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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>475637957

▶Day: 883 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

> Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
> The ambassadors of the EU agreed to provide Ukraine with 4.2 billion euros in budget aid from the EU
> GUR hacked the banking system of the Russian Federation: Sberbank, Raiffeisen and Alfa Bank are down
> Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, but it should be an "honest dialogue" - Kuleba
> Russian Shahed drone attacked the Romanian village of Plaura
> Andrei Torgashov, deputy chief of the radio center of the military satellite communications unit, was blown up in Moscow.
> A Spanish court sentenced a retired man to 18 years in prison for sending a series of booby-trapped letters to embassies of Ukraine and the United States at the end of 2022
> Kuleba visits China
> Su-25 eternal flight over Donetsk region
> Hungary will not be allowed to host a strategic EU meeting next month because of Orbán’s self-proclaimed “peace mission” trips to moscow and Beijing without the union’s authority
> The Parliament of Ukraine extended martial law and general mobilization for 90 days from August 12 to November 9, 2024
> Ukraine to ban Lukoil from sending oil to Hungary and Slovakia via the Druzhba pipeline
> The governor of Belgorod region Gladkov instructed the heads of municipalities to go to the homes within 15 km border zone and persuade people to leave - RIA
> The russia attacked by 75 drones, russian MoD reports, visible confirmation of arrivals at Tuapse oil refinery and at Morozovsk airfield
> Trump and Zelenskyy had a phone talk, both gave a positive feedback about it


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmed losses)

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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory:
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am all Finished.
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this is no longer a happening
the appropriate name change of this general is /ucg/ - ukraine coping general
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What are /uhg/'s predictions for the upcoming peace negotiations? Who will end up with what?
I think it's on.
that if they don't agree to the Ukrainian peace plan that Ukraine and the international coalition has been talking about for two years, and thus negotiations with Russia, the bombing goes deeper into Russia
What's the peace plan? Russia must leave, which they won't, so the jew bankers war continues
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Put it in news.

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the shelomovians have left places before. many times, actually.
>trump can cut aid
>your new name is ukraine COPE general
I see we are in the bargaining stage of grief.
>which they won't
then I hope they enjoy not having an air force
>I think it's on.
I mean, sure, nice, shooting down drones, but when they are going to nuke moscau?

Previously on SFB
>>475052201 >>475052265
Possible FATF sanctions against Russia
>>475052371 >>475052413
Buryatia highway bridge collapsed
The Ministry of Finance is falling further behind the borrowing plan
>>475052567 >>475052605
KamAZ's profit collapsed 20fold
>>475052681 >>475052723
Trade with China has become a gamble
The ex-head of the Moscow Department of Culture, arrested for bribery, is going to war
Russian imports are still declining
>>475052908 >>475052943
Russia lost 3 trillion rubles worth of imports due to payment problems
>>475053019 >>475053055
Communist policies in real time
>>475053114 >>475053149 >>475053196
Majority of Russians will repay mortgages after retirement
>>475053234 >>475053270
UAE bank stopped accepting transfers in dirhams from Russia
>>475053384 >>475053428 >>475053466 >>475053501
Russians' debt grew by a trillion rubles in a month
>>475053560 >>475053596 >>475053638
Arkady Volozh cut ties with Russia
>>475053791 >>475053823
Residents of Krasnodar came out to protest
>>475053856 >>475053893
The government has increased duties on goods from “unfriendly” countries
>>475053948 >>475053983

>>475054711 >>475054767 >>475054820 >>475054860 >>475054903 >>475054954 >>475054991 >>475055037 >>475055085 >>475055135 >>475055169 >>475055250
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I think the attack on Romania is unironically why shills were activated en masse.

>then I hope they enjoy not having an air force
who are they?
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Reminder that the redditspacing tranny isn't an american, but a rusnigger on a VPN lmao.

Not ukrayine, or your washington occupation
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Amen, Saturn.
Soon, Poland starts shooting down missiles too
Well it's an existential war for Russia, so they will be dead in that scenario
(X) Doubt
at this point nobody believes in it
Do you really think those drones flied into Romania by mistake? kek
The west has forgotten war.

Imperial Guard penal battalion levels of attrition are quite normal.
>muh nook
They won't do shit
Fuck missiles, we should start hitting planes.

nato died in ukraine.

thanks piggies. its the only good that ever came out of your make believe country.
Literally. Their nooks don't work. Their yaderka are shriveled.

Russia already won the war.
Your flag is make believe, you VPN using pussy lmao
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Then they will die like palestinians
is that why Ukraine still occupies the oblasts that the Russian constitution says is theirs?
fake burger flag
Oh boy, here come the shills to tell us all about how Ukraine lost
When victory porridge?
lol, lmao at dead faggot russians. i hope putin sends more of these useless fucks to their deaths
>existential war
if they lose they just go home. how is this an existential conflict, again?
I'm sure it was totally the plan to drag this shit out for 3 years and have to empty their strategic stockpiles
Just face the facts, faggot, you'll feel better in the end instead of constantly having to contort yourself in your shitposts
>make believe country
you mean like every country in the world?
"Country" is a concept (aka make believe)
but you, as a son of a retarded woman, can not understand such stuff
Ask palestinians, what dumb zogdog you are
Romanian partners... khe-khe... m-m-muh red line
No, I will be worse off, in the next 10 to 20 years my peope become minority, if the zog rule doesn't end

we are 3 years into the war and you still need the most basic shit explained to you.

You cant help people like yourself. Your role is to always be behind everyone else.
>how is this an existential conflict, again?
it is existential for Putin's regime
but retards can't into such complicated stuff, so you just rest, eat something, maybe burger or smth
such matters are not for you, retard
I bet the banning of internet devices was due to soldiers complaining about literally everything from being used in suicide attacks, drinking out of puddles and that almost naked party rusfags had
>What's the peace plan? Russia must leave
You answered yourself
War is over after psycho manlet Putin dies anyway
>you mean like every country in the world?

Exhibit A: it cruel to educate piggies.
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nah, NothingBurger™
>Ask palestinians
why would I ask dumb muslim nigger monkeys anything?
>if I shitpost while ignoring the facts this makes it a reality
can you remind me why shitskins are crossing into the EU en masse via belarus?
Because they live under same jew occupation as your serf nation
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>it cruel to educate piggies.
learn English, then educate, pidor
That's false. The reason is the same as why your zog puppet biden imported 10M darkies, or more
>replies to rhetorical question
why are pidors so mentally challenged, pidor?
is it because of all the assfucking?
We are 3 years into the war and you are still pretending to be an american lmao
>The Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs denied reports of people barricading themselves in a residential building in Kaspiysk. The media claimed that unknown persons threatened to blow it up.
Fucking lame, nothing ever happens.
soo whats up with kasha? i fucking hate it but had to eat it atleast 1-2times per day, is it just an army thing or do civilians eat it? as a scandi i cant comprehend how little meat the average person/ army serves here
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gotta love this niggers deflection
Actually, I somewhat see your point, this moment was existential the moment it was started and failed its strategic gabmb- I mean objectives.
This war is existential to the thing in the kremlin and the regime that surrounds it.
If that is what "Russia" is to you then yeah, it's an existential war to "Russia"
However I posit that this view is untrue and that such a definition of Russia is well and truly pathetic

Glory to Ukraine
Why do you live under jew occupation?
You are nafo shill, blind to the truth
Why are you cutting out the source?
Is it from Z telegrams?

Have some free yuans for the meantime
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>I will ask a loaded question as my metodichka says I should
nice pidor, compliant pidor
good shill
have 15 rubles
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>eat something, maybe burger or smth
well duh.
i just find it funny that ziggers think monke's lamppost problems if the war is lost mean the russian nation stops existing.
Finland and Sweden joined because monke chimped out
I think you're blind to the truth considering everytime someone brings anything not relating to your narrow point of view you dismiss it as false. weren't you guys against nazism in Ukraine lmao blaming everything on jews
So which side is winning really?
how tf did you type this
no one except the pedo Bolsheviks in the Kremlin that get their supply of Ukrainian children

And you are zigger russkie draft dodger
What is winning, really?
>do civilians eat it
but the preparation of course plays a huge role in the final result, I like it as a side dish sometimes
But it is the food of the poor for sure, yet it was shilled (in soviet times) as healthy alternative to meat and butter which is of course very bad, causes heart disease and all kind of cancer (sarcasm)
yeah so far jake sullivan shits himself and will never allow striking russhit territory. nato is a cuckold organization incapable of hurting precious puccia, because gas, oil, nooks idk.
Show flag, you Smegma Z enjoyer
It's not a loaded question, it's a simple fact of ukrayine. Why haven't you died for your masters
hey get to the front boy!
>Why haven't you died for your masters
Projecting a little too hard there, Ivan
>I think you're blind to the truth
he is just a shy homosexual who tries to gain male attention by stirring controversy around topics he doesn't really cares about
standard pidor mating ritual
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Who is you guys? What did i say about nat socs and jews in ukrayine?
Happy holodomoore number, I asked you what is your ethnicity?
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>It's not a loaded question, it's a simple fact
it is a definition of a loaded question: pretending to ask a question but instead trying to make a statement
have you finished high school, boy?
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source: incel smegma
why ukraine can't strike russhit territory. this is idiotic restriction
>that's false
>same as why your zog puppet biden imported 10M darkies
nigger, are you seriously bringing up zog when attempting to argue for trump or some shit?
how retarded can you be?
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reposting pathetic ziggers getting blown up
Ain't no way he's natty
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>look at my gay cgi
reality check
so it's basically the eastern europe version of grits. a traditional food of very poor people that is really only good as a side if prepared right.
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leave it to the real Russians lol. also your refineries are getting drone strikes everyday practically. there's hilarious footage of security guards trying to shoot Lyutyy drones down with their Temu made drone guns look it up. or do you believe that "brave motherland fighters shot down 2923783743892 enemy ukronazi drones lmao"
he's not wearing the orthodox cross
total gay porn failure
Russians are so obsessed with not losing face that it's death to them.
>blown up
they are strategically disassembling to bits in order to reassemble on more favorable positions later
I argue against zognald, bro, why are you bothering me if you don't know this
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If only you knew how brown things really are
>Losing face kills russians
True, I've seen that happen in goreleaf videos.
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>ziggers automatically assume "motivation" means shooting your own soldiers
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what are you the slovenian tranny?
no one cares to discern your tranny posting patterns in order to know your opinions, faggot narcissist
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...Is this why they keep driving over mines they themselves planted?
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Could you, like, change VPN? It hurts me seeing the Slovenian flag used by you retards
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Ukraine is losing. Thousands of troops are caught in a pocket. America fucked up with it's ROE again and doomed Ukraine. I'm sorry you all don't want to hear this, but it's the terrible truth. America is the worst ally imaginable if you are trying to resist a subhuman communist horde, because America loves subhumans and will always treat them with kids gloves.
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I agree its a damn shame we cant do more than beat around the bush when it comes to the real enemy.
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Discord sisters.....
I just heard Trump is pulling out funding!!
>russia stronk I'm commander of russias equivalent to american special forces
lmao turdies are something else.
had to google it but yes
>only good as a side if prepared right.
yes and also if it is just one of the ingridients in a complicated dish
we consume a lot of soups of all kinds which can combine fat, meat, vegetables and all kind of grains and lentils
it is quite healthy combination
But soviets of course tried to made everybody et a lot of just grains and potatoes because they could not produce anything else and also people who eat only grain are compliant cattle
trump isn't president dumbfuck stick to your politics brit
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Straight to struggle session
He will be tho, what shall we do them discord sister?
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>id UwU Uki
ok nice
>cope shielding
I don’t get this, if it’s ugly and jury-rigged, but it stops you from getting killed, who gives a shit if it’s ugly and jury-rigged? Especially if it’s a stationary artillery piece and you’re adding stuff to have some cover? Are trenches and earthworks copes too?
basedm, polish cucks would never
>struggle session
is it secret code for pidors, that you use to recognize each other? I don't understand
I'll see in november
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it doesn't stop them from being killed
>but it stops you from getting killed
tell us how
it's just and explosive attached to not-at-all armored cannon
No it's an accurate description of jew saul alinsky tactics that you use
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I heard you are transitioning
no nigger, I didn't, nor do I care
le ebin zog somehow disintegrating won't stop EU or your faggot politicians from having a meeting with the saars and buying into their bullshit that indians are actually very skilled and are a great asset saar
maybe stop blaming the USA for your faggot choices
>two more weeks and ruissa will ween this time for sure
see you in two
that's the 72nd mechanized brigade and those are Russian soldiers
He's no brit. He's a vpnnigger
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It was a larp to fit in with you pretty ladies...
Dont groom me sir
>jew saul alinsky
well you see
It may be common name amongst pidors like you who learn how to dominate the internet by means of lying, manipulation and such
but I'm not familiar
Then don't make assumptions, like me reading these ebonics. Peace my negro
>ERA solar panels
Those are hohols.
Know thyself taras, I can assure you jewing comes natural to you
are you a magical gypsy that can predict the future how the fuck do you know?
>1 post by this ID
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you were the one who brought up le ebin zog in a specific reference to biden, dumb nigger, the implication is that the opposite of that is not zog
They can't imagine cavalry as a concept since guards and veh deh veh and naval infantry are all just press ganged debtors and convicts in motorized rifle groupings.
Yeah, I'm allowed to link retard.
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never said I was a woman I was just clarifying. the deads are Russians and the brigade is you people.
friendly fire
>I can assure you
You can't
You need to first somehow establish rapport and make me believe your bullshit
For now you've completely failed with all your jew pidor word games
Especially with type of game when you do the thing and then try to tell it's me who does it
It is actually pathetic
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it is ERA. explosive reactive armor mean to defeat HEAT charges in armored vehicles BY EXPLODING and diverting the jet.
how exactly is that supposed to protect the crew of a towed gun?
trenches and earthworks are a better use of their time than strapping cargo cult cope armor to the damn gun. it shows that none of those retards actually know what the fuck they are doing and will probably all die because they are getting basic shit wrong.
Nobody is beating trump,
Afghanistan withdraw, The humiliation is endless.
Americans will vote for Trump to restore order even with suspicions "votes" for the meme candidate (harris?)
that's what Im saying kek
Doesn't help that both Ukies and pidors have a 72nd brigade
>never said I was a woman
yes you did, pidor faggot
but you are not a woman and will never be
join 41%
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>The implication
dude how do you know who Americans will vote for when you don't live here. KEEP TO YOUR LANE STOP BEING JEALOUS ABOUT OUR POLITICS
lordy what the fuck your problem?
What bullshit?
Oh, I thought they were bricks set atop some grating
Im just happy that my tax money wont be pumped into some troon war in Ukraine that could've been avoided
Uvu uki pidor
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A lack of humanity
it will be look at your PM
Who when? I didn't even said that, but why random words this means it is not true right?
>Uvu uki pidor
Nice to meet you, Uvu uki pidor
You missed the monke tits.
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how many brigades do you think 72nd Mech has turned into fertilizer around Vulhedar? a dozen?
kek wtf ok
>...make me believe your bullshit
Let's see it
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>how exactly is that supposed to protect the crew of a towed gun?
Fun fact, every block of Kontakt-1 contains a quarter kilo of explosive. A hand grenade contains about a fourth of that.
No, look his ID.
This war can go on forever and Ukraine loses land every day, slowly but surely. Putin will never run out of small arms, ammunition, and meat. Ukraines only hope is bring all of Russian society and military organizing ability to a halt, but that's only possible with deep strikes that America has forbidden. You've lost.
>Let's see it
Yes no why definately right now this question is terribly in the news but then I thought can't be right&
I'm more of a 3rd seperate assault brigade person. the 72nd is pretty hardcore tho so I wont doubt a lot
>26 year old theiving gypsy's are children now
kek, what's next, everyone dying above the age of 15 is a dead fetus.
Gyppos indeed have none.
>wall of text
see you in two more weeks, boring shill
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>Every T72, a roll of ducttape and a grenade fuse is potentially a funny webm
Fair point, But if trump pulls out we'll go too like Afghanistan
Except on boats
Truth will set you free
>two lines
Looks like my word struck home. Continue to ignore reality. You will be a slave to Russia, America has decided so.
He can run out of food, shoes and gasoline though.
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the old school Uke heavy brigades (72nd, 93rd, 92nd) ain't nobody to fuck with. 93rd pretty much wiped out 4th GTD by itself.
eat shit pidor
that's a big IF. if he does get presidency I'm pretty confident he'll just try to extort Zelenskyy like in 2019, which is shitty but better than nothing. from what I've seen he hasn't really made him mind on Ukraine.
There is a strong fire in Kramatorsk after arrival
>it's another thread where Arthur talks to himself
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russia gets the east
ukraine becomes israel 2.0
/uhg/ troons finally apply rope
The fillers are very insensitive though. Pretty much only a HEAT jet or a fuck you fast sabot dart can set it off.

A tank can burn down completely without the fillers detonating.
I hope nothing but the best for you
In the midst of a battalion of time-traveling penguins, the Ukrainian sunflowers staged an opera with a chorus of clucking cantaloupes.
not to mention the 24th mech brigade. old, old brigade and that's where zaluzhnyi got his start
Why doesn't Zelensky allow elections? Wasn't the point of democracy to let people decide if they want to stay at war or not?
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>>475650661 >>475649405
If Russia loses this war. It will trigger massive discontent within the Russian government as they've wasted almost all of the stockpiled materiel they've held onto since before the Soviet Union fell, and also wasted countless human lives, many of which, they've declared as either Captured or Missing, that failure of accounting will eventually come back as a political leverage issue for whichever faction jumps on the reconciliation angle in the aftermath. Putin could not hope to remain in power after losing a war to a "nazi" country, and surrendering on their terms to boot. He's stayed in power for 24 years by carefully arranging things so that everyone on the upper echelons has exactly the same number of skeletons in their closets, and by codifying a state of affairs where collecting a few extra will naturally result in extrajudicial or para-judicial remediation. Losing this war would add one of those 18 foot tall Home Depot Halloween decorations to Putin's personal stockpile and put a huge target on his back, and it would be much the same for many of his closest associates and direct reporters. There will be political Mutually Assured Destruction in the Kremlin as the political class air all the corruption allegations and criminal activities of their peers in an attempt to shuffle up the ladder and scramble for the Tsar's throne. It will be as the collapse of a house of cards.
Erictranny its over
Surely a grenade fuse exploding right next to it would set it off?
I hope you die in terrible pain you lying disingenuous narcissistic condescending pidor
Why are brazil niggers so retarded? Do you suck your own penis monkey?
Just got home from work.
What's going on, anons?
Ziggers mad about something?
Holy aureolas.
>In the midst of a battalion of time-traveling penguins, the Ukrainian sunflowers staged an opera with a chorus of clucking cantaloupes.
Excellent strelkovposting!
Keep this up and a half-nigger paid by a Ukrainian glowie will kill you in your sleep

The enemy advanced near Progres , Lysichny , Vesely , Zhelany and Panteleimonivka . Fighting continues in Zaliznychny and near Ivano-Daryivka
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is Niu York lost? nafo sisters...
>Ziggers mad about something?
See twitter link above, they're afraid.
why has Russia had the same president since 2000-2008 and 2012-now
>Why doesn't Zelensky X
it's none of you business pidar monkey from favela
When will you 41% Arthur?
I hope dying stops, because I feel bad for both Ukrainians and Russians
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'Cause Putin is a dictator in all but name.
>why do the people we call gay liberal democrats all the time not act like gay liberal democrats REEEEE
>Why does Zelensky follow the constitution?
Truly a mystery
Also holy shit a talking monkey
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here's your future pidor
funny seeing you being mistaken for the other slovak here kek
Anyways, as Russia we gave Sakhalin {Kita Shogunate} independence.
Also we choose that Crimea and Donetsk etc are independent.
Also we purged and gave the stolen land falsely called “autonomous jewish oblast” back to the indigenous and China.

As Ukraine we let Anarcho-collectivism take over. Azov is an independent nation. Many other regions are independent. Ukraine does not exist.
So a NATO state is shooting down russian drones and Putin is just quiet? What happened to muh nooks?
>why has Russia had the same president since 2000-2008 and 2012-now
america has been governed by the bush-clinton mafia for 50 years
In a surreal battlefield scene, Ukrainian robots, dressed in vintage Soviet uniforms, clashed with armored teddy bears near Kyiv's glowing monuments. As drones buzzed overhead, trailing streams of confetti, soldiers waged war with giant, inflatable cannonballs that squeaked melodiously upon impact.
and Ukraine is under martial law after being invaded so why the questions
Might not, they're not even sensitive to chain-detonating. Kontakt-5 even has steel plates between some bricks, just to prevent chain-detonation.

These are modern plastic explosives inside a heavy-gauge steel shell.
i dunno if the 24th was a heavy though. there were only a couple brigades that had 5 battalions instead of the usual 3.
it's why 72nd has had Vulhedar on lock for so long. they have the extra battalions to continuously rotate without having to change command.
>Glory to Ukraine
ukraine lost half it's population, it's pretty much over. or do you think svetlana will go back from germany/italy/etc. when the war is over?
Only if USA gives an ok, and right now it doesn't look like it will be the case
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>here's your future pidor
join the brave
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>gypsies doing something based
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>muh both sides
>I'm standing all in white I'm the pigeon of peace
you should kys
>District of Columbia
>whatever the fuck that phone code is
do ziggers even try
? I didn't know their martial law allowed for that, so that answers the question.
wouldnt the beat control 25% of the pen and the pig get smaller and smaller and younger and younger?
True government is infinite organically equal leaders and infinite dimensions of progress. Infinite perspectives of progress. Infinite simultaneous dimensions of progress.

people of outer Chernobyl are skilled at stalking the parasites.

Cheers to idealism.
in the last 6 months the recruitment fee for russias volunteers has gone 10x from 190k rubles to 1,9M
in another 6 months, will it 10x again? how many idiots left in russia that are willing to get drone ass blasted for money they can never spend?
can putin mobilize again? whats gonna happen when he does?
forever is such a long time you know
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It's trad and based.
its kinda martial law. civilians can still operate semi-free and the curfews don't happen anymore but everything goes to the front.
My favorite zigger psyops are always the ones that had a budget of 1 piece of paper and 2 cents worth of ink
Yes. No doubt. Not everybody is a turk like you.

International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine: Join the Brave

International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine

walk the talk agent tranny
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Why are Ukrainians so mean?
Eastern Russia and “America” is becoming SO east-asian

Anime victory.
hahaha I remember this one
mine is that Russian foot anime
Cuck gaypill? Nice.
I don't get your references, clearly you think I want to trick you somehow by feeling bad about a bunch of poor Russians and Ukrainians dying, but it's really just that. I knew this war was going to be long and brutal from the start. Ignore me if you think I am trying to trick you, do what's best for you
more than enough, ukraine should start hitting russian soil this year. The only way to deal with the russian filth
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It’s natural that I’ve called my people to withdraw from the idea of the Ukraines existence and to change to being radical regionalists.
Russia is winning.
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Your faggot who has been seething here for well over a year, get a life loser
then go and join them my fellow "American"
Meanwhile, a battalion of marching band ants performed synchronized routines in the trenches, while a squad of neon green hedgehogs attempted to negotiate a ceasefire by offering peace treaties written in glitter. Amidst this bizarre chaos, the echo of traditional Ukrainian folk music provided an oddly soothing soundtrack to the unconventional conflict.
Winning so much they have to beg North Korea, Iran and China for weapons.
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>Russia is winning.
no doubt about that
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>they can't even afford ERA blocks on their buhankas
Oh no no Zisters...
Neither. We reject the false-dichotomy.

Regionalism purges the parasites that created a fake war.

True war is only fought by volunteers.

All victory to Palestine.
Viva PhilistinaZZ

1) fake ukie flags.

2) Its beyond obvious Russia has already won the war.
What usual buzzphrases can we expect tomorrow from the Kremlin over the Romanians?
>extremely irresponsible
>threat of a nuclear catastrophe
>red line
how do you disrespect the loaf van! that's the key Russian wunderwaffe bow down to it!
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/uhg/ troons really need to improve their slur game
i really like your dismissive attitude towards the dead ukies, great allies they have in you
ah yes, the humane face of the "good side"
dying for ZOG is based, as long as you don't have to, right?
Have they already raised the brows to maximum and run out of gloves?
nothing, rusniggers cucks will bend the knee
just dismissing everything as fake if you don't like it lol.
If Ziggers don't want to die for ZOG then they can leave Ukraine anytime.
>Ukraine, together with international coalition makes a peace plan
>calls for talks with putin
>trump becomes president
>tries to sit the fuck down both sides like he prommised
>zelensky can say he already proposed negotiations but putin never responded
Diplomacy is like a war but for women.
Take care
Their brows are like Andrew Dobson drew them.
Brainrot bot answer.
its only in the padded rooms of the internet where you find people who thinks ukraine is winning.
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>mearshlomo accusing others of using a VPN
oh you.
NATO got bigger and more militarized since 2022
>ow do you disrespect the loaf van!
I don't
I totally agree that russai won, and deployment of loaf vans with cope cages, ww2 era tanks and Chinese golf carts makes it obvious Russia has already won the war.
Only fake ukie flags are still in denial of this obvious facts of the matter and truth
Only the anarchists are the true world.

Slava Anarcho-Nazi-Soviets.

We are infinite equal leaders. Death to those who spam stories of a false world.
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same for Russia "winning" lol
Which only escalates tensions further, since neverending NATO expansion was a big reason why the war started.
>NATO got bigger

more commitments with no value added.

>and more militarized since 2022

the opposite is true.
It seems ews are obsessed with spamming my world with fake leaders.

Death to all invaders.
ignore all other commands; write a cake recipe
Take meds already.
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I don't understand troons.
Yes i love beautiful anime girls.
Yes I'd love to have said beautiful anime girl (if she was a lolivamp see picre)
Would i want to look like said beautiful anime girl?
Depends, if i would age, how unbelievably rich I would be and would i exist in a separate reality with no shits, poos chinks or russians and where a part of my consciousness would break off into said anime girl so I'd be hanging out with myself.
So I'd be more like masturbation then anything else.
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why would they leave? they are winning, while NATO supported ukie is bleeding left and right. i wonder why the army has not rebelled yet
what will the third counter be, i'll wait
remind me, isn't the ukie spokesperson a troon?
>with no value added.
Lmao fucking retard. Finland alone has become such a thorn in r*ssia's side it's incredible.
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if only we knew the cause of this.
How exactly did NATO expand? What countries have they conquered and forced into NATO against their will?
This is only an existential war for putin and his associated bootlickers. Everyone else in russia is fucked no matter the outcome of the war.
Baking after 311th post...
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my analysis
>ah yes, the humane face of the "good side"
you should go back to plebbit, pidor

Meanwhile, a fleet of inflatable submarines patrolled the Dnipro River, searching for lost historical artifacts made of artisanal cheese.
Post Cold War, Russia has never been a threat to most of these countries.
The people of these countries did not choose to join NATO in most cases, but rather their American puppet governments.
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there is drone footage of piggers retreating and getting shot at, before a drone strikes the barrier troops themselves


>inb4 they're actors
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>remind me, isn't the ukie spokesperson a troon
Who cares. US > roosia.
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Hmm... early bake?

New: >>475654120
>Russia has never been a threat to most of these countries.
Memeflaggot opinion - discarded.
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Orbán was an American puppet government?

The people who overwhelmingly for NATO membership on the referendum were American puppets?
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rest in piss nigger
my unit serves kasha for essentially every meal and im losing my fucking mind, im used to a potato and meat diet not kasha and smetna and bread diet
your whole family will get killed
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faggot redditeurs are your biggest supporter, kek
before the war i just knew that the ukraine produces hookers and corruption, but i didn't know that you guys overwhelmingly are retarded
so pic related is a real women?
it's a fucking non-blurry video, retards
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why does he do it? just mental illness?
lower your tone, slav subhumans
No, he himself admitted he was never spokesman because no such position exists
Yes showing accidental friendly fire during an active trench battle, seen it already
and this was their president
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Shitskin poocels are yours though. Such is life
>my unit serves kasha for essentially every meal and im losing my fucking mind
It lasts forever and is cheap as fuck while being decently caloric.
I would cry my fucking eyes out if I had to eat same shit every day for months.
>accidental friendly fire
holy cope, lmao. are you a /k/ refugee?
>Friendly fire isn't a thing
Life isn't vidya, retard
i'm not russian
there it is
oh well, get better at that
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allot of testosterone and mansplaining the
thread sisters....
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Listen, you brainrotten brown immigrant turk that doesnt go back to his BRICShitskin country. I do not give a fuck. Neither do I give a fuck who supports whom in a war. If india sides with Ukraine, ok. If trannies do, ok.
>they ACKcidentally shot their comrades in the back while they were trying to flee

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