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Do they not realize that they are descendants of invaders themselves in their definition? The Irish in Boston can easily be tagged as anchor babies considering they arrived en masse on refugee boats and outbred the anglo population which turned it irish. None of these people have ancestors who participated in the boston tea party or american revolution.
Im willing to wager all of them have ay least 40% Italian admixture
Vast majority were more like refugees as were all europeans that moved to the US originally.
I don't care what this is about or who did what. They're European; I want them to win.
Refugees and invaders are viewed as one and the same. When Syrians flood Europe en masse no one says they are refugees and not a mass of unwashed invading scum.
Most of them probably have anglo ancestors but keep it under wraps similar to joe biden as claiming irish is more exotic.
None of the people in that photo are Irish or Irish Americans just a bunch of white Nationalist mutts. They don't even have any sort of Irish flags or paraphernalia.
Doesn't matter, still white
How can the Irish be white nationalist when they aren't Anglo or Germanic?
Some white nationalists want the Irish gassed because they're considered inferior genetic stock
Read Das Kapital. He describes it pretty well.

>industrial revolution
>american factories in the north suddenly need more cheap labor than the population can provide
>the south does not have this problem since they own slaves
>well guys looks like we need to ban slavery
>US Civil war
>(((factory owners))) in the UK/ireland start shutting down their factories in hopes of moving labor overseas to the US.
>irish people refuse to move.
>ohhh nooo guys whats happening there's a potato famine now. better move to america if you dont want to starve!

I think its all jewish tricks.
Boston is very Irish anon. I'm not from Boston, but it's common knowledge that the Irish settled Boston in big numbers.
Most of them are still irish to the boot in spirit, even if they have italian or english DNA they still act like irishmen.
If only it were that simple, white identity is bullshit and dilutes the achievements that sub-groups have achieved for their own nations.
>white identity is bullshit
dont care, still white
>Irish settled Boston in big numbers
And outbred the local populace as they tend to have many children being catholics. Its how the Irish managed to take over and wield an iron grip over the politics and civil services of new england from the protestants.
Yeah. Didn't all the WASPS go to Rhode Island because of it?
Rhode Island is filled with Portuguese migrants lmao, so no the whole place got consumed. WASPs have their own exclusive enclaves and clubs for a reason, and even then they are filled with irishmen as they shifted the goalposts so anyone can be accepted as a WASP if they integrate into their traditions and ways like what Kennedy did.
Like Hilton Head down here except instead of the Irish, Jews integrated with them.
The South is still majority anglo-saxon considering that no catholic migrant would have dared step foot in there, the East Coast is super mixed like brazil and everyone here claims 7 different ancestries on average.
>Do they not realize
The only distinction that now matters is friend vs enemy.

You have never cared about hypocrisy, I am never going to waste time attempting to "restrain" hypocrisy on the part of those that attack you.
So what they got away with it. The important thing really is to not let otger people Keep getting away with it or they will have lost all they gained
Rhodes Island is filled with the Mafia too. It has more Italians per capita than any other state.
The anglo-saxons arrived from Germany and Denmark to britain and killed the local celts and gauls of the romans.
This would make sense if it was a response to IT pajeets. There’s so many of them now in this state.
Yeah but there's alot more Jews down here than people realize. They changed their names to French/Anglo names. The majority are still good Anglo-Saxons, Normans and Frenchmen here in the Deep South, but when you get around rich Southerners, look at their nose and their ears. Alot of the Southern upper class are still Jewish man. For example, alot of Simmons are actually Jews.
Meds are simply too mixed to be generalized as "white" even if many of them are individually. It's safe to say meds are mixed race and have been as early as classical antiquity. I've seen white (a clear variation in skin, hair and eye color) sicilians and near pajeet looking polentonis. I've seen things you people couldn't believe.
> They're European; I want them to win.
Meds dont really believe in white identity to begin with so its a win win.
Providence is majority Italian/Irish, people think that New England is this WASP heaven but that couldnt be further from the truth. Most of them have long mixed in their genetics and culture with catholic ellis islanders.
I wouldnt be surprised, many leaders and financers of the confederacy were of jewish origin. Jews have to blend in and RP as anglos or irishmen due to the persecution they faced back in Europe.
>financers of the confederacy were of jewish origin

How were they?
Why don't you just stop being brown?
Don't care they're white
Don't care, everyone I don't know personally will be rank ordered in my judgement by paleness and skull shape.
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Benjamin Mordecai, Isaac, Campbell & Co, Simon Baruch, etc etc I'm sure there is much more. The Jews will always have their hands dipped into any big revolution or movement, and the confederates are no different.
The civil war was a whig psyop to kill millions and clear out all whig opposition. Southern Whigs took over the democrat party, Northern Whigs became republicans, and now you have the monoparty.
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There is a difference between being invited and letting oneself in.
I may open the door to my house to a neighbor in need, but that does not mean the invitation is extended to the random nigger passing by.

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Seems Kek agrees with me.
It was a typical psyop to plunge the nation into chaos and bring on a new order, I doubt the whigs were masterminds but they definitely had their hands dipped into it. From there on it set a domino effect which lead to the civil rights movement and modern day politics like you said.
Fuck off shitskin.
The Irish werent invited and no one wanted them in the country, they came flooding in from refugee boats and disrupted the social atmosphere whether it be taking up jobs or housing.
I don't care about America but surely there is a difference between people who came over and worked hard to build your country than people who are moving in nowadays trying to benefit from and take over communities other people built no?
They’re feds just like Patriot Front.
Matching outfits…lol.
Nope. Eat shit shlomo. White unity forever.
>people who are moving in nowadays trying to benefit from and take over communities other people built no?
One can say the germans, italians, poles, etc etc did just that. America was built by anglo protestants from its foundations to culture to laws and they'd use that to claim fellow white migrants as freeloading leeches.
I know that but it doesn't mean the people in that photo are Irish or Irish Americans. It looks suspicious as fuck and during a St Patricks day parade too. >>475719408
Funnily enough Boston used to originally belong to the Puritans who sided with Cromwell and who hated the Irish.
No they didn't. Most English are of Celtic stock. They're on average 30% Anglo Saxon.
>family emigrated during the potato famine
>set up working in factories on the east coast to bring more family over
>eventually scrimped and saved and moved into Appalachia
>intermarried with Scotch-Irish who had been there
>family fought on both sides of the US Civil War and every conflict since then
Yeah, our ancestors helped build up this country while these larping WASPfags try to sit here and cast assertions. Guarantee they'd find a mick in their fucking wood pile if they dared to look. Probably a nigger or two, as well. Anglo's love themselves some shitskin cock.
Thats enough to LARP as anglo-saxons like most of them do.
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Which is exactly why the founding fathers were not "white nationalists" but Anglo-Saxon nationalists

Considering that jews were at the epicenter of the cotton industry, I've often wondered if this was their way of burning the bridge when the writing was on the wall, denying the field to anyone who would pick up after them once they moved on to what would eclipse it (industrialization and mechanization, starting with the cotton gin), thereby eliminating any potential future competition (poor, White farmers) and solidifying their dominance.
That's pretty much how they operate, historically: move in, take over, bleed it dry, then move on to the next cash cow.


That was true of just about any group that chose to occupy the big cities instead of striking out on their own out West.
The majority of the hoi poloi will almost always live in the ghettos, because cities are a sink and that kind gravitate there.
They weren't sending their best then, just like they're not now, but I would still take a mediocre Mick over a quality spic any day.
Irish have been in America since the beginning and America at the time when the biggest influx of Irish came, was open to European immigration and anyone could come in so long as they were white.
Shut the fuck moorish Dravidian nigger.
The founding fathers would have accepted european or even african migrants if they integrated and didnt end up taking over via population growth or unfettered migration.
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Family guy even did a retarded parody of this fact
Your are a moron please kys
>I doubt the whigs were masterminds
Lincoln was an avowed whig, and "ex whigs" literally made up the majority of the reconstructed southern political class and dominated the northern political class as well.

By no means am I saying there weren't jews involved. But the whig takeover of the two parties is plain as day.
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ITT: jews post jewish stuff about whites
Irish actually had to bust their ass, and helped build a lot of America. They didn’t get free handouts from the government like the sandniggers.
>Irish have been in America since the beginning
Ulster Scots more like, I'm not sure if there was a prominent Irish population in Colonial America. Germans and French however can be considered founding stock, especially given Paul Revere was part French.
>was open to European immigration and anyone could come in so long as they were white
Might be true but that doesn't take away from the fact that your average citizen didnt want any of them around. The Know Nothings (Anglo Nativists) gained widespread popularity across the country for a reason but the Democrat machine was too powerful for them to assume full power.
One can say the Black community also built America as them picking cotton played a huge role in fueling the economy, and the White House being built by Black laborers. The Irish and Black community actually had close relations at first until they turned to hating Blacks to climb the social ladder, which is why they tend to be some of the most fanatically conservative communities in the US.
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>then move on to the next cash cow.
Actually how they operate is
>Move in
>Take over
>Infinitely degenerate
>eat own children
>population falls to 5% of original size, creating more genetic illnesses that are never cured
>scatter to the wind, re-emerge generations later elsewhere.

Stop giving them "credit" they live like bacteria, and it has crippled them more and more every cycle.
“Your are a moron…”

Thanks genius.
The Irish ruined every where they went. They suffocate everyone else out of the neighborhood. My father hated the Irish he saw them as niggers that complained too much and back stabbed one another.
I don't care about the Irish I find them annoying if anything especially the mutt Irish American larpers we have here.
Irish we’re mainly Northern, blacks mainly Southern.
Eat shit dimwit
The Irish are a different type of white. They aren't Germanic or Anglo white.
It's pretty self evident you behave like niggers
Such witty comebacks. I bow to your superior intellect.
That's bullshit the Irish were welfare leeches in Chicago but not to the same degree as niggers. Besides their gang and crime mentality they brought little of value to America besides subversive Neanderthal politics. Look at the Irish Neanderthal admixture they are the highest in Europe only beaten by kikes
Cotton also fueled the northern economy, New York and Boston were some of the biggest importers of slave traffic for a reason. Those textile mills up in New England relied on Southern cotton to keep their production going strong.
This is true, the first gangs and criminals in the Chicago Southside were of Irish background and flaunted off their Celtic heritage as vital to it. Its why I find it ironic when irish-americans wear their hatred for those "niggers" on their sleeve when they acted no different in their definition.
>subversive Neanderthal politics
Thats bound to happen regardless of ethnic group or religion, politics is dirty business which is bound to corrupt anyone.
Give here, give there. We all know a Spectre Gun Ship can clean like Mary Poppins
They Irish have high Neanderthal admixture and it shows. In Chicago the Irish acted like niggers so bad they segregated them among niggers.
Germans, Poles and Scandinavians stayed North while they made sure to keep the Irish and niggers in the south.
My family hated the Irish so I guess it wore off on me.
Chicago has been majority Irish from its founding I believe, I'd be shocked if a single WASP lives in that shithole.
>Germans, Poles and Scandinavians stayed North
Ah that makes sense, I keep forgetting that Germans also made up a huge part if not majority of these cities. How do they manage to stay under the radar compared to the poles or irish?
Should have just let them alone on their Island
I can give lots 9f examples of Irish being there since the beginning. There was lots of Irish involved in the American Revolution too. These are lists of Irish Catholic men.
Nah, they're white, invaders are non-whites.
If it's black, send it back. Simple as.
The original founding stock of the founding fathers era seemed to be more tolerant of irish and german catholics, it was the generation who came afterwards which became anglo purist fanatics.
>There was lots of Irish involved in the American Revolution too
Any prominent ones? I do know that some poles were also involved in the revolution, a street in Baltimore is named after a Polish general who saved George Washingtons life in a battle.
I hate mick paddy niggers but they're better than shitskins
Shhh, don't talk of the Fey
>My family hated the Irish
What is this the 19th century? No one seriously hates the irish in america, even hating catholics has became outdated and will have you viewed as a weirdo if you openly express distaste towards them.
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Here's some.
>40% of the continential army was irish
Thats actually believable, most anglo-americans saw fighting in the revolutionary war as a brother war which would end up in them killing their own. The revolution was viewed as a pointless rouse by most everyday americans.
That was Big Chief Polish Toilets.
German stock are regular Americans. Irish tend to be the fat annoying ones in my experience.

I feel disgust when I see Irish surnames. You can always tell they are just trashy shitty people carrying them
Nobody says it out straight but they don't like them
Nice work Cobber! How's the thatch?
>Some white nationalists want the Irish gassed
The jewish nationalists kind
You have a high Neanderthal mix just like kikes.
If they invent a bioweaon that kills everyone with Irish DNA all the niggers will die too.
>Nobody says it out straight but they don't like them
They might subconsciously hold some unflattering perceptions but to say they dislike them is a stretch, americans with 1/8th irish heritage will flaunt it off and wear it on their sleeve. The ones in big cities might be different but no one really cares about them as cities have become irrelevant in white social discourse.
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Here's some from an earlier time.
A lot can be learned from the Irish and the Cajuns in this country. They hold on to their ethnic identity, German-Americans and Anglo-Americans do but to a much lesser extent. The Cajuns have a language barrier with the rest of us, that's how they stay so exclusive down in the bayou.
Piss of Yanks! Bow in respect
I don't have any Irish ancestry. My ancestry go to Saxony and Frisia with a small bit of Midland England.
I am aware so many have Irish in their pedigree but it's exaggerated much
Most niggers have anglo dna in them and have anglo surnames from their ancestors.

German identity in America is pretty much mainstream mid west culture. German assimilated to become the Midwest
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Kike cope
Anglo's never left England, only Irish immigrants who finished building canals went to the colonies where they Larped as Anglos.
The Irish were always the worst white ethnic group invading America. Yes even worse than Italians and pollacks since the mics got heavily into politics and had a deep seated hatred towards WASPs (and thus by extension the founding fathers of America)
German-Americans make up some of the biggest populations in Chicago, NYC, Philadelphia, etc etc but stay under the radar as they dont revolve their personality around being German unlike other Ellis Islander spawns.
Midwest I'm assuming?
Go chimpout on someone nigger. Fucking Irish retards
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>Go chimpout on someone nigger. Fucking Irish retards
What is Midwest culture? Genuine question. I've been to the Midwest and it's just farms and corn. So much fucking corn.
If it makes you feel better if you invented a bioweappon that only affected jew DNA all the Ameriniggers would die too.
Don't fuck with the Irish
I wasn't aware of Philly. Yeah I'm rural Midwest so it's pretty desolated with small population. Almost entirely German stock beside a few spics that moved here lately. We have a nice community apart from that everyone watches out for one another.
Midwest is as pure American as it gets, they call themselves American dont muh heritagefag like the rootless east coasters. At most they might bring up being german as a joke here and there.
Reminds me of the Irish in Australia, got run out of Ireland by Cromwellian jews after hundreds of years of genocide and persecution and then we get called racist white invaders in Australia. Often by shitskins who came here to enjoy the prosperity and civilisation we built. Potato niggers can't take a trick mate.
Corn, pretzels and boredom if that's your thing. I guess you could say boring and laid back is mid west culture. Being extra friendly in CS is one trait we got here too
Similar to Minnesota nice but a bit more laid back
Go plow boy, you arnt built for the railway
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London was full of Irish immigrants before the pakis kicked them out. Everywhere the jew goes the Irish are sure to follow.
>I wasn't aware of Philly
The backlash of the two world wars pretty much shoved any semblance of german-american heritage under. The Trumps had to LARP as scandis post WW2 due to the aftereffects.
>We have a nice community apart from that everyone watches out for one another.
Thats nice, middle america is the last bastion of americanism.
I guess but that's dangerous in its own right.
Gotcha. Eventually I just want to move to Alaska man. SE Alaska in the Tongass rainforest. Ketchikan.
Boston is mostly chink and jeet because of Harvard, lots of nigs and spics too. it's just another New York now, anyone going there to meet white people never mind irish is going to be disappointed. I'm sure Massachusetts still has a lot but you won't see them. I sometimes think the whole "Boston Irish" thing is a scam to lure in unsuspecting Euros and keep them away from the rest of the country.
>but that's dangerous in its own right
How exactly?
Desegregation and gentrification pretty much pushed all the old school whites out of Boston, that city is a playground of college students and latin migrants now.
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>Everywhere the jew goes the Irish are sure to follow
your country's fault we all left cunt
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Is this the bill thread?
I bet they have already planned the commie blocks they are going to build for you in Gazza.
It was more you stabbed your mate for a pint of guinness after a hard day canal digging.
I'm glad you guys are finally understanding this.
Catholic migrants buried wasp culture in US and paved the way for all the "melting pot" horseshit.

The audacity of these leprecauns to act like they weren't in the first wave of unacceptable immigration...
It opens the door for shitskins to come in and claim "American" as their ancestry too. Niggers have been here a long time anon, if you open the door, technically they can get in. So it's good to keep your European ancestry with it.
Im kind of a special case in this country so it's hard for me to fit in. I have Gaulic celt, Norman, Basque (that's how I got Rh- blood) Anglo-Saxon, and Scottish in me.
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No building in gaza for foreseeable future. All migrants & displaced will arrive in Europe courtesy of jewishleftist ngos
no it's more you ate all the 4 hundred billion tonnes of grain because you are all fat bong pigs.

guinness is proddy piss anyway
And you cunts will all be heading for England expecting us treat you like brothers.
There's a difference between an invader and indentured servant. Big difference.
Yeah we are a last bastion but that will be under attack. A lot of Midwestern towns are getting spics and Mexicans now. Brazilians showing up too.

I could easily live in Alaska but I think the daylight in winter would depress me.
You should really look into that. I would survive on fishing alone in Alaska.
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Australia producing food is 100% the cause of the poo epidemic destroying the world.
You talk of Catholics as if they're foreign. Your mob are the fuckwits who decided to create division between Christians because your fat mong king couldn't keep his dick in one woman. Protestantism is false and is a perpetual cope, fuck any anglo or scot who unironically subscribes to it
>Lewis Charles Levin (November 10, 1808 – March 14, 1860) was an American politician, newspaper editor and anti-Catholic social activist.
The Know Nothing party was founded and ran by a jew
Don't care, Boston is for the Irish.
SE Alaska doesn't have those problems. It stays around 32 degrees in the winter and 70 in the summer because of the Tongass. Its perfect.
Retarded. It's you cunts that are frothing for Irish passports since you got conned into trading Romanian and Polish migrants for more Indians and Arabs
I dunno man once you start going further north than Manitoba there's a sharp decline in daylight winter hours. You'll likely notice it remember Alaska is almost arctic territory.
Kek, England is Gaza unless you sit on Hadrian's Wall
No one will ever see a brown man as an american unless they are a ramaswamy type, and he can pass as a WASP if he really wanted to.
None of mine were refugees, they were prisoners. We aren’t the same
Even an Irishman could have been the leader of the Know Nothings as long as he opposed catholicism and supported anglo dominance. Its similar to how JFK larped as a WASP and managed to fit in amongst them despite being a purebred irish catholic.
Pakis are frothing at the mouth for Irish passports. The Irish loved immigrants until someone told them they were British.
Well, then it would just be more sleep kek.
That's what they said about Italians.
kek, keep coping you stupid goy
The pope sold out christianity by selling bonds and using the church to wield control and abuse power over european society. Non-denominational is the only way forward the way I see it.
America fell as soon as the Irish and kikes got into office. I have mixed feelings on Anglos but they are undoubtedly the founding stock
>Do they not realize that they are descendants of invaders themselves in their definition?
No. Either slaves or refugees
Right, Kennedy- pure blood line of the Irish
>America fell as soon as the Irish and kikes got into office
I wouldnt blame a single ethnic group for America falling, I just cant see any logic behind blaming the Irish for its current situation. It was a group effort and we all failed.
Most of them pretended they'd died in the potato famine that affected the whole of Northern Europe.
I spent time in North Canada during winter once. Blizzard conditions for a week and really short days it felt like Antarctica. You could adapt if you really wanted to depends where you are from.
For me the only issue is blizzards and lack of sunlight in winter, I could make it a refuge but I'm too lazy kek
Why are you sucking yourself off?
Why are you wearing the flag of a nation you destroyed?
I don't trust the Irish, never have and never will. I hate the larp bullshit in March and the Irish never contributed anything great in Europe. They just showed up and assumed the role of an Anglo in our political sphere pretty much how kikes introduced themselves.
The fact of the matter is that the Irish mongs & the Italians/Poles etc did not integrate into WASP culture like the protestant Germans/Nords did. Thus what should have been a beautiful protestant ethnostate was ultimately doomed to become a multi-ethnic hell hole.
Whats your problem with Italians? You love jews.
they are white tho. its ok.
Good question. My great grandfather left Germany after it was destroyed in the 40s. He came to live with extended family here so I'm not alienated to Germany.
He supported the right side before you ask but he had no future there.
He had some really cool originals of where he grew up in Germany before the war
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Glownigger migrants
Good answer.
Your reading comprehension sucks Giovanni.
I mean Italians have a significant amount of jewish dna, so whats the issue?
Fact of the matter has always been - fuck off. 2000 years and a marriage
>Germans and Nords

We are incredibly autistic I'm not going to lie. Germans and Nords are almost impossible to anger or excite at least the ones I'm used to. Ideal for a peaceful civic minded ethno state
Ashkenazis have Polish dna too. Why aren't you kissing their feet, anglo?
I live in the midwest and have the Euro flags of my origin Brit, German, French. Along with a giant Colonial flag. It causes a lot of seethe because here in the midwest it is literally still Americana of old with 95% white population. These European Americans still eschew their European ancestry and adopt an American Identity only.
Atlantian Irish - try and beat them, you know how it goes. They will pull magic on your arse
The Irish are apparently the only Whites left with any self-respect.

Why aren't they fully globo-homo like every other White western country?

They are for instance the only non Zionist country actively and loudly supporting Palestine.

Is it really all just the anti-English chip on their shoulder?
>actively and loudly supporting Palestine.
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I hate the inclusion of Mosley in these memes of Anglo complicity with ZOG.

Mosley was a patriot who opposed British aggression against Germany and opposed the Zionist Occupation Government. He went to jail for his beliefs and his actions, refusing to go along.
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Nigel, Nigel, Nigel...
Yes, Chaim.
Fuck ZOG.

Israel must be destroyed.
Denounce the Talmud.
The irish ruined america
Nyc here, can confirm. Met a German old couple that were frenly to me and hugged me uWu got free brarwurst!
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It is mostly because of his looks I think. He had a right idea but failed, probably just a stepping stone on the way
Mmm My Cromwell
>actively and loudly supporting jews.
You don't have to support jews or shitskins if you're white.
This confuses and enrages the american.
lmao kys mong.
East coasters can barely be considered American. They lack the pioneer spirit.
>masked glownigger faggots.
Unlike literally every "american" jew that has a german sounding surname lmao bum.
Germanics can live by themselves. I dont want to live with Celtics no offense.
You people are chaotic, disorganized, angry and rude.
Thousand years ago I told the pope that I took all the money from a jew exchange and killed all in the practice usery. The popy sent a army against me!
You post like a scared little jew fag who would get battered saying anything irl
>angry and rude.
Let's just take a moment to admire this grand example of cognitive dissonance.
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>Irish in Boston
OP doesn't know.
Just look at your reply nigger. The Irish can't even look civilized in text. You are niggers the Anglos were always right about you. Niggers
You sound like
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Wahhh no u muh niggers
Too many Irish faggots posting on \pol lately. All niggery talk but the facts speak for themselves you never build or did anything worthwhile for you entire existence. You benefited from Anglos and other Germanics work
You "Germans" love to stare at people, that's rude.
And your women are fat, ugly with attitude problems.
This is (You)
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And you Irish sure like to trash neighborhoods and act like chimps.
Ok, you are a kike who's upset at the recent protests.
Poor stone people
You're about as subtle as that huge nose of yours
I'm talking about Chicago and New York. Every city you infested turned into a shithole. I don't really care about your island or people, even bongs are contaminated with your blood by now and there's barely any real Anglos left.
The same will happen to you
I'm Boston Irish and I have nothing else in my except a little Norse. Fuck off. The town I grew up in was 100% Irish and now it's being invaded.
Ahh yes, the infamous Irish causing problems in Chicago.
The only people who care about Ireland are fat Irish American larpers who I cannot tolerate and the people living there. I don't care for either of them I'm more worried about Germany and maybe the Scandinavian countries.
Look at your own cities and crime. You can't see a correlation between chimpout and crime? It's your DNA and it was always incompatible in Germanic nations
>The anti kike remedy thats so simple most people are too dumb to do it
You know what's funny? I'm more Aryan than you.
Mystery meat.
>Do they not realize that they are descendants of invaders themselves in their definition?
europeans create livable societies that brown people envy and fight over visas for
they go as far as abandoning their families to get a chance to live amongst the White Man
Seems you are shit!
We make songs of the like -
Blow hard doubt tried its cannal
The Irish aren't Aryans you fucking retard.
You are a short impulsive darkhaired race with anger issues. That's all and I know my entire line of ancestors and I'm entirely from Germanic stock. NO IRISH
Your American side is showing. We have more Corded Ware dna than the Germans.
Stop pretending you are Anglo or Germanic stock
The Irish induced feelings of disgust in people for centuries just because you kiked money from America doesn't mean you are any different now
Who gives a fuck about your corded ware ancestry. Whatever mix you are its pretty degenerate but thanks for telling us
I think you mean “wops”
memeflaggot = jew d&c
Alright, stay mad, good luck
Lad - your DNA is pulsing
Maybe you should stay in Ireland and take back all the trash you sent here illegally.
You don't integrate either with your fucking pubs and loud obnoxious uncivil mannerism
Peace out
Good night pussy
thread theme
Why do america presidents claim to be Irish? America started Northern Ireland.
It's only for votes nobody cares about the Irish. Most of us are tired of hearing about you and kikes
I feel the same way when I see Germanic scum like you as well.
Then stay out of our countries
The Irish aren't white. They're too stupid to realize your point. Like niggers, they've been fed an oppression narrative so that makes them believe they're victims no matter what. Even in that means replacing the WASP population in a city.
But you are still here me lad
They got jobs learned english and integrated they didn't just show up and ask for gibs
There is no such thing as natives. We all replaced amoeba.
Our land? Irish were living in America alongside the British long before your ilk turned up.
PA are called Pennsylvania Dutch.
G'night mate lets put another shrimp on the barbie
No you weren't. The Irish were late arrivals everywhere in the new world and Anglos hated you. Just like the Jew you subverted politics and forced people out of neighborhoods
Take the meme flag off, let’s see who we are talking to.
Keep Odin's eye on the prize. Jew hates continually
It doesn't mean they shouldn't Living in an area The whole world is peace instead ability but then works at the same time to destroy all peace and all The whole world is peace instead ability but then works at the same time to destroy all peace and also ability
Have another bong cunt
He's wearing a foreign flag while staying loyal to the country that defeated it. He's a dumbass.
You know what happens to Traitors
Why does it bother you? I don't support our globohomo Zionist government I don't even want to vote.
Anyway you're Irish you aren't my people and I could care less for you people. The only thing about trump I like is that he will take back our jobs that you ungrateful shits took off us
Irish supported Hitler right?
They were also against Anglos
more like
>people farming just fine
>jews come in like wal-mart and start undecutting everybody 300:1 because they use slave labor
>farmers forced to adapt or lose their farms
100% of the time, its jews every single time.
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I just don't care anymore man, total Goidelic supremacy, I'm tired of downplaying my race to appease others that don't have the strength to save themselves
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mutts think irish are brits, french, portuguese or spanish
Scott had to peek in
Why should white people nitpick about their ancient European heritage? In America there is white, mongoloid, and nigger. Nobody gives a fuck if you are Italian or Irish or Polish or some inbred old stock WASP.
Science can fuck off - calling me a monkey.
Ireland actually had a famine you cocksucker
By who? Seething anglo loyalist unionists? Yeah ok
Yes, we support Palestine because even browns have a right to not have their homeland fucked with by kikes. When they get their homeland back, they can fucking stay there.
Then we can send Irish Americans back and take Americans jobs back here.
I'm sick of Irish faggots seethin online when we had to take you unwashed fucks through Ellis island for two centuries.
Ghettoes in New York, Chicago and its the same for bongs who'se blood youve contaminated by such mass immigration to there. Suck it up faggots
Yes they are. They are genetically one of the most Aryan people in Europe, more so than the Germans and English. It is a fact. And their culture still retains many Aryan customs long dead in the rest of Europe. The Aryans were brutal conquerors who had a fierce fighting spirit. You can still see this today in the Irish. You are a pussyfied non aryan brownoid
You aren't Aryan you inept technologically backward creeps. The Indo Aryans didn't even have your haplogroups.
You were technologically stagnant for thousands of years and you killed off the swarthy natives that built stone henge and new grange fort.
You were just barbarian niggers that moved there a few thousand years and and produced nothing ever since.
>The Aryans were brutal conquerors who had a fierce fighting spirit

Niggers that destroy cities and neighborhoods. The Irish in south Chicago, if that's Aryan then the Aryan brotherhood is for white niggers.
Brownoid cope denying reality
Nothing I have said is wrong I'm well versed on European history. You came America and acted like niggers you can see it hostility of your show in the comments. Genetic trash like the rednecks we have in the south
You're just a little effeminate soi latte sipping cuck handbag of a man who is afraid of men with testosterone
Your version of acting a man is how niggers act. That's why you are still associated with violent criminality because of your history in New York gangs. We need to clean the gene pool and you aren't desireable
>y-you're LE NIGGERS!
Cope and seethe anglocuck
Anglos don't exist anymore because their blood was heavily polluted with Irish immigration. Look at how Britain started to deteriorate since the 1800s
How much Gaelic DNA do you have? You seem irrationally angry. Maybe you have a significant amount? You mutts are a bit of everything which causes low impulse control and low IQ
lol fuck off moshe
divide and conquer kikes, ignore.
>How much Gaelic DNA do you have?
None and i am grateful for that. Your Gaelic DNA is the reason why achieved so little in the entire of history.
Show me some famous Gaelic inventers I mean pure bloods
Are you from Liverpool isn't that the most unstable city in England? High crime, violence and unrest and a lot of Irish DNA.
How come everywhere they move becomes a shithole but that doesn't happen when Germans move somewhere?
We invented the stick. STFU bitch or you'll get pummelled into the ground
Thought so stone age aggression tactics and nigger behaviour they are calling Aryan warrior spirit now holy kek
If you lowlives hadn't infested us the same way the kikes did I wouldn't care.
Silence, darkoid.
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Last chance
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>You aren't Aryan you inept technologically backward creeps. The Indo Aryans didn't even have your haplogroups.
Meh, who wants English Sassenach in their town anyway?
Normally Americans with a Celtic cross are either cringelords or imprisoned criminals.
I look forwards to hearing their bardic epics in Gaelic and their harps and fiddles.
Obviously the Indo Aryans weren't the most intelligent. You behave and act uncivilized compared to other Europeans so there's obviously a missing component.
That proves you aren't native to Ireland and belong in Poland with your Slav blood cousins
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Never trust a Celt.
Kike rat
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Celtic people don't care about race. It's all culture, in Britain where Celts come from anyway. You can marry in to it but you can't marry out of it so you'd better love your heritage while the English still secretly think you're whiggers.
>Indo Aryans weren't the most intelligent

Most Europeans are indo aryans.

>uncivilized compared to other Europeans

How so? You sound like such a effette queer.
The Saxons destroyed their genetics when they married into the Celts.
Miscegenation is a horrid
>How so? You sound like such a effette queer.

That sounds really niggerish. Insults just before the chimpout
No you fucking retarded nigger lover.
They definitely wouldn't accept niggers as Americans.
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Cerdic was right.
It's too late for the UK you miscegenated heavily with the Irish not just native Britons. Britain would never have been a super power if the Saxons never arrived
90%+ of the British & Irish genome has only been here ~4000 years and therefore has common ancestry with other Northwest Europeans anyway.
The founding fathers were British Republicans
White trash.
it’s weird, some irish guys look really italian. same build, same features. might be the israelite blood.
southie? dorchester? quincy?
Boston is white and Asian, keep it simple, stupid. Nice little Lebanese contingent, too.

Kill all niggers.
It was originally Germanic before any of this shit immigrated here. America was built by Anglo Saxons for Saxons and Germanics. It's funny how it fell apart when kikes, catholic ((Celts)) and spics showed up.
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Stay mad
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Cope, seethe, dilate.
White doesn't go far enough faggot. I want the Celts separated from Germanics. Even our white population fell apart when we miscegenated with Barbarian Celts. I see an Irish mixing with a Dane as disgusting as a nigger mixing with a Dane.
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Yes, they look totally different to the Germanics who are all albinos.
Celts have that retard low IQ soft featured look. Their characters are as weak and untrustworthy as their jawlines
True. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who viewed only northern Germans and English people as the only actual White people. Germanic people from North-West Europe founded the United States.
Northern Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians.
Frisians in particular are excellent stock
Look what happened to the Saxons when they miscegenated with the native Britons and Irish they become a violent drunk welfare state. It's disgusting how people only point out nigger miscegenation when the rest are equally as dangerous
They're retards.

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