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The party is over americhuds
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>Sources say
Go back
Seeing Trump's campaign fall apart after he got shot has been so satisfying. All he had to do after July 13 was go hang out in Mar-a-Lago, fuck models, and play golf. Then Jan 20 walk in the white house basically unopposed. Now he's gonna lose it all (and go to prison after the campaign fails). Courtesy of J.D. "Sofa King" Vance
Good why the fuck did he choose JD Vance anyways?
Trying to buy the gay interracial hilbilly vote
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He didn't the uber jews who run him did. He's a manchurian candidate a la obama. Totally manufactured by peter "the murderous ass bandit" thiel.
Vance isn't great, but Nikki Haley is a ZOG-owned shill. Switching to her would be going from the frying pan into the fire. I can stomach Vance, but I won't vote for Trump if he selects this authoritarian bitch.

Consider the following:
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He should try to recruit Yang
Only Yang can save America
>authoritarian bitch.
Shut the fuck up limp wristed faggot
Are you one of those effeminate peaceniks infesting this board?

This entire board seeks happenings
We want war. And this warmongering lassy will be perfect
Yang will do also(War with China)
Why won't that stupid fuck trump just VP VIVEK ffs, at least he's a smart guy that knows how to talk back to lefties and their delusions!
Vivek wants to make peace with Russia.
Fuck that curry muncher
To expose the fact he's an adrenochrome supplier.
The guy was portrayed by an actor at the RNC.
pajeet on IDF payroll
He needs to pick Tulsi to turn around this mess

Question: Can he just replace his VP? I thought it was part of the nomination process at the RNC
>somebody might do [thing that would not be talked about, ever and which is also almost impossible]
>literally the most asshurt adversary says!
I say Hilary has a 20 inch tapir dick. Who can disprove me??? That's right.
drop one jeet lover for an actual jeet lmao
I dont care who America goes to war with or for
America needs war simple as
Otherwise the Military begomes a gigantic welfare system for lazy idiots

Besides if America doesnt flex its military muscle every now and then
Everyone will think America has gone soft
And that is bad
So? Why would the US give a fuck if russia is at war with ukraine?
And if you mean he wants peace between russia and the US, how is that a bad thing?
JD Vance is just fine. Dems wouldn't be putting these false stories if they weren't afraid of him
Trump betraying someone, totally unexpected
You're brown, just like she is. Go eat some cow shit and serve your kike masters, sub-human.
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Vance was obviously the right choice if he makes shills like you and that Clinton advisor seethe
See >>475752153

America cant go soft
Thats invitation for all the low IQ nations just to come take a swing at America

Saw those muslim goat fuckers vandalizing the captial?
This is what happens when you become a FAGGOT PEACE LOVING NATION
Please god let us move on from orange daddy. I'm so sick of hearing about his every waking moment for the past decade.
Even worse, just pick Vivek or any other femoid, not Nikki
>clinton advisor
>thinks he’ll switch to Haley
>who has done nothing but shit talk all the way up until her endorsement
>just because she’s a female
No. Vivek is the optimal choice; getting a woman VP to screech against the woman presidential candidate is not going to balance out anything
The final redpill is realizing that Vivek is using JD Vance as his proxy. Vivek was intelligent enough to understand that he would never be VP because he is a pajeet, so he injected his own guy into VP who he controls. Very obvious, and also, very smart by Vivek.
>>clinton advisor
>>thinks he’ll switch to Haley
They literally throw this shit out there just to get their mindless followers to repeat it(just like Wray and the bullet story). They know the retarded CNN viewers will eat it up
Why is everyone in this thread

He is a jeet like me and cannot be trusted to be loyal to America
- paraphrase Ann Coulter HIGH PRIESTESS of the American right
The lady has spoken
>everything is a big brained 4D chess plan
take your meds schizo
Nikki haley is even worse lol. This campaign is a giant jewish dumpsterfire.
Cant wait until they lose and trump spends the next 8 years tweeting from prison. Traitor.
Vivek is still a way better candidate than JDVance, just looking at that pig's face makes me wanna punt him in the teeth at full force!
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Unless he picks Massie, he loses, period. I’m not going to overlook the RNC degeneracy unless he brings Massie in.
Although Haley is also a Jeet
Haley > Vivek
Because she married a white guy
In doing so she demonstrated her loyalty to whiteness
Somebody electrocute this moortugese
He has spoken heresy
Nimrata is a liar and crook, but at least she doesn't fuck her couch.
Good god Nikki Haley would be an even more disastrous pick
Matter of fact, if RFK chooses Massie he will win. Whoever gets Massie gets the actual based conservative vote. The boomer miga fuckers are too few.
Vivek is actually smart and is a great speaker, and is able to put forward conservative points of view in a friendly and real-world manner, instead sounding like some Hitler figure. He might be too swarthy for many Americans to tolerate, but they'll suck off Obama and Kamala and Big Mike all day long
>Nikki Haley

I think you mean Nimrata Randhawa?
>some dude says something
>retards like OP run to /pol/ to scream and act like hysterical women
I really have grown to hate you low T faggots, worse than actual women.
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>Ex Clinton advisor says
Yes this guy has all the inside information of the Trump campaign.
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>Ex-Clinton Adviser Says

This is so incredibly fake
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>Vivek wants to make peace with Russia
Based Vivek as always.
>I’m not going to overlook the RNC degeneracy
No ones cares but you, but then you're only pretending as you're in all likelihood brown
Vivek is the quintesential SCAMJEET
After looking at this riches story the whole thing looks very sus

Americans should never trust moneyjeets
They always have hidden connections to India
And try to benefit India and not America

Even I would be better
Because if I came to America I would forget India
I would try and find a white woman fuck her and make less Indian babies
But I would never think of india again
It’s pretty clear Nimrata was always a Trojan horse for Indian Intelligence / The Crown by proxy via Canada. Just like the Clintons.
He was the only white male. You people are retards.
>Why didnt drumpf pick a spic, black or woman??? We shouldve had an extremely brown indian or a female indian in the oval office, to save the white race!!!!!
Fuck off.
I love how demonrats created fake news and spread it around even though everyone knows these news are fake
Fuck him he is an idiot....
If you don’t care you’re a lowlife. Simple as. You’ll rationalize everything Trump does because you don’t stand for shit. If he wanted to fuck you up the ass, you’d rationalize it and spread your cheeks. You have no values motherfucker.
Newsweek is worse than the Weekly World News these days. They'll literally publish any bullshit they pull out of their ass (and some fag will make sure to post the headline here within minutes).
>Nikki haley
Oh my god trump what are you doing?? A woman??
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Sources say OP sucks cock like a suckling calf
>having mutt babies with an indian is “saving the white race”
Kill yourself nigger
Doesn't matter, Trump will win either way.
Why yes
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>ex-Clinton advisor says
Lol if Trump drops that poojeet fucker he will go home and commit familicide Chris Benoit style
Why would you believe a single wprd from that publication regarding Trump?
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it's not fake you fucking CHUD! it was on CNN!!!!!
People today are all unfaithful clowns so I think its possible.
it's a little bit different than installing the literal nominee lmao
I'm not voting for Trump if he keeps Vance. Vance literally called Trump Hitler, and I'm excepted to believe he's changed his mind?
Trump should deny it like the Dems denied Biden would drop out, then wait until Harris picks a VP.
but can he actually kick Vance out or does Vance need to resign? If Vance refuses to resign what are the options? Find a Zoomer who doesn't miss?
Oh I forgot, Vance is responsible for having all the futures white babies and VP position filled by anything other than a white male has no greater signifcance. Youre a fucking retard and your ideas are brown af.
I don't trust you nigger.
You missed
Why are they so scared of JD Vance?
It's the Weekly World News for libtards
>In 2022, Cooper commented on in response to Axios article about the ownership issues and lawsuits facing Newsweek, stating that the legal matters did not involve her. The lawsuits are part of a series of ethics issues that have affected the company, including the firing of journalists who attempted to cover investigations into the company in 2018, the purchase of fraudulent traffic to boost ad sales, and the incentivization of reporters to write clickbait stories for traffic gains.[6]
He should have picked that black guy.
Only thing vance is going to fill is his ass with cum
>ex-clinton advisor
Imagine believing anything this person says.
would look really desperate if he switches to some woman.
>l-l-ook we got a girl boss too! she is brat!
>We must be ruled by non-whites, in order to save the white race!
Thats how you sound, and its dumb.
Ben Carson is actually the #1 replacement for Vance on the internet. Everyone is saying Trump should replace JD Vance with Ben Carson on Twitter and YouTube
Because he's intelligent and wants to fire every single shitlib in the federal government to install conservatives that won't impede 4 years of a republican presidency.
Basically he wants to do what every dem president since Clinton has done but what no republican president has had the balls to do
>immediately thinks of buttfucking
Yep, definitely brown
>ex-Clinton advisor
Very trustworthy
Wtf I’m on the Kumala Kasting Kouch nao
Biden just grew six inches

based, this isn't a happening. This is a fucking article written for IRL polchuds to comment on
JD Vance IS Mr. MIGA
>sauce: ex-clinton adviser

absolute state of newsweek
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>ex-Clinton advisor says
>He was the only white male
Yeah lmao zionist stooge JD Vance with a poojeet wife is the ONLY white male in America, there was NO one else Donald could have chosen.
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That's what JD Vance thinks since he wants to flood the Americas with Indians
Ladies and gentlemen, your brain high on poo
>Clinton advisor
I didn't know they bred them this dumb in Spain.
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Go away Peter Thiel nobody likes you
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>compromising values for the shift in Overton Window so you think you can win
Way to admit youre a spineless faggot
Nikki is a better fit she will expand thee base and voting block. Fuck Thiel and his puppet Vance.
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Drumpfyboo is two weeks away from a cheeto infested medium security jail cell. Like for reals this time.
>he wants to flood the Americas with Indians
No he doesn't, his immigration stance mirrors Trump's own
Shut the fuck up faggot and go reset your router again
Trump only gets four hours of sleep daily. His brain is mush.

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