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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Donald Trump is a 6 foot baboon fueled by a diet of unrefined Zionist Cum. He's literally made of zionist cum that he digests and forms into the cells that make up his body. He is the voice of zionist cum
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For the millionth time, /pol/ doesnt care. We accept he’s a Jew. That makes us Jews too.
Still voting for Trump though.
Ive been hearing everywhere that Trump supporters suck bloody baby dicks.

is that true?
G-d bless Israel
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the anti Trump, pro KamelToe shit the last few days is hilarious to watch. KamelToeHoe4President campaign has had to have spent about $10mil the last week across all social media, media, bot handlers, ect to push this much propaganda in this amount of time.
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>Ive been hearing everywhere that Trump supporters suck bloody baby dicks.
>is that true?
no but there are some radical Jews that do
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Still voting for great-grandpa-Trump
Kamal will win

You're scared and I'm laughing

Zionists lose again. Get fucked. Your stranglehold on the Western world is ending and we will leave you to the victims of your crimes.

Fuck pissrael
Fuck Trump
Fuck zionism
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Don’t care Ahmed still voting Trump
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>Implying the Pajeeta with the Jewish husband isn't a Zionist too
MIGA you zionist cum slurping retards
same jidf shills in every thread >>475739545
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I’m voting for Trump to increase jew hatred
It can't be organic. It feels Reddit at best.
Thanks for sharing this

Hello IDF faggot, your fake country will soon be Muslim land
Keep seething grifted faggot. I'll stick to voting for Trump in November, and you can stick to be a useful idiot who can't think for himself.
Kamala has a jew husband, shill
Okay, voting Trump still.
>you can stick to be a useful idiot who can't think for himself.
Hahahahahah. Drumpfnigger cope. Israel is finished

Until Israel is gone, no white country is safe. Step 1: remove Israel. Step 2: declare your control is white only.

This is the only path to survival for Europeans. USA has fallen and so has most of Europe. Jews
>>Ive been hearing everywhere that Trump supporters suck bloody baby dicks.
>>is that true?
>no but there are some radical Jews that do
well, just putting 2 and 2 together here. it does sound a lot like Trump supporters all suck bloody baby dicks, since the MAGA movement is the most jewish movement in the history of the country.
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Make Israel Great Again!
Yes, all politicians you can vote for suck Jew cock. Only way to fix it is assassinations and violent revolution.
Yes voting for the brown nigger jeet woman is somehow advancing the interests of white men. You glow so hard
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still voting trump
Not fair OP! He makes room for nigger cum too. Don't you remember the platinum plan? Don't you remember when he pardoned a bunch of nigger rappers and not his jan 6 supporters right before he left office? The nigger cum is his Ying to the kike cum yang
Biden won the jew vote. Sounds like some pro pali democrats seething in the chat
hes literally eating pork in your pic
Tell us to vote for a nigger jeet woman again anon. Tell us how you are based. Hahahahahahaha
take meds discord troon
Keep giving consent to the kikes ruling over you by vooting harder. It makes you a very smart and powerful boy.
You came from discord. I’m the one repeating what we have been saying for eight years
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Super cool story bro. Still voting trump
Kek alright nigger jeet lover
Are you being intentionally dense? No one says to vote of the other candidate that is also sucking Jew cock. The problem is that Trump is not on our side either. He pushed the jab, he did not drain the swamp and he's a Jew puppet that supports Israel and faggots. Democracy is a joke, and you are not forced to vote for any of the kike puppets. Instead if you want to help your country, take some action that would make a real change. Voting will not.
Best goem ever. Eats trash, drinks jewjewcum
yeah we know, that's why we supported ron paul before hating Israel was stolen by the commies
Still voting Trump
Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer are DNC shills
sorry are you a Trump supporter? I don't talk with people like you who suck bloody baby dicks.
>Biden sucks more Jew cock than Trump
>Meaning we'll vote for Trump despite admitting we know he sucks Jew cock
You guys are pathetic. You do know there are other candidates than kike puppets right? And there are other options than voting?
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My name isn't trump so I don't suck off niggers or shill for millions of jeet codeshitters coming to America. Let me guess, they're based because they're legal? It's not 2015 anymore, you are a subhuman if you are still getting fooled by this conman
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Your post looks like Thomas Crooks gab account, you're not planning anything are you faggot?
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Now he's black...o shit DEFINITELY voting for him now
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I didn't need to post because everybody already covered the bases. You missed. TKD. Still Voting Trump.
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they're also some of the richest, filled by the beautiful estates of the wealthy. vermont in particular is like nothing but that. that they can be considered blue states is testament to the fact democrats have been in charge for a while and current mistaken policies are therefore largely theirs. you are the wealthy, you are the baddies.

>what makes money now?
the economy is over 60% computers and internet, most of the businesses involved are less than 50 years old and were started by leftists. you called it on how the world would go and used the power to do so many failed policies you're already being put out before the technology is even a full human lifetime old, which itself has severe sociological consequences. you needed to do a lot better, honestly your dreams died in Obama's 2nd term when he became evil. I voted for him twice, now I'm a Trumper, it's only a matter of time. I can't believe he didn't close Guantanamo the stupid piece of shit. Why, because it would make us look decent for once? Fucking asshole.
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Palestinians deserve every bad thing that happens to them
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Yeah and when they're done with the Palestinian goyim they'll still be flooding your country with wetbacks and niggers, you absolute retard
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OK OP. You are part of the racist cool club now.
> Let's implement trannie hour in schools.
> Let's import more shit skins
> Let's economically ruin our white people.
> Let's replace white people
> Pajeet president.
> Woman president
You are definately king hitler OP thank you for exposing
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>voting for a walking bag if jew cum
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deport the Jews? Nah, that was the same mistake Hitler made. Deporting them will not work. They need to be wiped out in every single country or else they will just regroup and use other countries to destroy you or enter your country again in a few years.
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It's so weird the kind of cognitive dissonance people have here. We all hate jews, Trump kisses up to jews, but people defend him for it? I don't understand, if you have any integrity you wouldn't cast your lot in with a zionist shill, and sadly for America that usually ends up being both of the two big candidates.
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>Trump is frowning, even in the shooped pic
>Biden is grinning
I'll let the truth speak for itself.
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Joe already dropped out, get new material. What even is your plan, boog boy?
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>no rebuttal
Even I'm not sure how or why, but Orange Man REALLY makes you kvetch, doesn't it?
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>literally every American "politician"
>every congressman except Massie
>literally ZOGGED and BOGGED country
>think any of their mutt opinions matter
Americans are worse than dirt in the eyes of the world
Almost everyone in American politics is fueled by zionist cum which is sadly why their country will likely collapse in the very near future.
76% of income taxes merely servicing the interest on their national debt isn't a great sign for their future prosperity.
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zogged and bogged Amerimutts will tell you
>muh weapons
>this is y we no have healthcare!
meanwhile this is the real reason they don't have healthcare. They are corrupted beyond reason
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Kikes Kiking Kikes
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For shame
Notice how literally none of the trump guys are answering my question. If you hate jews then you shouldn't be endorsing the democrats and the republican candidates, why is it so hard to admit that you're a hypocrite?
KEK it's fucking true. He's sucj a kike cum loving golem he even gave them a reason to blow uo his brain on 4K so that they can bomb Iran. Imagine willing to be cucked to death. That kike cum must be good
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The whites subsidise niggers and other third worlders and in exchange they get to live in a shithole ran by the Jewish Mafia.
Next election they're going to vote for a half Nigger half Jeet with a Jewish husband and they're going to cheer for it because the television told them to.

We aren't much better, but at least we're not $37T in debt.
Get treatment for your TDS. There's hope.
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At least 1 poster here isn't a faggot.
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Very true. The tunnel jews support him.
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Based beyond all shadow of a doubt
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What is he eating there?
only newfags are trumptards
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The fact that you posted that without any hint of irony or awareness of the contradiction in your statement is stunning
Your foreskins.

In case you guys were wondering, I'm voting for Harris.
you just described every western politician
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Only normie leftist faggoters have TDS
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Old Donny Pisspants told me that Kamala hates Jews and for that reason I am voting for Kamala
Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
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>*POP!* *SMACK!*
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My great uncle was CIA in the 1960"s and before he died he told me the truth about the JFK "assassination".

Jackie and Jack Kennedy were on the verge of divorce and rather than allow her to destroy the Kennedy Camelot aura during an election year he staged the shooting to wack her but while faking a neck wound his grip slipped on the derringer in his pocket and he shot himself. Loose change flew onto the trunk and Jackie, being Jewish, immediately climbed up and gathered two quarters and a nickel.
Donny said she hates Jews. That's good enough for me!
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But she’s married to one
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My whole family agrees that what this country needs right now with world war against Russia and China looming is a dumb as rocks cackling psycho bitch in the WH.
Trump's son will be here shortly provide even more details.
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No one cares

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