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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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they're trying to piss off muzzies by pissing us off too
Papa Smurf is the leader of this degeneracy I see
They danced to covid at the Olympics and now they are dancing to a volcano. Fuck.


Are they singing something like "Imagine if there was no hell?" I don't understand this western shit

is it some secret code for ABANDON GOD?
That’s Dionysus. It clarifies they are self aware and reject Apollo, finishing what Nietzsche had already noticed. Gay space communism with niggers is quite an addition to the classics I must say. I do wonder how many Jews are on the organizing committee of this ceremony (it’s a queer sermon of course)
>how many layers of degeneracy are you on?
>maybe just 3 or 4
>your just a lil baby watch this
>frog olympic games opening ceremony.jpg
Kek I wonder if Weimar was worse than this?
holy shit i miss the chinese olympics and honestly there was GAYCOVID nonsense during that time
I'm not watching but it sounds like that gay beattles song, 100% atheo-commie shit
It’s postmodernism. But this is the absolute vanguard of degeneracy. You can only understand some of this if you are very well versed in the Bible and philosophy, but it’s threading new ground.

How non-tolerant and racist kek
I am an eastern orthodox christian don't let this flag fool you

This is flat out as satanic

As above so below they are inversing everything even these "acts" names are odd
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>China's based 2,008 military drummers

i have to believe the average frenchie/european finds this a bit distasteful. am i wrong?
All Europeans crave the degenerate art
Yeah, and the pale horse riding the seine, the ripped off angel wings (symbolizing doves, they say), the grotesque mockery of the last supper etc etc.
It's making me hate what they have done I cannot stand what they have done to you...
I respected france and always loved the military history

I guess this is real, PLEASE stop this somehow in the future

I'm ashamed they could do this to you brother
Many did NOT KNOW it was this bad
Anyone who enjoys symbolism is getting overloaded at this point
you're a faggot if you watch the Olympics it is the same thing as watching gay porn
Has france even had a European leader in charge since Hitler marched in front of the Eiffel

All my friends all of us christian see, this is obviously aimed to promote satan

Russia is luckyy to be banned, I even really do feel bad for the africans there, say what you want but this shit is OUTLAWED there too they are probably having paris syndrome
50%. The rest 50% are libturds
That is what astounds me as well. The sheer scale and depth of it. And they know exactly what they are doing. Poor France and poor us.
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a song by that hipster Lennon, globohomo before globohomo, most of the singers/artists/actors are pushing this kind of degeneracy

Can't blame Papa Smurf for fucking trannnies, there is only one female smurf in the whole village.
When's he get bunged by Gargamel?
Oh so THAT'S why nobody cares about the Olympics this year. Apparently they opened with a suggested gay threesome too.

Honking will intensify until moral improves.
Brother, we will never fall, Christ will stand.
Don't despair, so they made a mockery, well it has awoken a lot of us.

This is a historically honorable thing and they banned nations over politics and promoted satan.
NONE of US not one will forget this brother.

Christ is king,
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34

May the lord grant you strength, my brother we will change this, most of us in balkans are enraged at these sodomites
That's Philippe Katerine, a clown singer and son in law of Gerard Depardieu.
Who watches this trash in 2024?
you just know nukes arent real because they would be the best solution for this if they were
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Thankfully, mankind is genocided in the Kingdom Come. So no more mockery then.
Not from white whores, niggers, kikes or whatever else crawled out of the luminous pitch black hell.
Based honker.
Go watch niggerball then
I cannot stand you, this is not supposed to be like this
fuck china isn't even religious and there was SATANISM

FUCK ANYONE WHO support this FUCKING evil revisioning of all that is decent and can bring people together in this world.
>a clown singer
checked but you're not helping lmao
It's a bit excessive for sure, but also it's expected, the French arts scene has always been extravagantly liberal, and being somewhat distastefully degenerate, gay and feminine is kind of the point they have always had. This ceremony has been exactly what I expected once I heard who the main Director for it was.
not russians
there's no way it was worse, this is global
Thank you actually, that gives me comfort.
>I don't understand western shit
Its purpose is to demoralize the soul. There's really nothing else to understand about this sort of trash.
what the fuck am I looking at?
A child sitting on some nigger's face?
China is not Christian, but at least they are not actively seeking satanism
>it started alright
No it didn't. It started with literal shilling of interracial homsosexuals.
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lmao this isn't even high production value... wtf is going on?
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>Alright, back the pile!
It's not quite Moulin Rouge is it
How are my fellow burgerfats seeing this?
>You Have To Defend Western Civilization
No I don't think I will
It's closer to the true moulin rouge than the movie was.
it's the PARISIAN ART scene. It's literally the most degenerate place on earth and always has been.
it's on NBC/peacock. you can probably watch it on their website
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i'm taking this personally. is that some smurf faggot rendition of the ghost of present christmas? names and fuckin' addresses
Have they brought out the mini beach and those who will shit on it yet?

What about the pisslamic ceremonial beaheading reenactment to open with?

Did bridgite flash her shlong yet?
Amen my brother, blame the jews
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i'm not. i'm on the second lotr movie with my new birdie and we're bonding while my laptop is rendering some groundwater plume bullshit for some retarded client who just doesnt understand that buying a contaminated property does not absolve him of responsibility of cleaning up that shit knowing full well when he fuckin forked over the money holy shit
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absolutely state of the West

Born for BBC literally

Hope russia invade Europe seriously
forgive my ignorance, but what is your laptop rendering that will help someone's contaminated groundwater?
Gather around, gather around.
Let's watch people sweat while couch potatoes sweat at home along with them as practicing a sport of your own is out of the question. Better to watch sweaty athletes on the idiot box and reminiscence when you mattered and did some sports yourself..
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Utterly satanic
visual aid. kinda shows a 3d representation of how much pce tce 12dca he got under his site
no thanks
What does any of that have to do with Athletics?
Not available over here. What are they trying to hide?
Please kill me
imagine wanting to save the west and not wanting accelerate it destruction
>in before this is not the muh real west
yes it is
Donald Trump strike these infidels down in Jesus name.
Don't worry the nukes are coming soon.
I dunno man, Working Class Hero is good.

>Keep you doped with religion, and sex, and TV
>And you think you're so clever and classless and free
>But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see

Basically calling everyone a retard at the same time.
On a visit to Communist China in the 1970s, Henry Kissinger asked Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai for his opinion on the French Revolution. Zhou replied:
>It's too early to say.
you know that that kind of shit is abhorrent on a primal level. No one likes this stuff, the creators just enjoy feeling powerful by forcing the most cursed shit on us and watching us being powerless
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Run far far away. The West is a black hole of degeneracy. Nothing escapes!

To add, this can never happen again
god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre. Also he was sewn up in Jupiter's leg and was thus born twice, once from semele and again from jupiter.
Pagans win again... is that Satyr?
What the fck are you going to do about it surrender monkey? Your just another tool for the faggot frog kikes to break Anglo world dominance you fckn Muppet. Go back to bayou you Cajun faggot.
Ritual Madness, and someone else has pointed out the golden bull
Golden alf incident hinted at
This isn't "Pagan" in any sense of the word. None of these are Norse gods or Greek gods being depicted. It's quite literally Jewish figures.
oh got it
this paris shit is gaaaaaay lmao
Wait they had a golden bull? where?
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>god of a thousand different things
God damn those polytheists were kooky
Can't they just light the goddamn thing, what's the hold up?
When they sang the olympic hymn
Others have noticed Thanatos (The pale horse) A LOT OF SATANISM here
Based Ilyrian
Is le dancing nigur so important or?
They have to get ready for the celebratory rainbow dildos to fall onto the crowd

Bacchus (Bacchanalia)

i.e. Degeneracy
I do not see the screenshots in the american vid, where did this come from? This is just rain some cars and french fags standing around
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>a nigger just dancing to music
what the fuck is this
Who is painting the dildos?

Paint them across not in rings
yes, that's the point
Christus Regnat in Aeternum
Regnum Christi Sempiternum
Christus Rex Saeculorum
In Aeternum Christus Imperat

Many of us had not known brothers, we are sorry - we didn't look but we were mistaken to ignore this, we simply don't care about the western degeneracy but this is spreading too much.

I have never had this many enraged at one event in my area,
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Center stage.
Where are you seeing this? It's not on the live vids
Don’t care still voting Trump
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peak weimar
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>In 393 AD, the Christian emperor Theodosius I forbade the celebration of pagan cults, which included the Games.

>Olympia, until its rediscovery in the 19th century


Some red pill on the return of olympics? Occult reasons?
pretty sure the bull represents zeus, not moloch
Lol, it's insanity. While the negro with gold earrings was dancing the commentator here said the rythms was catchy and he was wondreing if it was Daft Punk. It did not sound anything like Daft Punk.
You're right bro, my family and friends who are watching want to go to France and stop this FUCKING evil shit.

We need to watch this shit and make sure it NEVER comes here.
Fuck if nothing else they really woke up a lot of of us, I am not sure about other areas but our area is on fire with anger over this display.

I'm glad yours is too, we I wish we could help the last remaining French
Circus freak. Nothing to do with sports.
Must these homosexuals walk across all of France

When will the humiliation ritual end
Worst ARG ever
I love olympics
I just wish I wasn unemployed so that I could be daydrunk and watch every second of it drunk af

watching sports drunk as fuck is the closest I feel to happiness

I was even close to getting fired for past 4 months but they just kept giving me more responsibilities and praise instead
We will.
Knew they would let a dindu carry the last flame, but there are two of them!
oh mon Dieu...
revolting, no wonder Russia is winning
What job do you have, and what did you have to do to get there? Always interesting to hear of jobs nobody knows about.
>the old frenchman passes on the torch
Who's the calf then? Zeus fathered many children.
>blue jeet
"In this narrative, while Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, the Israelites grew impatient and asked Aaron to make them gods. Aaron fashioned a golden calf, which the people then worshipped. This act was considered a grave sin, as it violated the commandment against creating and worshipping idols."
France has been like this for over two centuries now, it’s nothing new. Although Jews promoted postmodern faggotry its epicentre is in France.
imagine the smell ?
Are y'all starting to understand why God wiped out the earth with a flood at one point.
Aaron did repent and went on to become a high priest, so we can make mistakes. This was not a mistake.
We do not know better than the Lord, but when he made the promise not to do it again... I'm only happy we have seen this so we can unite under Christ against this.
kek im voting Lincoln!!!!
in Genesis 9, that was promise of not killing us all in a flood again was accompanied by a sign, the rainbow, which the fags have taken as their flag.
Civil CAD enjoyer here, the property/landowner class is one of the dumbest group of people I've ever had to interact with. Like it's your fault cut/fill ratios are fucked up when they're building off the side of a hill near industrial drainage pipes.
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bro why ?

Here we think you are our savior. The only thing we dream of is being invaded like in MW3
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as defined by the epa under some whatever article, i'm an environmental professional. means my signature carries legal weight, like a pro geologist or pro engineer. just...more industrial contamination investigation and historical research and eventually remediation if owners wanna clean it up for development.

env science degree, plus eagle scout got me an internship back in day. early foot in door.
Also the flag of the "Jewish Autonomous Oblast." Even Stalin was going to pogram them, see the doctor's plot, who do you think he meant by rootlesss cosmopolitans

EVERY LEADER good or bad eventually seems to realize gays/jews go together with satanism
hahahaha holy cope
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This is what I get on google when I search for Zeus
They could have used anything but they chose a bull. Why? Because it's fucking Moloch. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Also the one time Zeus shapeshifted into a bull, he did it so he could RAPE Europa
However you see it, it's a bad choice
What do people in non-Western nations think when they see this degeneracy?
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>The uploader has not made this video available in your country
Globohomo dont want me to see it.
Ding ding ding. Correct. It's Moloch, and the tranny shit is openly part of the Torah/Kabbalah. That's what this entire ceremony is. It's just genocide with a veneer of Judaism sprinkled in.
This is literally the state of France's demography, of boomers and niggers/sandniggers lol

It's quite a symbol
Moloch is an act, not a deity.

Baal and Jupiter are syncnrenious deities, you would commit a moloch (burnt offering) to Baal.
all my work buddies are geologists, im the only env/chemical guy. one of my geo buddies was overseeing some mountain demo work for a new bypass highway job. he took videos of every single blast. he showed me all the ones the contractors got fined for blasting. every city in the country frowns on massive dust clouds being blasted on neighborhoods.

and the cost of doing business ranges from like 10k to 100k fines, depending on severity.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité et vulgarité.
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Stalin was just butthurt what after he aided jews in relocation into Israel, where he wanted to hurt brits, jews betrayed him instantly and sought alliance with usa. The whole israel thing exposed a lot of jews in ussr who cheered and supported israel instead of their country of birth - ussr/russia. So Stalin decided to teach them a lesson, but convieniently died soon after he shared these plans with his inner circle.

Moloch's Identity: Moloch (also spelled Molech or Molek) was an ancient Canaanite deity associated with child sacrifice in biblical and historical texts. The name "Moloch" is believed to derive from the Hebrew word "melech" (king) combined with the vowels of "boshet" (shame), indicating the abhorrent nature of this deity in Judeo-Christian tradition.

Bull-headed Deity: Many depictions and descriptions of Moloch portray him as a bull-headed anthropomorphic deity. This image is similar to the Minotaur in Greek mythology.

Some accounts describe Moloch as a large bronze statue with the head of a bull and the body of a man. This statue was said to have outstretched arms where sacrifices, including children, were placed.

The Golden Calf incident in Exodus, involves bull worship and the canaanite god Baal was sometimes depicted as a bull

Baal was one of the most important gods in the Canaanite pantheon.
His worship was widespread across many ancient Middle Eastern communities.


Molech was particularly associated with the Ammonites, a neighboring nation to the Israelites.
His worship appears to have been more localized compared to Baal.

All satanist nonsense at the end of the day
go back to le heckin accidental renaissance
A burnt offering was a holocaust not a moloch.
honestly 5 years ago I didn't think france could outdo itself
Wtf is that? Some kind of Hindu God (demon)?
i pet goat II reference
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>>in before this is not the muh real west
>yes it is
This, westoids swore fealty to jews, slaughtered their brethren to host a jewish nation which was wholly forbidden by god, now they are all stupid gay retards with no people and no nation, imagine my shock
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how does a golden bull and a golden calf represent zeus? I've never heard this in my life
That fucking sleepy Ben Carson meme was the best back in 2015. He had on his sleepy time night cap and everything.
>how many layers of woke are you on?
>"like 3 or 4 my dude"
>You are like a little baby, watch this!
God i miss that meme like you wouldn't believe.
great replacement is a conspiracy theory btw
good for you
But if you look at the bottom of the Wikipedia it says white demographic decline it's kind of comical

It's a conspiracy that's happening but it's a theory though
He looks like he has Argyria.
Maybe this ties into the fraudulent silver trading?
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Zeus turned into a bull and fucked a woman and that's how the Minotaur happened.
Kek what is even happening
I predicted that they would look for a neggress gold medalist in some irrelevant bullshit like billiards to carry the torch

What I couldn't predict was that an old white man would be the one to hand over the torch to the niggers

Well played globohomo, you're always one step ahead.
The four horsemen of apocalypse are already let loose in the world it's only a matter of time now.
wat god is that? pajeet needed
he's also a tranny
>this is what kikes mean when they tell christians to kill muslims because we're incompatible with their "culture"
Yeah I'd rather die
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Deus Vult my brother in Christ
wait'll u find out all those gods are literally just the canaan (aka true jew religion) gods with different names
Couldn’t they just get a female satanist like Taylor swift
What’s with the big golden calf/bull?
te fala, vla
He’s going to cleanse the earth with fire next time
Zeus raped Europa
Uncle Adolf please spare me. Take me away.
Crazy how they are getting more and more obvious with the Satanism.
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>danced to covid at the Olympics
The poison spreads to everyone


It doesn't matter if you get the vax. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>antioxidants, alkaline diet, EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere & every-when into the divine goal

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

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They went hard with Ancient Greece as a theme for the ceremony. Makes sense it is all gay, really
Just the set up for the rage...
>the average frenchie/european
didn't even know/care that it's the olympics.
Bitchtank is better anyways
where is Mars when we need him bros?!
fake videos as almost all in youtube. Show nothing.
Molester-Blaster runs Groomertown.
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It's the new Taylor Swift !!
time to cull all theater fags. Over half of fags that enable the commie fag hell world are queer theater kid types that grew up. time to exterminate them.
ain't that one of em Hindu gods?
>Woman wearing purple crop top on the right
I don't get what your problem is.

The sad state of Paris and you're bother by some gay theatrical production for le olympic games?
What could be more globalist and degenerate the the Olympic Games?
i dont think thats accurate lol
The objective might be demoralization, it's on purpose. Although on second thoughts, maybe they did that whole show without specific intent. Sometimes incompetence and stupidity are all mixed up.
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they think my country is not gay enough??
lmao stupid demon looks like a gay basedjak
>maybe they did that whole show without specific intent. Sometimes incompetence and stupidity are all mixed up.
>thinking enemy is stupid and taking them for granted
This is why jews rule over you.
This is why they are able to do all this.
This is why your race will go extinct.
Weird, huh
>boomers complaining about degeneracy on the most degenerate website on the internet
christianity is why the jews were able to take over europe
looks like there will be backlash, this whole show (I have seen entirely), is basically shitting on a crisis-inflation burdened population.
They recently talked about seizing saving accounts to pay the french debt which is 3200 billions. Now they just burn money for producing this humiliation ritual, which is not even a good production.
>this video is blocked in your country
It's better I don't see this anyway.
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I was agnostic when the culture war began.
now all my guns & bullets are blessed by our local priest.
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German propaganda poster. ''France in 100 years''.

They knew back then what the future would hold.
>Philippe Katerine leader of the french
I can diglett.
JD Vance hit the colloidal siver hard
We Didn't Start the Fire
I was pumped for the olympics and after watching this shit I've turned off the TV and I'm going to work on my car. not watching olympics this year.

fuck this gay shit I'm out
The opposite, your nation is SO GAY they forced most to pay for it

imagine PAYING for this
remember that its the alphabet people versus the axis powers
this is basically a psyop for russia and china
kek, THE WEST isn't doing this for any reason other than this is what they stand for...
If you mean China and Russia will laugh, sure, but it's not propaganda if it true....

Propaganda = Purosefully one sided and usually untrue info

This shit is here, some won't care in fag nations;
>the one that made the video turn the video unavailable on your country
I can't watch this fucking thing no matter which country's VPN server I use, wtf?
They won. The only way out of this predicament in the west is going to be a race war. I wish I was being edgy.
man this night mustve been awful for many people who still had faith in the world.
my parents even called me to check it out before it started and they absolutely didnt know that it would be anything like this.
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Some fag is walking around with his balls out. Near a child.
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Just the globalists worshiping Satan and mocking God.
Nothing new, really. You'll see this more often as we approach the unveiling of the antichrist. It won't be long now.
Why is Moloch both an Owl AND a bull
>We need to watch this shit
I feel your pain anon. If you haven't seen this I recommend watching as well to get our spirits emboldened for rightful retribution and smiting.

its creating the narrative of evil versus good
they are normalizing trans degeneracy to vilify nations who still do not allow it
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I miss him too
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Fuck the French mudslimes, fuck mohammed.
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Video is banned in my country
Leaf jewtube isn't showing anything in the search results. Algos are getting efficient at hiding this stuff
God of wine, ecstacy, madness and tragedy.
This is a reason #14039394 why we have to kill the Jews .
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>Look, Captain--Faggots. The Faggots live outside the normal order. Their heathen ways inflame the peoples' lowest instincts, and they must be stopped!
Weimar France is real.
reminder the person who made the show is a French Jew.
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Papa Smurf can I lick your ass?
Yea lick my ass bitch
Yeah, its the fruit of enlightenment. Made by jews, masons and illuminists.
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That child being groomed around those horny old men was eeiry
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It's over now, but you can watch the recap now if you search it, this was the eurosport livestream they give it poorer euros for free to spread this degeneracy

hence us balkans watching that - they want to makesure they subvert us but all they have done is make us VERY angry
>how whites and westerners act
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A few such apparently anti-social people are even used by Contact itself, especially by the Special Circumstances section.
They won nothing, CHRIST is king. They are not the Mormons even know, black are lemonites

The Lamanites, as described in the Book of Mormon, are a group of people who were once believed to be descendants of the ancient communities in the Americas. In the context of America, the Lamanites were presented as a cursed and degenerate people, characterized by their dark skin, which differentiated them from the lighter-skinned Nephites.

According to this view, the Lamanites were depicted as being inferior to the Nephites in various aspects, such as their intelligence, morality, and overall cultural development. Due to their darker skin, they were often seen as "unclean" or "uncivilized," which further justified the Nephites' treatment of them.

The Book of Mormon provides a narrative in which the Lamanites suffer from God's curse due to their disobedience and wickedness, which resulted in their dark skin. This is a clear example of a justifying myth often used to rationalize prejudices and social injustices against marginalized groups.
looking forward to Trump's roasting this degeneracy
>me in the back
Mine too, thank God. It's better this way.
>the property/landowner class

IT fag here, dont get me started on dealing with boomers bro, please
This is the most retarded logic. Christianity directly resulted in the most Aryan, godly, prosporous continent the world has ever seen. It was peak society from an aesthetic, cultural and spiritually viewpoint. Your logic would only make sense if there was a BETTER society that didn't have Christianity to compare it to. If only there was a way to see what society would be like without Christianity being the dominant ideology... Oh wait just look at OP's post.
• Both Molech and Baal were ancient deities worshipped in Canaanite and Mesopotamian cultures.
• They both had aspects of fertility, power, and wisdom in their attributes.
• They both required elaborate rituals to honor them, which often included sacrifices.
• In the case of Molech, child sacrifice was explicitly linked to his worship, as described in several biblical passages.
• Baal was also known to be associated with child sacrifice in some instances within the ancient Canaanite religion.
• Both deities had similar sacrificial practices, demonstrating that they were worshiped with comparable rituals.

Molech is depicted as both a bronze bullhead with a human body and also as an owl when "conferring wisdom," or manipulating,

Baal also represented by the bull

• The Golden Calf incident occurred after Moses descended from Mount Sinai, having received the Ten Commandments from God.
• The Israelites, left without guidance, grew anxious and impatient, requesting that Moses quickly return.
• In their impatience, they appealed to Aaron, Moses' brother, according to Exodus 32:1-6.
• Acceding to their demands, Aaron made a molded golden calf or bull from the Israelites' unwanted jewelry.
• The Israelites then worshiped this golden idol, celebrating and holding a feast around it, as described in Exodus 32:5-6 and 15-19.
• Upon discovering the Golden Calf, Moses angrily smashed it into pieces, then burned the golden prize, grinding it to dust.
I wonder if there is a sane place left in the world where a commentator says, "Jesus Christ, this is disgusting, I want to hysterically laugh and puke and cry at the same time" or the like. Some actual legitimate reaction instead of some polite bullshit.
There is no narrative if you are evil, actually evil.

If they were portraying some man picking up a soldier and carrying him to safety as a soldier carrying a man to a grave, that is propaganda.

Showing that the west promotes pedophiles and degeneracy openly, well if people don't like that, it is not propaganda,

Russia and china don't even need to make propaganda the west is doing it themselves.

Average Euro? Probably. Average FRENCHIE? not really
Pic related, a statue of the Virgin Mary disguised as some Buddhist figure, from when Christianity was banned in Japan.

I think it's the same thing going on and "Dionysus" was actually some satanic/occult figure in disguise.
>Christianity directly resulted in the most Aryan

a semitic religion directed the aryans to blah blah blah, ok moshe, hush
>Kek I wonder if Weimar was worse than this?
it was, imagine the same shit but on top of that pedophilia was considered OK, child prostitutes were a thing, kikes were even whoring their own by using debts, drugs were rampants and freely accessible, the majority of people were extremely poor and the minority extremely rich.
adolf being elected was far from a miracle, he had the right speeches and was already know.
Why do Jews spit on chrsitians and laugh at pagans
OH YEAH christians MURDERED THE JEWS many times
hadrian and titus took the fight to the jews, the church always protected jews
They don't even try to hide this stuff anymore. I'm not feeling too good

That is by the far the most fucked part of all of this. Innocent boomers wanting to experience suff with their children like they used to, only for it to always just be irreligous buttsex.
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>tfw I also noticed the ambulocethos in the back
Solve your own problems by yourselves.
nothing is different except you say it is illegal and now thee are blacks and muslims

"On October 20, 1996, 350,000 citizens of the tiny nation of Belgium took to
the streets of Brussels dressed all in white, demanding the reform of a system so
corrupt that it would protect the abusers, rapists, torturers, and killers of chil¬
dren. The political fallout from the case ultimately brought about the resignation

of Belgium’s State Police Chief, Interior Minister, and Justice Minister, who
became sacrificial lambs tossed to the outraged masses to avoid what could easily
have exploded into a full-scale insurrection by the people, particularly after police
‘incompetence’ allowed Dutroux to ‘escape’ and remain at large for a brief time in
April 1998.

There were in fact calls from the people for the entire coalition government to
step down. Months later, an opinion survey by Brussels’ Le Soir newspaper found
that only one in five Belgians still had confidence in the federal government and
in the nation’s criminal justice system. As the Los Angeles Times reported in
January 1998, “the conviction remains stubbornly widespread that members of
the upper crust—government ministers, the Roman Catholic Church, the court
of King Albert II—belonged to child sex rings, or protected them.”

The lingering distrust of the people was not alleviated by the fact that a parlia¬
mentary inquiry had identified, in April 1997, thirty officials who had, as the
Times tactfully put it, “failed to uncover Dutroux’s misdeeds.” Nearly a year later,
none of them had yet suffered any repercussions. Additionally, at least ten missing
children suspected of having fallen prey to Dutroux’s operation have never been
found. "
>daming your own soul to hell for all eternity to own the christians
wew u got me i'm getin 0wn3d
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Is that Chuck Norris??
I'm not catholic, but you're lying - jews have been killed for killing jesus - fuck even the compromised catholic church saved the germans running at the end of the war...

You are misled or a kike.

It's okay by being here you denounce the talmud, it's written everywhere and it's okay, we always accept your side of the contract the minute you respond.

Most of the Weimar shit was made up later by the nazis though, as a "PREVIOUS SYSTEM BAD, BUT WE GOOD!".
It will be our problem in slavia soon brother we HAVE TO KEEP THEM OUT, we should allow christians to leave to us

Let the rest burn

They are making america decide between gays and jews right now as the left there is gay but supports palestine.

The jews know they have to find something even ore repulsive than themselves
>jews have been killed for killing jesus

nowhere near the scale of what titus and hadrian did, the jews used christianity to subdue the white race, you are a memeflag anyway
What did your parents have to say about it?
This centuries harvest is going to be the largest in history.
>daming your own soul to hell for all eternity to own the christians
To be fair, they're all likely just demons in meatsuits already. None of them knew what they were signing up for when their souls were sold.
Fall of the West confirmed.
where's the ceremony tho? it's 9hrs of the same repeating visitors!
hiding the adam apple
I accidentally blue myself once
imagine the load
really. the olympics used to be a big deal with great prestige. an event to actually watch with the family. my father is also into all sorts of olympic niche sports and followed it for decades.
before the ceremony started they told me to check it out because they showed paris from a pretty side.
I was so cynical too saying that paris is a shithole. yet even I couldnt predict this.

didnt speak to them yet I actually didnt watch it until it was over and heard people freak out about it.
I will call them tomorrow.
pretty sure the owl is Minerva. I haven't seen much persuasive association between owl and moloch but I am new to some of this shit
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Jews doing their little satanic jew rituals in plain sight as per usual

Most of the dumb fucking goyim are too distracted and vaxxed-up to notice
i count 7 pillars
is every olympics this overtly evil
all of it is good american
i cant believe it's not front page news
what happened to the supposed right? conserving good ol fashioned drag shows? good ol fashioned gay marriage?
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it's fuckin moloch.
this is nonsense. moloch is repeatedly referred to as an entity.
that is a Jew
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> is every olympics this overtly evil

The 1936 ones weren't, but these new ones are run by jews after their shabbos goyim won WW2 for them
>catholics say christ is being sacrificed over and over.
Jesus did it once and for all and it is finished.
Christ is no longer on the cross you fucking satanist. He is risen. Bodily in heaven. Did you miss the part where he said "it is finished" / "there is one sacrifice"?
Go suck your "fathers" dick pope cuck and stay off our Christian board.
Good afternoon, I hate shitskins.
oh but goys just remember, Luther was a crypto Jew and it was a whole clever Jewish plot to fracture the Catholic Church and everything
The enemy owns the (((TV)))
fuck they called netanyahu your excellence the absolute state...

Mr president annnnd YOUR EXCELLENCE NETANYAHU kek

People are so butthuet but there is only 15 million Jews on earth (((they))) say

Imagine if it grows? BIG PROBLEM
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In kike dialectic, everything is turned upside down.

Lucifer becomes God, light becomes dark and vice versa

The jews are an insane race of parasitic psychopaths
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yep im ready
what ever happens must happen
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this is what €4 Billion looks like

>Depending on the event, you will be able to purchase a maximum of 4, 6 or 20 tickets
>Please log in in order to add tickets to your shopping cart. The total amount of tickets per account is limited to 30 tickets across all Olympic sales phases.

yeah can't wait for that
can we all take a momnet to laugh at the French
I need pics with timestamps NOW
Shit is about to get real
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Why is the child in Judas' spot? Why are they always like this?
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>tfw judas is a nigger
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Moloch was formerly the act of child sacrifice. The canaanites would MLK their kids during famines so they didn't see them starve, since the region floods so often. Pretty disgusting, but its understandable.
The jews wanted the Canaanites to be weakened so they could jump host to their conquerer, so they made a Saturn Moloch cult and got them to kill their kids. It was short-lived and replaced with lord Hammon.
You might say it sounds retarded, but we kill children at the altar of Lillith all the time nowadays. Not that Lillith is real, just a way to put the concept in context.
Everyone expects this stuff to be a bit fruity, but they seem to be ramping it up to the point where it’s obviously flaming faggotry purposely designed to offend the sensibilities of average people.

It’s actually quite incredible when you really sit and think about it. We have been desensitized, buts absolutely remarkable what has happened to society in the last 25 years.
Whaaaaaaat the fuck is that?
Your master

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