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The only book that should exist.
>it's fiction
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Also this one. Everything in this book ended up happening, more than 50 fucking years later
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I do hereby bind Jesus Christ, the infernal spirit who hath tricketh humans into believing him to be holy. The false messiah who leads men to fascism, murder, war and hatred in his name. The false messiah who leads men and spirits to rebel against the sacred vibrations of the ONE HOLY JEWISH TRUE GOD.

He has been placed in the magical triangle with myself in the protective circle on the master square, and so now he must obey.

In the name of every one of his holy angels and THE ONE HOLY JEWISH TRUE GOD, THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, THE 1ST AND THE LAST, PRIMEUMATON, ANAPHAXETON, ADONAI, TETRAGRAMMATON, I do invoke this irrevocable binding upon his horrid black soul so that Jesus Christ or any of the spirits under his charge will never again be able to cause even one moment of harm. Not to anyone or to anything whether it be in the world of the living or of the spirit. Harm they inflict will immediately incur upon Christ, his followers, and the spirits under his charge, every one of the harshest punishments of THE ONE TRUE HOLY GOD OF JUDAISM, THE ELOHIM AND EVERY OTHER NAME HE HAS EVER BEEN KNOWN BY.

By THIS ONE TRUE GOD and by every name of the truth and of the light I bind Christ eternally. I bind Christ and I bind all of his followers and I bind all of the spirits under his charge so that none of them can anymore do harm. Neither Christ nor the spirits under his charge.

Christ is bound by the authority of the one true Jewish GOD, whom Christ is not a messiah of or a son of.

Harm he or his followers do, either to living things or to their spirits, is visited back upon him and his infernal spirits manyfold with every harsh punishment that the ONE TRUE GOD has to offer.

Christ is bound. .

May Christianity fade fast from the human consciousness and be replaced by JUDAISM.

We do not believe in hell in the jewish religion. This false messiah did make up a lie that you will be tortured for eternity if you do not do as he tells you in order to manipulate you.
Christ and his followers are bound now by the one true religion, Judaism, and no longer will present a threat upon this universe
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So I should burn my cookbooks? Shut up, retard.
Bro, you're not even close to that powerful.
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It's done. It's done. It's done.
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Which one?
evolution disproved the creation story in the bible

which means Adam & Eve NEVER existed
which means NO original sin
which means jesus NEVER existed

every museum of natural history in the world is a warehouse of evidence proving evolution to be a true fact,

what do religious nuts have?
a dusty old bible written by goat molesters

All gods are mythology
All holy books are fiction
All religions are bullshit

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you don't even know which translation of your kike book is the correct one
PS your false messiah Christ has none of the power he tells you that he has. You have been fooled by his lies and every eternal curse and punishment of the 1 holy and true jewish GOD will be upon you for your disobedience to his will.
Fiction full of contradictions.
No historical evidence for Jesus existence.
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gay Jesus
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Pontius Pilate is a hero upon mankind and if jews did indeed kill Christ then this is one more reason why Judaism is the one true and moral religion.
The Christian religion is the religion of damning humanity to eternal suffering in hell (Hell is something Jews do not believe in), cannibalism, blood, veneration of suffering and idolatry. Abandon this false messiah who does lead humanity into darkness and suffering

And instead embrace the true light of JUDAISM
>cucked Scofield version
ok Shlomo
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Christ was a gay pedophile too. He was a 30-something man lived with 12 underage boys. Judas was raped by Christ and when he fought back by reporting his abuser to authorities the christians tried to damn his eternal soul to hell. Hell is a uniquely even and sadistic idea that is unique to Christianity and other religions that revolve around Christ (such as Islam to an only slightly lesser extent)
And Christ is now bound eternally. By the jewish sorcery WRITTEN IN THE NAME OF THE 1 TRUE AND HOLY GOD OF JUDAISM posted here >>475696137 Christ and his followers are now eternally bound and harm shall come to then whenever they harm or attempt to harm and no mercy will be given unto this false messiah or his supporters
Harry Potter for adults. It's literally a book for retards
What's the difference between a christcuck and some goatfucker in the middle east?
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That is not Mein Kampf.
Ah yes, the only book that exists should be the one christcucks don’t even read: the bible
>only a jewish book should exist
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when i'm on my deathbed, i will accept christian god as my saviour (i will have lived my life as an atheist). as soon as i get into heaven, i will nail jesus to the cross a second time, this time with his belly facing the wood, and i will rape his ass for eternity. mankind can collectively stop praying at this point because no one in heaven will be able to hear anything over jesus screaming and moaning in agony.
Dumb kike, you cannot bind an egregore that easy.
a manual on how to worship jews and their procured values? then have jews manipulate such a book they made through revisions? European religions were based on what your parents told you and what an oracle or shaman told you. if rather trust my own instead of a foreigner.
take your verses sinner
I love the part where Holy Father Yehovah murders the goyim children but tells the Jews to smear lamb blood everywhere in order to protect themselves. Happy Passover!
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>Repenting on your deathbed in order to get into the Christian heaven
Ah, the OJ Simpson strategy. According to these demonic Christians OJ is up there right now drinking champagne and eating caviar. While non christian kids who died of cancer and innocent babies who died before christening, including all of the aborted fetuses they claim to care so much about, are all burning in hell for an eternity of torment and suffering.

Fortunately none of their religion is real and is instead a manipulation that has been perpetrated upon humanity by a malicious and unholy demon.
He's bound. It's done. It's finished. It is PRECISELY that easy for a sorcerer within the true and one holy religion of the true and one holy GOD. Seethe. Cope
Early Christianity actually taught that Jesus married. Because Jesus is fictional and meant to portray the "ideal" man. So initially he was married, is what the early Christian churches taught. He would've been married because them towelheads back then married young. You got married as a teenager or some shit.

Then later the church decided to start teaching that Jesus never married. I guess that way he's sinless. He never put his cack in a vagina.
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Your headcannon about your religion doesn't become true simply because you want it to be
Based, but no.
Malleus Maleficarum should be required reading.
I'm not Christian you dumb fuck. Fuck all the Jews, even the ancient biblical ones.
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You're not important and the identity that you proclaim on /pol/ is also not important. Every fascist is a christian.
You see the Christians want you to read Malleus Maleficarum, which was one of the main forces that led to the persecution of witches in the middle ages, because they do dethly fear the jewish sorcery I did invoke here >>475696137

They know their evil false messiah is weak so they try to outlaw the jewish sorcery that commands and compels their demonlord.

It's the most important Book and should be read and have people trust in God and Christ, but history, sciences, ideas, and other things are important in secular (as in, not related to God or religion, not as in atheist bullshit) books. Those books have less importance than God's truth, but important nonetheless.
>Every fascist is a christian.

When did I claim to be a fascist?
No it's over. I just ended your religion >>475696137. I bound your false messiah demonlord and all who follow him with my jewish sorcery, which represents the will of the 1 true and holy GOD OF JUDAISM who rebukes Christ. Christ is not his son or his messiah.
>reactionaries brainlets are christians
my shock!
It does not matter what you say you are. It only matters what I say you are because I am in tune with the truth.
Every one of them. Every one of them. And then they whine about being exposed >>475699545
I'm not Christian. Jesus was a Jew. I hate every Jew, even the ones in the bible like Moses and Jesus.

And I hate you too, you faggot ass kike.
Every one of you is a christian and a fascist and it's entirely irrelevant how much you cry about being labeled and exposed.
did a jew steal your gf?
The people on this website quite literally spend large portions of their time trying to convince incels that jewish in the entertainment and advertising industries are the reasons why they can't get girlfriends.
are you the jew that stole anon's gf?
Sure maybe
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>For you know that you were not redeemed from your useless [spiritually unproductive] way of life inherited [by tradition] from your forefathers with perishable things like silver and gold, but [you were actually purchased] with precious blood, like that of a [sacrificial] lamb unblemished and spotless, the priceless blood of Christ. For He was foreordained (foreknown) before the foundation of the world, but has appeared [publicly] in these last times for your sake
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For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.
Now, I want to say also to incels, that jews did not prevent you from having girlfriends. And one of the best ways to get girlfriends is to rebuke Christ. Women love that and they don't want to see their man be submissive and worshipful to a sadistic and evil 2000 year old pedophiledemon.
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Guide for rightwing incels to stop being incels and get girlfriends.

Step 1: Rebuke Christ
Step 2: Get girlfriend

It is literally that simple.

Watch and do it and it will happen.
More like

>Rebuke Christ
>BECOME the girlfriend
>Join the 41%

Troops are demons.

I hate autocorrect
The people that wrote the earliest parts of that needed to be told to keep their food and shit separate.

But hey, if you combine select passages from Revelation with select passages from Daniel, then convert letters to numbers in some cases and not others, you can predict the end of the world!

It's not even good for rolling cigarettes.
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Well that would prove every leftwing person right when they say that Christians are all deeply but transparently closeted homosexuals, if it's that simple. So thanks for vindicating all of us with your own words.
If God is omniscient (all-knowing), this means God knows everything, including all future events and choices. If God knows with certainty what a person will choose before they make the choice, then that future choice is predetermined. If our choices are predetermined, then we don't have true free will. Therefore, God's omniscience seems to contradict the existence of human free will.

If an omniscient being (like God) knows with certainty what will happen in the future, and this knowledge is infallible (cannot be wrong), then the future must happen exactly as foreseen, which means it is predetermined or predestined.

If everything is predestined, including our choices and actions, then our ultimate fate (salvation or damnation) is also predetermined. Humans don't truly choose to accept or reject salvation; it's decided for them before they're even born. If one's belief or disbelief is predetermined, the significance of personal faith is arbitrary.
a lesson you pajeets need to relearn
stop pooping on your beaches
Anyway now that I have destroyed your entire religion and spiritually bound your messiah with my POWERFUL JEWISH SORCERY >>475696137 I will be taking leave of your fascist pointless threads.
It's a jewish book written with jewish intentions.
There is nothing wrong with believing in god, or any other flavour of belief. But following the books and words of other men is just retarded. It's not the word of god, nothing in the bible or other religious books comes from any god.
The manual for western civilization
are you familiar with molinism?
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Then the angel showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. It flowed down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations. No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and his servants will worship him. And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. And there will be no night there—no need for lamps or sun—for the Lord God will shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever.
Like 99% of Christcucks you don't even read your Jew book.
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It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins . . . . . . And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. >>475700099
Sexual sin means less to me than murderous sin, like genocide. I would like to be the third wheel when women fugg BBC, kissing their bodies and stuff ^.^

Not a cuckold. Just a third kisser and body enjoyer

Humans are animals of different types. Lol. BBC "bulls"

>For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—

What makes these counterfactuals true? If nothing grounds their truth, they are arbitrary and not real knowledge. If they are grounded in the agent's nature, this leads back to determinism. If grounded in God's knowledge, it becomes circular.

If God knows with certainty what a free agent would do, then that agent cannot do otherwise. But if the agent cannot do otherwise, they are not free.
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Although he had done no violence
and had said nothing deceptive,
10 yet it pleased Adonai to crush him with illness,
to see if he would present himself as a guilt offering.
If he does, he will see his offspring;
and he will prolong his days;
and at his hand Adonai’s desire
will be accomplished.
>If they are grounded in the agent's nature, this leads back to determinism
yes, but here you have free will choices (based on the agent's nature) and determinism within the same framework.
ultimately, once the actual world was selected from the myriad possible worlds, they are not free to do otherwise, as you said.
but "the significance of personal faith" would not be arbitrary, it would be based on counterfactuals of creaturely freedom, if we're also factoring in omnibenevolence, it would be based on the counterfactuals of creaturely freedom that would lead to the best possible world.
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Dehumanizing myself into a lamb or black people into bulls... hot

or white people into annoying goats

Humans babble all the time anyway about nothing, and removing words sort of dehumanizes. I wish people would shut up most the time to be honest
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stupid argument, God exists outside of time, he doesn’t see into the future or the past.
A book that is impossible to refute because it’s the word of God
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>God exists outside of time
was true (causally, not temporally) prior to time
>he doesn’t see into the future or the past.
wouldn't He?
Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them,’ nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’ ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’”

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Of that book is true, then do as Elijah and prove it. Simple as. If you on video can summon the fire of GOD and burn an altar like that then you will change the world.

Simple as
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Okay schizo, whatever you say.
No, because him seeing into the future or the past implies he experiences time in the same way we do. It implies that he’s a being, obviously much greater than us, but still a being.
God is being itself, he is creation itself. I don’t think our human minds can really understand it.

And all dwelling on the earth will worship it, of whom their names have not been written from the founding of the world in the book of life of the Lamb having been slain.
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I win

Heehee ;D
Touched a netve, kikes seething!
Cringe, who quotes from /b ?
I can't post nudes here

Therefore I will assign him a share with the great,
he will divide the spoil with the mighty,
for having exposed himself to death
and being counted among the sinners,
while actually bearing the sin of many
and interceding for the offenders.” - Isaiah 53
>sounds suspiciously Muslim
Denounce the quran and Islam and proclaim Mohammed was a false prophet, goatfucker, pedophile, and demented slave trader
The only book that should exist.
>God is being itself, he is creation itself. I don’t think our human minds can really understand it.
just sounds like panentheism
Whole book is about kikes
This. /thread
What... what was that response supposed to be ? Some sort of magical sky daddy spell upon me ?
Abrahmism is literally bigger tier voodoo shit. Semitic thought is for insects. That's why Jews want Whites to believe in their garbage. It justifies it because White people are literal gods
That's pantheism, panentheism says there's a creator/creation divide
i know little dude, the guy initially said "God exists outside of time" though
correct, here's the version everyone should have
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you have to be 18 to post here
Want a theocracy, it is /pol/?
>rebuke christ
Dumb idea. The king will knock your block off, first.
God knows all possible future outcomes of any particular action, but does not know which outcome will be selected.

This is knowledge that the devil and his evil doing minions do not have. They have been told their future fate, already.
>God [...] does not know
seems troublesome.
is this an incapability or self-limitation on His part?
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Burn all Bibles imho. Promontories of Mars and Temples of Zeus in every town square.
>Wholly Babble
Useless desert people fairytales.
It’s real omniscience which allows for free will.
Our Korean fren is right. If God wills it it will happen. If God does not will it it will not happen. So you can have all the good deeds in the World. If God doesnt want to let you in his paradise you will not enter. And since we all sinners we should be begging for mercy. Because it will be more likely that we will enter paradise through mercy then through good deeds. Although I have to remark that doing Good is better then doing evil. And no nobody died for your sins because you are resposible for yourself. And unless you are some dulusional jew who thinks that he is chosen unconditionally to enter paradise just because he was born a jew you should repent. Leave the paths of selfdelusion and enter in the faith of Islam and Inshallah God will be mercifull to you and lets you enter his paradise. I salute thee
>The only book that should exist
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
Why do you Christians follow a religion that vehnerates weakness, meekness, poverty and generally being a submissive cuck?
It's called LOVE. The only thing that actually matter on the scale of eternity.
Its all love and peace untill you are not willing to give up your real religion for their fake shenanigans. Then they call in the jews and the torture starts.
too long dont read.
should've summarised in 300 characters or 60 seconds tiktok movie or one meme image.
Why are you an obnoxious snob?
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i believe in Christianity because i think it's true.
i'd probably be a muslim if didn't care about veracity. the harem of jellyfish women sounds cool.
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I will gladly kill the entire world for the sake of my love One.
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