meet up, her first kid is named Jax, (my future wife’s son) from sons of anarchy. And our kids will be named John Duttonberg and rip wheelerstien.
PP has actively avoided commenting on immigration. He has no intention of reducing it in any meaningful way.
So majority of the immigrants that have ruined things are on student visas?
I mentioned on last thread why you arent protesting and not 1 decent response. Go protest and ensure these students fuck off back to India.
Then you can fix your economy, btw the whole worlds economy is down the shitter rn
Colombian here in Aachen, about to move to Stuttgart. Things are SUPERCOMFY, just got my first job here. Outcompeted 10 Jeets and 10 Krauts.
Life is good, PARCE.
Just like myself, I came here from Colombia on a students visa and now I have my first 120 hour job in Stuttgart.
Life is good and you Pirates keep seething. Turns out the gold you stole from Our ports only was good to import Jeets and Pakis to rape your daughters in London. lol
The last protest ended with people getting arrested and their bank accounts frozen. Good luck.
you need to shut the fuck up and stop crying faggot, you're shitting up the board
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I read some of his demands
> the point system is too hard, no chances for services and fast food workers like us



Good thing I couldn't care less what a shitskin thinks lmfao
You’ll notice a higher number of niggers, like Landstuhl.
>NOOOO, you need to vote for THIS liberal!!!
I'd ask if you're brown but don't bother answering, it's already clear
Why not just make this /cangen/ like we used to have so many years ago? The outcome will still be the same discussions.
I'm so tired of this chud general, Indians are the best thing to happen to Canada, the sad truth is whites don't want to work, guess who is the second biggest welfare group after natives? Our economy would collapse without our Indian immigrants.
Indians making 63k as mart CEO saaaaar
Some might say a pozzed economy ravaged by inflation and a collapsing middle class SHOULD collapse. They use these shitskins as bandaids because the alternative (higher wages, consequences for corporate kikes) might dig into boomer pensions
ok jeet keep pissing off the board
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By who? PPC knows the importance of them to our economy, if you think Pierre is going to mass deport then you are a fool.
Kill yourself shitskin
Meant CPC
get in the MAID pod jeet
We could owe them an expedited process that helps them claw back whatever they were scammed out of from the scammers. Like the actual scammers so it would automatically pierce the corporate veil even of complicit universities so directors and executives who knew but did nothing or helped things along would be on the hook. This may leave less money in Canada but it would also leave less money in the hands of Canada-based scammers so clearly a good thing.
>if I call him a jeet he won't think I have the shitskindia asshole flag!
Seriously kumar, fucking rope yourself
Stop committing cultural genocide against my people you fucking racist invader.
this is why the world hates street shitters like you, you keep shitting up the board
there was a "cost of living" protest on Canada day that no one went to
>muh protests
who has time for that shit?
canada still has favstian spirit the future is good
I dont want indians to go. some of the guys, especially in my area, are really hot. and they're really easy to get. "hey i think you're really good looking", and they're hooked. I don't know if it's a fetish or preference, but they make me cum the hardest
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Eat beef
Did he get those abs on the cow poop diet?
Canada's Illegal Underground Job Market is Growing - Russell Matthews - 2024 July 17th
- LMIA scams, LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) -- LMIA is a pathway to PR (Permanent Residency), so employees would pay employers to be hired, sometimes before they leave India -- this gives the employer money to buy up local businesses and out-compete those that didn't sell. Money paid to the employer could be cash up front from phone scams or stealing cars, or a portion of future wage..
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Found the Jeet.
So I get an email from the Rebel News guy about jeets shitting on beaches out in Ontario...

God Please Destroy Ontario And Let Alberta Go Free

I hate every eastern canadian, you deserve the jeet shit beaches. Fuck you all.
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Henlo frens how's life in Canada and how much do make, and how much do you keep?
Alberta's government was posting ads everywhere inviting people to come over to suppress wage and drive up cost of living, and how many food gardens were destroyed by the outdoor water restrictions?
I'm so tired of indians
just absolutely dumb worthless subhumans
canada day was a bad time. people are away on summer vacation, spending the weekend with family/friends, not reading the news etc. but at least the redditards organizing it tried something. most of what I see from leaf poltards these days is indian poo shitposting. I want to harass my MP and call them a traitor in person but all the lieberal MPs keep their schedules secret now and are never in their offices.
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Its a great wake-up call for the left at least
They're going to have to pick between their gay feminist utopia and mass immigration, they can't have both
Rabbi News is a ziocon operation, they want mass immigration but only if its pro zionism
buddy, I drove all over the country and they're everywhere, even in small prairie towns. nowhere is excluded, except for the federal darlings, Quebec.
No idea what he's on about they;re fucking everywhere in BC.
It was also hot and humid, which favours Indians and disadvantage whites and northeast asians....the blacks don't do well with the humidity either.

I think Toronto is getting increasingly hot AND humid, we have the heat sink effect caused by all the cement, and the loss of trees, bushes, long grasses -- meant that we have less plantlife to soak up the rain OR take humidity out of the air.
>So I get an email from the Rebel News guy
Let me guess, it was something like
Head to STOPTHEBEACHPOO.COM / ARRETEZLEPOODEPLAGE.COM and give Ezra all your money in donations because Trudeau wants to shut us down!

Yes Canadian right wing governments have an unfortunate vulnerability to accepting and rebroadcasting growth propaganda. No need for any planning and certainly not for any second order consequences. Simply cut the tax and they will come and somebody else will figure out how to profit in a way that lets everything work out perfectly.
Though when you have untouchable interference in the markets like through TFW then it's not a free market at all. But the free market rhetoric always ends before it could harm established models of profit or rent-seeking.
>he wants to suck the gock like justin says to

Right and Left, both are bad choices, we need Mad Max, to START with, and we need to expect that as soon as we do manage to vote a party in that they will be subverted and prepare for the next one.
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General Arthur Trudeau 1902-1991
>"The General is connected to the Roswell Incident as he headed the committee responsible for the Pentagon's files and UFO items recovered in New Mexico. According to his immediate subordinate,Philip J. Corso, who is the author of a book called "The Day after Roswell", Trudeau actually managed a covert mission to disseminate recovered alien technology to major industries in the U.S. during the 1950s and 1960s. Corso's book recounts how he allegedly helped Trudeau share this gleaned ufology information with others so that they could use it to advance technology. Consequently, Corso claims, our world has experienced great technology and information revolutions within the last 50 years"

>His family profits massively from the spiked gas prices
>Able to rape and get away with NDAs
>Visited Antartica as a child with his dad and grandpa Sinclair, who were on a "military mission"
>Trudeau Foundation document had the pedo swirl
>Ties with the Ford bloodline
>Sucks Aga Khan's dick
>Catholic Merovingian Templar bloodline on maternal side
>Trudeau side has deep military ties
>Oil Sinclair & Trudeau
>First Grand Master of Scottish Rite was a Sinclair
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I saw them in rural French NB, 100% guaranteed they will never learn the language. They have no idea who we are. They'll say :" haha racist white people, we are all immigrants! We work hard vla bla". Next thing you know they'll protest like in PEI because they have big sense of entitlement. They'll vote for a party who call us racist and seek our cultural genocide.








Total Liberal Death
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PPC is the only party I've ever voted for.
The Conservative Party has taken up a tolerable platform and leader, they will be receiving my vote in the next election.

The point of the PPC was to provide an alternative to a Conservative Party that wasn't concerned with the degradation of liberty and freedom- with the votes they lost to the PPC in the last election, the Cons have changed their platform to be more traditional.

Max has served his purpose.
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>you are an immigrant
>you are not native
Yes, Nova Scotia is a perfect place for pajeets,

Boomers would rather give their life savings to a pajeet than help their own families, or Volk.
I don't cosign on your bigoted message, but I was driving passed millwood bridge and saw a huge area of trees getting bulldozed down. who would sign off on that?
Yes fuck you
what? CPC policy hasn't changed since Harper, in fact it's still worse since they support mass immigration and oppose deportations of indian students, voted for C-4 to validate the kid to tranny pipeline, are supporting the senate bill to require ID to see any site with 'objectionable content', and refuse to withdraw from the paris accord or reduce or eliminate the industrial carbon tax. plus much more. you really need to read between the lines and see their real policy.
Forgot about that meme thank you
>French NB.

Are you the irishtown anon?
Based. Have a (You)
In what ways did CPC become more "traditional"? PPC wants to lower immigration down to 150,000. Poilievre won't even bring up the topic and keeps pushing the meme that if we build appartment blocks really fast we can accommodate all the indians
No, I am in the North. Anglos don't even come here.
I think he might be referring to fact that Berta has been advertised as a new "big" Canadian city.
NE calgary is basically Mumbai
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judging from your pic you don't want billions of our taxes going to ukraine, but pierre has always called for more aid than the liberals gave. as for isreal, hahahaha, not much needs to be said for his support there.
this explains why my suburb has been infested with jeets the last 3-4 years. i miss the qt Filipinos
True government is infinite equal leaders in exclusive collectives with infinite simultaneous directions/dimensions of progress.
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First and foremost, the PPC is irrelevant because it's not a viable party, it can't even win their own leader's seat. Might as well throw your vote away voting for one of many actual far-right parties that get less than 1000 votes.
How many current seats in Parliament out of 338? The party was there to split votes from the Conservatives and that's it. Purpose served, O'Toole is gone.
> PPC wants to lower immigration down to 150,000.
Ah, slower and more legal white genocide. No different than what the Conservatives are offering. The difference being, the Conservatives are a viable party and can be pushed further to the right, just as the Liberals have been steadily pushed further to the left by their supporters.
>Yeah but Pierre's not perfect, so we should stick with Trudeau
Yeah, there's no god-emperor on offer. Even the greatest world leaders of our time, Putin and Trump- have many flaws as leaders. Pierre is not going to be perfect, like nobody who is a feasible PM is going to be, but he's easily the best candidate on offer by leaps and bounds.
They have their own issue, such as importing boatloads of niggers because they speak french
Liberate paramilitary bases. Get rid of the presence of the zombie “USA”.
Make sure no “USA” military exists in Canada.

Make trains not expensive, as it usually is, thus sorting is easy.

Cheers to the 10,000 murdered Palestinian children.

And cheers to Slav immigrants.
True war is VOLUNTEERS only!
Destroy all churches/tumours.

How many kids did churches kill?
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>threatening suicide
Ah, I see.

I have heard rumors of there, and how I don't speak French and it's French as fuck and I wouldn't have a good time, how was la county music festival luh?
I really wish that the isreal/palestine, ukraine/russia bullshit finishes soon, all those foreign wars just feel like dangling keys to distract from all the shit happening in our own country.
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Yep. All the whites seem to vote Cons and the spergs and shitskins vote for a meme candidate with zero seats.
Funny how that is.
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None, just Prairie Niglets. Nothing of value was lost.
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I'm never voting for your cuck party even if Mad Max fucking dies.
Irredeemably trashy on multiple levels.
Create offline forums, community centers, and offline markets!

Warning: “Superstore” vulture tumours are full of poisonous food that isn’t local and often the same spam rebranded. Especially the Kosher has poison in it. People who eat Kosher are all dying. But that’s ok. But be extra careful, kosher products often have labels that pretend to not be kosher.

I’m sure it’s also bad for the soul but it contains rat-poison tier poisons as well.
I suppose vultures that are complacent in mortality have no respect for other vultures.
Hence why so many Jews sent eachother into death traps.
>lowering immigration down to 150,000
I wish. How much are they planning to reduce it to? Mind posting a source?

Keep voting for liberal policies, I'm sure Poilievre will turn into Hitler any time now
Why is Canada collapsing? You guys were so smug 10 years ago. What happened?
What's an argument to vote Conservative? Nothing he's doing is much different than Trudeau so really it'd be a vote for what speed we want our country to burn down.
>not /DoTRG/
>day of the rake

you had ONE job
True whites aren’t like yall.

Get shot by the true people of the true world.
Death to those who let ews attack my internet, especially our fun most subtle energy/vibes.
>/coc/ - Collapse of Canada General #7
Professor St. Onge has done a video on Canada's 40 year decline.

Here's the companion article.

Has everyone else noticed the SHAREBLUE shill team 6 filling the catalog with shit threads.
>Not gonna lie, I used to be a Trump supporter but....
10 years of poos poured into your economy will do that
Imagine a place so horrible and hopeless that you called MAID twice to book an appointment if you couldn't leave by the end of the year.

Nova Scotia is truely a fucked up place where people get off on making other people's lives harder, gossiping and actively sabotaging others because it's funny, then you note how working doesn't get you anywhere here as per taxes and no economic activity aside from construction that means more future competition for your offspring.

I was taught my whole life that the French are the cause of all the problems in Nova Scotia, and I can't see X because her parents are French. They spend so much time hating themselves and their offspring, and blame it on the French.
They do assigned guilt, where if a tree falls in the forest your responsible for it, because you were assigned the burden.
Then constant nagging about said tree until you go insane.
If you try to cut the tree down, they are the first to take the chainsaw out of your hands and tell you to use an ax, or call forestry to "give you a fine, and teach you a lesson"

They practice"sins of the father", where all abuse and mistreatment is justified because of who your family are, and you will be looked at as filth if they are bad, and treated as such your entire life.

No Frenchman has ever done me wrong or activity fucked me over for amusement like the Nova Scotians do, and this is why I advocate for complete and open borders to all Pajeets, we have to use mass immigration as a weapon to numerically reduce the amount of Nova Scotians, by ensuring all low skill jobs go to pajeets, we reduce birth rates and increase competition, so that they can never even have a crumb of what the boomers had, and furthermore ensure that future generations of Nova Scotians can't afford to have kids or exist, and cease to be a people.

Viva Quebec,
Viva l' Acadieens.
Total Pajeetafication of the Loyalist Anglos
Don't forget about my weekly Risk threads, bro.
Canada is only good if you want plenty of gay sex.
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>why won't you go out and let our friends use their toys on you
dear 5 i's,
pic rel
I was getting used to drowning in street shitters and then blacks started appearing out of nowhere especially around one best western on mainstreet. I think we got a fresh import of refugees. I read a news article that my town has 2 "refugee hotels". My gf who grew up in mississippi hates these blacks more than southern ones cause they stick to themselves at least.
>They practice"sins of the father", where all abuse and mistreatment is justified because of who your family are, and you will be looked at as filth if they are bad, and treated as such your entire life.

>the ew spammers reply to ewish spammers and live in a spam world

Obviously ews attacked Canada and most true channers arent on here anymore.

Were doing ok. Way better than the fake USA. But we can be way better off, even with a few changes.
Especially if we do some changes that remove all invaders from some of our forums/communities. An economy is a soul, an energy. And we have subtle energy to garden outside of this ewish spam pit
well crafted bait nice
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Here's a 58-page PDF, feel free to read through it.

importing 150,000 shitskins annually into my country is unacceptable. It's an improvement, but still unacceptable. It's also irrelevant, because the party offering that gets less votes than the green party. They are 6th out of all federal parties- not a realistic option.

>I'm sure Poilievre will turn into Hitler
Nobody has ever said he's perfect, nobody ever said he's the next Hitler. You know who else isn't Hitler, Max Bernier.. because unlike Max, Hitler was actually relevant during his time as politician.
i like the cut of your ib, young man, i'll be stealing that meme now
Yeah, my favorite part is the partial facial paralysis, and where I don't feel hits to the face anymore because as a way to protect myself, and endure it my body shut those functions off.
I'm a big supporter of threatening people with meter sticks, and then telling them violence is never okay, and just because other people do it to you, doesn't mean it's okay to do it to them.
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Go be a leftist faggot somewhere else, don't even have the balls to call out kikes- lol.
>offended at making fun of dead natives
>offended at making fun of dead mudslimes
HAHAHAHAHAHA You're fucking brown!
No wonder you're trying to get people to support the PPC.
>he can't into wordfilters
peak ew
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Helo ma felow kanadians! We ned mour indians! Graet workar!
Feel bad for you, anon. Hope you get better.
>leaf roasties are insufferable
Quote of the day:
Women, when left to their own devices, will always self-destruct.

Even brown women, when they come to western countries that don't have EXTERNAL social pressure, they are like a bottle of sodawater.

Why are women completely unable to build and maintain their own society? You could take 1000 women and start a town. Engineers, truck drivers, equipment operators, plumbers, carpenters. nurses, doctors,

These women wouldn't even need men for sperm. They could mail order all of the 6'4" blone haired blue eyed Dutch/Norwegion/Danish sperm frozen and shipped to them in dry ice or LN2. They could even order Somali, Congolese or some American Indian sperm since women like diversity so much.

Cunts won't do it because they know they can't. They wouldn't even get as far as those negroes did with their little envisioned negotopia.
Scram, ews.

One of the things ews fear most is the indigenous.
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>Bitch about people who will mistreat you based on who your family is.
>Advocate for more jeets who will mistreat you based on who your family is.
You haven't given much thought to your cunning plan.
>I'm a big supporter of threatening people with meter sticks
Incredibly based.
I’m glad that Indians aren’t jews.

Indians actually protect community centers, unlike the zombie parasite jews.
I'm fine,

Just know and accept that true evil in this world are the nicest people you know, and you would never believe it.
My area also has alot of child sex abuse that gets covered up or kept quiet about, as does Nova Scotia, in the coming months you will see interesting things.
Most recent example was a bunch of teachers grooming at risk kids,

Sometimes all it takes is one redneck in the right place at the right time.
>the indigenous.
The actual indigenous people? or the prairie-niggers who migrated to here from what is Eastern Russia? kek

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Most festivals happens in the next few weeks. If you're a very social person you can manage to make friends but you'll be limited because other will still speak French among themselves and you won't be able to follow their conversations.

I just found out Louisiana Cajun Jourdain Thibobeau is giving a concert in Festival Route 11, Summerside PEI this saturday. Kind of late to plan a trip I wish I could be there. Might even encouter Japanese female tourist because it's Ann of Green Gables county.
Just kayaking and drinking with the bros again, life is good, I don't even know what day of the week it is.
We accept the lack of a federal government and give focus to our vast anarcho-collectives and flows of energy.
We bite away at whatever harms the truest energy. All truest Canada people are aware of the truest energies. Like truest 4chan. Infinite multiverses of soul gardens.

We are aware of the direct attacks weve endured.

I dare say truest Canada people are significantly anarcho-nazi-soviet etc


Power to community!
Power to ever truer growth!
End all hypocrisy
>or the prairie-niggers who migrated to here from what is Eastern Russia?
extremely Jewish logic
Stop shitting on your beaches
Thank you anon,
How do you feel about mercilessly beating kids then teaching them violence is never okay, I can't wait to do it to my kids.
Child abuse is based as fuck, and toughens them up, and ensure when they grow up they take out their frustrations on the world!

Keith's is cheaper in Acadia than it is Nova Scotia, you people, uhh....kind of deserve to be "the definition of genocide" but by mass immigration, it's good for you - it'll teach you to have a work ethic and give 30% more for 30% less cause Ranjeet gets 30-70% of his wage covered by the taxpayer.
It's truly horrific, one of the most beautiful areas in the world just west of me. Gone. All the historic buildings, everything. This was a federal mismanagement. parks canada was fighting it and called Alberta for help when it was too late. Crazy, and the feds almost burned down Banff last year with their DEI firesquad of all women. Seems intentional almost, but they're saying a bear cub got electrocuted and started this fire. Possible I guess. but there was 2 fires coming from 2 directions going at jasper. Was also weird in a lot of pictures trees around buildings engulfed in flames untouched by fire, some sus shit.
>Cry on a white incel loser forum

You haven't given much thought to your cunning plan.
What a parasite you are. Go extinct.

You fear anyone who isn’t a ew.
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Keep voting Maxime
I'm sure one day he'll win a seat kek
Life is pretty good for me right now. I got mine! Forrest fires are getting a bit annoying though.
>Jesus that has to be the shittiest steel core Soviet bloc country ammo I’ve ever seen
Good enough for government work.
>And then what? Vote in another guy who ends up doing nothing and upkeeps the status quo at best?
Future Canada
Where in that PDF does it say they're going to lower it anywhere close to 150,000? If they do lower it to 150,000, that's 50,000 lower than the lowest amount we've had in over 20 years.

How much do you want anyways? 100,000? 50,000? 0? I know the real answer for you is that anything PPC suggests is too much, yet you're going to accept the 500,000 - 1 CPC will push because supposedly we can push them to the right, even though the exact opposite has been happening so far.

Even if PPC is unlikely to win, it's a thousand times more likely than CPC becoming right wing. Also, PPC got double the green party's votes, but it's the green party so it's not hard to do, I'm just pointing out you're making shit up.
Oui oui oui, Les Acadian femme est eau de toilette.
They are beautiful tabernak.

I actually have a fucking shellfish allergy but can eat fish, lobster fest was cozy as fuck, ride the rides and pokerface.jpg while normies scream and enjoy a moderate thrill, la festival of... muscles? Is the next one. I think it's a gay French orgy, the holiday they frolic around and lay about drinking in public seems based.
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Prairie nigger is upset. Have a drink, redskin.
Purge purge purge
Who is the girl?
Canadian heritage minute every minute, bud.

How things should be, we must rvtuvn to beaver and run around the woods with canoes killing animals for their pelts, and cutting down trees tabernak
Lmao, white incel losers are parasites that are self extincting
>I voted for PPC, but unfortunately the vast majority of Canadians love voting in favour of mass immigration despite complaining about it
From the Prof St. Onge link:

30% of Canadians work for the government. 10% of Canadians are on welfare. Last election, Trudeau won by 39.5% of the popular vote.
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>You fear anyone who isn’t a ew.
Interesting presumption.
>The guy posting ''total kike death'' must be a jew because he doesn't care for shitskins
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>The South Korean Boomer has made his appearance.
I would work for 2 dollars an hour toiling away in the fields with the blazing hot sun beating down on me if it meant I wouldn't see another non-White ever again.
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Is Francophone Canada safe from jeets? or is it just as pozzed?
I drink with the red-skins. Cheers to the indigenous.

Death to those who let you exist on my world, ew
Think of the fucking near cub anon?,
A bear died and your complaining about a major tourist attraction and town, in Alberta of all places?!?

Don't you know they drill oil and gas, their all Nazis who drive lifted trucks, fuck em.
What we need to do is push hard for proportional representation
Trudeau promised it but never delivered - it would be the one thing that would make sense for the liberals as it would somewhat stem their hemorrhage in the next election
But most importantly it would allow new parties to actually have a say in parliament, which is the only way we will push any serious changes on the establishment
Pajeets spam twice that many threads every day.
Lol scheer and that other retard were not to lead our country you mongoloid.
Are leafs even human
>no way, next you'll tell me ews have been caught faking antisemitic abuse
you don't like that he's figured out a way past your wordfilters and you want him to stop using it so it doesn't catch on

ews will say and do anything for the tribe, this is known
Man these threads are shit. Insufferable and gay. How are we arguing over the only party that represents least most of our views? The PPC of course
>hurr voting
Well what then? An armed insurrection isn't happening.
>Look at the mainboard and notice that every thread is either:
Conspicuously absent from your list is all of the ShareBlue™ threads about how the Vice BlowJobber is gonna win. She is such a loser that even the previous blowjob President won't support her.
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That's a pajeet on a VPN, he used to use a Jap flag before
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lol, ok prairie nigger.
Your options are:
1. Speak French.
2. Be treated like a street shitter.
3. Make an attempt at learning French and be treated as a second class citizen, but ambivalent and tolerated.
4. The sign says not beneveau.
>(Not Welcome)
At least*
We’ve heard enough ews pretending to be of us.
Well what then? An armed insurrection isn't happening.

Just trust the plan and wait two more weeks.
This isn't the 1800s anymore. These same arguments you use against Indigenous people will be used against you to mass import Pajeets. The only place this ethnostate fantasy exists for you is online. Go fuck yourself.
Greater abundance of verity of collectives, the better
Remember the pathetic Canada Day protests?
Remember the covid hysteria? This country is cooked. Everyone is a totally retarded shithead.
Canada needs better police. Idealist, not employees. And immense paramilitary
We're actually doing pretty well. It's amusing to see all the declarations of failure from the rest of the world as if they haven't their own fucking issues to deal with. I used to think the only reliable way to get an American's attention, for example, was to crash aircraft into their building.

All of the issues we have can be solved through proper policy and enforcement. I usually say that the most pressing issues cannot be solved at the ballot box. But in our case they mostly can. A change in government could make things markedly better, especially by restricting environmental regulation, freeing up the mining and energy sector, radical changes in immigration and enforcement, stricter rules on foreign ownership, etc.
>bragging about the lies your people have (literally, in most cases) sold to vilify your enemy
>not ewish
pick one (1)
Lmao you white incel losers can't stop crying about sex havers
We're too widely dispersed across the country, its the same problem we have when it comes to voting
If we had proportional representation, we could actually get the PPC into parliament and then push the cons right
And this is something that is actually achievable, even the left is pushing for proportional representation so the greenfags get a bigger presence in parliament
Remember the freedom convoy? Were committed to playing a rigged game and chose to honk
We are standing at the Rubicon but are too scared to cross, to lose our comfort and take initiative ourselves. I'm not a glowie, just a coward.
Hello japjeet! Enjoying retirement. I see you're here to help some folks out!

I realize my words have triggered you both, but I don't care about the opinions of lesser races. Go sell some gas and smokes, have a drink, I don't care.
Go away Ranjeet, this is a Canadian thread, not a new Canadian thread.
Liberal isn't the only party in favour of mass immigration, there's also CPC, NDP, Green and Bloq. The only anti mass immigration party is PPC and as far as I could tell they didn't get the majority of the vote

I agree. The split the vote meme will end the moment we get that at least.

It's CPC shills. They're here to demoralize PPC voters so that instead we give up and vote for liberals in blue
Anarcho-police instead of federal police.

Federal is too congested. Stifling fake-bureaucracy. End the tumour-tier fake-gentry liminal-space wastelands that rely on fake police that only enforce classism
We were all cowards once anon, all it took was the Vexalius to advance, and the rest followed.

Then we conquered Brittany.
Before your country collapses leafs can you give me your best recipes i promise to preserve them in my recipe box
Why don't you just learn French then? Better to learn to speak le baguette than be surrounded by poos and chinese
too poor to afford barnaul eh bud
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>everyone we don't like and doesn't agree with us is a heckin shill
lol lmao even
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>We are standing at the Rubicon but are too scared to cross
Nobody follows those who try, and they become
>Lone wolves
Discouraging others from trying, because they assume they will end up an unsuccessful lone wolf like those who tried before. Wolves need to fight as a pack.

One of the prairie niggers will confirm this for me. >>475659168 >>475659149 Go on, tell us about wolves. You dance with them and all.
>Well what then? An armed insurrection isn't happening.
Go Galt. Pay as little taxes as possible, prepare for the storm, get out of the city if you can.

If you think this system isn't going to collapse under it's own weight, you have more faith than the Church of Jesus Christ, Scientist.

What's going to happen to the banks when Canada crashes into recession and 30% of the people with mortgages default?
>don't care about their opinions
>constantly (You)ing them
ok ew


Fun fact Quebec still has a anti-war stance on WW1 and even WW2 to this day.

This is what a WW2 looks like in Quebec:
(Great movie btw)
You're the only member of the CAF that I don't despise, I enjoy seeing your posts. Thank you for not being a faggot.
you seem to be the one spouting the wolf facts, anon
So we're in agreement!
>Wolves good
>Kikes bad
See! More in common than we thought!
We need democratic police.
Just vote on if you arrest them or not,
Justice system reform needs to happen in a sense of it doesn't need to take 40 hours and 4 different appointments to handle simple matters.

Choose your punishment, if your a good goy and promise to obey the laws, or you do a wheel of jeprody style choosing of punishment if your a bad goy, and get sent to the north pole if your an evil Nazi, or Albertan.

Politics needs to be based on WWF, where if you want to raise taxes on the working class, it's a cage match with a few tradesmen, or instead of voting, you have to do a ladder match with the parties, and whoever grabs the mace and finishes off the rest first wins, then we broadcast it on CBC and use the money to buy everyone a lifted truck.
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Ahhh, Mon amis you do not understand, I go to the store and buy la baguette then rip chunks off and eat it like a filthy dog, every Frenchman looks at me and knows I am not le francwasious
>you have two options
>1. let québécoi run the country
>2. live with street shitters
I think I would rather just leave
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>not beneveau
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Now let's see yours.
>the ew posts a golem-show and mumbles the golem-show tier prescribed stereotypes and some ewish tier racism topics

We wont ever be like y’all. Regardless of how much y’all spam.

Go watch your family-golem simp-steins while eating rat-poison kosher cursed shit and then phone your rabbi who cut your balls off to tell you it was ok that 10,000 Philistina kids died because they aren’t apart of your rape cult of soulless dooming mind-rape and hypocritical egotrip bogus
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>pine beetles kill huge swaths of trees
>do nothing
>they burn
However on the bright side Parks Canada managed to rename many mountains, peaks, and trails over the past few years so that Canadians would be safe.

>30% of Canadians work for the government.
I'd be interested in seeing that broken down. Direct employees at multiple levels of government, employees of crown corps, consultants/contractors that put bodies in government departments, and even consultants/contractors who produce the vast majority of their work for the government. Maybe it's higher than 30% if you include businesses whose primary purpose is to receive government money.

Yeah Canada has all kinds of resources available. It's not like there's not enough people with solid education, or nowhere to cut lumber, to build a food factory, or to dig a mine. Or a lack of land. It's just that the management, from the perspective of the good of the nation, seems very very bad.
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>Politics needs to be based on WWF
I agree! Trumpamania running wild, brother!
>No Frenchman has ever done me wrong
For real, even growing up all the way over in BC, the prevailing vibe was fuck all those quebec assholes. However when I finally made it over there for a long visit, I was completely blown away by how nice QC is in every way, the people especially are absolutely lovely humans.
I'm aiming to move to QC, it will be the last holdout. After QC falls, international I go.
Frenchtards always acting smug. You retards really think the jeet flood of shit will magically stop at the Quebec border.
Is she virgin?
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I didn't read because it was reddit-spaced.
We don't really eat baguettes. It's more like for professionals hosting a cocktail.
and a facile manipulator as well
very ewish, anon

can you say that Jesus Christ is the ewish Messiah?
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>These same arguments you use against Indigenous people will be used against you to mass import Pajeets.
Wrong. White European men build societies that EVERYONE wants to live in.

Everywhere without White men's achievements are either small tribal villages living as subsistence level hunter gatherers or literal shitholes of disease and poverty.

Feather Indians can't even manage running a water treatment plant that was built and paid for by Whites.

Curry Indians live in a shithole so bad that moving to a freezing cold shithole country like Canada country and living 25 to a basement is considered a giant step up.
I'm not saying that. But if anything you guys are more tolerant to us now that you're in the same boat. Welcome to the party pal!
As a child I was told stories about Bonne Homme and how he stomps on the hopes and dreams of the Anglo, and told that behind every snowbank was a Frenchman with a knife wanting to cut my hair, and that we were always at war with the French.

Canada needs a two state solution where it's only Alberta and Quebec, and they each have vassal states, first past the post is fucking stupid.
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>I didn't read because it was reddit-spaced.
You read it and pretended you didn't.
White women are the enemy you faggot simp
Feather indians are stil preferable to curry indians.
>Bonne Homme
He's a total chad. A credit to Quebec.
how do you make white children withput white women, ew?
The democracy of vibes is what’s natural, rather than a wall of fake-bureaucracy that makes police like an enemy invasion force limited to the will of some few parasites of technical positions of power and maybe abstractly stolen wealth.

How many business are fake businesses that merely find weird ways to be tumours that steal from everyone?

I heard scotia bank got invaded by an invader that sent a bunch of money to the bombs that killed so many Palestinian kids. Fake employees that harm their way to upper power
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Just curious guys. Am I a kike who is being hateful towards kikes, jeets, and prarie niggers?
Or am I a Jeet being hateful towards kikes, jeets and prarie niggers?
You seem to have some trouble keeping your story straight, LOL.
Best Indians commit them a hell of a lot of crimes against themselves and it's sad but they do not leave their reserve to attack white people.
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not digging it out of the safe and you shouldn't be posting your shit either, did what happened to moleman teach you nothing?
anyway im just teasing, there's literally nothing wrong with chink surp
almost like nobody's coordinating anything, anon

are you being persecuted?
I have spent years among the spear checkers, and raw fish eaters.

It is as you say, but their racism is one that should be studied, as we have much to learn from their ways.
>Frenchtards always acting smug. You retards really think the jeet flood of shit will magically stop at the Quebec border.
Not fully stop, but quebecers sure as shit stand up for themselves more than the rest of us canucks. QC will be the tip of our spear that eventually eradicates the brown menace. Have hope.
bill 101 not looking so stupid now eh
I hope one day we make a l'Acadien history minutes of Bonne Homme scaring away all the Anglos from Quebec, for a glimpse of a Quebecois future, imagine Bonne Homme stomping on the face of the Anglo, forever.
>but they do not leave their reserve to attack white people.
That is one of their redeeming qualities. They also provide services to whites on their reservations, with all the tax-free gas and smokes they sell.
>first past the post is fucking stupid.
You're a grass is always greener fool. Give me an example of a conservative (small government) country that has proportional representation?

Right now, with fptp, we have 5 parties with seats:

By my count, 80% (4 out of 5) are left of center. Bring in Prop rep and yes, the PPC will get a couple of seats. Who else will get seats?
Sikh party
Hindu party
Nigerian party
Haitian party
Syrian party
Feather Indian party
Communist party
Libertarian party

And on and on and on...

FPTP is acting as a signal to noise filter, preventing shit parties from appearing until they have reached a certain critical mass threshold.

Bernier's biggest fuckup was trying to suck Quebecois cock. Had he selected the right riding in Alberta, he would likely have won a seat.

At some point people will realize that the Conservatives signed Canada's death warrant when they cheated Bernier in 2017, and now the PPC is too little, too late.
Real patriots know the only solution is annextation at this point. We are all 1 people united against the antichrist.
You guys make me laugh with your bonhomme projections. There use to be some anti-immigration bonhomme memes flowing around although none of them came from actual Quebecois people. The kind of stuff that makes 4chan funny.
>They also provide services to whites on their reservations, with all the tax-free gas and smokes they sell.

Remember in these hard Canadian times, the natives will be our greatest allies in the struggle against winter, and that all sorts of fun stuff can be found in the lawless waste, if you look for it.

If anyone had small engine repair and a way to do basic recovery (quad and an Inuit sled) they could fix all the ATV's they abandon when they break, and get like 4-10k cash each time, if you taught them you could probably get the feds to pay for it, kek.
Just this once.
Only this singular time.

Palmer is where a lot of you have fled to. Don't complain and make sure you start working when you get here.
...people who wants to turn Canada into India.
>bill 101 not looking so stupid now eh
Quebec is full of the same mentality that is seen in France, believing that the "root" of "frenchness" is the fucking language.

Go ahead and replace all of the Quebecois with Algerians (like Marc Lepine) and Haitians. Quebec will still be a "french" province, but her the unique and beautiful 400 year old Quebecois culture will be lost forever.
The Beaver wars are another thing collectively we as Canadians have intergenerational trauma over.
I mean make french mandatory for all jobs in Canada and every province.
Granted learning that much French would be difficult.

Nobody is deporting the jeet manance or the other forigners
>I hope one day we make a l'Acadien history minutes of Bonne Homme scaring away all the Anglos from Quebec, for a glimpse of a Quebecois future, imagine Bonne Homme stomping on the face of the Anglo, forever.

I have trouble reconciling this with my own experiences touring through QC, a good 3 months worth of time combined, both summer and winter, big city to tiny towns.
Every single quebecois was incredibly welcoming and hospitable, like excessively so. I only know like 20 french words, but I try, and I'm respectful of their culture, and they returned that graciousness 10 fold.
I simply cannot fathom that qc'ers hate anglos, I simply don't believe it. Well maybe if you're a nasty loud nigger, qc'ers would presumably react accordingly. Presumably if I as an anglo moved there full-time, I've never be considered a true quebecer, but that's true if you moved anywhere else in the entire world.
Anyway, I think the so-called french/anglo rivalry is just another gay psyop.
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>...people who wants to turn Canada into India.
Or worse.
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I do not care for voting, as I understand that mass immigration has made it worthless.

Why haven't you accepted that?, just divest from the system and help your frens and Tribe and hope Bonne Homme does not come to your door asking for you Bilingual certificate.
63 GBP after 23 years
wow fuck me that is shit, no way does he have many people under him
stupid fucker, can't even lie
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>I don't cosign on your bigoted message, but I was driving passed millwood bridge and saw a huge area of trees getting bulldozed down. who would sign off on that?
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>Nobody is deporting the jeet manance
I don't think we should deport them, I think we should get something out of it. We should keep the Jeets.. as fertilizer.
>CPC policy hasn't changed since Harper, in fact it's still worse since they support mass immigration and oppose deportations of indian students, voted for C-4 to validate the kid to tranny pipeline, are supporting the senate bill to require ID to see any site with 'objectionable content', and refuse to withdraw from the paris accord or reduce or eliminate the industrial carbon tax. plus much more. you really need to read between the lines and see their real policy.
I spent time in their too. I have sympathy for them. Not fake leftist sympathy, real human sympathy from real experience.

Mike Ward would be the perfect example of an Anglo who became a true Quebecker.

I say language is necessary not sufficient.
>By my count, 80% (4 out of 5) are left of center
>Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc, Green
>one of these isn't left of center
Which one? And without proportional representation, PPC still has way more votes than any of those meme parties you just named. They'll definitely get more seats than shit like nigerian or hindu party, if those get any seats at all. The only leftist party that would end up getting more seats is NDP, who'll get them from the liberals so nothing changes.
We will launch them with l'catapult at the Anglos.
FPTP guarantees that no new party will gain any significant representation in parliament, and the major parties can corral opinions in their mutually agreed upon Overton window
Ethnics making their own parties is fine, it will take away from the major parties anyways
We need a party that represents white Canadians and we are not concentrated anywhere that would allow us to get elected in FPTP
Look at Reform UK, they only elected a handful of MPs despite having a large fraction of the voter base, because of the garbage FPTP system
Europe has much better nationalist movements because their proportional representation system allowed those parties to take off in the first place
Rememebr Pizzagate? It's possible the elites behind Jeffrey Epstien's Pedo Island as an red herring. There SEEM to be two sides, two popular side, the right said either global warming isn't real, or that the weather will change regardless of what we do, or that global warming is actually great because we can grow more food. Then there is the left that generally says that global warming is real because of what we do, and that we must restrict people's freedoms -- but curiously they are pro mass migration and many measures that increase global population.

I propose that global warming is real, and that regardless of what they say, elites both 'left and right' are deliberately making the problem worse, both in raising global temperature, raising the city's temperature through the 'cement heat sink effect, and stripping people's ability too defend themselves by making most of us landless serfs in towering skycells dependent on artificial climate control. People with high IQ who can challenge the elites tend to be from the cold climate, Europeans and NorthEast Asians. People who can tolerate the hot and humid weather are Indians, famine evolved to have small brains and no muscles, the perfect slave class,breathing zombies.

...I'm already noticing that how much the street looks like India depends on how hot and humid it is, other people go into hiding when it's too hot and humid.
> I think the so-called french/anglo rivalry is just another gay psyop.

Yes, i personally believe it is the Acadians trying to get us to fight amongst eachother, they are sneaky and won't pledge loyalty to the crown, or the French and insist on some agreement made in 1700 means they can just lay around and drink beer, and don't interfere with FR/EN.

A very strange people, we should send them to Louisiana just to be safe.
>>healthcare is fucked
>>immigration is fucked
>>economy is fucked
>>housing is fucked
>>wages are fucked
>>politicians are all just a different flavor of cuck
>>leaf roasties are insufferable
>>more taxes
>>"transitory" inflation
>>CAD is now starting to slide against the USD
And yet when it's a US flag pointing out that all these things exist and constitute a good reason to give up the Canada larp to reunify with your fellow Americans, all of a sudden, it becomes
>noooo none of those things are real or they don't matter and America has it worse! we will burn the white house like "we" did in 1812!
If you're not demanding annexation to the point you're ready to overthrow the Canadian government to make it happen, then you tacitly prefer the status quo above any alternative. With that being the case, you must not be allowed to leave the country and escape the consequences of your preferences.
Will their fertilizer be high quality? Or will they fail at being good fertilizer, like they do with personal hygiene?
>Friend please, I just need another 20$ to defeat Trudeau and return Canada to its former glory.
Perhaps if your leader didn't email me begging for money on a literal weekly basis, I'd take your party more seriously.

Is Max even a member of parliament currently..? Fuck it, might as well vote for me and my party. I'll call it the Based party. I want to reduce immigration to zero and deport all non-European migrants from the past 40 years.
Me and Max are at the same starting point, so why would you vote for him over me, when he wants to import 150,000 shitskins annually and I don't.

The point is, why would you vote for me, I have no chance of getting elected. And Max is on the same level of relevancy in Canadian politics as I am, not at all.
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she's right
>Quebec is full of the same mentality that is seen in France, believing that the "root" of "frenchness" is the fucking language.
Yep, which is why theyre perfectly fine to flood their own province with nignogs if it means that they speak the language, like they are doing right now.
I've been in NB for the last couple years (cheap houses). These are fucking weird people here, like Hills Have Eyes types, inbred rednecks, everyone has the same last name.
Psy op: the Irving family purposefully stokes the quebec hate out west, so that no one looks at the NB/NS kingdom of Irving and all their pillaging. And the irvings poison the locals and keep them retarded so they don't act out, rather keep them abusing welfare/disability/EI that the west pays for anyway.
The only reason Canadians agreed to form a nation was cause Americans kept arming and sending Fenians on raids into NB/Quebec, as retaliation for a few other Previous slights like chepesake and Confederate sympathies.
No idea, I'm not a scientists or a Jeetologist. It's entirely possible they poison the soil.
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>Prairie nigger is upset. Have a drink, redskin.
Let's play a though experiment, and we give the land back to the "Indians" and the white people left. What next?
1. Indians would sell (lease) the country to China

2. Indians would take the cash and party like it was reparashuns, or your 18th birthday on the Hobema reserve.

3. The money would run out and the Indians would "demand" more money from China

4. China would say fuck you, and the Indians would begin low grade war, like they've been doing to White people forever.

5. China would say enough and round up the Indians, put them into internment camps and make them hand wind transformers for 18 hours per day, and any Indians that had saleable organs would be harvested.

6. Canada would now be a province of China.

Feather Indians are like women or children to retarded to understand that what they think they want, and what they actually need to survive are completely contradictory.
Brave of you to speak ill of the king's of the Irvingland hypercapatalist ethnostate,

Why every day I see the sign that is higher than all the others, and in every town and I am reminded of who my rulers are,
It actually makes sense, I think they are firm but fair in their ruling of NB with an ironclad grasp, putting a factory across the highschool on a town near a Rez is based for cheap labor that won't have any options in life, truely more loving leaders than the Laurentians.
In this exhibition, we can see a poojeet larping as a promiscuous Canadian woman with a sexual affinity towards other male pajeets, describing them as "really hot" and "easy to get". While having barely sufficient english, you can see how poorly the pajeet tries to conceal his perversion by how he says "cum the hardest" and "I don't know if it's a fetish". The cherry ontop is how the opening statement is "I dont want indians to go," cementing how the post is clearly a psychological indicator that the pajeet feels scared and outcasted and is willingly able to go out of his way to larp in order to conflate the ego of his pajeet brain and other pajeets that are lurking.
>a bear cub got electrocuted
Lmfao, wow.
Regardless of who was right and wrong centuries ago, in the world we live in today, it is obvious that Canada must die, and the only hope of things ever improving is in complete reunification.
Problem is, we then have your nigger worship to deal with
That's one benefit Canada has, we aren't carrying the burden of nigger guilt and worship
I was leaning more towards orbital glassing, like in Reach, but yeah, sure whatever works.

If posting the in store prices didn't work, we will have to get you to do it for us and make the madness end.
Even if we collectively begged for annexation, I don't think burgers would want another California fucking up their country.
>when he wants to import 150,000 shitskins
Yet you're voting CPC who will bring in 500,000 and more, and you still didn't post any evidence they'll lower it anywhere close to 150,000 or at all. And how many members do you have in the party you just made up? How much staff, volunteers? What experience do you have in economics and politics? How much funding does your party have? You're not going to have anything close to what the PPC has
> Hills have eyes.
True. Like that time 8 African trouble makers started fights in a bars for no reason "haha white people are pussies they won't do anything" and in no time 40 rednecks surrounded them taunted them for a fight, calling them "nègre". They just calmly left and we never saw them again.

I wasn't there but my indigenous friend was. He's not pro-white but he validates the retarded behavior they had that put themselves into that situation and everything else that happened that night.

Let's call this the 2020 Camp à Réjean Incident.
>I think they are firm but fair
Building a big fancy new jail in Minto NB as we speak, that's what NBers call investment. Cherry jobs for the new guards, NBers are chomping at the bit to imprison their countrymen.
This province is whack, I'm out of here next year.
>Even if we collectively begged for annexation, I don't think burgers would want another California fucking up their country.
Speak for yourself. I don't want to be part of Californialand either.
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>we aren't carrying the burden of nigger guilt and worship

Natives have us by the balls. I'm a CPA and used to do audits up north 10 years ago. Those chugs just outright steal government funding, they don't even make excuses, and the govts just rubber stamp next years grants and give them even more.
Multiply that by 1000 other little shitshack chug settlements throughout this faggot country. Untold billions wasted on our institutionalized "guilt".
How long have other frontiers like Hawaii, Montana, and Idaho been part of this country, and still there's hardly any niggers there? You don't have to worry about getting niggers. They're lazy as fuck, so the only time they mass migrated was when they had no choice because the south was able to discriminate against them. It doesn't really matter to me what the relationship between whites and injuns in Montana is like, and likewise, the relationship between blacks and whites in other areas of the country will not affect you.
That can be managed. You'll be a group of unrepresented commonwealths, with statehood only being possible in a compromise system like with Alaska and Hawaii or New Mexico and Arizona. Alberta and Sask are promoted alongside AC (American Columbia), and so on. The rest remain unrepresented until local elections show enough competitive results that a gridlocked Congress has two parties that both feel they have something to gain by allowing statehood.
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>True. Like that time 8 African trouble makers started fights in a bars for no reason "haha white people are pussies they won't do anything" and in no time 40 rednecks surrounded them taunted them for a fight, calling them "nègre". They just calmly left and we never saw them again.
Celts are some of the nicest people in the world, but if you push them far enough to reach threshold, they aren't pussies.

There was some great video of an Irish politician (with police protection) having to run for his safety away from angry citizens.

BTW: That's part of the reason why Trudeau has a 20+ vehicle security convoy.
>An armed insurrection isn't happening.
Right, so let's actually assess this once and for all shall we? Considering Canada borders the USA, a nation that is extremely cautious of its security, chances are that the current condition of Canada being left as it is will be a giant security threat to the US, especially considering how Russia and China could potentially invade it with relative ease. Second, let's assess the amount of disgruntled ex soldiers and police officers that exist in this country and what their profile is. First, there's tons of them, all of which let go because they aren't progressive enough; second, they've been replaced with people who collect paychecks and don't think. Essentially, the civilians are the ones that possess the better killers than the political establishment. Once our shitty parliament starts demonstrating it's about to commit suicide, the Chinese will try to protect their investments by putting boots on the ground via Chinese citizens already residing in Canada. I don't care what kike is running the military industrial complex in the US, they're going to retaliate the instant this becomes reality and given their rage, I wouldn't put it past them that they would downright flay our parliamentarians on national television. You see, Canadian politicians are dumb. They think to be on best terms with the jews, all they have to do is agree with them. Kikes don't give a shit if you agree with them, they only care if you're strong enough to fulfill parts of their agenda. So mossad will divert public fundings to insurgent groups as they have done do numerously in the past. No, your voting won't work but just do it anyway because it's necessary for you to see yourself that it doesn't work so that you proceed to the next course of action which is a proper contingency plan that keeps your BEST people safe. The government workers are not going to be inside that manifold and I don't really see why I need to explain this.
>Montana, and Idaho been part of this country, and still there's hardly any niggers there?
Have you been there lately? Lots of blacks and browns. Even worse, some cities in Idaho are infested with California AWFLs (Affluet White Female Liberal).

I'm not saying they are the worst states, far from it, but they are well "seasoned" with diversity.
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>Celts are some of the nicest people in the world, but if you push them far enough to reach threshold, they aren't pussies
For that I do give credit to NBers, there are some truly tough, strong bastards here. NBers need to be weaponized against the brown menace, roving militias of NBer good ol boys would clear out the cities right quick.
>Have you been there lately?
Yes actually, and you have no clue what you're talking about. I spent a week in Washington and Idaho two weeks ago and blacks were probably no more than 2% of the population, with all browns other than injuns being about 10%. Injuns might have been 4%. It was the whitest place I've ever been, even in the big university city of Spokane.
>Right, so let's actually assess this once and for all shall we?
Paragraph breaks make a large block of text readable. Zoomers can't even make it through a three sentence paragraph.

Ignore the "reddit spacing" newfags who regurgitate it.
French, Anglo, Native.
Remember that when the collapse is official and chaos is reigning. The 3 ethnicities of Canada. Everyone else can fuck off.
Great post anon. I'm looking forward to liberating you.
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How many seats in Parliament?
Is the leader of the Party a member of Parliament?
>I spent a week in Washington and Idaho
My uncle is a travelling sales rep, a story he related recently, and my uncle is a truthful great man:
He was down in small-town montana a few years ago, hanging out a pub (all white customers). A nigger walked in the front door and sat at the bar, and without a word the barkeep took out a sixshooter and put that on that on the bar. The nigger immediately left.
Sounds like a beautiful dream down there.
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>Yes actually, and you have no clue what you're talking about.
I drove half way through Idaho last summer and stayed overnight Pocatello and I can tell you that you don't know what you are talking about. The place was FULL of migrants, motels were full, even the Walmart parking lot (where we spent the night) was like a third world barrio.

Yes, Itowns in daho aren't as infested with jeets as the average city/town in Canada. But they certainly aren't as White as Maine used to be.

Here's a picture of my cat in Butte.
Is this supposed to anger us? Only irreparably damaged white girls go for niggers. She was probably raped by a nigger when she was a child. She is damaged goods, you can have her.
No one is gonna click looser your low IQ cherry picking spam doesn't work.
After Trump wins, he should declare the Liberal Party of Canada a terrorist Org. and send in the Marines. Or Putin, whoever is feeling up to it. Both are acceptable.

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