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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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No one is actually pro Kamala here right?
It's ironic
Das ist korrect, herr anon.
Just laundered actblue money at work.
Shut up Netanyahu, it's Momala board.

speak for yourself. I'm #GoogaaForKamala
Kamala is based
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>If you support Kamala, you're an antisemite.
>If you don't support Kamala, you're a racist.
Well, /pol/? What's it gonna be?
Every single one of us is unironically pro Kamala. We genuinely believe that she is the best choice

Of course not, there's shit posters and shills but it's not genuine. She is completely unlikable and her poll numbers are fucking garbage.
>takes over southern border
>allows 20 million enemy combatants into the country
>gives them plane tickets and cash
Tell me she's not better than Drumpf

trump is literally calling for bombing iran..
i want kamala to win just so i don't have to read a single post by baptards again
Lurk more I beg you I am pleading with you
Most of the brown retards here would let all of their women be raped by niggers if the world unanimously decided to let a bunch of brown people on some small strip of land push the other brown people into the ocean. It's the most retarded board on this entire site.
We're paid by Iran to shill for her.
I still feel guilty for cumming when she said not to.
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I'm not lying, I could've gone either way a day ago but after all the shitty spam here, not feelin' it at all anymore.
Trump is an idiot though
so (still, probably...) not voting for him
I am foggPemu
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I'm getting mixed messages here
what if i am, op?
I've noticed a disturbing amount of pro-kamala and a lot of anti trump stuff on here the past five days. Folks have theorized it's feds doing propaganda.
>everyone I disagree with is a Jewish funded bot/shill/troll

This is why people laugh at you, /pol/tards.
maybe to accelerate but im not voting for a woman nigger rather sit it out and let tou retards pick
The other guy is lying. I think he might be a jew or something idk. Don't worry though op Kamala can and will make america great again
nah it's just millions of democrat donor money going to shilling
why they're shilling here I have no idea
memeflags aren't VPNs
Wrong. I love Kamala.
I was with my family last weekend and suddenly my dad, a lifelong trump supported, was flipping burgers on the old grill when he said... "You know what... I'm feeling a little bratty." He glanced over to his wife and they both grinned. I immediately knew what he meant. Suddenly the phone rang and it was my sister who was out of town. "Sounds like y'all gettin bratty over there!". Kamala literally brought our family back together. This family is getting bratty with Kamala this year.

Sorry Trump. You're too old to handle the brats that are coming for you.
Paid for. As well you know.
nu-pol (the ones that love muslims, love trannies, and post in /chug/) hate trump unironically.

this board is much closer to 50-50 left vs. right now. used to be 80-20 right wing leaning. but unfortunately it has changed.
Irony=pre dna, who is a jew? Top cabinet officials, in fact. Is he turning over on the spit in hell because of it? Its only speculation.
I'm voting for Kamala because we need a POTUS who sucks dicks and gets fucked in the vag and eats cum
paid shills count as /pol/ now?
if so then it's way more than 50-50 in favor of the left, they're so many of them here
There’s honestly no difference between Trump and Heels up at this point. They both support faggotry, hedonism, globalism, and open borders. Why would not matter?
i got bad news for you
I'm not sure that we do
There's the silent majority and then there's maga's. Silent majority will always kill the loudest
trump is the only way forward for me. literally tied to my life as a white man. i will stand in the hot sun to vote for him because im already in hell in this world and only he can get us out and bring back christian values even if by force. if he doesnt win theres nowhere else in the world to go, we'll either die or start civil war

that's the drive you're up against, you brat kammies. better not forget or have depression that day.
Damn your dad sounds like a gay dude. If my dad called himself a brat, I’d definitely think he was a fag lol. Sorry guy. At least it’s 2024 and that shits ok now…
Most people I know irl are and trumpers are eating shit, embarrassed to even show their faces at the dive bar after losing their shit over trumps shave
I like her she is fun, it is a breath of fresh to have somebody so vibrant and full of life she has my vote
I don't like her but I hope she wins
I don't want to pay my student loans :)
Most people “you know” didn’t even know she existed until a couple weeks ago. Even as the VP they barely knew her lmfao.

The people “you know” are why I’m A-ok with billionaires killing all of you and destroying your nations.
Im sick of seeing and hearing about trump 24/7 for 8 fucking years. He’s repulsive
It’s called astroturfing newfag
Don't give a shit about Kamala but if I was a burger I'd vote for anyone over trump who raped kids with his best friend epstein.
I just assume every trumpcuck is a pedo at this point
Isn't she pro-isreal? so it's going to be the same result whether her or trump is elected.
100% am

I want to see Trump supporters freak out but also not do fucking anything about it again. gonna be crazy jones-town vibes with christians killing their whole families n shit

i'm fine if it goes the other way but idk if it can top the Hillary lose
How do you get a job at shareblue?>>475671101
I'm planning on killing my democrat neighors if that happens
I'm voting for her because my femdommy mommy is making me.
She locked up so many niggers in California, and even kept them in prison after serving their terms. Why wouldn't I be pro Kamala?
What's wrong with rooting to see a boomer lose to a "minority" in a rigged system?
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enjoy the party v& :^)

in other news, orange faggot is a scared of a black woman
Of course not, but fucking with nupol never gets old
Whites losing jobs to blacks make line go up. Trump should be thrilled about the idea of him losing to Kamala. His loss will inspire many more corporations to fill themselves with Kamalas. The line will reach new heights.
I’m RFK come hell or high water. I know he doesn’t stand a chance, but I unironically don’t see a difference between a Kamala or Trump presidency. They are both controlled by big pharma.
It's mostly blatant shilling and astroturfing.
Lol I'm going to kill you and your family
What town you live in? I'd unironically kill everyone in it just to know you're dead
>paid shills count as /pol/ now?
they all count, anon. they all count.
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You don't want to see 4 years of a psychopathic woman laughing about dead children? c'mon now.
The only reason you would vote Kamala is because you fall into one of the following categories:
>Any form of accellerationism. Aka you want the nation to go bankrupt or start a war.
>More DEI leadership will make the regime's enforcement less competent
>Huge hit to national credibility and the legitimacy of democracy itself
>You hate meritocracy because you have no merit of your own. Aka communists.
Shit like that.
This is what mental illness looks like
Overdosed on jewish cum
>what town
Your Mom's Vagina. Lots of tourists visit it.
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Kamala is MIGA
I am but I guess I just don't like jews as much as you do, OP.
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I'm pro momala, and you should too
The Democrats have zero chance of winning at all. That is why we post Kamala.
Go ahead be afriad. I'll just kill every single communist from coast to coast. Can't wait to rape your Jewish holes with an iron rod
How do I get paid to shill for Kamala?
Same i want to get hired so i have thier address. Imagine actually getting it going there and killing everyone inside
Say Nigger to prove you're one of us, elsewise you're a newfag tourist shill.
Ok who's the mother fucking fag who got my get?
Gay ass thread made by a troon
I can imagine it anon, but I wouldn't even do it in Minecraft. Also I wouldn't do it unless it was work from home.
It's Shareblue.
Yes, they're bots with scripts.
I'll be coring for her 12 times!
I've always been anti trump
Which means I'm pro Kamala
Where is the van? I'm waiting for it so I can kill all of you
Poor unfortunate souls work for the current administration and spied or actively jailed prosecuted or tried to kill all the other parties and associates

They have issues and need a democrat government, need being the operational word

They can't lose so me just telling them hey I could play dirty toss them into a ridiculous evil frenzy

Wasted all their wad on the first week
If we all just went out and killed five Communists tonight the world would be a better place tomorrow
Imagine bashing a communists' head in with a hammer
Communism is literally illegal here. Also nice larp, fatty.
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No one is actually pro Trump here right?
It's ironic
kamala never called me an abo chink
What kind of kike are you that you get to sit on your ass with an internet connection while the slavs fly rc planes into eachother?
yes anon
stay at home, no need to go out and vote, it's in the bag
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There's a lot of unpaid DNC interns flooding the boards right now.
every pro kamala post here comes from pajeets
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Vote Donald Harris 2024
of fucking course, everyone hates that cunt, who else have the democrats hid her in a closet for 3 years?
Only know actual (real) pedophiles from glow cobtrolled discord and the horrible jews paypoo’s.
All their threads should be delit if jannies did their jobs.
The public don’t support Camel-ahh Pooheeta, no. She’s LESS popular than Demented puppet joe biden.
Maybe 2/10 anons

There's spam but no ballot stuffing to be had here>>475667809
I’d rather be anti Semitic than racist.
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Pol is a kamala space
But seriously we cant let Bog Witch Kamala get her hands on the nuclear button
Black women are based.
Bro I'm not Pro kamala, I'm pro civil war, pro acceleration, pro collapse, pro bodies piling up in the streets.

The new dawn is a bloody one, anon, and we will build our shining future on the mountains of ZOG's dead, their bones for mortar, their flesh for the soil.

Smile and be glad.
Bots threads and and posts. Not a single person on /pol/ supports her, and newfags are the only ones who support Trump. Trannies and paid shills are also here and many are in this thread. Hey queers, you're really funny. Keep making obviously paid for threads, it's funny. Seriously. Jeep doing it.
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Based knower
I just got back from a KKK meeting. I forgot to remove my Kamala button. The other clan members saw it, said she's really not that bad and started clapping. Then moon man descended from the rafters and gave me a high five.
She’s our Kam-girl!
I hate libs but I hate IsraHELL more. So Kamala it is, Sorry not sorry frogposter cuck.
Why wouldn't you vote for acceleration?
The GOP and DNC are both zionist, I am against the zionist government as they are genociding our people in Jesus Christ. You could say my position is anti-government or in favor of revolution, overthrowing the zionist government and becoming free.
No, it's shills that think they can influence the election by posting absolute garbage on the butthole of the internet.
Truth pilled, very obvious indeed
Sorry lefty Pol is real
I'm ridin with sexy Biden daddy
I’m a Kamala gooner

Not ironic
Don't Care

Still Voting Harris
That's correct, but it's more fun to pretend to shill for Trump.
Brb, gotta bake the next /ptg/ soon.
It’s a mix of trolls, glowies, and shills yes.
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Still not voting ziondon

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