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Previous: >>475819292
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>TCC tries to kidnap a kid
>Policeman saves a civilian from meat-catchers
>AT mine guy is back
>Russian soldiers make Ukrainian soldiers to surrender by dropping leaflets from 220mm Uragan MLRS cluster munition
>Destroyed T-64, Maxx Pro and captured hohols
>Iskander-M strike on foreign instructors in Kharkov (new vid)

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Saw Kamerton lads are in Vovchansk
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Thank you for the bake!
Happy koturday everyone. Be comfy!
remember when all you dumb ziggers and contrarians thought the interest rates wouldn't go up and don't matter? lol 18% now. 200 points in one go. now call me a tranny whilst you cope and seethe.
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To the last hohol
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why mad tho?
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Having a healthy economy is globohomo
Remember Sochi 2014 Olympic?

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Fake jew and LGBTQASADFSD-+/*sqrt propaganda.
I pray to pukin every day.
He will save us all, nuke oinkraine, and save the mighty RUSHIA.
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denmark fu, ok? no jeets, no niggers. wtf
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Now post interest payment by country
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its probably 20 degrees in that pic lmao
only things I remember is one of the rings not opening up and Cossacks beating the shit out of FEMEN cunts on camera
australia's is 4.35% currently.
you dumb microdick pedo
>Cossacks beating the shit out of FEMEN cunts on camera
Fun times
>Cossacks beating the shit out of FEMEN cunts on camera
WTF how did I not know about this?
relax fren. neither you or hohols are the real enemy. it's the fucked up system in the west that turned life into a crappy fantasy/sci-fi kinda life. all because fucking jews never cant stfu
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nah ziggers aren't frens mate. the most jewish person on the planet right now is sacrificing ziggers for a few more shekels and ziggers defend him. they're as dumb as chinks who suck Xi's cock or north koreans who think kim doesn't poo and is a literal god.
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fastest kot on the planet?
yeah maybe you are right. but dont take things to personal, if someone on an actually anime-board calls you a bad name. it isnt worth...cheers

Have you formed a proper excuse for Russia taking current hohol territory and getting away with it?
If not its time to think about one
No one asked for the interest rate dumb jew
You are losing thousands of serfs per day just to take a backyard in an empty village, any civilized country would have protested against the goverment and demand to bring the troops home, but you are all servile and obedient cattle
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thanks for bread
They completed their mission, chud! It's anudda huge peremoga for Ukranda!
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I do not understand this, where is the LMBTQ representation?
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bro, idk the source, but they said it's official. looks like the ppl got clue
Losing so much that hohols are getting abducted from the streets while i watch it and laugh in a country with open borders
Go enlist the puccian military and you will find out
>Losing so much
Da, you won't do anything extraordinary besides using meatwaves to take irrelevant settlements for the rest of your failed 3 days SVO
Wheres traaaamp
>Anal Pope
>Pure good
i don't take it personally mate. just doing some trolling. shills are easy to troll, either zigger or chink.
proper excuse? you mean like the original goals of the SMO?
>overthrow the government?
>stop nato?
has 2 new members + whatever is left of ukraine will join NATO and the EU.
>denazify ukraine
failed, still lots of nazis
>free the breakaway regions and secure crimea
you don't control all of the regions yet AND i'd argue pre-2022, crimea was more secure than it is now, definitely less bombed anyway.
your interest rates are up, the rubble is fucking worthless
>military exports
dead, your gear has been outed as garbage compared to the wests modern gear and only competitive with the wests old gear
lacking experienced soldiers everywhere, full of poor dumb immigrants you're using as cannon fodder

honestly, the SMO is looking like a mistake IMO. nato was floundering before you did this, about to break apart, you've just invigorated it for the next 20-30 years.
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>Remember Sochi 2014 Olympic?

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>open borders
not open internet though, or free speech, you can't even say the SMO is bad or you'll be sent there.
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>don't take things to personal
everything is personal for faggots
they are too antisemantic for that
>Macron not in pure evil
>18% interest rates
Yeah, they're committed to keeping inflation at bay.
Guess who isn't?
Why isn't the US or EU interest rates higher?
They can't be because they have too much debt. The only option is to inflate their way out. Too bad that wages aren't keeping up.
Good thing that returning ukrainean land to Ukraine was no ones objective
Who's going to Mariupol for vacation after wars end
i wish pavel the emperor was on that list. no homo. fr
Are the kots asleep?
>>Remember Sochi 2014 Olympic?

wow i already watched too much 2024
jihadis, time to get going ffs.
>Yeah, they're committed to keeping inflation at bay.
At the cost of overspending to keep the 3 days special military afloat, taxing the serfs harder, and selling spreading their asses to chinksects
>Too bad that wages aren't keeping up.
too bad for the plebs, but no one gives a fuck about them
Quite the schnoz on that one
Mariupol-Azovstal and Khahovka Dam, Antonovskiy bridge are the places i actually wanna see in person.
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>nah mate you don't even have a free internet there, all opposing opinion is banned
- dumb kangaroo nigger wrote. to a russian flag. completely unaware of the logical paradox he's just created.
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I bet they will make it illegal to visit Russia
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Pope Francis released doves of peace in the name of peace in Ukraine in 2014
>doves were killed by a seagull and a crow in instant
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When will you guys dust of the Guillotine for this atrocity?
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You probably think being moral is being a beta thanks to the Romans. There is nothing more despicable than a coward. Authoritarians rely on people being weak and cowardly to maintain control that's why the Romans added all that hippie shit to Christs word. Fuck all of that bullshit, be strong, be honorable, don't take shit anon. Explore life, have fun. I don't mean be degenerate, that's the catch of how they keep you wanting their control too. There's nothing wrong with going out with your friends, dancing, going to concerts, whatever, but to degenerate into animalistic ways is the opposite of enlightenment, you know what I mean?
States not bound by measures limiting them on what they can do will always try to control you. That's the basis for our constitution and our bill of rights. Enlightenment and becoming a higher soul is to rise above it and like I said before, to be truly moral, not just acting out of fear.
Anyone who thinks they have the right to control others be damned. I'm telling you right now man people who truly believe in that shit are pussies. Big time, because that's who those ideologies attract. Like I said, they rely on cowards.
>Public education is an extension of the Hermetic idea of finding the god consciousness, though the exploration of the physical universe. How does one attain this consciousness, by learning about their physical universe and its furthest reaches. Education creates the “divine metal” of the body, giving it its strength and resiliency.
But in this system of education the virtue of freedom must always exist, you can't allow it to be subverted by the enemies of freedom. I need to sleep because it's pushing 5am where I'm at but you need to think about this. Don't fall into Jesuit bullshit and don't let anyone tell you that you don't have the divine spark. Stay away from organized religion and stay away from bullshit modern libertarians designed to be an affront to freedom.
The french only behead royalty, not niggers and politicians
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You see rats in a canal I see future pillows
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Hope they turn that place into some kind of an attraction and give tours of it.
>Pashinyan on the same level as Erdogan
>side by side with Aliyev
>There's nothing wrong with going out with your friends, dancing, going to concerts
Do schismatics tell you it's bad to dance or something?
>Hope they turn that place into some kind of an attraction
it's getting leveled
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>The french only behead royalty
Good start, and with a small reform they can extend this great tradition.
Its worth a shot I got more than one passport.
At least she could sing properly. They could have reimagined the Marseillaise with rap and twerking. A small consolation, I know
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when cat's away mices play. they are the only animals allowed to move there without a QR code.
The entire capital must burn, that's too much work
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would you stop calling me a nigger, pls? dna tests have proven i got german anchestor only
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>Russian D-30 with welded-on and dynamic protection against drones
WH40k aesthetic?
No economy in globohomo is healthy though.
>instantly materialized along with journos
>"whipped" and "gassed" walking away like nothing happened
fake, gay & part of the performance
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The railway from Rostov-on-Don to Mariupol is fully completed and will be launched in the coming days, Ukrainian adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko reported on Ukrainian TV
This is more demoralizing than 10 threads' worth of shilling
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>allowed to move there without a QR code.
I saw a vid of one restaurant chef complaining how none of his customers can come because he can't issue a fucking QR code.

This is some dystopian shit!
>cringe muh traditionalism
>actual modern culture

Don't forget, Hitler also hosted Olympic games and they were as cringe as Putin's. And how did it end for him?
linkedin profile pic updeted with German DNA
I once got banned for off topic for replying with just "cope" to a guy who wrote a wall of text claiming that russians were losing soldiers with at least a 10/1 ratio. pic unrelated
Morning anon.
AU bans way less stuff than Russia, mostly porn and torrents.
What the Aussie said is real though, sites that don't suck putin's ass get RosKomPozor'd all the time.
Internet is practically unusable here without a VPN (unless you stick to government-approved shitholes that remove controversial opinions), even youtube is semi-broken with no avatars showing, biggest social networks are also blocked for years (if one wants to check on some artists or memes), and the fascist govt cracks down on all the good VPNs every now and then.

Liberast or zigger, denying that Russia is authoritarian as fuck is lunacy.
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Good morning and happy caturday
All rook the same am i right?
Assad should've been pure good (bless his soul)
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nigger pedo faggot.
I know this will turn into a circular argument but this is the problem your lib right and lib left guys. You need a centralized power structure to enforce your freedoms. Else it will turn into a power vacuum that will turn to degeneracy to please its masses. You bring up the Public school system, and its obvious to see the decadence down to its core, due to a lack of morality something which the state could not provide.
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>doing all this shit to protect a basic bitch field gun
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Imagine an orthodox cathedral mounted on a tank, holy kino
Unfathomably based
ULTRA based
was the speaker biden?
Anyways Good night anon
i reckon that'll happen, once the wests gains some balls and lets ukraine shoot and do whatever it wants to, this limiting targets is dumb and bullshit.
I get it now
Russians are DIGGANOBZ
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The Kontakts make no sense, but yeah, it looks like made for WAAAAGH
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it's their gun. they like their gun. they want to protect it.
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the same were ultra smug when they were banning people from their restaurant during covid, karma is mostly at work
damn russian hackers

yeah the orks though kek
>mfw Russia lost to Iraq
Lmao, it's over ziggers
Based, Orkchads stay winning
Its about the message
What are the chances of successfully bribing enough boyars to become Tsar of Russia in order to complete the THD?
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they use similar tactics too. the orks are zigger officers and the grunts are all gretchins and snotlings kek
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The olympics opening ceremony serves as crystal clear proof that europe deserves to burn and nothing of value will be lost.
send sanchez to literally satan tier thank you
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Burn it twice to be sure
There is PAB-500(propaganda aerial bomb)
That is a PAB for ants....
All white territories deserve to burn. The race sucks, and it's ngmi.
>or you'll be sent there
And how exactly are you planning to do that? Afaik your faggot nazi regime has banned you going anywhere near Russia.
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This fag shit show was like "we're so gay, now try to kill us Russia! But you can't because of Nato hahaha!"
Put Francisco on the yellow tier and Assad on the red one
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What's the next rating in the row? D. Default.
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EU is now niggerland.
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>The AFU are basing aircraft at airfields in third countries, in particular Poland, a source in the security forces told RIA Novosti.
>According to him, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are hiding their aircraft at airfields in third countries in the hope that Russia will not bomb them there, fearing a conflict with NATO.
>Ukrainian airfields are used only for refueling Ukrainian aircraft and replenishing ammunition.
Actual d day
Ukraine was invaded, of course their economy is going to be bad, but they are lucky both the west and east will rescue their economy after they defeat poccnr
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niggers were the least of it
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Last I watched were the London ones where the Queen parachuted out of an airplane.
There is no way she is being real, please tell me its fake...
My goal is steal a car and ship it to Russia

But don’t tell anyone
they made a mockery of french history, christianity in a very obvious "you won't do shit" way and normalfags loved it
Where have you been the last 5 years?
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>neither you or hohols are the real enemy
Oh yes they are.
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Bullet dodged. What a bitch.
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Its from pre telegram era.
Now you just post videos of hohol TCK draft officers maim random hohols while catching them or how hohols drown in Tisa river while trying to runaway from Ukraine works better than any bomb
What makes you even assume that it's a joke?
This is part of the Ukrainian economic recovery. Russians btfo
If only Ukrainians were hard working men and women and were able to repay the debt their country is accruing.
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? jesus you contrarians are half as smart as you think you are.
when russians say bad things about the SMO in public they go to jail or the front. you're a dumb fucking shill. nothing to do with me you moronic cunt.
They will pay their debt by joining the western bloc and trading with them. Meanwhile poccnr will become a chinksect colony like Cambodia, and be happy
Unless she is an unironic feminist, there is no way a girl would act like this...
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Nice numbers King.
My thoughts exactly.
Holy fan fiction Batman!
Netflix should hire you to write their shitty shows, you will fit right in
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new mayor of Brighton and his wife
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Doubt. More like we'll have to carry on shoulders yet another 2.5-world shithole.
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>there is no way a girl would act like this...
The whole idea is all the airplanes are unarmed when they take of from Poland. So, in theory they are not connected to military operations (this is where a group of Jewish lawyer come in the court room with 5000 pages of hibbidy jibbidy). Hruks preparing highways for the F-16s (filling potholes...) for surprise refuel and rearm. At least this is the word on the street.
How is setting high price for your ass is feminist?
Unfortunately with 8 to 10 slavik girls its a thing here, hoholuhas just pushed it to another level
Big looks - big demands
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why do you want me to read an opinion of a random guy?
>Kuleba speaking chink webm
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>Big looks - big demands
No, let me correct that.
Mediocre looks - EXTREME demands

That big headed noframe bitch is a fucking 3/10 without being disguised by makeup
You threaten to send Russian people to the front when they talk about the war. I ask you how you stupid little fuck toy from the internet are planning to force Russian people to the front when your faggot regime doesn't even allow you to travel to Russia. It's not complicated, even you should understand it with a little effort. Now answer my question.
No. The EU will endlessly pretend Ukraine is too corrupt because they know it'll be them who will foot the bill for the debt if they let them in. Ukraine's only chance are gigantic indemnities post war for which they need large scale offensives but instead of fighting on the open ground where Ukrainians have won every single engagement(Kiev region, Kharkov, Counteroffensive both in the south and on bakhmut flanks) agent Syrski keeps sending troops to fight for the same street in Vovchansk for the 2nd month now.
нe зpя cyбил :3
Krasnogorovka SOON
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It's just one of many worried vatniks saying chinksects are abusing them and get nothing in return
>fighting on the open ground where Ukrainians have won every single engagement
Do you have brain damage? Did summer 2023 not happen in ur reality
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what a plunder
He talks as if the war is already over and he has to defend some American oligarch's post-war plans now.
Why you dont post thousands of worried porks who say that Ukraine became chinks colony after Kuleba said Taiwan is China/? Wonder how chinks will punish Ukraine for Motor-Sich
All that "China is a secret enemy of Russia" shit worked much better before they litterally became one of the few countries friendly to Russia

Now that copium looks straight up sad
The EU can make Poland pay for it. The Poles working for the Brits and the Americans, weakening them is in everyone's interest.
>Else it will turn into a power vacuum that will turn to degeneracy to please its masses.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. We all know how that ended. Et tu Barack?
you're so dumb it hurts.
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remember guys
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>Z for dead jews
it's holy koturday, have a (you)
>Made a gay parade instead of Olympics
>Fucking PROUD
Focus on my question, Jamal. It's not hard. Even a kid can understand it. You can too.
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I will.

>Is Donald Trump announcing the creation of a dictatorship in the United States?! He is calling on people to vote for the last time. In four years they won't have to vote again, because then everything will be "sorted out".

>I find it very funny how some people interpret the same words differently here, and then accuse me of "taking them out of context". "In four years, you don't have to vote again, we gonna have it fixed" doesn't sound like a period of time to me at all, but rather a fixed date after which you no longer have to vote. Even if grammatically it could also be the first. But anyone who remembers January 6, 2020 would have to be pretty loyal (and stupid) to Trump to hear anything different here.

oh poor julian, you so obtuse
>not everyone on pure evil
baka, you dumber than my cat
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>Monke here is the the deal, I get cheap gas, raw materials, water, farmland, Siberia, your women, and i will give you golfcarts, low quality spareparts while i assure Ukraine i dont recognize your imperialist aventures
With friends like those, why do you need enemies?
The moment this civilian plane was used for war, it is tainted and market for bombing. No matter where it goes afterwards without ammunition. Yes unless its armed its a trainig plane, the moment you mount arms on something it becomes a weapons system. Same with red cross trucks that dont transport red crosses but bombs.
Maybe we should create another racist song... one wasn't enough
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I like my Golfcart tho.
Where are the Golfcarts where everyone else? Nowhere
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from everyone else*
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ziggers, why can't you get bottled water to the front? explain this shit. this is military basics 101 and you're failing miserably.
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>buy you a dyson
wtf lmao
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happy caturday!
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Poland has and had one of the lower debt to gdp ratios in the EU. If you think this situation is any kind of comparable you're delusional. Ukraine either gets massive indemnities from Russia and manages to enforce them or goes default the moment IMF decides to check the books.
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lol nice
An armenian is a jew that followed a coin into a church, an azeri is a jew that followed a coin into a mosque
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Remember guys how proud was the hruks for their wooden stick attacks? Well, here is the answer!
True, total collapse in 14 more days
You were seen as another Russky mir infested shithole that should not be allowed to join the EU by westerners also
more like collapse of all their arseholes due to liquid shits in 14 hours. cope and seethe contrarian.
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Used all bottled water to destroy hohol drones
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It's oyvir, they will start plundering fans, not just washing machines and clothes dryers
I don't think ERA on a field gun is safe?
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No Russians allowed.
But you are the one coming to this thread to seethe?
Guess there is no much to talk on /uhg/ since there is no gains except for leh epic gore video
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Bery multicultural
plenty of gains today mate, 2% gain in interest rates for russia. what are your interests rates at? mine are 4.35%
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if you ignore all the dead ziggers, yeah it is.
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>Lavrov on recent statements about negotiations from hohols: " I don't listen to them"
By economic illiterates yes, but thankfully they don't make decisions in modern democracies. They elect politicians who promise them whatever they want to them do what they should be doing rationally speaking.
Oh no... incoming >we didn't want that village anyways cope
Very based and until the last hohol pilled.
stupid sexy duck
Mentally unstable people act like this and girls are mentally unstable
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A Ukrainian tried to swim to Romania across the Danube on an underwater scooter.

According to the State Border Service, the man was swimming underwater, but periodically came to the surface to breathe. That's how he was noticed, then caught up with by boat and detained.

Scooters like the one in the photo are sold online, cost several hundred euros and allow you to stay underwater for about 40 minutes.
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Only blacks and pajeets are apparently
The Black Sea Fleet is in much better state than the Ukrainian male demographic.
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need to get smarter and run from Palanka (you need a cheap car)
Is Danube that wide, so heavily patrolled or the scooter is so slow that they've managed to get him?
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>Nigger was pulled even from under the watter.
Putler aint going to defeat himself on his own.
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Ukraine's been really poor in this war. Really really poor. Where do I even start? There's no belief, there's no passion on the pitch. Half the time the lads don't even look like they know what they're supposed to be doing. Whether its getting their positioning wrong, being overloaded down the wing. I look at them and I think they don't even want to win this war. And you have to say this goes all the way back to management. They've got the tactics all wrong, and in my view, Zelensky should be sacked.
Olympian Gods will not be happy about it.
what a lunatic dude. atleast he tried tho
>there is no way a girl would act like this
Is this your first time seeing golddigging whores that think they'll be 20 forever?
It is a cute duck!
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I noticed russians stopped growing facehair, I assume it's because they don't want to be associated with churkas?
I'm a NEET so can't find an answer myself
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That's the mearskike retard, isn't it?
I remember that vid, can anyone post it?
They found the perfect volunteer for krinky. This one is smart enough to swim under water, not above it.
everytime I see other dudes beat the shit out of these abducting faggots I feel so much joy
They must have seen him earlier(getting ready to swim) because no way they could react this fast.
Is the Ukraine planning to counterattack and retake some of their lost territories or are they like palestinian goatfuckers and can only manage meaningless terrorist attacks?
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Show flag so i can write shit about your shithole nigger
If they have the resources sure if not then they'll wait for the us presidential cycle to be over
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explain this
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we let women vote
They just found a volunteer for the dead-ski.
Sir, do you have any other pictures like that by any chance?
They have no men for any offensive and haven't since last year
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They're talking about another kontrnahryuk, yes.
I think they just shave for summer and grow beards for winter
Fetal alcohol syndrome

That was the best one from the batch.
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Actually ukrainian streak of bad luck started with a failed counteroffensive.
After picrel Soledar fell, then Bakhmut, Mariinka, the the crawl to Chasov Yar began, Avdeyevka fell, Ocheretino, northen invasion to Kharkov, attack on New York-Torestk, crawl to Pokrovsk-Selidovo.

Its been a year of contant loses, the moment Syrskiy got apointed.

Thats why shills have spill shit about nigers and China competly ignoring whats happening on the front, because nothing good is happening there
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How do hohols always manage to create based Russian war art?
why are you doing this to me
such nice drawing
smart kid
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Freedom ain't free!
This is the price of Democracy!
>why are you doing this to me
aint nothing wrong with duck breasts, they fucking tasty
>x rated wardrobe malfunction
The fuck is that?
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what if 3D doesnt smell bad?
>>x rated wardrobe malfunction
>The fuck is that?

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Good morning Ruschink enjoyer!
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Ah I see
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Based and Tyler Burden pilled
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I hate ukraine
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good morning ruschinks sir
Left pic looks like Frenchie from The Boys
>Landing units of the 74th Army of the PLA Southern Command are training in the dark to unload military equipment at sea from the holds of landing ships
they'll be landing on alaska, not taiwain btw
would be cool.. ww3 in american soil
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i've been saying it from the beginning
we are okay with waging proxy wars because no fighting happens here
but why would china agree to our choice of venue?
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sorry :3
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>The Chinese army continues to conduct exercises involving the transfer of troops and military equipment over long distances using both ferries and civilian Ro-Ro vessels
Island chinks got slightly less people than Ukraine but all are packed on the shore of the tiny Island.
Imagine the slaughter, famine and chaos from the energy shortages
just downloaded season 4, what did i think of it?
It sucked, i stopped during the second one
>"we're going to win" - admiral nigger kykenstein
yea, china can just blockade that shit and it's over
they aren't building the largest and most powerful armed force the world has ever seen to prepare for war on the island of taiwan
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Henlooo Bazed animals enjoyer!!!
Happy caturday!!!!
damn, it's one of the only shows i like, the only capeshit anything i like
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Has anything interesting happened today?
>where glow niggers, ex us sof, and people who don’t want to be found go to retire
>amphibious assault with an army with ZERO combat experience
>amphibious assault on frozen land
Have fun dying cold, alone, thousands of miles from home, chinks
>china can just blockade that shit and it's over
my belief is that first china will try to seize control of the ports to stop arms shipments, if this doesn't work then it's a military blockade
You wont do shit
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Nigger faggot country
Won’t have to lmao the insects will die in a frozen hell
Have fun dying cold, alone, thousands of miles from home, without ballistic missiles mutt
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Pigger tried to escape Ukraine on an underwater scooter, but got caught by hohols
Attacking Taiwan wouldn't trigger WW3?
America would get involved with their fleet right?
Hruks "attacked" Turkey with a dud kamikaze jet ski
No, he's right. Russia's logistical ability is not great. It's unlikely they would be able to move that much materiel through alaska.
>Russia's logistical ability is not great
bullshit, but we're talking about china
Yeah, you're right this is about China. .
>America would get involved with their fleet right?
that's what we say, we will defend taiwan
and what i'm saying is whatever we do won't last long and then the chinks will bring the fight to us
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I'd imagine the US navy would try to escort shipping through any Chinese blockade of the island. There are plenty of things that can happen before the shooting starts.
we would sanction them and tell them their blockade is illegal
Yeah just like in ukraine the US would try to use a degree of separation and try to bait the other side to attack them so they can claim they are innocent while actively supporting the conflict the entire time
Just going back through history, they typically don't even wait for someone to attack them. They just attack one of their own ships.
Yeah but false flags no longer work so it needs to be a legit hit going forward
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
I will tell you a secret. Frenchie is jew. He is also in jew show on shitflix Fauda.

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