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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do Americans hate Mormons so much?
They breed and most amerikikes are incel
we don't, and you hide your flag in shame and rightfully so
America's gypsies

We don't. I like them.
It's because their religion is still young so it's obvious how stupid it is. People who believe it mark themselves as stupid cultists nor worth your time. But they're nice.
If sex piggies like this showed up at my door, I'd have let them in.
because they are freemasonic pieces of shit
any more questions?
Who says we hate them?
>But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
They don't, they are red pulled learn about lamanites

Black people must be cleansed
>It's because their religion is still young so it's obvious how stupid it is. People who believe it mark themselves as stupid cultists nor worth your time.
And don't fucking ring my doorbell.
The real reason? they literally go on missions to shithole south and central american mexican countries and bring all the spics back to their communities in America to increase the number of their faithful and their congregations. They're one of the main enablers of the spics invading us.
i don't like proselytizers in general. If I'm interested in your religion I'll come to you, I don't want you to come to my door telling me why my religion is wrong.
>it’s obvious how stupid it is
All of Christianity is stupid. Catholics believe saying magic words over a cracker turns it into the dead body of an ancient Jewish messiah. You’re all fucking retarded in my mind
>Finds a testament of Christ buried by his ancestors after they came to America thousands of years ago.
Nothing personal catholics.
You are so retarded you don’t realize Judaism and the Talmud were invented after Christ. Pottery
Come in. I have Kool aid and green jello in the fridge.
Holy based
I hate anyone who I don't know who needlessly rings my doorbell or knocks on my door. They're all creeps who might as well be niggers looking for which house to rob.
do they really?
I’ve been looking at marriage photos in Utah on instagram, and believe me you’ve never seen so many beta looking white guys with looksmatched white girls, with a decent number of them even out of the man’s league and downright hot.

It must be why the kikes seethe so much at them.

On the other hand, I tried the Mormon dating app and tried to meet a thin white girl to marry but could only get fatties and leftover / divorced 30+ women. I guess it’s only for young guys. If you’re already over 35, you’re fucked.
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I saw the skinny girl in the girl on the left.
She's still young enough that you can see it in her face.
>Semicolon tattoo
I'd bully her until she became my gf and then make her swear fealty to Jesus Christ under the One True Faith. Yelling to her about the fallibility of man and that everything she's ever learned was by a man who was born thousands of years after the death of Christ, Lord.
Jews (america) hates them because they are blue eyed blonde white people that want to reproduce and have big strong families.
I don't hate them. I just think they're fuckin weird.
As a Catholic who has lived in Utah my whole life so can comment from the outside, it's literally because they are not degenerate enough for most normies.
That's always what the "argument" against them boils down to, they're "boring" and too White.
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Just because they're annoying, and only really the missionaries.
The worst thing for the reputation of a group is to he annoying and someone bothering you randomly when you're getting ready to eat dinner is going to affect the reputation of a group
That being said, in personal meetings, every Mormon I have ever met have been extremely nice and friendly. I worked with on for 4 years and he was my favorite co-worker.
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Used to be one (and worse the undergarment/magic underwear). Joseph Smith made it all up.

they pass fucked up laws in the name of religion. for a loooong time you couldnt buy normal alcohol in utah, beer was limited to 3.2% max. thats like a watered down bud light. also they lowered the BAC limit for a DUI from 0.08 to 0.05, which is the true opposite of based.

I went to highschool in utah. they literally made a system where you can get school credits for going to church. oh and the church is always right next to the school
The masonic symbol doesn't explain the belly button line stitch
I'll marry one of 'em.
But They're becoming Catholic.
And then I'm bullying her over following the words of a dead human who wasn't her husband.
because it's shitty fanfiction of another religion
>Judaism was invented after Jewus preached against the local Jewish Pharisees
You’ve got applesauce for brains retarded faggot
This is an excellent description, yeah.
The biggest gripe is that you can't get drunk fast enough? Pathetic
Mormonism has gone full globohomo and turdworld ... just like all the other abrahamic cults (by design btw)
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It's been retconned by the church a few times. The endowment ceremony in the temple used to have members covenant (promise) to disembowel themselves if they ever revealed what happens in the temple. The line on the navel represented the covenant to not reveal the secrets of the temple and the associated punishment for breaking the covenant.
plus they dont sell alcohol on sundays.
I don't hate them, but they are in a heretical cult. Mormons preach another gospel. It's not at all biblical.
Well hello. Which one of you is soaking and which one is jumping?

True. They’re starting to accept trannies and fags and encouraging race mixing at the top. But for the moment, they’re still procreating and largely making white babies. Young Mormon white couples are still getting married and having kids.

If you’re a young white guy, it’d probably be good for finding a cute, normal white wife. But it probably won’t last long. The kikes and their globalist shabbos goyim and glowies are turning their destruction of Utah and the church into overdrive
I know that God lives, His Son died for me, and that His plan of happiness is the only way for us to be eternally happy.

I know that He has established His church in this day and asked for people to help run it.

And those people make mistakes. They also do a lot of good.

The Gospel is true. The people in the Church are just trying their best.
yes, I live in Utah (aka. LDS central). They also racemix in order to get them up here "legaly". The more heads they have in their wards and more people the more "population" they can mobilize for social political means. Part of the reason they were being kicked out of every fucking place they settled was because they'd increase their numbers through missions and prosletizing not just from having 6+ kids. They would then cause an imbalance in the politics of the area.
did you know god is a nigger? hes probably getting fucked in the ass right now
they don't but they should, I fucking hate the white-shirted fags. We don't even have bitches trying it
never seen female ones

hey guuurrrrl, you wanna be a heretic with me? i won't just soak my dick in ya, i'll thrust it
Their religion is even more of a scam than most religions. You are literally required to give your income to the church to be a mormon. Also they're fucking weirdos and they killed a bunch of actual Americans back in the 1800s and largely got away with it instead of being wiped off the face of the earth. Mormons are basically just scientologists with slightly better marketing.
Most of the glowies are mormons and freemason
also they worship demons
It's judeo-masonic gnosticism.
uuuh two of the mormons stopped me once and asked if i was interested in their weird cultist religion, they were also speaking almost fluent in georgian fucking weird ,they were real nice tho, it's still weird seeing mormons here in georgia i guess they were missionary's. not much else
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We thank thee oh God for these profits, to fund us in these latter-days! We thank thee for duping the Mormons, to fatten our funds with their tithes!
no fag it represents controlling appetites and passions. lies coming out of a cock sucking mouth as per usual.
I would rail the one on the left so hard...
i bet you are ugly.
ok ranjeet
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A beautiful American Mormon girl is all I could ask for.
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If you’re a young white guy in Utah that’s not Mormon, why WOULDN’T you join them in order to get an attractive white wife and make babies and save the race?

Must be faggots
their bulgarian is always uncannily broken. They had also put some fliers in my mailbox that said "Are you ready to take Jesus inside you?"
I wish they never cucked to the civil rights act and just remained an explicitly white supremacist religion desu. They had a unique cultural thing going and they just seem to be squandering it by becoming generic evangelical grifters.
Holy fuck those are some mid looking people. Get some fuckin standards bro
>Asshole that moved to Utah because of the culture that Mormons created, only to endlessly bitch about it and shit it up with as many liberal policies as he can possibly vote for
(You) are the nigger in Utah. You are the invasive species. The unwanted pest.
they wont fuck before marriage. you have to join the church and get married in the church before anything. then like typical white women they get fat after marriage and dont work, so you get locked into working for the rest of your life to support a bunch of kids (incl the wife)
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Because American protestants are involuntarily greek, also mormons aren't christians
nigga they're everywhere. I ran into mormons in fucking japan even
what do mormons have in common with gypsies?
Joseph Smith was a Freemason faggot. Mormons should immediately burn every copy of Book of Mormon and convert to Catholicism.
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You can't even fuck the way you want after marriage. Many of them will refuse to have sex with their garments off and also do not give blowjobs.
Oy vey, look at the schnozz on the right one
i'm hoping i can use money to my advantage. if you can prove legitimacy and have a big bankroll i still think u can talk to the dad of the girl to convince him its a good idea.
Too many llamas
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They won't marry you unless you're an RM (returned missionary).
they aren't nice, I live in Utah. Mormons are the most angry, arrogant while being completely incompetent at the same time. I guess this comes from forcing their woman to worship their men and the hierarchy thing going on.
I often get into yelling confrontations with grown men and everytime it's a mormon, usually doing a shit job and I have to correct them, then they lose their absolute mind when you confront them.
They will NEVER hold a door for someone, the woman too
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good neighbors, bad visitors.
I like the mormons that do porn and take a bunch of BBC cum
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Because they're basically Muslims.
I also like them.
no, they live like niggers, you have no idea.
Christ what are you Indian? “I enter space that is not my own to find me pretty white gf yes yes I want beautiful read white wife woman why she ignore me! Redeem my dating request grad whore bitch!”. Why would you want to date a Mormon? Do you realize even one of the burnt out slags would tell you to fuck off?
Cultists creep normal people out, rightfully. If you wrong one of their members im sure theyd come for you. Im not saying this tribalism is wrong, but the tribe should be the whole nations people, not a sub-group within the nation.
They are inbred descendants of weak minded cult followers. Their ancestors literally followed a scam artist halfway across a continent to a desert and settled next to a salt lake instead of seeking fresh water. They unironically wear "magic" underwear...
I find it difficult to tolerate moderate levels of stupidity and incompetence. Morons never stood a chance.
>mormon dating app
Most Mormons meet at church and have their relationships approved by their fathers. They don't use dating apps. You really are only seeing the desperate cases.
we dont, we have jehovas witnesses for knocking on our doors all the time. i wish it would be a mormom instead
If the one on the left agreed to be my wife I'd join
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They actually do have a dating app called Mutual
It's hilarious that American culture is so utterly decadent that even in cults with strict sexual code people find ways to bypass it. With dry jumping or anal sex
I live in a high density Mormon area and they’re kinda creepy. Nice but off. All of them insanely fit and athletic but no interest in sports outside of recreation even though coaches begged them to do anything athletic. They’d get up at 4 am to go to young Mormon school before school then go to school then stay after school for one of the thousand extra curriculars they did then go home some days do even more Mormon stuff and then somehow still have time to be straight a students.
Then they go dark on social media for 2 years during college come back and know a random ass language like Tamul then get their degree from BYU and a wife, go dark again for a few years, then suddenly they have 4 kids and a house. Quite the life.
>exposed ankles
I admire Joseph Smith immensely.
Before age 40 he had 47 wives. 20 of his wives were under age 16.
He just did whatever he wanted and now Mormons are 17 million strong. More numerous than most European nations, and richer too.
What a fucking Chad-King man of history.
Good post.
Your society justifies raping women because you think they deserve it because they are women. I know it’s getting better over there and there’s some big moves being made in women’s rights but let’s try not to get into a debate about what’s moral or it may start to hurt some feelings.
What do you do where you get into so many yelling matches with anyone, let alone mormons
I get ads every day on Instagram with really hot Mormon girls wanting me to join. Will I be guaranteed a wife?
>Semicolon tattoo

She's signaling that she secretly takes it up the semicolon
incel here,how easy is it to infiltrate their church and marry one? would they provide me with a decent job? what's it like living as a mormon?
You know that once you get in one of these cults there is no getting out, right?
Females are not allowed to be missionaries, that's fake. That's some kind of gotcha photo op.
> they are le racist so that makes them based
I hope you are first to die in a trench for ZOG. But don't worry, ZOG is le racist too.
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They're cultists, but I don't hate them. They're more of a curiosity to me. They must be doing something right because they're usually pretty successful, in-group preference types with large families.
>I ran into mormons in fucking japan even
Yeah they grill them over there.
Impossibly difficult to fake but they’re very open to converts. I wouldn’t recommend it and believe it or not you wouldn’t be a hot ticket item to the women who have been members of the church their whole lives. Mostly women leave and none join. So it’s kind of competitive. So just don’t unless you’re on board with the religion. It’s their entire identity.
no one hates mormons, they're fine people, a bit simple and naive about our dumbshit world though, which is good but also bad because they're also susceptible to Jewish tricks.
I have never met or even heard of a mormon in Belgium
Who cares as long as i get to meet people and get laid. I've heard you are practically forced to go to a lot of functions.

Are most of them well off to begin with? If that's the case then I'm fucked.. Unless I opt for the local latinx mormon church.
Look up the background of Joseph Smith.
It's shady as fuck.
The only redeeming value of Mormonism is that it encourages white people to procreate.
It used to heavily promote polygamy for white people, but they cucked under relentless pressure and shaming tactics from (((the media)))
mormons are literal kies larping as white people

this post is IRRIFUTABLE

Yeah it sounds sleazy, but I had already joined the church, and wanted to do my part to save our race. Wanted to be apart of a reliable white community, and wanted a normal, non-degenerate white wife. Didn’t even care if she wasn’t a virgin. But I didn’t know the esoteric culture and hidden rules too well (girls only want guys their age or slightly older that are returning missionaries, etc).

Nah, I was able to meet women my age. Some of them were actually pretty attractive. But they can’t really bear me healthy children at 30-37, so I lost interest. I did match with a hot 25 year old once and we were talking but she unmatched me for some reason. The girls on the app are schizo and have too many options
Except they're the opposite of what gypsies are like.
>mormon girls show up at my brothers house
>they start asking questions
>he blurts out that if he joins their faith will one of them marry him
>one says yes and i think she is joking
>he goes to their meeting
>apparently gets married to that girl
>he has like 6 kids now
A lot of them aren’t. They disproportionately are but that’s probably just because they’re mostly white. Also I’m going to reiterate this isn’t like waltzing up to a baptist church and being welcomed to the community. The shit you have to go through is like catholic confirmation on fuckin crack. Before you try to redeem trad wife Puss Puss like a good sar considering looking in the mirror and reflecting on yourself.
Dating apps are hard I get it. I lucked out on one after years of occasional swiping. A woman can have a kid after 30 btw. If you want like 5 kids you’re shit outa luck but you could have 3-4. The ones pushing 40 might be kinda aspy though
You don't even know what a gypsy is right
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Because they are jealous incels and/or shitskins.
You have to actually impregnate women like in OP, and ONLY if you are a WHITE CHAD and you need to do it 1000+ times.

Here is your new mentor:

Depends on your age whether you’re successful or not. Also, looks matter to a degree, especially online still. Maybe it’s better in the singles wards in person but I’ve never been.

You’ll be expected to contribute to the church. They’ll ask you to do lots of stuff for free. They’ll give you “callings” and assignments. They’ll force you to “bear your testimony” in front of everyone in church on stage. And expect you to pay tithing each month. The missionaries will never leave you alone.

You’ll have to get baptized in a temple.

They probably won’t help you get a decent job until you’ve been a member for several years.
Mormons are creepy AF, they're the culty Abrhamics.
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My only exposure to mormons is this guy so I think they're based in my book.
All of this mrmon shit and their women just proves again the timeless truth that women are property (of their dad/of their group/of their husband)
theyre okay. polythiests, but okay.
>annoying cult that grew too quickly and got accepted as an actual religion
>tried to provoke a war with the US government so they could get the young men killed and free up the young women for polygamy
>founder was a documented con artist, but they don't care
>weird masonic and glownigger connections
>door to door soliciting nuisances
Too bad the last point is all that counts to most.
Mormon girls are sluts.
Bingo, 100%
I fucking hate mormons and catholic s or this exact reason
I don't hate them, I've met quite a few who are very friendly.
They know me by name and are constantly trying to convert me however, which is pretty obnoxious.
People will naturally push back when others try to "forcefully" convert them to something, and as America becomes less religious the more people see it as an attack on them I guess.
The kikiest of kike religions with the best demographics. Holy shit it hurts liking someone but hating every word they have to say and them being deaf to every argument
till balls implode
all holes
An A.I. wise pajeeta who bathes is all I can ask for
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>I often get into yelling confrontations with grown men
>I have to correct them
Ah yes, the most harmless and polite group of fucking people on earth are the problem. Definitely not you
Mormons work for Jews

Mormons are a fake religion based on a fake religion based on freemasonry

Fuck Jews, christcucks and muslims

How hard is it for /pol/ to stop sucking Jew cock for 5 minutes
Je doute qu'il y en ait chez nous, même un seul.

Probably, but most of them were already married before and divorced. Didn’t really want to deal with that baggage. I do kind of regret unmatching some of them.

What would you recommend I do? Should I try cold approaching girls in Utah and asking if they’re part of the church, or just get a Slavic wife
We don't really, although Mitt Romney and some other Mormon uniparty in DC type who really hated Trump (Mormon unipartiers seemed to hate him more than other establishment republicans) hurt their reputation a lot. For those of us on the hard right who used to admire Mormon society the fact that they are compromising with the alphabet people and feminists has also greatly hurt their reputation (and led to the prediction that by 2050 Mormonism will be another globohomo fake progressive mainline Protestant church destroyed by Jesuit and leftist infiltrators).
Excuse me I only suck small Japanese cock!
>forcing their woman to worship their men
>They will NEVER hold a door for someone, the woman too
umm based?
I'm willing to bet they'll have a traditionalist/reformed split themselves if things go on as they are. Because even from the outside I can see there's a world of difference between the third world nogs they evangelize to, and what I strongly suspect is a crypto-white supremacist inner core that still remembers the teaching on the Mark of Cain.
Y a une église à Grimbergen. Je les ai déjà vu à Bruxelles tenter de parler aux gens.
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My ex-wife was a mormon. That woman could take black dick like few others. She wasn't quite as good at it as my current wife though.
Just the other day I prepped no less than 15 bvlls, because Omari had scheduled a busy day to make room for a roadtrip on the weekend.
I believe you may be under the assumption that jewry is a continuous religion dating back unbroken millennia but that's not the case. everything jewish was derived from much younger sources than the old testament as well as the evangelica. you can trace the diaspora back to 90 a.d. where the second temple got destroyed and jews were expulsed from palestine. that effectively marked an end to most ancient rites within judaism and only select few practices survived like the high in-group preference or the matriarchal group dynamics

everything you got told about jews and their religion is false. accept that as a fact and start working from there
Cults with a lot of cohesion around rules (like Islam) are probably the social force on earth that can really overcome racial in group preferences... but no healthy growth cohesion can survive feminism or tolerating faggots. Mormonism needs to insist on not compromising on being the sweet tradwife factory it is (the only thing they can sort of give ground on which they already do is looking the other way on people fucking around a little bit before marriage if they are real discrete about it, like basically the way almost all western societies were about sex outside marriage before the 1960s... people did it all the time but they didn't talk about it or admit to it) or on ostracizing its homosexuals or Mormon society will fall apart.
Was meant as a reply to
This sentiment is going to get lost because the pendulum is swinging back, but there is something unsettling about these true believer religions. People get creeped out, and it is a reasonable reaction.
Holy fucking larp. Mormonism may be a fake religion, but she will be judged for her blasphemy all the same.
Because they are filthy crypto-jews laundering money donated to help the needy among them into lucrative investments while leaving their members to rot in poverty.
t. former mormon from fucking ITALY if you can believe it
this too
As far as pendulums go... I think Mormonism became a more hardcore religion after the 1960s. My dad (he is very old) spent part of his childhood in Utah. In the 1940s the average Mormon didn't care much about following all the religion rules. The words of wisdom were not really followed all that much for instance. They drank (lightly being a drunk was not okay but drinking a little was apparently winked at) and smoked almost as much as other people in the 1940s which was a lot.

After the 1960s the Mormons saw what was happening to the rest of the country and didn't at all like what they saw... So the rules following became a lot stricter. But now they are compromising on stuff they really really shouldn't be compromising on...
If you're from Italy the number of invaders the Mormons bring is trifling compared to the Roman Catholic Church.
>No fat Mormon wife
Feels bad mane.
Literally why would you like the Jews' retarded brothers?
>something something Joshua Graham
Actual IRL mormons are nowhere near based. Think Jehova's Witnesses plus inbreeding minus political cabal wealth and power
>gets buried in the basement
love mormons
and jehovas witness
as you can see from my flag, I'm in the states now, dipshit dad moved here for a business partnership with mormons that fell through back in 99.
I don't disagree, mormons at their core are just more hardcore christians.
They all do this shit.
They're stupid and act like kikes.
>After the 1960s the Mormons saw what was happening to the rest of the country and didn't at all like what they saw... So the rules following became a lot stricter.

That seems fair I think. It's pretty clear now that all western institutions will dissipate if you don't actively try to prevent it. The catholic church was at the heart of our society but that is history, and nothing has replaced it.

So they will have to walk that fine line to stay intact, because they are constantly at risk of dissolving.
If you join the Mormon church they will fucking find you and harass you for life.
You can move to the ends of the earth and there will be a Mormon on your doorstep doing a 'wellness check'.
Mormons are a heretical gnostic offshot of Christianity created by a con man who wanted to fuck tons of women including the wives of his friends and get away with it but there are admirable things about their society and even some of the shit JS came up with.

I think he was sort of right that God came from God came from God in a loop of ever experiencing consciousness incarnations and the best objective of life in what is obviously a life of suffering is to progress to a state of a blissful and eternal incarnation...
neither Mormonism nor Catholicism are Christian.
you would know that if you knew anything about Christianity. But you choose to remain ignorant.
Lol what?
Try and find a foreign convert wife.
Mormon higher ups swear the oath to take revenge for Joseph Smith. They help destroy the US.
That seems quite Hermetic in a way which isn't surprising since Smith was a known practitioner of the occult.
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Always ask mormons to show you their magic panties.

This is true. The missionaries still come to my house and I haven’t been to church in over a year lmao
Most of them are christian larpers and see mormonism as competition to their own desert cult so they naturally hate them. Duh.
Their founder is a literal con artist with a rap sheet a mile long. Guy had a history of threatening judges and swindling people.
Then he says an angel visited him a gave him a book with a new twist on the Bible.

This is something which directly contradicts the Bible. Mohammed pulled the same act. Its almost as if God knew this was going to happen and warned against it.

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8
They're proto-Arians, 1PBTID
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Joseph Smith, the prophet of Jesus the Christ, is calling all White men to join the true and only Church. Nephites were and are blonde aryans.

The end times are coming and you don’t have much time. If you join the church and follow all of the Heavenly Father’s commandments, He WILL bless you with an Aryan wife of child-bearing age, and He WILL spare your life and let you prosper as he rains down hellfire on kikes and the shitskin Lamanites.

Will you heed the call, pol?
They’re wholesomely Christian AND materially successful.
It’s often pick in this imperfect world but Mormons are proof positive that both are achievable. Why do I know this? I’ve been on the receiving end of seething kike envy.
*pick one or the other
this is a routine copy pasted slide thread
>so you get locked into working for the rest of your life to support a bunch of kids (incl the wife)
That was called victory for all of human history.
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Here you see 33 degree masonic jew Joseph Smith related to many other significant 33 degree masonic jews on both sides of his family.
They're Whites who actually breed.
They are fools. In a cult. Their way of life is vile they should be killed and women and children sold into slavery.
I want to rape babies into the bitch on the left.
I don’t hate them but their beliefs are stupid as fuck and I don’t understand why anyone would believe in any of that for so long
>"We're here to drink your cummies"
how do you respond?
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Jewish media demonizing mocking Christians.
all churches of all denominations do this
Because they're retarded. Just like all religions. They follow a guy that was a liar. And It's pointless. It is absolutely negative equity to their lives and to humanity.
Abrahamic nonsense with masonic trickery thrown in.
South park once did an entire episode just straight up showing how retarded their core beliefs are. How anyone remained a Mormon after that I will never know.
Bro everyone knows niggers are cain monkeys, we used to joke about it in jr. high.

t. was raised mormon in UT but left
That’s an Indian strawberry, they are like watered down strawberry. It’s like a watermelon and a strawberry had a baby.
They aren’t very good.
I would destroy that sex piggy on the left with the force of a thousand suns.
>I can repent for someone else
So much for free will.. burn heretics.
Do they fuck to recruit?
Why yes, do come in, I’d love to talk about how Jesus would tell you to suck my cock.
They used to. These days not so much.
>Why do Americans hate Mormons so much?
why do you keep posting these ugly women? how much are they paying you?
just leftards like usual and because they are mostly white and exclusive.
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Yes. A prenup with specifically dated roadmap towards 8 white nordic children is mandatory in order to join.
buB do they also fuck white incels to recruit? Or just niggers?
They recruit exclusively from internet bad boys with potty mouth
Invasive behaviour.
They won't take no for an answer.
You have to grab them by the pussy for them to go away and if you do that, the women will still hang out in front of your door.
Mormons also do a lot of sex trafficking but that's another problem.
devil shit propagates in our hell world, what a fucking surprise
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business places should all be closed on sundays for the benefit of workers anyway you kikenigger
>Also they're fucking weirdos and they killed a bunch of actual Americans back in the 1800s and largely got away with it instead of being wiped off the face of the earth.
false but would have been based if real
some people trust god more than a couple degenerate liberal jew faggots with a hip tv show
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>that nasal root
>that overhang on the bottom lip
Er... Mormanons? I think there's something fishy with this "Smith" character....
However, this was true of virtually ANY well-to-do mainstream Protestant in the USA, from the 1700s on, no?
Yep. Worldwide, the majority of Mormons are non-white and the church is trying to import them all here. The Deseret, the official newspaper of the church, openly celebrated Utah being "the least white ever" after the 2020 Census.
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they are literally a heretical cult
>muh white religion
so is scientology, not everything devised by white people is inherently good

if you want to switch to another, less cucked religion, just become eastern orthodox
Funny, that's the same way FLDS looks as LDS.
That little oinker could get it.
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Because they're very good people who don't complain or hurt you when you pick on them.

Meanwhile the violent people will hurt you if you say funny things about them.

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