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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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"The problem with the right-wing is that it's been captured by Israel since the days of the Iraq war. Ask yourselves, why is it that every right wing personality is Jewish or pro-Israel?"

Is he right guys? Have we been captured and psyopped by Israel and Ben Shapiro and Jewish friends?
I hate this hypocritical turkroach scamming his retarded wanna be commie audiences but he's 100% right in this case. Conservatives and republicans aren't your allies or representatives. Real nationalists and right-wingers have no representation
lmao leftoids just starting to ask the JQ in 2024, well better late then never
that is antisemitic speech
someone report him to the ADL
you mean the guy who's refusing to call out the tranny pedo groomer?
I dont understand whats going on anymore. Why is hamas piker saying what neo nazis have been saying for ages?
Yes. Pol is not left or right. The right on pol are only so for lack of an actual representative party.
Top kek is he finally going to go down a Nazi spiral
While it is something I partially agree with, it's not a republican problem. The only reason any dems are currently arguing against Isreal is their current attempt to take over more of palestine.
And it doesn't only date back to the Iraq "wars".
yes he's correct
>The right sucks jew dick
And he's wrong how?
hasan piker should rather wonder why a stalinist who skirted around calls to violence is allowed on twitch and youtube

the answers to both questions is the same, 1.4 billion chinese have done so
>The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?
because christianity is false and has created false values with no proper guidance other than to worship the jew
Fucken based
he's right, it's just bizarre to see the same type of guy calling everyone on the right nazis for decades now calling them too fond of jews, when it has always been obvious that these nazis are too find of jews
Isn't he a multi millionaire liveind ina a fucking fucking mansion pretending to be a communist.
I agree (:
because the right has always been about maintaining our nation through christian values.

jews like ben shapiro came along and were like
>um ACTUALLY gang they're JUDEO christian values. you invalidate jesus unless you defend where he came from

and boomers ate that shit hook line and sinker
>every right winger
He's talking about the mainstream kike'd out usual suspects and ignoring the anti-Jew uprising in the right everywhere else online, including the personalities and users all over X. You have been psyop'ed by Trump and retards like Tim Pool, but there are a lot of great ones out there. Too bad literally every single one gets called a fed, brown, or Jew by trumptards. I think they don't want to see the right wing turn anti-Jew or see NS actually get popular.
Even Trump's kids are jewish
I'm glad some of us see through it and will vote for mommy this november
The one time the homosexual turk has a point
He's right, but it's even worse here and in the UK as the only politicians who don't blindly support Israel and the Jews blindly support Palestine and Muslims.

Basically, you're forced to choose between Semitic Foreskin-Cutting Sect A or Semitic Foreskin-Cutting Sect B. For native whites, we'll see later.
I add that our less philosemite poltician from the right wing is Eric Zemmour, a jew.
Grim as fuck.
Trump is a Jewish Kabbalist

His Kabbalah teacher is Eitan Yardeni.

Ivanka Trump wears the Kabbalah red bracelet and is openly jewish.

Tucker 'Kabarlson' Carlson wears the red thread.

Even Vladimir Putin wears one.

In Kabbalah, the thread wards off misfortune brought about the the “evil eye”
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The muslims were right about what to do with jews and shabbos goyim
>since the days of the Iraq war.
It's been captured since the days of Leo Strauss and William F. Buckley at the latest
Another mentally ill leftist scum.
this. /pol/ is authoritarian center
No, the middle age christians were right about what to do with jews and shabbos goyim and right about what to do with muslims and dhimmis.
Reconquista Christians are what we should aim for not inbreed muslim shitskins.
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Also niggerpajeeta's husband is also Jewish and Josh Shapiro is a strong potential VP. This is the United States of Goyim. Nearly the entire government is circumcised by a rabbi.
he's not wrong, but the left has the same problem

right = pro-israel kikes
left = pro-globohomo kikes
/pol/ has been captured by Jew bots. Piker is right.
>the middle age christians were right about what to do with jews
Empower them by banning non-jews from banking?
>Muslims moans about why nobody loves them while they din du nuffin
Why does this worthless cockroach still have a social media account when there is music artists making remixes of Hava Nagila who don't have a name?
You are a smart man.
This. The moment the jews convinced bongs and americans to die for them in WWII it was fucked.
In russia it was even earlier with the (((october revolution))).
its like the entire world became bizzaro \pol\ in a month
Someone post him on the heavy bag, kek.
No you're right I mean specifically the reconquista christians, all jews, muslims, shabbos goyim and dhimmis either persécuted, expelled or killed. This is the way.
I'll take a kike over a mudshit any day.
Is this a fake screenshot?
A broken clock is right twice a day.

I loathe this Roach, but again, he is correct. The Right is filled with Jewish Influence and Israel Shilling.
It's fucking disgusting.
“Leftists” are only anti Israel because they think Jews are white.
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>more commie 1%-er half-truths
The right wing ain't the only wing infested with kikes and their subversion...
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>I punch Nazis
>we wuz da real antisemites
Based. Dabbing on nazi larpers sucking jew cock.

Found a fucking leaf without foreskin
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The idiot's solution is to keep voting for these le democracy pre selected Jewish candidates. It's national socialism or bust.
he has a point, even though it's a bit hypocritical since that, for the same exact reason that the only "right wing" voices that are allowed to exist and onntop of that get signal boosted, is the same reason that people like hasan are too, it's called controlled opposition aka cointelpro aka jewish zersetzung
of course, he will never realize this but it doesn't matter because even though he himself is a controlled opposition mouthpiece spouting talking points, it still begs the question and makes anyone with a brain actually think about it and realize the facts of the matter, assuming their iq is high enough
granted, the overwhelming majority of people on both sides and beyond the false kike dichotomy definitively AREN'T high enough iw to realize or notice such things, but alas
>captured by Israel
Both "Parties" since 1789
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Don't know who this broccoli retard is but does zim/zer know that israel is full of jews? It's pretty much all jews actually
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The problem with Hasan is when he gets called out he acts like a bitch so why would I care if he calls anyone out?
And the issue with the left is that they can only speak about a subject until their software update has uploaded to the normie cloud.
Why do the leftards only speak out against kikes until it's socially acceptable to do so?
Even in 2015 most people here were a bit wary about Trump because he never really called out the jewish question.
That's cool and all, but when is he gonna fight Sam Hyde?
Shalom rabbi.
This. Most leftists and browns are anti israel and anti colonialism not antisémites.
/pol/ is one of the last bastion of real antisémitism, we dislike them for what they are in their essence, not because they kill browns and steal their lands but because they are basically diabolical.
Did you see the gif of him hitting a bag ? Sam would absolutely destroy that faggot in a matter of seconds.
>the left hasn't been captured by Israel
Oh that's great then so-
>we believe in a two state solution
So you're pro-israel as well. Fuck that, the only real solution is zero state
Because Jrws put them there.
Fo to any conservacucked site now.
I di, because I like to be informed what they are thinking. I still respect her more than lefties who I hate.
Slowly but surely the anti-kike posts are winning there.
Zerohedge is basically/pol/ ar this moment.
The conservative tree house by Sundance is up voting anti-kike,anti-war comments and the discussion is getting spicy.
Gateway pundit censors like a motherfucker but still some comments, when they go around the censorship sneak in and are being updated.
Breitbait has some but they censor more than GP even.
Daily Wire (I dont go there almost at all) is obviously 100% pro kike.
I think we all should go to the conservacuck sites and educate people.
I do what I can and lately I'm not the only one.
I can't stand leftists so I don't go and I consider them a lost cause but their comments from what I cleaned are anti-kike for all the wrong reasons.

If this was the old /pol/ we could have a raid on the conservacuks ongoing. Because it's a nu-/pol/ I only encourage anons in the threads.
pretty sure hasan shits on the 2 state solution
Definitely not authoritarian.
It's ani-gobernment basically. Any government that we have today
If it was authoritarian like the lefties the Covid 19 threads would look much, much different.
/pol/ gets fucking flooded by the braindead cattle every election cycle in which time the board us unusable. Just like today.
About 6 months before the election until the election it's fucking garbage.
We have a shit ton of tourists here lately(because it's "important" election season), but I and other anons have a way to know who is and isn't a tourist.
The worst I think was during 2016 elections desu.
He is right in general terms, but even here he overgeneralizes. When he says rightwing in this context he means Republichuds and MAGA. He is also a little bit behind the times as these are now the left.
Its fun watching people be based in the wrong way lmao. This whole thing has actually made me respect him a lot, he actually is riding with his convictions he criticizes israel constantly
>muh horseshoe

if you are going to transform yourselves into lefty freaks because you somehow think that owns israel then you are retarded people who will end up against a wall or thrown from a building
its so insane how hasan will go on for hours about how snowroaches needing to be kill but the second his inbred race gets met with even greater force he cries about stupid shit lmao
like serously hasan why wouldnt white people bomb you inbreds into a genocide? can hasan give a good answer as to why white people shouldnt put an end to this? or are just going to display the power of allah and ask us to stop and let you win? you shouldbe tanking us for killing you off
Name 3 right-wing personas who ask the JQ.
name me three reason why a white person should love an inbred child raping muslim?
jews aren't white. especially arab jews in occupied Palestine
>why is it that every right wing personality is Jewish or pro-Israel?"
thats cool bro but i couldnt help but notice the child rape gangs and lots of brown skinned dipshits asking people to not genocide them while claiming theyre going to take over europe.
>retarded take by a retard
>76 posts itt
"sage" goes in the options field, faggots
not really too concerned about dumb savages talking. much more concerned with the jewish child rapists who already took over the West and have functionally destroyed it already and fucked themselves in the process
i wonder if it is even a real tweet lol
This faggot doesn’t know what side he supports.
>why yes all the civil rights and social justice movements I support were started by jews, why does that matter?
Don't see rightoids other than Fuentes saying it
Is Sam still fighting? I haven’t heard of him doing anything since this meme fight.
thats cool you played your hand and now we see where things stack (not in your favor). its over for your people and youre never going back to before all of this
This is an unfortunate reality. The right wing is what talks about free markets and families (not to say they actually legislate those things, but it's better than the left), but they've got this fucking Israili monkey on their back.
support for your tribe keeps draining and not just from the browns you imported. the brainwashing only really took with the boomers and they are dying off. no one else is going to sacrifice the West for kikestan
Wtf i love hasan now
Can i pretty please have permission to kill off the entire population of gaza hasan? can we white people do this hasan? can i pretty please wipe you off the map. get real you fucking armchair socialist lmao
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I support Israel's right to exist so long as every Jew is stripped of citizenship.
im not jewish bro. i just cant stand how pathetic your meaningless, worthless race is. lick more white ass and maybe that genocide might stop
Its all shills, bots and kikes now
sure lol. you just want us to focus on muslims in the desert who are really only a problem for kikes rather than how your tribe has run the West down the fucking shitter.
Why would he? He's one himself.
Republicans* and Democrats*, ie., professional politicians and talking heads.
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You keep making this thread, tranny
hes half right because they all suck jewish cock. not just republictards
i think its so cute how you nigger will openly declare your intentions for europe and when something like this happens to you, you start acting like this. sad reality is allah isnt real and you people deserve everything happening to you
its objectively better for the West to have enemies who openly state their intentions and fail rather than kikes who don't openly state their objectives and actually succeed at killing the West.
the logic is irrefutable but i t makes you mad because it outs your tribe
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The problems here started when the maga retards understood how to exploit the autists workforce. This place never recovered; to be fair it happened in nearly every corner of the internet and in real life society too.
If Hassan want a cum slurping Omega faggot, that would have been a really based comment, such a shame the cum breath makes it less

Still voting Trump

Still supporting israel

Seethe, Cope, cry
He’s right about the elected politicians, but Nick Fuentes for instance is about as anti-Israel as you can get
and the problem with the "left" is that its has been captured by turkish faggots who just hate whites
More and more I'm convinced Breadtubers like Hasan and Vaush were astroturfed for this alone. Act so insane and infect their audiences that normies back the party that'll give Israel everything.
Say, have any people who might have loyalty to a certain illegitimate state given money to people and groups like this over the years from the shadows?
Two years ago leftards would go run and tell on you if you said a bad word about jews like the playground snitches they all are deep inside their miserable souls
Now that the jewish memeflaggot has been cornered and run out of "playing stupid" and "deflecting" cards, he and his buddies will simply abandon the thread and slide it.
At best 1 more reply pretending he won then he fucks off to shit up another thread and waste people's time there with bullshit kike talking points that have been beaten to death a trillion times over.
Speaking of death
remember when hasan rage tweeted for 6 (SIX) days straight and only stopped when elon muted him

seriously what the FUCK was that? how did he stay awake that long
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>right wing
I'm national SOCIALIST lmao
Why does he hate nazis again?
>leftards would go run and tell on you if you said a bad word about jews
He confuses /pol/ with george bush republicans.
Still insane to me that Sam Hyde rawed his mom.
I've been saying the same thing for many years.
The left just saw the system treat Palestinian protestors like Charlottesville White Nationalists. It's hard to deny ZOG when it literally attacks you whole cops help them.
Liberalism is political Judaism
Imagine a situation where a man named Hasan is allowed to even be in a white country and speak to white men? Only in a sick jewified culture is that possible
Israel gets a lot money because it just launders it back into American weapon factories that pay out to polticians
>anti Christian post
>from a Muslim flag
Sadly he is right. The main reason the U.S. is so invested in Israel is because it is a giant military state that they use in the middle east.
It is also because on the Biblical Doomsday cult that exist within the government.
It is also foolish to think that things will change at this point whether or not we do or don't support/ hold Israel or bibi accountable for their actions.

It is 2024 and we are still having religious based conflict because of the involvement in the middle east by the various global superpowers.

Why do you think musilms have become so violent and radically conservative?

It is because of the contiunous funding of these groups so thge can all go kill each other.

If people in the middle east were smart, they would vote out any and coup anyone with ties to foreign governments, and remove any extreme religious leaders.
Stefan Molyneux was asking the JQ 10+ years ago and got banned off many platforms for it.
Or shitskins and shitlibs are actually just retarded tribalists that don't understand the optics of anything they do.
>literal who "influencer" says a thing!
I've never listened to anyone named "Hasan" and I damn sure am not starting now.
And then he went full jews-are-high-iq-so-theyre-good cuckmode
I pick jews over niggers faggots trannies beaners street shitters chinks gooks italians albanians etc
what makes him hypocritical? also how is he "scamming his audience"
No. Israel owns the US. Jews control ZOG
Hopefully mossad nerve gasses this turk faggot
>Every right wing
Citation needed.
I consider myself right wing, I identify as it and I agree with more of their statements then the cult of the left.
That said I still want israel and iran leveled with the ground ad neither is of any asset to the world. One lies and manipulates the politics and the other sends foot soldiers to invade directly..
But only one holds more places of power and through that controls the world with LIES so I can't but hate them just that much more
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>3 week old post
>muh Wings
>muh right or left
pure idiocy
it's called divide and conquer for a reason
those who don't pick a side get killed first, they're capable
buy an add
>"The problem with the right-wing is that it's been captured by Israel since the days of the Iraq war. Ask yourselves, why is it that every right wing personality is Jewish or pro-Israel?"

>Is he right guys? Have we been captured and psyopped by Israel and Ben Shapiro and Jewish friends?

Yes. It's true. Many of mainstream and e-celeb right wingers have been or are compromised. Some great discord servers were purged.. and there's very little trust in general, because there's glowies in all of the movements
america is a sea of mental retardation
when i say right wing, i mean alt-right and extreme right.. extreme right and alt-right mainstream figures (jfg, spencer) and such.. they all have and were compromised on way or another.. can't trust any of them
They bombed a hospital and tried to gaslight everyone that they didn’t, then they kept bombing Gaza, is what happened
Hasan is a retarded faggot but he's right about this.
So the problem isn't the people or their differences, but that humanity is controlled by aliens? How else are the rituals explained?
>push race consciousness to stop class warfare
>left wakes up to JQ
This would be the most hilarious backfire of all time.
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Because the people he sees as "right wing" are not actually right wing. They are lukewarm centrists that have become "far right" due to the shift to the left.

Hell, I would even say that a big chunk of those centrists I just mentioned are actually pretty liberal/left leaning if you compare them with people a few decades ago.

Back then, nit even the left wing wanted to associate with faggots
let me know when they call them out because of anything other than blowing up sub-human brownoids
Who? You mean Trump? Ran a modeling pageant for Epstein, raped a 13 year old girl, cheated on his wife with a porn star, flew with Epstein on his jet.
Only one presidential candidate and party is bending over backwards for Netanyahu and Israel. Democrats protested the congressional speech and so did Kamala. Republicans gave him 25 minute standing ovation.
>Ask yourselves...
whoa what an explosive revelation. give this fag an award.
look how super smart this guy is everyone. must be some genius.
this basic common sense information being so revelatory to him totally doesn't prove he's the retard we've known him to be. not at all.
>since the days of the iraq war
jfc what a retard
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Hasan is always right
Fuck off kike.
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>Left-wingers literally make a pact with them to flood the west with third-worlders
Glass houses and all that.
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In fact I take that back. Leftism is literally their creation.
I mean, he's not wrong, but he's utterly naive if he thinks his side hasn't been completely co-opted by jews as well. Jews fund and promote every left-wing idea.
Never thought I'd live to see counter-semitism become a subject of stolen valor.

On a completely unrelated note, why hasn't Sam livestreamed this faggot being skinned alive yet? Is he just building suspense?
Yeah. It's been amazing seeing jews trying to hijack and sabotage Palestinian protests using the exact same methods as against White Nationalists.
Sam hyde is a comedian bud, he’s not gonna do shit. I wish he would be since hes just a fucking clown he wont.
Hasan is a fucking idiot

Jew influence was already there and pushed hard in the 1800's

One of the reasons why the u.s. went into Iraq in the first place was because of Jews, and that was desert storm not the second war
>what makes him hypocritical
He talks all this shit about taxing the rich and defends socialism while being part of the 1%. Practice what you preach and all that, I don't see him distributing his $200 000 a month salary to the poor.
>"scamming his audience"
As above, he's a fucking charlatan riling up and agitating dumb, young & naive people who spend their disposable income on this parasite because they feel like he voices and defends their idealistic opinions, when in reality he's just a grifter who takes money from people who get excited when their donation is shown in front of other like-minded individuals
None of that contradicts what the tweet says
Jew Imperials = Jew Zionists, Catholics, Jesuits, Mormons, Presbys, and most other christcuck race traitors

They can all be called Jews now
communism is not distributing your personal wealth, its collective ownership of the means of production, are you retarded or just 12?
because they are on the same team you fuckin memeflaggot retard
>It's not the real gobunism

He still pretends Democrats and Republicans are two parties, they aren't

This focus on either Dems or Republicans instead of realizing they are the same people, is the problem

Shit happened in the 1800's and we are all paying for it because generations were brainwashed by anti-german, anti-white race traitors
oh, 12 then. good luck on that putrid island
All true but none of thag contradicts the tweet
Based turk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piDWWRsmUzk
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>Has been a shit hole since the 2020 election and is the new /b/ and is nothing but bots, spam, and marketing.
The right wing has been captured by Israel
>bro, every politician is a simp for Israel. Why do you think /pol/ is unusable now
Who is hasan kiker and why should I care
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Can we just call ourselves ethnic nationalists? What does right wing even mean at this point? Most of these “right wing” individuals wouldn’t dare to talk positively of ethnic nationalism.
Either you are against the fiat exploitation, replacement genocide of the European people and their ethnic groups while being for their preservation and their right to have a homeland. Or you are a worthless cuck traitor who should be kicked out of our society.
As an oldfag from /new/ this board has gotten so fucking weird. These shills worship Russia and Israel. It's like Alice in Wonderland in here.
Why wouldn't he fight Sam Hyde?
His tweet is a moot point you stupid ass.
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imagine shilling for the party literally ran by the jews while claiming the other side is panders to jews

yea, no shit a major political platform panders to a major religion

but that's a far cry from giving every high level position to a fucking jew
The only people he needs to call out are his parents for blessing him with that pea head.
It's the topic of the thread
Hes got a godamn fucking point

Even For a commie
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>Can we just call ourselves ethnic nationalists?
Because globohomo destabilized ethnos with civic nationalism, until all that remains discernable is biological race (as the NSDAP classified it). So racial nationalism is still a plausible goal, after ethnos has imploded; every nation can unite around, and fight for the founding race of their nation.
>they are the same people

the same people?

so you're saying if Merrick the hooknosed jew Garland was on the Supreme Court it would be no different?

you're saying that overturning Affirmative Action, Roe v Wade, Chevron Deference is no different than before?

how about making Conceal Carry a Constitutional Right. Try telling people in CA that nothing has changed

no, both sides are not the same you dumb fucking nigger kike
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H-hold up! Are you saying that you won't worship the lord and saviour of the "white race" the great putin-sama?!!?!?!!? nannniiii?!
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>Practice what you preach
he does: he doesn't own the means of production and any/all bussiness' that he has (clothing company) are collectives, meaning every employee is also an owner, not just an employee
>I don't see him distributing his $200 000 a month salary to the poor.
that's not what socialism/communism is about, see >>475736927
looks like you already saw it and sperged out like the little underage faggot that you are
He's so close to figuring it out. Jews on the left are the ones making sure the border is wide open to relocate Israel's enemies far from Israel and to dilute and replace the native population. Then it's Jews on the right that pretend to do something about it and are nationalistic, but for Israel first and then only token/virtue signalling gestures for their own people.

Even the Israel-Palestine debate, Jewish owned media station has an internationalist Communist Jew promoting the holocaust myth with a nationalist Zionist Jew who wants you to hate Muslims.

It's all so tiresome. Until people free themselves from this, we will never make progress. Because the frame of discussion is always 100% kosher and within the bounds of what Jews want. If they can't get you to support genociding Palestinians and displacing them to the West, they will get you to invoke the holocaust and Nazis are le bad meme.
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Reminder that Hasan Kiker has a small fucking head and dresses like a literal cock sucking faggot with the mind of a 12 year old
I rather be pro israel than pro globohomo.No matter how you slice it the left is more accelerationist in nature so any of their terrible policies will be enforced at a quicker pace than any of the gay shit from the right.
>a retard e-celeb making a moot point is the topic of the thread
I understand this. You do not.
it's a lose-lose
if hasan wins: small gain for hasan, and the dying trust-fund baby sam hyde gets more attention
if hasan loses: humiliation forever
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Trump is literally the only President to reduce military support for Israel, citing the money congress sends to Israel.

Democrats are ran by jews who all do everything they can to send money and troops to protect Israel.
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Trump is the only President to put America above Israel.

literally every other politician does the opposite

yet people who claim to hate Israel also tear down Trump
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He’s not wrong
Everytime I see someone simping for Israel and jews on Twitter or complaining that it’s wrong to protest for Palestine, they’re usually some cringe conservative with “Trump 2024” and MAGA in their bios and retweeting a bunch of cringe conservative shit
>be right winger
>call out jews/Israel
>get banned from everywhere
Why are all right wingers so supportive of Israel?

But his general statement is true. The "right" has been captured and placed into a cage and they can only be let out by the jews at a time of the jews' choosing
>he does
Anon, he is managed by a multi-million dollar talent agency and is part of a roster which includes the likes of Mr. Beast and other big names online. Everything he does is a facade. He’s a giant faggot and so are you for buying into his act.
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That's not what I asked at all you blatant shill faggot. Can't wait to see how many of you kys this year
>jews are now all rightwing because lefties have found them out
somebody tap the sign.
>Trump is literally the only President to reduce military support for Israel
source pls
Republicucks are 100% controlled opposition just like Turkroach and left is controlled by Hollywood kikes.
You do understand they are still pro israel? They just want a different puppet at the helm and are instigating a coup as we speak, netanyahu is a toxic figure to associate with
Comes from the leftists who were literally apologists for the wars in the middle east as soon as Obama came into office. Both sides are completely controlled and is being played against each other constantly to combat change, but him pretending it's just one side speaks for itself. The ONLY reason they're against Israel is because of its conservative government, if Israel elects a progressive government and continues bombing mudshits, they would completely ignore it and be pro-Israel.
Both sides are Jewish. I'm voting Kamala though. Accelerate.
he's right
all wiggers are jew cocksuckers
funny to see wiggers make fun of poojeets lol
Trump is literally the only candidate gunning for war in the middle east. Checkmate, zionist faggot
I'm voting Kamala to try and save these morons from signing up for the military when war with Iran is declared
>hello fellow right wingers we hate those bad antisemitic leftists
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broken clock and all that

to answer this faggots question
ALL "Right Wing" influencers are controlled opposition because anyone who isn't is just figuratively/literally assassinated by mossad before they get any traction/momentum/popularity.

same with "Left Wing" Influencers
did you think Hasan & Destiny wasn't controlled by Jews?
their job is to brainwash kids into hating themselves and to sterilize themselves
doesn't matter if they hate Jews when they won't have any kids and will get replaced by low IQ shitskins that'll have no mental capacity to standup or even recognize Jewish control.
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There is none, that MIGAfag is straight up lying to you
>oy vey you guys need a representative to lead you because you can't think for yourselves
>did you think Hasan & Destiny wasn't controlled
First you meant to say "aren't" secondly why would he even make a post like that if he was a Jew shill lol
>Candyman, candyman, candyman
if hasan so brave he can say it three times into the mirror
Isnt Hasan one of the most anti-israeli voices out there? He was antisemite of the month a few months ago by the ADl, wtf are you smoking? What do you mean by controlled?
Did he forget that almost all of Joe Biden's cabinet was Jewish?
I'm assuming based on the memeflag he is probably Israeli
"Left Wing" Jews in the west are also anti-Israel.
how do you explain that?
>they're against Israel is because of its conservative government

That's exactly it. The left are trying to force netanyahu out and are using the furthest extent of the law to do so having the ICC get involved.
>Anon, he is managed by a multi-million dollar talent agency
what does this have to do with socialism/communism? he doesn't own this "talent agency", if anything THEY are exploiting his labor.
>Everything he does is a facade. He’s a giant faggot and so are you for buying into his act.
ok so this should be easy to breakdown and explain right? so do it
jew=/=zionist? pretty easy desu

stfu zogbot, you will go die for israel
95% of American Jews are Zionist
Hasan is a liberal who larps as a socialist that's all there is to it.
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This one weird trick makes newfags seethe!
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I can’t believe how predictable a lot of the MIGAtard NPCs are.
/pol/ predicted a lot of this
I'm not dying for Israel, ever. No white men should.
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Hasan is a Jewish controlled grifter just like the rest of them
I don't think kids these days realize the power of Jewish control and what they can really do
do you think Hasan would still have a Twitch account if he really wasn't controlled?

His jusb is demoralization of the youth just like ALL of Twitch.

It's why I keep saying that if Elon really wanted revenge for his son trooning out he should've also bought Twitch, Reddit, & Discord because these are where they groom kids into sterilizing themselves.
Twitter is just where they end up AFTER they get indoctrinated.
Ask him why "Kike" is banned on social media.
based Volksgenosse
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The leftists have always hated Jews.
Good job guess we can go fight white people in Russia instead dumbfuck
hasan is basically a jew himself, still going in the same oven as them at least
Kek he’s turning into a Nazbol
Bro even western msm is acknowledging Ukraine is a lost cause not to mention it's sucking up resources that should be going to Israel.
not even Trump (((being assassinated by Iran)))) would convince White Men into joining the military.
I'm voting Trump because I wan't them to try and start a war with Iran and have to issue a draft.
Because a draft means civil war.
>"The problem with the right-wing is that it's been captured by Israel since the days of the Iraq war.
What a fuckwit. Try the 1960s. And not just the parties but the deep state as well.
>call the right wing evil nazi antisemites for literal decades
>"uhhmmmm the right wing is controlled by jews actually"
fucking retards
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You ain’t a polcel unless you’re craving the kike dick.
>muh e celeb x post
this shit is not x faggots
"Hasan" is a turkish arab name
No shit he hates jews they all do
Jews dunk on muslims for thousands of years now
I notice something similar with leftist friends and commentators in that they seem unaware of the transformation of the Republican Party since the Bush years 2000-2008. W is the one who said illegals do jobs Americans don't want to do. Republicans have flipped on open borders, endless middle east wars, and supporting tariffs and made in America is a huge populist FU to elite think tanks. Republicans don't even care about cannabis anymore.

I said leftist seem unaware, because they are such unrepentant group liars and pretenders it is hard to know if they are truly ignorant or just full of shit. I don't care anymore but lean towards ignorant. For instance the Kagan Nuland pnac plotters jumps back to their side and starts the Ukraine war. They are at best willingly ignorant, you could tell them this but it would not activate any almonds. They are programmed to ignore this info and blame Putin 100%. Jews on the right at least stand out as staunch zionist jews, waving Israeli flags and wearing funny little hats. When they switch back to being Democrats a leftist can no longer identify them as a Jew since they are secular. So are blind to their workings. Historically only people in the right have the ability to notice what they are doing as a group
>foreign member of diaspora
>claims host nation deserved mass killings by his ethnic cousins
>vocally a marxist
>while also visibly consumed with materialist avarice
>initiates career through bloodline nepotism
>main source of income is begging for donations from people poorer than himself, produces nothing of worth in his economic ecosystem
Hasan or Jew?
This might be the most based thing Hasan has ever said. Is he saying he would consider being right wing if they were anti-Israel?
In the US you have a ZOG, no matter who you vote, what's his point
>Hasan is a liberal who larps as a socialist
liberals are capitalists and he's not a capitalist. explain how he's "larping" as a socialist yet he doesn't own any means of production, and his business ventures are all co-owned by employees (as all business' should be according to socialism)
Does he redistribute his wealth so his associates are equal to himself?
>what does this have to do with socialism/communism?
It has to do with the fact he’s a larping faggot who convinces retards like you he is a real revolutionary when he is just a tool of the system. He isn’t being exploited, at all. He does what he is told so Hollywood can continue to make fuckloads of money peddling propaganda. It’s why Night Talent manages him.
>ok so this should be easy to breakdown and explain right? so do it
He is from a wealthy family and graduated from Rutgers in 2016. He immediately worked for TYT because of his uncle before staring his Twitch channel after he gained some fame. Nothing he has done is organic in any sense of the word or genuine. You’ve already hand waved around it but his refusal to fight Sam Hyde, despite his though talk prior, is the best example I can think of. When he has to put his money where his mouth is he walks back his rhetoric and acts like the victim. That was not the first time he’s done it either. The fact I have to spell this out for you means you’re legitimately too fucking stupid to know when you’re viewing propaganda.
>dude the right funds the jews
>so I will vote for the left
>who also funds the jews but says they don't
I mean, I don't like funding the jews, but I also don't like dishonest people
Wtf happened to this board that you rather hate some random influencer and suck Jew dick instead

You’re all pathetic Soros cucks and you deserve the shitty life you continue to endure
Fippy bippy
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>Hasan getting closer to the truth

Damn. Might he start becoming based soon? Might he stop skipping leg day?
This is just an attempt to boost engagement with right-leaning people and grow his audience. All political commentators do shit like this.
Yes he's getting BASED!
You should start tuning in, maybe even donate!
I am capable of opposing numerous different factions of the anti-White cause.
>coping lolbert who doesn’t know what authoritarian means
Being center authoritarian would mean you’re against leftist/commie/neoliberal authoritarianism
>It has to do with the fact he’s a larping faggot who convinces retards like you he is a real revolutionary when he is just a tool of the system. He isn’t being exploited, at all. He does what he is told so Hollywood can continue to make fuckloads of money peddling propaganda. It’s why Night Talent manages him.
literally NONE of this explains the "he's a hypocrite" meme. explain it. what means of production does he own. what labor is he exploiting. explain it. it should be simple for you. your entire position is "socialism = poor!" because eat up capitalist propoganda.
>He is from a wealthy family and graduated from Rutgers in 2016. He immediately worked for TYT
he doesn't hide the fact that he was lucky that his uncle is cenk. he talks about it regularly.
>Nothing he has done is organic in any sense of the word or genuine
people like you won't be happy until he just GIVES all of his money away (money that others gave him voluntarily because he provides daily entertainment). that's not how socialism works, despite your screeching.
>Sam Hyde
i didn't hand wave anything, i explained it's a bad trade off for hasan. he's notorious for being a clout chaser and this wouldn't help his clout. he's not perfect and i don't agree with everything he says but i fail to see the hypocrisy everyone cries about. if "socialism = gib money away" was true then yeah you'd be right, but it's not and you're wrong.
Nice abstraction, but no one actually cares about that. Self-identified marxists, including Hasan himself, identify wealth inequality as the problem.
Let them sacrifice their children, then kick them 10 miles down the road to the next christian kingdom over without getting their people's money back, all while killing non christian Aryans and destroying their holy places and culture?
Then letting those jew back in 60 years later?
>His Kabbalah teacher is Eitan Yardeni.
No. The book that's from is a collection of life advice from his associates - many of whom are kikes. That quote is some music industry heeb.

Trump is just a golem, and has been for his entire career.
If by "right wingers" you mean the dominant proto /pol/ Muzbol brics voice, then yes we have Talib, Ellison, Carson, and Omar.
you seem only able to engage with self constructed strawmen
How is this guy so fucking stupid as to think it's JUST the right wing?
Oh based. Guess no one should be bitching about wealth inequality then.
in his view zionsm is fascism is right wing. so zionist dems and other libs are right wingers
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Yeah, I see that the date is July 5th. He'd probably said endless gay faggoty philo-semitic shit since. What a homo.
Are you pro or against wealth inequality?
The strawman where leftists complain endlessly that other people have more _______ than they do?
You literally know nothing about /pol/.
He specifically wants to boost engagement with right-leaning people so he posted something designed to draw them in. The irony here is you're the stupid one for not understanding his motives.
Are he and Sam Hyde going to box for Palestine?

I bet they’d make the biggest ticket ever and make millions for the Palestinian children.
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I've got two agents already en route.
>It's the jews
took him how many years?
Inequality is inevitable because people aren't created equal. Too much and the cogs that actually keep society maintained lose purpose, as we are starting to see on the US for some time now. Where that line is? Circumstances decide, but the line shouldn't be crossed for pragmatic reasons of maintaining civility.
Kek what a stupid question.
This is like asking "Are you pro or against the sky being blue?"
Nice slide thread faggot, nothing in that tweet has anything to do with our nice little board. Go fuck yourself inside out and have a nice day
You sound like a true marxist, you should read das kapital, it's basically a thesis on inequality and wealth accumulation, i bet you would enjoy it
>he doesnt know that the wests furthest-right reactionaries are yhwhists and synchronistic gentiles.

yea. hasan being richer than you destroys that strawman instantly
Marxism is only an ideology for secular fanatics. So is the pedestal the abstraction of free market ideals is often placed on.
These aren't philosophies or end goals. They are tools with the end goal being a good society. Anyone into the ideological dogma needs a real God.
>leftist makes it big
>"fuck you I got mine, but everyone wealthier than I am, this year, they need to share"
>literally NONE of this explains the "he's a hypocrite" meme.
I’m not saying he’s a hypocrite you fucking dunce. I’m saying he is a front for the monied interests he supposedly rallying the “working class,” i.e. terminally online dipshits, against. I don’t give a shit that he makes millions spouting Marxist talking points and whining about wealth inequality. He isn’t the only one and that isn’t a new phenomenon. What I have an issue with is idiots thinking he is legitimate when a cursory investigation of his background screams otherwise. Find another strawman to hammer.
>he talks about it regularly
Yeah, and the implications of him talking about it is it was a break into an industry to peddle propaganda points because he had no other prospects upon graduation. Think, you credulous retard.
>that’s not how socialism works
Socialism is a theoretical system of social order focused on economic relations which does not survive contact with reality. You can circle jerk over theory all day long but it’s still a circle jerk over theory. It’s irrelevant to the point I’m making as I stated above.
>I didn’t hand wave
No, you did. Hasan talked a lot of shit about how he’ll fight his political opponents and win upon being given a challenge. When given the chance he backed off because he is a pussy who would get his ass beat. The “explanation” you gave was Hasan walking back his position because he knows he’d get his ass beat. If Hasan was actually sincere he would have taken the challenge or he would be talking mad shit he knows he can’t back. Saying “oh he just didn’t want to give a clout chaser clout” or “give hate a platform” (despite him doing that anyway when he covers current events) and pretending it’s not embarrassing as fuck is pure cope.
pretty sure he is constantly in favor of increasing taxes on himself and all top earners but you want him to keep all those bezos bux for himself because capitalist dogma has turned you into an ultracuck
>The problem with the right-wing is that it's been captured by Israel since the days of the Iraq war

Besides being handsome, he's no idiot at all.
He has such a feminine bearing
He's right in that rightwing claim to ethnonationalism stems from the same ethics and logic that uphold Jewish supremacy in Israel. It's rightwing philosophy and rightwingers generally hate one another as they are in a competition for climbing hierarchy.
>peddle propaganda points
whose propaganda points? Hamas? that would be pretty based of him
>Socialism is a theoretical system of social order focused on economic relations which does not survive contact with reality
same applies to capitalism
>what makes him hypocritical
He's making a profit. That's capitalist behaviour. He's an exploitative class that takes money from minimum wage college-aged Starbucks baristas.

A true communist would only take donations up to the point it keeps to run the YouTube channel. Which is very little money. Like what, a few hundred bucks extra in electricity costs to run his electronics, and whatever he spends on food whilst editing? Anything above that is capitalist exploitation.
What's stopping him from voluntarily spreading his wealth to downtrodden people or causes he believes in?
Is a life of disproportionate consumption not at odds with such goals?
>whose propaganda points?
Whoever pays him like the intellectual prostitute he is.
>but capitalism
I think both communism and capitalism are two sides of the same Jewish coin. Again, find another strawman.
He does exactly that? He owns a coop production company, makes unionized merch in the us, and has donated several millions of dolalrs to different charitys...
>Hamas based
>Socialism good
THIS is the stereotypical/pol/ muzbol. Are they even shills at this point? There the majority voice crowding everything else out
according to him he does that. he says he has zero investments and just keeps his family provided for and gives lots of stuff to friends and charities. he could be lying of course but idk how to prove it either way
>Whoever pays him
who do you think pays him to be pro hamas? i'm glad someone is buying pro hamas ad space
>I think both communism and capitalism are two sides of the same Jewish coin.
so what econ system do you recommend?
what's wrong with Hamas?
I hate it.. but he is right
Who gives a fuck what Hamasan Piker has to say? Girls only like him because he's attractive.
Fake tweet
The hilarious thing about your stupid post is that ethnonationalism was originally a LEFTIST conception to return political power to the people and free them from multinational monarchical empires.
>every right wing personality is pro jewish or pro israel
>the far right are all nazis
Chickenshit moneysink charities or actual real things? Nevermind opposing AIPAC, I mean just simple shit like building libraries and other archetypal examples of philanthropy.
And as for him personally, he leads a life of over-consumption well above his needs. This is not only antithetical to his supposed goals but simply unwise from a pragmatic perspective.
>There's nothing in communist theory that says I can't live in a huge mansion paid for by 95IQ teenagers, while preaching about inequality and ignoring all the people struggling around me
What's the point of communism then?
>B-but muh means of production
That's a red herring. Apparently your idea of a perfect society is one in which we still have the dirty side of capitalism but we've arbitrarily banned ownership of industry.
to prevent the existence of faggots like musk
I agree, everyone needs to stop dick sucking Israel.
The lefts politicians are Jews, the rights talking heads are jews.
>Apparently your idea of a perfect society is one in which we still have the dirty side of capitalism but we've arbitrarily banned ownership of industry.

The JQ was always a leftwing thing.
/pol/ is a leftwing page, just not a commie one.
>What's wrong with Hamas?
Is there any group more anti white? Your pov depends on your race and love for Islamic militant invaders I suppose.
>who do you think pays him to be pro hamas?
Some other corporate slush fund meant to shove more bullshit down our throats. The specifics don’t matter.
>so what econ system do you recommend?
National syndicalism would be ideal but I’m not stupid enough to believe ideals and reality meet. That being said I don’t think mass scale economics are going to matter soon because the global economy is absolutely fucked and the monied interests running it are inimical retards hell bent on collapsing civilization.
Communism isnt about anti consumerism, im not gonna repeat myself more, read the thread please
But monarchy is super ethnonationalism if you're going to call worker nationalism ethnicity based. The American right being allies with the Israeli right makes sense unless you're further right ethnonationalist. It's like how the cool peaceful white nationalist just wants to preserve other cultures in their right place.
He planning to fight Sam Hyde yet or no because until he
>le punches a nazi
His opinions are irrelevant to me
Hasan is a modern day adult hitler, he should be ashamed for spreading this antisemitist garbage
>Is there any group more anti white
>The specifics don’t matter.
well i'm happy for his perspective nonetheless
>That being said I don’t think mass scale economics are going to matter soon because the global economy is absolutely fucked and the monied interests running it are inimical retards hell bent on collapsing civilization.
collapsing western civilization maybe. China and its african colonies will probably be able to ride it out
Everyone ITT falling for a FAKE TWEET SLIDE THREAD (check twitter)
Why would he fight Sam Hyde? I wouldn’t go within 50 miles of that sneaky rat. You just know he’s going to cheat like a faggot.
>But monarchy is super ethnonationalism
Wrong, virtually every example of autocratic rule is the consolidation of power over an expanding list of people (nations).
Everyone used to agree that the only way to have democracy was on an ethnonational basis. It was only in the aftermath of WW2 that war was blamed on nationalism and lefties got psy-op'd into this open society jewish bullshit where they consented to being serfs in a globalist techno-feudalist nightmare.
Just as a footnote, the term "ethnonationalism" is a nonsense term because there is no type of nationalism that isn't ethno.
>he is a front for the monied interests
the real "monied interests are capitalist and the elites", which love capitalism.
>idiots thinking he is legitimate when a cursory investigation of his background screams otherwise
he talks about having a fortunate upbringing almost daily at this point.
>Socialism....does not survive contact with reality
if socialism didn't work then the US wouldn't have spent billions overthrowing socialist governments (cuba, vietnam, etc). they would've just let it fail on it's own. use your fucking head for once and stop sucking billionaire capitalist dick.
>Hasan talked a lot of shit about how he’ll fight his political opponents
i don't remember hasan talking about fist fighting his political opponents but im happy to be proven wrong if you link evidence. also, he looks like a pussy when he throws punches and kicks and he would probably lose. again, it's a lose-lose scenario for him. i never said he was perfect of the goat. but the whole "hypocrisy" meme doesn't stick, you guys are just misunderstanding what socialism is. socialism isn't "hurr gib your money away", you're eating up capitalist boomer propaganda.
Bipolar Disorder
And many of those right wingers are just MIGA
Not wrong.

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