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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Where we're going, we don't need editions Edition

Canada IS a failed state.
Use this thread to communicate with fellow anons and frens about the sorry state of our nation.
>no glowies allowed

Just got back from looking for work. The economy is fucking dead. So many shuttered businesses - just saw 2 more close today.
Third of the population is retired, third makes money on importing migrants / selling houses, and the last third is waging at McDonalds.

Discussion Theory - how the FUCK do normies afford expensive, brand-new cars?
I hardly see a single car older than 7 years here (except my shitbox).

Previous thread:
I recognize it's a rhetorical question - they're overleveraged with debt 10:1. Question is, when will the debt outpace the interest, making it too expensive to keep selling debt to normies?
'a shit eating grin'
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Too late but it should be #8.
You're totally right. I'm a moron, my bad.
Next baker should call it #9.
Brampton teens drove to Waterloo Region to rob a pharmacy
Peel police followed the stolen car and thwarted the first robbery attempt but not the second

Three Brampton teenagers travelled to Waterloo Region with bad intentions.
Peel Regional Police officers began following a stolen car in Brampton on Dec. 7, 2022, Kitchener court was told.
The Chevrolet Cruze drove to a plaza on Oak Park Drive in Waterloo, where a Pharmasave drugstore is located.
“No one entered or exited the vehicle at this time,” said Crown prosecutor Matthew McLean.
The prospective robbers then drove to the Fairway Lackner Pharmacy on Fairway Crescent in Kitchener.
A Peel police officer called the pharmacy and “advised them to lock the doors to prevent a robbery,” McLean said. “The pharmacy complied by locking the doors and turning off the lights.”
Peel officers then followed the Cruze to the Whole Health Woolwich Pharmacy on Woolwich Street in Waterloo.
An 18-year-old man and a male youth, both wearing gloves and medical masks, exited the car. A man, also 18, stayed in the Cruze as the getaway driver.
The pair entered the pharmacy, jumped over the counter and demanded cash and narcotics, court was told.
One punched the pharmacist in the face and dragged him to the back room and demanded he take him to the safe. The pharmacist said there was no safe.
The pair grabbed $1,550 from the cash register and stole hundreds of narcotic pills, as well as drugs in liquid form, before running to the getaway car.
A Peel cruiser “blocked in the vehicle,” McLean said, and all three were arrested.
It is unclear why officers were unable to thwart the robbery.
In the Cruze, police found a .22-calibre handgun, which was not used in the robbery.
“It was not properly assembled and not capable of discharging,” McLean said.
The trio pleaded guilty to robbery.
Justice Dominique Kennedy this week sentenced the 18-year-old who entered the pharmacy to time served. He spent 15 months in presentence custody.
Kennedy took into account his age, lack of prior record and “the reality of the overrepresentation of Black men in our jails.”
All three robbers are Black.
Kennedy sentenced the getaway driver to 18 months of house arrest.
Soon after graduating from high school, he was shot in the face outside of his home, court was told.
“As a result of being at a low point in his life, recovering from an act of random violence, underemployed and hopeless, he was drawn into a life of criminal activity,” the judge said.
He now has hope for the future, Kennedy said, and insight into why he did the crime.
Both were put on probation and ordered to complete 50 hours of community service. They must give a sample to the national DNA database.
Justice Pamela Borghesan sentenced the youth to four months in open custody and two months of community supervision.
Home invasions jump 350% this year as police lay over 150 charges against crime network in Mississauga and Brampton
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Please use this picture.
>gr8 8, r8 it 7 of 9
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>Niggers, a paki and a jeet
I'm so tired bros
My question - what is going to happen when we reach Venezuela-tiers poverty?
Nobody thinks it'll happen, but it will.

Indians are used to living in shitholes, so are all the migrants. Even Eastern European migrants are used to it.
How will the average Canadian fare with walking into a supermarket, and seeing empty shelves?
Or armed gangs of Punjabis in Toronto, Oshawa, Newmarket, Barrie, Peterborough, Ottawa? Or Vanciuver, Calgary, Kelowna, Montreal? Not just Brampton and Surrey.

will we see suicides spike?
While we're at it, what are your favorite spots in Canada, given that it won't last much longer?
Your favorite towns, venues, museums, stores?

Soon, it will be one big slum, so let's take a moment to remember the nice spots.
it gets very cold here in the winter. many will die
shut the fuck up, data mining leddit nigger.
Wimpy wh*te Gaynadians are the stupidest, whimpiest, faggiest, creatures in all of existence. No one (besides wh*te fags) would be debased enough to feverously dig their own graves, leap into the freshly-dug graves, and then beg someone to shoot them.
>Discussion Theory - how the FUCK do normies afford expensive, brand-new cars?
Easy. They are either hard-working immigrants (i.e. not wh*tefags) or they are wh*te Boomerfags.
Yes, like all wh*tes, you are easily exhausted and weak.
Another liar shows his true face as a complete tribal racist. Next thing you know he's on television with crocodile tears saying he's the victim.
Cry, cry, some more.
>tribal racist
these invaders hate you, it's okay to be racist. enjoy knowing that that will always have an inferiority complex.
The woke bubble has busted retard, the momentum is going against you and the normies are up to your bullshit.

Now are you gonna come up with an argument about anything or you're just gonna make racial taunts like a stupid gorilla?
>The woke bubble has busted retard, the momentum is going against you and the normies are up to your bullshit.
Lol! You live in a fantasy world! Face it, Canada belongs to us Punjabis now. Know your place! Soon, we will enact laws that will let us beat any White person who even lets his shadow touch us!
I don't think we'll get to Venezuela levels but we're definitely headed for 1990s Russia levels of shitty
Whites will be forced to start relying on each other again, because we'll be last in line for any kind of aid; we will also have to learn how to hide our incomes and resources because they will be appropriated to feed and clothe the brown masses
But that's exactly what we need, as long as whites can live independently we won't collectivize, and once parents realize their white children are being discriminated against in employment and education we will be able to build up a parallel economy to support ourselves
>Just got back from looking for work. The economy is fucking dead.
anyone else noticed signs in shop fronts saying "stop asking for work we have no positions"? I've never seen before the last week or so.
>what is going to happen when we reach Venezuela-tiers poverty?
look around anon. in vancouver, people are pretty much getting stabbed everyday in downtown now.
>places you never encounter jeets
Dumbass he tells his ethnic group. An 'Honor' based one where they kill you over an insult. Another good reason not to have you here.
Upside is as things become more incompetent and unstable, there will be opportunities to fill the gaps that government leaves open
White South Africans are actually doing better now than they were a decade ago, because their government has become so dysfunctional that their communities can run semi-autonomously, with privately employed whites filling in security and infrastructure needs that the government cannot
Whereabouts are you located? I'm in northern ON and don't see it
What happens when there's no whites running the hydro plants?
We will run them.
You losers can continue to beg for welfare.
freezing starving death lol
youll run them into the ground
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You can't even run a sewage system in pajeetland, you will just freeze to death after blowing things up
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Some of them don't even check what side of the road we drive before coming here.
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Roads in India are very dangerous, its only going to get worse from here on out as jeets have no sense of self preservation

>the reality of the overrepresentation of Black men in our jails.”

To many of you in here already. You be free now!
You are no different than the mouthbreathers that accuse anyone criticizing Canada of being "demoralization shills".
Shouldn't you be in "SEETHE THREAD WHERE WE SPAM 'FAGGOT' 100 TIMES #45"?

Glad to see anons making good analyses.

good luck, kek.
Where's this, anon?
Looks like Simcoe, but I doubt it, it's B.C., right?
I should believe canada collapses while we have literally brazil. Boomer larp.
what goes on in BRAPton?
I'm in Central, ON.
I see job postings everywhere, but they are never actually filled, kek.
I'll see the same listing for months, especially on the Job Bank site, and Indeed.

Are your acquaintances employed?
My contacts are somehow either employed at meme companies / meme jobs (think "tiktok analyst") or totally unemployed.
I haven't been there in fucking months.
Took a train through it. It is a hellhole - in all fairness, areas around train tracks are usually shitholes, but Hamilton and the surrounding area look like Somalia.

So much fucking graffiti, rubble, and trash.
Most of Ontario is relatively fine, but we will see trash exponentially increase in quantity over the next 5 years.
>I see job postings everywhere, but they are never actually filled,
That, $1000, and lying on the forms is all you need to get a LMIA from the government that you and your consultant can resell for tens of thousands of dollars to some poor mark from another country.
It could be the employer, or it could even be their consultant who was delegated the Job Bank account reusing it for their own personal LMIA fraud without the knowledge of the original business owner.
I have a friend in NS who got a job selling solar panels and another who's working at a small-time casino on the Quebec border, but I'm not the most social person so I don't exactly have a huge network
I'm doing cash jobs under the table with PC and phone repair, jeets have helped me in this area by ruining their reputation so now people only trust white guys or Asians to fix their stuff
We're going to see homeless encampments sprawling all over cities soon - I grew up in Ottawa and don't recall any homeless people in the 90s and 2000s, now they are all over the place whenever I go back there
And oddly enough they are mostly old people, not what you'd expect
This painting will be talked about 500 years from now
Youre sexy ;)
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So according to this anon Brampton mortgages are all about to collapse like a row of dominoes. >>475677133
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Based, finally pajeets are doing something useful
The sooner things implode, the sooner we can make changes
Cope. Cumskins are jealous that we have money and homes. Maybe if you're nice to me, I'll give the homeless wh*te bum that stinks up the sidewalk of my grocery store a $5 bill when I go shopping.
any good braptown car crash montages?
Toronto-area dentist charged with sexual assault
Phil Tsekouras, CTVNewsToronto.ca Journalist
Published Thursday, July 25, 2024 1:38PM EDT
Last Updated Thursday, July 25, 2024 1:38PM EDT
In a news release issued Thursday, Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) said the female victim attended KC Dental, near Rossland and Salem roads in Ajax,

on July 13.

Police allege that the victim was sexually assaulted during two of her appointments.

The dentist, identified by police as Sunilkumar Patel, 36, has been charged with two counts of sexual assault and was released on an undertaking.

Police said Patel also works at Family Smile Dentistry in Scarborough, near Markham Road and Lawrence Avenue, and investigators believe there may be other


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With an attitude like that, you'll never get past designated shitting streets in Punjab
oi leaffags is joe robinet gonna be ok
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So years ago leafs on /pol/ were constantly complaining about chinks. Now y'all are constantly complaining about jeets. What happened to the chinks? Still there, or just pale in comparison to jeets?
chinks have been leaving in droves because china is also collapsing and their families can no longer afford to send money to canada. jeet roaches have basically been replacing them. i miss the chinks, at least they were reasonably intelligent and didnt smell like shit
Going to be a lot of growing pains through that, though I believe you're right. There's a lot of Whites that fully adopted the jews backstabbing ways. I don't see anything happening without copious amounts of blood spilled anyway.
I have never complained about Chinese people.
>There's a lot of Whites that fully adopted the jews backstabbing ways.
They will be singled out and destroyed by the state when the time comes
Expect white women to get hit very hard, because they have benefitted enormously from DEI initiatives and government employment
New US Amendment -
change national anthem to America the beautiful. Annex every thing west of Ontario.
allow jew york and ontario to continue to fellate each other. let vc, bc, seattle, etc suck each other off too.
Manitoba to Missouri is God's country.
Thanks, anon.
Remember, anons - CSIS and RCMP are always watching.
So tsk tsk to any wrongthink - we don't want our (un)friendly glowies getting the wrong ideas.
do you ever notice, that every post on every event on pol is a conspiracy? I mean everything, everyone, every aspect. every person in a crowd every article, every piece of paper?

it's almost like some country has been meddling in everything. the country is russia.

I can remember when it was just "hate niggers and jews". now it's conspiracy this and conspiracy that.

it's so bad I have conspiracy burn out. so many "conspiracies" are posted every day that it has become absurd.
That's a whole lot of cleanup. Essentially the entirety of middle management across the board. Suppose it'd fall under examples to be made and some second chances.
Fuck 'em. They have all the information on the treasonous cunts that run this hole, they're either sitting on their paws for the soon to be worthless pension or they're on the take.
It's not a conspiracy, anon.
Canada is just a shithole, kek.

I'm not implying it's some secret - even our national news site has said the healthcare has failed.
Trudeau himself admitted it, kek.

And the number "1 million migrants a year" is the GOVERNMENT figure.
There is no conspiracy here.
They don't have the same reservations about disappearing me, or you, as they do about some of their other "interests".
I won't give 'em a reason to fuck with me, and I suggest everyone here does the same, fren.
go back
In my experience most white women aren't even aware of how bad we have it as men when it comes to legal discrimination, when the hammer swings against them we should be there to bring them over to our thinking
Besides, we aren't going anywhere if the alt right remains a sausage fest, we need some breeding to happen
>So tsk tsk to any wrongthink - we don't want our (un)friendly glowies getting the wrong ideas.
Friendly ones that held to their oaths did their best to save the country through key leaks reporting how Canada is compromised.
Fair enough, I'm not too concerned. I'm sure they have enough internal strife, Leaf land does like to make public examples, doubt many of us are big enough names. For now.
Women's faults almost always lie with their handlers. They'll flip to whatever ends up looking like the popular/sure thing. Few enough Canadians actually have a spine, that number for females is almost non existent.

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