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Previous: >>475810238
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>AT mine guy is back
>Russian soldiers make Ukrainian soldiers to surrender by dropping leaflets from 220mm Uragan MLRS cluster munition
>Destroyed T-64, Maxx Pro and captured hohols
>Geran strike on an oil depot near the city of Smela, Cherkasy region
>Iskander-M strike on foreign instructors in Kharkov (new vid)
>MiG-31 shooting down a Ukr MiG-29 as seen on the screen of the MiG-31
>Lancet finishes off abandoned Abrams north of Novoselovka
>Strike on the Kharkov Tank repair plant
>Russian and Chinese bombers visit Alaska
>Romanians film arrival of Geran-2 in Izmail Odessa
>Ukrainian jet ski USV packed w/ explosives found near Istanbul Turkey
>Russian “turtle” tank returns from combat mission
>Russians watch FABs fall on hohols
>AFU ammo warehouse burns in Grigorovka
>FPV takes out Hohol tank in Volchye
>Lancet takes out Strela-10 near Pitomnik
>Hohol rotation interrupted
>The most expensive supermarket in Russia
>Ukrainian soldier beats up woman in Odessa
>Ukrainian soldier killed taxi driver in Odessa

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enjoy the bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!!
im sleepy good night /chug/bros
Why do they call it a "full scale war"?
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Thanks, anon. Nighty night.
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Puccian economy status?
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Todays update on evercrumbling Avdeyevka-Ocheretino front.
Volchie fell and Veseloe was already reached
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uh-oh... did ZOG get to India?
what are they cooking?
will they force some kind of a freeze of the frontlines on Russia?
because most people now are retards who can only think in buzzwords and clichés
>Policeman saves a civilian from the meat-catchers
Poccnr is getting dumped like the cheap prostitute it is
So basically Biden is a retarded nigger. Got it.
They had their moments, whole south is a muslim area, that turned into picrelated at some point
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How bout ours? Don't like the inflation numbers? Just change how you measure it and pretend everything is hunky dory.
the kiev regime is testing the waters to see where china and india stand in bilateral relations. that much was pretty clear by kuleba's statements when visiting china. they know that if they want a rump state to survive it will need renewed relations with the east. europe has very little to offer.
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>the kiev regime
Telegram channels are: It’s good that they don’t show games here, otherwise there was something like this, and something else, and something else, look. here’s another video, what a horror, and here’s another, just look at it, here’s another piece. thank God we didn't see that
I'm surprised China isn't trying to start a proxy war their I guess the Philippines isn't that important on the geopolitical stage.
your buck status: broken
Westerners got used to local skirmishes and small insurrection being called wars, so they have to make a distinction now.
It's some sort of kabbalah word magic
>full-scale invasion
>unprovoked war of aggression
>a huge threat to Our Democracy
chinks want to gobble up people by their pockets. and they will. easily. both philippines and the taipei regime will fall in line.
>uwu ID
I'm in the same boat. I really don't especially hate Israel itself. I think the best thing for her would to be completely unshacked from the US. Without US gibs Israel would be forced to act like a rational nation and change their internal and foreign.
111 magick digits checked
isis (maute) are not flips they're malysian indognesians infiltrators sent and funded by the amerimutts
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Good morning sirs
Good morning frenZ! Happy caturday!!!
Policies. Manly because they would actually have to face repercussions from keeping with the status quo
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>China isn't trying to start
Thats what always triggers my autism, i mean what did China ever started?
They literally only bullied some indian border guards and that all chinese aggression in like 30 years, western media portraits it as bigger threat and bigger warmonger than Russia.
But we actually waged tons of wars and they waged none.

They steal our title by doing nothing, by building stuff in Africa. Sad
>i mean what did China ever started?
Boomer here heard somewhere that the George Floyd riots in 2020 were started by China.
That's the thing here. China is the new boogeyman. Ignore all the domestic thieves, scum, and warmongers because China is going to get you. The tik tok ban was so obvious of this
the chinks are committed to doing nothing

both taiwan and the modern day phillipines are american children, and it would take more than the horrible death of a sibling for them to deny their heritage

this is especially true in the case of the phillipines
i once asked a group of academics from the phillipines if it bothered them that the americans opening bases on their soil when they fought so hard to stop being an american colony and were brutalized for it
one lady, who i had thought intelligent before this, said plainly that the americans did nothing wrong and the some tribes deserved to be brutalized as they needed to be taught civilization
the others then piled on excuses, how it wasn't as bad as i thought and it was exaggerated by communist propaganda
the americans brought their people to new york as zoo exhibits ffs, these people are still tribal and have no sense of national dignity
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Didn't Agent Z piss of the Poos after posting retarded shit on social media?
China has been playing catch up for the last 150 years and wants to and should control its region of the globe. Once the west pulls out of Asia it is only logical that China will dominate that area.

My idea is that China isn't as good at playing 4d chess like Russia and the United States are
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Good morning katyushafren!!!






thanks for bread
Thanks for bread fren
>Didn't Agent Z piss of the Poos after posting retarded shit on social media?
So many times
that crazy hoholina mp explaining how they manage to keep winning so hard
>westoid media
I believe you the Pinoys are like the blacks of Asia, They sure love African American culture.
>Pinoys are like the blacks of Asia
Ever heard of pajeets?
Total hohol death!

The ukraine must be impregnated
Bezuglaya has been the forerunner of several high ranking officers being fired, likely on Zelensky's orders. Who's for the chop this time? I hope it's not Agent S.
yes, but he has to make concessions and offer things in exchange so eastern powers may favor the end of the war. I just don't think that they have it, because poojeets profit in shady ways from the war, and they are a race of grifters. they just love scams and don't care about eastern europeans worshipping happy meals.
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Strange rotation last post, probably worse now. Phonefagging
Pajeets have their own culture of pooping and shit in places that shouldn't be shitted on/in
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Did you just invent the Australian kot?
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So it seems.
let me guess that flip woman you talked to is from LUZON you know philippines capital of subhumans they no pride and dignity every bisaya hate tangalogs for their lack of intelligence and overwhelming arrogance the only people in philippines that are keeping these retards safe are the bisayas the warrior natives on this god forsaken island if it were not for us they would've been raped to death by the communist rebels a long time ago
>Avdeyevka-Ocheretino front.
It's the Pokrovsk front now
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Which is the total fucking opposite of what this country was founded to be. Religious fundamentalists have corrupted the American spirit. Perhaps you know about the Founding Fathers being Hermeticists?
>Many of the ideas, inherent in the fabric of our country within our constitution, have direct connections to the tenants of Hermetic thought. One such connection is the separation of Church and State. Hermetic tradition says that the individual chooses his path to the divine, and is not directed or influenced one way or another. Freedom of religion here is a direct extension of this idea, that the state is the vessel of the people and should not dictate one faith by presuming authority of one faith or another. The initiated must find his self and not be told where or what it is.
Many of the Americas foundations are built on Hermeticism. Religious fundamentalists, degenerates, fascists, communists, extremists, all are the enemies of America and of freedom.
It sucks that I have to use a religious website for this but here you go. They were not degenerates, they were freedom fighters from monarchy, from fuedalism, from the exact same shit they're trying to bring back. Fuck anyone that wants to take freedom away man and fuck anyone who twisted the true message of Christ, editing the Bible to the pseudo-authoritarian bullshit it is.
You want a real Templar secret? Here's one from the gooses fucking mouth.
Do you really want to live in a dystopian, authoritarian shithole? Look behind the fucking curtain man, things are not as they might seem right now. In the end, freedom is the number one enemy of those who want to control us. Resist the authoritarians anon no matter which form they appear in. The Great Work of America is every man seeing the Light, but on that day it will be made clear that not everyone can.
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New Atlas talks about this alot with Thailand, Philippines, ect. I forget just what he called it but he compared it to the British style of imperialism that was made to turn nations into pacified lapdogs
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>They literally only bullied some indian border guards and that all chinese aggression in like 30 years
Chinks have a really shitty track record when it comes to playing with the big boys.
If the Americans decide to make their move, chinks got the numbers, sure, but do they have the balls?
White race is under finish protection now
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why are you posting freemasonry proselitism here though?
>t. hermetic gnostic
yup, America isn't helping Israel, it's propping up it's worst aspects,

it's like British and American support for apartheid South Africa, propping up something rather unpleasant and blocking any attempt of the country to evolve into something normal.
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Occasionally you manage to make something pretty funny, that one's bottom of the barrel.
Do better.
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>Many of the nations
Freemason. Free-mason. Its in the name. Freedom anon, freedom is what it's all about. And that doesn't mean degeneracy. Fuck the Jesuits they can all hang, pedophile fascist pieces of shit.
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Thank you for the bread!!
Happy koturday and THD on the side.
Hello dear frens!
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Goreposting your losses again?
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I'm mixture of contrarian and serb
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Iranians are more White passing than 70% of the hohol mobiks caught on pics. I'm willing to bet that you are a poorfag turkmutt too, Mr. Refugee that "has nothing left on Ukraine".
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The 19th century is over, you know.
>Holols lose territory
>goreposting appears
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Russia is not fighting for the white race
Russia is fighting for ethnic russians living in the donbas
Also to stop trannyism
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>has nothing left on Ukraine
Why is he still seething about it lol
Freedom without morality = degeneracy

United states follows Christian morality so is a Christian nation was then is now

Subversion of religion creates only degeneracy
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Looks comfy. But do you know what is more comfy?
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America is no stranger to Sinophobia, after slavery was ended they began a practice of importing Chinese labour mostly for work on the new railroads under terms that were pretty much an inescapable indentured servitude, then working Americans found the imported Chinese labour a threat to their employment,

Mao ended this export of Chinese labour, it had been used by all the European Imperial powers,

India had a similar problem but it was greatly reduced with independence in 1947,

a consistent feature of European Imperialism is predating on other countries for cheap labour, I think the current immigration issue is just globohomo reinventing slavery for the umpteenth time, they destabilise a nation, create a population outflow and then claim you must let these people in because they're refugees, they omit to mention they turned them into refugees in the first place.
Hohols got pushed back at Glubokoe in northen Kharkov.
At some point i was worried they will break the retreating and take it back
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Why don't they look like they're having a good time?
break the retreating spree*
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Nice kots
Happy caturday frens
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ahhh we must preserve whiteness (meaning trannyism and importing africans and arabs)
russia stands alone.
нaшa цeль - cчacтьe вceгo чeлoвeчecтвa
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Yeah I know. Many lodges have been infiltrated by those fucking faggots. The Vatican is who's running the show you're seeing, they're the authoritarians and they're the nigger worshippers because Rome was fucking black.
You're the reason Americans have forgotten what this country means. You're the reason the people are sheep, all organized religion is a system of control. Every man should have the freedom to find the divine, to raise his spirit, and with that comes true morality, not just using fear as an excuse, and true freedom comes as well.
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This is actually good for the russian economy.
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glory to koshka
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>AT mine guy is back
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>We will kick you from Ukraine
>We cant do shit but here is a nigger, (t. 30% of my country are niggers, and we teach our kids that there 500 genders in school)
very fast
>Freedom anon, freedom is what it's all about. And that doesn't mean degeneracy.
That's exactly what it means, cause that's where it always leads.
People weren't meant to be free.
It's funny how the most rabid goreposters are almost always located from outside the ukraine, it could be interesting to see if that change once europe finally send the piggers refugees back to the meatgrinder. Out of all the places in yurop staying in finland is probably the worst idea btw kek
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>blue yellow flag on shoulders
did this retard just posted a ukrainian soldiers death kek
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ha ha meow
Russia won yet?
koshka day, brat
we're taking prisoners
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Happy caturday!
They're winning every single day my dude
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Hohols deserve it
Its striclty for foreigners t.bh there at year 3 of SMO there are like 50 terrabytes of hohol guro and both Russians and Ukrainians are sort of tired of it.
Holy cope, they are losing thousands of serfs every single day for a piece of backyard
they won a long time ago but the khokhols and globohomo are too retarded to realise or admit they've lost.
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>whiteness (meaning trannyism
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You're the reason why a power vacuum was created that allowed pedos and jews to run this country

Morality is not to be disputed the church holds the state accountable to its religious doctrine.
I've seen several of these posts now where the pic is piggers but stupid shills would say "look at these ziggers teehee" nonetheless
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execute case kot
glory to the 76th airguard
See >>475822190
Go fuck yourself nigger. You're not putting shit in anyone's brain, take your AI and take your control freak bullshit somewhere else. Every man was meant to be free that's why your conscious. You want to be an ant? They don't have free will. That's what your advocating for, everything that makes life what it is, is what they want to take away. They want the world to be slaves and that exact bullshit right there is how they justify it. Fuck you man. Only cowards follow authoritarian bullshit.
sneedsky status
that's some sort of night vision device?
Good morning sirskys
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Master Blaster
>We never wanted Ukraine to begin with
It’s desperation, they really think they’re “doing” something by posting gore. Like changing the outcome of the war.
Did Zaluzhnyi nyi or whatever have personal harem I remember he was into young girls.
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khokhols and shills are more retarded than we give them credit for,

I find it scary that people this stupid exist and are unsupervised.
Just think about it calmly : every gorepost itt is either from arty or drone right ? It has been confirmed by even western msm that russian have the advantage in both i'm sure you're intelligent enough to understand what that mean, what are you even doing here if russia is failling badly ? :))
where is thaibro
i want singha
fuck you
give him up or renraku strike team
no more.
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These faggot shills can do something by enlisting in the AFU they take literally anyone now.
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Good morning and happy caturday to all my ziggers
It has been confirmed by vatnik millbloggers that wasting thousands of men for nothing is a terrible strategy, one even killed himself for that
Good for them, I wish the Russians well in their war against Global Homo.
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UHG even made an OP of a russian soldier mowing down 2 ukropiggies kek. hohol supporters are the stupidest people on this planet they're so braindead and always high on copium that they'll even claim russian success as their own lmao
Your meme flag says your a paid shill that no one should pay any attention to
Good morning Miyufren!!! Happy caturday
Why? All local beers here are shit.
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Does anybody have any explanation?
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God mourning
Maybe you're right but i think to post so frenetically you have to be emotionally engaged, i think these piggers rationalize it by thinking they're not total coward hiding in another country cuz they're ... Huh ... Helping the fight on the internet or something ?
Yes I do.
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>In July, the Russians began using new cheap UAVs made of foam and plywood in their long-range attacks against Ukraine. According to GUR spokesman Andrey Chernyak, the new Russian UAVs are equipped with cameras and have a Ukrainian SIM card to send images, do not carry explosives, fly in groups and are very similar to the Shaheds.
Good morning, Z!
Your broken world view made man Ant

Skin walker wearing the skin of christian morality you are no better than the protestant church no better than Reddit atheists.
I wake up.
Christcucks seethe at Olympics ceremony.
I didn't even watch.
I roll over and fall back to slumber even comfier.
Krynky alone was a fucking massacare, its was a pointless blood bath even by russian standarts
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Morning Katyusha! Anything to interesting to report?
Morning ser
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HAHAHA, no nigger. The only reason this country is full of dumbasses is because of them. They hate this nation and see it as an affront to God (their control shit through black nobility families, Roman elite and appointed kings) and have been trying to destroy it ever since and this religious bullshit is how it started. You faggots never understood the ideals this nation was founded on, you have slave mentalities and your thought process is ruled by fear. You're the opposite of a American, you don't deserve the title. Youre pawns for the Rothschilds, the Black Nobility, the Jesuits, and you want to talk about pedophiles? Those are the fucking pedophiles, under their control they still do faggot shit. Rome was literally just gay Moorish niggers with White slaves from Celtic and Slavic nations. Their pyramid has you on the bottom and you're helping them.
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ya, tell me where thaibro is
i want the keys
It's oyvir you'll never see those dozens of webm in the same way isn't it ?
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>Pesticides exceeding the maximum permissible levels and pests found in fruits and vegetables from Armenia -- Rosselkhoznadzor agency
hahah... Russians are turning the screws.
all fighting should be voluntary, I've not shilled for this war, I didn't want the war to start, I wanted a diplomatic solution, all I want is the khokhols to give up, stop dying and start talking, reach a reasonable compromise,

if wars were entirely voluntary and held in places where normal people didn't live then I'd be all for war,

every objectionable bastard who is looking for a fight should be able to find one and have the chance to get killed asap.
That means Ukraine is winning.
nobody reading that
die fag
where amogus
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Piggers reported that some unknown drone was used by Russia this night
Death to hohols
The Chinese made Israel hot. What are the implications
I vaguely remember reading about the loss estimation, it was a bit fucked up to send literal thousands of poor dudes to their death for what ? Internet points ? Damn
don't you understand what you're looking at?
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Israel is already hot (52C°)
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we like hohols, no more brother wars
this is givi and moto general
We will all see how taking roads will become poccn'r greatest victories for the rest of the 3 days SMO, until the HATO finally decides to uncuck itself and allows Ukraine to strike poccnr proper with their weapons, and the US intervenes in Crimea
rub and uah against usd historical chart
is it too hard for you to comprehend?
Both sides are fine with dehoholization of Ukraine.
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POL mentiomed
>2 more weeks
NATOnigs are delusional lmao
fuck you and your un memeflag
These are who the Ukrainians fight for
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Probably still asleep after friday night party
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yes its all for the internet points remember when the AFU sent a bunch of their special forces to a remote crimean island on a speed boat and got killed? lmao that was so fucking retarded
Why don't you try another French revolution then you seem so sure of yourself
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A most pleasant day to you!
Interesting development, last I heard Armenia had a lot of opposition to CIA asset Pashinyan.
Too hot
They're taking roads and fertilize novorossia with your uncle in the process, isn't that beautiful ? :)
Hohols acknowledged 262 dead and 700~ ""Missing""""
Our drone teams however claim that "they are responsibile for 300 hohol casualties in just few months being there"

Considering that hohols confirmed 900 themselfs you can guess the scale of the slaughter
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The patriots greatest weakness. Foam and plywood.
Still far off from 300C oven temperature
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>You should write a book or a pamphlet so I won't have to send /pol/ screenshots to people

I recently wrote this bit. It’s somewhat related to the topic at hand and is on the nature of how US propaganda is internalized.
went from 16% to 18% interest rates kek
yep definitely the sign of a healthy economy lmao
200 points in one go! lol you ziggers and contrarians are legit retarded if you think that's a good sign. just so you ziggers have something to compare it to, when aus decided slow inflation, they did it at varied it at 25 to 50 points each time, your guys went from 16 to 18 overnight kek
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Russians seem to be doing that minus the 200k mobiks they sent tot the war in 2022. Ukraine is running low on men so all these shills here should go an join up if they had courage which they don't.
it's as if the Ukrainian strategy is to create a defence belt of decomposing Ukrainians that stinks so badly that Russians can't cross it without throwing up.

I think parts of the Ukraine are going be like the Zone Rouge on the French Belgian border that after WW1 were so contaminated by unexploded munitions and corpses and with everything above ground level destroyed that they were deemed unsalvageable areas,

parts have been reclaimed now, over a century later, but there are patches where nothing will grow due to contamination.
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the war is coming
Estonian police forced me to say that occupied Ukrainian territories must be returned to Ukraine.
That was awful, I hate Ukraine. I hope Russia will invade Estonia as soon as possible
Fugg, Russia strike with the unknown PAC-3 again? Isn't this illegal?!
whoa whoa yao
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kek... and it gets its location from Ukrainian mobile towers.
There was also this drone...

>Judging by the published photographs, the drone has a mobile communication device for the 4G LTE standard with a SIM card of the Ukrainian mobile operator Kyivstar, which were also previously installed on the Geran-2.
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Omar himself was radicalized by kikes themselves while he was in Egypt.
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Hopefully these guys invest in some fucking air defense this time. It was painful to watch all these Armenian guys getting blown up by shitty roach drones.
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I just realised that show ill be 20 years old next year... damn.
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so how is the Ukrainain hruk doing?

to me it looks like the hruk is losing purchasing power steadily, the more this goes on the less it's worth and no one has taken out sanctions against the Ukraine,
C-checked satan.. And all of this just to distract from another fuck up iirc ?
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I never said true lodges don't pull weight. There is a war going on behind the scenes and these fascists are about to make their big move on freedom anon. Everyone has to fight unless you want to be the slave of gay niggers and that is the literal fucking truth. Embrace what this country truly is. Find the divine in yourself, this is a spiritual war too between the freedom of souls and the enslavement of them and the best thing you can do is open your Godhead, become enlightened, become the one fucking thing they truly don't want you to be haha. We're all in this shit together and trust me, we can do it.
Very interesting, I guess anglokikes are trying to start a fire on Russia's doorstep while also giving roaches a black eye. Russia seems to be telling Armenia to cool their jets.
Delete this
Where is the fingolian pigger ? Kek
ukraine wants gibs from china and india lol
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shut up and just watch my arrow edits
Western countries are pussies. can't defeat one single country kek
You can literally see the moment anglokikes decided to DOOOOMP the Ukraine
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any videos of it?
good morning frens!
why you complain ? dead churkas is good for russia
Instability is not good for family happiness
a hruk was worth 8 1/2 cents US and is now worth 2 1/2 cents US,

I think their currency is deleting itself.
I got enlightened by reading this post
Good read 10/10
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Fine you get 1 view.
No they just posted that some unknown drone was used
Isnt uk rain where they want to try out all the dystopian society policies like going cashless
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I meant of the strike itself, what did they target
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>so how is the Ukrainain hruk doing?
if currency exchange rate actually reflected the state of given economy, it would be doing way fucking better than it has any right to at this point
Fitch has now downgraded the Ukraines credit rating to C, that's default territory,

they're trying to negotiate a 37% write down of $20 billion of international debts,

even with the West pumping billions into the Ukraine it's economy is dying, if the West truly walked away the Ukraine would cease to exist.
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Judging by reverse psychology of animals or whatever, that cat is actually terrified
Zelensky is not a legitimate president anyways, so it doesn't matter.

Yes however this country has a long history of Christianity and was built on christian teachings

the state and church should uphold christian values to maintain order and not subvert it like how it is in the south
they have been introducing the most extreme versions of neo-liberal economic policy,

it's both bizarre and rather sickening, it's as if the Ukraine is some sort of elite parlour game where they vie to come up with the best strategy to utterly destroy every aspect of the country,
the only reason Ukrainians want to join the EU is to be able to leave the country,
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because degeneracy must be enforced.
Don't know, probably something near Odessa or Kharkov
Piggers don't post that much these days
Even a big strike like the recent one that targeted the port in Odessa wasn't posted by hohols, but only gypsies posted it
Do kot know this reverse psychology thing. He looks overwhelmed by the visual stimulus.
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Anyone with rentry access? I have new vids...
Its crazy that a whole peoples could be wiped out just like that.
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too much zrada so they pretend it's not there
On his defense, 99% of the trannies that I see either online or IRL who aren't sex workers or porn stars are white dudes.

I live in Japan and quite literally the only trannies I've met are white guys.
dump em
I wonder who thinks who is the prey
Without Russia and with a retard like Pashinyan at the helm they can't do shit.
Maybe the country itself want to re arm and go to war with the Azeris but Pashinyan is too much of an incoherent moron to stick to a plan and will just fuck it up like he fucked up everything so far.
To make christcucks seethe.
Why is Hungary still in the EU? What do they actually benefit from being in this bloc that clearly hates them?
Its their religion you see
Hungary without the EU would be a poor shithole just like every other Eastern/Southern European non-EU state
Just Like Ireland
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Loose lips sink ships! Or in case of hruks, shrink dicks.
That's what it is now and they're in the EU
It is already a poor shithole.
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>Drop russian aid
>Ask NATO to save them from azeris
>NATO arrive
>As turks to help azeris finish armenians off
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>TCC tries to kidnap a kid
They have been volunteering people to retake the key village of Krynkyiv for posting air defenses and arrivals for over a year now.
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Eurovision wasn't enough, so they will fag up Olympics now. And then everything else.
"free" money
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This is EPIC
There were no olympics in 2014
>join russian army on 13th of June
>return home 17 days later from the front
>in a coffin
basic training not a thing anymore or what?
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Eternal flight in the soil.
Everyone in Russia has basic training.
So that they better relate to the moves. Saving Private Ryan wasn't set in a regional conflict.

Also there is the bizarre belief that the minute Russia takes down the Hruks, they are onto some unstoppable grand world conquest. Guess the vaults of Kiev hold the Dragon Balls, the Chaos Emeralds and the last map to the Star Forge.
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I do not think that little doggo thinks too much
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Fuck you. Fuck organized religion. You really think Christ said to turn the other cheek? You really think he was a pacifist hippie walking around telling you to pay taxes to caesar? That's all bullshit, there's a reason the New Testament has so many contradictions the Romans twisted his word. He was a teacher, telling men how to find the divine in themselves. How to become enlightened and he was a warrior. Don't blindly follow authority anon, again that's the opposite of being an American. Find the divine in yourself like the Founding Fathers did. Every man has a spark of it. That's why you're free and that's why you can become enlightened. Stop thinking in controlling terms, let all that shit go it's for cowards. What kind of man wants another man to have total control over him? A fucking bitch that's who anon. Forget all that north south bullshit that's another way to destroy our country, all true Americans need to remember what this country is and fight for it. Break your chains man.
they give medals to newbies now?
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added them, thanks fren and happy caturday!
2014 Winter Olympics at Sochi
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We all have basic training on how to suck chechen cocks.
Inshallah, Putler will activate the time crystals if he makes it to Kyiv
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Thanks. I made some grammar and syntax changes to make it easier to read in case anyone wants to share it, use this version.
>barking at his own shadow

is this a metaphor for something
after you die i guess? nfi
You are not Russian.
can dogs be Jewish?
Lmao, the shit that is trending in my country after the olympic's presentation, that shit was just satan's anus: the show
>swepoo flag
The brownier things 66, is that you?
Lets face with the reality, hruks larping much better that ebil puccians.
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happy caturday!
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that guy had basic 4 years ago
also one clip was already there so I skipped it
Why is Russia trending, hoping Putin launches nukes?
You’re still not Russian.
>your son dies in a dumb war
>they put a billboard outside of your mums house with your dead dumb arse on it
why would they do this? this seems like its demoralising as shit? ziggers, please explain.
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That rhetoric only leads to false prophets and schizos there needs to be an organized church to enforce its teachings as does "Science" needs an academic source.
She cute
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Yeah, cumchuggers keep saying I'm some jawnigga or some shit, who is apparently a hohol and a churka mutt, so I will embrace the new title.
It's still better than being a Pidor.
>You are demorolised stop capturing more hohol land everyday
>I repeat you are demorolised
Anyway why is the riffle painted over? It insults trannys?
Why Holol cementeries are full of McDonalds?
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Hohols made a trailer about how they will win UEFA 24 and they've lost to Romanian Gypsies 3:0 in the very first game
It is what it is I want to make sure that I'm following the correct religion without doing the "research" as do many of us. Without the church there will be no Christianity
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>Belarussian soldiers with captured Kozak-5.

Probably seized from Wagner refugees.
youtube apparently. you know, the side your government is about to ban lmao.
also apparently you need a VPN to access 4chan? that true?
post 2D waifu and shills will leave
side = site
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Nah, trending because of memes of why russia didnt go the olympic, some of them pointing out why did Israel go, but russia didnt lol
I wonder if they will make one moral booster for the Paralympics too?
>no gay parades in my country
Saint pidorsburg and Moscow beg to differ, there are very open pidors everywhere on those places
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>post 2D waifu and shills will leave
>Sodoma y Gomorra
Accurate state of western cucks
Naruhodo, thanks for the QRD
>VPN to access 4chan? that true?
Depends on provider, 4chan was actually banned for some since 2014.
Also catbox is also banned for unknown reason
Well deserved indeed, disgusting sodomites the bunch of them.
Some of them do say that their way of thinking is growing closer and closer to Putin.
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>please explain
you first explain what made you think 23 year old guy "joined the army" without doing his compulsory year between now and when he was 18
>everywhere on those places
Mykola please
The trench is warm and wet
So inviting
oh....oh mein god. fuck it. fuck a life without shills
easy, one country is killing white people, the other country is killing muslims.
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heres some ai waifu
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kinda fun depiction
kek so bad. why do you ziggers love your government when its this fucking dumb?
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I dont love the government i just love the war
bro...you maybe wont believe but i could watch them all day. like a therapy
Nah thats some crazy projection
Don't bother it's probably a chink anyway
Catbox is bypassable with GoodbyeDPI.
4Chan is weird, as SOMETIMES you need a vpn to initiate the handshake, but then I can disable it and browse 4chan for weeks, using my real IP.
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There's guidelines and "spirits" who will help, but with Christs true word it's all right there. That's the true church of Christ, becoming enlightened. Being free and a higher spirit, fuck an organized church as a system of control there should only be teachers and students and it should have no place in government and that government has no place getting in the way of men and their lives. People can find their own way through his word, there's many different ways to do it and many people have their own personalized methods. Again, you are free. You are not a slave. The alternative to control is not degeneracy, that's what they want you to think. You don't even know what you're missing man and that's the saddest part.
>has olympics
>imports canadian and american stars
literally pathetic.
You’re a faggot posting from the US embassy
Just the audio?
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>basket weaving website is serious business
Gonna cry about it? Maybe shid pants? Cum a little?
I have 0 clue about what you're talking about, i'm sorry that you had to watch the tranny opening ceremony even thought you probably didn't saw much with your slanted eyes lol
browser codec issues, plays on chrome and when downloaded locally
Still not Russian
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Thank god!
What you say is true however I'm more materialistic. I believe in power structures

Church = enforce morality
State = enforces your rights + freedoms
Academy = enforces material truths

Once all of those institutions go than you loose your right to exist
Got em
works in Firefox.
and as anon said, download those that don't play in your browser...
I mean, it was obvious but damn shills are braindead
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Mission failed.
We'll convince the anime imageboards next time.
Agent McChurkason signing off.
now the Ukraine might legitimately manage to excel at the paralympics, they'll have such a large pool of mutilated people to draw from.
Worst spies in history KGB is rolling in its grave right now
There was, winter version.
Traditionally, all Olympics force nations to cease fire, lest they incur the wrath of the Olympian Gods.
To radicalize fence sitters.
Maybe it's just Artix guys packaging dogshit binaries but my Firefox can't play it
Artix is gay systemd > openrc
don't know why it's happening bro... I don't make them, I just save them.
>>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
Did that guy step on a land mine after running out?

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