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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>475719840

▶Day: 884 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

> EU transfers 1.5 billion euros from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine
> Russia's central bank hiked its key interest rate by 200 basis points to 18% on Friday as it grapples with high inflation and an overheated economy
> Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
> The ambassadors of the EU agreed to provide Ukraine with 4.2 billion euros in budget aid from the EU
> GUR hacked the banking system of the Russian Federation: Sberbank, Raiffeisen and Alfa Bank are down
> Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, but it should be an "honest dialogue" - Kuleba
> Russian Shahed drone attacked the Romanian village of Plaura
> Andrei Torgashov, deputy chief of the radio center of the military satellite communications unit, was blown up in Moscow.
> A Spanish court sentenced a retired man to 18 years in prison for sending a series of booby-trapped letters to embassies of Ukraine and the United States at the end of 2022
> Kuleba visits China
> Su-25 eternal flight over Donetsk region
> Hungary will not be allowed to host a strategic EU meeting next month because of Orbán’s self-proclaimed “peace mission” trips to moscow and Beijing without the union’s authority
> The Parliament of Ukraine extended martial law and general mobilization for 90 days from August 12 to November 9, 2024
> Ukraine to ban Lukoil from sending oil to Hungary and Slovakia via the Druzhba pipeline
> The governor of Belgorod region Gladkov instructed the heads of municipalities to go to the homes within 15 km border zone and persuade people to leave - RIA


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmed losses)

Total Zigger Death
Total Elf Love
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Want proof how dead old /pol/ really is look at pic related. This soifaced homo with eyeliners literally wrote a book about hillbilly life where he writes about fucking his couch while talkin about sucking dicks with his "mamaw". Like old /pol/ would be all over this zesty buck memeing him to hell and back. Yet because the glavset bitches and their turdie cum guzzlers got marching orders to ignore him as he damages trump campaign with his zestiness

I specifically went to the archives and searched for "couch". While it did find 16 breads about it all of them were either no reply slide breads or at max -100 reply screeching immediately derailing it with "ol' oakland kam'"(kek)
More money for hohols?
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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory:
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am all-finished.
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Previously on SFB
>>475052201 >>475052265
Possible FATF sanctions against Russia
>>475052371 >>475052413
Buryatia highway bridge collapsed
The Ministry of Finance is falling further behind the borrowing plan
>>475052567 >>475052605
KamAZ's profit collapsed 20fold
>>475052681 >>475052723
Trade with China has become a gamble
The ex-head of the Moscow Department of Culture, arrested for bribery, is going to war
Russian imports are still declining
>>475052908 >>475052943
Russia lost 3 trillion rubles worth of imports due to payment problems
>>475053019 >>475053055
Communist policies in real time
>>475053114 >>475053149 >>475053196
Majority of Russians will repay mortgages after retirement
>>475053234 >>475053270
UAE bank stopped accepting transfers in dirhams from Russia
>>475053384 >>475053428 >>475053466 >>475053501
Russians' debt grew by a trillion rubles in a month
>>475053560 >>475053596 >>475053638
Arkady Volozh cut ties with Russia
>>475053791 >>475053823
Residents of Krasnodar came out to protest
>>475053856 >>475053893
The government has increased duties on goods from “unfriendly” countries
>>475053948 >>475053983

>>475054711 >>475054767 >>475054820 >>475054860 >>475054903 >>475054954 >>475054991 >>475055037 >>475055085 >>475055135 >>475055169 >>475055250
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So what’s the point of continuing this astroturfed general now that jew boi has admitted jewkraine is surrendering?
Reminder that the redditspacing tranny isn't an american, but a rusnigger on a VPN lmao.

Because they won't let their own countries fall to GLOBOHOMO...
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>media is too big
did he fuck it ?
You could have just said two more weeks, but you just had to pretend you are retarded.
holy shit do you even have a life dude? each time I decide to catch up with this war in uhg, you are ALWAYS here
it's sad really
I will be so happy when this general loses its relevance. Russia is not backing down. Fuck your jew president and fuck azov jew lovers.

T. No filter fag
Slovak anon here. I am in thailand for a vacation and its full of ziggers. Like 90% of the tourists are russhits. Can anyone explain?
Also every restaurant is indian wtf thailand
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>t. doesn't know how to regardspost
Shitskins supporting Russia isn't a surprise. Enjoy your vacation.
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Eternal flight
It already has. Great place to collect salt from hohols though.
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sehr gut
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It's ok. Russia is funding Ukraine too in the Total Zigger Death
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The money is going down the " Parasha " as we speak ! ! !
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>vpn katsaps talking to each other
grim. the absolute state of glavset
These two niggers always talk to each other circlejerking about two more weeks. Nothing out of the ordinary.
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>vpn katsaps talking to each other
Its the good old "svinodvoechka" tactic
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Putin can't retreat because it would be the end for him. Luckily for him Russians are used to their regime sending Russians to die for them so the Total Zigger Death continues
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Rate this toss
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If only you knew how brown things really are
> dipped to less than 1k dead mobiks
> increased in combat vehicles & drones destroyed instead
I like this new strategy, seems the metal's more important than the meat nowadays
nu-/pol/ is a dead, raped shithole. First MIGApedes with their chabad handlers came to shill for zognald, now Z-kikes here kvetch about hohols 24/7 and defend kiketin with jewlon musk.
8/pol/ was basically the last good thing.
so anyway, what was your reaction to katsap money being used to kill katsaps?
mine was:
Michael Bay but real/10
>Ukraine killing Ukrainian
What are you trying to prove Taras?
I assume golf carts go to the "vehicles" category
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It is indeed very ironic
>those were Ukrainian rusniggers
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One of the best
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>Sorry Ivan but you are Taras now
Bruh, modern internet is brown and botted to shit
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> "Fucking finally."
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>old /pol/ that jerks it to catboys would be all over...
anon, fucking a couch IS "old /pol/"
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>seems the metal's more important than the meat nowadays
It’s mostly their last two attacks in the last two days
>fuck you hato Jewish nazis
You will never be white
Turk bvlls will remove ethnic Russians from Central Asia just like Putin removes them from Russia
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But .. not the best
Frieren is made for Biggu Aryannu Cocku
What lack of spare parts does to a zigga, lel

Useless turtle tanks are useless.
Those are troop transports, and they're full. It's unclear what happened to the parties inside, but we should assume that if vehicles were able to retreat, then a good number of soldiers made it to unload, and effectively pushed defacto control. Whether that helps them, different discussion.
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You can't sleep and burn there
Proof ?
Russia talked about this first on TV.
WHy would they risk sycj lying ?
Holy fuck, he's actually asleep while burning.
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lazy fucking peons
you can't just admit you were trolling and start a season 2
it doesn't work that way. it's not the same
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>WHy would they risk sycj lying ?
You’re serious here ?
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All drampf had to do is get Hailey as VP. But the listened to the VC kikes instead. Serves him right
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When you do everything right, but ..
>applies the tourniquet BELOW the wound
uuuh huh
the 2nd drone was probably unnecessary

I hope the drones get cheaper by the month...
It's amazing how clueless these tards are. They literally pull a random yokel from some village, hand him bunch of riced gear and tell him to denazify hohols while they have no idea how to even apply a tourniquet.
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they sure are special
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>spawn camping
Why are Ukrainians so dishonorable
>WHy would they risk sycj lying ?
To show the serfs they can lie to their face and they won't do anything about it.
What are you babbling about ?
Some macronist try to impersonate me maybe
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>Why are Ukrainians so dishonorable
why not
I wonder what would happen if the Chinese Firewall fell and the Chinese learnt English. Imagine 800 million Chinese spreading onto every Western site.
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kek them doing retarded things will never stop being funny.
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>gets 1 in million chance to save his life
>not smart enough to exploit it
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>while they have no idea how to even apply a tourniquet
At least, he managed to get it out
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Militia view: Urbanites are no better, it's just the big brain people in the higher education tracks that are noticeably quicker.

But of course training should teach the basics.
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exterminating russians is a honorable deed in itself, zigger. The guy's reaction at the end says it all. Go cry about it LMAO
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>kek them doing retarded things will never stop being funny.
amen to that!
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He was clearly sarcastic.
Killing russian homos ain't dishonorable

> Captcha: GAY0
This guy just fumbled. If he ran out, he'd be safe from the grenade, but he might have gotten fucked by overwatch instead.
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>Some macronist try to impersonate me maybe
No french in the thread, yeah sure !
I lost count of how many times I thought THAT only to be proven wrong soon after. Sorry, not taking chances. Single-post nonsense like that more often than not is zigger seethe
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freshly rekt Pantsir-S1 somewhere in Kherson region
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Guys we lost a LOT of ground yesterday, are we going to be okay?
Niu York isn't looking good.
The area around Avdiivka is basically completely gone.
Robotyne is a lost cause.
Krynky bridgehead is never coming back.
The area west of Bakhmut is a lost cause.
Pischane just got fucked up and looks like we're not doing anything to stop them.
Vovchansk and the cities around it are completely destroyed.
We're running out of men left and right and the conscripts are getting older and quite frankly unfit for battle.
The foreign legion is facing dwindling numbers, no one wants to help us.
Kyiv has power problems constantly, so does Odessa.
Our 1337 boat drones can't operate any more.
f16s HAVENT been delivered!!!
wtf why does everyone hate us?
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>Check what's happening on the front
>Another round of gains
>Another kotel forming
When will this end? It's been literal months of daily gains from Russia.
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>"hey that grenade toss wasn't dumb enough"
fair enough
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what air defense doing- ah right
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>kek them doing retarded things will never stop being funny.
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Stinky, stinky~
This is not being retarded, this is just the mysterious puccian spirit at work.
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>that old screenshot again
>ziggers continue to be mindblown by the fact that Ukrainian fighters are allowed to retreat and continue fighting rather than just getting cubed
many such cases
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Ook ook aah aah!
Right now, Ukraine is trading land for Russian tanks and bodies. At the current rate, Russia will run out of tanks and men within the year. Combine that with the F16s attacking Russian target, S400s, you will see a total Russian collapse/civil war.
>here's how retreating is actually winning
why are we like this bros? do better.
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>Open sources indicate that the unit cost of the Pantsir missile system ranges from $13.15 million to $14.67 million in export markets.
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As usually, gets rekt.
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Fake numbers, just look at what General Syrskyi says about the matter, you have to be braindead to believe these are real or you have to alternatively believe Russian industry is insanely good that this is possible, its safe to say that 10% of these numbers are realistic, Ukraine is getting dominated
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>freshly rekt Pantsir-S1 somewhere in Kherson region
It’s not that one ?
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>Guys we lost a LOT of ground yesterday
how much is a lot?
Yes, yes, we know, elastic defense is unknown technology to you. Now get cubed.
>hawk tuah girl in videos
can we do better guys? embarrassing.
Around three fiddy
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>Fake numbers
It's over
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You imbeciles are wasting 1000+ pidors a day for THIS lmao
webm says that one is near donetsk
probably a different one
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>2022 was literally the best year for Ziggers
Get excited for 2025. r*ssia is going to get even more embarrassed. They'll start celebrating capturing singular villages after quarter million losses.
2 weeks, right? lmao cope and delusion
I miss wow
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fuck off back to your containment thread, subhuman
>he believes that number
kek pottery
The Kharkov front is about to collapse.
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I believe my eyes, subhuman. I'm watching you animals die every day
I played the current patch for a bit and it's a completely different game. In a bad way.
lmao now show the ukrane population numbers.
Weak bait 0/10
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>can we do better guys?
Yes, you can
Village by village or city street by city street. A win is a win. I will celebrate if it took Russia 1000 men to take a single blade of grass.
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why is his head like that?
>no weapon
He was probably a medic. Nothing else and yet Ukraine killed him anyway. Is this really what the West is condoning?
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Most definetly, be honest now do you actually believe Ukraine killed 573 300 people? Considering that after wounded are added to that its approximately 1,5 million casualties, cmon not even people in this general can be that stupid? According to the fake statistics Ukraine has already killed/wounded every person in the russian army, including the pen pushers who never touch rifles, the kitchen staff too
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>immediately decends into gibberish
this one's cooked. send in a new one
the wow addiction left a hole I cannot fill by any game, even today's wow
Vanilla, TBC, WotLK... true crack of gaming
I think this one acked himself
Mindblown by glorious Russian patriotism
but I didn't make the gay meme
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btw before that question comes up again, the exit wound is here
kek, show the population of ukraine in 2020 vs 2024. It's simple english retard.
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>less than 1K dead ziggers
Ukraine needs to do better

cute pig

they do be like that

>mfw when
Does /uhg/ denounce the Talmund and call for total kike death?
If only you guys hang on for a little bit more.. a year or two. YOU can really hurt russian economy.. please somebody take care that demonrats win in USA. we need them for just one cadency, then they can go to hell
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sorry, best I can do is general total semite death
If you were even a little bit informed, you would know that these are the KIA, WIA and MIA
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of course they don't, ever single person posting low quality gifs/webms here is a paid shillnigger.
be prepared to be called brown
Same. More dead Ziggers please.
By forcing Ukraine to divert some of its best fighters away from the LDPR front, it's not hard to see how all it takes is a little push by the Russian Army to trigger a complete rout by the Ukrainian defenders given that most units are ran by a skeleton crew of recently freed convicts, women, and the disabled.
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>do my job for me because I'm too retarded to shill by myself
lolno. You want some facts about certain populations? Here you go. You may now call this fake as it does not conform with your warped zigger mind
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btw - did mearshizo finally learn how to control his urge to do reddit spacing, or is this "american" vpnigger a different one?
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Everything is fine mom
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answer the question krautfag, what was the population of ukraine in 2020 vs now?
It's really simple. Are you not allowed to break your retarded script?
I thought it says eliminated?
Show population of r*ssia.
No shit the commander won't give out sensitive information to his subordinates.
He's peeing on it to put out the fire?
kek are you stupid can you even say that word? thanks for verifying you're a shill.
they just can't help thinking about penis
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>muh script
nice projection, especially when you're just throwing out random fragments of the usual propaganda garbage yourself.
i don't even know what exactly you want to hear, retard. that people happen to leave a country that is under invasion? a truly shocking realization - if you're a <70 IQ subhuman. You're not gonna distract from the fact that Ukraine would have to undergo 20 years of russification to even come CLOSE to being as fucked as you creatures are
yeah gotta admit that's pretty fucking cringe
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>He's peeing on it to put out the fire?
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Hans (but you're probably Oleg)
It's dead simple.
Show the class the population of ukraine in 2020.
Then show the class the population of ukraine in 2024.
It's super simple!
The Ukrainian Air Force is nonexistent and their drones are too small to register on the radar. So the Pantsir wasn't really doing much except tracking missile launches from Ukraine which probably wasn't alot in the Kherson direction so this really doesn't matter anyways.
Population of Russia has risen a couple million since 2020, mostly due to there being so many ukrainians who moved to Russia since the start of the conflict
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>The bigger country always wins against the smaller one, just like in my video games!
>medics never carry weapons, just like in my video games!
>camping is unfair, just like in my video games!
Just git gud like in your video games lol.
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Just answer the question, no retarded comments Oleg.
What was ukraine's population in 2020 vs 2024?
It's an easy one to google.
That's interesting, I wonder what kind of radar will be developed to detect small things like drones.
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They put him in a body bag to harvest the organs later on which will then be sold to American hospitals.
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I’m already shaking, my bag is already filled with waffles, fries and chocolate
that russian draft dodgers in turkey canada germany and australia tho
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unfortunately that would thansfer aids to the transplant recipient so no
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It's funny how before Biden leaving the president race, Kamala was seen as unelectable

With each passing day though, she's turning out to be really inconvenient for Trump. Simply because she has working pair of cells and is much younger. Oh how tables have turned on Sleepy Don KEK also it occurred to me she's damn inconvenient for pidor propaganda as well. If she would become president, having a relatively young woman being the face of the strongest country on planet Earth contrasted with old bald kike manlet is something pidors REALLY don't want to have. Best thing, she just needs to come out and say sensible stuff, like usual.
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Russia uses professional soldier these days, no need for draft exept for foreigners who are duped in to the front as an epic prank, here is ukrainian draft though, why are ukrainians so unwilling to join voluntarily?
If you exclude drug use, Russia has a low HIV rate and since soldiers can't use drugs that means they don't have HIV. In fact, the average Russian is much healthier than the average American, that is why Russian organs are so valued by them.
Well now...
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>If you exclude drug use
>Russia has a low HIV rate
>soldiers can't use drugs
>they don't have HIV
this is an ironic post, right?
lmao cool blog post rabbi
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>that is why Russian organs are so valued by them.
Not their liver in any case ..
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I’m gonna kick your .. Oh wait
russia is using 20y old pidors and getting the 18 and 16 years old ones ready
Please tell me the crew survived and made it back to base on their own power.
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>and made it back to base on their own power
Yeah, sure
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>professional soldiers
>be prepared to be called brown
such is a fate of a brown person
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Yeah, check this shill out. They really don't know what kind of angle to pick when presenting her to local pidors. Pidors are accustomed to think politics is big boys games, unreachable for peons, and women can only dream about it. She would be dismantling Kremlin's untouchable aura simply by breathing.
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At this stage, they will not have a football team until 2060
Yeah check out this shill.
He thinks Kamala is a gonna win. kek imagine my shock when a shillnigger from ukraine hiding in poooland is posting about a nigger lady.
cute & sexooo
lol lmao
imagine being ukranian in 2024 thou, it's a 3rd world country on the likes of Nigeria kek
lmao even.
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Nice and sexy, but how does she keep the balance ?
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>people happen to leave a country that is under invasion
Why they dont want to defend their country/home?
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Is everyone you disagree with a Ukrainian, mein nigger?
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Glad you mention that.
I mean it's more than likely you are a ukranian kek, fucking pussy hiding in another country.
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very good
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Well it's either her or Trump, and I can say chances are roughly 50/50. Not a rocket science.
now show the population of ukraine in 2020 vs 2024.
also do the comparison of ukraine vs nigeria
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Always double tap, just to be sure
You don't fool anyone, brahmin shit-eater
imagine even thinking kamala is a good choice
Kamala is IMO arguably even worse than Biden
You can see his rifle buried under him
>ur a pajeet now!!!
kek, you're opinion is discarded now!
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So, russlosers have lost another batch of su-34 on airfield in crimea.
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Missile alert in Crimea!
Please go out and film the AA immediately!
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No, I am a Ukrainian, I'm just wondering how brainrotted you are to assume that everyone who's here has to be a Ukrainian refugee.

So how about it? Is it "Everyone I dislike is Hitler: Z-Edition"?
I heard another S-300 battery was destroyed there too.
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> didn't disprove
>muh two more wks
best thing about this meme is the way it insulates you russian faggots from knowing just how shitty the future will be for you, just how much you've been fucked over and forced to give up.
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>You can see his rifle buried under him
Don't bother with him, Have we ever seen a Russian medic on the field
If nothing changes, I'll bake at 300. Send me your best gore to be featured in the OP.
Yes. Send more unarmed pidors, please
You sound upset. Was a member of your family or a close friend sent to the front lines and died?
sorry I don't talk with pussies who run away from their country and then act tough online LOL
Were those actually Su-34s?
>"sorry I don't talk to"
>talks to

Silly illogical nigger, KEKAROO.
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>Please sar do the needful and say X so I can post my Kremlin approved meme Y to counter you!
lmao you ran away like a faggot and even admitted to it, opinion discarded
My source ( voice in my head) says 5 su-34 were damaged/obliterated.
>still talks to

kek, every time.
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some of these probably got acked
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>terrible day and work, better rape 2 kids tonight instead of 1. That'll cheer me up

little boys from NK too, i bet
>Today there was an interview with a daughter of a man, who got ran over by a tank in Belgorod yesterday. Well, she spew shit like "of course I understand that we're living in such a time, but they could have at least come to his funeral". I.e. she's not worried about the fact that her father got ran over by a tank, doesn't demand punishment for that, nothing like that, she just wants for someone to go to her father's funeral. Literally nigger cattle population.
kek, this guy ran away from ukraine and wants you to think ukraine is winning white posting from the comfort of a host nation... smdh
Do you get in trouble with your curator if you don't reply?
CATTLE that must be exterminated, no other option
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Yes. Now what?
I'm sure she's mad at dad that he didn't die in the SMO zone
>ur a shill, i just KNOW IT
kek, ukraine is losing.
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>Orban squeals like a pig because hungary (literally piece of shit) cannot receive ruzzian oil
Austrian faggots are next I hope.
Just don't reply lmao
>le epic ragebait numero 82492
>it is going to work this time
good zoyim cattle learned not to criticize establishment
kek found another fat fuck loser shill who ran away to another country to avoid being put in a trench
>Oh no, I never wanted a war, have previously been displaced by war and I made a right calculation to leave. It's...bad, because it is, okay???
>a daughter of a man, who got ran over by a tank in Belgorod
Blyataman Square
lmaooooo cope levels over 9000
you are a pussy who ran away
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lel, nigger.
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>>475741003 >>47574154
might make some more then

she is simply /fit/
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Russcucks, you can't hide.
kek, yeah he sounds like a cowardly little nigglet
kek, you know what niggers do?
they run away from their problems.
therefore you're actually a nigger
Least obvious samefag
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>Oh noooo, a shill called me a nigger and does the moral kvetching shtick. It's so ZOVER.
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Thank you, God bless.
>Everybody I don't like is an Ukrainian
You would fit well with the twitter tranny kind
kek you're a literal nigger who ran away
and you're PROUD of it. god damn grim
>Le epic ragebait numero 82493
I thought you don't talk to him.
where are you from anon? what's your native language? I bet your name is Taras or Oleg
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Final (YOU) anon, make it count.
you ran away from ukraine like a little bitch
how does it feel to have a pussy?
>still no proof that Russia is a legitimate country
Its scary how precise drones maneuver, one could think getting behind a wall where a man cant enter would save you but damn those things are precise...
I am from Czech Republic and your name is retard.
>Le epic ragebait numero 82494
>I am in thailand for a vacation
Did you do it?
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>being overly concerned, obsessed even, by a ukranian choosing not to fight
>ignoring the fact that 1000 young russian men are getting greased every day

why are russians like this ? starting to think they may be shitty people, total fucking cunts even.
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It really shows that it's a paradigm shift. It seems like the modern era infantry is just completely outdated.
It's not even that. He fails to realize that his moralizing fails because I don't believe him to be a trustworthy actor. The moralization is hollow and hence, I can only chuckle at his attempts.
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Very professional
Did you suspect Biden will win the last time?
>why is a country that's famous for its ladyboys filled with people from a country famous for systematic faggotry
Gee I wonder why.
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so russia finances terrorist strikes on french soil and yet a rather popular french party wanted to stop military aid to the country currently efficiently murdering russians en masse?

I will literally never understand politics, so fuck it, for me? it's TZD
digits Checked.
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FUCKING BASED. you're quickly becoming one of my fav posters
Ben Garrison Slovak?
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Trump won't save him
Russians seem to care about Russian lives the least
Just now
far from it. with proper EW and anti-drone countermeasures this is a war of light infantry.
larger vehicles are most vulnerable to drone attack and mines and are not playing near as much of a role as squads of dudes with light weapons taking and holding positions.
it's just that the russians fucking suck at doing counter-drone so we get daily videos of their infantry dying horribly to them.
That's not a plan that would give peace in 24h like he promised though.
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Knee jerk reaction anon.
It was a honest question. I did not expect Biden to win. TZD before it was cool.
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A dead russian just means a shorter bread line for them
Where is that? Also there were missiles heading towards crimea
So more like the IED era on steroids?
You guys ready for Munich 2.0 in 5 minutes?
Bake is premade, anons, get it to 300, so that I can bake and fuck off.
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Biden dropped out, anon.
One more!
Fresh and tasty bread, get in.
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not at all. that era was heavily dependent on vehicles to patrol zones during an insurgency with occasional assaults to clear insurgents from the population in prepared ambushes in urban zones.
this is straight up conventional WWI-style trench warfare in the middle of fucking nowhere with clearly defined frontlines battling over small terrain features 100 yards at a time. the drones are filling the role that light artillery and trench mortars used to.
I mean in 2020. He seamed a "we have no one else" candidate.
There were others, democrats were just retarded. Tulsi was nice.
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easy I'm not russian kek, you guys need medication.
>it doesn't matter anyway
>multimillion dollar equipment
>getting dunked on with pics
Maximum cope, try wearing a rope
>Global Health Data Exchange
Gonna tell you a secret. No one knows (apart from the ministry of health) how many people are with HIV in Russia.
What we do to measure Russia HIV is calculate a figure based in how much we hate them, and apply this number to the previous number of know HIV patients.
It's an absolute travesty, but no one actually read the footnote of those research.

This been said, the number could be bigger, but most likely the number is probably way lower than this as drug use has been drastically reduced since the 90's (the best thing about drug users is that they don't last for shit).

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