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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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My IQ is 135 (verified) and there is an absolute ZERO chance Kamala Harris will ever be president. (elections aren't real anyway)
>My IQ is 135 (verified)
Give us an intelligent, original thought that you've had. Not something you've heard from somewhere else, a neat concept or idea you had on your own.

Failure to do so means you're a midwit.
my iq is 140 and you're right.

humans are basically slightly more complicated plants.
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I don't want to get into it
My IQ is 142 (tested by my father in the military, standardized military test for IQ, when I was 11)

you are right
We'll be deporting beck to you leaf.
My IQ is 140 and they will rig the elections for Kamala unless the election never takes place.
My IQ is 136 and I have verified that Kamala Harris will win in a landslide
I can see into the future and it turns out that having an IQ of 136 or higher allows that; 135fags can't see shit
>Give us an intelligent, original thought that you've had. Not something you've heard from somewhere else, a neat concept or idea you had on your own.

That's what a midwife would think about to find out if someone is authentically smart
Yeah I'm somewhere around the 130-150 range and I can say that with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY. Same with Trudeau, he will not be reelected as prime minister. Not a chance, from my 160 IQ analysis
>My IQ is 135
apparently everyone in this thread
Your IQ is tested by a 10 question internet quiz - alternatively you lack all kinds of actual smarts and only rotate apples with overlaid sudokus in your mind while simultaneously solving them
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My IQ is 158 (verified) and there is an absolute 100% chance Kamala Harris will be president. (elections aren't real anyway)
not only that, she will ruin the reputation of the left maybe indefinitely like another poopjeet is currently doing in canada by keeping turdeau in power, maybe all by design
okay but here is the problem. russians sabotaged frances high speed rail infrastructure today and nobody gives a shit. some people, like myself, find it funny.

regardless of who wins, you’ve got some fucking problems to deal with buddy. i don’t think trunk makes things better.
like i said 6 months ago. only one survives: israel or usa.

harris v. trump all but guarantees that its israel.
My IQ is 145 and I just shit my pants
My iq is 75 and I will vote. So no matter how smart you are, a dumb mother fucker like me, is going to cancel your vote. And I'm illegal too. What's the value of your citizenship now? Lol I win. Paid apartment, paid medical. Paid car. Credit cards from the government. Mwahahahaha.
If you're so smart, how come you're not a billionaire and slaying hot chicks every night? How come you're posting on /pol/? IQ doesn't mean shit.
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>(elections aren't real anyway
Bibi has already signalled recently that the presidency will be given to Trump.
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My IQ is 67. I predict that despite everyone disliking Kamala, even being afraid of Kamala, she will win. And then everyone will believe in election fraud, and finally will want to do something about it. Her victory will be overturned.
Whatever causes a real Revolutionary War to happened in this country is what I want to happen.
My IQ is 157 and she'll win.
> How come you're posting on /pol/?
Refractory period
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It's not about IQ it's about whether you're smart enough to notice subversion or not
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They can just cheat and you won't do shit
There are a lot of autistic retards on this board...but also a lot of really, really smart people. I'm finishing up my phd now. I'm not claiming to be smart, but put the work in.

Most of these threads kind of blow, especially lately. Been that way for a few years. But once in a while a thread comes along that will blow your mind and is excellent. This is not that thread.

Enjoy Friday night frens and autists.
88IQ here

Jews want trump

Do the opposite
I’m Jewish with a 150 IQ and have actually accomplished things with it. Kamala most certainly could become president. Trump has to win by a huge margin to overcome cheating in swing states. Women will also all vote for Kamala, as will the usual fags and POC.
My IQ is 169 (verified) and there is a 50% chance Kamala Harris will be president. (Elections are a coin toss)
My IQ is 12 and Kamala Harris will shit her pants during the debate.
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>My IQ is 135 (verified)
fuck off jew
Midwit detected
If you are so smart do the triforce
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my iq is 200 and kamala harris is the funniest candidate in recent memory
Zionist Jews that run the Israeli government are now campaigning for BLUMPH, it's over Xiden bros
niggerloving faggot detected
My IQ is 145 and she will win with 140 million votes.
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Neither Trump or Kamala should be president, they're both too fucking stupid and the people who vote for them are even dumber. Look at the way the West is, it's because we gave the common pleb the right to "vote".

The majority of the majority will always run things and that's how it'll always be. You have 26% of people controlling what the 51% do. That's why Democracy will always be a joke and will ALWAYS give birth to Tyrants and Dictators alike.
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>elections aren't real anyway
that's why she wins.
democrats have a massive vote rigging advantage.
I should use two drills to make a concrete vibrator
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135 doesn't automatically qualify you to make such statements pleb.
Only if Trump wins will there be civil war. This is because whites are pussies and niggers are violent. My IQ is 369.
Khlamydia Harris
I don't have an IQ and I approve of this message.
Nah, they can always cheat in a good girl like Harris. But what they can't do is print soldiers who have courage. That's where the rubber eventually meets the road in their shenanigans. Paying soldiers with hyper inflating currency is a dicey game to. Such men might become disloyal when they can't eat.
135 not even that high. Why are 110-130's like this? "I'm the smartest man alive, this is how it is" bitch you're like 1 in 100... the fuck? How can you be 135 iq and not know this?
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>if Trump wins will there be civil war.
There's been a (((civil war))) since the 1960's bro.
The enthusiasm hangover today is palpable. They got so wound up about not having a candidate, they didn't realize their replacement candidate really is worse than Biden. I bet a challenger emerges just before the convention.
1 in 50. It's significant in my case because spics are dumber. I'm one whole sigma ahead of you.
My IQ is 147 (facebook quiz) and I agree. Not only will Trump winning accomplish increasing the hysterical divide between reddit trannies and normal people, there is literally nothing about Trump that threatens the establishment anymore.
My IQ is 145 and he's right about OP being right
There is no possible way a leaf has an IQ above 110.
My IQ is 146 and you're correct about that other guy being correct.
If elections aren't real then she has a chance. Who counts the votes?
135 is the smartest guy in some rooms, but not smart enough to get cocky. 138 here, found out the hard way over time.
>t.140ish IQ

Koom*la will lose by 20 or less electoral votes
Not that it matters cause whoever counts the votes chooses the winner
Luck and discipline trumps IQ unless you're doing hard Math.
People should only be given up to the amount of freedom until they no longer benefit from it. Science fiction writers in the 20th century set back human progress more than any religion.
Ikr? I'm genuinely 140 and I still feel like a fucking retard next to *really* smart people. If my IQ was in the mid 130s I would not be bragging about it.
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Who would vote for this ugly dick sucking Obamanation anyways when women like pic related exist.
Completely hilarious.
As a white nordic Canadian chad you should obviously be looking at impregnating white women like these 1500+ times.

Here is your new mentor:
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We should all be doing this
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Baybehhhhh it's 3AM I must be lonely
And she says bayyybeh, well, I can't help but be scaed of it all sometimes
and the rains gunna wash away, i believe it
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my iq is 85 and there is never a 0% chance in politics if someone made it as one of the main candidates.

at the bare minimum there is a 1% chance she gets elected
Based and hiluxpilled.
I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
if Kamala Harris wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary.
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id rather elect a random redneck woman than Kamala Obamanation 3.0
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online tests every time
>ZERO chance Kamala Harris will ever be president
>elections aren't real anyway
Behold the logic of the leafjeet poobrain. Don't you have a street to shit in?
I was 140 as a yougn person and one of the best ideas I had was an oval extnsion to the front of a toilet bowl so there's room for your dick. Its unbelievable how long that's lasted. I saw a communal bench toilet from ancient Rome the other day and even they had a much larger hole at the front. The guy who invented the modern toilet, a fucking idiot, his surname's Crapper
Kamala polled at 1% in the 2020 DNC primaries lol!
Put your money where your mouth is. We will have the first female president in history with shady old lady Clinton pulling the strings it will be ultra based and funny as fuck to watch chuds seethe and cry for 4 years.

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