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Did you know that in the 1920’s and 30’s before WWII half of Europe was below replacement fertility? Even lower than today?
Basically the baby boom massively boosted their populations after the war, but practically none of those Euro boomers had kids themselves.

The baby boom was an aberration if anything, Western Europe has largely been in decline since the 18th century and dawn of Bourgeoise Liberalism
Pic related is from France, curious that there is a steep decline following the Revolution UNTIL 1850’s when the Second Empire was established, and then the decline continued even more drastically under the new Republic after Napoleon III
Overpopulation is the problem. Especially turd worlders
The depression and war caused low fertility LYING GOOK my grandfather should have shot your mother in Vietnam
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Here is Germany, even more insane, fertility has been in the toilet since the First World War.
If you look at this it began WAY before the depression and bottomed out in the 20’s
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Here’s the UK
as you can see my point is that this is NOT a recent phenomenon but something very deeply wrong, imo with bourgeoise liberal enlightenment as an ethos.
Just import muslims, problem solved.
They are building halal markets in my town.
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Every Western Europe country shows this decline from the 19th century, some start earlier than others, like France, some like Italy only bottom out in the current day.
yeah so what
its common knowledge people had way more kids in the early 20th century and 19th century
the 1920s in france was a bit of an outlier, it shot back up after that. its been on a steady decline since the 50s though
Can this at least be partly explained by reduction in infant mortality and urbanization? Especially the steep decline through the 1800’s. What would TFR look like if you only counted kids that made it to adulthood? Also why have so many kids if you don’t own land you farm and are crammed in urban housing?
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For Asia, we can see the exact same trends but starting about 50-70 years later

China’s chart looks almost identical to Japan’s despite vastly different political systems.
Population decline is a terrible thing for the merchant class, wages go up and housing prices go down, how is a jew suppose to make a killing like that.
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Korea, China, Japan are all stable until 1970’s where they ALL plummet hard
>what is infant mortality?
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Chinese data doesn’t go as far back
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Here is Spain, stable until 20th century
I’d argue it’s great for the merchant class as it helps consolidate wealth, there is a reason we all live in a technocratic globalist mercantile society
Scandinavian countries (except Finland) are pretty weird fertility wise, same crash until 1930’s but no real further decline since then and mostly stuck around replacement.

Same for Sweden-Norway-Denmark, Finland is Russia tier fertility.
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And here is the Big Boy, the USA
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Idk, but stuff like this decides the future? Is it any wonder Europe was ruling the entire globe in the 19th century but fell into deep decline in the 20th? Especially since population collapse largely began in the early to mid 19th century across Europe.
Forgot pic
South America (Brazil pictured) follows a similar trend to Asia where the decline happened about 70-100 years after Western Europe.
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Dead cat bounce lmao
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For most of the Arab/Muslim world the decline has only just started in the 90’s, verses the 60’s for Asia/South America
It really was, I’m honestly very shocked to see how so many countries actually bottomed out over 100 years ago and the baby boom was just a small spike before continued decline.
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westcuck eugenics, especially bri'ish eugenics+offshoots+all fucked up npc cults they got - imbecilic lunatics wish to depopulate entire planet, they work on it 24/7 for at least 200 years now

it is their purpose in their wretched and miserable lives

currently, main tool and application of procedures is done via united nations and other "international cooperation" fronts, an all are their creation with same exact purpose - depopulation
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Here is India, again decline is just beginning, they are at the stage Europe was in the late 19th/early 20th century
Got to get those breeding rates up.
thanks goodness
Why do you kikes care about useless breeders so much? Are you pedophile abominations not satisfied with shitskin and gook children, so you're desperate now that redneck goys breed more? Fertility is designated by the both political, cultural and economic environment, you bloody faggot. People in 19th century and beyond breed so much because many died in the womb, the rest died before even become teenagers, and we essentially weren't that far from niggers in that regard. Evolution took it course and many cures been found in medicine that prevent newborns to die, and economic conditions make sure you don't breed for the sake of raising a slave that will benefit you, but neither it's remoralising to breed when all you can live in is commieblock with not much space and land around yet too many shitskins around as is.
I just find it all very interesting, identical trend across the globe.

Western Europe bottomed out in the 20’s-30’s and has mostly stayed the same ever since (baby boom was an outlier)

Asia is soon hitting or has hit the bottom now.

Middle East and India are rapidly sliding down the slope

Africa has just started down the hill.

South America is the weirdest one because they have Europe tier fertility but also poor and shitty, worst luck continent.
can't decrease faster enough
People make a nation, it’s a very obvious fact.
Population doesn’t just crash because of lower infant mortality
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They tell us "population decline" is terrible for the economy, but it only hurts the ultra rich. Most of us lower down on the totem pole see the benefit of increased wages via labor scarcity. Which is why they have to convince normies that "diversity" and "immigration" are good.

When you realize that every western leader is working against your individual interest, it makes you question the value of democracy.
>useless breeders
Ya need more mobiks Sasha.
Ok, but as a counterpoint, the numerical decline of YOUR people is a very obvious weakness is it not? To fade until assimilation or extinction is not a good thing is it? Why is France called FRANCE and not Gallia today?
Liberal Bourgeoisie leadership only ever try to accelerate this while simultaneously bemoaning it.
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It's cities and the urban lifestyle. Cities always have a low birthrate. They grow by importing from rural areas. As the cities grow more people are pulled from the reproductive pool and sacrificed on the altar of economic productivity.
>identical trend across the globe.
because it is directed to be done, switch off your tv and be careful when those treacherous and mentally demented imbeciles bullshit everyone for 100000000000000000th time

you can see their activity on this honeypot and rest of the promoted internet every single hour of every single day for decades now


The great population loss brought favourable results to the surviving peasants in England and the rest of Western Europe. There was increased social mobility, as depopulation further eroded the peasants' already-weakened obligations to remain on their traditional holdings. Seigneurialism never recovered. Land was plentiful, wages high, and serfdom had all but disappeared. It was possible to move about and rise higher in life. Younger sons and women especially benefited. As population growth resumed, however, peasants again faced deprivation and famine.

Furthermore, the plague's great population reduction brought cheaper land prices; more food for the average peasant; and a relatively large increase in per capita income among the peasantry, if not immediately, in the coming century. Since the plague left vast areas of farmland untended, they were made available for pasture and put more meat on the market. The consumption of meat and dairy products went up, as did the export of beef and butter from the Low Countries, Scandinavia and northern Germany.

However, the upper class often attempted to stop the changes, initially in Western Europe and more forcefully and successfully in Eastern Europe, by instituting sumptuary laws. They regulated what people could wear so that nobles could ensure that peasants did not begin to dress and act as a higher-class member with their increased wealth. Another tactic was to fix prices and wages so that peasants could not demand more with increasing value. In England, the Statute of Labourers 1351 was enforced, which stated that no peasant could ask for more wages than in 1346. That was met with varying success depending on the amount of rebellion it inspired. Such a law was one of the causes of the 1381 Peasants' Revolt in England.
For a personal anecdote, my grandmother had 12 kids, those 12 kids have had 5 collectively. My generation of 5 kids has TWO (mine and my cousin)

This is my idea as well, in addition to liberal enlightenment accelerating this population shredder effect.
Comparing current situation to the black death is not correct as this was a mass die-off of both lower and upper classes, but especially the very poor.

Today we have a fertility decline and an overabundance of Elites, more comparable to the Empire of Diocletian in Europe.
A healthy, organic nation that isn't artificial and pushed on by (((welfare))) benefit will always find the upper limit of its population where it reach most ecologiv-socio-economic comfort in balancing itself out and decide when it's time to stop having endless breeding, retard. Ever since earliest industrialisation from 18th century, the growth population of Europe is quadrupled since then as it made common goods necessary for survival more accessible to plebs, that was first step when life preserving instinct met with quick cultural progression that genetics weren't ready to adjust yet, so people kept breeding without thinking much of consequence from it, but Earth isn't infinite so at one point it find it's logical end. When you live in densely populated cities with too much people and not much land, the rest of land is acclaimed either by government or farmers/corporation necessary to sustain ecological life (if you let forests die, so will nearby life, so these must be protected, and farmers need big chunk of land just to feed small village for a month), is when you morally understand the population has hit its maximum, so you start having one or two kids at best; and if you live in modern dystopia, you're demoralised tp have any kid at all. Breeding more at this point means culturally degenerate and destroy the life standards that took White men many millenniums to build.
Only (((governments))) and government secured (((corporations))) want more people, government for overall slavery and muh GDP growth, and corporations for cheap labour and more potential consumers, the more you breed past the maximum limit - the worse conditions you create FOR nation and start to significantly reduce the life quality, causing economic inflation, ecological hazard disaster, etc; for this alone (((government))) import more shitskins amd (((corporations))) keep saying that we need more, with the great goal of all goyim living in commie-pods, eating waste and bugs, while have no self-awareness and individual agency at all.
No, it's a simple matter of over-population. This is a finite planet and having hundreds of millions and billions of people on it simply doesn't work.
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Really interesting stuff OP! My friends and I have discussed the limitations of the Enlightenment and it's derivative ideas (including Marxism) are far too bound to sheer materialist existence and not a spiritual one.
Humans are social animals with the capacity for abstract thought and hyper-complex supra-organisms (nations, and later hierarchical states), so it is arguable that the Enlightenment failed to satisfy a spiritual or otherwise immaterial need to exist in a wider whole.
If this is the key issue is already an open question, but what to realistically do to counter the damage after hundreds of years is a question I think I'm going to struggle to answer for the rest of my life
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>They tell us "population decline" is terrible for the economy, but it only hurts the ultra rich. Most of us lower down on the totem pole see the benefit of increased wages via labor scarcity. Which is why they have to convince normies that "diversity" and "immigration" are good.
>When you realize that every western leader is working against your individual interest, it makes you question the value of democracy
The only non-brown westoid on /pol/, I salute you.

The Truth then, as any biologist may tell you, populations are self-regulating, that's really all, all these debates about demographics are ALWAYS about ideologies, the right obviously has no particular love for biology beyond justifying their own prejudices while the left will completely ignore it whenever they find it convenient.

So, sit back and relax and worry not about the future for mankind will endure.
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If you want replacement rate fertility, para bellum.
Same in N. America. My parents were hard luck dirt poor farm folk from the dust bowl and they despaired of ever being able to have a family. When that post war prosperity came it was everybody's window of opportunity and they gave birth to the baby boom. And then they said "I want my kids to have all the things I could never dream of" especially a university education. So we all had to go to university.
It’s not about sheer population but urbanization and value system more likely.

If you put a chart of active religious practice, urbanization, and fertility together it would be the same in most of Europe
It self-regulates after a few generations.
Based post, behead politicians.
Look up 'behavioural sink'. The system is so crushing on the human spirit people can't afford children and/or don't want to brings kids into a miserable existence. The population collapse will be good for those in the future, all the problems associated with overpopulation will disappear. Only 0.0001% benefit from the status quo.

Good thread. Thanks.
Anyhow if you would model a population this is exactly how it would act, the only surprising thing is how we act like infinite growth is something that should be possible. It's not, without infinite resources, and money printing, gdp growth does not equal real world resource growth.
Not with mass immigration. Normally the machine would break, the incentive to move to the city disappears and society decentralises. Through globalisation the third world becomes our rural area that supplies the mega-cities with bloodlines to eat.
The interesting thing for me was that this decline actually happened and bottomed out over a century ago in Europe.

This is something I’ve never heard anyone mention before, that fertility from the early 20th century until today has been mostly consistent aside from a spike in the 50’s in a few countries only.

A country like Sweden >>475693186
Shows the trend and bottom much better.

I’m not trying to argue that infinite growth is good, but these are interesting trends.

I’m more interested in the idea of what comes next, Western Europe has bottomed out for a century now, Asia has arguably hit it’s bottom, but where to go from here? What will the future look like?
This is true, the “rural” feeder for the AAA cities is now the entire globe.

How long will that take to “grind” down?
>this decline actually happened and bottomed out over a century ago in Europe.
You're probably not accounting for the number of breeding-age men who went through the WWI meat grinder.

>turd worlders

good morning saar
not it cause of industrialization faggot. look at the decline of birth rate cause of it. you will decline too.
Hard to tell. India's next on the block but I'm pretty sure they're almost below replacement rate now too. Not sure how long it'll take them to wear out. After that it's the Africans. If the world develops faster it could happen sooner, but I'd say at least three generations from now.
The higher fertility prior to c1880 probably has a lot to do with infant mortality. The FR decreases because clean water and sewer systems mean you are less likely to lose children. The FR stabilised until about 1970 and then dropped again. I can think of 2 reasons for that, 1/ women entering the workforce (less time for child rearing) and 2/ neoliberalism (Reaganism/Thatcherism) reducing the resources available for child rearing thereby creating disincentives.

Take the charts, get some new that show the percentage of population living in cities.
As someone said having kids in a village is an investment, having kids in the city is a hobby.
I'm sure the industrialisation and the following urbanisation of each country direct correlates with the reproduction rate decline.
That would also mean, for example woman voting rights or education is not the main driver, crowding people in small places IS. And it's logical.
Animals don't like to breed in captivity.
>I’m more interested in the idea of what comes next, Western Europe has bottomed out for a century now, Asia has arguably hit it’s bottom, but where to go from here? What will the future look like?
TND, TJD, TGD, TSND, TPD and Aryans take all over the rest of the world is the only healthy outcome that shall happen.
less population=cheaper land=betterlifequality
>Did you know that in the 1920’s and 30’s before WWII half of Europe was below replacement fertility?
Women got the right to vote around that time
> Denmark 1908
> Germany 1918
> Netherlands 1919
> Luxembourg 1919
> US 1920

You'll never guess what happenext next!
That absolutely plays a role, WWI was the beginning of our current world in many ways.

But the decline arguably began first in France with the Revolution.
For some of these countries that are not self sufficient (basically everywhere outside East Asia and Europe/Americas) there might be a severe population drop if there is a major global economic interruption.
Hrm very interesting information!
I never thought of that honestly.
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>throws chum and fish guts into the water
I'd put that initial decline in FR in the 1800s down to improved sanitation. The infant mortality rate was falling so having too many children would have been a factor that came into play.
And to add, the WW2 kept the effect of women voting a bit in check. Suddenly women realized that equal rights actually sucked if it meant being sent into meat grinder. Add to that women suddenly outnumbering men 1.3 to 1, they "suddenly" realized being a mother isn't actually that bad of a deal lmao.

When the scare of another war wore off and men started outnumbering women again, women went back to behaving like the strong independent women that need no man.
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Regarding France, wasn't there a trend after the revolution of young men marrying older women? Their government wanted to replenish the population and officers were encouraged to get married. The value of unmarried women raised and men would compete for girls sometimes twice their age. It's how Napoleon met his first wife.
France was kind of an exception because it had low fertility rate since like 1750's.
The key thing is that even as birthrate lowered far more kids survived the childhood during the 19th century and that number was increasing with each passing year so there was still population growth to be had despite the figures going down. The stabilisation during the 2nd empire is also relatively normal, it seems autocratic governments are for whatever reason good for fertility.
No. The young Frenchmen could choose from young French women. However what happened, and a lot of the French are in deep denial about this, was the first mass migration probably since the Franks(few hundred thousands at least) in French history. Mostly Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese moved in. French sometimes acknowledge the Spaniards but claim those were descendants of French Catalans who moved to Spain between 14th and 16th century but it's doubtful that literally all of them were that. Those were mostly men and they likely married the spinsters because man needs a wet hole.
OP, this thrad is too high IQ for MIGA retards. Yes, the """Enlightenment""" itself is the root of all problems we face today, and the so called Enlightenment was caused by Protestantism. 90% of people will never ackowledge this tho, because they are too enamored with liberal (Enlightenment) values, even the so-called "conservatives" which always conserve nothing since they're just yesterday's liberals.

Socialism, Communism, National Socialism, Democracy etc. these are all just iterations of Ur-Liberalism, i.e. the political philosophy of 18th century "philosophes". And indeed, the American project itself is intrinsically liberal. The MIGA morons here will keep screeching about their """founding fathers""" and whatnot, but that is just a call to return to incipient liberalism, which incipient liberalism must by metaphysical necessity develop into mature, current year liberalism.

But like I said, the average monkey is too low IQ to get it and will be perplexed when politicians give standing ovations to a criminal.

To the remnant few who are not brain dead, I recommend
>Before Church and State: A Study of Social Order in the Sacramental Kingdom of St. Louis IX by Andrew Willard Jones

It's a great book about this. The low fertility is just a symptom of rule by merchants, rule which has destroyed the very fabric of society.
Problems are twofold.
Pension systems coming into being making children worthless but work performed in the past somehow valuable.
(Even though the opposite is true.)

And rampant weimar degeneracy.
(It wasnt contained to only germany.)
It's a play on words, you intellectual pygmy.
/.tvn + extra
May be of interest to some, including OP:


Tl;dr: the populations that underwent the birthrate collapse first could be the first to recover
Kikes are mad because there plan of white genocide isn’t working because women instinctively know that niggers are trying to genocide us now. Wether they are actively trying to or not doesn’t matter because the Jews have made it where our tax dollars are funneled to third world ers and niggers in the form of charity’s so they can get free food just to sit around and have sex all day. Can a white guy so that? Nah he has to work 70 hours a week to provide for his kids because he wasn’t born into a country that has people transporting him to a richer white country in the form of “diversity quotas”
And don’t try to fight it goy or the police will arrest you for violating civil rights!
It’s true, but it’s also about breaking through that bottleneck intact.

Many populations will not make it, being the first one also means you are at your weakest while others are still strong.
This doco shows that the lower fertility rate is being driven by an increase in the proportion of childless women. For 80% of childless women, the drivers of childlessness are socioeconomic.
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There's three things pushing down brith rates

the most natural and intuitively understandable factor. Above bacteria and most insects, population is moderated biologically.
Mass killing can actually increase coupling and fertility. This is observable in many species we tried to eradicate (eg foxes) but also in Palestinians who reacted like rabbits against the pissraeli genocide.

>modernity (degeneracy)
aka feminism, atomisation, the cult of lgbt, fast food & obesity and so on and so forth.
All the good stuff they keep pushin onto you. Who is "you"? Glad you asked:

>the jew
A brazen people who are insanely tribal. They try everything to boost their own fertility while actively and directly keep us (and everyone they deem a threat) from increasing birthrates.

While not the cause of it, the jew is increasing the effects of #2 . However, he is the sole cause of the infertility campaigns.
So you're saying we need another war to bring up birth rates?
That makes complete sense. It's the same with left wing types dying out due to their atrocious fertility. The question is can they destroy society by flooding it with replacements before the cycle completes
giga low brain take.

GTFO, jew.

Charlemagne is a made up person and the data on him is laughable.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
i refuse to believe they properly track population and growth, so much of their nation exists remotely enough that they could have a real pop of 2+ billion and not even know it
It's elites who fret about population collapse and frame it as societal collapse. For the worker ants, the prospect looks more like "more for everyone". Environmental problems caused by too many people would disappear. Devaluing of the human experience to fulfil economic and financial goals would cease. The focus would return to living a meaningful life. Imagine if the human population had been stabilised at 3b in 1960 and we'd focused on harmonious, equitable societies instead of generating profits for corporations and wealthy elites?
Everyone just ignores the correct answer. Typical /pol/
Infant mortality took skyrocketed with cities. Because of that, all cities are population dumps, always were. But successful, rural families can manage 4-6 children without a hitch. Especially after Europeans discovered the basics of modern hygiene.
(Christianity also dropped the ball bigly with their stupid aversion towards nakedness. Increased rapiness, decreased hygiene, thanks jewsus)

Now the question is, with life getting really comfy compared to times of yore, why would females choose to be barren?
Population collapse would "sort the wheat from the chaff". Only the most capable would carry their genes forward. Elites want a big flock to profit off like we're livestock.
>why would females choose to be barren?
The majority don't. It's the system.
Nothing but malthusian lies. The earth can easily hold 60 billion people, and we can go to other planets unlike what turd scientists claim.
>and we can go to other planets
Off ya go then, don't let the atmosphere hit your arse on the way out, Jan.
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Yes I knew liberalism is poisonous, interesting though since it seems to be a global trend, what the fuck causes this
Women simply do not breed with men they perceive low status or not aggressive. The status is low because realistically capitalism favors wealth concentration at the very top. Furthermore you can't even truly be aggressive as the state cucks you hard.
Read Konrad Zuse and Krafft Ehrlicke.

Limits to growth, promoting neomalthusianism, was written at the request of a bunch of billionaire families and used faulty models and made wrong predictions.

It's just a bunch of crap hogwash, even worse than science.
You're ignoring a big elephant in the room which is the emancipation of women.
It's no coincidence that the industrial revolution is generally agreed to have finished between 1800-1840. Like many animals, humans don't breed well in captivity.
It's not like an infamous austrian painter warned about this in his infamous book ans enacted some policies that tried to stop the decline.
The SS had an educational video about Berlin's birthrate. The video was from the 1930s and talked about how with the current birth rate of Berlin, Berlin would only have 50,000 people by 2050 if it didn't have any newcomers.
The video warned about the birth decline in cities and was pro-rural life.
I don't remember the name but it's on odysee and I think on bitchute. I think there is even a webm of that video on the archive 4plebs.
Women started getting equal rights in the 20th century
What a coincidence
>was written at the request of a bunch of billionaire families
Come on then, hard evidence? Not hearsay.
based and gookpilled
Women's education lowers birth rates, period.
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have a theory regarding the short baby boom in the 50s/60s.
During the industrial revolution many people from rural areas went to small workers appartments.
There was little living space. I can only imagine that such an envrionment leads to you having less kids because there is already a space problem.
Then after the war lots of people got new houses. Such an envrionment is more attractive to have children. Maybe without the womem's right movements of the 60s and the contraceptive pill the graph would have become higher but contraceptives and women working prevented a recovery of the birth rate and it only got lower. Overeducating is also a factor of a lower birth rate especially overeducating women.
The problem with my theory is that there is no correlation between home ownership in Europe and the birth rate.
But urbanized lifestyle alongside women in the workforce or higher education and the birth control pill seem to the main factors for the birth collapse.
Who's gonna be the first major country to take away women's rights? My bet is on Russia or China but they could have done that long time ago
Strap them in incubators? How about a system where men and women have the time and resources to recreate and procreate? Crazy I know but it seems to have worked for 300,000 years before the current systems of production.
What is spanish flu that came from chinks and ww1?
Larouche? Yeah, right. It doesn't even mention Ehrlich let alone how he was co-opted into their conspiracy. Let's try a different angle, was the CCP influenced by the Club of Rome when they introduced the one child policy?
>system where men and women have the time and resources to recreate and procreate
And that requires removing them from the work force
>it seems to have worked for 300,000 years before the current systems of production
Because women were treated as property
I'm getting a picture of a Slovakian psycho who keep his woman in a barn stall next to his favorite sow. Sounds like an enriching life...
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I did. Europe has been in decline since the “enlightenment” (ironic)
Anon the jews are the ones who have pushed for every single measure in history that has reduced white birth rates.

Those who do not breed see their ways and beliefs and culture destroyed, their people enslaved, raped, eaten, and destroyed. Anything of any value about you will be destroyed. Every effort by all of your ancestors will be thrown away.
If there is *anything* good about you, your people, your beliefs, your genetics, your history, or your land, you have an ethical obligation to breed, because those things WILL be destroyed by the people who replace you.
If you like forests, guess what, the men who will happily replace you will rip up every forrest, they'll rip up every blade of grass and stuff it in their mouths to alleviate the pain of their death of hunger.
Everything beautiful that they can lay hands on they will smash and eat and shit on.
Above average IQ? Above average height? Strong moral sense? Do you even work hard? Literally anything positive about your existence? That is what you pass on by producing and raising children.
Even if you're a complete absolute fuck up maybe your father or grandfathers were not, their genes could still make an eleventh hour comeback and provide something of value.
In short, not having children is the ultimate act of self hatred, and suicidal hatred of one's family, ancestors, land, culture, and beliefs, because those are the things you are helping to remove from the world.

Every child you don't have is one less rifle protecting you from being torn to shreds and eaten by niggers, because the nigger-flooding is not going to stop or even slow down until every city in the world is burning to death in a cannibal orgy.
Well enjoy your Society going extinct then

Women have complete control the reproduction yet have no responsibility, you either force them or you die
>So, sit back and relax and worry not about the future for mankind will endure.
The truth is that mass extinctions and population collapses happen in nature all the fucking time without a global suicide cult actively encouraging them for 200 years.
That's pretty much it, a wholly jewish system where goy are the livestock.
It’s modernization and industrial development causing infertility. It’s obvious.
>Women have complete control the reproduction yet have no responsibility, you either force them or you die
The women must flock to you.
I have a handful of cousins who have kids and none of the men seem happy with their lives. Half of them are drunks who got notabaly worse after they became fathers.
Women's preferences are dysgenic
Anon…higher number =/= good, but very low number is unquestionably bad. Fertility doesn’t need to be incredibly high, it simply needs to be about 2 to have a healthy stable society. Every single developed country being at well below replacement rate is NOT good whatsoever, because policymakers are going to turn on the immigration spigot full blast from the only place above replacement rate right now —Africa— and never turn it off again in another 15-20 years unless a lot of people start fucking real fast.
Are you calling me dysgenic you filthy little peasant cunt?
See what I did there?
If you can't pull a woman, it's probably because you come across as a creepy little man who will lock them up in his rape barn.
Women's opinions don't matter cunt
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Nothing lasts forever.
Post Russia
That's an optimistic note but a lot of the problems now arise from their legacy institutions which have been co-opted by similarly parasitic opportunists.
At some point, there isn't enough assets to be inherited from generation to another generation.
In fact, Swiss diaspora exist in Argentina because they don’t get to inherit the family's farmland
With fertility nearing 2, it will ensure new generation would be more wealthy than the previous generation. But, that would require the previous generation to passed the wealth instead of SKI (Spend's your Kid's Inheritance)
There is a psychological element to birthrates.
And added to that you have to take into effect technology.
The main influence in psychology is ideology. Traditionism such as in the Second Empire boosts birthrates. Liberalism and leftism as seen after the revolution or in the Second Empire depresses birthrates.
The fall after the revolution was due to unhappiness and confusion as the old traditional way of life was upended and there were endless wars.
The Second Empire from 1850 to 1870 saw France reasserting itself as the leading power in Europe and their empire expanded so the population felt confident in the future.
The Third Republic era from 1870 saw France humiliated by a united Germany and it was also a time of secularism, leftism and cynicism so traditional ideas of the family started to be undermined and all this contributed to a falling birthrate.
There was a brief upsurge in the birthrate after 1918 which was a reaction to the war and another after 1945 as there was a few decades of prosperity and stability.
However the 1970s just like everywhere in the West was the start of another chaotic period where traditional values such as family were sneered at and leftism and liberism became mainstream.
However the death blow to birtrates from 1970 was abortion and the various contraceptive pills.
Without abortion for example the White birthrates in France would still be similar to the 1970s which would be reasonably satisfactory
What kind of a soulvess bugperson do you need to be to promotive living on a planet with 60 billion people?

You'll be living shoulder to shoulder in pod-towers in a concrete hellscape, the few remaining natural areas covered in trash.
>are going to turn on the immigration spigot full blast
They don't do it out of a desire to counter low birth rates or to help anyone.
Their low fertility after Napoleon ruined the country is somewhat infamous. Show Germany or Russia, nigger
>to counter low birth rates
The problem with modern society is, everyone thinks the quality of living is bad. Thus, people voluntarily stop reproducing or doesn't reproduce much.
These government import human trash who until their death, require subsidy and welfare but contributed nothing. This worsen the quality of life, which accelerated the demographic crisis.
The dilution of productive/working population with rapefugees and economic migrant eventually will caused GDP collapse unless there's robotic replacement to current productive member of society
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Germany is listed above as well in one of the posts, and they are even worse, but started decline later.
I use France as OP because from
What I can tell they began the trend first in the world.
Russia is also bad
Crash post war and never recover, however not as bad as west europe.
Why is birth rate rising?
It’s obvious isn’t it? The 90’s crash was horrible for Russia.

It’s only rising back to Soviet levels again
Has it occurred to you that sub-replacement FR could be Nature correcting an imbalance? Who's to say FRs won't increase when equilibrium (by all metrics) is restored? It's not a violent act like genocide, it's the hive mind responding to circumstances.
Imported low-cost sapiens started reproducing
Ok yes but many countries ate looking at WAY below sub replacement AND being invaded as well, so what then?
Tell the youthful strong numerous invaders to go home? Lol
your charts don't mention the fact life expectancy has exploded in recent times

back in the day, boomers died
today, boomers rule the world

total fertility wasn't an issue back because there no hordes of old fucks back then.
Are you talking about the invasion of White countries? If so, that is political and White nations have the technological and military means to stop that at any time. Maybe we should address the treason of elites who only serve themselves?
You mean boomer women who still live longer
All feminism. The more you give women rights and the more fertility rates plummet.
Because the entire world is succumbing to feminism. The only country which hasn't (Afghanistan) has a fertility rate of 4.64 children per woman, when its secular neighbor Iran has a fertility rate of 1.69.
Patriarchy is coming back either easy or the hard way
Israel also has high birth rate because of orthodox Jews
I call this Jordan Peter Posting
I agree this was the death blow, but the trend began far before this.
I think the impact of feminism is most drastic in countries in East Asia/South America, and more recently west and south asia.
Western (native) birth rates are only really held up by Christians.
In Asia it’s whatever rural farmers remain.
old people live longer than they did in the past
although yes there are gender differences.
again, advances in technology made dying from childbirth a non-issue.
Sure, but blood never stops being important.
Without jews, you'll still have parasites, pedophiles, evil men, but the specific affairs of the jews will drift and crumble and completely lose coherence, just like their blood.

So much of the evil, so many corporations, so many banks, so much of the global political class, is twisted up in the grasp of these aging vampires with no heirs, no replacements of their own blood.
>the world will heal in 1-200 years
Good. The way it was intended
I like Lord of the Rings because it has the blood of sinister men grow thin and weak faster than all others. This is a good metaphor for real life dynasties.
Like anthrax in the soil.
Now you're crawling up the Slovakian pig farmer's arse? Sad.
Pig meat is essential for ragu bolognese so it's great by all means.
60 billion white people? Ever thought of that, retard?
6" on Elon's cock up your arse, ever thought of that?
People sense wars brewing and don't breed, this can be seen around the time of Napoleon as well I believe.
Also old fucks born previously hoard all the resources until some revolution bashes their brains in with sledgehammers.
It's natural, and it's beautiful.
>Also old fucks born previously hoard all the resources until some revolution bashes their brains in with sledgehammers.
Doesn't seem to have worked that way with jews. Explain.
Sure, but the number 1 factor in people having kids is their belief in a stable and good future. Ever since the ideas of the (((Lumières))) and the (((French Revolution))), the first forms of Cultural Marxism have been spread in the form of a very strong anti-religious and pro-materialistic ideology, the most prominent and one of the earliest examples being the myth of evolution.

From the beginning of the 19th century you already had every single crypto-jew telling you that life didn't have a divine origin; but that "some random chemicals in a soup created a cell by chance, that random cell became a fish then a squirrel then a monkey then a nigger then you". Oh and you're not the only master of the Earth, before you it was some retarded huge lizards.

When people think their lives don't matter, that they're here by random chance and that niggers could become them if they simply look at enough snow, that there is no grand order or plan to life; that the only purpose is to enjoy as much materialistic things as possible before dying, then obviously they won't have kids. Robespierre at the time established "the Cult of Reason", that's how far gone the "science"-worshipers have been from the very beginning.
Industrialization is also to blame as it removed children and women from the household economy unit and enslaved them under forced labor, which is something only men have (barely) the fortitude to endure. This destroyed family cohesion and planning, which reduced births.
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>The majority don't. It's the system.
No, the majority do exactly that. They choose to be barren while having access to
>way more sexual partners than at any time in history. This alone boggles the mind.
More cheap survivial resources (food, water, shelter than at any time in history)
in most of Europe, a vast social net will make these resources even easier to obtain

And despite all this, they don't have kids.
>It's the system.
I agree but why?
>Elites want a big flock to profit off like we're livestock.
But that's exactly the opposite of what is happening.

A better explanation
Jews (how make up roughly 50% of this elite) are harbingers and champions of degeneracy, because it works for them. All modern degeneracies, like
>disgusting subcultures
>mass shitskin migration
>drug liberalism

help jews through weakening our resolve, solidarity and agency on a racial level. This is not just theory, it's empirical data from centuries of struggle.
Jews reject almost all of this in their own communities or have learned, as champions of filth, to work with it just like rats thrive in the sewers.
La finesse australienne.
>and that niggers could become them if they simply look at enough snow
replacement fertility isnt real. Its just a modern term mega corporations use to factor their slave labor. Im sure im not the first to point this out
And Protestantism was caused by Catholicism/the Schism
I'd like to hang around for more chat but it's nearly 2am here and Friday night drinks are taking their toll. Interesting topic, I'll catch you down the road, Fritz.
Maybe it's the fact that people who never would have bred before, or maybe even survived, actually survive
When did anons get so dumb. Transitioning from agricultural society to industrial had many problems but when your kids aren't as likely to die before 8years you tend to have fewer. When everyone was rural without medical care you needed dozens of kids so maybe 4 live long enough to procreate
There is difference between having 2 to 4 and less than 1
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The commonality is women's emancipation and education. Women should be barred from higher education and the vote.
Women got rights in the 19th century. Germany was a based holdout on giving women rights until the allies forced them to get rid of the monarchy. The Kaiser was the last good guy. Hitler was just a Jesuit puppet.
Child mortality was higher in towns during the C18/19. What makes the difference is optimism for a better future, something the Leaf has rightly forgotten.
Yes, capitalism/liberalism have negative effects on fertility. This is consistent across racial lines as a society becomes more liberalized.
You are right about the enlightenment but I never knew a NRx type who wasn't a Trump supporter ever (except that Yarvin himself pretends not to be because he wants to convert leftist elites) so not sure why you are using the MIGA shill acronym.
Take care, mate.
Stay White. Sieg out.
I'm not so doom and gloom about this. I would expect the population to gradually decrease to some natural baseline and stablize there. Why do we need a gazillion people anyway. The problem is that globalhomo jews want unlimited immigration which fucks up countries.
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Nope. It's just a symptom labeit a higher one, I'll grant you that.
>Just kick the women into the kitchen
is an incel cope.
Women have little to no agency. What they're doing amounts to almost nothing. Islam has women under their leash and look at them. Zero achievment. The Ottoman empire was jew led and had mostly White underlings in its hayday.

Again, if we have jews and degeneracy, women will rise up just as weak men will rise up with silly demands, along with all kinds of weirdos, morons and psychos, eg trannies.

At the heart of society must lie the core of a well-defined supertribe, its culture, aesthetics, laws customs. If you don't have that, you will go through struggles as all kinds of tribes fight unconsciously for supremacy.
Rising out of these struggles from the histories are usually empires, who ironically are fertile grounds of degeneracy as they are not, at their core, Volkish but multicultural.

Such is the nature of the empire. Stronger in the short term but with rot in its splendid bones. That is why both the US and Russia must fall in the end as well.
Don't use the word liberalism because its meaning has changed with time... use leftism and women's rights.
can you show us the child mortality?
An actual solution is artificial placental birth. Women don’t want to be pregnant— especially in their prime years. And unless we’re going back to the 1800s that isn’t changing. A reasonable solution is to have an artificial means to generate humans. With what bioengineering is already capable of, an artificial placenta shouldn’t be that hard. Women just need to save their eggs (already easy via IVF) and use that as a means of producing offspring in an artificial placental incubator. Most women want a career… but also want a family; just lower valued, although perhaps not marriage. This way women can reproduce the population at a later date but without the need for marriage. Males might become obsolete in the end, but at least humans will continue to reproduce
The West has been declining for centuries, anyone thinking they're going to turn this around without fundamental change in mentality, organization and mythos is coping. I believe we're simply at the end of post-Rome civilization. The collapse will be slow and we won't see the light in our life times, our generation will be relegated to managing the decline. The silver lining is that it's up to us to set the foundation for the future. There are a lot of metaphysical, philosophical and political ideas to explore, refine and rediscover that haven't been integrated and won't be in this cycle. The number one priority for the moment is to secure the material racial aspect.
To expand on this post, the Enlightenment is a repeat of the original sin committed by Adam and Eve. They chose to eat the fruit and obtain knowledge over obeying God. The Enlightenment thinkers chose pride and human reason over humility and God.

The book that redpilled me on this is Dante's Inferno. Specifically, his idea that the Emperor and the Pope were two equal suns that guide humanity towards his two goals: happiness in this world and eternal salvation in the next.

We can achieve the first through philosophy and intellectual virtues made known to us through human reason, while we achieve the second through spiritual teachings that transcend human reason and are in conformity with theological virtues made known to us by the Holy Spirit
Educated Women deliberately don't want to have children and there is no other way around it
That is still decades away
The number one priority is to ensure that kikes won't get to power and women don't get equal rights again
The way around it is you don't educate them. Gaston was on to something when he suggested they just shouldn't be allowed or be taught even to read.
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Based. Perhaps the one compromise you could make is you say okay women who really really want to satisfy some sense of curiosity they have can get some kind of generalist education (no subsidies) after they have at least 3 kids (and at least one must be a boy) so they can do some homeschooling of their boys in pre high school years.
So do we want birth rates or educated women or both?
What are educated women good for?
That was not my point
Homeschooling boys up through middle school but that is about it. I think I've worked out the optimal system...

Women should be married in their mid teens expected to have a few kids right away at peak health for childbirth (around 17-23) and then given a preliminary education AFTER their children are born so they can perhaps homeschool their boys thru reading writing and basic arithmetic. Before they have the kids they should not even be taught to read.
Yeah that sounds like the best idea
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You bedeviled egg!
>Did you know that in the 1920’s and 30’s before WWII half of Europe was below replacement fertility? Even lower than today?

not true for Slavic countries (except Soviet Jewnion)
This is the answer. It seems like population density has a direct effect on reproduction instincts, with whites and East Asians instinctively requiring a far lower populatiom density than ratpeople like Indians, Spics, or niggers who shit out babies despite living on top of each other 10 to a room
Midwit take
Explain how, nigger.
We have already explained multiple times it's women's rights
Spain was stable thanks to Franco.
Rat utopia does at some point become a factor but only if you reach Japan (Japan was spared the worst effect of feminism by only enacting the bear minimum amount of feminism required by the victorious allies and not going any further) level population density.
Basically yes its women's rights... you are technically correct that population density becomes a factor but no advanced country in the world with the sole exception of Japan is anywhere near the point where it should be a factor.
hey look a totally dishonest chart pushed by communists to justify mass immigration
did you know that in France in 1800 they were 30 million
and now they're 65 million
it's because that chart is dishonest and manipulate the context to have you believe your population is disappearing
now you should ask yourself how the hell did 30 million population have such a high natality rate
well peoples were dying younger
what that chart don't talk to you about is life expectancy who grew extremely fast with the industrial revolution making population explode
every country on those chart had their population doubled or more in that time span but they will not tell you that
the fertility crisis is the new global warming
a baseless theory used to manipulate the mass
>Did you know that in the 1920’s and 30’s before WWII half of Europe was below replacement fertility? Even lower than today?
Stupid horseshit. Replacement fertility varies, based partly on sex ratio. It's 2.0ish because male-to-female ratio in humans tends towards 50/50, a woman has to replace herself plus also one man. But WWI came along and fucked that up big time... the ratio in the youngest generation (the ones sent off to war) was skewed heavily. But we also had social norms that demanded both monogamy and heavily discouraged birth out of wedlock.

If there were a way to figure "intended fertility" for that era, you'd discover that everyone still wanted above-replacement fertility, it just became impossible for a great many people. This is starkly different compared to today, where intended fertility is, in many cases, even lower than actual, and where the actual is still below-replacement.

You can't rebound from that.
America is at the point where it would be a factor. Every Western country is grievously overpopulated. Just because there's still farmland and nature reserves doesn't make this not the case
It's not women's rights, there are places with women's rights that have or have had positive birth rates
Such as?
>Every Western country is grievously overpopulated
Bullshit there is still a lot of space
Just not in big cities
>with whites and East Asians instinctively requiring a far lower populatiom density than ratpeople like Indians, Spics, or niggers who shit out babies
Fertility rate is below replacement for spics and niggers, with only a few smaller geographic regions in Africa having above replacement. The numbers are difficult to figure for India, but it's below 3.0 right now, and almost certainly below replacement in some parts. The whole of India will be below replacement within 5 years. It's not just whites and asians. This is global. No one is safe (Nigeria will be below replacement within 20 years at this rate). Population density doesn't seem to have much to do with it. Overpopulation is just some jewish kikery horseshit, dreamt up by a leftoid university professor who hated humanity and wants to see us all extinct. Everything you think is wrong, and by the time a midwit like yourself understands it will be far too late to do a damned thing about it.
sadly that's not how life work
no there's no place anymore
unless you want to proportionally lose your access to wealth
>yeah but there's some space here let's put someone there
crowd are retarded and no we can't cover the whole fucking planet with humans it's not going to work
turn out the planet produce some very finite resources we use in extremely large quantity and it is mathematically impossible to keep increasing that without going into a wall
it's not possible
if every country had the Indian/africa/china population, the planet would be depleted in two generation and it would culminate into the biggest orgy of violence imaginable and more
it's not going to happen
even if the communists think that micro managing every single aspect of your life will allow them to cultivate even more humans on their ranch it's not going to happen
>YOUR people
You literally just showed that it's a global trend.
Industrial revolution... people stopped breeding like rabbits because they urbanized. Infant mortality rate went down as well.

It's not some grand mystery.
If you put it like this it will be a self correcting problem as smarter women get barren through edumacation access.
In reality, the problem was always bigger. It was wealth that made women infertile. Rich Roman sluts weren't particularly educated, they were simply bored and pampered. And the same was true for the men! Rich cucks

Thus, in part, material comfort is to blame before education. Good education can also make women believe in more than just riches. So it's more of a two edged sword.

Let's also not forget the dark role of christianity and its influence on materialism, the bad parts of enlightment, culture and so forth.
Israel, India. There are plenty of examples
What farmland and nature reserves? Why don't we replace all that land with overbearing apartment blocks, that'll get the white people shitting out kids
Anon do you believe the industrial revolution happened in 1920?
>as soon as the industrialization takes place birthrates drop

who would have known
It happened between the 1730s and 1820s, the Spanish flu happened in the 1920s btw.
>they're too comfortable they don't reproduce anymore
holy fuck you guys are retarded
they were enslaved in the rat race forcing them to sell their soul for materialism and the all mighty money
working until they die without having any real time to enjoy life
comfort did create any fertility problem the ultra competitive and overpopulated country had their wealth stolen for 100 years then ended up with no buying power, no wealth, they find the little comfort they can in what they can afford
forgot long ago any dream they could have had
the central banking mafia are Ranch owners
They're only below replacement level now. They were not previously. They hit the point of population density where their birth rates reverse
>bullshit about jews wanting depopulation
If that were true then I'd be pro-jew since they'd be genociding Africa and India
But that's not true though, there've been various massive baby booms post-industrial revolution. Global population has increased since then massively
Yes, but the nations that benefitted the most from industrialization have seen their birthrates and I guess "native" populations fall.

It's almost like, during the peak of Americans and European industrialization they also colonized the world for its cheap labor and resources.
>Most of us lower down on the totem pole see the benefit of increased wages via labor scarcity.
I remember learning in school that the black death helped kickstart the Renaissance, raised wages and made housing more available. Sounds like a jew's nightmare
>jews make up numbers
>jews tell you which fake numbers are bad
>jews give you a sollution to their made up problem
>They're only below replacement level now. They were not previously. T
It seems like you don't even understand what any of this means. Yes, not previously. But "now" is the only time that matters. Fertility rates just don't correspond to population density, and never have. If you follow the causal mechanisms of low/zero fertility, you don't find any evidence for "there are too many humans per square mile". This is kikey nonsense from the hippy 1960s.
>They hit the point of population density where their birth rates
"Birth rate" has nothing to do with anything here. We're talking about "fertility rates" which is a completely different concept. They are not interechangeable. Confusing one for the other is the mark of an imbecile.
>If that were true then I'd be pro-jew since they'd be genociding Africa and India
It is true. They're also genociding you, too. "But at least they wiped out my enemies" isn't a consolation prize anyone should aspire to win. Are you sure you're even white? The jews win because of cretins like yourself.
You know what coincided with the massive reduction in fertility rate? Lowered infant mortality.

Why do we need to breed like rabbits if our kids aren't biting the dust anymore in record numbers? All we have to do is NOT SUBSIDIZE SHITSKINS.
Thank you Russofag <3
Someone needs to offer a semblance of sense.
Their populations increased from the industrial revolution and are now decreasing, because they hit a point of population density that confounds reproduction instincts
>It's almost like, during the peak of Americans and European industrialization they also colonized the world for its cheap labor and resources.
Why is this board full of commie niggers?
>Fertility rates just don't correspond to population density, and never have.
Except they do because population density is higher than it ever has been in history and birth rates are declining. Different types of people have different population density tolerances before their rates reverse, but aside from that it's uniform pattern
>"Birth rate" has nothing to do with anything here. We're talking about "fertility rates" which is a completely different concept. They are not interechangeable. Confusing one for the other is the mark of an imbecile.
Who fucking cares
>It is true
No it's not retard. What fucking planet are you from? Jews direct Western food aid to those countries to bloat their populations. Right now they're sending their Christcuck goyslaves to teach Sub-Saharan Africans that condoms are evil
They declined when western industrialization peaked anon. Technology became more efficient and labor started tocbe offshored.

And that's not a commie talking point, that's what litterally happened... where else would they get all the resources and shit to fund their industrialization?
You go somewhere else, bully the people about and put them to work and ship back all the good stuff. It's not a commie talking point, that's what happened.
Mena fashion in Europe was fed by trapping and fur trading in North America, over 500 million beavers died as a result.

> "God is dead" (German: Gott ist tot [ɡɔt Jst toːt]; also known as the death of God) is a statement made by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The first instance of this statement in Nietzsche's writings is in his 1882 The Gay Science, where it appears three times.

Yeh yeh, we live in a godless death cult, what's new?
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>below replacement
>They declined when western industrialization peaked anon.
They increased due to the industrial revolution and then began decreasing at the "peak" because the rough limit of tolerable population density was achieved, thanks to the industrial revolution
where else would they get all the resources and shit to fund their industrialization?
>You go somewhere else, bully the people about and put them to work and ship back all the good stuff. It's not a commie talking point, that's what happened.
That's not what happened. Most European imperialism happened at a net economic loss for Europe. Non-Europeans were less efficient workers, etc etc. Industrial revolution in England was fuelled by Englands coal
>but le ebil europeans bullied muh poor heckin shitskins and stole their stuff
0 iq commie nigger. As if you can steal "resources" that the native population doesn't have the brain power to utilize and land that they don't have the brain power to defend
>he thinks the modern world is influenced in any way by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche
Try Karl Marx
>That's not what happened. Most European imperialism happened at a net economic loss for Europe. Non-Europeans were less efficient workers, etc etc. Industrial revolution in England was fuelled by Englands coal

That's not how it works. Europeans invented monetary systems to get people to go and colonize places with resources.
There was no "economic" net loss, there was just, here's some made up bullshit money, whose gonna go find some guano for us?

A prime example is how the British colonizing Canada won them naval superiority, no one else had access to such vast swathes of timber and they knew it.

Why do you people get all uppity when colonialism is brought up? Yes the rubber, and bauxite, and coal, and timbers, and textiles just magically appeared in Europe.
>And that's not a commie talking point, that's what litterally happened
In certain instances yes, but it isn’t a rule for industrialized nations.
>where else would they get all the resources and shit to fund their industrialization?
You cited the US as one of the industrialized nations with declining birth rates, but the US has more resources than pretty much anyone except Canada, Russia, and Australia. The jews just didn’t like paying fair wages for labor so they off shored it.
How do you explain Australian birth rate declines?
>You go somewhere else, bully the people about and put them to work and ship back all the good stuff. It's not a commie talking point, that's what happened.
In certain instances yes, but China willingly took on the US’s labor demand without any bullying and to their benefit (and the American people’s detriment) and their birth rates are declining now too. It has more to do with cost of living increases and consumer culture. I don’t think lack of resources is the issue, except for maybe housing costs, but there were always materially poor people having children until now.
Consumer culture raised perceived standard of living and the state started forcing men out of their role.
>Why do you people get all uppity when colonialism is brought up?
You're talking about it through a marxist lense. Next you'll be ranting about "capital penetration" you troon faggot. You think we can't spot you from a mile away?
>Humans are social animals with the capacity for abstract thought and hyper-complex supra-organisms (nations, and later hierarchical states), so it is arguable that the Enlightenment failed to satisfy a spiritual or otherwise immaterial need to exist in a wider whole.

people are hedonistic: they wan to coom 24/7, free of charge, while not suffering the consequences for it. They also want to feel good about cooming, so they need a whole moral narrative positive about that.
And clearly they are moving in this direction: people work less and less and they created the mass consumption turned into wokism to feel good about conmuming porn and cheap crap.
Can you explain why the Roman elite didn't reproduce?
Obviously they did no experience the rat race. They lived in relative luxury. And thus, Rome was browned which today we know from the biggest study, is not just a meme but a fact. White Rome became brown. And fell.

Secondly, the modern rat race for White woman is far from being
>mentally tough
and so on.
these are all jewish memes straight from Cosmopolitan.

In reality, a peasant woman from the 17th century had a life that was 10x as tough and exhausting
>wars, wars, wars
>kids of all ages swarming around you, dying and begging for food scraps
>work, work, work with no modern technology to help you

Comparisons fail to even address the magnitude. Yet somehow she managed to pop out and raise multiple kids while running a farm and surviving harsh winters and the four horsemen.

Now is the rat race a special type of demeaning and atomising? Sure. But the problem is discrete and actually quite solvable in a jiffy. It's laughable how quickly Adolf turned things around.

>Remove jews
>fix culture
What was the made up bullshit money?
Give me a specific example in the colonial era.
>Can you explain why the Roman elite didn't reproduce?
>Obviously they did no experience the rat race. They lived in relative luxury. And thus, Rome was browned which today we know from the biggest study, is not just a meme but a fact. White Rome became brown. And fell.
White people instinctively require a lower population density to reproduce. Rome was flooded with browns and the True Romans were stifled by the biomass of brown ratpeople. Sound familiar?
Did colonialism not happen? Am I in some other timeline here?

It's not that men were forced out of their role, industrialization and it's post era just made working less laborious for the nation's that went into post industrialization, also the US had colonies up until it wasn't globally accepted to have them anymore.

A good example is why did the Spanish spend so much time in South and Central America, initially it was to find a specific resource, silver. The monetary policies during the time of Cortes and the Spanish crown were limited so they sent men out with a promise on a loan and lent then all weapons and armor they were put into debt with promise of payment if they fulfilled their duties.
But most didn't get out of the debt because all the silver they dug up was sent back to Europe to fill a market demand in China. Those men needed gold to pay back their debts back home.

There was no money to eat even begin with.
>That's not how it works. Europeans invented monetary systems to get people to go and colonize places with resources.
>There was no "economic" net loss, there was just, here's some made up bullshit money, whose gonna go find some guano for us?
>Did colonialism not happen? Am I in some other timeline here?
LMAO Leftypol nigger go back to Discord
If men won’t forced out of their roles then why did the US government literally create the no man in the house rule for niggers? Why did the government allow no fault divorces in favor of women?
Address this point first.
Next point:
That’s also not what happened with the South American conquistadors. They were sent out on loans to conquer, they got spoils from anything they found as long as they sent shares back to the crown. The ones that ended up in debt are the ones that took loans to hunt for silver that didn’t even exist.
So you’re literally just making stuff up on that.
Oh right because they just went around the world because the white man felt like it? Right anon?
Yes. Aryan spirit. You wouldn't get it.
They didn't get the spoils, they had to pay back what they owed on the weapons and armor, and by time they paid off that bullshit loan they had nothing left and were forced to enslave as many people as they could to dig up silver, which was then just confiscated at the ports.
That's why so many of them just said fuck it, let's go on our own. Many of them got dragged back to Spain and put on trial for acting like uppity soldiers of fortune.

But I mean, thanks for proving my point that they were paid on loans to do what anon? Play cards with the natives and then return to their families and tell funny stories?
>Can you explain why the Roman elite didn't reproduce?
They failed to adapt to a new paradigm. Exactly what is happening to the western countries.
The Roman Empire didn disappear because of the fertility rate. It fell under its own weight after a very long list of stupid choices made by very stupid elites.
You can't just compare period of times between them like you do, hoping you have the answer, it's preposterous and disingenuous.
The slavery isn only physique nowadays, it's psychological.
There was never a period in known history where the populations were more productive than they are now. Yet they can't access wealth.
There should be 60000000000000 people. Every worker will make three cents per hour and live in a concrete hole in their office. It'll be great.
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Did you know:
That there never is a World War 3? The just keep you talking about it and just start 1 and 2 over and over and over again. With side quest, of course.
not sure if tranny or british
That steady decline over 120 years is crazy and hard to fathom. Prosperity+lower infant mortality I guess as other anons have speculated but still looks odd.
Half true. Some White prefer a bucolic farm. But this doesn't explain the NS turnaround. it doesn't explain why Koreans and Chinese fecundity went into the trashcan overnight.
But more importantly, when does brownification occur or rather - what comes first, Tyrone or Shlomo?

You can turn around any country if you control its culture.

America is so large, Whites would surge immediately as long as they can have their own spaces. What's stopping them or rather, who is?

>They failed to adapt to a new paradigm.
was it new?
>after a very long list of stupid choices made by very stupid elites.
It's not a long list and the complexities weren't understood that well.
It was the consequence of growing an empire.
You are a frenchie judging from your style. The French are now completely owned by their niggers and jews and they cannot express racial solidarity while those two can. That's why they are screwed, at least in the short term.

>The slavery isn only physique nowadays, it's psychological.
I agree.
>There was never a period in known history where the populations were more productive than they are now. Yet they can't access wealth.
I very much agree. The jew can now access the wealth of your grandkids. Thanks to the "stupid choices made by very stupid elites"
Religious people tend to have more kids. Once people stopped going to church they also make fewer babies.
>go to the philosemitic church, goy
the jew with a jew disinfo take.
What a surprise.

I accept the replacement. the future is mutt, black and jeet. women want this and they're gonna get it.
>was it new?
Life objectives changed when they transformed from a conquering Empire to a Ruling Empire.
The population failed to adapt to the changes and transform into a post warfare Empire.
The population became apathetic and accepted to be ruled by weak men.
It was the consequence of failing to adapt.
France was conquered and is no more. I'm quebecois of course.
Oh and how many kids do you have.
>Inb4: none
them hindus sound like fertility gods, what do you guys about impregnating pajeetas? Will she bless me with 6 childerinos?
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did you know Europeans have been dying for JEWS and their stupid banking system for 200 years?
Can you post Italy please?
>they didn’t get the spoils
They literally did you retarded faggot. They were rich as fuck and benefitted immensely from the encomienda system.
>NOT a recent phenomenon but something very deeply wrong, imo with bourgeoise liberal enlightenment as an ethos.
If most people who want kids want to own property before having kids,
And the popular narrative pushed is those who own property are evil and that owning property is impossible for the masses, then those who want to have kids do not pursue owning property and therefor cannot have children.
You can extrapolate owning property to having stable employment, engaging in mom & pop capitalism or owning assets.
Bump for substantive thread.
Great so what happened to western societies in the late 19th/ early 20th century to lower birth rates?
I'll give you three guesses.
This fucking shit again. Yeah, we need fucking niggers and chinks to multipy. Western man forgot how to cum in a pussy.

Fuck off.
No, the commonality is industrialization.
thank you
this. im not with the WEF but im in support of responsible reproduction, eugenics, and balanced lifestyles that are built on a foundation of priorities more fair, natural, and wholesome. take the uncle ted pill and think what if amish were able to retain their culture while harnessing modern knowledge and technology. u would have communities that have something like a mini nuclear reactor and requires 1 person to donate a month of their year to its upkeep. it would require much more advanced technology than we have today. but that vision should be what science and technology are pursuing for all efforts, a confined and purposeful technology road map.
>Pension systems coming into being making children worthless but work performed in the past somehow valuable.
i would agree

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