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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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That fag was only maybe 4th or 5th most offensive.
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oops forgot pic
Don't be racist against white people culture
Honestly the weirdest thing about this is how surprised conservatards are. Why do they pretend we're still living in 2006?
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>my name is ADIS HOT IVANKOVIC. I'm a muslim balkan turkroach yugoslave rapebaby immigrant invader and I MUST rape german children bestial and sadistically to death and I NEVER got caught with it. I let my victims eat my poop on public streets and much worse. I rape my victims, the children, over years. I destroy lives of my victims family and I even would never think bad about it, if I would. It is the exact opposite, I feel very strong for that and I like it. I also like homosexuality, and incest, if the others are the ones who suffering their whole life until death. I do also like to torture pets alive (or dead) and torturing them with a passion to death.

>my criminal turkroach "father" was also in prison for many many years, but he is a good goy and dindu nuffin, just like me! I've learned sooo much from him, masallah! my "mother" knows what I'am doing and is also proud of me, of a multiple child rapist and murderer of german children. she supports me, loves me and my money from the germans.

>all of my turkroach yugoslave friends are criminals aswell of course, and we go further; we wont stop it! ("say, how could you tell?") I'am a criminal millionaire and proud muslim because of all that and it's my business!

>we dont like niggers, gypsys or jews in our countries because we are the good guys. we are not like "those" subhumans.

pic related.
What would /pol/, you, do, if this "object" did this to your children multiple times ?
kevin nash?
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
I don't have a screenshot of it, but there was a pink heart drawn in the sky by planes right about the time that the gay interracial threesome was happening.
I still can't believe that's a thing that I saw for a sporting event opening movie.
you caused this
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its hoever
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Sodom & Gomorrah
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I thought 4pol was so Western culture and gay Greco-Roman orgy stuff? Oh, not THAT part of Western culture huh? Kol
Even the left leaning normies i know felt that this was too much. I guess some just don’t know when to stop before shit backlashes.
Could it be true?
total leftoid genocide
Clown fag world won a long time ago, you are just riding out the memes of humanity now. Enjoy!
Clown world is reaching its peak... soon, demon world will begin.
Its just very poor taste. Bad artistry. Meh.
You haven't left your squalid bedsit in months. No one would know if you died until the stench reached the street.
In short: u lie
I am too fat and have arthritis so there is no way I can bend my knee
but the lefties will soon forget it
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nobody gives a fuck about the olympics
Assuming that’s supposed to be Dionysus, the Greeks had barefoot virgins step on grapes for the Wine God. In 2024 I’m looking at a gay man in body paint writhing on top of a table. Wrong energy
you're about to get killed lol
OP is MKUltra.
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actually non whites identify with lgbt culture more than white do
even the woke NBC censored this btw. what does that tell you?
They didn't even mention the athletes who were murdered in Munich
olympics has always been globohomo dogshit full of degenerates. wish theyd fuck off like your memeflag
>ancient Greeks were big gay
Literally jewish historical revision
I get that they want to be revolutionaries and all. But why is it always so fucking ugly? Can't they just make it look good? Like put some femboys up there in cute costumes or some shit.
Finally I won't have to work at jidf anymore
“Oh I’m offended”

No one cares. Troons are going to troon and act out. Stop giving them fodder for “see how they want to erase us”. Ignore them and they’ll all disappear.
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>Clown world is reaching its peak... soon, demon world will begin.
I no longer laugh at clown world as a cope, but am actually being tortured at this point. Everything around me causes physical revulsion and disdain. I turn on the TV and see these parasite infested demons that cause chip shots to my sanity are everywhere. I take a drive, and there's rainbow flags and billboards dotting the side of the road. It's been bad for a while, but in 2024 they really cranked this shit to 11, and pivoted from pretending faggotry is about "rights", to these demonic victory dances
Was the sexual revolution and your constant supply of porn worth it?
insane projection from the nords as usual lmao
The financial 'elite' bloodlines have been hiding their power level for centuries. Behind closed doors it's been a clown festival for these weirdos since babylon and Greece and Rome.
What's happening is that their degeneracy is being brought into the light and being forced into mainstream. Most people don't like it but that's not stopping them from going full retard and overplaying their hand for some reason.
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Do these leftards understand this is an international event?
someone post a webm of this bit, seriously what does a gay interracial three some have to do with the Olympic games?
Same reason retards here post the stuff that gets them off all the time: Being horny makes you a retard.
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Sup troon
No straight man will ever want you
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pic was cropped
you will like the bearded tranny, chud
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What the fuck is this thing?
But they've been hiding it for centuries. Why only in the past few years are they bringing their once closeted degeneracy into the light? And why so fast? Why not gradually?
>for some reason
There's no physical consequences for them doing it, and no checks and balances within the law to stop them. This is the unfortunate reality.

If you or I stood in the street and started screaming, we'd get arrested for "breaching the peace". But being infinitely more belligerent on TV is met with authorities turning their heads or applauding.
Looks like a DJ mixing deck with turntables
"I love the government..."
A Pioneer Soundboard.
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Basically it's just going to keep getting worse until we destroy the ring of power and kill all the orcs.
Satanism would be so much cooler if it wasn't a bunch of fat, gay, leftist retards doing it. Do Lucifer, Paimon, Baal, and the like REALLY want THESE fucking retards representing them?? Why don't some edgy misanthropic fucks reclaim Satanism, make it beauty-centered, and kick out all of these fat, dysgenic retarded literal faggots? Or better yet, get into summoning demons and make a deal with them that you'll offer better representation for them in exchange for these people being destroyed.
It’s a mix board. And a pioneer one at that. I guess the whale is a DJ?
i am intrigued
A shame, really. I actually like(d) watching the some of the Olympic sports but I guess I won't anymore.
Wokeness is failing spectacularly though. Every movie flops. The people don't want it. Yet they continue to push harder and harder instead of easing off.
There must be a reason for this
Turntables. See the Pioneer logo on each side. Not Satan
Who watches this shit past Beijing
Not to mention the "sports", which are just tech-demos for PED technology and sponsor whorehouses, every ceremony since has been a literal satanic ritual full of predictive programming and obscene symbology
There are like 13 threads on this. This is the most supreme ragebait ever.

Think about all the other shit that globohomo is up to right now. How much money did they just steal from you to send to Ukraine or Israel? How much more they planning to steal right now? What other oppressive laws and regulations did they just pass? How's the plan to rig the elections again going?

But this is what's important to get all enraged about. A bunch of fools dressing up in clothes you don't like them wearing.

Anotha shoah.
Social media circle jerking. They gaslit themselves into thinking it's a good idea.
Unironically this won't happen again after the muslims become an absolute majority in France. Maybe white people are the problem.

Seriously imagine being upset about a competition where I watched a 5'0 chink male to female woman outlift 99% of /fit/.
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Fuck france. I hope the muzzies nuke paris. Fucking shithole.
I have a coworker who is super religious and home schools his kids to avoid this shit
they watched the opening ceremony together as a family
top fucking kek
Are they going to have man beat the shit out of a woman in boxing?
I might watch that
i only watch the olympics for the hot women
It’s France. They aren’t offended by campy humor.
I want the Muslims to win now. Western European white people are pathetic *spits*

You can say Americans are pathetic too but at least we don't do THIS.
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Homosexuals were the lowest caste of Greek society and were not allowed to participate in the Ancient Olympics as it was primarily a religious festival and homos were not allowed near religious activities.
The 2028 Los Angeles Olympics will have mock child sacrifices for the opening ceremony.
That “object could just as easily be a church member, the neighbor that doesn’t mind watching your kids for a couple hours everyday after school, a teacher, or a family member. Usually, it’s the people you trust the most where the pedos and child abusers lie, not some immigrant trying to make a better life for himself.
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Soldiers regularly had sex with boys. Regardless of you historical revisionism.
France deserves everything it gets from here on out.
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>What does that tell you
That we need to get the right WOMAN in office in November so NBC can be free to show it all! We need to top this in 2028 when the Olympics come here!
They all want to fuck small children with utter impunity and you want them to display a more conservative aesthetic?
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>Soldiers regularly had sex with boys

There are no written records of this at all, you kike faggot. You kikes have been at War with Greeks for 3,000 years and now your kvetching because Byzantine 2.0(russia) is kicking your shit in. You will never win Khazaria back kike, soon Ruskies land-lock it and your dreams fade away.
Nigger lover
This is them mocking us about all the shit they are doing and getting away with.
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it’s very french. i have always hated the french
>not muh bread and circus
Fuck off.
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Only fags care about the olympics so it's fitting. Lame ass boomer shit.
afraid so
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>In ancient Greece and Rome, a catamite was a pubescent boy who was the intimate companion of an older male, usually in a pederastic relationship.[1]
>The word derives from the proper noun Catamitus, the Latinized form of Ganymede, the name of the beautiful Trojan youth abducted by Zeus to be his companion and cupbearer, according to Greek mythology.[3]
We all know this won't be that fat fuck's Last Supper. She?'ll have second supper in a matter of hours. Perhaps minutes.
why are frenchoids like this?
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>Sodom & Gomorrah
This Olympic presentation has literally nothing to do with the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah:
>Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy
At this point I'm convinced France getting destroyed by Muslims is just the wrath of God now.
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The Chud Obliterator 3000. It fires dragon dildos.
how do I actually see the video though. What twitter account is it?
One of the biggest tricks Satan ever played on us was convincing us he was "cool" and "edgy". What we're seeing right now is what evil really looks like.
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The events of this century will vindicate this man, trust me
All the evil you unleash upon the west will wash back on you. Repent.
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Don't try to convince me that the trannification of the Last Supper doesn't have some Jew behind it
A French battlebot "the tranny train", will be featured in 2025 season
For years I used to wonder why there was so much rampant homosexuality coming from mexico. But the media has sure brainwashed a shit ton of people in general over the last few years.
>sourceless post
Why don't you go back into the oven already, Herschel?
Gojira was fucking cool. It was probably the only non fag music show besides Celine Dion. When I saw the bearded transvestite singer I just laughed my ass off.

If the Paris show was like 90% gay the 2028 los Angeles one is probably going to feature Buck Angel rimming that black gay as fuck rapper.
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I've been saying this time and time again, prepare for winter. These people have been used as useful idiots in swaying people toward greater draconian security measures, censorship and population control. They were made an anathema on purpose and will be regarded as the reason for weakened security and instability.
Yeah kid on the right in the yellow and white sitting on platform
Though it's okay when Japan does it.
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Balls out lol
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IKTF too well fren. I think we're living in Hell.
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What was that event some 10 years ago where they did this weird pagan like show with goats and weird dancing. I don't know if it was the opening to the Olympics or if it was a NATO or UN convention type thing of world leaders (G20 thing?)

anyone remember that shit? this is like that. its not the first time people realized the world is becoming Babylon all over again.
Kids made the best drag queens, bigot!
I've never watched the olympics, do they usually have these faggy opening ceremonies? I thought this shit was about niggas running really fast/White guys swimming really fast.
bitch needs to learn to tuck better
don't bring amateur hour to the olympics
no, Japan has a really fucked up society. they're a godless people.
Is there a full show recording yet? Can't find one on youtube, only clips.
It's in the dictionary you fucking catamite
Well if Japan is godless, then I guess I am an atheist.
Based poster of apocalypse pics
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This. Evil is cool is primary, base-level gaslighting. It's twisted and terrible and offputting. It's why they try so hard to portray beauty and order as evil.
Maybe if all the white people werent deciding its time to be gay and/or destroy their genitals for attention, their birth rates wouldn't be collapsing.
Thanks for confirming /pol/ and chud Americans have no culture, class, or civilization

Conservatives are leading America to a dying irrelevant country.
You are correct, but I want you to know that your oversized powerpoint slide full of typographical errors is not going to win anyone over.
Consider a better visual aid. That is all.
I think you're referring to this:


I don't find it particularly satanic myself.
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>What the fuck is this thing?
Jesus Christ you must be a zoomer to not know what that is.
Good god, western europe is such a joke.
It's become a place where the degenerate and ugly gets put in a pedestal while the traditional and majestic arts get dumped.
The opening of big CERN?
They know they've lost, this is just them cleaning out the 2024 budget
It's how Jews control the weather.
Nothing is sacred.
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Stanism makes people ugly and degenerate, not the other way around.
In fact I find no better proof of Jesus' truth than the fact that the biggest event of the year, organised by the most corrupt earthly powers of evil, mocks Jesus Christ.

Atheists and other servant of satan keep asking "why should your god be the right one, there were thousands of gods in history?".
They find Zeus and Odin "cool", but they hate Jesus and what his followers stand for. Remember, they didn't mock Muhammad, they didn't mock Abraham, or Anubis, or Athena. They mocked Jesus.

The evil powers of this world, despite being a tiny minority, imposes their evil onto the world. How many drag queen do you actually know? Do people around you not naturally feel ill looking at them? Ask around. Now ask yourself this ; how could they reach such power, that they are featured everywhere in the media, as if they represented half of the population, if not for the help of Satan?
The gift of Satan are poisonous, even the ones given on earth. Followers of Satan are doomed, not only in the afterlife but in this very life. To think you could have fit and beautiful Satan followers is preposterous.
>last supper
It's just some Italian painter's splashings. It is some holy relic.
There's tons of similar paintings of Romans and Greeks sitting at tables
Funny. I just saw that upper right image at a museum today. It was a reproduction in an exhibit about Indian art and myth.
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I like cool pics.
Verse 7 of Jude makes clear that those cities were destroyed for sexual perversion. Sodom and Gomorrah did not receive the revelation that the cities contemporary to the ministry of Jesus did; therefore there is a greater condemnation for them than for Sodom and Gomorrah. In another place, Jesus states that those cities would have repented if He had done the same miracles in them. We see in chapter 19 of Genesis where residents of the city wanted to rape the angels that were sent to visit Lot. Is this not opposed to hospitality as well as an overpowering and irrational desire to commit sodomy? Why would the inhabitants of the earth, contemporary to Lot and Abraham, cry out against those cities if all they did was neglect the poor and not also commit violence, let alone commit acts of sexual perversion without regard for the laws of nature and its Creator? I don't see why sodomy and anti-hospitality can't be mutual reasons for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Every nation at the height of its moral powers puts restrictions on sexuality.
Why are you so okay with living in 2024?
Tel Aviv is the gayest city on Earth
I jest, but lets be real what the French Olympics lot just did is directly inspired by the Last Supper.
By the way, Satan's goals is not to look cool or be represented by edgy faggots, it is to divert souls from the truth, he's the very essence of deception. The slow poison that he currently spreads is much more efficient at that than what you propose. Satan doesn't like you, he doesn't want to be your buddy, he hates you like no being on earth can hate you, don't be fooled.
we're under his spell when we're reading garbage on the internet. We should probably just be sitting and meditating or something.
An Italian painter that painted trannies!
There! I said a word /pol/ loves to use as an insult!
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Might move to Arizona someday.
How bad was the fashion show? How much of it was too gay for American T.V. I never saw the blue Dionysus. I barely saw the fat lady with the pointed crown.
Probably. But why are they serving the blue guy on a silver platter as the last supper? What's the symbolism?
>Italian painter
I've been here since the fappening and I've never heard this be used as an insult before. But I'm gonna start using it if it makes me look cool...you Italian painter
It’s a Jewish ritual u fucking kike.
this has got to be a humiliation ritual. There is no way normal people thought this shit would make France look good.
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>What the fuck is this thing?
rage mixer
Total edomnite death to u semite
>There is no way normal people thought this shit would make France look good.

Its not made by normal people. Its made by a deranged corrupt decadent government that doesn't represent its people.
I have seen more comparisons to Dionysus and Shiva. Wears leopard skins sometimes like Shiva wears tiger skins and has a pinecone scepter representing the pineal gland. Shiva's priests sometimes hang out in pine forests in stories about him.
I guess, at this point, I hope Islam takes over countries like France. I can't imagine this kind of faggotry being allowed in a muslim country
thats a man
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All I see is kabbalist creations.
What else is new?
Bongland had the queen jump out of a plane and shit for our Olympic ceremony and Danny Boyle directed the inb4 covid scamdemic with hundreds of dancers and shit.
The frogs have a bunch of trannies twerking?
shut up nigger, make your own
>worship of a blue cannibal tranny
The Indians are really going to get what's coming to them, eh?
Why are white subhumans like this?
Say what you will about Arabs but despite fucking goats they would execute everyone in these photos
The fall of Esau and the beginning of Jacob. TKD world wide brother.
Nope. It's white """people""" being degenerate piece of shit like always.
They fucked little boys before Christianity. It took sandnig religion to civilize these sodomites.
> I've never heard this be used as an insult before.
Typical bullshit you'd expect from Italian painters.
You wop ink sloppers are a cancer on this board.
Well Shiva and Kali are gods of destruction and death
Maybe they're saying the trannies are serving us (the goddess of) destruction on a silver platter
>Every movie flops
how do people get money to make more and more woke movie when they all flop?
He doesn’t understand that there is about 7 different words for Love in Ancient Greek and yeah sometimes you could fuck a little tight bussy every now and then but the vast majority did not indulge in this debauchery.
Much like today, the corrupted elite do all sorts of perverted sex acts.
The same is true for any decadent stage of any empire/civilization on this planet.
The gayest city on Earth is also the whitest city in the Middle East lmaooo.
The whiter your cumskin is the more of a faggot you are. Fruity bitches.
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the next ceremony should outdo this one by cutting his gross face off and feeding it to the hogs!
Pedophillia will legal in our lifetime.
And im fine with it.
are we out of touch? Whose watching this ? Are the kids watching it while everyone over 25 is on the internet gawking at it? When I was young, I loved watching the olympics. I dont know if I would have stopped watching because of that nonsense ass shit, but now I feel I have to skip out.
>the very essence of deception
REALLY makes you think!
Not buying it.
All heathens are going to get what they fucking deserve.
>Don't be racist against white people culture
>It was all black faggots and Middle East occultism
Hahaha, what are you talking about?

>Assuming that’s supposed to be Dionysus, the Greeks had barefoot virgins step on grapes for the Wine God. In 2024 I’m looking at a gay man in body paint writhing on top of a table. Wrong energy
Didn't you guys want paganism to become mainstream? There you go, pagans always were like that.

The whole thing was nightmare-inducing.
People are not born gay most grow out of it eventually. It’s the Jews normalizing this. I pray this will force God’s hand on them eventually.
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>doesn't understand the power of symbolism
2 iq
>yeah sometimes you could fuck a little tight bussy
White people before "sandnigger religion" ruined Europe, everyone
You know the diverse people in the United Colours of Benneton ads were a lot friendlier, smarter dressed and more attractive. Just sayin'
Look at him from the front, everything will be clear.
France used to be a great nation.
Jews are white and whites are Jews lmao. There's no fucking difference anymore. Only ""white"" countries don't recognize Palestine the entire world does even Africa knows Israel is not real.
It was legal for a long time way before it was illegal. It was a lot more formal than lust filled when it comes to cunny relationships.
Sandniggers love fucking little boys today you stupid gypsy
Western civilization,
Especially in the ancient days, was the least degenerate and most “civilized” aka apart from Nature as anything else that existed.
Do not speak on things you don’t understand
I miss ICDV....
I'm not sure. Probably money laundering and fraud. I doubt the kangs of the rang actually cost 1 billion to make
Whites are not semites. The semites have hooked nooses similar to Canaanites. Whites are not the same as edomite jews
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Seethe and dilate, /pol/. It's the fucking French! What did you expect? They're the bellwether of avant-garde. There's no way it wasn't going to be artsy and shocking.
What dat?
>All heathens are going to get what they fucking deserve
So they'll bring destruction?
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this is definitely not supposed to look like a nuke.
Oh you mean Bacha Bazi which was legal in Afghanistan under US rule for 20 years until the Taliban took over and made it illegal? You sodomite rat piece of shit show me one country in the Middle East where fucking a little boy is legal and done out in the open, like it was in Ancient Greece and Rome?
Disingenuous rat kike. Pederastry was literally done openly and in public, so much for muh civilization.
Took a religion from literal cavemen to stop the practice
>Do not speak on things you don’t understand
Right back at you mutt fuck
We should import the cutest French girls and carpet bomb the shit out of them till it’s rubble. Fucking opening ceremony was fucked up.
Holy fug man
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>kikepidia as a sauce
He looks gayer than one of those little paper hats you get in a Christmas cracker.
it’s almost always the bitch ass faggot white folks, the jewish banking niggers, and their diversity (pajeet, muhammad, jaquavious, joao, etc..) quota bullshits that love and fall for this stupid corny shit

what a bunch of pathetic cucks lol

A boy who has a sexual relationship with a man.
A boy kept for unnatural purposes.
The junior partner in a paederastic relationship.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
Muhamed was a pedophile and all Muslims and Jews are too
Gypsies are hated worldwide because you are barely human, yet pretend to be. Begone faggot
Have a cool picture. I'm out. May we restore capital punishment to murderers, adulterers, sodomites, and so on. Pornographers definitely deserve it as well.
It was illegal to have butt sex in most of ancient Greece. Cock sucking was fine though. It's like doctors back then figured out which gay sex acts caused problems and which ones didn't.
It's literally just white people who fall for this shit.
Gojira performed which makes the opening ceremony sick and you a huge faggot
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The last opening Olympic opening ceremony in France in 1992 (Albertville) was fucking weird by 1992 standards as well. The French are just that way.
Hi, Jew dude, just wanted to let you know that God loves you and is very, very patient with you. He is giving you so much time to accept that Jesus is the Lord. I will pray for you to stop this retarded shitposting and acknowledge Christ is the son of the living God. With the rate of things, there is precious little time now for all of us.
Hahahaha you are already seething at least Muhamad was fucking girls unlike your Greek and Roman ""peak of civilization""
Remember faggot it took a 100% brown religion to stop your white ancestors from fucking little boys. If it wasn't for a brown religion you white dogs would still be fucking boys ahahahaha.
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>Tel Aviv
>whitest city
Jews will never be white faggot
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you can see there's no God in this World, otherwise He would smite that city a thousands time until nothing remain
The last supper isn't sacred, it's about the golden ratio
If I didn't just jerk off this would have ended me. Fantastic stuff shes amazing
Niggerfaggot, that doesn’t make what you posted before true.
They kicked all those illegal immigrants somewhere else for this garbage
kikes and whites are all the same you MIGApede faggot. go pay your weekly taxes to Israel
To the lake of fire you go tranny.
everybodys focus on the trannies and nobody even noticed this. i think this is the real message
>thinking the 2028 games will still go ahead
Slightly optimistic there
>be me
>see the Olympic opening at work
>go off on a 15 minute rant about how much i hate these faggots and trannies
>realize after im done the coworker I'm talking to is most likely a faggot as well

How do I get out of being fired over this? Do I play the "I'm gay so I'm allowed to say it" card or do I just go all in and declare my racism/homophobia/transphobia/Islamophobia to the inevitable HR meeting on Monday
The real message? Clip please?
The fucks wrong with French people?
couldn't tell what it was at first then zoomed in a bit and oh, it's a "woman" with a beard. uh ok, wtf
Basically nobody plays acutal instruments anymore. Just disgusting fags standing behind a dj setup while prerecorded music plays. Not even mixing tracks live.
>As a young man Ganymede was abducted by Zeus and taken to Mount Olympus to be his cupbearer. Most ancient sources make it clear that their relationship was a romantic one.

>The idea of the king of the gods having a same-sex relationship may seem surprising, but in the Greek world it was reflective of a fairly common practice. Paiderastia was a socially-permitted practice in which married men had romantic relationships with younger male partners.
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C'mon! You gotta have some left.
I remember discovering her music videos on Kazaa back in the day. Better than most porn.
France is fucked anyway. How ironic what the Jews have done to Europe as thanks for actually trying to save them.
Never forget how brown people saw Romans fucking little boys and decided to civilize them via Christianity.
Isn't it great when a superior people civilizes a bunch of subhuman sodomite degenerates?
Wrong. The Lord of Hosts is sacred, which is why the demon worshippers and unclean spirits are so gleeful in attacking him and only him. They don't do this to Jews, Muslims or buddhists, because those religions are part of the demonic power structure. Only Christ gets this treatment and it strengthens my faith in him. The world hates him because he only has power and honor and authority and glory over all.
It’s prob the Jewish overlords and their gay Masonic shaboos goyims
>Why are white subhumans like this?
>Say what you will about Arabs but despite fucking goats they would execute everyone in these photos
Look at the size of the nose on the one the left. It's literally the biggest feature in the entire pic. You CANNOT make this shit up. LOL!

They'll just intentionally sabotage the military from within and become such a burden that they'll be given desk jobs, where they can only make things worse. As ever, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

Jews jewing Jews on behalf of the Jews. WCGW?
Bring a can of gasoline and matches
No Olympics in Portland!
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Never learn French. Once you learn French, you can understand the French and can never go back to the bliss of ignorance.
>event for peak athletics and physical capabilities celebrated for thousands of years
>feature morbidly obese gargoyle as opening event

GG Europe
>Ganymede was tending flocks of sheep on nearby Mount Ida, or hunting there according to some, when his youthful beauty attracted the attention of Zeus. The king of the gods flew down in the form of a giant eagle and carried the boy to Olympus.
Nigger faggot
Yall wanted to talk shit about Macrons tranny wife...FAFO
fuck off with that shit, faggot
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Does this 100% Ashkenazi jew look white to you? Can you see yourself in mirrors?
Dummy, at the rate we're going it will be legitimate child sacrifice and you will be stoned to death for not supporting it
Now compare this with the opening when Russia was the host nation. Jesus it's not even funny anymore. Wtf do I have to do to move to Russia?
Jewish culture. The head organizer of this satanic ceremony is a faggot and a jew.
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Reminder that the Russian Olympics were absolute wholesome Kino

really makes you think
Don't forget that italy is next before that in 2026 and super conservative so one can only hope we get the ceremony we deserve like torino 06. Opera, high fashion, food, and the sweet life.

(Italian commenters were also the only ones to vall out Russia cheating on live tv during sochi kek)
Friendly reminder that Etruscans were fucking little girls AND boys of all ages in public.
This "muh Roman empire" American faggot doesn't even know those are the ancestors of Rome. I have to educate this subhuman rat.
White "people" without brown religion, pedos and homos
Don't even go to HR on Monday. They would just subject you to a Chinese Commie struggle session and then fire you anyways. Take the day off and put out job applications.
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She was something
Morbidly obese Lady Europa and her drag-fag friends complete with a literal Black Hat, child victim and nog rapper. We are through the looking glass, indeed.
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Rome was founded in Rebellion against the Etruscans. Read a book, nigger.
I have transgender and gay friends, they are normal people, look normal behave normally.
But stuff like this is why the majority of the public has this perception that they are grotesque sex degenerate voyeurist. there are lots of straight people just as grotesque and degenerate but people are only exposed to the absolute degenerate gays and not normal people
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they can't read
Kek, they are literally the same people. The same people who fucked little kids you didn't even bother to deny because you know it's true.
Deny that your white Etruscan ancestors were fucking kids. Go ahead.
"Normalization". The point of the movies is not to make money it's to make all of this seem ordinary and expected, then you won't expect anything good or decent anymore.
Inverted voyeurism
The point of the performance is to visually assault other people, if there wasn't an audience they would not get joy from it. They are getting off on mentally fucking those watching
my point exactly I just saw a side by side comparison. Russia they had ballet and a waltz... I need to move there. I'd rather be poor than be surrounded by faggots
Where were the (((ISIS))) attacks? I remember hearing months ago about "concerns" about terror related things during the goylympics.
>Opening ceremony on open river surrounded by buildings
>Entertainers, sports niggers and politicians all over
>100's of thousands of goyim everywhere to see the bread and circus
And not even a stabbing fest? Seems to me like kikes and mooselimbs are hand in hand and really LOVE homosex
One of my dearest hopes is that before I die from radiation poisoning in the upcoming nuclear war, i will be able to see paris and france completely obliterated by nukes first.
I sent a whatsapp message to a french friend yesterday, saying it was all very offensive.

He replied simply: "I found it very beautiful"

What a fucking NPC
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Every single time!!!!!!
Holocaust yourself dumb nigger.
Yet they were still fucking kids lol. But don't talk about that lol.
Muhamad was a pedo haha. Just like muh white ancestors nooooo!
I love how then they are the first ones to complain if a real woman shows skin kek
Yes, because all " Satanism " means, is " wrong ".
If something is meant to be up, Satanism puts it down. If its meant to be quiet, Satanism makes it loud. If its meant to be private, Satanism posts it on social media. If its meant to be right side up, Satanism does it upside down. And so on.
All Satanism is, is inversion and the act of inversion, and the celebration in the inverted thing, and in the fact that the inversion was done.
Jews suck baby penisis
Jews give babies stds
Jews rape kids in tunnels
Jews sacrifice kids
you mean israel.
Don't forget Ottawa
And Satanism is literal degeneracy. The opposite of degeneration- is life. Degeneration= decay and death=Satanism.
Well the numerals don't lie
based department?
What a shame! Imagine coming up with such degeneracy!

Some of us still remember the times when the Olympics meant something and opening ceremonies reflected that.

Barthelona by Freddie Mercury, the NHS dance the list goes on...
So we have to be satanic in this Jew world order in order to subvert it back into being good.
That actually makes a lot of sense
I spent my time on twitter larping as a Jewish person and I make niggers hate jews by antagonizing them as a Jew
What are you trying to say here fag? The kid fuckers in Ancient Greece and Rome were jews? Cause they were white
You guys are proper fucked if that was your whole conversation bucko. North America is going to set this whole mother fucker on fire.
>but by the 5th century BCE it was believed that Ganymede’s kidnapper had a homosexual passion for him;
>Barthelona by Freddie Mercury
Kek Russian with the bantz, just shows that whites were always homosexual sodomites.

Mid easterners are infested with inbreeding and homosexuality. They hate women for fucks sake, of course they have a problem with being faggots. They also worship jews and follow their religion Islam that was made for them just like whites are enslaved by Christianity.

Also, if
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>I have transgender and gay friends, they are normal people, look normal behave normally.
I'd rather not be drafted in a war though
Why didn’t you answer my questions? Do you know what ethno/religious group refuses to answer questions, and redirects and deflects?
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is that what i fucking think it is?
Whoa look at this white """civilization"""" before Christianity.
Truly the builders of civilization I KNEEL
Greatest race on earth.
Evil is cringe and lame, then.
ottawa's too irrelevant for me to care about seeing it anniahlated. plus as a city i have a soft spot for ottawa (fuck the political fags though), but toronto? i wouldnt feel one iota of anything if it was gone suddenly
the holocaust will be a self fulfilling prophecy
Imagine how much chutzpah it would take for you to reply after being caught siting a jew? (((You)))
> Mocквa — тpeтий Pим
Russbro what in the absolute fuck do I have to do to move to Russia? I'm a lawyer with a wife and I'm even white. I just want a normal fucking society to live my life in peace. I'm fucking tired of gays and niggers.
They don't all look like that. There's plenty of kikes that pretend to be whites when it suits them then to back to being kikes when it's advantageous.
Only works because of their white skin.
You been to downtown Ottawa lately?
Wipe if out of existence.
I can see you.
my mtf japanese friend mogs 99% of white women
where tf do you even watch the olympics? I don't have a TV.
I saw this and noped out. Olympics are dead to me.
I'd rather go to war than live the rest of my life surrounded by faggots and jews. It's not even a question anon... I'd go today if that means my kids will grow safe from this poison.
>old GOOD!
>no, old BAD!
>new GOOD!
>no, new BAD!
Good and bad have nothing to do with age or acceptance. You argue like children.
>I turn on the TV

You deserve this desu
Except in the Middle East fucking a little boy = death penalty
During "peak white civilization" fucking little boys was done openly and legally

So which civilization is actually superior?
This olympics is one day in and it already has gone as shit as expected
That was just the first one in the search. I can pick from thousands. I just did one from the encyclopedia Britannica lol.
>To compensate his father, Zeus offered him the best horses possible, and told him that his son would now be immortal and serve as a cupbearerfor the gods, as well as a lover for him. Troswas relieved that his son would have such an honourable position.
Source: https://www.greekmythology.com/Myths/The_Myths/Zeus's_Lovers/Ganymede/ganymede.html
/nfg/ #2
Fucking crackers
Explain why the only countries that don't recognize Palestine are white when the entire world does lmao.
Kike lovers. You will pay when Jews get exterminated.
The absolute least any normal person can do is boycott this faggotry. In fact, after the scamdemic shitshow whoever still owns a tv has alredy signed his retard diploma.

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Amen, brother.

Do not worry it will be done for you. Now will you ever rise up from kneeling? That's above my paygrade to decide. However, I assure you your ego will be checked, you will gnash your teeth and you will cry like the insignificant parasite you have always been let there be no mistake.
So would I but that's not why they're going to war
replace the nigger with a faggot, jew or chink and it's accurate.
LGBT white fruity faggot lmao low T homo race
go back to your bog you zogbot trog
They literally whipped and beat degenerates at the Olympics in Russia

inb4 the NAFO gang starts kvetching and spamming gay porn and gore webm's
>Amen, brother
Jesus was brown you are worshipping a brown religion lmao. So much for white supremacy.
Can I get one of your sauces that show all my sauces are wrong?
Didn't think so faggot
Godspeed you nipanon

Ahmed this isn't paganism. This is globohomo.
pre-Christian whites doing something homosexual?
shocker, never seen this!
>you shall not lay with a man as you do with a woman
I guess the homos on the continent of Europe couldn't read when brown people wrote this hahahaha
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>Stanism makes people ugly and degenerate, not the other way around.
This is why kikes are hideous.
Oh but it is. GAYTO got too close to their borders they struck first. The problem is that Putin is a fucking boomer so he nkt only did not struck sooner when he did he went with half measures and the war is now taking far longer than it should
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I’m working on finding the jews behind the sources you provided now, I will be with (((You))) shortly.
All white countries have been infuriated and subverted by jews.
You're hardly in a position to say anything. We all know what you romany gypos get up to when the lights go out? You and your slippery deformed half-brothers having sexual free for alls
based cossacks and their nagaikas
Are the Americans, British and the French in a mutual competition on who gets to be the fruitiest bunch of faggots of a country, and is there some sort of reward for peddling and spreading the most degenerate bullshit worldwide as the new norm? It can't be all the jewish hard work, since you all accepted it wholehandedly.
I have been to the edge of hell.
I have walked through the flesh forest that leads to the hill where you can see endless ruins of mangled steel and concrete.
From there I boarded a bus full of, and driven by, very happy Jews.
They dropped me off at the edge of a giant four-way fissure in the earth that was filled with murky water and giant fish with giant snapping teeth.
I woke up with the understanding that I needed to work on myself because I was so negatively inclined that I would in fact end up in the spiritual home of the Jews if I continued.
This was eight years ago and I've been slowly correcting myself in order to avoid this fate. I suggest others do the same.
Bro - what are you on?

Russia isn't Byzantium 2.0. The same kikes that ran the NKVD & KGB are the same kikes that run it today. They're all Jewish Oligarchs. Putin's jewish. He's literally replacing ethnic Russians with asians and Muslims you fucking muppet.

The whole war in Ukraine is to depopulate as many ethnic Russians and slavs as possible. Why do you think they're engaging in trench warfare when every military strategist and their mother knows maneuver warfare is the least casualty producing form known to man. How do you think we BTFO'd Iraq 2 million to 136?

Fuck I hate you dipshits so fucking much. Israel, Ukraine & Russia are all in on the same scam.
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BRICS are subhuman filth.
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how do people look at this at think "this is normal, this is what the Olympics is about"?
gas yourself
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He absolutely did strike earlier, it's even of the reason why everyone asked to join NATO.
My wife is Russian, I actually considered moving there if shit became too bad here. But I now don't think it can become worse than in Russia.
I just havs a hard time caring anymore abouut any of this shit.
the only one close to fuckable and still no ass
First came liberalism then atheism to fertilize the field for the jewish spring. They are literally worshipping a golden calf in the olympic cerimony anon (baal is the golden calf). The ceremony was masterminded by a gay jew btw.
Id: hoes soon find out
Rolling for total globohomo death
Threads almost over. You have zero sauce saying that the Greek mythology is wrong when it comes to Zeus and Ganymede. Because there isn't any.
Just face it. Zeus was a homosexual pedophile
>using some bullshit from Chechnya to represent all of Russia
typical France faggot. don't you have some tranny dick to be sucking?
I wouldn't recommend it, honestly. Buy a farm in Uruguay and homeschool your kids. I don't think there are any advantages doing it here.
every fucking time
How did 90% of "people" obey goyvid-666 bullshit anon? This is nothing compared to that.
I see you've never been there.
Even central Russia is full of Muslims who don't even speak the language (Tajiks)
Putin asked to join Nato in the 2000s anon and they laughed in his face even when he helped the amerifat army agains Bin Laden with information, planes and soldiers. And he did not strike early he should have come to the resxue of the Donbass back when Pidorashenko announced the Zona ATO. Back then the Ukrainian army would be fucked in bjt a few weeks.
Kissy kissy
>Zeus was a homosexual pedophile
I can guarantee jews caused this.
I've seen it. I just thought Baal, Mephisto, The Demiurge, Satan or however you wanna call it and his followers were a bit smarter and more long term planning than: "Fuck civilization up for the keks, die in the upheaval afterwards."
The Muslims in Central Russia are secular. They drink alcohol, eat pork etc. That's why the deported him to Chechnya and not Kazan.
I've been to Russia already. You have no idea what kind of treasure you have anon. Sure there are problems but Russia made me feel at home. You still have something to fight for.
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Carmic Retribution so they must show their intentions besides that, they are also gloating as they think they have already won.
Russia did strike his neighbours in 1991, couldn't have started earlier.
When people saw what happened to Georgia they obviously started asking to join NATO
Im not sure why youre having a tough time excepting this.
The same pedo 'elites' from Rome and Greece are the same pedo 'elite' bloodlines we have in charge today.
They were faggots then and they're still faggots now
What a disaster
> sure they'll rape your children and not even try to integrate, but at least they eat pork!
Meanwhile in beauty land.
Jewgle what the CIA was doing in Georgia if you can't find it use Yandex. Ask your wife to translate for you. Prepare to be fucking disgusted
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Yugoslavians aren't even fucking human.
Well yes, everyday living conditions are getting generally worse and society more and more dystopian, I just have a hard time comprehending how that constitutes as a victory. More power to them if they win as a random feral nigger slices their throat while looting for food in the near future.
If whatever the fuck you westoids are constitutes as "human", I'm glad to be astronomical light years away from that. And I hope it stays that way.
And yet I'm supposed to believe the russians are the bad guys. What a joke.
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Picrel. That's how.
Larry Fink of Blackrock tells the entertainment industry what they want produced and gives them the money that the entertainment industry used to have to get from paying customers, by making things their audience wanted to see and listen to.
If our God and our rule brings about order and beauty theirs must bring disorder and ugliness. Look up what left hand way means in occultism. The left is called the left bc of this

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