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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>TCC tries to kidnap a kid
>Policeman saves a civilian from meat-catchers
>AT mine guy is back
>Russian soldiers make Ukrainian soldiers to surrender by dropping leaflets from 220mm Uragan MLRS cluster munition
>Destroyed T-64, Maxx Pro and captured hohols

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A Russian soldier takes out Ukrainian drone
Thanks for the elf
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Gray Zone got killed in Mali along with other Wagner soldiers.
The r/ugh discord? I'm sure they love you there.
Chug is getting worried
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Z i denounce the talmud Z
Z i denounce the r/uhgtrannys Z
Z i denounce the trannyjannies Z
The Ukraine is jewish and cringe.
I will never support the thing that all the anti-whites and kikes support.
Oh no Ukrainesisters, it doesn't stop
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I love smug russian girls
You are brown and you and your GCHQ diversity hire shitskin buddies are bad at shilling. Kys, brown babby newsman.
Dumb NATO fucks were warned - by your own officials and diplomats no less - not to keep expanding towards Russian borders and now you will pay the price. Stop playing the victim you dumb NATO fucks.
Why didn't the ~30 Wagner killed in Mali help this situatuion?






thanks for bread
Still managed to dupe one of you dumbtards into letting me in the discord lol
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>new baker needed! new baker needed! new baker needed!
new baker needed! new baker needed! new baker needed!
>new baker needed! new baker needed! new baker needed!
new baker needed! new baker needed! new baker needed!
>new baker needed! new baker needed! new baker needed!
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The historical and educational complex "New Chersonesos" opened in Sevastopol

>context of that gif, please?
It was 4 vs 1 arresting of that docile muslim siting on bench, muzz flip up cop use fist sudenly floor feral muzz appeared send 2 woman police to kitchen and suckerpunch footballer cop....
I will bake.
I find it funny how Russia keeps saying how Nato is a threat but then Russia only attacks countries not in Nato. To me it looks like Nato is great Russia deterrent
The other brownoid GCHQ agent who made that discord for your shilling op? I agree.
China #1
Death to Americans
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The frontlines are collapsing huh? No wonder shills organized so many raids today
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yes saar i agree the chug is a worrisome bloody place as of right now, very well put saar
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Anon737320 here, delete this tight fucking now or I'll call the /chug/ admin. Doxxing is not ok.
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Could you provide the details how you had accomplished such a feat? Optimally, with 4plebs links?
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Based. Whatever causes the West collapse, I support. The jewish hegemony must go!
Did you get 5 of your shitskin HQ Div77 to create a discord?
Do you think anyone will believe you?
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Paki fetus status?
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Hey, thanks for bake
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Based or cringe?
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>>475958802 #
I wouldn’t even attempt it right now. Amphibeous assaults are always doomed to fail. It’s also a matter of initiative.

Ukraine has expressly stated that it wants Crimea back and since the last actions in the Kherson area have been Ukrainian offensivly they are the ones that either havento take the initiative and cross the Dniper for Crimea or just sit there. Russia would be foolish to try and seize the initiative when they have a natural hard barrier in the form of the the Dniper aiding their defense in the region. Quite honestly I’m surprised Russianhasn’t moved a couple thousand troops out of there to aid in other parts of the front. Russian has made much less explicet claims about it’a goals in Ukraine. They can sit on the shore of the Diniper as long as they want. They lose no face staying there unlike Ukraine who loses face by making Crimea an unacheivable objective at least as far as the the current state of the war is concerned. It’s an unrealistic goal they have set. They are not, currently able to achieve it yet they promise the international community they will capture it. Humiliating really.

I would avoid amphibeous assaults at all costs. They are difficult and a huge drain on resources to do effecieintly.

To put it into perspective even Alexander the Great avoided them. When seiging Tyre he was ao adament about avoiding a traditional amphibious siege assault that he thought it was easier to turn the island into a penninsula than it was to do a traditional amphipious assault. That should inform every general as to how how they should think about amohibeous assaults. The Allies in WWII only did D-Day because there were very few good options left. That only succeeded because of sheer numbers, balls and luck that German command could not initially react to the assault. Had everything not gone exactly right the Reich still would likely be on maps today.
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it's so yvir
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>He unironically thinks there is a /Chug/ trannycord
Literally kill yourself you kikenigger
What do you think the Ecumenical Patriarch would think about you spending your time browsing 4chan anyway? The language you use? Ella mayo.
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>nigger raid >>>>> ukr raid >>> shill raid
speaks volume
I am the admin of the real /chug/ discord and I know he's lying because we don't have a "maikanon" there.
I checked inside the dumpster and it was still there.
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>Amphibeous assaults are always doomed to fail
Could be, if Poles were against hohols...
It this what insanity looks like?
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Good thing the /chug/ mailing list is still safe
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Post Buhankas if you hate kikes
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Based american chang
Tired of getting beaten up by niggers who radicalized against you huh?
ACP looks pretty based tho
>Finn who doesn't understand that its neutrality kept it safe for the last eighty years.
Dumb fuck Mutt. You haven't even realised that NATO's comprehensive defeat in Ukraine makes it look globally weak and incompetent.
Unless the MoD also admits the losses then they didn’t happen. For it to be an official battlefield loss both sides have to admit it.
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The Poopjeet will never find the /chug/ IRC.
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>Lavrov visited to give endorsement for our application to join BRICS
Guess our ports will be hosting the shadow fleet soon.
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Yes I’m Kate Hikes.
Only the inner circle knows the server where #chug is.
Yeah, sounds like Russia really hates other countries having alliances. It's as if Russia rather wants to keep other countries out of alliances because Russia could have leverage on them.
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get a life.
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Damn bro I'm envious
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Russia isn't going to take Odessa via amphibious assault, just like the German Nazis didn't take Odessa using an amphibious assault.
When was it ever good? the whole thing was an absolute shitshow from day 1. In fact, it's only getting better with time, not because the Russians adapt, but because there are less and less hohols to worry about.
Very /fa/ shirts.
I'm the Discord Admin and Mod on r/chug. What's going on here?
What do you care, Mutt-Finn, Finland is just another compliant vassal of Washington DC now.
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Where's Nate Higgers? I need to have a word with him
This is his life. This and probably living in Kontula where he cannot go outside because there're too many niggers in the K.O (Kontulan Ostari, Kontula Shopping Center) who will beat his ass for not being a brown muslim.
You're so retarded, it's unbelievable.
>flying the black-yellow-white flag commonly used by the russian far-right
They aren‘t even hiding it even more
come on piggy jump a litlle...you are not ashamed your history right?
Just 2 more weeks and we will see Leopards, Challengers and Abrams in Moscow!
Wanna bet this is from Krinky?
poor jihadi julian made a mess
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Being longtime buddies with Iran have its benefits.
>be neutral
Russia doesn't have to spend resources on military forces in that area.
Other country saves resources and gets economic benefits.
Everyone's happy.
>be part of an alliance hostile to Russia
Increased military spending and reduced economic growth.
Everyone's worse off except maybe the US.
Russia was the real nazis all along?
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That's ok tho. They aren't actually radicals so it's allowed.
Any particular reason for majority of ex-soviet countries rather joining West than staying under Russian sphere of influence even though having first hand experience on what life was in Russian culture?
>mightiest army in all of human history
>literally hasn't managed to win a single war
The fuck went so wrong with the US army?
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>he trusted the new cuck lids
Typical julian
We are on good terms with iran too though the western worshipping liberal party is trying to fuck it up
Any particular reason Russia only attacking countries not in Nato instead of Nato countries?
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The communists were jewish and did some jewish things to those countries, so the countries thought that they'd be safe in the West. Little did they knew that the kikes had switched from Russia to the USA. Now they enjoy diversity, fag parades, and jewishness.
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Oy vey
Russia cannot fight against NATO, so that would mean at least a world war, depending if China joins in, and Russia eventually using their nukes when they have nothing to lose.
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Everything thread related is handled in the Chug Ds chat room
They don’t want to catch the big gay
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Russia hasn't attacked a single country, they all started it
chechens by being durka durka towelhead niggers
georgians by listening to the tie eater
ukrainians by listening to the cookie monster
Looks like Italy
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Our discord has been breached and the newsjeet has all the data. We are being exposed big time. It's over.
Why do Russian elite keep sending their kids and wealth to degenerate West?
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The fat bitch in the middle turned out to be a kike too
What the fuck is so right with TNDku? He's willing to beat up a 10 yo Indian kid.
Is it those plastic lids that you can't remove from the bottle? Why did they even introduce them? I just rip them off entirely and use them like a regular cap.
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>Dumb fuck Mutt-Finn doesn't realise the entire world is gravitating out of US control
Also the more Finland copies woke western US tropes the more it is killing itself. Picrel.
Name there ex-soviet countries that joined the West.
I see. So Russia has to attack its neighbors like a nigger. It's just Russia's nature and it can't help itself
Because it would result in WW3 and there's no benefit to that.
Russia isn't attacking countries that stay neutral either.
You're just going to suffer economic consequences.
Are you genuinely retarded or are you being facetious?
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How the fuck are you supposed to defend this, it can't even be called a trench
All members of the Discord Server are vetted and passed the litmus test. What are you talking about?
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it was ackcident...
Some of them are jewish and the others are degenerates themselves. It's easy to enjoy the decadence of the West when you have money and a gated community. It's like a theme park for them while the West still has a good standard of living, albeit crashing rapidly due to the diversity that is being introduced as per Tikkun Olam and the Kalergi Plan.

Think about it yourself. Helsinki is a nigger-infested city, but still the place to be if you want to have some fun in here.
>attacking other countries is wrong
No body tell him what the US has been doing for the past 80 years
Russian is policemen, neighbors chimp out and starts kill ethnic russians in their countries for no reason and then Russia comes and mag dump them like amercian cop with us niggers
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What's the difference between attacking neighbours and non neighbours?
>NATO playing the fucking victim again
Sorry mate, your plans to deploy strategic missile platforms in Ukraine and to use Ukraine as a kind of anti-Russia right next to its borders is over. You can go get fucked by Washington DC next, in the same style that Ukraine was. Dumb fucks.
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The slavs are an ancient warrior race. Do you think niggers are awesome?
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That's different, besides everyone wants niggers, Pedowood, McDick's and LGBTQBRAP+ marriage anyway, so it's for the greater good.
Wow. 7 sand niggers in a room in Finland have molsted and raped 3 children each. Each foreigner in Finland has abused 3 kids and raped 5 women. This is diversity
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Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia were all soviet countries. From soviet satellite countries Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia
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I've heard that they are abusing DMCA and taking down posts and videos of those who are mocking them for violating their digital rights
Attacking countries is fine as long as they're not neighbours.
Learn the narrative chud.
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Uhhh israelbros... our response???
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>Any particular reason Russia only attacking countries not in Nato instead of Nato countries?
Why Dog will not drown himself to kill of its fleas?
Fact that you do not understand this it is a reason why You will always be a mental hohol no matter what passport you have
Putin's daughters are jewish abd degenerates?
whats with the pegasus?
are pegasus important in russia?
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he's training
Pretty kino. ngl.
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Ayden is fugged
Jewish? I don't know, probably not.
Degenerates? For sure. They are also women, who are not known for making good decisions themselves.
>mental hohol
Are you implying it's not the draft dodger hohol
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There are dangers of sanctions so not unusual for govt to pretend to keep distance. When Iran first joined Defence Service Asia in 2008 the American embassy went howling to Obama threatening to sanction the entire country since the visiting SEA militaries were more interested in Iranian booth than American ones.
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Same enrgy
Palestine is not a country.
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The ""Finn"" using that arguments is what actually proves to me personally that's he's in fact a hohol who fled from mobilization. Because first time that argument about "le neighbors" was ever used is for hohols to explain away how come "le hecking illegal and completely unprovoked occupation and annexation of Crimea" was worst thing any country ever committed but Ukraine having a military contingent in post 2003 invasion Iraq is akshully completely a-ok.
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They are not real countries. They were Soviet States, then decided to suck on the EU's tit and became Member States of the EU.
I demand real countries.
There is a general push against leftists I've been seeing lately. They really want to send us to war against Russia, don't they?
Because pegasi are the best.
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>that infantile seething
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit male social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!

No, but it's glowingly sus. There's no information about the ownership of the company. It's named Esper Bionics and was founded in 2019 (the year Mark Esper was appointed) but it has no ownership info. Or at least it's very hard to find the ownership info if it is available. All I can find is that none of its corporate officers are named "Esper." The "Esper" who founded this company is not among its executives.
Jewkranda joining NATO and hosting its forces would have been the first step in the West's attempts to make Russia into a client state of the US. The attack on Ukraine was a rational decisions, but Putler should have shown no mercy to the kikerainians from the start. For the kikes will give White people none.
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Based ritualposter.
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Is Ukraine or Russia worth to shield it with your own life? Both are literally 2.5 world shitholes.
Why didn't Putin take Kyiv in the first 2-4 days of the invasion? Wasn't he expecting Ukraine to fight back?
I hate to break it to you, but he's just a regular npc who supports multiculturalism and faggot parades while posting in X how "hullum ukko rumppi" (crazy man Trump) cannot win the US presidency again.
Many such cases here.
Or he could be a hyhyl, there are tens of thousands of them here. They are better than the niggers, but not by a long-shot.
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It's a standard western talking point.
>attacking neighbours
>illegal unprovoked full scale invasion
>largest European war since ww2
He's old and senile, probably brainwashed by the soviet jewish propaganda about all people being the homo sovieticus or some other cringe shit.
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Good evening anons
Ukrainian anon reporting in
What has happened in my country today?

The (((official))) media are telling us that:
- The war in the US greatest ally continues. Day 296
- Trump calls Christians to vote just this time
- MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE CAN CAUSE CANCER. No refunds, goyim, don't forget to get the 10th booster
- Olympic Games organizers claim that they are sorry if their progressive opening offended some people. (((They))) have already removed a number of videos from GoyTube. By the way the director, Thomas Jolly, is allegedly jewish. Just a coincidence, goyim
- Russians antisemiticly claim that they have occupied the Progress and Evgenivka villages in the Donetsk region
- The kike's goons remind goyim that it's fine to draft even 18 y.o. in some cases
- Brave and glorious drone attack on an oil terminal in the Kursk region, Russia
- Jihadists destroyed some Wagner group in Africa and are ready to send hostages to Ukraine. Russians are weak
- F-16 may NOT tip advantage against Russia (The WP) Oy vey
- Israel attacked Hezbollah in Lebanon
- AFU intercepted 7 out of 8 Iranian drones last night
- Trump wants to make US first when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Isn't crypto a glorified Ponzi scheme, anons? I heard that now (((they))) can easily track a goy if he uses exchange platforms and it's even more traceable than using credit cards and moreover cash
- A military student crashed a plane in Kharkov during his training flight
- Lightning struck 4 people in front of the military cathedral in the Moscow region, Russia
- Antisemitic goyim set another military vehicle on fire in Kiev
- Blackouts for goyim continue

Not much today...
Anything else anons?
He is but he will get residance and pasport and will be bragging how finn he is, but his hearth will still pump same hohol blood and skull will contain that same hohol brain who lead him to this situation.
What country are YOU from?
Dey wuz Bellerephon. Dey capped da Chimera n' shiet.
The Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games in Paris apologized to those who were offended by the parody of the "Last Supper" at the opening ceremony
Communications Director Anne Descamp said they had "no intention of showing disrespect to any religious group." In this way, "they just wanted to celebrate the tolerance of society," she added.
Good evening, man!
For Greeks
It museum of Crimea

Good evening, friend.
Total Kike Death.
Stay safe, based one.
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I met this guys.
That Russian soldier had a life, look what happened to him
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What is the accuracy of such a beast?
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>no intention of showing disrespect to any religious group
>except that's literally what we did, because we thought we could get away with it, because it's current year
>we didn't get away with it
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Hello fren stay safe and comfy
Heres a kot
It hits or misses
Funny that people do use this argument unironically when Palestine existed long before anglokikes created pissrael
Back before the maidan coup we ordered some tanks from ukraine and the west went nuts about this but we didn't care. A perk of "military dictatorship" government is that we didn't have to bow down to the west. But then the coup happened and the deal fell through. Shame
Total Hohol death! The ukraine must be impregnated!
They can do this because they can. Don't you read facts in Wikipedia?
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imagine how much better this video would be if they just shot them in the head before filming
or while filming, that'd be even better
From a Muslim shithole, but that's beside point.
I, for one, support Palestine. Hadrian did nothing wrong, pissrael is not a real country, and TKD is inevitable.
Universal human values
wish our politicans started doing smth with it.. they only talk yet they blow job urine so deep that their dick is getting thru them and poking out of their assholes
Putting on a Muslim memeflag doesn't make come from a Muslim countrty.
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Hi :3
Thank you, frens :3
>imagine how much better this video would be if they just shot them in the head
Indeed, but Russia needs the morale high ground.
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Sup fellow chuggers!

I came here to destroy moscals with this single image
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>past 80 years
America's been making up bullshit wars to fight since at least 1898
better to group them and throw molotov at them.... let them suffer
>doesn't make one
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A total psychological nuke.
The democracy won.
Faggot parades for everyone!
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so is(NOT)real
thanks for selling yourself kike
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Good morning I follow judaism.
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Thanks bro

>says memeflag
At least I can say that Dixie is worth dying for.

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Hryhorivka, Chasiv Yar
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>we didn't get away with it
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than die you fuckin kike
Kill yourself.
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*releases the gas under his bed*
Nothing personnel, jew.
Ikr? We are just keep on winning
My rabbi says it would be stupid and only makes enemies laugh.
Still, kill yourself.
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Westbros the chinks are making fun of us
Soon Tikkun Olam and Kalergi Plan will be activated and White people can be replaced by niggers! Slava Jewkraine!
Nigga that's not gas you just farted in my face wtf.
Watching shills reply guy to each other is such a surreal experience.
fuck off kike
nobody likes you
even your god only gives you toment after death
I'm such an epic troll. Don't worry, I'll open the windows and bring you some matsos and nigger porn.
Using some images I made, it creates bizarre combinations under certain tags.
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i thought you guys were into it
It would be funny if it turns out that he's Saul's alter ego.
When I am out all you do is complain that the /chug/ is slow. I am the only thing that keeps the chug going, like it or not.
same thing... nobody liked him
and his god is sending him to hell to sit with him (baal)
Putin is a victim of the rational choice theory according to John Mearsheimer.
He wanted to force hohols and the west to negotiate by showing that expansion of NATO to Ukraine will lead to a war and he's serious about it and not bluffing.
It was a rational choice for Ukraine to make a deal with Russia and say no to NATO to avoid the war and it was in the best interest of the west to have a good relationships with Russia.
But bongs and burgers are living on islands separately from Europe and always interested in wars in that region.
Also Jewlensky, Boris Johnson and Biden are not rational leaders, they don't care how many people will die if there's a war.
Ah yeah, shall we have a look?
Wow, it's almost like every nation that is not controlled by jewish cabals has recognized Palestine as a state.
What a cohencidence.
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It's over
I hate the kikes as much as the next (real) /pol/ack, but why get mad? It's precisely what he wants.
lol, they're just assmad he buried so many Ukrainian dads in Bakhmut. Eternal glory for killing chubs
What is the map hanging on Meirshiemers wall during his interviews? Is it Napoleonic?

Thank you brother. My blackgirlswhiteslaves folder is already "explored" through and thorough, I craved more.
I am his pupil.
Zkibidi riZZ.
god please make it explode so this cancer gets eradicated
Western zoomer-sisters...
im angry man
im angry 23/24 hours per day 7/7 days in the week
>Why did they even introduce them?
Because apparently it's europeans who fill oceans with plastic
I only want all hohol banderite nazis dead, whether you are mad or not is completely irrelevant for me.
How is that surprising anyway? Gmod is a Russian nationl sport.
>Why did they even introduce them?
Because the West isn't really civilized anymore and some people throw thoses caps around, so instead of getting people to not be scums, they make caps bound to the bottle.
So you say, but then again you are jewish.
Bandera was a holocaust perpetrator.
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The holocaust isn’t real
Bandera was a holocaust survivor
War is a very profitable enterprise for the western jewish military industrial complex. The West has also been kiked to a such a degree that we are ruled by irrational women and womanly men, so I see your point.
Greece is too small and Bulgaria is a thing. Late 19th century and before the First Balkan War (1912)
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>ziggers spam 3 US soldiers getting ambushed and killed for years
>gets an entire platoon massacred with raghead making tiktok vids of their corpses

why are russians so fucking incompetent and cringe at literally everything they do?
nice, I'm gonna subscribe now
God bless Lavrov
Show israeli flag, please.
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oh no, they won't probably make a movie and tv series of it now
Needless to say, my art is not easily replicated.
Harkoning back to what I said a year ago, "if you are just complete shit, then no one will use your art for AI".

Of course this is in reference to my usual doodles. The coloured works seem to be the AI's fave to use.
If Russians are ziggers because of the symbol Z, then what is NATO?
Same amount of Americans OD'd on fentanyl, were shot by niggers, or died of obesity that day so meh
3-5 meters
china #1
america become like china become #1
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This site is becoming unusable. Just look at the catalogue.
Fucking fed infested shithole.
gen alpha sisters, our response?
NATO, N, niggers
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Faggots. Cuckolds. Troons
Чё тaм y хoхлoв?
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>100 ziggers lost
can't wait for beheading vids to drop
>Just look at the catalogue.
I would rather not
it never happend, they deserve it, should happen again
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moral high ground my ass the western media will paint it the way they want it to look regardless so if the retards in charge were any smarter they'd turn all the media bullshit into reality
/pol/ is a shithole since almost a decade.
what if i kissed a russian girl
Damn, it's over. Better to give up and have niggers and faggot parades now.
literally no kids died
2016 election was a mistake
I remember the time when we had comfy natsoc threads
nothing's gonna happen
On the blue boards I get banned for racism, I don't even include them into the judgement, they're worse than reddit probably.
I got banned for asking is London safe at night because of the migrants.
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kek what a great drawing again fren

and henlo gosling fren i hope youre doing good, also thanks for your report

>- MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE CAN CAUSE CANCER. No refunds, goyim, don't forget to get the 10th booster
i will looks up our local news about this later, here in germany they try to sweep everything covid related under the rug like every normal democracy would do

>- The kike's goons remind goyim that it's fine to draft even 18 y.o. in some cases
huh what do they mean in some cases? non combat roles or what? they are just setting the stage to lower the age from 25 to 18 it almost seems

>- Trump wants to make US first when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Isn't crypto a glorified Ponzi scheme, anons? I heard that now (((they))) can easily track a goy if he uses exchange platforms and it's even more traceable than using credit cards and moreover cash
from what i learned only monero seems to be untrackable, dont know if this is correct but i only belive in financial assetts i can touch(gold)

have a good sunday my fren and dont worry to much, and as always i wish you healthy,happyness and that the meatcacthers never get you
You would get some of her bodily fluids in your mouth.
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imposter btw
the real china #1 poster is a patriotic americanskii
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No reasonable man cares about western media. Remember how the EU banned RT as soon as possible for spreading "misinformation & propaganda"?
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>niggers murked a hero of russia
>watch russia do nothing
If only Trump was like that. An authoritarian Hitler 2.0 who'd remove the libshits and nignogs from the USA.
>1: Will Ukraine win and retake Crimea?
>2: Does NATO want Ukraine to win?
Tomasz, my shitter is clogged. come clean it, as your race was designed to do
lol, Trump is owned by and works for Jews. Even Nick has figured that out at this point
we can just build factories and real cities and infrastructure and most of niggerism and liberalism would die
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Why are they like this
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>Greyzone faggot gor murked too
look at that champion of denazification
if anyone is still dumb enough to beliee that war is about muh nazis, he should go get checked for retardation
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Malaysia has sent a letter to Russia with an application to join the BRICS, also expressing its readiness to become a strategic partner of the organization, the country's prime minister said
Пepeвecти в
We can keep on dreaming, frens. 2016 was a magical year here, not going to lie.
Go back to India you Francophile.
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how embarassing
everyone point at runiggers and laugh
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make it a twitter nafo screencap please
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Captured ziggers are being sent to Ukraine <3
How do russophobes explain russia's constant advancement on the front? This is not info garbage on the internet, these are plain facts that every day ukraine is losing its territories.
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oh no no nno no
how cuold this happen? cameljockeys killing 80 elite fagnerites?
Lmao, that guy self-castrated himself with an axe. Look it up, he used to go by 'Kraut & Tea' on YouTube and a tooling accident left him without a cock. He literally can never fuck a woman in his life.
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no boomer was ever going to save us, we need a revolutzia
one is coming
>we never wanted the Wagner ziggers to survive t.vatnik
>Captured ziggers are being sent to Ukraine <3

cant wait for the beheading videos
Ukranda is on the level of african shitholes both in development and culture. Not my problem though. At least Putler sends the captured kikerainians into luxury resorts in Turgay.
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Sounds like an average pigger shill.
They don't, they ignore it.
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>>we never wanted the Wagner ziggers to survive t.vatnik

cumchuggers pretend nothing happened
while russian paramilitaries are begging to go help extract whoever is left there before beheadings start
cumchuggers are so removed from reality, its not even funny
>we love niggers when they hate Russians with us.
You guys are the reason Africa is still a third world and why they keep coming to the EU
You're still ethnically Polish though, lol
The niggers of Europe
he is draft dgoing hohol
i wonder what kind of negative impact they now have to expect from the west because of this
This is hilarious, thank you. The amount of Russians dying for small amounts of land is pretty hilarious when you put it like that.
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>The war in the US greatest ally continues. Day 296
"Ceasefires are antisemitic!"

>Trump calls Christians to vote just this time
Yeah, he's setting up a large scale "believers" organization. It's not a specifically Christian organization and is mainly about organizing religious groups to vote for Trump. So in theory, they could be organized in heathen religions, and they put up some pagans to talk about their religion at the RNC so that partially will be happening.

>MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE CAN CAUSE CANCER. No refunds, goyim, don't forget to get the 10th booster
Jej as always

>Olympic Games organizers claim that they are sorry if their progressive opening offended some people.
Remember the pale horse?

>Russians antisemiticly claim that they have occupied the Progress and Evgenivka villages in the Donetsk region
Not only have Russian forces liberated these villages, but they are rapidly moving westward now. Progress was one of their most critical lines of defense, and without it, the rest of this line of defense is being pincered and surrounded.

>The kike's goons remind goyim that it's fine to draft even 18 y.o. in some cases
"In some cases" lol

>Brave and glorious drone attack on an oil terminal in the Kursk region, Russia
I hope that Russian counterattacks killed over 100 Americanist pigs.

>Jihadists destroyed some Wagner group in Africa and are ready to send hostages to Ukraine. Russians are weak
ISIS-hohol alliance open and in the daylight

>F-16 may NOT tip advantage against Russia (The WP) Oy vey
LOL, finally realizing it?

>Israel attacked Hezbollah in Lebanon
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>AFU intercepted 7 out of 8 Iranian drones last night
How often are one of these numbers accurate? 10% of the time? 25%? Maybe 5%? 1%?

>Trump wants to make US first when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Isn't crypto a glorified Ponzi scheme, anons? I heard that now (((they))) can easily track a goy if he uses exchange platforms and it's even more traceable than using credit cards and moreover cash

>A military student crashed a plane in Kharkov during his training flight
Military student huh? Lol



>Lightning struck 4 people in front of the military cathedral in the Moscow region, Russia
Sad. Did anyone die? I didn't see this on the news. Maybe it didn't happen?

>Antisemitic goyim set another military vehicle on fire in Kiev
Yes. By the way, did you hear that the government now regards Ivano-Frankovsk as disloyal? They support Russia now.

>Blackouts for goyim continue
Of course.
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What I like the most about shills is that sooner or later they are starting to believe in their own cope material, forgetting about they aren't in their own echo chamber anymore, which makes them look like lunatics.
>wagner are now ziggers again
lmao what? these shills are so fucking retarded they're just a PMC nowadays did this retards memoryhole their chimpout in moscow , prigos death and being kicked out of russia?
>that flag
>starting to believe in their own cope material
I don't know, I've asked the same thing many times
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treat your hiv mongrel

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