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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This opening ceremony is so bad
literally nobody cares what that is
Does anyone actually like the summer Olympics? I thought people only liked the winter ones because all the stupid meme level sports people play like the ice scrubbing one and the four guys who hop in a sled and shoot around ice embankments at like 120mph
Is wo woman really the logo
french are retarded, yes
its a tranny
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Are they dropping and potential redpills? If it looks "bad" it may just because it's symbolism for things we don't yet understand, see picrel
yeah. Not sure why I'm wasting my time watching livestreams... I'm just thinking what am I gonna have for lunch
Like throwing rose petals before a king, grown men sweep the ice before the curler skates upon it.

Let's see another Jamaican bobsled "disaster".
I kept thinking this can't be the opening ceremony, this is just some warmup act shit. Embarrassing. Especially in France, the world capital of aesthetics. Literally unwatchable tripe. A hour walk through the Louvre would've been more interesting.

China won.
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>what am I gonna have for lunch
I like the simplicity of it
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gojira was pretty based. other than that yeah its your standard tranny niggerloving globalhomo fest
Gojira played the Olympics?
i assumed this was some cosmetic company's new line of 2024 olympics branded shit. Nope, it's the logo for this year's games.
apparently it's some roastie named "marianne" that's got something to do with french democracy or something?
Is this just the frog version of our mutt woman we have on our $10 bill?
Fake digital fireworks during ceremonies. Never forget.
Turned it on
Black man dancing ballet in a skirt
Turned it off.
Trannies, niggers, whores, faggots, orgies...

Yea it's bad.
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during the opening ceremony yeah. theres some cringy assassins creed tie in going on as well kek
fuck gojira, metal for fragile parisian bobo, NIQUE CE PAYS DE MERDE !!! L'ATOME VITE !!!
Nah, the fireworks were real. They just cgi'd the helicopter shot for safety reasons.

>they gotta fake fireworks in China bro!
Mutts will literally believe anything
Ah yes, the peak of western culture. The minions.
more niggers
Need a blacked edit of that logo with the black hand next to the face
how many medal do your country have total...fuck off
Lot's of water and lots more zesty niggas. What could it mean?
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its her turn
Hungarian athletes have won a total of 511 medals at the Summer Games and 10 medals at the Winter Games,
polCHUDS need to understand how important zesty niggers are in french culture, we went to war for our beloved blacked negroes
Sochi was the best Olympic opening ceremony
Quintessentially French
AI bullshit
how many times is this nappy headed babboon niggress going to sing the marseillaise
Niggers, faggots and jewish feminist
nothing new
No! I am Nappy. I love your anthem!
These faggot frogs need to ruin everything. I hope France get's nuked
>Threesome between white woman, gay black man, gay asian man
What did they mean by this?
France Olympics Ceremony:
Gets better:
>Lady Gaga
>Animated shit that isn't live
>Minions - yes, fucking minions. HOW THE FUCK ARE MINIONS FRENCH?
>Animated cut scenes with shit CGI
>Men in skirts

You know France, I thought Brazil Olympic ceremony was bad. I fucking HATE YOU for setting the bar this low. Fuck off.
Wait, I thought it was over, is it still going on?
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>Lot's of water
Do you have a screenshot? Where are you watching it from. "Lots of water" could be something like global floods related to picrel
Don’t do that anon, don’t give me hope.
Peste Noire is based
Thank you for this Anon.
Yeah, blacks and browns from around the world entering a European country on boats, kek.
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A decade too late, isn't it?
AC Unity came out in 2014.
theres a new one coming out that takes place in Japan where the samurai assassin is a nigger. i wish i was joking
oh great more faggots
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you will zuk ze tranny cock
Any other Parisfags staying /comfy/ at home rn?
Literal mockery of the last supper. Getting insanely satanic vibes from this.
Jesus Christ
My initial thought - even a gap between “Jesus” and “John”
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Sports ?
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it's jean-brichibre's, traitor micron's husband

urban sodomites aren't French
Cringe as fuck
Didn't even realize the olympics were going on, even with the Canadian drone spying scandal, that's how little I give a fuck about summer olympics
Fucking olympics has turned into eurovision
more faggots
more niggers
more faggots
more niggers
more faggots
more niggers
more faggots
more niggers
Super cringe, why the fuck was Snoop Dogg and Minions there? Seriously though...Snoop Dogg? kek.
What in the fuck
Somebody set part of Paris in fire and one Olympic team had their belongings stole from their van kek. Multiculturalism in action.
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Why is Ashi from Samurai Jack the logo?
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This is truly the gayest olympics. I don't think any country can top this. Well done French.
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Wow /pol/ doesn’t like something? I can’t believe it. I was expecting a glowing review from cynical loser incel rejects near suicide.
Exactly as expected
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This is the person who sang the French national anthem, could they not find a lighter skin French person or something?
I remember people saying that during the 2012 London Olympics. Look at how far we've come. I'm sure we can get something even gayer in 12 years.

The worst in history.

They tried to get the athletes sick. I think. It pissed on them. I guess they tried to turn they into frogs as well?

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>that flag
The minions were created by french man retard
The logo is lame. I’m not watching it
That logo still looks like Lisa Simpson giving Bart Simpson a blowjob

The niggerloving is really off the charts it's disgusting

Franchement autant l'islamophobie implicite est pas mal en France, autant la fascination avec les nègres c'est insupportable
Did you forget about the Can Can? The cirque du france performers? Daft punk? The pianist playing Saddies?
Winter Olympics does kinda feel like it's more about sports than some tranny shit. That's why they're always kept in some shithole like Russia or China.
Who's hosting the next winter olympics?
US, we gotta out gay the frogs.
>Los Angeles
That will be so easily done
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where do you watch this clusterfuck
bbc iplayer with vpn
i like the one where they make them shoot targets in the middle of a grueling cross-country ski race
also they have to bring the rifle with them lmao
I wouldn't know because I don't watch gay programs, or should I say gaygrams, kek.
I actually hadn't heard it was even happening. Does anyone care still?
holy shit USA took an entire boat kek
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I want that gif but with a Danish flag :(
putain j’ai honte
will this tranny shit never end

It got dark pretty fast, i was gone for 30 mins and come back to almost pitch black scenery, its 2200 in France, what could this mean?
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Whats with this anal bumping music
bah alors, t’aime pas les travlos bougnoules tout d’un coup, Pierre?
these is the most tranny globohomo shit I have ever seen
These dancers are completely out of sync its amazing
Holy shit did anyone see the spinning guy, look at him go
meteor please
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What do you expect.
Holy fuck, i owe you a beer and a hug, thanks Anon!
That part was pretty cool.
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Im fucking dying
Can Russia invade us already?
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Who ordered the fag platter?
I second this
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i knew it was going to be a clownworld humiliation tranny shitstorm so i just ignore it
Some retards playing instruments loudly to celebrate the actions of and entertain their judeo-masonic masters doesn't make it any better.
Those are just two whores with a different skin tone.

China had a despicable lack of transsexual representation.
I liked 2012 when Queen Elizabeth skydived in via helicopter. Too bad France killed all their monarchs.
The summer ones are pozzed and full of blacks with lots of government funding. The winter one is basically for privileged rich white people.
does it actually snow on hell on earth
Western civilization might actually be finished
Even getting rid of the mudlisms won’t save it
A hard reset is needed
I really enjoy the show...bravo paris bravo
They are literal cannibals
They will use synthetic snow
fucking seriously
Sadly /pol/ wasn''t here for Athens 2004 it was kino >.<
Ching chong.
immigration is just a sideshow to keep people distracted while the real rot was always internal
>Peste Noire is based
Is it ???
Olympics are irrelevant. The people connected to them are the same Globalists committing warfare and slavery on the world. The news channels who show them are terrorist organizations. People can't care about frivolous sports when 20% or so are living in decades long economic and social depressions. Last time I checked there's still a war only a few hours east of there. A bunch of hypocrite rich people whose kids sit around and practice sports all day. How about they actually go out and try to contribute something to the world.
I just tuned in now and was like wtf is that and it's some woman singing Imagine(LOLLL) on a floating piece of shit. What'd I miss?
The peak was either the tranny with the beard or the giant nigger dancing with the 8 year old Chinese girl
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I'd take the fake fireworks over fake women
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Ah, yes lets make fun of an innocent women who was executed by bunch of masonic sodomites in the name of some demented freedom which ultimately and inevitably results in replacement of French with niggers. Romans should have obliterated your demented, degenerate race of barbarians, and sent survivors to mine asbestos, so they would succumb to a slow death caused by mesothelioma. I hope africans and arabs eat you all alive.
Pretty accurate, i couldnt quite tell what that raft was supposed to look like, but shit pretty much covers it
We are so lucky trannyshit didnt exist back then
all the faggotry of today has roots in the french revolution. they have to demonize the kangs until the end of time or the whole house of cards falls apart.
Are you guys being nitpicky or was the whole thing a giant troonfest from start to finish?
Behold a pale horse
The latter
But there were some good parts

That’s a banger.
Apocalyptic rider incoming
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Reminds me how munic got its stadtwappen.
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"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death and with the beasts of the earth."

This ceremony, mocking the last supper, transexuals, fire... And ending with this. Truly Satanic.
Where is he riding to?
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Just look at that. They are mocking Christians and they are taking it like little good cucks they are. I am not Christian, but I am more angry than them. May Paris be turned into smouldering crater by thunderbolts of Zeus.
can the frogs PLEASE get to the guillotines again
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>paris 2024
>harris 2024

inb4 take ur meds

100%, the age of "enlightenment" was the cause of all the faggotry we have in the world today. Paris must be nuked.
Wtf is this satanic shit
I wonder what would happen if they replaced all the biological men in the male events with tranny men, and replaced all of the biological women with tranny women.
Where would the cisgenders compete?
>”We stand for peace!”
>invites Israel
lmao even
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>can the frogs PLEASE get to the guillotines again
The guillotines got us here, friend.
Winter olympics are basically all white with a few token Asians, and are actually about the sports. It also helps that those are meme sports for which the winter olympics is the only time when they are seen outside an ultra niche. Summer olympics are a weird sideshow to whatever world cup of each specific sport, filled with bizarro cultural-political posturing and half the participants are niggers.

Yes, it was the last time it was relatively culturally relevant. Peking 2008 was just weird, the 2012 London ones were already a shitshow, no one remembers the 2016 Bunda ones, 2020 might as well not have happened and the current ones are somehow even worse.
White horse of death. What does could it mean?
i love how trannies will literal dance on a table to insult an entire religion and get mad when people call them out on their shit
I missed the days aids killed these abominations. We will have to wait he kill himself or od.
quand le maroc et la tunisie ont étés représentés le commentateur a dit "nos amis les maroccains", "nos amis les tunisiens"
Je ne sais pas pour l'Algérie car j'ai commencé à regardé quand les pays dans les C sont passés
Right after they said that with the flaming piece of shit they sent out the pale horse lol
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I was thinking in the 'massacre the powers that be' terms, but you are directionally correct
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>let's see who was behind the show
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kek, next olympics gonna be in los angeles, it'll make this fagfest look like radical islam
Anything that radicalize normies is good to take.
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>Thomas is the artistic director for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

>He wants the ceremony to reflect the vibrant, young spirit of Paris instead of the classic, romanticised version that you see in films.

>As this will be one of the most diverse Olympic Games, with many athletes being queer, he wants the Opening Ceremony to reflect this.

>He told British Vogue that the opening ceremony will be a success only if "everyone feels represented in it".

>Thomas is a queer actor, comedian and theatre director who incorporates his own experiences into his work.
This ending horse is a karmic projection of what will happen in the near future, the AI robots with horse like features will rule over humans.
I dunno i didnt look into that shit too much but here are some points:
a)i dont think this faggot is trans, i mean look at his prior "attire" he looked like a regular dude, maybe a bit effiminate but that is given a certain lense.
b) i only watched some shit of his former "daddies" aka 15 year old boys. For us it was normal to share porn i dont see any problem with that, on lan parties we shared porn galore. I would rather think that ties into something that he wants to be admired or some shit like that. But americans make a big deal out of that.

But then again i dont know much about that indepth.
I don't see what is so wrong with people being queer. It's no different from when a heterosexual cisgender female girl gives her white boyfriend AIDS after cheating on him with a nigger.
God please save us from what that is to come
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pale skeleton horse with hooded rider galloping across the water right now
>I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the Earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the Earth.
Superlative laughter, the ultimate troll
Coludn't Macron get Alizée to come back and put on the old outfits? It's all I ask.
This is your fault though.
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shit i thought the gold fringe looked like a womans hair too, this edit is ebbic
And now everyone is following the damn thing.

This almost feels like watching the end of the world. Kinda comfy.
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fuck that fucking shit olympic bullshit shit shot shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit CACA de travelo QUI PUE , SMELLY trannys POOP
I laughed when he said that during his speech
I need to read more about this time period. Everything about it in school was way too surface level, and everything I learned about it since has revealed that it was demonic as fuck.

They've been going with the fucking pale horse thing for over 10 minutes now I'm pretty sure this is something important they want us to know about. WW3 soon
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>Worldwide peace
>Intro with song about denying religion
>rider on white horse

I hope you have the armor of God on anons. It’s about to begin. Repent.
Naw. Satanists actually have standards and wouldn't mock people. The people behind the Olympics represent something much worse.
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>it's jean-brichibre's, traitor micron's husband
triple czech't
thats a man so.....
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>The French getting ready to raise the French flag
For some reason, there's a giant golden bull's head stature on stage, almost like an altar
Don’t forget the fucking final boss music playing while that thing was riding on water.

And the Palpatine-looking “woman” riding it.
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They already gave up?
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And if your parasitic race did not exist neither would any of this fucking trash.
Peking 2008 was the event where the world had to realize that China isn't poor anymore and is wewuzzing hard
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and checked back
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yes , in fact we never even beginned with that bullshit , all of it is lies , humiliation of the frenche people , humiliation of the muslims too , niggers be niggering at the TV , fuck that shit , i ll just play some gta online and ignore all of this shitty mess
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Post your favorite boats.
This book is a pretty good read and not only about the French revolution. And same here, everything they taught in school was the bullshit judeo-masonic propaganda, I had to unlearn all their programming too.

emperor Nicholas II and the Jews. Essays on the Russian Revolution in its Relations with the Universal Activity of Contemporary Judaism, Leutenant-General A. Netchvolodow, 1924
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>Le Pen's niece responds to opening ceremony shenanigans
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Bravo l'american. tres magnifique
>cardboard bed
>vegan shit foot
>food shortage
And frenchfags are still voting for leftards?
who is this
no fucking way. They rehearsed fat niggers dancing but not the flag placement?

It can't be true
A David Lynch directed nightmare
Marion Marechal is a based mommy
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>For some reason, there's a giant golden bull's head stature on stage, almost like an altar
i wouldnt doubt it 1% with as much blatant satanism they have put up in the last hour.
>Olympic laurel
>for refugees
>same year France is having a shift to anti-immigration
they’re not even hiding it anymore
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funnily enough, marion maréchal's real father (not the protestant cuck who raised her) was roger auque, a mossad spy posing as a jewrnalist
so there's that
thats fake cgi. i refuse
I wonder if salam aleikum niggers are going to try something.
They gave the award to the head Rapefugee muckity muck at the UN, get a load of that nose. This whole ceremony is one big humiliation ritual
Anyone ever notice how all of their mass media spectacles are exactly the same?
It's always just nigger trannies in wigs doing urban sex dances in front of traditional landmarks. Every time it's the exact same thing.
she's a jewess
fun fact, about jewesses
they love it in the butt like you wouldn't believe
a jew once told me
>I'll kill you, goy: I'll kill you
for having reminded him so
but he certainly didn't call me a liar
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Nobody beats the German fencing team
there wassn t internet when i was 7 or ten , no way to understand how to masturbate and how much time , got not father and my mom did not want to talk to me about that , it took 10 years to understant how the whole thing worked , first masturbation at 17/18 yo for me XD
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Papa Smurf didn't handle the lockdowns that well
The lips in the logo make sense now....it's a fucking tranny parade
i agree , if they get a place at the top , they must be jews in or another way , it s kind of normal here , the american gave the entire europe back to jews after WWII
The weimar olympics lmfao
Bahahahaha I fucking missed this!?! Holy shit
well, in her case, it's proven and well known:
the face Jean-Marie must have made when he learnt a jew knocked up one of his daughters...
a proud tradition
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That horrible little blue dick

This is beyond anything I've ever seen
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Get a load of this guys nose too. Is he a jew or what?
not quite
>It's always just nigger trannies in wigs doing urban sex dances in front of traditional landmarks.
You just don't understand ((((culture)))), satan, but there's a reason why performers were traditionally seen as akin to prostitutes.
Hitler was right

Nothing to be proud of
Raving rabbids would have been a better choice since they're french and retarded too
Napoleón marked the rise of the state fueled by interest rates banking class and the death of the productive capital promoted by the Christians and removing Christians from their own government
it makes sense
You are a dumbass. I masturbared accidentaltly by humping on the carpet when I was 9. Got addicted to It. It was in 1996. I only learned to use my hand at 13. Thank god Im not circuncized, otherwise it would probably take years longer.
>vibrant, young spirit instead of the classic, romanticised version
It was most definitely France sucking itself off about the classic and romanticised but mashed with a niggerfaggot parade. This Jew
oh thats great. I was reading about the russian revolution already and knew the roots were similar. thanks.
>The flame is a womans head
These degenerate cucks are unreal.
I look forward to more US Olympiads quitting before the finals because they couldn't handle the pressure.
I haven't watched tv in probably 25 years
he's a béarnais (pau), which is almost a basque
much, much, much higher Neanderthal admixture than is healthy, in this zone
they have such admixture at rates even higher than jews do
hence why the basque "language" are basically just Neanderthal growlings (it's not really pronunceable by Humans vocal chords)
or why their "culture" revolves around climbing the sacred "ham tree" of their "people", and running in front of black bulls
the obsession with white and red (cum and blood) too
"In our Olympic world, there is no Global South, or Global North" Yah you've made that very clear Mr. Olympics
>dream with us

No thanks, your dreams are stinky and full of homo butt sex
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Welcome bro, and it's all linked, the continuation of their plan.
>If I may address a prayer to my readers, this is what it will consist of: that they preserve this work and transmit it as an inheritance to their children, asking them to also bequeath it to their descendants. I do not pretend to consider myself a prophet, but I am deeply imbued with the opinion expressed here, that before four generations there will absolutely no longer be a single junction in the State, without excluding the higher, which are not in the possession of the Jews. At present, alone among all the states of Europe, Russia still offers resistance to the official recognition of the invasion of foreigners. It is the last rampart against which the Jews have built their last trench, and judging from the course of affairs, the capitulation of Russia is only a question of time.
>In this enormous Empire Judaism will find this 'Archimedes' point of support' which will allow it to definitively tear the whole world of Western Europe off its hinges.
>The elastic spirit of intrigue of the Jews will plunge Russia into a revolution such as the world, probably, has not yet seen the like. In Russia, Judaism occupies such a position that it must still fear being rejected. When he throws Russia to the ground, he will no longer have to fear harm from anyone; when he takes possession, in Russia, of all state functions, as in our country, then the Jews will officially undertake the destruction of Western European society, and this last hour of condemned Europe will sound at the earliest later in 100-150 years, since events are currently developing faster than in previous centuries.
>It is quite clear what Russia should expect from the Jews.
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yo ure right i am a dumbass , but as a orthodox christian , in the bible they say that touching a woman trash the body of the man , and now i am 40 , i really believe that now , seing how they act and manipulate men , they re trylly fucking evil

At what point anywhere in the World is business conducted in the rain?

It was the most distasteful display in history.

It can only be explained as drugs some asshole of his fucking head making everybody listen to him while they're getting pissed on. This is what Tyrants do. Tyrants.

It is not how to treat dignitaries and diplomats. At what point.

The worst in history. Never seen such bad business ever. Never seen such a terrible display.

They're on drugs. Gone to their head the shit they spew. As it rains on everybody else. Terrible.
Safe to say that was the worst opening ceremonies ever or what? Has any been shittier? Ever?
They also say in the bible you shouldn't eat shellfish and pork.
>Olympic oath
>No discrimination

Ffs, was it always this gay?
You think any kids decide not to go into professional sports after watching this shit?
So I did see that correctly. Almost as if it's intentional.
The fuck were those two black things behind the Eiffel Tower? Like giant chains going to the sky?
Man imagine the ceremony if they didnt lose the elections
need more clown webms
stfu commie scum.
Leviticus chapter 11 lists the dietary restrictions God gave to the nation of Israel. The dietary laws included prohibitions against eating pork, shrimp, shellfish and many types of seafood, most insects, scavenger birds, and various other animals. The dietary rules were never intended to apply to anyone other than the Israelites. The purpose of the food laws was to make the Israelites distinct from all other nations. After this purpose had ended, Jesus declared all foods clean (Mark 7:19). Later, God gave the apostle Peter a vision that implied formerly unclean animals could be eaten: “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean” (Acts 10:15). When Jesus died on the cross, He fulfilled the Old Testament law (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:24-26; Ephesians 2:15). This includes the laws regarding clean and unclean foods.
Romans 14:1-23 teaches us that not everyone is mature enough in the faith to accept the fact that all foods are clean. As a result, if we are with someone who would be offended by our eating “unclean” food, we should give up our right to do so as to not offend the other person. We have the right to eat whatever we want, but we do not have the right to offend other people, even if they are wrong. For the Christian in this age, though, we have freedom to eat whatever we wish as long as it does not cause someone else to stumble in his/her faith.
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How can anyone not be watching this shit show dei Olympigs rn
Best entertainment made in years
Trannies and retards everywhere
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jews love nothing more than mixing up and inverting everything
it's their utmost "spiritual" goal
I for one hate the tikkun olam
ok not gonna lie the Eiffel Tower light show was cool
Danish reporters on the liveshow of the Olympic parade just said that "thats just what it is" to the flag being turned upside down.. why even hold it then if you have no standards regarding the depiction of the fucking games? Retarded
2036 will have the first live gay orgie in an Olympic opening ceremony
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funnily enough, Hebrews' God promised them a land of milk and honey
yet, jews pretend to descend from Hebrews, but are most generally intolerant to lactose
Pls be real
Is that fucking Jean-Michel Jarre?
I'm glad its not just me thinking that
Nice fanfic, frog. I'm sure your interprétation of what esquzifrenic sand dwellers wrote 2600 years ago is the right one.
You were all memeing earlier but this is looking really cool now
Shut up commie faggot
it will also be a sport
I mean logically they've already normalized nigger trannies, where do you go after that? At some point they are going to have to start having acts of bestiality and live child sacrifices at these things.
Hoppefully no kids watched this, or their parents turned it off. What they did was REALLY BAD considering that everybody is supposed to be watching this, especially kids

kek, even if I'm actually worried about this becoming a reality
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The horror.
No wonder I loved Evangelion

The last image of the Olympic Opening Ceremony is a grayish-white horse with a rider in tattered armor with a darkened facemask, leading a procession of the flag-bearers of the politically united world.

How is that not...

>a pale horse whose rider is death and hell followed with him

These fucking people had a black man in a skirt dancing on the roof of an ancient Parisian building, and NBC cut the feed when the French Video turned to a tranny having a threesome in a Church... So don't tell me they're celebrating their religious history. This shit is 100% and esoteric portend of the end-times.
Imagine watching the jewlympics.
The homo-pedo pipeline is real.
I'm at work and the wife is whit the kids...
we need to bump that year down. 2028 or bust.
hell let's do a winter gay faggot orgy olypmics in 2026
Make me.
The one who can shove the most popsicles up their ass and not get frostbite gets a gold medal
You’re supposed to get in early to get as much attention as you can you dumb faggot
Fuck me, we can't do much right but at least we put on a good opening ceremony. What the absolute fuck did I just sit through
there is nothing religious about the olympics , it s just satanists rituals with all the satellites like withches , politics , msm , they re all in one club , and we aiiin t in it
Post your address!! :3
I dont even know whhat the hell I'm watching anymore. There is a Eiffel Tower light show with a solitary nigger dancing poorly while doing sign language.. The music is some Daft Punk knock off(Daft Punk obviously declined to be a part of this shit show)
Yep, Canaanites
>The Curse Of Canaan [A Demonology Of History]
rayman bros..
I just audibly screamed WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS at the tv because this nigger has just been half assed dancing for like 5mins
Holy shit this is BORING. At least there's no more trannies
for what little Levantine admixture they have
they're mostly khazar (jewtrannyan) conversos, anyway
Have a (((you))) cum-guzzler.
>table top games
whose paying for this shit lol
...its me, isnt it?
last time i was at eifel was 6 years ago. there were niggers everywhere peddling shit. entire time felt like i was going to be robbed. for the first time in my life i put my wallet in my front jean pocket. the iconic romantic picture of eifel that whores take with themselves doing weird shit is so gone.
i wonder what people from 1940 would say if they saw this spectacle
Make me.
I now wish Nazi germany would have ruled the world. It would have still been gay but somehow less. Thanks France. All it took was 20 years of gay marriage being allowed to totally collapse decency and society.
Hmm... the lyrics were sus
How am i supposed to do that on an anonymous board? You have zero identifiers so how would i track you down to force you to do anything? :D
This was their plan? I hope that autists like us are the only ones still wathcing this. THeir planw as literally to film a fucking boat with 2 waving athletes on it for like 20 minutes
Precisely, keep crying.
Yep, maybe intermarried with the Turks, Turco- Edomite mixture>Khazars
Look at how much money and effort they put in to make something as trivial as sports look important.
>A litteral pyramid

How NWO can this get

A visibly dead knight on a light-gray horse leading the entire global procession of nations is more than enough symbolism to involve Revelations...
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theyre just lifting veil on the curtain bro
revealing in the final act you were worshipping a jew who rapes kids the entire time. and that is why youre paying taxes to pedophiles. you did this. it was your consent to believing the lie which manufactured the consent necessary to bring us to this hellscape of a world. youve never known god. youve been stuck in plato's cave staring at shadowy imitations the entire time
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Hell yeah France

Mona Water thrown in the water and replaced by a nigger singing the national athem LMAO

you cant make this shit up
Olympics start today? Kek, looks like I forgot about it.

Every olympics in Europe just feel so lame. UK shitfest killed the mood.
Why the fuck are there two torches with flame???
Two will become one
guess again
There's a reason why Mitterand was nicknamed "the Sphinx"
>In 1532, a historian listed the different opinions as to the origin of the name Paris, and attested that "some say near Saint Germain des Prés there was a temple dedicated to an idol of the goddess Isis" and added "this is true as several people of our time have seen the statue, and it is quite big", although it had since disappeared. He then goes on to explain the city was called "Parisis, quasi par Ysis".
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The oldest living French Olympic Champion passes the torch to two Africans, the New French

this, fucking symbols

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