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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>What's the go here?
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Libs of TikTok is jewish
the jews have already won, now they're just flexing
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>So you see the issue
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jewish supremacism is retarded
Why is the Twitter account with troon symbol as their pfp complaining about troons?
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Why the fuck should I be forced to watch faggotry and gay jews attempting to rape kids every day?
Pretty sure the jews are attempting to be expelled again
Its a chink larping as a jew. Hapa needs to be put down
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a bunch of faggots AND A CHILD, sacre bleu why am i not surprised
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>Tranny jews always go after the kids
The fat bitch in the middle is done on purpose too, they're trying to do a demoralization on the goyim by highlighting ugliness and gluttony (the latter being a direct physical reflection and manifestation of metaphysical evil)

They're essentially dabbing on the goyim here
Lol saved

>anglo talk about kicking jew

You are Jewish dog, you are the creative mind of Jewish degeneration. In the white world there will be no Jews, Christians and Anglos.
They aren't content with getting kicked out of countries. They are trying to get kicked out of the planet this time.
The French are about to be kicked out for being tranny groomers.

Stop trying to behave like you hate it. You love Jews and hate family, children and the white man. You did this in ww2 because your genetics have no honor because you are not white.
Jewish chutzpah is reaching all times high. They are mocking us as hard as ever because they believe we are finished as a race and they are correct
Roasties love this shit too, they gobble it right up.

White women are the jew's most important foot soldiers enforcing his social norms, hence why we live in a matriarchy pandering to white women as well.

Not if there are Anglos and burger niggers like you to defend Jews and kill white people.
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Only cool thing during the olympic opening was Gojiras performance
What the fuck is a gojiras
>He will teach nobunaga the ways of the bushido, lead his army to victory, then they will kiss and have hard core uncensored anal fisting.
Wonder why ubisoft did this?
and you lot think the white race is worth saving, kek
The ironic thing is that the olympic flame tradition was revived by Nazi Germany back in 1936 (IIRC)

There's nothing on the face of this earth jews won't subvert and destroy if given the chance
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trannies are just a weird flex by zog because they know the entire world hates it
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who are "we", memeflag. i doubt you're in findland. why does everyone on 4chan pretend we live in the same country?
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Reminder: There is no political solution to a jewish problem.
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Because you can't boil the frog when they are accelerating at this pace.
this is just Europe waking up and throwing off the christcuck yoke

if youre against this then YOU are the jew
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Don't let these "anti-woke" culture warriors fool you, by the way. They are bought and paid for, kosher saviours.
He later taught the damio about space and how they were once kangz
there is nothing new under the sun my friend. the sun is setting on the west. in meantime celebrate the collapse. Something better will emerge, until that too runs it's course and collapses.
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I'm really gonna need some high IQ schizo analysis on this whole kike ceremony and its symbolism later on, gonna look around and see what i can find
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>Something better will emerge
Like what
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>Look goyim, horns on a bull!

We get it kikes, you love satan (Molech)
I just shit on the floor
this is what ukrainians are dying for
that’s right kikes, there’s nothing to fear.
you have already won.
Imagine thinking that the average person associates this shit with the jews. Most people don't use 4chan, retard.
I'm a DJ.... those decks aren't even plugged in...

Add to the fakeness and the poserness
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>artsy show of two flaming gay guys and a girl having an interracial threesome
Bravo France
God please help us
>watching the oppression olympics
the troons have seized every single medal in those contests. shows over!
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>Imagine thinking that the average person associates this shit with the jews. Most people don't use 4chan, retard.
FWIW, this kiked-up decaying joke of a society/civilization is headed for the abyss anyways.

You are literally watching babylon burning here. One last gay tranny nigger pedo orgy before the fall.
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Everyone nose who is behind it
what did they mean by putting a little kid there with those beasts?
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They're trying to buckbreak the goyim, ottomans did the same thing to serbians when they abducted young serbian boys back in the day and put it on full display for everyone to see.

A society which lets its children be paraded around by foreign conquerors is doomed to fail
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I think the ruling class just want us to purge them at this point.
They have gotten bored of being in power for so long and are trying to provoke us into removing them, permanently.
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Come mothers and fathers

Throughout the land

And don’t criticize

What you can’t understand

Your sons and your daughters

Are beyond your command

Your old road is rapidly agin’

Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand

For the times they are a-changin’
only jews and shabbos goyim still use "woke"
You won't do shit, coward. Whites are pussies.
Why do they hide? End Wokeness is jewish too.
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>Stolen sword from Minority Hunter
Top kek
Let them destroy Palestine then they won’t be able to use the holocaust as a cudgel
I’d like one order of vegan egg rolls and a side of dumplings, please.
Mel Gibson photo is at the wrong angle for that example pic to work anyways. Has to be directly from the side. The photo taker is too low and left. Also no prognathism on Mel.
Is that Asian kid doing the baphomet gesture? Sure looks like it.
That's exactly why they are doing it. They are saying "you all hate this, but you will not do a shit".
Oh. Yes the Olympics *checks notes* taking place in Europe. Definitely has to do with US politics and definitely is a very good talking point for right wing hacks.
Your lame comment didn't change a thing. What's next? Going to tell me to "post nose" like a twat?

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